You pretend to care for the " white race ', but the white race does not give a fuck about you. You are bottom of the barrel, untermensch. You are losers, plain and simple. You pretend the hold moral ground, but you are just virgin neckbeards that never had a change to live life and now search for excuses and lie to yourselves.
So tell me virgins, are you still blaming jews ?
Other urls found in this thread:
You will lose your energy in a moment.
You will get bored. We won't get bored of what we are doing tho.
You already lost boi.
'the white race' is not a few young women acting slutty on vacation you pleb.
The anglo-white ethnicity is beautiful, let go of your hate.
Seems like we've won.
I'm half irish, cuck.
Seems like we've been winning.
Seems like we always win.
Pic related is my weekend hobby
Probably because we're the best.
And I mean, we are the best.
Unfortunately it says "9% think holding those views is acceptable". I doesn't mean 9% of Americans are white nationalists. But we're getting there anons.
Keep meming.
No no, thats how muds see whites as.
Wew lad.
Not statistically. (95% of US Jews are Ashkenazis - they aren't even real Jews! Just another admixture of us… Because we are the best.)
Even our women are better, in every category - we have fewer whores than either spics or niggers, and when our whores are whores, wew lad, they know how to whore right.
White people are dominant in literally every clade of existence, both virtuous and degenerative.
We are the all, the everything - and the rest of you, excluding perhaps the NE Asians, rely upon us to survive.
You're (Not) Welcome.
So you're a non-white. :^)
Potato niggers get off my board.
all jews are real jews.
So what's the other half?
AZ fag here. Been to some of those degenerate college parties. Both campuses were majority white and conservative. Shitskins kept to themselves, played their niggerball and shut the fuck up. Now the campuses, and parties, are overrun by gooks and sand niggers. The sororities still seem to stick with whites. And fuck your slide thread Kike.
I do not think Holla Forums cares much about what most people consider 'socially acceptable' considering anonymity and the internet. It is really just political correctness. None of those things have meaning anymore. The reason there is so much anger is probably because these people have yet to come to terms with how technology has made the suppression of undesirable ideas no longer possible.
We must all learn to accept each other's view points and live peaceably. Regulating typing or recorded speech on the internet is not the answer.
For a few reasons, technologically it's not really possible as it stands. There are methods of encrypting communication no less, VPNs allow you to even hide your computers identity. This is widely known here I expect but in any case there is also the ethical reasons of restricting the internet now that humanity finally has a means to communicate globally, in more than just words and writing. The internet is so much more in the ability to communicate instantly, it's only just beginning with such things as social media. Taking it away now for some is almost cruel. For so long many have been silenced under the aegis of an oppressive intolerance, now these few have a voice free from repression and threats of violence and you wish to take it away because they are such a threat to your illiberal fantasies?
Do you think that it would be so easy? Do they think that we will all consent to be silenced in our anonymity?
I heard that in one of your other slide threads you were outed as a nigger.
Jewish master race son.
You were nowhere virgin.
The neanderthals also bred with early homo sapien. You will notice they are extinct now.
I've heard leftists (like Steve Shives in this case) say that the only reason our ideas are spreading is only because they've been giving us time to speak (in their minds) and engaging in debate with us (again, in their minds) and that they should stop doing that. That is, if they did, our ideas would recede.
You are right: The internet makes it impossible to silence any ideas. In an environment like this, given enough time, lies will be wiped out by Truth. And 100th monkey syndrome will happen even faster because of the net.
I can only wonder how Hitler educated so many people about the jews to get elected in a decade. How did he do it, using only the early stages of radio and airplanes…?
He didn't there was a prevaling attitude of antisemetism throughout Europe, it's existed much since medieval times. He took advantage of it in order to get elected, but really people were looking for a strong leader that looked to care for the economic plight of the workers. The jews were nothing more than a scape goat considering their position of control in the banking sector of Germany and the situation in the Weimar republic. (There was much street fighting between communists and other groups and hitler used these agitators as examples of the 'jews' bolshevik communism really trying to take over Germany.)
Why did such a thing exist in the first place?
Keep lurking shill.
I would dominate all the niggers in your video.
Because of early religious tensions between Christianized roman empire and the judaic religion. If you read the translated versions of this:
You will see that it was mostly a condemnation by the Roman emperor of certain ideas in christianity, heresies and such. It provides perspective on the early nicean creed, the splits it causes in christianity and the attitude even then was hostile towards people who basically made christians look disunited theocratically in front of jews. So I imagine that is where the attitude evolved, since the Roman empire was everywhere in Europe that is probably how the attitude spread.
If its so rampant, how come you only have that one image to post?
Daily Reminder
No 8/pol/ mods active in 8 hours.
Why do we even have them?
Get that bloodwork done mayne, don't want no Tay Sachs getting squirted out, eh? ;^)
Replying to myself, also I forgot to mention that the jews were a constant thorn in the side of the Ancient Romans with constant very violent revolts and infighting.
So were your grandparents lampshades or soap bars?
Why do you keep replying to yourself?
Anti-semitism is not rising in the US today because of what happened 2000 years ago in Europe. The jews were not kicked out of Guatemala last year because of the Nicean creed. You can claim that the birthing pains of Christianity led to the prevalence of anti-semitism in the former Roman Empire (an impressive 1500 years later) but that doesn't explain why anti-semitism followed them everywhere they go. Anti-semitism in Germany is like anti-semitism everywhere: it is a result of jewish behavior, which, when enough people see and experience, is rejected and hated because it is destructive to the host nation.
If you haven't read the most vile excerpts from the Talmud, you should:
holy shit the kike is replying to himself
this is amazing
lol he forgot to switch IDs
Its either a bot or someone got REALLY MAD
Holla Forums has a tendency to do that to retards
You're a clever one.
Daily Reminder
No 8/pol/ mods active in 8 hours.
Why do we even have them?
Oh, shit, ID, I missed it!
AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm posting over Tor and I'm on the same IP as that nigger now apparently.
Comedy fucking gold.
You are not winning, looking at this it is purely male instinct, doesnt give a fuck about status, mostly cares about tits and ass and facial symmetrics, where as women care about much more about status of the males which on one hand means that whites in a white dominated will exhibit the best status combined with higher general iq and the similar testosterone levels and androgen receptors (unlike asians).
Then why are you spamming this MODZ ARE GONE shit in so many threads, and arguing with yourself here and
Yes, yes I am. The G.A.T.E. handler over me who ordered my years of mobbing was a kike.
Because I'm posting via Tor, and somehow I wound up on the same IP as the spam faggot.
Check it out.
Fuck off
Actually, I do - you dont.
If you post via the onion, you come up with 0's.
But you don't HAVE to use the onion - in which case, you don't show up as Tor. I've had this happen before actually, its quite amusing.
See this shit? I didn't post that.
What's especially fun is, I can now ID him in every thread.
Sup fag.
If you're not a bot, please tell me your some middle aged slob getting paid $20K a year to sit at home on your fatass, so you don't put much effort into it.
Because if you're doing this for free that makes you the absolute dumbest nigger I have ever encountered. And I've been in prison.
The kike reveals his final form. MULTIPLE PERSONALITY JEW.
It didn't follow them, it arrived before them. If you read the source, Justinian the Roman emperor referenced the jews. Because it was somehow a source of embarassment for the Catholic church to have christians arguing over the divinity of christ in front of them. As we all know the roman empire was spread all over Europe, so they were the engine for its spread, and the catholic church the real creator of anti-semetism in its modern form. If you look at feudal britain you can see that there were various catholic priests and clergy types that openly condemned the jews and called for them to be cast out of Europe.
That's not a 'no''… Kek.
Its not multiple personalities, its just Tor nigger.
If you don't use the onion, you're basically just using it as an encrypted proxy chain, which is what I and this cuck are both doing.
Its funny as shit though when it happens - I'm going through the threads, seeing where he's at.
Looks like theres at least 2, or he's been posting via a non-Tor IP or else has another instance open or something.
same post as who im replying too obviously but as an addendum to my reply to
I am talking about the origin of antisemetism asked >how did such a thing exist?