Are you gonna get it?
Are you gonna get it?
No. are you?
Metroid is good enough to get second billing, but not another game, hoho.
I have an original NES already, so, no
No, i have a real one.
If you can play old cardbriges maybe. If not just fuck off.
plz dont
Okay, have fun with your purchase.
Thank you.
I mean I want the SNES Controller port
The only good thing that's "retro" is some synthwave. Not TOTALLY TUBULAR retro games with horrible pixel art and gameplay that's overshadowed by much better games by developers who actually give a shit in the current year or developers with much less resources a few decades ago.
No. My NES still works, I still own all the carts I grew up with. I have no reason to buy this.
I don't give a shit at it even though it's a good thing against eBay scalpers. I'm just not the target for this thing.
Waiting for an eventual SNES so that I can get an official USB SNES controller for half the price those chinese subproducts offer, though.
Didn't make sense when Namco and Sega did it, doesn't make sense here.
Maybe to trigger priatefags on Holla Forums, it's only 60 bucks anyway.
I'd rather buy a bootleg Wii or PS3.
They couldn't even give you the entire library.
why the fuck would anyone want this unless it was 20 bucks and you wanted to give it to someone for christmas or something
Depends. If the quality is right and it can be hacked to put other ROMs on it that would be great, otherwise not really.
You don't honestly think they are going to use USB rather than some proprietary shit that doesn't work anywhere else.
Does it even play original cartridges?
It doesn't. It's literally just a ROM box.
Thanks for reminding me that my family sold every one of the old consoles that my older brother bough.
The only reason I even remotely care about this piece of shit is because of the controller potentially being usable for NES emulation on vWii and for any potential romhacking purposes (given that it's MicroUSB, it's possible given the right software), and since the latter is unlikely NoA can go fuck itself here.
I stopped giving money to nintendo after the SNES so no, they can fuck off and die
Jewing at its finest
That's exactly the market for this, user
I find this amusing. I forsee the future where there will be Youtube videos of casuals sucking at playing NES games because of this thing. Quote me for it shall happen.
it won't happen, user
It'll be pic related with Youtube vids up the wazzu.
Why is it so hard for normalfags to Download Emulator > Download ROM > Configure Controls > Play?
Why are you faulting customers for a product a company makes that has not even been released yet? Are you retarded?
I'm not going to buy it, but i like the idea of a plug-and-play NES for two bux a game. A good option for young kids so they don't fuck up your computer while playing ROMs.
No, but I'm not too far gone I couldn't rationalize it.
30 NES games with a system devoted to playing them for $60.
$2 a game.
Some of them I know I love.
The question is would I get more enjoyment out of that or any number of $60 games coming out this year.
The sad truth of the matter is I would probably get more enjoyment out of it than say a Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or Dishonored.
I could probably get more enjoyment paying $60 in an appstore on a series of games I've never even heard of in that cesspool of mediocrity.
Beyond that when if I was done with it, it would look like a neat little thing I could put on a shelf.
The reason I don't though is because I believe I can emulate the games better myself with the added bonus of shaders and such that I don't imagine will be on the system.
I can emulate on my PC, Tablet, Homebrew Wii and even my god damn phone.
I can use practically the entire NES library while some of the choices they made for what to put on this are pretty strange and I don't mean Star Tropics.
Only 1 final fantasy and only 1 megaman while they put the garbage that is Castlevania 2 on there?
List of more deserving NES games
and many more.
I'm surprised they put Ghosts N' Goblins on there all things considered.
I'd want one that has Little Samson and Crystalis on it.
Not going to get one though.
Just get a PSP and you can also have any games from a shitload of systems to play anywhere
>inb4 handhelds in public
I want the shell for my pi with about 10,000 games from various systems on it.
Absolute retardation.
Reread my post you stupid motherfucker.
I did not say it was not shit. I was pointing out that the poster faulted people who had no hand in making a product that is not even out for not being savvy enough to find other channels to play the games.
Reading comprehension is dead.
Because we're not 13 and know what will happen.
No I already have a NES. And if I didn't I would just go buy a real NES not a fake one.
I'm going to get a big ol' wiener in my butt
Wait for it to happen, then complain. For all we know, this could be a big sales blunder.
That's YOUR fault then.
Why not make a new real NES?
This is a side project from one of their new European studios (NERD) just so they have something for Christmas to hold people over for the release of the NX next year.
Tell me moar aboot NERD
Also, it has been announced that the controllers are going to have WiiMote connectors on them, and the console will have WiiMote ports only. It will work with WiiU VC and probably Wii, too.
No plans to make moar games available, no cart slot.
I just hope the controller has the same high build quality as the originals so that I can use their parts to replace the worn ones in my original controllers.
I would kill for a N64 version of this, but I have a great NES and NES2 with about 40 good cartridges…
I don't need it though I can just play em on thi computer. I mean honestly, seems kind of unecessary.
Here's an incomplete overlook:
Nintendo is pretty secretive about what most of their studios do, but you may find a few news articles here and there if you look for them.
Actually now that I think about it, they did make one of these for the N64. Chinese market exclusive BS.
I wish that they would release this in the US, with the original N64 controller shape.
Fuck this shit.
You can emulate the NES on your toaster. Use that instead.
If that's such a concern, why not get them a Wii, mod it, and dump an assload of games and emulators onto it instead? Leaves your computer to yourself and gives them a lot more to play than Nintendo will ever let them through this or the VC.
i considered getting it when some trouble came up with my computer recently.
i only have the nes, no wires no games no controllers. where the hell did it all go? where is my light gun? superscope is here but no light gun
Just get this instead.
Fuck no, I have a dedicaded thinkpad for emulation, and an original NES although the only cartridges I have are Super Mario Bros and Dr. Mario yes my parents were plebs
Was it their system and you got it as a handmdown, or did they sell most of your old games or something? Provided they even let you have access to much vidya to begin with (mine didn't).
Oh fuck you, retard. He wants to play good, professionally-made games and you offer that weak shit.
Jesus christ are you really comparing that garbage to Super Mario Bros. 3, Metroid, and the Legend of Zelda? Are you twelve? Have you never played these games? Do you think that something like those would come anywhere close to fitting in the 32kB that the Pico8 arbitrarily chose as the size limit for games.
My DMG curb stomps that weak ass hipster shit. It also sports a higher resolution, vastly larger cartridge sizes, and a massive library of high quality games from Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, and all of the other major Japanese, American, and European developers of the time (excluding Sega). As good as that is, the NES is its big brother, and has an even better library.
You 'gamer' hipsters are the worst. Fucking die, cancer.
nah fam
is there a sega genesis equivalent? Nintendo sucks.
It's an emulation box, like fuck I will.
Yeah, I have no interest in the NES for the most part, but the SNES I'd pay for if it had Chrono, Mario RPG, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, et cetera.
Glorified emulation box, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make a good gift for coworkers or relatives or kids or something.
Would be nice if it were $20 cheaper but even at its current price-tag you're getting 30 NES games for the price of one modern one, though I'd choose some different games than the ones they're bundling. What's there is a nice smattering of flagship titles and arcade games along with an occasional oddity like Castlevania 2 instead of Castlevania 3 or my personal sticking point of fucking Mega Man 2 being the only Mega Man game on there. Inafune's wanking over that game lives on even with him being stuck in the pleb zone at Comcept.
There is nothing 'hipster' about taking care of your things. My mother bought me a DMG for my 8th birthday, and it still plays great.
I prefer it over other handhelds not only for the library, but for the fact that it is comfortable to hold and play on. It has space for adult hands, so I don't have to claw at the thing. GameGear was good for this, too, but I never owned one. Everything since has been just too small for comfort. I do keep an AGS-101 around, for the awesome backlit screen and GBA games.
I have an awesome ASCII case that I can store over 30 cartridges in. There are eleven GBA carts sitting under the DMG, and one in each Gameboy. I just throw this in a backpack when I go somewhere.
There's licensing issues with putting every single game on it, especially with third parties. You'd have to renegotiate a bunch of shit to sell this in stores if you were using third party games.
Even then it's stupid to not include every Nintendo first party game on it. That at least should have been easy to include.
Only first Final Fantasy came out in English on NES, retard, and Nintendo will never ever recognize the fan translations of FF2 and 3.
I hear it doesnt come with an AC adaptor? What do you use to power it though?
Because they don't want to play the games.
They'll buy it because "oh my god I remember Alex the Kid and Mario!", make a post about it on kikebook and maybe play it for a few hours in the first week before sticking it in the attic and never thinking about it again.
No, no cart slot to support my 100+ NES game collection. I'll stick to my NES.
>carrying around an autism box filled with carts, like an 8 year old on a road trip
You're a hipster
That is exactly what hipsters do
If you live in San Fran/Portland, kill yourself. Please remove yourself from the same plane of existence as me.
Hipsters don't actually play games, user.
Yep. Should make some good money on ebay.
Im gonna buy it, put it in a closet for a year, then sell it with the companion Prima guide that they are making
user you need to know.
You are fucking retarded if you dont know what a real hipster is. Go watch Sam Hyde in his fashion series.
NES Emulators for the Vita are coming soon, probably, so I won't need it.
I already have a tablet that can hold way more games than that. Why would I buy that?
So it basically works with Classic Controllers? I could get one just so I could use the NES pad for emulation on my homebrew'd Wii.
The controllers themselves are going to be available separately for $10/€10.
Imagine the absurd amount of computing power you can squeeze into a handheld aiming for a Gameboy/Gamegear size and weight instead of tiny and light.
Trigger Warning
Trigger Warning
I already own all these games and a NES from decades ago, and they all work fine
I guess this is ok for kids born after 9/11 and don't know shit about where gaming came from
I already have an emulator, no thanks.
Might ask one for xmas, seeing as how nobody in my family knows anything about me aside from how much I "love le controller games and nerdy Shelden Cooper PC stuff."
Will I finally be able to join AGDG on SOME LEVEL at this point?
Well since I found out about it in the AGDG general, I imagine so. It looks like a fun, introductory way to get into game design.
I'm going to get it but only because I have a 5 year old and want her to have the NES experience without fucking up original carts.
it is time.
Poorfag never owned NES, only played in stores as a kid.
Won't pay hipster prices for old carts and consoles, which don't work on modern displays.
Too old for emulation shits.
$2 per game is gud.
If you're actually going to get it you might as well get Voxatron, it's got a special where you get PICO-8 for free right now.
I can count seven devices in my bedroom that can emulate the NES.
I can't just, yknow, torrent it?
Just imagine, the Nintendo NX project is finally released as the GameMan: a DMG-sized brick with an SVGA backlit display, full-sized controls, and an NVidia SOC, all powered from a 4000mah battery. It will support WiFi multiplayer and HDMI output. Marketed to MEN! Let the nintenyearolds have their gay little 3DSs, this fucker plays Splatterhouse 4, New Custer's Revenge, and Conker's Worse Fur Day!
No Pokemon will ever be released and it will be glorious!
No, dude, an edgy Pokémon survival-horror game directed by Junji Ito will be released on it.
No. Emulators are a thing.
I have to ask, weren't there things like this in the UK for the home computer market? It seems like more people in the US are interested in amateur game development now.
I didn't realize that Dragon Dildos could also emulate the NES user.
I hope the controller cord isn't actually that short.
please Jesus make this happen. let the Japs awaken from their sleep of westernization and faggotry
While not stellar, Pokémon Tekken was a step in the right direction.
Pokémon Go was ten steps in the wrong direction.
Except it wont. This thing will sell like hotcakes because there's millions of autistic nes fanboys willl buy it because of either "muh nostalgia" or "muh retro feel"
How do you know that? Are you from the future?
That honestly seemed to be more of what the Wii U promised in terms of delivering games for a core audience.
As far as I know, you power it through a USB port.
While the Wii made some notable concessions in some of Nintendo's main series, I think it actually had a pretty good offering for "hardcore gamers" that is often overlooked.
No need to be so assblasted over a simple suggestion.
No he's not you stupid nigger; He's saying that it's better to buy that because you can actually do shit with it.
The Mini nes is fucking pointless. All you're doing is paying for roms. There's no point to of getting this because you can run nes roms on fucking anything now.
Are you autistic?
What games? the pico-8 games or the nes games?
Either way that's a fucking moot point.
What's your fucking point?
What does that have to fucking do with anything? No-one cares about your gameboy.
So? This thread isn't about gameboys you stupid fucking cunt.
He suggested the pico-8 because there's actual reasons to have one unlike the nes mini.
Again so fucking what? we're not talking about either of those.
Jesus fucking christ cunt. Calm your fucking autism. It's just a fucking hobyist tool to fuck around with.
Yes, and it's awful.
That doesn't mean nintendo couldn't just have all their nes games on this.
It was probably the low resolution shit, lackluster online, and motion controls that turned people off.
Because I know how they think.
I thought it was mainly because it had pissweak graphics. It was just slightly better than ps2 graphics.
By "they" are you referring to a nebulous group of variable size that may or may not act in accordance to your predictions?
How about you actually wait and see what happens?
To me it seems like you are just grasping for reasons to shit on people, no different from feminists who complain how they don't think they can dress a certain way because "the patriarchy" would disapprove.
No I'm talking about hipsters and nostalgiafags.
How about you stop being such a faggot
You're wrong. I'm just making an educated guess.
No, Nintendo can stick it up their asses.
No, i'm not interested.
Oh great, two very tangible groups! You sure showed me!
Whether you admit it or not, this fucking site is inundated with hipsters (meaning people who hate conformity and will dislike things just by virtue of them being popular) and nostalgiafags.
Do you mean to suggest that people on this site are likely to want to buy this product?
I don't know if they are, but try to suggest that and see what happens.
You have no evidence to back up your claims, and by your own admission, those are just guesses.
That doesn't mean you aren't a whiny clown complaining about things that have yet to happen and that you cannot even assure with certainty will happen.
I am getting very lazy at argumentation. You never suggested people on this site were not hipsters and nostalgiafags.
The rest of my point stands.
Alright, stepping in because you're being a monumental faggot.
No, the condition is "is this game shit?". It's not hard to find shit games in this industry, and most are mainstream as pushed by the current media conglomerate. It's a bad sign when most good games can be found when someone on a site says "this character in X game is showing boobs!" because those are the ones who bothered to put love into their games, and the ones who make a point to avoid fanservice are the ones who suck at making games because they belong to a group that originates from straight outta propaganda colleges with communications majors.
We're actually rather small compared to the normalfag public, and not once did he imply people on this site were going to buy it.
You know what a market prediction is? It's where you look at past data and make an educated guess to appeal to the public, it's in marketing 101 (which I took), And that's exactly what he's doing and he's right.
Nintendo made a huge push towards retro games with shit like Super Mario Maker and the current market defaulting to retro nostaligia, what with Sonic Mania currently being a hyped product. Thus, it's understandable to resell retro, because that's what's in right now according to sales.
If anyone here is a whiny clown, it's you, which is why user didn't put effort into his posts related to you. People will buy this as a result of the retro craze. You already have evidence in regards to sales and basic market prediction data that is available to you right now.
Now fuck off, you arrogant retard.
Ok i'll make my self clear.
It's blatantly obvious that there's a market for "retro" things.
Look at all the plug and play consoles that were based off of popular games and consoles from the 80's & 90's
Look at all the reproduction consoles made in the last 15 years.
Look at the fact that there's "retro" games on virtual console.
This thing will sell fuckloads because it's
1. under 100 bucks
2. has popular titles.
3. looks like an original nes
4. There's known audiences that buy this sort of shit (Nostalgia fags and "muh retro" fags)
5.There's hype for this.
I was thinking about this and one of those retron consoles. Then I remembered I have a computer.
Didn't Retron get busted for stealing the emulator cores?
It must be nearly 20 feet now.
I haven't anything about that. I just see them at this game store I got to all the time. They charge like $250 for the fuckin' thing!
I remember when excessive fanservice in a game was a red flag for a shit title, because it tended to mean that the developer was making up for a deficiency in gameplay with tiddies. Now, it's actually becoming a marker for a good game (or at least, is no longer useful as an indicator of a bad game) - because it means the devs aren't as interested in sacrificing gameplay in order to pander to customers outside of the market for increased sales, media inside the market for good reviews, or making their games "Let's Play" friendly.
I'd buy it if it was for the SNES, or even if it was the actual physical hardware.
I can agree with that, but I will not agree with the extent you claim that market to have.
Also, just because there have been dozens of niche products, that doesn't mean that there is an enormous market to be satiated.
Can you provide any examples of any of those plug and play consoles or and of those reproduction cartridges selling crazy numbers?
Which most gamers (sadly (in my opinion)) today have either never heard of or never played.
That's actually a minus in my book. If it actually looked like an original Famicom and had some of the FDS-enhanced games, I'd most likely get this, but that's beside the point.
There sure is, but enough for this to sell "a fuckton"? I would not be so sure.
Where have you seen hype for this? Even on the shithole NeoGAF (which I browse every day to punish myself for sins I may have committed in past lives) I have only seen mild approval and disapproval.
This site is full of hipsters, period.
If that were not the case, why would there be such a conspicuous lack of, for instance, ragefaces?
I don't really think you understand what I have said.
I have not said being a hipster (as in disassociating yourself from things that have reached audiences that corrupt and degenerate the original meaning of those things) is a bad thing, just admit this site is a haven of hipsters (by the standards I have described).
Also, I have seen people on here shit on games that are pretty good (Souls games, GTA series) tons of times and threads praising obscure but very mediocre to bad games (Senran Kagura, LISA: THE FIRST (I think LISA: THE PAINFUL is really good, though)).
I cannot prove that those people were shitting on the (by my standards) good games solely because they were popular, I cannot prove that those people only liked those mediocre (by my standards) games because they were not popular.
This may be a very hypocritical thing to say, but I do think there is a strong likelihood that most people on here are hipsters.
By the way, one thing hipsters will never do is admit they are hipsters. (Just like racists never admit they are racist, am I right? T. SJW (I am a faggot.))
This pic is giving me jungle fever
Well lets be fair, there are still some lackluster fanservice games, like the Neptunia spinoffs, or DoA Xtreme 3 compared to its predecessors. But it certainly doesn't carry the bad stigma it did back then, I agree.
nintendo don't own everything released on their systems, unless they own the rights to the gmae trhey need to get the license
Why? The chinese controller looks much bett
I'm hoping the chinks clone the EverDrive N8 NES soon.
Yeah no self respecting gamer would ever use that motion control shit.
By Sithis I hate what Nintendo has done to videogames.
Based on what?
What the fuck are you talking about? Here are the game's it comes with.
Balloon Fight
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Final Fantasy
Ghosts’n Goblins
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby’s Adventure
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Bowl
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The only ones that people might think are obscure are StarTropics, Tecmo Bowl, Ice climber and Balloon Fight.
The rest are well known games. Even people that aren't into games will know what most of these are.
Retard, what's the fucking point of releasing a "NES mini" that looks like a famicom in the states?
Nintendo is trying to cash in on the nostalgia of the nes by having it look like a nes, and have the packaging look like it did back then too.
Having it look like a famicom makes no sense Unless it was japan exclusive.
Why? What possible reason could you come up with that this wouldn't sell?
Everywhere that's related to gaming.
On what fucking basis? What proof do you have?
Because ragefaces are cancer you stupid fucking nigger. This isn't 2007. Grow the fuck up.
Nigger you obviously have no idea what a hipster actually is.
A hipster is someone that doesn't do something because it's popular
A hipster is someone that obnoxiously brags about how "cool" they are for going with the flow on facebook, on a macbook pro, and at Starbucks
A hipster is someone that buys shit like pic related because it's "hip and trendy" even if it's pointless, counter eventuate, or a waste of money.
>Also, I have seen people on here shit on games that are pretty good (Souls games, GTA series) tons of times and threads praising obscure but very mediocre to bad games (Senran Kagura, LISA: THE FIRST (I think LISA: THE PAINFUL is really good, though)).
Here's a fucking thought, meybe their just fucking have different opinions than you?
No-one cares about what games you like faggot.
Except they're not you stupid fucking nigger. They have tastes that differ from you.
What? You can't possibly be fucking serious. Hipsters brag about being hipsters ALL THE FUCKING TIME. They do so because the need validation for their obnoxious behavior.
No, no you're not right
I've got a question for you. How long have you been here? No seriously, how long?
It's blatantly fucking obvious that you go to reddit. Based on the way you talk.
Anyone who buys this deserves to be shit on. Full stop.
the entire romset is like what, few hundred megabytes?
any random famiclone nowadays has more builtin games than 30 so it's not like you're getting an amazing deal either
Playing devil's advocate:
Licencing issues of decades old games is HELL. Most of the devs and even publishers of those days are long gone from the industry.
It's one of the reasons why piracy is always superior.
Fucking nintendo
Exactly. You don't know whether there is a massive market, yet you assert you know there is.
Absolute fucking bullshit.
Take a look at pic related. There are magnitudes more searches for Undertale, a game that sold under 2 million copies at $10.
There is almost five times as much interest for the Nintendo NX, a console that we know nothing about, won't come out this year, and has yet to be announced.
There is even more interest for Battleborn, a $60 AAA game that bombed so hard, it is being sold for sub $10 at some retailers not even half a year after it launched.
Yet you keep going on about the huge market that is in Retro Games "'cuz reproduction consoles and plug and play consoles 10 years ago at Wal-Mart 'n shiet," when in reality it's a very niche market.
Don't you realize that is fucking retarded?
I do realize that at $60 a piece Nintendo won't have to sell very many units to break even, but there is no fucking indication they will sell "a fuckton" at all, as far as I'm concerned.
Guess what, I have played all of those games and love a lot of them.
I attend a college that has a focus on game design, but I assure you that at maximum 10% of the people enrolled have ever played one of those games.
Also, save for maybe Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong titles, they have never even heard of those games. They couldn't even tell you the name of the platform those games are on, let alone name anything made by Nintendo before the Game Boy.
Just because we are here in this bubble where we constantly reaffirm each others' belief that those games are known and played by everybody, the kids growing up on Minecraft, the girls growing up on The Sims and mobile garbage, and even the boys growing up on Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2 have no idea what those games are and generally don't even care to know. One of my best friends, a life-long gamer, has never played a single Nintendo game in his entire life. I found out about that after I asked him if he had played Super Metroid, a game I had at some point assumed anybody pursuing a career in game development had to have played.
My point is, even though these games are well-beloved and have relatively huge fanbases for old games, by today's standards, they mean nothing to the average gamer, sadly.
Obviously, it would be called Famicom Mini then. Don't just assume I'm that retarded.
You do know that the Famicom Disc System had more sound channels and a microphone, right? Wouldn't it be cool if that was brought over?
Also, work on your reading comprehension, I clearly said that was beside the point, meaning it was just a tangent.
It not selling at all, as in zero sold units, would be inconceivable, but why do you seem to have such confidence that this will be a sales hit?
A hipster is most often defined as somebody who rejects mainstream culture (check) and instead embraces obscure culture (check).
Guess what, most people on here fit that description. Mind you, hipsters are notorious for complaining about being called hipsters.
I was illustrating a point, you dunce. I gave examples for games that are very well-received that I have seen being shit on while juxtaposing that with obscure games (that are generally not considered good) that I have seen being praised on here.
Do you understand me?
Again, you are being a fucking retard. I never commented on as to whether I agree or disagree with people on here.
I agree with most of the people on here on as to which games are good and as to which games are bad. I think most AAA games (and most indie games) are an utter waste of time.
Yeah, right.
Just like you hate being called a hipster, huh?
The only reason I ever bring up people being hipsters is people who clearly don't realize they themselves are hipsters calling other people hipsters.
This was me being nosy and self-deprecating about my own argument.
Sorry it went over your head.
I've been here for two years.
People generally like my posts, though people like you sometimes (very rarely) get autistic when I dare to disagree with them because I tend to take them on long-winded arguments like this one when I'm procrastinating other things.
I haven't been to Holla Forums for some time because I decided to delve into Holla Forums two months ago for some insane reason.
This I genuinely take offense with.
You can call me a faggot, you can call me a retard, you can call my mother a whore, you can call me a failed abortion, I don't care.
But you saying that I go to Reddit breaks my heart.
Fuck you, stupid nigger.
On the other hand, I guess that goes to show that you go on Reddit, because otherwise you wouldn't know what people on there are like. I, for one, don't.
I think you owe your friends an apology.
I never argued that was not the case.
Imagine somebody going on Kickstarter, seeing a new project with no backers yet about a penile brush made of razor blades, prompting them to go on a tirade about how retarded the people backing the project are and complaining that they are making this a smashing success.
That would make no sense, and that's exactly what I see in and .
Hey Australia, maybe if you're categorically overpaying for electronics as a whole, it's not a particular product's fault, but your own.
Guess what? I don't care.
So fucking what? Just because they haven't played them doesn't mean those titles aren't popular.
Well no shit. that's why the NES mini isn't trying to attract the general mass, It's trying to attract the retro market.
Not really. Fuck all games used the mic. and even little have an english port of it. ie zelda. So unless they translate the games, I doubt it will happen.
While some games do sound better with the extra sound capabilities, the mic just seems like an annoying gimmick.
You've been told by and me multiple times why it's going to be a hit.
>Yeah, right.
Cunt, I live in Melbourne I see first fucking hand what hipsters. Holla Forums isn't.
Then why the fuck are you acting like such a faggot?
Jesus fuck, you come off as a pretentious cunt.
I didn't reply to you because you "dared" to have a long text, I replied because I disagree with what you say. for fuck sake.
I think you owe your friends an apology.
You wanna know how I can tell you go to reddit?
I can tell because of your writing style. Not even shitposters are this cancerous and idiotic. It fucking astounds me that market predictions based off of past behavior seems completely alien to you.
Nope. I'll get 2 of those controllers for the nes emulator on my wii, though.
I was stupid enough to sell most of my original NES cartridges 10-15 years ago and NES picture quality on a modern TV isn't too great either.
I was giving you an example of the vast majority of actual gamers (and coming game developers) being blissfully unaware and not caring about those games.
Those titles are popular, relatively to their age, but you vastly exaggerate their relevancy in the gaming marketplace today. That's the point you dolt.
By the same fucking logic, why the fuck are you not buying this piece of hardware? Are you this mentally challenged that you would actually call into question your original complaint?
Killing Pols Voices in TLOZ by making a quick, loud noise is not cool. Got it. The microphone was not used in many games, by the way. and even in a lot of games it was used in it was optional. I just enumerated it because it was a feature the Famicom that was removed in the West.
There are about 50 games that have enhanced sound. I am still pissed that Nintendo insists on spreading the cucked versions to new generations.
What hipsters are? What hipsters look like? Finish your sentences. Also, see if I care where you live.
You sure as hell don't know what the posters on this imageboard look like, and even then, how would you tell a hipster by their looks when you can easily spot them through their behavior? By the way, just because people on this site generally don't like Vice and don't admit to being cuckolds that doesn't mean they aren't hipsters anyway.
Baby wants to whine about me making fun of him for complaining about imaginary people.
You brought the point up, you goddamn retard. You questioned my ability to unobstructedly post on imageboards; I was merely suggesting that you may be the problem here.
Work on your reading comprehension. I didn't say that I "dared to have long text" or that this was the reason why you replied. Of course you replied because you disagreed, that's how that kind of thing works. I only said that people like you get autistic when I write long-winded replies, which I think you are getting.
To summarize, that means people usually don't ever get worked up over my posts, except when I disagree with them, plus, rather than letting them be after that, start replying to their points in long-form. And that usually only happens when I have something else to do that I need to get off my mind.
I'll apologize if this sounded pretentious, but it's hard to write something polemic without coming across as self-aggrandizing.
Can you actually put it into words what gives you that feeling without admitting that you are the Reddit user that is projecting? Otherwise you might as well give me a lecture about privilege.
As someone who does not visit Reddit, I'll ask you again; How would you know what a Reddit user writes like if you didn't go there?
Also, I just noticed it now, but you posted a fucking MLP image and accuse me of being cancerous. That's fucking rich.
I have provided you with a Google Trends chart, you provided me with some vague bullshit about plug and play consoles, which are fucking niche, reproduction consoles, which are fucking niche, and a game in the fucking Super Mario series (which is still regularly cited as the most successful video game series ever) that has level creation and sharing, yet you pretend that it's proof that a retarded concept like a plug and play console that costs $60 is going to sell "like hotcakes" so you can berate imaginary people.
I'll reiterate again for your pea brain, I am not saying that there is no chance that this will sell well, and I am not saying that it's wrong to complain about people making stupid purchases, what I am saying is that you are a goddamn retard for preemptively taking the piss when there is no indication that this will do well. This is SJW level retardation.
Finally, I realize that this is becoming more and more unproductive and I feel kind of weird because of sleep deprivation, so I feel the need to write this last paragraph with a clearer mind. Please read this post level-headedly and be assured that I don't feel any hostility towards you (except for you accusing me of being a Reddit user), and I only think it was dumb that you felt the need to insult a group of people before they even had a chance to do what you are insulting them for. I have no warm feelings towards hipsters and nostalgiafags, neither do I have many reasons to dislike them, I just think it's important to be intellectually honest and I think you were just looking for a punching bag. That was the whole point of contention. I'll reiterate that plug and play consoles and reproduction consoles are very niche products, that Super Mario Maker is not just popular because it's retro, and that you are paradoxically throwing nostalgiafags under the bus even though they should be the group that already either owns the classic games and the consoles or already emulates them on every single device they have.
Sorry if this whole post is incoherent, everything is spinning right now.
Have a nice day.
It's already better than the NES Classic.
That's the point, fam. Buy a console to play great titles you never played.
I can agree with you on that. It's not like it's hard to have the famicom music. They're just lazy.
What hipsters are. Sorry for the typo, I didn't notice the fuckup.
I was using that to point out how I know what hipsters are.
True but, I can tell when someone has an alien writing style. The way you talk just doesn't sound like it's coming from someone on a chan, it sounds like someone from a normalfag site.
Because there's no other social clique that has the same style as them. Their hair, their choise of clothing, their general style is easy to point out.
What the fuck does vice have to do with the topic at hand?
I'm sorry what? That sentence structure is horrid.
If you're asking how can I tell that you go to reddit without me going to reddit, I'll try to answer as best as i can.
I've been posting on chans since 2009, over the years from seeing peoples posts, you start to notice if someone is new or comes from another site.
The way you talk just doesn't seem natural compared to other posts.
Which is flawed, because you've compaired the searches of the NES mini to undertale and fucking battleborn. which make no sense because they have nothing to do with the NES and are for a completely different market.
Ok then, here are the search results for the nes mini compared to the retron 5 which is a popular console that was marked to the retro audience to play older games.
But still make money though.
What does Mario Maker have to do with this?
For the millionth fucking time. I've already told you why I think it will sell but, I'll tell you again.
1.There's a market for anything retro especially things related to nintendo.
2.It's cheap, so allot of people could buy this as a gift for people that are into games.
Think about it, this thing is the same price as full retail game.
3.This is great for people that don't want to pirate nes games but, want to play them on a hdtv.
5.You save money buying this instead of buying them through the eshop. the games on the mini are $2 a pop but, games on the eshop could be much more than that especially mario games.
6. It's controllers. Because of the controllers using the wiimote plug, you could use this on a wii/wiiu if you want.
7. It will be a collectors item
Unless they're on Holla Forums bragging about it, I don't care what they do. I just think it's a pointless pointless product that people will buy.
Well why the fuck wouldn't it? There's more to evidence to show that this will sell then the other way round.
Also, I'm not preemptively taking the piss out of anything.
This is the market that has the Analogue Nt which is just a nes in a metal shell with an upscailer for $500.
Considering this is the audience that bought that thing, what makes you think people won't buy this just because it's a collectors item.
helloe, Reddit.
What do you think I just said?
>I've been posting on chans since 2009
Did you buy a dog?
Why would I pay for ROMs, not being able to use cartridges or add new games?
Or you can just put all of them on your hacked WIIu, 3DS, PSP, DS, GBA, phone or compuner.
Really wish audio wasn't always so fucky on emulation.
I can already emulate those games on my 3ds
Nice spacing too, reddit.
I used to browse 4chan and jumped ship when GG happen. That's what I ment to say.
Doesn't excuse the fact that you said it like a redditor.
I have never seen a post more reddit than this
I don't want this but I might pick up a controller for it
They plug into your wiimote
This is for people who cannot make their own breakfast. It requires fuck all for setup, which is the attraction.
It's tempting, but I have an NES and an everdrive. I get the "REAL EXPERIENCE", the same one I've been getting since 1986.
This thread belongs in a museum.
no, are you fucking gay?
Fuckin What?
Itos not dead?
has to do with the yamahah chip
No. The controllers might be nice if you can buy them separately, but I already have the original + adapter.
What exactly are you trying to say? This thing is just rereleases of NES games, not an indie flash game machine.
I think he meant first party games.
That thing in your picture has shit sound quality though, pretty much like anything made after the Model 1. If you can't get a Model 1, it's actually a better idea to just emulate the Genesis on your PC for sound quality.
I heard that you can mod any model if you want perfect sound quality though.
consider the sound fonts in sega genesis games are crap for the most part anyways, and I'd rather plug it into a CRT the sound quality isn't really an issue. there are more upsides to it then the nintendo variant.
I'm not talking about slightly worse sound. I'm talking about complete dogshit sound.
Watch that video
They can emulate Double Dragon at least
I have my computer with Retroarch hooked directly to my TV. I have no reason to when I can already play everything GameCube and before at full speed, with a good wireless gamepad, and with whatever filters and other emulator goodies I want.
No. If I wanted a shitty Nintendo knockoff I'd just make it myself, a Raspberry Pi is cheaper, and I can put more fucking games on it. 30 games, weee, you can't buy any games on top of the 30. Fuck that.
And before some fag is like "THIS ISN'T A NINTENDO RIPOFF, IT'S AN OFFICIAL NINTENDO PRODUCT" I fucking know that, but it's not a real NES, it doesn't do what the real NES does, and it doesn't work for composite video. So fuck off, it's a shitty cheap knockoff.
Dude, the day when Jewtendo released some old games on their eshop you had tons of posts in the Miiverse where retzards complaiuned that the games are too hard and what not.
Looks like I'm one of them though.
Why? I can pirate nes games directly from the eShop or inject them into VC if not available.
Samuz Aran is Samus Aran's long-lost cousin who was lost in the autism belt, he tries to be like Samus but he's too dumb.