Rising Storm 2

PopSmoke pls help, give me news, please

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I guess Ill play it for a month before the 3 servers avaiable are completely empty

I can't wait for them to cut the vehicle stuff from the game like they did with Rising Storm 1.

Thanks for reminding me
Fuck this game

It's just a reskinned RS, however Vietnam.
If In country Vietnam gets cancelled then i'll think about RS2, and let's hope for news.

I'm almost certainly going to buy it, I liked RS and RO2 a lot

I haven't been paying attention, why do we hate tripwire?

in RS2 there are drivable tanks and other vehicles faggots

Are you sure? Is the game out yet?

You could play it with Holla Forums.

SJWs, Killing Floor 2 is shit and is an Early Access scam, Red Orchestra 2 was unfinished along with Rising Storm, they've crippled modders if they dont keep in line (aka PopSmoke) with their bullshit and payment models and the mod support they gave people is extremely limited.
EULA can get you banned if you´re "offensive" or not "playing the game right".

Tripwire is shit, heres Jew Gibsons famous post and all the modders and fanboys sucking their dick.

We were talking about RS1 you little nigger

This isnt weebshit or casual shit like ASSFAGGOTS.
Only guys I could see playing it would be the Planetside 2 faggots and they're just as cancerous as the above and probably a part of them as well


Eat shit

I used to play wolfenstein too

Hows cuckchan summerfag?

very naisu memes xd




This all sounded swell until

It's garbarge

I want underage people to leave.

But Open World is bad just like linear FPS user, Call of Duty and MGSV say so.

when people pretend to be idiots as a joke, real idiots will come and think they are in good company

I'm falling for it, but you are stupid if you don't know that underages love multiplayer only shit.

as much as i want a new vietnam game, never forget the lies of ro2

if it's actually what they promise then SJW shit or not I will buy it, but don't let yourself get hyped for the bullshit these liars are serving you

They can be, as they're completely dependent on the playerbase Once that dies and it has no bots, it's worthless.

underageb& detected

Is there a full list of the RO2 and RS lies Tripware made?

honestly just look at the tank combat. you can tell that it's still to this day just a framework of the actual ideas they had for a multi-crew fighting machine, then forced it out the door half-assed and said "this'll do"

I think the guy responsible for the good gunplay doesn't work there anymore, wonder how bad it'll be in RS2


Eh, maybe worth a buy if the tunnel system really works well.

excuse me, that is legally-distinct Not Pink Floyd phone ringtone.


It has bots

Feels good lads.

You're welcome yurifag

Isn't there also another nam game being developed by people that fell for Tripwire's scams in the past?

rinse repeat


Get good faggot.


What's up with multiplayer games getting gutted for accessability in the recent years?

Improve your skills of playing this game.

Play RO1/Darkest Hour. It's infinitely less frustrating and more realistic. There is no ironsight zoom and the maps are larger, therefore the range at which you can see the enemy and the range at which you can fight him are different.

And by LE GIT GUD XD you mean "play until you learn the good spots to camp in" and "unlock the OP guns".

what the fuck is that

Then get some self control and don't buy the game

t. Buttblasted noob

Not an argument.

No, it means git gud at the game faggot.
PERHAPS you die all the time because you don't actually know how to play the game properly.

Perhaps there is a way to movement and positioning in the game you simply aren't aware off?

No, I must be dumb. It's the game, not you.


You've lost, friend.

Just like every multiplayer game you've ever played.

Not him but seriously what's so hard about moving slowly and aiming all the time.

You sound annoyed about not knowing how to play the game at the same time trying to pass it off as the game being broken.

This game reminds me, was this any good? I had completely forgot about it but I'm thinking of giving it a shot.

Look at this faggot and laugh.

Jesus Christ user.
Please consider suicide.
Never procreate.

Use your eyes, dipshit.

But that's not the problem.

7/10 bait made me a bit angry
But I agree that RO1 is objectively the better game

I've played it for a fucking too long time. It's not worth 60 or even 20 I can tell you that, and it sure as shit no where on the same level as cold war crisis or arma. It's buggy as fuck, most missions are pretty linear save for the first opening one and the last one but you don't really have access to much in terms of vehicles, save for whatever jeeps you can steal or the one mission that lets you use a LAV for all of 10 minutes. At least cold war crisis had the few tanker levels and some scenario's.
The online is dead and was a cluster fuck of too tiny maps with too many vehicles. The average map was one of the many tiny as shit village's in the center and various armor or helicopter's lined up at the spawn point's that are just open fields with not even visual cover, so any asshole who gets a helo can just fly up, dump thier load into the other teams armor and people. The devs spent too much time on building a supposedly 1:1 scale island somewhere near alaska (just renamed to another island near russia) with fuck all to do and missions taking place on the small island or if it's on the big one, just the frst quarter of the place the other half is almost unused (could be wrong they did make some dlc scenarios that might have used some new area).
Honestly if the devs had either just made a smaller place and put focus on building missions or support the game a long time it would have been way better.

red river is better on so many levels even with the arcadey call of duty load out bullshit it atleast had missions where you hold the line and spray hordes of filthy chinese trying to steal your newly conquered sandnigger shithole

Gotcha, I appreciate the rundown. Guess I'll give Red River a shot. Is it still pretty challenging?

I have no idea what are you talking about
Most of my time spent into that game is spent on skirmishing with Brutal AI (mostly against GLA since they're pretty fucking good)

you haven't seen the censored terrorist

Didn't it kill the flashpoint series?

Flash point was dead when bohemia and codemasters split

play this instead, it's no longer a mod and is running on ue4.


Looks like a dead game though

Looks great but some actual gameplay would be nice

What they claim it will have and what it actually has aren't the same thing.
I'm in the same boat not wanting to give money to TW and hoping PS still exists but I'll be waiting until all the bugs are fixed / vehicles added before I buy.

Austfag servers never die, there are 2 full RO2 servers every night.

I have been watching this since it was a mod, every few months one of the devs will say it isn't dead but they never show anything they have been working on.
I really hope it happens but I have serious doubts.

top fucking kek

I've been looking for this for fucking ages, thanks

Other than that, seems alright. I'll check it out.


Not only all this, but the way they handled KF2 is a disgrace and you should expect more of the same from Shitwire.

What similar FPS games/mods about WW2 that have singleplayer (So multiplayer games-only out) are recommended?

they did add transports (universal carrier and a sdfkz), but vehicle combat in this game is still 100% shit-tastic


Did they? What maps?

Just buy a key from a grey market seller like g2a. The company gets minimum/little money, and you still get to play the game.

It won't work anything like that ingame though. RO2 pre-release footage showed a slow-paced realistic game while the actual gameplay has everyone ignoring any features that aren't run and gun focussed.

Don't forget they heavily edited contest maps causing mappers to quit, also rigged one or two of the contest for a now employee of the company.

Which were promised along with new tanks and the campaign mode in ~6 months tops. Shit took three years and there's still no proper tank combat. Hell campaign mode was a mod first because people got sick of waiting and they basically just copied that.

Thats bullshit, they did not add the Universal Carrier or the SDFKZ, the only vehicles in RO2/Rising Storm are Tanks.

I'm not even a hater, I fucking love RO2, I'm just saying that this is wrong. It would be very nice if they did have those, like holy shit though.

Buddy the universal carrier and sdkfz 251 were added in a patch in 2014: steamcommunity.com/app/35450/discussions/0/540738052843542391/

They're only on certain maps though.

According to that patchlog I linked above, they added them to Arad, Barashka and Rakowice, dunno if they've added them to any other since.

Yeah tripwire dropped the ball with this game hard. If I remember correctly, they didn't even bother doing work on the transports until a mod team basically did the work for them first.

They completely sold out on their original fanbase to get more customers. Hell they actively chased the CoD market with RO2. Veteran players were basically told to fuck off and deal with it. The SJW shit and the jewish behaviour with KF2 came later.

Alright which one of you was it?
Cough it up I want a turn crushing some user's hopes and dreams.

Or this.

>Buddy the universal carrier and sdkfz 251 were added in a patch in 2014: steamcommunity.com/app/35450/discussions/0/540738052843542391/
In his defense most veteran RO players quit long before that patch. I can't blame them either since we were forced to beg for the half broken classic mode. Also nobody actually plays the larger maps with the transports because the vast majority (though not all) of the remaining playerbase is casual babbys who want instant action.

Well holy shit, why doesn't fucking Merryls Marauders fucking play that map. I don't understand, that looks so fun.

The aforementioned casual playerbase user. Some server owners did try proper maps but nobody will play on them. The reason IOM didn't take off, by the way, was because TWI refused to let servers using it grant XP for a long time because they were upset people didn't think vanilla was realistic enough. It's a shame as IOM is a lot closer to what RO2 should have been though fixing the vehicles and maps would need an almost total overhaul of the game.

That'll be why I haven't noticed. Fucking Tripwire.

I'll give you this too. They chased the Holla Forumslite server away because they hurt Johns feelings.

Mike was fucking hilarious.

NC here, get fucked niggers

This is another thing that annoys me most about RO2. A lot of the players of RO:OST were older men who frankly didn't play anything else. Now that RO2's botched release has annoyed them they're gone and they won't be coming. Most only play SP simulations now or have abandoned gaming altogether. Hell I've got a personal stake in this as RO:OST was the only MP game my Dad and I would play together and the entire experience has left him sitting on Silent Hunter 3 only. TWI fucked the one shared activity we could do now that I'm halfway across the country.

Everyone on the German team on ANY server is literally Holla Forums, its hilarious how many Holla Forumsacks play this game.

Hes still around, plays a fuckton of Legends of Grimrock. If you are so interested, a group of polish guys do host a server every saturday with whatever mod they feel like for RoOst.

These days mate I just place RS with a group of Japs. The language barrier keeps the shitters/australians out.

I mean he was a server operator/owner, like the whole public chat at one point was just Holla Forumstier banter.



Evening European time? I'll check it out.

Yeah, 8pm CET.

On fridays. Not saturdays

I'll try it then. I don't speak Polish mind.

Neither do I, they are fairly fluent in English.

That solves that then. I'll hopefully see you on there user. Leningrad best map.


yeah, the first round or two on each map is pretty brutal until you learn the good and bad spots to be

that said, don't be fucking retarded and you should be fine. move as a group, stay spaced far enough apart that greedy machine gunners like me don't get tempted to brrrrrrrt you all with an MG42, and for Christ's sake throw your grenades. also never, ever stay in one spot - take two shots at most and move, because at every single moment in every single server there is an MLGxXx420QuIkSkOpEzxXx looking to add another headshot to his air-horn montage video


yeah i meant red orchestra 2 but as satan has pointed out im a little nigger and will be leaving now


fucking lmao
Buy ro1 on a 1$ sale when it happens instead and come play DH, the 2 main servers get full during afternoon europe hours most days and the game is still without a doubt the best multiplayer ww2 fps alongside the ww2 addon for PR.

Also the 7.02 update fixed a lot of shit they added in 6.00 that was stupid so its back to being glorious not to mention its still being developed with a lot of new features coming.


I had a huge respect for those devs. Sad to see how low they fell.

Suck my sweaty hairy balls, Ramm, you fucking SJW-lover kikewannabe

I honestly miss that fucking game, there was nothing more tense or rewarding than it when it came to FPS games and RO2 just doesn't hold a candle to it.


when the tank rams the carrier and destroys itself

Is there any recommended WW2 games or mods like Battlefield with singleplayer, that I should know?

What the fuck is this shit?

rising storm and red orchestra 2 have single players though ive never played them

Rising Storm doesn't have it and it's only the normal game but with bot matches. Really not worth playing.

What? So it does have singleplayer mode.

I fucked up that post.

Rising Storm doesn't have it.

When they released RS, they separated the "Single Player" and "Multiplayer" parts of RO2. But it's just bot matches with some video and narration in between each battle.

Are the TWB and/or OldFarts servers still up? I'd like to return for some Leningrad and Odessa action

No idea, tried running the game earlier and just kept getting a black flickering screen. Couldn't be bothered to try and fix it.

This triggers me.

I'd fucking host one if Ramm didn't shut my shit down asap.

best summary of game


RO2 and UE3 are trash. The maps are really small and don't blend with this sort of game.

I've exhausted Darkest Hour and have no WW2 games to play now.

I never see anyone playing, I must be checking at the wrong time because I'm tired of Darkest Hour and would like to play Ostfront.

I don't think my internet can handle a server, I live in Canada and I chose a server based in Ohio. Also, I don't have a dedicated server and I'd risk running using my own IP address.

>tfw never

I should mention that I already tried the "Mid-low priority" & "disable WLan auto-scanning" tricks

It's most likely the locations of the servers you play on, since RO2 has a relatively low-population. Last I remember most of the servers are in US, so if you're in Europe that might be your problem.

Not really, I have that problem with servers located in germany/france/slavland too.
and I live in austria

Go play Darkest Hour you dumb cunt

i think you have a problem user, if you'ed like im here to help