so recently dislocated my shoulder and fucked up all kinds of shit in it. Whats some good vidya i can play with one hand?
One handed fun
Other urls found in this thread:
play shmumps as a pacifist
Gothic can be configured in such a way where it can easily be played with one hand.
Super Hexagon requires two buttons.
Fallout can also be played entirely with the mouse.
Gauntlet Dark Legacy has a one handed mode.
Ye Olde Sierra point 'n' clicks.
They've got a bundle going on for those, too.
Basically any rpg, turn based, real time whatever like kotor, as long as it's not action you're fine
rts can be a pain to play with one hand
Bayonetta I heard
Why would you pay for abandonware?
you could play wii sports abd di what I did for boxing, put the nunchuck on my knee.
Oh well shit, there you go.
Also sick, thanks, user.
played it, beaten it multiple times. game play is pretty repetitive though
cool, i will give it a try
So any (real) final fantasy, kotor, baldur's gate, neverwinter, fo1 and 2, basically all those old rpgs Holla Forums keeps telling you to play
Emulate snes/gba/ds games as well. Golden sun, radiant historia, superstar saga, chrono trigger, the mana games…
The remakes from the snes, sometimes they're alright
Old-timey shooters like 1942, maybe.
played kotor and fallout, and planescape
wasnt neverwinter and baldur kinda thin on the lore? like you pretty much just go on a straight path trough dungeons n shit?
If you don't mined point and click the Monkey Island games are great and will give you a laugh
Same thing happened to me a few years ago i broke my collarbone and asked Holla Forums for some games.
Wish i could remember what i played
You have to make your own fun out of it. I ahvent played baldur's gate yet but I can tell you nwn has interesting stuff on it, but the writting's really weak. It's good until you go back to the chapter's main hub and remember why you spend hours on a forest killing ghosts, boars, bringing pedophiles to justice, fucking a dryad and tripping balls with a deer
If you're not sure, then play nwn2 it has a better story
Or any of the other games I posted
Buy yourself some shitty gaymor mouse with 12 side buttons and it will be literally any game as long as you can move your thumb around well enough. Had to do it once.
Try Heroes of Might and Magic series, preferrably 5 or 3.
fucking a dryad and tripping balls with a deer?
Dwarf Fortress
Artificial Academy 2
Wanko to Kurasou
This kid is like every modern day Cartoon Network character in real life.
i couple years ago i mangled my hand and had to wear a lot of wrapping on my wrist, assuming you can still move your bad arm slightly, this makes for primo time to bang out those slow past rpgs on your backlog. i went with persona 3 at the time since i could poke the command buttons with my bad hand
Go to the fucking hospital, retard and stop shit posting Holla Forums, unless you already went.
judging by his post, he's already gone and done that. the folks here on Holla Forums are dumb but not that fucking dumb
Typing of the dead
Character action games
For real though, puzzle games like Spacechem, Layton, etc., and any jrpg, especially a console one (dragon quest)
i already went you fucking faggot, need to have my arm in a sling and do PT for 2-3 months.
pass the controller bro
any GB games:
I suggest Metroid 2, ducktales, Both GB Gradius games (color versions found in Konami GB Collection Vol.1 and 4 respectively), Megaman V, Operation C, Link's Awakening, the Zelda Oracle games and Metal Gear Ghost Babel.
Fire Emblem!
play with your dick
Did that guy try to be the Fear?
The GB version of Ducktales is infamous for its low quality, cramped screen and terrible music.
Divinity: Original Sin can be played with just a mouse.
fair enough, replace with Donkey Kong 98, Belmont's Revenge, Donkey Kong Land and Wario Land.
Which shoulder?
If you fucked up the right shoulder, look for 2D games that only require one face button, and you can easily play them by remapping a shoulder button. Sonic games work, various shmups. etc. For two button games (assuming you have a controller with 2 shoulder buttons), RPGs would be fine, but action games might be a bit much.
If you fucked up the left one, then there are lots of PC games that can be played with a mouse only. Lots of RTS, for example. I highly recommend FTL: Faster Than Light, if you haven't played that yet.
But how do you progress without killing bosses?
no pain no gain faggot, stop being a pussy and git gud
Black and White 2
Pic related.
Kingdom of Loathing
Lightgun games (house of the dead, ninja assault, etc)
is it gonna heal eventually or is the damage permanent
The first one is better.
this is a fake thread
no one except you thinks he's trying to pass that picture off as himself, retard
beat me to it
wrap your noodle arm around your dick and jerk off
Why does this artist make my boy parts hard?
Either you're a genuine newfag who doesn't know what that word means yet or you're actually retarded. Which is it, and either way stop posting here.
Would a shill have this webm?
i'm pretty sure he's just baiting at this point. there's no way to recover from being that brain-dead; all you can do is commit to the role
You're probably right.
dunno, well have to see, doctor said it will take about 2-3 months of physical therapy if everything heals as it should.
maybe ill get a hot yoga chick as a trainer
i didn't know dislocations could be that bad
some are timed, survive = win
depend on the game
Didn't we have this exact thread a week ago?
Anyway, wolfenstein 3d
Try playing tetris on your phone.
Dare I ask, why did your arm turn into spaghetti? Did you run into a car?
Doom can be played exclusively with a mouse or exclusively with a keyboard, depending on which arm you can use.
hope everything goes well
Holy shit all of you are fucking gullible. OP's picture isn't him, you fucking retards.
don't tell me you use two hands for anything but 6 and 8
you're missing out
Calm down, baby girl. I know that, I just wanted to know what cause the shoulder thing.
No shit it isn't him, Op never claimed the pic to be him.
Anyways go see >>>/hgg/ they know their one-handed games.
you're the retard, it was apparent that he was just using that century old image as an example unrelated to his dislocated shoulder, there's no shoulder even in frame of that image
Original xcom or new xcom + enemy within (haven't played 2 so can't recommend it)
tropico 4
Dawn of discovery (also known as anno 1404)
Sins of a solar empire
Any of the kingdom rush games
First one is obvious since it's turn based. Next four are slower paced strategy games that can be played mouse only. FTL can be mouse only and paused at any time to set up orders. The last one, kingdom rush, might sound like a dumb mobile game, but they're surprisingly good for what they are. Since it's a touch based TD, it should be ok for one hand.
Also, it might get annoying playing it one handed, but I've been playing the rom hack pokemon blaze black 2 recently, and it should be playable one handed.
We did, OP is a faggot.
What is wrong with you?
Playing simfiles made for keyboard is basically just playing 4k Beatmania tho. Pad files have a distinct feel to them that lends to the feel of playing a different game.