Other urls found in this thread:
It was never going to happen.
The game was honestly just a couple of furfags' pet project, anyway.
That pic implies they got further than I expected.
Hi Ant Modeler, how's your day going so far?
Tutorial is feature complete, polishing and playtesting in progress, then a cosmetic upgrade pass. Then it'll be ready for public consumption.
See you all next thread!
Love, Fred.
Good luck faggots.
Didn't this project get fucked by "creative differences" i.e. internal drama like three separate times?
Seems about the right behaviour for a chan produced game :^)
Looking forward to it
Btw this is that Bowie user that joined your team like 6 months ago. You probably don't remember me but I wanna say I'm sorry for not being able to work on it anymore because i moved out in the bumfuck country and my only Internet access is on my phone.
I know I only provided like a screenshot of a WIP level but still.
At least there's still Yooka Laylee.
prove it
Also I forgot my email so if you've been trying to contact I apologize.
Anyway, I won't Internet access for about several more months and you guys sound like you're about done so best of luck.
Some user said the main programmer gave it up. So it actually got fucked by the programmer being too obsessive over "correct" code.
As in it progressed slow as molasses and he burnt himself out trying to manage game code like a massive codebase.
Although is suggesting it's still going.
Not sure what's up.
Why I'm not surprised
The devs are still working on the game apparently. They last posted on Twitter two weeks ago.
real sneks are cuter tbh
Oh well. At least we have Yooka-Laylee
We could have both.
Does this project need financing?
Just make a working demo with stage 1 & release a Kykestarter already, come on.
Coolpecker > Laylee > Banjo > Kazooie > Yooka > Anton
Blame apple, he killed the project with his constant drama and attentionwhoring.
He even wanted to move the project to 4chan
Why did anybody think this was a good idea ? Everything about the project sounded like a couple of high school fags with the worst possible taste conceivable pretending they have what it takes to make a N64 platformer.
Why does it look worse than some early shit psx game?
Nice dubs tho.
I didn't make the OP, Nor do I have anything against the devs
We have ID'S here
I find it odd people seem to think I have some beef with the team because I left what I think was almost a year ago. They are even still using my ant models, so I am not sure why people think I am actively against the project.
…that had more than one person working on it?
A non-game made by one guy with reddit-bucks funding it
Oh sorry. Thought you were different fagging my post.
Well your ant models look like shit but the Pharoah and Zombie ants look pretty good so maybe they'll use those in the future.
Reminds me of the user who claimed 7SU2 abandoned us for tumblr or halfchan or something. It's almost as if someone wants us to think all our projects are abandoning us. It's especially suspect since a lot of people liked Applegreen's music, so of course they'd blame the only one people actually remember.
OP's clearly just shitposting though, I don't blame him for anything but that.
Is it dead?
Isn't Megabyte punch also a Holla Forums project?
You fags who had hope for this have nothing but to blame yourselves
liru came out, didn't it?
where is the last playable build
You know how I can tell you haven't been here since the migration?
In all my time browsing these threads I've never seen apple attention-whore too much or say the project should be on 4chan. He usually posts to link us to a new song or song update. The only thing you might have a point on that I know about is that he's browses 4chan as well as Holla Forums, and that was only because he was tired of seeing cross dressers and gay shit on Holla Forums which he mentioned on his Banjo Kazooi play-through.
Thready reminder that every time people can't find an excuse as to why something happens in the development process for the game, it's instantly transformed in to speculation about drama occurring. Which is almost never the case. I've never actually heard any sincere drama that's worth talking about in this project. Stop spreading bullshit if you're not sure on something. That being said if you have proof please do mention it
this man has fine taste
Saging since there shouldn't be n A&CP thread until the team have something to show for us.
I'm liking it so far, guys. Keep up the good work and ignore dramafags.
Gotta give them some credit. They got rid of Val to try and recover but the damage was already done. Let it be known that anything Val touches is doomed to fail.
Note: his involvement actually caused musicfags to move back to halfchan and contribute there out of spite
Hell, he contributed to the decline of GG. The namefag transcends pure cancer. Why hasn't he been purged for good?
I thought Val still worked at Anton?
tbh val has always been a faggot
Interesting, what can you tell me about this supposed royal cunt? I always love hearing about anons getting a taste of power and having it go to their heads just for it to blow up.
FOREVER EVER you deadmemespouting newkiddo from reddit
He's a namefag, get it right
so is this an entire thread of anons gloating in a race to prove they were negative before anyone else, operating on another random user's statement without any proof whatsoever?
Is that you Val?
There's the crux of your problem right here, this entire board is fucking infested with leagues of shitters who want to see projects die because they're funny or start rumor-mills just on a whim. Yandev is a stupid cocksucker but I could smell the prepubescence emanating from those threads for parroting "HAHA WE CHASED OFF CUCKDEV" for several weeks after he left for Reddit and other attention-whorier pastures.
Until there's either irrefutable proof the project's dead or the devs give word on it I'd advise you don't listen to the board in general.
Maybe I just can't get into the mindset, but I don't really understand why some Anons make shit up and try to chase off devs. I remember cuckchan AGDG started to discourage posting progress and I left because it turned into a cesspool.
Criticism is good because it leads to improvement, and some people like Yandev obviously can't handle it, but some of the shit I see really doesn't seem necessary.
Envy, simple spite, general Encyclopedia Dramatica Holla Forums-kiddy mindset, other simple "let's take it down sheerly because we can" stupidity, are all my best guesses. Shit, the only answer I ever really remember being passed around in the "lel cuckdev went to le reddit for his hugbox, dance thread" business was that it was fun to circlejerk about how he'd been driven off. Maybe they're trying to move onto A&CP because there's no other current "Holla Forums" project I can remember off the top of my head that keeps a consistent or semi-consistent thread on this place. Its glacial development pace certainly makes it an easy target since there's boatloads of time between each A&CP thread made by one of the devs or just made by a passing Holla Forumsirgin at or around the normal time and picked up by the devs, leaving plenty of room for shitters to get the rumor-mill going and bawl about how they're not really Holla Forums or whatever it is so go back to Reddit cuckchan Tumblr fucking SJW nu-male hipster devs sage sage sage sage sage.
Cuckchan's /agdg/ was fucking awful. Shitposters killing the recap was the last straw for me.
You can say all you want about chasing out devs by trolls. But cuckdev is a thin skinned faggot who got a voluntary interview from cucktaku. No he doesn't deserve any respect at all.
mommy mommy the internet meanie is bullying me waaaaaahhhhh
You're seeing shit, user, I didn't defend him or anything he said or did.
nice imgur filenames
How'd they kill the recap?
I never paid attention to his threads but as far as I know he had a history of being a faggot. It was a matter of time until he got fed up, same thing happened with Notch back then pretty much.
In a few years bullies like you will be put behind bars, like you deserve. Just wait.
banter =/= spreading misinformation
I have no idea why you would quote that first post.
And you will too for being on this "terrorist" website.
i missed the whole yanderedev drama, what happened?
And so on. Just a few faggots ruining it for everyone else. I think the recap guy gave up because it would just cause drama and didn't want to make threads worse.
Remove France
More or less Yandev proved himself an incompetent cocksucker already drowning in the success he'd had thus far for about the fortieth or fiftieth time, and from a combination of that and the fact that Holla Forums wasn't offering criticism so much as it was constant shitposting (not that he was listening to the little criticism that was there in any case, make no mistake his Holla Forums tenure more or less amounted to progress-reports and damage control) he left to settle a homebase on Reddit and I think Youtube.
After that Holla Forums was a whirlwind of "cuckdev cuckdev you never fooled me" and other hi-larious threads.
I'm assuming they're just making this game for fun. Do you know what "fun" means? Do you still remember?
We're more likely to just go straight to the gulags.
Oh yeah, I remember a few of those things. My favorite was
Shame he stopped, but I guess there's not much of a point in keeping it up. I know a few really good devs who stopped posting because the threads devolved into 24/7 crying about feels bullshit. The Vagante guys and Megabyte Punch/Lethal League guys left years ago I believe.
I don't know if hopoo still posts there since everyone started hating him after his success.
Good to see progress. I can't wait to start playing.
This. Like every chan project ever.
videogames are kiddie shit so who cares/
Faggot couldnt use his volunteer brigade from tumblr to coax Holla Forums into doing his homework 4 free without everyone shitposting and left to play the victim card on Reddit for upvotes.
Somewhere along Mark thought that shills = shitposters instead of you know, cover marketers and started banning absolutely everybody no matter their argument because screaming "SHILL!" and hitting yourself proves to be a valid argument against people calling your fuccboi dev a talentless kike that earns $4000/month that expects professional assets for free or how he doesn't even know basic gamedev stuff such as using a bugtracker.
But hey he'll make a video about changing a text line or some Idea Guy™ bullshit he came up with and everyone is going to forget he's aiming to be Notch 2.0
Oh, well good morning ant modeler
Despite his leader-fagging attempts in GG threads, I got on with Val.
Apple was (is?) definitely playing long-con brown-nosing so he could get in charge.
I honestly hope that isn't the case and the project is moving forward.
Good Afternoon, actually!
So is Val Officially out of the Anton Group now?
I was in most of the threads this user is correct. This user is an exaggerating faggot.
Doesn't make Yandev any less of a faggot, but I can understand why he left. Why would he still come here if nothing of value was provided to him? It's like being kicked in the balls for a long time, then tell people to stop because you are not enjoying it anymore, then tell everyone you are a faggot for not wanting to get kicked in the balls.
For some reason Holla Forums wants stuff and wants it now. They don't understand these people (goes for Anton and Coolpecker as well) aren't working on it full time, that they are amateurs and they aren't really experienced in this matter. Yandev could have hired someone with his Patreon bux, but this isn't about him. This is about every imageboard project that got shitposted to death. Then the shitposters will wonder where the fuck did the devs go; well, some other place in which they are not being fed shit. Why release a game for the Holla Forums crowd if they will inevitably hate on it, unless it's some offensive meme game that will get a free pass despite the poor quality?
tl;dr Holla Forums is full of hipsters that will shit on everything that isn't being shat on by other people
nice. Looking forward to this
This is true. Holla Forums is a pretentious hipster paradise.
wew, this manages to look worse than freakin Banjo-Kazooie. it better have some out of this world gameplay
I'm pretty sure he was on our >>>/agdg/ back when he was focusing on his skelly game. Not sure what he's been doing lately.
I can't help but notice that, with the exception of Val, every single claim made about every single member of the team has been completely unsubstantiated. If you don't have evidence, fuck off with this he-said-she-said bullshit.
It's more than a little suspicious.
Then he begins acting like a bitch in order to fit in with the normalfags and treats the people who encouraged him in the beginning like garbage.
No the shitposters will have their jolly fap and disappear while the regular user will be left wondering why nothing ever happens on Holla Forums. Sorry to bring yandev back into this, he's the most recent example. The fact that there were more and faster threads about how much of a cuck yandev is in the weeks following his final meltdown than there were actual threads about the game, which were limited to two a month at most prior, is telling to Holla Forums's attitude about board projects. Anons want drama and to fuck shit up more than they want to see a project completed. I can understand the slow demise of Yandere threads to shit posting since the dev was a whiny bitch especially towards the end. The A&C devs have been nothing but cool and accommodating, they haven't committed any of the sins that Yandev or even Notch did, but they still get shit on.
And pretty furiously whenever they show up, too, since they're not (visibly) perturbed by mindless bawling about the project or the people involved in it. It's kinda nice in a schadenfreude way to see.
Even though, yes, he legitimately was a sperg, that whole situation was exacerbated by people needlessly shitting on him. That's not to say that he didn't need criticism (he needed a lot of it) but that there are people who deliberately try to tear down shit, just like you're seeing in this very thread.
We got Katawa Shoujo and Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle.
The thing is that ever single user worth his salt understand the concept of self moderating and to ignore insults. Insults should just glide off you. I guess my point is that he was not a regular chan poster to begin with, he was an attention starved faggot who got too much attention.
that's their saving grace. The second someone form the team shows a hint of annoyance or steps out of line you can bet your sweet ass you'll see screen shots up and down the board about how they're compromised.
He was a 4chan poster, an infamous tripfag from back in the day, Yandere Sim was supposed to be his "redemption". Granted this was discovered months prior to any real shitposting in the threads so there was a known risk he would sperg.
I'm still looking forward to Anton and Coolpecker, even though it may not come out for a very, very long time (if ever). The character designs are cute, and it's got a cool idea behind it.
I fapped
Such is the life on anonymous imageboards. Ultimately drama keeps people going and wins out in the end.
Well, even if Anton & Coolpecker is dead, at least we still have WSW.
How is any of that exaggerating? I believe was one of many threads with tumblr crying about the cuckchan boogeymen narrative, a faggot OP that dumped hundreds of images with a "tumblr_" filenamer and where the only valid criticism™ was the one that helped the Yid do his homework and all points against helping him were met with either "you're a cuckchanner" or responses from extremely thirsty NEETs saying bullshit like "it's fine for him to make $4k/month while using Holla Forums to finish his pseudogame instead of google because he's an e-celeb".
You can thank whoever or Josh for the lack of an Holla Forums archive replacement.
It all ended in hugging and crying and crap until someone finally got talked into a hand roll… Which I could have done better by myself
I'm just sitting here and thinking who the fuck ever thought a game called
ANTON (lame Russian name)
COOLPECKER (fucking what)
And moreover ANTON and fucking COOLPECKER together
could ever not only become a real game, but also a GOOD game? Like, the whole thing just looks like "xD I want old gaem like Conker's Bad Fur Day wit aniemls!"
Banjo and Kazooie? Yoouka and Layle? This kind of games are allowed to have silly names user, I think you are overthinking it.
The name was literally thought of in seconds by a poster just throwing the idea out in a thread about what videogame people would like to make.
Anton, because he's an ant. Coolpecker because he's got a really cool penis, with racing stripes and colored smoke exhaust through the penis hole.
Banjo and Kazooie, Ratchet and Clank, shit like that sounds good. They're words that sound alright by themselves, they're well rounded, phonetically pleasing words.
You're just proving my point that it's a stupid fucking name made up by some autismo in seconds.
Why are you posting gay anime?
I really can't say anything is well, "well rounded" and "phonetically pleasing" or not, but I do like how anton and the coolpecker sounds.
Why are you posting 2D?!
Wow such weird names user where'd those come from.
The project died the moment the ex-Rare devs announced Yooka-Laylee
I'm going to make a game called Coolcat and Superdog tomorrow, you think it's gonna be a good name?
posting what again?
Coolcat sounds like a good name for a Vegas-themed character.
i would fuck coolcat if he looked that good, the heels help
you dumb motherfucker
there you go
I was trying to make it sound dumb, you fucking cunt
I for one vote for the replacement of Anton and Coolpecker by Coolcat and Hotdog
what the fuck did I just set off
Hail to the chief
Can we have both?
You do know there is a filter button if it bothers you that much? Now we know you're just a huge pussy.
ok fine I'll play along
Coolcat has frosted tips as a healthbar. They get less and less fresh as he loses health.
He uses pogs for a weapon like Alice uses playing cards in original American McGee's Alice.
Hotdog is a dullahan undead dog that has fire coming out of it's neck. He uses his own flaming head on a leash as a weapon. He gets called a "hothead" by Coolcat all the time.
Hotdog will be dumb but OP, Coolcat will be fucking smart as fuck but much more reserved in combat. However, while he's not at all OP, he will absolutely fuck you up if you make fun of his frosted tips
Well, they got further than most Holla Forums projects do.
where can I preorder this
Also, coolcat is a goldmine for cheezy one-liners
We need a drawfag in this thread, right now, to draw Coolcat and Hotdog.
Like this fucking second.
Fetal Alchool Syndrome is one hell of disease. It probably won't be very noticeable if he ate right and did some exercise to increase his testosterone and chisel out his face some but of course he'd never actually try that.
well he got one thing right - a lot of Holla Forums are kind of like a mirror image of SJW's, especially the Holla Forums people.
When Hotdog gets hit
When you pick up a health item (beer cans)
In a level where you fall from a plane or a really tall building
About to fight a boss fight, Coolcat gets distracted by a sexy cat, but Hotdog drags him into the fight
dude, alcohol is not cool. It has to be a can of soda or a stick of gum.
we need this trope back
Shut the fuck up you american faggot
I'm Russian
You are right, a radical soda can it is then, something like Vanilla Freeze.
Also, having Hotdog getting angry really fast as a character trait is a good idea, it really makes it easy for us to make Coolcat say cheezy one-liners.
Also, Hotdog can Throw his head in a the leash and bite on surfaces to use it as a grapling hook.
Then you should know better.
Anton is a lame name. We had a short four-eyed kid in our school who liked racing games and shitty Russian rap - his name was Anton and nobody fucking liked him because he made a wheezing sound every time he laughed, coughing out phlegm all over the place.
Anton is a lame fucking name.
I don't really get the hate for me in this thread. Yes, I was no saint, but the destruction of Anton and Coolpecker is not on me, I am not a coder or a concept artist. My involvement has always been minimal.
Musical was also not my fault in the slightest.
Holla Forums storytimes can go fuck themselves though and I'd ruin them again.
I just thought that having spooky skeletons as enemies would be pretty fitting for Hotdog to fight
Mate, a guy called Anton screwed me over on my first even job and left me without half of my money. Doesn't change that is's a good name.
Anton and Coolpecker was fucking lame and nothing could be done to salvage it. Please leave and let us fantasize about Coolcat and Hotdog.
If you want to make it up to us for letting us down - draw Hotdog and Coolcat.
Done, The Skeleton Queen stole Coolcat's babe to steal her beauty and was the one that cursed Hotdog to be on his current state.
Also it's really easy to make dog and bones puns
Hm, are you sure? How about instead, we have a mouse warlock in an arcane mecha suit summoning these skeletons?
also Coolcat is too cool to have a serious relationship
Holy fuck seriously man where do I preorder
But if Coolcat has a babe he wouldn't chase after other sexy cat ladies, that's not cool.
What if Coolcat WAS a babe?
You guys are right, no babe
I meant "can", sorry.
Girls can't be cool user.
I don't think I've ever seen a girl with frosted tips.
In a non-existing game company that may or may not be created when I finally finish this fucking last year of school, build myself a proper computer and start making indieshit with all this free time.
20 years old is a fucking shameful age to finish school at.
I know how to code, and I'm not bad at 3D modelling. Videogame development is my dream.
girls are fucking lame dude. We're in a 10 year old boy mindset right now - get with it or go home
If you guys actually do this. Could I offer some advice so you don't repeat the mistakes that were made on Anton?
not everyone knows about your autistic obscure meme reference. We're fantasizing about vidya here. Go home.
I won't be able to do this. I'll probably try to make a game, break down halfway and kill myself.
I'll do one better over Anton - I won't promise you something I can't deliver.
I Imagine Coolcat something like this.
Shit happens. Don't let it freak you out, and don't let it get to you like it defines you in any way. Just finish it quick and move on with your life.
Medical shit kept me from graduating until I was 23.
Remember to have your own mechanics.
R&C had wacky guns.
Banjo had transformations and resources for special moves.
Spyro had gliding and breath.
Since you've got ice-powers and fire-powers, it can't be hard to think of clever ways to use them.
Here's my advice on it if someone does do it.
-Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to do in the first place. Anton's problem was that all the ideas were jumbled together in the thread and when came time to get it all on paper, shit had to be cut and there were arguments over what stayed and what goes, it was a time waster.
-Frankly you don't need 50 people for a game project. I would really, REALLY recommend you keep things small. Maybe a max of 7 people at most so ideas can flow more freely without progress being halted because one person wants to stop working due to an idea they didn't like getting in.
-Don't include VAs and writers. Don't make the game story heavy at all, just have it be point A to point B. Your main focus in a platformer is the gameplay, no one gives a fuck about the story. Also you're keeping out alot of bullshit by nixing that.
-Make sure you have a clearly made game design doc.
-Keep it all simple. You're working on a chan game, it doesn't have to be the next tripe A title. If you see an easy shortcut then you take it, don't try to do things you don't know how to do. Remember you're only there because your interest keeps you there.
So like Day of the Dead style skeleton enemies?
Basically have the game DONE on paper.
I mean, why not. I was thinking regular skeletons, but we could have funny colored skeletons too.
I can't play the banjo, but I still like Banjo Kazooie tbqhfam.
not enough frosted tips, 80's sneakers, bubblegum, and cool neon clothing
obligatory blogpost warning
The only thing that defines me is my brain hemorrhage in infancy that gave me non-imaginary ADHD. Like I was purple and wheezing for the first three weeks of my infancy and when they took me back the doctors were like "he's going to die now, why the fuck are you so late with this?".
I survived, but I'm dense now. Not intellectually, but on a purely functional level.
My dad was like "you're fine, you're just lazy" my whole life, and now that he's fucked off with some whore and is divorcing my mom I'm actually able to get medical help and medication for it.
Last year of school though - too late.
Unless either Ritalin or Adderall work for me - this game won't happen. I'd love to make it happen, but I'm being realistic here.
I meant it as a base, his name is fucking Coolcat, of course he should be way cooler
Puts more of a spin on it than a bone guy. It's a glow-in-the-dark-colored bone guy.
Anyone remember that Nightmare Before Christmas game on PS2 where you could taunt enemies and turn them into that color? Vid sort of related.
Though that style might attract a hot-topic style cancer.
I'm really on for this now, I really like glowing stuff.
Trust me when I say most chan game projects are not worth it to do. You're not really getting anything out of it and you'll just be going in optimistic then leaving with a headache. The only advantage of chan game projects is that you'll meet people who will help you down the road with something else. They're mostly really good for networking.
When you join or start these you've gotta ask yourself 'How long do I want to work on this for?' because the months will quickly turn into years. And in those years alot will change in your life which will make you wonder if it's worth it at all.
it's never worth it
we can dream, though.
games like Coolcat and Hotdog is something an AAA company like Nintendo would create. Short, fun for most people involved, since the workload is divided over like 30+ people, and very tongue in cheek, polished, and light.
Small companies are better suited to create shit like Minecraft, Terraria, Binding of Isaac - meaning that they have few core mechanics that are easily expandable but the game is playable from the get go at nearly every stage of development.
So, no lolcal drawfag avaiable to draw Coolcat and Hotdog?
Let's see if one comes over.
so what happened to this project?
is it actually officially dead or just spergposting?
Okay, I'd like to clarify some things on behalf of the team;
On the topic of Val. He is still on the team as a writer which has not changed, and like everyone else on the team, we value and respect his opinions. We dont always go with what he says, just like other members. He isnt the se ret eluminaughty leader of the team. Hes just more vocal about his identity than others. (Incidently Val has not posted in this thread, nor will he.)
Apple has not attempted some sort of coup d'eat on the team and remains our beloved musicman.
We're still working on the game, we would tell you if things went south. For news on the game, keep an eye on the twitter. If we given up, we'd atleast say goodbye on that.
Just have some sense when you read the game is 'ded forever, there is no game, abandon all hope ye who enter here".
We love you goys, we wouldnt just leave you for cuckchan, come the fuck on. Besides, they dont play video games.
With love, Fred.
(Polite sage)
I don't think anybody cares anymore. Go call whomever is the artist on your team and make him draw Coolcat and Hotdog.
Cuckeaning involves consent, which she can't give while kidnapped.
She could've always been a cuckquean, at which point it would be fine.
I still hope to see it someday
I was being a dick on purpose. C'mon now.
Can someone sum up all the stuff about Coolcat and Hotdog in one post?
holy shit look what I found
Neither Banjo Kazooie or Ratchet and Clank had such obvious innuendo. It just feels weird even thinking about it. Imagine if you had friends lol and you wanted to recommend a game called Anton & Coolpecker to them lol.
Going Commando, Up your Arsenal, Size Matters, Quest for Booty, and Full Frontal Assault sure aren't innuendo.
lol, and you turbo faggots say AAA developers are lazy
Here's your reply.
The idea was fucking shit. They were bound to be burnt out at some point.
As expected. I'm eagerly awaiting more progress. Carry on.
Fucking watch yourselves.
A woodpecker and an anteater collect gears to stop a queen ant from taking over an island.
Gameplay involves the two characters having different moves, and switching between then as needed.
Not Antcunt and Peckersucker, fucking Coolcat and Hotdog.
I second this.
And the I didnt read the thread award goes to user
A cat who might have powers got his girlfriend stolen by a skeleton queen. A dog joins them who has powers. The skeleton queen's henchmen could have a mexican halloween/glow-in-the-dark neon motif.
Thats it.
sigh you took the lamest parts.
And yeah, we've settled on a mouse warlock, not a skeleton queen, we also decided that there is not gonna be a babe.
I guess I'm going to have to do this after all.
Coolcat is an 80's cool guy cat who throws pogs as a weapon and has frosted tips. Frosted tips act as a healthbar and get less fresh as he takes damage.
Hotdog is an undead dullahan dog, with flame coming out of his neck and head. He uses his head as a flail on a leash, since he's a dog and a leash is thematic.
They're fighting against a mouse warlock in an arcane mecha, who sends armies of spooky scary skeletons against them.
Coolcat makes puns and cheesy one-liners about Hotdog. Hotdog is OP but dumb, Coolcat is laid back, less OP but will fuck you up if you make fun of his frosted tips.
See the dog and the mouse fit (sort of like a furry Medevil), but the retro cat just sticks out like a sore thumb.
Doing something ironically doesn't change what you did.
It's a shit cliche.
I kinda agree. We need a new angle for Coolcat
Coolcat could've been trapped in the medieval setting by the mouse warlock and the root of the conflict is that Coolcat wants to go back
Well the mouse is a warlock, the dog sounds like a knight, why not just make the cat a rogue or thief?
The dog breaks shit, burns it down, stands in places heavy shit is needed.
The cat finds keys for locks, steals shit, and walks over areas that need someone light/stealthy.
So it's just Sly Cooper with the hippo but not the turtle, in medieval times.
The dog is a warrior
Everything is fine.
Also, we're not making the damn game here, we're just talking about it.
Can someone draw Coolcat and Hotdog so I can let go and fucking kill myself already?
Looking forward to the game. Shit will obviously take time. Do it at your own pace.
you sure about that user?
He's still on it
Looking forward for the game.
Keep the dream alive, goyim.
That's not even the current build. It actually looks pre- hub area and pre- tutorial.
Dualata's titty UVs aren't even updated.
This absolute madman must be a former team member, if he were current he'd probably have the updated build.
I said previously:
I was a team member for about a day or three back in April or March (can't remember). But then I had to move out in the country and it took much longer than expected to get Internet service out here because of all the trees.
I feel bad for leaving, but at least I can still look forward to the project.
Btw if any other team members are lurking, this thread wasn't made to cause drama or doubt, just a short little joke and cheap porn dump.
No promlems. You're free to drop in if you want, not everyone is 100% dedicated to it, and others have long burnout periods. It's a good way to practice other things at the very least.
Id like to eventually. Still don't have any Internet service where I live so everything I do will be done in a slow ass public library.
And from what I've heard, the game is basically 90% done anyway minus some nechanical/ graphical polishing.
Btw, not sure if you personally can access the info, but what's the email for Strawman Jones? It's a throwaway email so don't worry about faggots on this thread spamming it.
who told you this
Alls left is polishing and playtesting apparently .
I should clarify, its actually making progress at a much faster rate than usual, which is to say it isn't running in circles constantly and there aren't there are actual level models and animations and stuff in addition to other things at much faster rates than in the past.
That's just for the tutorial area. That isn't to say there hasn't been work on other areas but the tutorial is the only one getting close to completion right now.
I also don't remember the email off the top of my head, but I'm sure one of the others does
Oh shit well in that case count me back in. I can probably port my work onto a USB and then upload it from the library in my predicament.
I just need to know my email because I seriously forgot it for some reasons
here's fred's email, I think he can probably get it worked out.
mine is [email protected]/* */ I can't add you I don't think but we can keep in contact at least
Maybe Yook Lay will be good
I hope not. MP was an embarrassment.
I don't think Freddys email made it through but I'll keep in touch and send you dick pics
What positions are still needed?
Horseshoe theory is only valid if you use it on both sides, Tumblr. Nice try
We really don't have a surplus of anything that isn't conceptual, like design or writing. We do have a lot of VA's that haven't been able to do a lot, but at that same time they don't hurt either.
We could always use more programmers(as long as you know Unity or c# to a reasonable extent), modelers, artists (especially painters for skyboxes and textures), animators, sound designers (probably actually need more of that) etc. What can you do?
Also bear in mind that if you're on the slack and nobody is talking, that just happens sometimes. It isn't nearly as active as it was at the beginning, but the project is doing way better than it was around the middle.
убить себя
Val continuously looks for power and anons keep giving it to him. If he isn't a shill, shills could learn a lot from him because he keeps ruining fucking everything. The 8/v/ musical is the most famous but if you keep track of what he does, he's constantly looking for things to infiltrate, assert influence, and then sabotage it.
The final 8/v/ musical thread:
Short, sweet, filled with butthurt. I honestly feel sorry for everyone, but at the same time they made the mistake of trusting random namefag who's only contributions were excessive compliments. Anons had no choice but to sit back and watch it get taken over, their warnings unheeded, and no one listened to them until it was ruined.
Damage report:
And that's just 8/v/ musical. There's probably a lot more people with stories about Val ruining more things but they're probably all gone. In other words, Val is so cancerous that he has caused people to stop posting on Holla Forums altogether. The only ones who seem to tolerate him are GG and Holla Forums, and last time I checked GG wasn't doing too well and Holla Forums is well, Holla Forums.
Fun fact: Val is a muslim pedophile living in france. So he's not really french, he's "french."
Literally why
That's actually really depressing.
He runs the twitter and does writing, but he's not the sole writer. it isn't currently within his ability to directly ruin any hard assets (if he intended to, which I don't think is the case) which would probably be what it would take to get kicked out. With the change in management I'd imagine that driving off team members would similarly get someone kicked out.
I've heard the Muslim pedophile thing before, can you elaborate on that?
I was in a GG related project for a while. Val would join the team's IRC channel every now and then. I can't find the logs right now and even if I had them with me I wouldn't know where to start and what to cut out because I mistakenly used an username that could get me doxed which is partially why I left.
I recognized Val from GG threads and didn't think much of him at the time except that he was extremely averse towards anyone trying to build on top of his ideas. Since he was there from the beginning people paid more attention to his ideas. So it made working with him difficult if people wanted to compromise. He would seriously throw hissyfits if people gave him serious criticism. The IRC channel would discuss all kinds of stupid things and eventually porn preferences came up. Just like what you would expect from a chan, loli was not surprising to hear. But Val took it a step further. He said he was attracted to 3DPD loli and that living in France made it hard for him and lolicon wasn't enough. After admitting that he was a pedophile, he wasn't ashamed of bringing up it up all the time, and the chat practically encouraged him. He said a lot of damning things there. And so did I.
I've heard about the muslim thing several times since leaving. IIRC someone in GG doxed him through his twitter. But I haven't checked a GG thread or board in maybe a year. Maybe it was ggrevolt who doxed him. Who knows. Hearing all the things he did afterwards doesn't surprise me.
Former member
Yeah I can confirm that Val likes loli a little too much. In the early days of the project we talked out fetishes in off topic talk. Val brought up his loli thing and eventually we told him to stop it. He actually told some of the American members that we were 'too prudish' for his tastes. We told him to stop because it just got fuckin weird.
I probably shouldn't go any farther into this topic. I don't want to give the impression that my opinion here reflects that of the team.
Can't speak for this guy though.
I know it's a terrible idea to reply, and people in the team might even be pissed at me for taking the bait, but it's for a different project so I think I'd need to mention a few things.
The other GG project was the Vivian VN; it died overall because people sorta lost interest. Personally I sorta drifted off because of the killings in France that got me heavily depressed, and so I… pretty much just said "sorry everyone, I need a break" and left for a few weeks. When I came back, the forum where we'd done all of our work had been abandoned for IRC.
I however got very involved in the beginning, helping write the entire core of the story, gathering everybody's idea into a general complete plot for it and helping a small bit of dialogue.
I don't recall I ever went through any hissyfit, sincerely, but if I did I apologize; sometimes I just like writing with capslock on and people tend to interpret it as actual anger, which isn't on purpose. There's always been a lot of conversations and exchange during the VN project, and overall I don't believe I dismissed anyone's work (even encouraged and got quite a few other people's for the "complete plot"), but again, if I did I'm sorry.
I'm a lolicon but I'm not a child rapist and have never once in my life told anyone I wanted to fuck real-life children. Not once, and not even as an anonymous loser on a chan.
I'm also not a muslim, that's a joke other GG people throw at me because I'm French and… well, France and Islam are in a touchy relationship right now.
So I'm sorry user, but either you're baiting and just trying to be silly, or you've misunderstood quite a few things.
Won't discuss the musical as it's a point of contention and drama; it's safe on youtube anyway so I'd rather drop it
No use saying anything else. People act like kicking val, apple or whoever else from the project will instantly make things better. It really won't and just add more work to pick back up from. Everyone they got now, its not perfect but its better than nothing. The Anton team has its problems but its been WAY more functional than past v project teams.
Val, I can confirm first hand you going into hissyfits. They probably didn't seem like it to you but you've had your moments. Not like anyone else on the team hasn't but at this point I'll say sometimes you need to keep your mouth shut man. You have this thing where you think your opinion always needs to be heard but sometimes you gotta close down and just ride things out. If thats who you are then alright but personally I would recommend taking a break from chans for a while.
Thats just my 2 cents
Well, I sincerely never felt angry or mad or any such thing during the vivian project (hell, I even felt it was tons of fun and could turn into something brilliant), but yeah apparently sometimes my replies sound, not just to you, like I'm actually mad or something, so I guess I just have to reread myself more before clicking "reply". Real sorry about that; again, I've never intended to give that impression.
I also did take breaks from chans every time I got involved (mostly unvoluntarily if I recall, kek) in drama, specifically because… well, drama is the worst context to try and explain yourself.
Whoa slow down there. That wasn't you. That was Frustration-user. He tried to curate the ideas from the forums so that we could have something solid. He even made a thread that linked to every single solid idea so that a story could evolve from there. All you did was ride the wave from that one idea that people liked from the original /gg/ thread, then you made an incoherent autistic intro, and then flinged shit like you expected everyone to go along with it. That's not how the world works, Val. That's why nothing got done when you were around. You can't play the niceguy routine forever when you aren't actually one.
Uh… first off I said I "helped" do it, not that I did everything all by myself; second off, no, it isn't how it happened. At all.
Yeah, Frus was the one who kept the ideas together, all I did was put them together in written form as a "complete plot"; that's all. And available for all to critique of course.
Lots of shit got done actually. We had quite a fair amount of music, a nice amount of art, and a lot of stuff already written. Later on a nice VN engine got found (can't remember the name, something about a dragon ?), and overall "nothing got done" is… a bit of a ridiculous statement. Again, we got far enough that it was basically ready to start directly working on dialogue and shit.
Do you guys still have my Sniper Sloth stuff?
also I'm sorry, it's all very offtopic and I should've been saging my posts instead out of politeness; I'll leave the thread
There are so many things wrong with your post that I won't go into everything that's wrong, save for one.
You didn't put anything together. You wrote an incoherent few pages and you yourself called it an intro. When you posted that, nobody knew yet what to do with 90% of the characters. How can you call that a "complete plot" and say you put together all the ideas, when you only included one, and it was the one you wrote in the first thread?
Val, you sound mentally ill. You might as well have said you were there and that's it.
I think a few models disappeared when either shiggy or animfag left, Slow Moe may have been one of them. I'd have to check the drive the models are on.
We planned out a whole bossfight though, there was a script for the cutscene and everything. The discussion for it took hours. If we don't have the model I'm sure its still the plan to keep him.
I should still have the soundset for him if that's missing
Probably couldn't hurt to link it here or send it to one of the aforementioned emails. We probably have it and I just don't know where though. I personally pay less attention to that sort of thing than I should, especially considering I'm thought of as the head model guy at the moment. We've got a new model guy doing a lot of work, too. He's why the tutorial is nearing completion.
I haven't heard of people wanting to get rid of apple before. I assume it's either some Holla Forumscord thing or I just haven't been paying enough attention again.
Its a Holla Forumscord thing mostly and some stuff in the project. I personally had a shitty time with him but getting rid of him from the project would legitimately just make things worse. Apple is one of those guys who does very good work but has an ego that gets worse over time. He was cool at the beginning then down the line, I don't know what happened but he just turned shitty.
Was this in the last few months? I guess I never really spoke to him as a regular habit recently barring a few weeks on skype and then discussions regarding the project here and there.
If you're referring to conflicts with certain people in discussions I only knew about friction with one person in particular. I never noticed him becoming not cool, I hope its not the same deal where you respect someone and it turns out you were missing something everyone else saw while you were gone. I choose not to believe that that's the case.
I really shouldn't ask more because it really would probably be broadcasting stuff that doesn't need to be, and I'm not sure why I'm so worried about it.
Accept the fact that Yooka-Laylee will be everything you ever pipe-dreamed of accomplishing even if you could work in this shit for 20 years and move on. You will never be BK Threeie. You have been in this for what, year and a half? And all you are close to completing is a tutorial. Since day one it seemed a project filled with ideamen and not a single bit has changed since then.
That's every single Holla Forums project ever
If you get along with him then its your own thing. I'm not gonna say 'oh watch out he's a snake' or some shit like that because it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. What is turning one team member against another really going to do? Airing dirty laundry of others isn't going to do much trash anyway. I've had my issues with some people on the team, some who are gone and others who are still there. I did my time on the project, had some good and some bad times like anything else you put your time into.
Don't forget the leader villain ants name is Vachellia Drep, after the Vachellia drepanolobium tree which grows fat round ball shaped thorns to house ants in
Me too man
Sorry, it's way too late and that was a general personal anxiety coming out, that's nobody else's problem.
Anyone on this trying to prove anything is retarded. I'm just in it to learn stuff and try to realize my own personal version of the dream, and admittedly I'm not really there every day and I burn out frequently and for long periods. I won't lie, there's also a sense of obligation at this point, but its nowhere near as bad as it was months ago when we had close to a year of time dedicated and still no real level in progress or mechanics finalized.
Might be somewhere in there
fuck off and die mudswine
i see no problem here
Maybe you should just drop the name and stop attaching so much importance to your identity on an anonymous imageboard.
Kill yourself you absolute waste of human existence
1000 times better. Thanks user
Holla Forums claims that they're hard-skinned, but I think it's the exact opposite. They get easily offended and vindictive whenever a developer claims that they don't like them. They're still whining about Yandev for being "thinskinned" even though he rarely comes on here anymore.
Coolcat is a lion wearing a parka, and hotdog is a chihuahua with a sombrero and a small guitar.
Saw this shit coming a mile away, fam, what's your excuse?
Nice virtue signaling, faggot.
you re kind of an angsty fag
at least you appreciate the fine things in this life
I certainly hope you've learned your lesson.
I think there is a word for this.
Attention something. Whore? I want to say. Attention whore has an accurate ring to it.
Falseflagging works better on halfchan, goon.
What the fuck was everything in that sentence after the first two words?
What happened now?
You guys are going to finish this game its going to better then yooka laylee, and you guys are going to make imageboard history.
Nevermind, I read the thread.
Keep the bumps ya filthy animals.
He rarely comes on here anymore because retards are still over reacting to undertale and they started calling yandere sim a meme game and shitposting about it.
It IS a meme game, Yandere Dev. Don't you have emails to read? Sure there's a game but you got your priorities straight. Faggot.
Meme game is a meaningless string of words people throw around because they want to shit and whine. The actual definition is just so vague that it could literally be applied to anything but it's usually only applied to games that attract the ire of a certain group of shitters who don't play video games, they just shit on things that they don't like.
It really isn't. There are multiple facets to it, but it's not that hard to derive context.
Can you not put too words together and use your head?
It can mean the game is a joke or tries to sell itself as a joke.
Or it tries to appeal itself to others through existing jokes/memes, or (attempts to) designs itself to advertise virally.
Or, of course, it could mean that the game itself has become a meme.
It's not fucking rocket science.
Define how do you realize when something is trying to design itself to advertise virally, because I'm pretty fucking sure every fucking game out there is trying to do it.
Also define how a game itself becomes a meme.
It is. A meme is a shared thought. A game is a game.
Anything is a meme game, everything from big AAA games to smaller releases like God Hand could be called meme games. People only use it because they're fucking retarded and would rather argue over minute details in order to assign the game an identifier that's basically meaningless and doesn't progress discussion or development of the game at all.
Good point actually. It's kind of a pointless distinction to refer to a reason for doing the things I mentioned before that.
Honestly the only game itself that I know has become a meme is Half Life 3, and it isn't really a game since it doesn't exist yet. I guess the idea is basically that, the idea of a game that becomes a meme/running joke. And if the game actually comes out, that'll bring the most literal definition of meme game coming to fruition.
Just like anything period is a meme, right?
Obviously, but you know what people specifically mean when they refer to a meme.
Just like that you can realize what they refer to as a meme game.
You're still right though, the most literal definition isn't possible (as far as I know) unless the above happens. But don't ignore the other meanings given.
futa :3
is that nostalgia critic's fursona?
the fuck happened to this thread
I love strawman MS paint comics underaged faggots take as gospel!
That doesn't seem biased at all
I guess it's working. :^)
Always the same with Holla Forums.
You would think that for a group that talks so much about pride, they would man up and admit what they are.
You sure got me pal haha ;)
It's a picture. You're getting mad at a picture.
Im not mad, im pointing out how much of an ass you look like when you say that people that dont dance around your identity politics whims are X because jews.
Pure Holla Forums quality, the saviors of chans and boards.
>>>Holla Forums