Is Dragon Age Origins worth 5 euros?
Also, is there a lot of progressive faggotry being shoved down people's throats in this game?
Is Dragon Age Origins worth 5 euros?
Also, is there a lot of progressive faggotry being shoved down people's throats in this game?
yes it's pozzed as fuck but not as severely as modern bioware trash
's pretty good if you like tactic RPGs. It's got some major flaws, like half of the specializations being completely useless (while literally everything having to do with Mage is instead disgustingly overpowered), pacing issues, and some areas being abjectly boring to play (e.g. The Fade and the Deep Roads), but overall pretty solid. Might want to consider pirating, though, what with you'd be supporting Bioware and EA.
Not really any progressive shit shoved down your throat. There's same-sex relationships, but Bioware had those long before DA.
It's a great game so yes it's worth 5 euros. In spite of that, yes, it is pozzed, but the pozz is not as blatant as in following Bioware titles. It's actually pretty subtle (excepting the faggot characters), but it's there nonetheless.
This is not a flaw. Mages should be OP. Because they're fucking mages, mate. Your sword means fuck all against a guy that can summon fire at will. Fuck your "balance" garbage.
Mages rule! I sided with the templars in every game.
I found it boring as shit and not particularly progressive but I guess for 5 fancy-E's if you like that kind of RPG it's probably okay. The story and writing was pretty painfully generic and the combat wasn't much fun, if you haven't already played Witcher 1 I'd recommend that instead since the combat's about the same quality but the world and writing are way better.
Ehhhhhhhhh…….. Yeah, I guess.
If you get it, go to the wikia page for it, go to the dlc page. And scroll to the bottom. Theres a fuckton of promotional dlc you can download and install 4free.
It makes the beginning parts not so much of a fucking slog.
It's okay, but has lots of sections that feel like they last forever. The deep roads and the Fate are the most that come to mind. The story is nothing to write home about and I'll be honest besides Sten I didn't enjoy any of the characters or want to root for them. And the combat is pretty shit. I'm sounding like a shill doing this when talking about Dragon Age but Aarklash Legacy has much more interesting combat.
Are you millenials actually that retarded?
Pirate it. Regardless of if the game is good or not or if it has SJW shit or not, EA and Bioware don't deserve any shekels.
play it on a hard difficulty. start at the hardest and lower it. this game is well made if you like the type of game.
the priorities are very important and let you program your allies in interesting ways.
set the game to pause when a fight starts.
the enemies do not become damage sponges at higher difficulties, they use more advanced tactics forcing you to really have to strategize and plan.
anyone who played this game at default difficulty.
its good but just fucking pirate it and uninstall steam you faggot cuckold
Just pirate it, man.
Yeah, it's okay, I'd recommend you download the mod that lets you skip the fade or else you will drop it, guaranteed.
It can be an alright way to spend your time if you're looking for an RPG but have played everything else to death like I have.
why pay for something that youre already finished with?
its the current year, why buy a game?
Awakenings is better.
It's a good game.
There is a faggot companion but he's an elf and has a good backstory explaining the reasons being it. he was raised in a brothel, basically raped non stop as a kid An unlike in Inquisition it's not shoved in your face, once you say you're not interested, his faggotry is never brought up again
Yes the game is worth that, however you shouldn't give money to Bioware. So pirate that shit.
If it weren't from EA I'd say yes
But you should probably just pirate it if you want to play it.
Yes, but pirate it anyway. They don't deserve your shekels.
No, they don't shove the DIVERSITY down your throat in this game. Dragon Age was the end of Bioware as we used to know it. Everything that came afterward had companions screaming
It's a decent game worth playing.
Whether you should give your money to EA and Bioware is another story.
Don't forget that you can actually kill him before he even says anything about that.
Hell, I think you can kill or leave behind most companions in the game.
Decent storytelling if not particularly original. Great music and immersive atmosphere though.
Don't know the timing but I think this or ME2 was the last decent bio ware game before they went full cuck
the fade was boring.
the elf was bisexual, but he never exactly says it.
i killed him first time around. then i found out you could friend him on my 2nd playthrough and did so. then i found out he was a faggot. 3rd playthrough i killed him again.
Combat is shit and enemy attacks always hit you no matter what. I got stuck in that fatass boss fight.
Just don't pirate it man.
Kill the elf that tries to assassinate you before talking to him.
Also kill Leiliana by tainting the ashes in that one quest
It's worth the money, but Bioware doesn't deserve it.
Unfortunately it's a bitch to pirate with the DLCs.
If you want, I have a copy sitting in my steam inventory you can have
Ultimate edition GoG installer, 22 gigs. Have fun asshole.
Its not even worth pirating.
I personally found it boring to the extreme.
The interface is clunky, the characters look like shit, combat is boring, the story lackluster and the world as generic as Western fantasy gets.
I still don't understand why so many people here praise it so much, it's basically Baldur's Gate 2 with all the fun sucked out and replaced with silly gore and feeble attempts at edge.
ME2 gets alot of hate, but it was actually decent if you played on the hardest difficulty. reminded me of a PS2 game i used to play where you can position teammates with different abilities while you switched between them. for example put a heavy gunner on a main street to make everyone cover, then strategically move/place them to advance on the enemy.
it was military themed and the enemies were usually sand people.
to support the devs so that you get more of their vidya in the future?
It's not worth your time. If you want to play a decent game by Bioware then play the Baldur's Gate games.
It is interesting if you're gonna play a mage and you like mage related stuff
Still, why would you give your money to ea just pirate it
and pillar of eternity
oh shit, looks like bad bitch #4 was the model for the new Ass-Sorry
Its worth a pirate, nothing more
This, not to mention it's just not a very good RPG to begin with despite its heavy handed liberal preaching. You are better off playing Ice Wind Dal or Baldur's Gate.
Not really. Zevran's a literal cocksucker, but he's hilarious about it so it's ok.
It depends, if you're willing to go through the mild hassle it takes to mod the gameplay to be reasonably balanced and you really like CRPG combat then I'd say that it's worth it. If you are looking for good story/characters then absolutely not, it's bioshit which is and always has been trash in the writing department.
There doesn't seem to be any progressive shit in the game, you can be homo with two of your companions but others are straight and the bisexual ones make sense.
Not really worth playing. It's a 4/10
Bad writing with stupid edgelord choices that don't matter and a mediocre rpg.
The only good Baldurs Gate game was 2 and that was Obsidian's doing.
Also I forgot to mention that you should absolutely pirate it without question, don't give EA/Bioware money ever under any circumstances. When I said it "depends" if it's worth it I meant your time, not your money.
It's average at best, but it's fun if you don't mind how average it is.
As for progressive faggotry, there's not as much as in later Bioware games. There's one or two party members who're gay, but you can kill them off if you choose.
Man, I played BG2 right after DA:O and had a way better time.