I do like those kind of games games, but I play primarily HoMM3, Alpha Centauri, Master of orion 2, Freespace 2, Descent 1 / 2, Tie fighter, Broodwar, Warcraft 3, Homeworld, Age of mythology, total annihilation, that kind of thing. Has anything come out recently that tops these?
Why does he fly with a corn cob? Is this some kind of new meme?
Will make a note, thanks.
Preferably SP games. Mildly autistic.
Will make a note of these, thanks. Grimrock looks v interesting, love those old school dungeon crawlers.
Made a note of those two. Not sure why serious sam is on a console. I loved TFE and TSE, beat them on insane, but how one could do that without a M&KB is anyone's guess.
Nice trips. Will add these to the list. Supreme Commander looks like a TA sequel.
Deus ex on PS2 - completely trimmed down content, changes to level design (to the point where many stages are basically re-imaginings of the original), massive simplification of interface, auto aim, mid-level loading. This is Deus ex in the same way the Snes Doom is Doom. But I'll grant you that it's not a PC exclusive, you're right. Technically Quake and Starcraft aren't PC exclusive either.
Oddalus looks cool. I can probably run that without needing to upgrade…! Come to think of it, do a lot of 'indie' games have such simple graphics? If they're good games then I should aim to get them on my current machine.
Thanks, noted.