Shit is from some Muslim girl in my hometown. And of course, all the kids who are illegal in my hometown coming to her aid and bashing someone who criticized her.
Post is kinda ironic.
Shit is from some Muslim girl in my hometown. And of course, all the kids who are illegal in my hometown coming to her aid and bashing someone who criticized her.
Post is kinda ironic.
kek. fuck it. post more.
Didn't trump just cuck out on DACA?
She's some slutty sandnigger. Posts nothing but anti-Trump shit 24/7.
Don't mention education again you brown cunt.
yes he did.
How so? It seems like he gave 6mo for illegals to form a paper trail and scare them out of having anchor babies in the U.S. Inlet me guess….
if you deport our enemies they win!
You severely overestimate the agency of mestizos. The concept of not doing something because you might suffer consequences later doesn't cross their minds. They would never think that "Trump bad, if I have baby with papers he use the papers to find me and deport me and baby". They don't think. They just breed like insects.
Oh cool the "le undocumented immigrants are better than you" maymay. She sure is enlightened for spouting that one. Not like it has more to do with employers being able to get away with paying them less or anything.
I mean statistically, emperically speaking your 8.25 minimum wage job at walmart is in fact being taken by immigrants primarily.
Oh so theyre taking high wage jobs too. Sorry, fuck off.
Don't forget to catalog and report the illegals coming to her aid.
The ones around here start at $11/hr and that's for the retards who take out the trash and sweep the parking lot.
No, he did the legal thing. Ended King Nigger's amnesty. Now the ball is in the court of where it ought to constitutionally lay. It's Republican Houses that are bending over backwards to cuck out.
moar faggit
Here are the comments
Here's some more of her shit
Last two
What is up with leftists always trying to depict even remotely right wing cucked opinions as if they are made by someone who posses the low intellect of a nigger?
If i had my natsoc way, i would apply the nuremberg laws and deport anyone even remotely non-white.
No one except posers actually types like that on the internet. It's a really pathetic, and more than likely pathological, attempt to come off as more genuine.
Found four more, these are my last ones.
Keep in mind this girl is "proud" to be going to Rutgers, but she goes to the shitty satellite campus in Newark. Either way, she's an idiot.
Whoops, the last pic was a misclick.
We be Texans now y'all!
Trail of beans when?
Second generation Muslims in America like to adopt nigger culture. It's annoying. It's not a cute White southern girl y'all…
It's an ignorant niggerbabble "y'all".
Every Indian or Muslim in NJ talks like a nigger, it's disgusting.
There's this Persian girl in my class, pale like loose-leaf paper, with a butt so big you'd need two palms to grab one cheek… but she talks like a ghetto arse nigress howling on Worldstar Hiphop.
They're trying to be the new black, it's really annoying honestly. It's just the way Jew York indoctrinates kids.
It's a curse. I can't help but to use those words when I actually talk but it's extra embarrassing when I post without proofreading and I see a y'all in the middle of my wall of text.
who let her on the internet in the first place
At least you don't use stuff like "shouldn't've" like I sometimes do.
No he told Congress if they want DACA they have to pass it knowing if the ones who vote to pass it won't win the midterm election next year.
Not on a message board but I do fight the urge when I get flustered and resort to what some have called a Texan accent. Feels bad, man.
She's one of these.
Remind her that most nogs have jobs with no degree requirement, therefor her enabling illegal aliens to take those jobs in place of the nigs is an act of aggression against melanin-europeans.
There's nothing they hate more than having to work and take responsibility.
White knight to the rescue.
Keep posting, Justin.
Not Justin, I'm just lurking my kikebook feed and it just came up. This girl has been posting this type of shit for months and this is by the far the best post she's made.
someone needs to literally report this girl to the FBI for providing material support to terrorists. I guarantee you there's some shit going on there.
I doubt that is actually happening, but it wouldn't surprise me if she secretly supported ISIL or at least sympathizes with them. All of her posts never really condemn ISIL, but she only posts if the US bombs a terror cell in some Arab country.
Stop stealing Greek food and calling it your own
Yeah, I'm sure a paper shuffling job in some office is adding real value to the economy.
I fucking hate the college meme.
but greece is a muslim country now
I'm yet to hear an argument for mass immigration that doesn't boil down to either:
this is what happens in the inner city every day
This didn't happen. Why do people do this?
Even the holocaust lampshade and soap stories were more creative than this.
>fuck wypipo, y'all
Fuck, this makes me so mad.
Stop being a shill and get a real job.
What? She really thinks that people with real value contribute to only him and him alone?
So true. Of course she'd be projecting for her fake ass story.
I have no shame.
Kek, time to round them up!
the White man will come to help again unfortunately
excellent get but
if he's not a citizen by now, get him the fuck out. there's plenty more folks with the same training ready to replace him.
sorry lady, but my privilege can only be used for whites and by whites, that's the rules of it.
Why? A lot of people think it's charming. And even if someone doesn't, you really shouldn't be ashamed. Be proud of who you are and where you're from.
her entire story was just a couple of whites started acting like niggers
FTFY. Kikes are unbeatable in the creativity department when it comes to their persecution narratives and especially the Holohoax.
What colour eyes?
What I think overall is that Holla Forums needs to unite its efforts to make a database regarding these kind of people as well as containing relatives (so you can connect). I've been wondering about the idea and structure of something like that for a while and what kind of information it needs to contain.
Threads like these mostly future content that is implicit - the meaning of why these people are terrible is only known amongst Holla Forums users and then in a few months time lost as nobody remembers the thread or the people discussed anymore. Yet some sort of database format might be able to make the knowledge shared here of any kind of people explicit, which means outsiders will easily interpret why these individuals would be terrible.
This also would further enable us to advance the JQ as the database application can possibly enable linking together of these people as well as maintaining visibility in a clear way to how bad the issue is. Of course this wouldn't be just for jewish people but for all advocates of white genocide.
In this way it would be very easy to keep these people accountable for their actions and so that it wouldn't be a flavour of the week / month thing where you rip apart one white genocide advocate who might or might not backpeddle just to continue the agenda a week later, changing nothing.
Of course a big issue regarding such database would be in the manner that things are submitted to it and what is approved or not. It'll be a hard and long process to filter out bullshit submissions from the real thing. I've got quite a few ideas of such a database.
The main purpose it would suit is to instantly pull out individuals from it that would advocate for white genocide or an anti white agenda. In a similar way that verrit tries this but obviously falls rather flat on its face. Verrit isn't linking important data together and only contains one quote, also it doesn't allow hyperlinking to videos for possible evidence.
In a way google and facebook have already some sort of automated system to detect people like us on their applications and instantly bann us and if you're in a super cuck country like Germany, be reported to authorities. But if the right doesn't get more rigorous in chasing down their enemies it would be very hard to advance, especially when the crisis will break when the right will definitely rise.
8 more years boys.
Like this, but paler. Right?
The convergence of neocon and democrat talking points is a thing of beauty
I'm going to look forward to when her kids regress toward the mean and become no good gang bangers who get shot by police or sodomized to death in prison.
fuck off faggot
Greece was a major victim of WW2 so there is absolutely no white guilt to push on them. Greece 'accepted' a lot of sandniggers because they are so fucking close AND because many shitskins that got caught in the rest of Europe got sent back to 'country of first entry'. Thankfully most police and military are practically all going full 1488 so there is low mudslime crime because Greek police won't investigate so much as simply start kicking in teeth and breaking bones in the shitskin ghettos.
t. greekfag
Barley is best crop.
there is no way that ass belongs to a shitskin, that's just a white girl in a hijab
that's fake news from real jews
Liberal arts degrees don't qualify you to do much besides endlessly look for work in a related field and make coffee.
Meanwhile I have a house, two cars, two kids, a stay at home wife, and no credit card debt.
Thanks, tradeschool!
3 is bare minimum user, cmon now. Good job otherwise.
Kind of boring over here on twatter.
>(((we))) hate trump nao
poorly written with multiple grammatical errors. what a retard.
There's such a high supply of emt's and paramedics, of all jobs illegals definitely shouldn't be in them when it could be going to an actual US citizen.
Hale Hortler
In what way does this ass look h'wyte, to you? Do you know anything about genetics? Are you just calling her "white" because you like obese cakeholes?
There are some rather pale ethnic groups in the middle east, so I wouldn't be surprised.
It's like lying to themselves and others is the real goal of libtards.
That poorly written post is exactly why those niggers need to get the fuck out. Beyond the drain on America's resources and the horrible effects on workers, they talked way too fucking much shit. And those who talk shit need to get hit. And they talked shit hard.
Thanks, that reminds me it's been awhile since I made my awesome, beef barely soup. Tell the cunt to move then. Preferably back to durkadurkastan.
This shitskin cunt needs a good beating. They think they can get uppity so now is the time to remind them of their place.
What she forgets is 'white' people want to explore different cuisines without the inconveniences and societal detriment that come with its people.
She is probably Persian. Remember that Iran means Land of the Aryan; so you are bound to find some paler counterparts to the usual Semitic chaff.
Don't complain I took your job if you didn't go to college.
This shows how diseased western society is.
The average child (like her) actually thinks "You have to go to college if you want a job"
I doubt she is in STEM. So her education prepared her for a leeching made up tertiary sector job. e.g. Something in an HR department like diversity officer. A job that adds zero economic value and probably didn't exist 20 years ago.
Disavow everything that 'white' people have given you then, you half-caste wretch.
OP also please tell your FB friend Israeli to stop posting so much. What she is showing is her psychological dependence on government meaning she cannot support herself psychologically.
Posting a bunch of anti trump things isn't a sign of intelligence or edgy rebellion. It is a sign of weakness and fragility. If your livelihood depends on a democratically elected law adhering official you have a problem.
This sets the trump people apart (and yeah I know he cucked our), if Hillary had won there wouldn't be any breakdowns or butt hurt FB posts. Trump supporters would continue their lives because they have independent lives (that is until some Orwellian dictatorship takes over).
I saw one of these on Reddit years ago while I was unaware of pol. She was saying that she was an Atheist Muslim. So I answered pick one you can't be both. Being brown doesn't make you a Muslim. At most it makes you an Arab. Of course I received thousands of downboats. It is amazing how ignorant liberals are. And unlike liberals I used that word correctly.
did you report her to the ICE?
Every single fuckin one of them misuses the word. To them, anyone who disagrees with their perverted perception of reality is considered ignorant.
For example, Im called ignorant for thinking niggers are shit and need to be, at the least, relocated back to Africa. I base this opinion on my experience dealing with them, seeing how they conduct themselves, and statistics. The liberal will base their opinion of niggers on what they are told on TV, in classrooms, making the rare exceptions the mean, and ignore what the average niggers typically do.
But I'm "ignorant".
Moslem should be holding a black dildo.
Yes you are pretty ignorant and you have an ego problem to be thinking anyone that disagrees with you or sees you in the wrong is senseless. You wanna argue but you demonize those you argue with. How is that fair?
And in other news last I remember Trump was supporting protecting DACA now so what are all you screaming about anyway?
Is she on the list for DOTR? Should be. IKK;I'm compiling,
Wanna know how I know you're not from around here?
They're all over the board. Trying to pose as ?pol? on Holla Forums /a/ and all that.
If you really want to get into the greater battle. Go back to halfchan.
If you can operate there you may as well be operating in the open.
You call me a halfcuck I'll put you in the earth first.
So there are no white paramedics in Houston?
There are no hurricanes in Mexico?
Yes he did, which means these ungrateful cocksuckers will keep getting into college for free with lower qualifications than a white male who gets rejected. Post a link so I can shit on her publicly.
He didn't.
He basically did. He vocalized his willingness to sign a DACA bill for nothing in exchange. He hasn't signed it yet, but he's already said he would. If he doesn't sign it, he will be labeled a liar.
So he didn't ok.
I didn't think the turnover of Holla Forums was this FRESH.
they call him that anyway, so why does it matter?
Did you forget you are the men of politics?
What exactly do you expect of Trump?
Who are you waiting for?
Already at 10% acceptance.
Report the illegals to ICE.
Not many turn the eye to their family. It works out wonderfully in sync against what the New is playing.
It's not that very diffuclt to impart truth to your blood and friends.
I agree with them because thats the year everything fell apart
Most of them don't like to hear it until you catch them with your eyes.
Boy, I wish.
You can report all her friends to ICE.
This is not for you. There is a deeper song for the White man than this.
Echoes through time.
You end up dumber then you went there. Enjoy your debt.
how so?
Idelogues dumbing you down 4 years straight have this effect
i'm pretty sure they wouldn't try to brain wash you with anything if you just went to college to become a dental assistant.
I know a leaf chick who uses it sometimes and it's totally adorable, even if it sounds out of place.
Is there a Uni that doesn't require "Liberal arts courses" in the curriculum?
I should make soup for dinner
Heh, maybe there'a a plug-in for NationBuilder.
Does this look "Aryan", to you?
Surprisingly enough, San Jac Houston down in Texas doesn't require any lib arts bullshit. It does require social sciences, but you can satisfy that with a single course in basic psychology.
Then again it is a community college so idk if that's really any better.
Does she get embarrassed at the colloquialisms, or not?