Firefall completely shut down along with its website and social media accounts completely at random without telling its users
ahahahahaha talking about eating shit on the landing. What a fitting end to a constant stream of years of fuckups.
Firefall completely shut down along with its website and social media accounts completely at random without telling its users
ahahahahaha talking about eating shit on the landing. What a fitting end to a constant stream of years of fuckups.
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck is firefall
a dubs thread
Some shitty multiplayer game zero punctuation shilled because of muh jetpacks
Blunder of the years 2012,2013,2014,2015 and 2016.
Never heard of it
Remember blizzdrones on Holla Forums going "BASED MARK KERN IS TAKING THE PETITION TO BLIZZ!!" a while back?
This was his baby. His dream. His nightmare. A Niel Breen tier disastrous marvel.
A MMOFPS with jetpacks and several classes. Was over all pretty boring, but had promise since it originally showed off having some TF2 like classes in a medic with a healing beam (Later replaced with a shitty gun and cooldown heals), and an engineer (Ditched the hitting to build I think). Downside is you had to unlock classes which took forever, or you paid for them. Jetpacks never really seemed to be important in actual gameplay since everything would either zerg rush you or hit you with perfect accuracy.
Generally not very fun.
Anyone got a full list of everything that went wrong? All I remember is they had to fire their CEO.
They had to fire everyone, apparently nobody has worked there for a week, they just left it running till it shut down.
It was fun while it lasted
Better question is do you believe him
I just know that game from that Mega 64 thing which admittedly was pretty funny and I commend Mark Kern for going along with it.
game had potential but it felt like it was 1/10th of what it was supposed to be
You could say he's my Todd Howard
Nailed it.
I swear I must have read news along the lines of "Firefall is revamping EVERYTHING, this time promises to fix problems" like 6 times.
I played it around the second revamp, I really enjoyed the PvP because it reminds me a lot of Global Agenda but it's a horrible shame that all this mismanagement botched it. From what I hear it was complete hell to even get out the gate, with lots of internal conflicts and nasty shit.
I've never even heard of this game before now.
You know what bothers me the most about this is that the game will most likely never be played again.
I doubt the community is going to get a server running and god knows the company behind it isn't going to do a damn thing about just releasing a offline version or the code for people to run a server.
I'd be pissed if I had ever spent money on this thing.
Of course people here wouldnt have heard of this game.
Holla Forums is shill central, unless peopple are paid too, they wont be talking about any game.
This month was shill for Blizzard month.
You don't know shit, it was incredible fun. Playing with dragonfly medics, shitposting about which battleframes are the best and who's a shitter and spending so much time with Warbros.
Good riddance. It's kinda shit they didn't give players a heads up, but anyone still playing this trash beyond the alpha deserves whatever they get.
He's trying again.
I'm sure his 10 followers will be thoroughly disappointed if he doesn't deliver.
Who is
Why do games involving jetpacks always seem to crash and burn?
I guess Douk 3D and the Tribes series(Ascend and Vengeance aside) didn't.
Actually come to think of it isn't there supposedly a new update coming out for tribes today? I don't remember what it had besides removing screenshake
Because they usually have no substance (and thus, fuel)
I think Dark Void had plenty of substance to it, it's just that it was tied to a shitty cover shooter and Capcom's and whoever was developing the game's incompetence
I am interested
Mark Kern's trying again with Ember, made in his tabletop setting.
It's Hi-Rez trying to remove all access possible to Global Agenda, except you can still install Global Agenda through their launcher and play it. It's just that no one's playing it.
i liked the first area but by the second it felt padded, probably to encourage people to buy whatever the fucks to get around easier
i hope its oppai loli
Man I wish I could just have a thread on incredibly incompetent devs, Hirez would be my subject.
Did you know if you had two hirez games installed on your PC, let's say Smite and Paladins. If you want to play Smite while there's a Paladins update just released it won't let you, it'll give you a "Smite is waiting for a Paladins update" message and not let you play until that update's been finished, or you decided to uninstall the other game.
I forgot this piece of shit even existed.
my friend with bad taste got me to play it. why are all MMOs this awful? it's like a real game but you trade a well made game for seeing other people that you never interact with run around.
I actually got into the SUPER early betas of Firefall and never played it because the game was a fucking unplayable mess.
Some time ago, I can't remember when, I got back into the game when I had literally nothing else to do. Grinded out a few classes, had some fun, participated in world events. The most fun I actually had in the game was traveling back to the starting area and crafting really powerful weapons for newbies and watching them go wild.
Firefall died for a good reason: it just wasn't a very good, focused game.
It was fun for a bit, but got boring fast. I remember going around with a moustache and a cowboy hat just punching everything to death cause weapons were for pussies. That and cause of the ridiculous XP and creds you got, managing to get a group of people to form a highway patrol. Best though is when I found a glitch that allowed me to use a glider repeatedly meaning I could fly permanently along with become completely immune to the melding. Best time I had though is when I settled one of the devs events with a dance off.
Cause nobody has any idea how to make MMO's these days.
Who cares.
Just read this. He was fucked over hard. Being a developer sucks so much.
EA/DICE could learn a thing or two.
The best part of firefall was the mega64 livestream, arguably the best thing they've done in years
weak excuse. it's great if it's clearly alt-history fantasy.
t. history buff
Battlefield 1 is pretending to be historic, that's fucking awful.
Hidden and Dangerous 2 was somewhat historic, but had super-science, that's awesome.