Kasich says Congress should pass DACA in '6 hours, not 6 months'
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6 minutes, not 6 hours or 6 months.
Anything other than immediate and permanent repatriation is unacceptable. If the current generation of DACA beneficiaries aren't made an example of then this cycle will continue until America is sucked dry.
they could submit literally anything and the media would go apeshit and say oh look they're saving america! When in reality the bill could be laden with all sorts of shit decaying rights and destroying freedoms under the guise of "muh DACA" and clueless sensationalist left will parrot it and praise them and then when Trump inevitably vetoes it they go apeshit and chimp, I believe Trump is intelligent but he'd better have a gameplan, perhaps literally just highlighting what the bill does and says but most people are too stupid to understand and will probably not even listen firsthand and will trust shit news networks to relay the info accurately… yep
Touchdown Babies. All they have to do is get that baby over the line and the American public will cry "MUH CHILLRUN" and grant them amnesty.
This morning on KTLA there was some spic who was crying because now her scholarship to UC Davis might be in jeopardy and she might not get to go after all her "hard word" at community college (kek).
You know who didn't get to go to UC Davis? My white 'middle class' girlfriend, who wanted more than anything to be a vet, but couldn't because her parents made "too much money" despite saying they couldn't afford it. Now we're working two jobs each to scrape by and afford healthcare that covers beaners dental and pediatric but not our dental - we can't afford to have kids, yet we see these sub humans walking around with swagger, with carts full of gibs, with no worries since their responsibilities have been dumped off onto us.
I can't wait for DOTR brothers.
The fucking entitlement of these people.
Congress isn't going to do their jobs.
We need to do their jobs.
Consider it a blessing in disguise.
Apparently his state just loves him, too, even despite all the insane and possibly unconstitutional things he did to prevent people from not doing business with Israel.
rubs hands like a kike
they just can't help but fuck themselves, congress are going to make everyone see what they really are, everyone. This shit is going to explode hard in their own face.
We already decided people from Ohio are trash during the primaries.
There really must be something happening in these 6 months that makes them kvetch this hard.
Have to agree with
The spics saved you there, otherwise you'd be another white boi raising your girlfriends child
Wasn't this guy running to be the republican candidate?
Yes. the Gay Old Pedophile party are a bunch of cucks.
Reminder that anchor babies are not and never have been US citizens.
Reminder that the founding fathers didn't consider non-whites American citizens
Isn't this faggot thinking of running as a democrat in 2020? Even the cucked GOP isn't anti-white enough for this guy.
He wants to take away the opportunity for a proud POC to lead the democratic party!? Fucking bigot. He may as well just get it over with and join the KKK.
They know that if the Republicans support this socialist Obummer wetback supporting bill, they won't be reelected next year.
6 months end 1 month before the republican primaries.
This latest republican fail will be fresh in people's heads.
Trump is using DACA as another piece on the chessboard.
6 months is probably a stab towards jews.
these boomer cuckolds are completely suicidal. ZERO of these spic children will vote republican. kasich is a literal traitor.
Would explain him being such a cuck lately. Seems only Cruz is supporting Trump from all the other major republican candidates.
Yes they are. If you're born in this shitty country, as per the 14th Amendment, then you're a citizen of this shitty country. America died in 1865.
Yeah, sorry, no. Learn your history or fuck off Holla Forums.
So prove me wrong. How does the 14th Amendment not guarantee birthright citizenship?
Neoconservatives have roots in Trotsky and haven't conserved shit, the disgusting traitors.
Even so there's always new levels of disgust, like this fuck advocating to keep killing this country with spic leeches while he gorges on the wealth and abundance still left in this country, figuratively and literally.
/r/ing the picture showing vote demographics based on blacks, non-Hispanic whites and hispanics. Couple that with DACA costs and no one will want this to pass that is conservative while showing exactly how traitorous these cuckservatives are.
It doesn't you nigger.
How does it guarantee birthright citizenship?
You and your girlfriend should go on welfare. By working as hard as you do you're just cucking yourself by supporting all these shitskins. Imagine if millions or even just hundreds of thousands of whites just said fuck this, went on welfare and crashed the system.
Move, you fool. Go somewhere with a low cost of living.
Blow your brains out, faggot. Just as the Constitution confers citizenship to persons living in the Colonies before the country even began–thereafter establishing that jus soli and jus sanguinis are both required for naturalization–the 14th amendment only confers citizenship to freed niggers–thereafter establishing that jus soli and jus sanguinis are both required for naturalization.
You know nothing. Kill yourself. Even Harry Reid admits that anchor babies are not citizens and NEVER. HAVE. BEEN.
Forgot about this guy
Because the 14th amendment has jack shit to do with anchor babies and the constitution doesn't apply to illegal aliens to begin with.
can this guy just shut up and eat?
Man kasich is so based
Uh, doesn't this faggot loser know that DACA has been repealed? There's nothing to pass.
Do you read news or are you just retarded. Trump stated congress is getting 6 months to come up with a "solution" or he will "review" it whatever those two things mean.
Casting brownie points into the void. Hopefully he's saying that just to get people off of his back.
You have to prove you're right but here ya go:
It doesn't apply to immigrants, legal or illegal. Birthright citizenship only applies to children born to citizens or to property of US citizens.
This, he needs to stop talking while he's eating. Or just stop talking full stop.
Who knows, imma go around the shed with this 12 gauge.
Trump cucks need to STFU. I'm sick and tired of hearing you fucking retarded R_Don idiots bend over backwards to craft some convoluted bullshit chess-faggotry he's theoretically crafting. The 1488 in your mind.
He needs to take unilateral action. No fucking chess. No goddamn idiotic moves to lead to future moves. Just fucking crush this shit now. You stupid cucks gonna sit here and explain why every school bus in the USA isn't being filled with spics and beaners and being driven across the mexican border now? Why the fuck the wall isn't being built in the places it CAN be built literally right now? Why he's fucking still arming the sand niggers? Why he's still sucking kike dick in Israel?
Just shut the fuck up already. He's way better than HRC ever would have been but he is doing nothing to roll back the tide of Jewish degeneracy and civic nationalist cuckery sweeping the nation. So fuck off with your god emperor weeb shit. Call a spade a spade. If the man does something to uphold the 14 words then great. But so far he's really done nothing but Reaganesque bullshit that is nothing more than keeping the status quo until another Jew puppet can get into office and turn the firehoses on again.
Just click your heels three times while chanting the word "based" and maybe your faggot ass will wind up back on T_D where you belong.
Why do these boomer fucktards always call it a "crisis" or become really flustered when their illegal immigrants gets poked? I legitimately do not understand the logic here.
You're the one that lacks faith, Trump does something unexpected and his base freaks the fuck out and it turns out to be a ploy. How many times has he done this since he announced he was running? 50, 60, 100 times?
Why are (((you))) so convinced that the 101st time… yeah that has to be the one where he cucks out?
Patriotardism (worshiping a country that no longer exists anymore), Repubcuckanism (Roman Empire worship), Christianity 'muh fellow Christian spic/nigger' and offcourse a sprinkle of Libertarianism lolbergs because of their constitution that's already voided due to taxation deemed unconstitutional yet still enforced with government boots.
What is there not to understand? They are the cucks of the right. They are trained monkeys from an era that kept them in check through social ostracization and public stigmatization of anyone who dared to step across that line, they certainly tried that shit with Trump's election and it fell on deaf ears. Muh evil natsees and racism is bad because of (((CIVIL RIGHTS))) is the corner stone of those control points.
Fuck these people, step aside or get steamrolled.
kill yourself delusional trumpnigger
Lol, some people just think that way, not sure what it is….
Fuckin trips of fuckin truth.
Also boomers really want that inexpensive lawn work. Mexicans are ten cents an hour cheaper than white teenagers. Now if that's not worth going extinct for I don't know what is.
Gas yourself blackpilling kike shill. That's all you've guys tried to do since the day Trump was elected, we've seen parts of your documents here. The MO is to cast doubt over Trump… using any tactic necessary. Especially attacking when there's a "crisis ".
You kikes can never let a "crisis " go to waste, you're vulture filth. I shall enjoy strangling your Jewish children in front of your fucking face, you Hebrew scum of the earth. The cancer of mankind. You have no heart, you aren't even a person.
Fucking trumpniggers at it again.
When the fuck has anything he done been a ploy? And don't give me the stupid Covfefe nonsense. I mean when shit REALLY matters. On issues that REALLY matter. On actionable policies that affect "our" lives. You stupid niggers think that shitposting on Twitter actually means anything to anyone. Might as well be a sand nigger chucking rocks at a kike tank.
Fuck off, your stupid T_D cuck. The only thing I have faith in is the 14 words. Your stupid God Emperor meme was funny in the election season. Now it's time to pony up with some results. So far there's been nothing appreciable. Nothing but half-measures that reek of Jew subversion from his JEW daughter and JEW son in law. He surrounds himself with kikes yet you fucks still cling to this bullshit fantasy that this is all some masterful deception and that one day he's going to go all "faceless man" on everyone and turn into Adolph Hitler. Just fuck right off with that shit.
Here in the real world I deal with REAL results. So far there's been nothing permanent or lasting. Fucking put up or shut up.
Whoa user, calm the fuck down. When we hang the kikes it will be done in an orderly and dispassionate manner. It will be done legally and after a fair trial per our new laws stating that being a kike is illegal. We want to do things legally. So important!
Still waiting for the news of Assad being Qaddafi'd, which you shills were so sure was just around the corner.
Death or exile.
Bombing of the Syrian airfield was a ploy. It pulled the circuit breaker on the Russian collusion narrative, which was gaining too much traction and leading towards a coup. It also ensured the Gorsuch approval went through.
Afghanistan "troop surge" is another such ploy.
Whites have been foolish to give so much mercy to kikes. I no longer argue with them or even feel a shred of compassion for them. A kike is a monster. No trial, no mercy.
Every single Jew shall be subjected to extensive humiliation and torture in medically controlled facilities so they can feel maximum suffering and not die. We must erase all memory from the history books of these foul abominations.
Watching this decrepit huckster stuff his gullet like a nip bukkakke actress gobbling cock after cock is truly disturbing. I feel like they should be spoilered.
Jesus Christ you JIDF fucks really are coordinating hard aren't you???
Syria doesn't mean shit. It's not a "ploy" if you never wanted to go to war against Syria in the first place. And I was one of the first people to point out how the strikes didn't mean shit and the "a wild WMD appears" was bullshit Mossad or other ZOG agency false flag to try and elicit an escalation to war.
Not falling for ruses isn't a "ploy". It's not 'muh chess moves'. It's not "haha, tricked the kikes!". It's just not being a fool and being backed into a corner. Jesus, the bar you set for what is and is not a strategic 'genius' is really fucking low.
Yeah, sure it is. What the fuck is the ploy here? That he's really NOT sending troops to AFG to guard poppy fields and guard Chinese REE mines? That he's really NOT sending more American men to die for ZOG faggotry? Because guess what niggerfaggot, I've been over there in Helmand with 2/7 and I can tell you that more troops isn't going to do shit. Either nuke the entire place or GTFO. Because you're never going to "win" when victory has been defined as the equivalent of teaching chimps to do long division.
I swear to Christ, I feel like the ghost of Dr. Pierce in a Murdoch video having to talk sense into you functionally retarded idiots. If this last election was your first trip to the ballot box, you're obviously too young to have the wisdom of what is and is not actual genius.
And surrounding yourself with LITERAL kikes in Office is NOT fucking 'muh chess moves'. It's dumb. I swear to god you idiots could see a madman drawing symbols on the wall of a nuthouse and you cucks would still find a way to fit it into some imaginary grand scheme.
The bottom line is that I don't give a fuck about Trump. I neither like nor dislike him at this point. The only thing I care about are the 14 words. And you stupid niggers still haven't pointed ANYTHING out that he's done to uphold that. If he actually delivers I'll goddamn profusely apologize and mea culpa. But until he does, I don't want to hear fucking stupid fantasy LARPING dipshit faggotry coming from your albino niggerfaggot cockholsters about "oh yeah he's like preparing to make his move!!". A move that apparently never comes. Because it's stupid and the kind of shit only room-temperature IQ having people can craft.
Like I said before — Put up or shut up.
Okay I thought you were a kike but you're just stupid.
Perfect choice of pictures. I fondly remember the Kasich eating and Karate Hand Kasich threads during the campaign. Those were a lot of fun.
Nigger, ISIS isn't syria you fucking retard. You fags really are just watching this thread with baited breath to defend your little god emperor aren't you???
How many shekels have you good goys been getting today?
that wasn't what he asked for you gayniggers. what has Trump done to benefit whites? I don't need your 88d chess cuckery to explain away his fuckups. what has he done to benefit whites.
Stop posting White men from your "totally Holla Forums approved folder, Jew.
All those massive pedo busts have been pretty neat.
Oh jesus christ. You literally think Trump did that? You fuckers are more pathetic than the Norks who think Kim Il Sung causes the sun to rise every morning.
Still over here waiting for ANY high level KingNigger official to be arrested and jailed. Holder. Lynch. Any of the Clintons. Podesta. Brazile. IRS commissioners. STILL WAITING. Please tell me more about some fat pedos sitting in a basement trading CP on Tor while Bill Clinton et al are still running around fucking and probably killing little white girls from Eastern European villages.
Nope, as per the text of the Amendment, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside…" Nothing saying it applies exclusively to freed slaves. Try again.
No, it applies to anyone born on U.S. soil. Birthright citizenship has been established as applying to children of foreign immigrants since the 1898 case U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark.
Fuck off moron, it's all over the news that no more work permits will be processed. DACA is over. The solution Trump is talking about is how these beaners are going to be deported.
Yeah, hi. You were proven wrong already. You haven’t read the Federalist Papers. You haven’t read the naturalization laws from 1795 or 1868. You know nothing about this topic. Run the fuck along, dipshit.
Amazing how the little faggot was boasting of all the glorious Trump accomplishments, and then when pressed on the issue can only say "w-well suh-syria isn't a total wasteland yet, dats sumpting"
No dumbass, I've proven with certainty that the 14th Amendment guarantees birthright citizenship, and has been accepted as such since 1898. Read the U.S. v. Wong case if you're so knowledgeable, and aren't just a little dilettante who doesn't know how the law and precedent works. You think the naturalization laws of 1795 onward mean jack fucking squat? They're a relic, something for the history books, they've been entirely superseded by the 1965 immigration act. It doesn't fucking matter what naturalization laws were passed in yesteryear, because they were found to be unconstitutional, and rightly so given the text of the 14th and 15th Amendments. 1865 killed the country. Deal with it.
It really is disgusting. Scarfing down top dollar grub while laughing about poor old ignorant White racists. These cucks have no idea how badly they are hated.
Goddamn Tel Aviv, you slipping when you don't have anything else except projection? Still waiting for all those just staggering accomplishments of Trumps that have benefited the white race. All I hear from you so far is impotent Jew ramblings amidst the backdrop of thousands of cricket chirps………………….
Reminder that this is the same delusional faggot who was last to drop out of the Republican primary even though his delegate count was stuck in the double digits
Go back to Reddit
this guy is a corrupt joke
he's literally Soros' handpuppet
And sodomite marriage has been established as a Constitutional right under the same amendment since the 2015 case Obergefell v. Hodges. Funnily enough, the authors of the 14th Amendment had no idea they were granting this right! It took a bunch of papists and kikes in black robes 150 years later to figure out that they had done so.
If the 14th Amendment had actually been intended to grant citizenship to anchor babies, that would have been established shortly after its adoption in 1868. It wouldn't have taken thirty years. In fact, the author of that clause of the amendment explicitly stated that it wouldn't do the thing SCOTUS said it does in 1898. He also said that it wouldn't include Indians.
Daily Reminder that Kasich was always awful.
Best post in thread.
Beware the Glow Pill
Angler fish use glowing wads of bio luminescent shit hanging off their heads as bait. To the fish they eat, it looks lovely - a glowing thing down in the depths, promising food or warmth or any of a number of other things… But its a trap.
And angler fish are predators - they present something that seems lovely, almost too good to be true, and it lures those little fishies right up into the gaping maw of the predator.
And that's what I see when I hear all these faggots talking about how Trump is actually legit, how he's planning, how he's a strategist… Its a glowing bait. A trap. A lie.
Don't fall for the Glow Pill, or you'll end up just like the fishies the anglers lure in - dead and rotting in the dark bowels of your predatory enemies.
DotR when?
Because our laws don't apply to illegals, because they are here illegally. The Constitution doesn't protect Germans, or Canadians, or Mexicans. Only Americans are subject to American law. You fucking globalist cuck.
wot animu ?? asking for adult son
I forgot about hungry hungry kasich.
One of my fav parts of his campaign memories
checked for the keks
Why didn't you give him the delegates, Holla Forums? You could've had it all.
Nope, reported. Your shitposting has gone on long enough.
The one which says anchor babies aren’t citizens, got it.
So… not citizens.
So not citizens.
They weren’t, in fact. They were always upheld and have been to this day.
Which does not confer birthright citizenship. You are mentally ill.
Deal with you being wrong? Sure.