Work related thread

There's no job board. What is a best Holla Forums tier job? Should i employ myself as an operator or courier? What's the best job to get employed without getting into college/institute to not get my brains brainwashed with liberal shit?

This is serious thread, so i hope for some advices, if i accidentally switch ip don't freak out, i look for good answers or i'l just kill myself at this point of life.

Just kill yourself.

If you kill yourself without going down in a blaze of glory you will be remembered as the biggest faggot in the universe.



Great. Love the response.

Yours too.

Move to Colo or NV and get into the WEED INDUSTRY YOUNG MAN!!!

Just dont smoke the nasty shit. Only the Good Shitâ„¢

No, i live in a european country that forbids weed shit.

How the fuck have you still not learned that society gives fuck all about you? No, big daddy government isn't going to fix shit for you, no, you aren't entitled to a cozy job and a decent life just for existing, the gov's got niggers to import after all. Get of your ass and build your own business or go wage slave for someone and build theirs.

Become a welder. There's a shortage in the US and you can take fast courses or college level if you want a real edge. The unions are good but you can find plenty of work independent. Pay is high and unless you want a degree (cert. is technically all you need) you won't have to take infected classes, just ones for your trade.
You get to use a lot of cool tools too. I'm going to work on ships and know somebody who is planning on going into aerospace.

Get an accounting degree and learn how to acquire shekels.

Yeah, society give no fuck about me, but i need a job or my parrents will go wild on me being neet faggot in my 25 years old birtyday.

ALWAYS requires experience in my country. I know shit about it, could learn, but strict job applications aren't pretty. I already had a job to know everything about how shitty they are.

No i don't want to work for jews. That's like the main point i am asking shit here

But i still need a fucking work. To first provide for yourself, second provide to future family if i even want to survive to make one.

Ayy user, I'm a 20 year old dropout who knows how to grow and trim. How hard is it getting a job trimming or growing at a dispensary in Colorado? I'm planning on moving down there when I turn 21 because New York is expensive as fuck and I can't stay here much longer.

Find the nearest white person to own a private business, apply there, don't fuck it up like the goddamm autist you are.
Bonus points for any medical assistant because those jobs are full of woman and dear god they are incompetent.
Yeah, I am one. Yesterday I had to fix a computer problem because even the doctors are woman. Literally just installed adobe reader.
I am now IT

And how the fuck do you get experience dipshit? You train train train and train and hook up with a reputable union and get an apprenticeship.

It's honestly annoying to see people ask us for advice and then reject everything. If you're negative and indecisive all the time it's no wonder you're in a shitty position.

You think only kikes do accounting? Every business needs somebody for accounting, even if the owner of a business can do it himself he's gonna want to get his head out of the books eventually.

Its always hard to get a job anywhere if you don't have experience or education.

Its difficult in my muslim infested european country.
Not only that sucks, it also requires additional documents to allow you in medical field. For which i have to pay.

By experience it means your official years of work. Not "training" experience.
Any business ends up being a slave to jewish bank.

Where the fuck do you live?
I got trained for a few years with shit pay during it, but now I'm good. And I live in a muslim-infested european country aswell.

No career expects you to come out of the womb with years of trade experience. I have no doubt that you're looking at ads for independent jobs. Unions just want somebody with a cert, two hands, and working eyeballs. Courses are scouted by unions for new guys by the way so you shouldn't have to look too hard to find a connection.

Yeah that's the state of our society right now, and it's not going to get any better if you don't have any income to support yourself let alone a white family.
Go play in the woods with Varg if you want to get away from it.

Really user? The "update adobe reader" meme?


Meme should be updated to "install fucking Foxit"

Brewer, you're involved in making the white mans first and favourite alcoholic beverage and you'll be able to start up your own

t. Brewer

I cannot enter training without being in college or university at the same time as training goes.

Well, yes.
Unions? Agencies you mean? Agencies so far are shit and just collect information about you and don't provide actual job.

I mean a lot of us went through that, it's pain but it ends eventually

Going into university or college right now is out of fucking question.

