Have you ever felt bad for owning someone too hard?

Have you ever felt bad for owning someone too hard?

I once kept dominating this kid. He kept going after me, completely ignoring teamwork or objectives. He didn't speak in mic, but I could sense that he was angry as fuck.

I let him kill me because I felt bad for him.

No mercy OP

getting people mad is too fun

It's actually the only reason i miss GFWL, the skeet fighter and derk souls hatemail was flowing like a fuckin waterfall

You sound like a psychopath




Even if i lose i never disconnect and wait patiently to respawn or next battle. There are fags that literally ragequit the entire program out of their game?!

I feel terrible for how miserable you must be to do that.

what a fucking casual.

Only if they genuinely look like they don't understand the games mechanics.
Usually if I'm destroying someone in a game I want it to be earned.

Only once. I was playing P4 Arena as Liz. I inputted for the super attack that heals you, and didn't get attacked.

Then I did it again, and didn't get attacked.

People get really freaked out by flashy graphics to the point that they bitch out no matter what.

He left the game. I was pretty confused.

I don't play online games, so not really.

you sound like someone who has never provoked a juicy ragequit


I got pissed in a tf2 server once because some spic with Sydney Sleeper killed me more than I killed him

so you can only win when you odds are in your favor or equal? Good job bro. You gained entrance to Valhalla for sure.

If my opponent is good sport, gesture before a fight, no estus, etc, I usually feel bad if I keep wrecking them.

But if it's a shitter I just keep going to the Indictment mines. Seriously, it's always the shitters the ones that indict you.

He started acting like a wanker, too. After a bit he cancelled the duel.

Plus, whats wrong with playing an equal game after all?

Nothing on itself but you really are missing on the thrill of being on disadvantage and still pull through

He missed it too, then.

Did Trudeau actually say that or did someone just slap it on there as a joke
Please tell me Trudeau didn't actually say it

Of course he said it.

I once killed a guy's Smash "career" if you can even call it that, I'm not very good and I lost almost every match I was in but it still kinda hurts.

Anyways, so one night I'm on Anther's Ladder for 4 and I meet this local guy. Obviously pretty new so I think I might stand a chance plus good connection for it being nearby. I pick my usual Ganon and he picks Fox, I immediately went "Ahh fuck, I'm dead".

So it was Smashville or some shit for the stage. I absolutely nuke this fucker, a 0-death right out of the starting gate and not even one of those cheapass infinites, I'm talking legit combos. What was really funny is when he tried to side-b back onto the stage rather onto a ledge or some shit like that right when my Warlock Punch hit. Felt really satisfying so much so that I saved the replay.

He picked Lucas next match and I lost barely (Was pretty close, only difference was like 10% margin, same stock and everything). I pick Wario to spice things up and win again.

Checked his profile, he never returned even months later. I honestly feel bad, I picked him out because he was new and I gave it my absolute all, like it was a Goldberg squash match or some shit. I was so desperate for a win and so frustrated for several reasons (My GameCube controller was falling apart and thus wouldn't pick up inputs sometimes, not some "can't block" type shit but even offline it wouldn't pick up even in training or something along those lines. Two being my frustrations with the balance because Ganon is so low tier but he's one of the few characters I feel comfortable playing as) that I mercilessly squashed this guy's hopes and dreams into the ground in less then a minute. Even trash talked him afterwards how he got 0-deathed as a Fox by Ganon.

Wish I uploaded that replay before the Bayonetta update, didn't know that updates kill replays. It was by far the most impressive thing I've done in 4 against all odds.

Sorry for rambling but it's pretty much the worst thing I've ever done in Smash.

Not vidya related, so polite sage.
I never saw her again, I still feel really bad.


It depends

If they start raging and sperging then I just laugh because they deserve to get their ass beat

Once in a great while you get a real genuinely cool dude who doesn't get mad and just shrugs you off, I'll get players saying shit like "damn you're good" and they're probably pretty chill people in real life

I never feel bad tough, because its just a fucking video game

Did you get the job?

I've told my family to shot me if I get old.
I don't think I could handle being helpless.

Luckily all my grandparents still live alone in their 80s, but it's a fear of mine.


Damn. Her family better not be ignoring her when they're able. That shit pisses me off.
Older folk don't get the respect they should in society anymore.
We need the sweet and knowledgeable ones around to help raise the youth. The majority of parents are like children themselves. Leaving the whole "village elders" mentality behind was a mistake

Take care of your body so that there's less of a chance that'll be the case. There are some really old people who are stupidly mobile.

I was part of a raid on a giant faggot Twitch streamers base in ARK.

Manchild threw a fucking temper tantrum and ended up banning half his chat while I was remodeling his face with my fists.

I don't enjoy griefing random people but making a shitbag scream in rage is absolutely orgasmic.


nah niggu you got your ass shot, admit even the kid managed to beat your hairy grown man ass at least once

I've never laughed as hard as I did that day

Got accepted into a trainee. It's just a shitty 6h call center job, pays nicely though. Go in at 4pm get out at 10.

I ragequit every multiplayer game if I'm going to lose

No, I'm typically the assblasted faggot that deliberately tries to hunt down the guy that's dominating us. I usually succeed at least once if I try hard enough, but it's still never a good feeling. I don't play a lot of multiplayer these days anyway outside of Dark Souls, only thing I've ever been decent at is third person shooters and the genre's pretty dead barring Gears of War. Never been quite mad enough to send hate mail in recent memory at least.

There's no reliable source. Best I could ever find is it possibly being paraphrased from some press conference. It's still very fucking applicable to the guy though, he's your Obama for sure.

Oh, no, I might get beaten soundly in a virtual toy!


The moment you show the slightest amount of compassion your enemies will turn that against you and light your ass up.

Always go all out, don't fucking hold back.

t. darth sideous

That American tendency to help their wounded no matter the casualties is goddamn weird, but I do have to admit that I feel bad for guys who went to help their fallen only to be cut down in the same killzone.

If you were serving with people you got close to as friends and shit, could you bring yourself to just leave them behind like that?

Nigga like it's just a game.

I let the newbies kill me so they don't uninstall the game.

That's not the point. If someone can't handle being beaten in a video game, they need to be exposed to anger, so they will either quit games entirely because they're being a faggot, or that they learn that anger is pointless and they'll learn to enjoy it.

You need to drive and push and pick on them because getting angry is their fucking fault and they need to learn how anger is worthless when you're playing a game. If someone like that is playing, they're playing because they want to be in control and they want to beat other people for a high. Getting angry at a game is the sign of a psychopath or a narrcissist.

Human trash, in other words. They need to be humbled, because someone like that needs it.

I'm pretty sure I crushed several people's desires to play street fighter V when it first came out
I felt kind of bad for scrubs playing their first fighting game getting bodies super hard

Only sometimes, especially if its obvious that the other person is really bad at the game. I use to play a fair bit of CS1.6 and COD:MW, I wasn't amazing by any means, but it was still nice seeing people accuse me of hacks.

Ideally I wouldn't want my opponent to go easy on me, mainly because getting beat down plays a big part in getting better. There's a lot to learn from your mistakes (especially in fighting games), so you have to take those loses/beat downs with a grain of salt.

He said that and also justified letting a city burn to ash even though the US and Russia were begging him to let them help

Been a while since ive seen that one

You soulless piece of shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?
But no seriously, if you feel that baf for that lady for a completely uncontrollable event, then consider being kinder to your elders. They need love too.



Just a few weeks ago I was at Xanadu for a Project M tourney and I got knocked into losers first round but managed to beat my losers opponent handily enough.

After the match I tried to lighten the mood by saying "At least I didn't drive 2 hours to get 2-0'd" and he said "Well I did". I was about to change the subject when he followed up with "I'm never coming here again man, this always happens".

I felt pretty bad. I'm sorry man, I had been practicing my ass off after not getting out of pools at smash con.

Hell no. Why would I feel bad about flawless conquest?


Dirty Bomb is great for making that happen. Playing with Phantom will make people whine in the chat or quit 90% of the time from my experience.

Also not vidya but I was reminded of this. I nearly forgot entirely.
Polite sage.
picture somewhat related, except with much larger tits, a much less goofy face, and normal, natural, shorter hair

I'm honestly surprised your cock didn't melt off.

You're a fucking monster. You know that, right?
But all's fair in love and video games.

It's fine.
I'm half a nigger.
I kinda hope I randomly meet one of her kids one day, and befriend them, and then tell them that I fucked their mom.
Even better, I run into her qt daughter and fuck her too, and then tell her that her mom fucked better.

Old economically challenged women make you think of that one time you had sex with a whale? You're both a demented fetishist and a normalfag. Cyanide yourself.

Yeah okay.

You just showed you're a coward.
Petty, degenerate annoyance.
Literal nigger is your fault.

Fuck off gook.

Next time your irrelevant parasite lack of self gors online to talk abibaba to some arabs. Just jihad. If anyone loses you're the loser.

What a faggot. Trying to be the raper, listening to gangster crap.

You need to check hourself before you wreck your self. Mmm-hmm.

Irl you'd be team killed because nobody wants to lose when they win.

Nah, not really. I'm the kind of guy that tries to handicap himself if possible, and only takes off the gloves when the enemy is either a fair fight or an annoying little bitch that deserves to be dominated.


Only recently once I started playing fighting games have I felt sorry for people. Usually there was no mercy, and it just seemed natural to sledge instantly if you killed or got killed yourself, since it was funny. Telling people they were using aimbot in an RTS or wall hax in rocket league was funny, just as fun as asking when they had school in the morning, or saying their parents would be ashamed of their performance.

It was all fun and games and if anyone ever took it seriously then that was even funnier. Now I play fighting games and am feeling guilty for dominating people, especially if they are using unpopular characters. I feel bad for unpopular fighting game characters and I don't know why.

OP, I've seen this image multiple times before. You're making this shit up.

sauce me

No. No mercy. The weak should fear the strong.

Unteralterbach it's a loli game

smh tbh fam. This is what newfags do and why we hate them.

Sen Hyde fucked a tranny

Sam has fucked lots of things there is rumor he had his way with 14 yo boy. He is nihillist to the core, morals are nothing for him.

What about Charls? I heard he's a famed power bottom in the upper east coast.

Happened to me way back when that DC MMO just went f2p and was FOTM back on halfchan.
Went around leveling with solo shit and some Red Tornado themed idiot ran after me and tried to fight me for at least 2 hours.
No talk, no whining, he just kept coming back and somehow instead of ever improving he managed to play even worse every damn time. He was an easier kill than any fucking AI mob after some point. Actually felt bad for that guy.
Anyone else were mostly FPS serverowners who couldn't play worth shit and were banning in retaliation. Never felt bad about causing that sort of butthurt.