What's the best fallout NV dlc?
What's the best fallout NV dlc?
Courriers Stash
Old World Blues, just because it completely breaks your character once you finish it.
Old men's money
Not Honest Hearts, and not Lonely Road, I'll tell you that.
Dead Money is pretty well-constructed, in both the atmosphere and execution, but there's quite a lot of restrictions placed on you within the scope of the DLC, so it can be irritating if you don't necessarily want to play the way it was "meant" to be played.
Old World Blues, if you don't enjoy the humor, you likely won't enjoy it period. If you do, it's great.
Blood money
I'd say my personal favorite was Old World Blues, but I think the most well made was Dead Money. Honest Hearts was boring as fuck and while I liked what Lonesome Road was TRYING to accomplish, it kinda stretches too hard and ends up becoming a fucking mess instead.
Personal: OWB>DM>LR>HH
Quality: DM>OWB>LR>HH
Honest question, why does everybody like owb so much? It felt like a borderline lore breaking cheap fanfic to me, the character writing is average, but also they're brains in jars that float, speak and want to fuck you
It's all too ridiculous for me to inmerse
Dead money or honest hearts
Lonesome Road has the best story, Sierra Madre has the best atmosphere and characters, Old World Blues has the best quests and siedequests
They like memes.
I like it because it has a looser, goofier feel that I thought felt like the devs were having fun with the concept a little with a nice aesthetic, not to mention that I loved prowling the Big MT whenever I felt like just fucking about. Plus I felt the quests it provided, both main and side, were a lot more fun than the other DLCs. I didn't like it so much for the characters or story as I do just general fun I have playing it.
I enjoyed Dead Money the most.
N-None of them.
Please kill me
Fallout 4
When and where ?
what was the shit one with the sierra madre that was actually the best one
lonesome road sucked so much balls it was a ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZ
Are you unable to stop being ironic, user?
but dude
and bull
and old world
muh flags
I swear my list changes every time I play them but for me its Dead Money > Lonesome Road > OWB > Honest Hearts
Dead Money for the atmosphere and turning the game into a survival horror that values paying attention and taking things slowly.
Lonesome Road for the fact that The Divide is so fucking great to explore and the fact that you are exploring an actual wasteland is a good change of pace. It also feels the most "end game" and adds the best stuff like satchel charges, ED-E being able to craft shit for you and Red Glare, as well as Courier's Mile, Long 15 and Dry Wells. I like Ulysses and it feels like people who hate him didnt really pay attention to his motivations and view him as petty for holding a grudge against the player.
OWB for the Venture Bros vibe and general theme. Unfortunately it lost points in the latest runthrough becuase the enemies flat out arent fun to fight Roboscorpians especially. Not hard but bulletspongey and not really satisfying. I'd chalk it up to them being robots instead of humans but the other robots are fairly satisfying to fight and it spawns a group of them every two steps you take.
Honest Hearts is okay and I like the setting but theres not really much of it and the whole "moral choice" is bullshit black and white nonsense with the "good option" being cowardly pussies and the "bad option" is standing your ground against a clearly evil tribe, which in turn turns The Sorrows into violent warmongers.
Yes fellow, anonymous poster of 8-CHAN Holla Forums. I find old 'FALLOUT' games too unimmersive. Do you know what I like? I like mature games and mature memes for mature people like myself.
And do you know which game has best memes and mature content excluding sex, any meaningful commentary or explanation of themes occuring constantly through the game such as genocidal war between of humans labeled "Settler" and "Raider" technophiles, luddites, militant technophiles, militant luddites, definition of humanity (beyond if it looks and talks like a human it is a human), definition of civilization, results of ultra-consumerism on enviroment, thinly veiled dictatorship vs blatant dictatorship, science rescrited by ethics, science unrestricted by ethics… etc. none of those serious grown up discussions and perfection of gameplay best be-fitting computer role playing games in wide open worlds?
Of course I'm talking about;
And we’re here to make sure you have F-U-N fun during your time at the park.
What if there was a place with all the zip of Nuka-Cola
Wouldn’t that be the cheer-cheer-cheeriest place in all the world
Ahh! You can taste the FALLOUT experience just by reading…
I haven't tried Lonesome Road yet, but for me it goes
Writing: Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Old World Blues
Everything else: Old World Blues > Dead Money > Honest Hearts
I like all of them, HH just felt too short. Daniel also feels somewhat underdeveloped, especially for being one of the two characters that essentially decides the fate of Zion Canyon. Though Honest Hearts still gets props for having Joshua Graham, who is one of my favourite characters in the series, and fantastic loot.
What the fuck did ulysses actually fucking want anyway?
I thought he was just pissed about a front door nuke delivery made by the MC merking his family and generally making him angsty and anarchistic enough to kasplat the federation and rome total war factions or some shit.
I've never understood why the ranger helmet looks like its sad
Just cleansing the air.. It would have been a matter of time before such a thing happened anyway I suppose
We can accelerate it if you want.
Sure.. Every game thread has at least one
There use to be a little town in the Divide and he wanted to settle down there because there was no big gubment there like the NCR or Legion, but the player character ended up delivering a warhead detonator to the town and it ended up triggering a warhead or two and destroying the town. Ulysses feels like he was robbed of a place to call home by the courier and the two factions so he wants to kill the courier and nuke the two factions
Dead Money > Old World Blues > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road
Dead Money felt very much like its own thing and I really liked the atmosphere, characters and plot.
OWB was kinda stupid but fun stupid. The environments were kinda bland and aside from the loot and maybe the humor if you like that sort of thing it hasn't got that much going for it.
Honest Hearts felt like a lot of work was put into it, morseo than OWB, but it ended up being boring and somewhat frustrating. The environment and the deep lore about the survivalist were pretty good but the plot was garbage, the enemies and most of the loot sucked, and it was just generally underwhelming.
And speaking of underwhelming, we've got Lonesome Road. I have a feeling this was meant to be the best of all the DLC and it ended up being the worst. Mostly because aside from loot all it has is story, and that story complete dogshit cause it revolves around a character who's horribly written. Oh and ED-E is a cute robot with emotions now I guess?
Your armour would look sad too if you were Randall, user. Randall had a hard life.
He didnt want to nuke both factions, he just wanted to nuke the NCR's major supply line so that the Legion will win Hoover Dam, which will ultimately lead to the Legion conquering the NCR and then imploding becuase of having no more wars to fight.
The courier thing was really more about getting closure and showing the courier that their actions have consequences. You can talk all the shit you want to but that moment you enter Ulysses's Temple makes my dick hurt every time I see it.
Fallout 4
I was just trying to relay what I could gather from playing through it twice, chill out
I wasnt talking about you specifically, I just mean in general
How do you fuck up the contrast and shadows so much everything looks like Silent Hill fog. The game looks actually decent now
pirated it
They were all really good, but Dead Money was probably my favorite. It was really *fun* actually being forced to struggle for survival again, even if it only lasted a little while until you got geared back up. Liked the whole moral of the story as well, and the setting and characters were great.
Honest Hearts was pretty cool, great character, cool new setting to explore though I wish you could have done some more caravanning before it went to shit. But the story in that one was not so great because the choice was bullshit. It had its moments though.
Old World Blues was a good time and a nice change of pace. It was interesting seeing all the Old World tech and the sorts of things that were going on. The Trauma Harnesses were a cool idea for an enemy. And there were a lot of really detailed and interesting locations in the Big Empty.
Lonesome Road is a lot better if you go in without high expectations. It's still good, just not quite the climax I was hoping for. Ulysses is a cool character, and the whole environment was pretty kickass. Felt like a proper endgame zone, especially if you nuked everything.
Reminder that if you use Randall's rifle or wear his armor you are disrespecting his corpse and legacy.
Not just Randall's but all ranger helmets
there are cars with nuclear power sources that explode like nukes in the game, its a fucking game.
As far as personal taste goes, DM>OWB>HH>LR
None of them are particularly bad
Daniel-posters please leave this thread
So how does Christine stay healthy in the Cloud
The same way Dean Domino did.
In terms of writing, Dead Money. OWB was fun due the equipment and exploring more of the "Old World" lore. Honest Hearts mostly because Joshua's dialogue, the challenge was to easy and the quest too short.
I'm too biased because I prefer the Sci-fi setting more than the old world setting of Fallout.
I'd say Dead Money is by far the best written and i can respect that they tried to do something different in terms of gameplay.
But OWB is the most enjoyable thanks to the nice worldspace, good exploration, nice characters and nice loot.
Honest Hearts has a retarded story, a Questline that is literally nothing but a string of fetchquests, boring world space full of nothing.
Lonesome Road could have been good if it weren't so fucking linear and who the fuck thought scripted events and spawns was a good idea?
New Vegas Bounties
I'm playing through OWB right now, and I like it very much but damn, the way enemies spawn is messed up. Much of the time it seems like they pop out of nowhere, and more than once I've literally seen an enemy materialize only a few paces ahead of me. I had a similar problem with Honest Hearts, but then I assumed it was whoever I had as a companion's fault (because they kept running towards every Cazador and Yao Gwai they saw rather than try to sneak past like I was trying to do).
Is this a common thing or is it my fault for playing the game on a toaster (I guess crappier machines might prevent the game from spawning enemies from a significant distance, making them only appear when you are really close to them, but I don't really know)?
I think they genuinely tried to make both options reasonably good. If you wipe out the White Legs the Sorrows get to stay in Zion, otherwise they have to leave, so in order to balance that they made it so that staying in Zion would cost them their innocence. That way you can have both the pacifist and the warlike (I don't know what term to use to describe "fights back when attacked" as opposed to aggressive in general) paths and neither is obviously better than the other unless your personal values make you prefer one over the other, the idea being that some people will prefer one of the paths and some the other, depending on their own views.
What's interesting is that evacuating the Sorrows just naturally seems like the "good" option and fighting back against the White Legs looks like the "bad" one. But where does this come from? Daniel would agree with that, Graham would disagree. Only if you let Graham execute Salt-Upon-Wounds do the Sorrows become "merciless" and "ruthless", otherwise they still become too warlike for Daniel's taste, but fuck that Mormon hippie, the Sorrows needed to toughen up a bit or they would eventually end up again in the same situation, some other tribe is attacking them and them not having the will or skill to fight back.
I don't remember anything that strongly hinted at the evacuation ending being the morally correct one while the other being less good, but people still assume that. And I think that might be because generally, in society and even more so in the media, peaceful resolutions are always shown as a lot better than those that involve violence. Because of this, I think many come to accept that if there are two solutions available, one peaceful and one violent, the peaceful one is always "supposed" to be better, feeling as if somebody was judging them if they go for the violent option, because they are used to seeing in movies and whatnot that if the two options are presented, then the peaceful one is ALWAYS both morally and in a practical sense better. But in this case it really wasn't. Look at the relevant part of endings if you wipe the White Legs out:
Sparing Salt-Upon-Wounds:
Killing Salt-Upon-Wounds yourself:
Only letting Joshua Graham execute Salt-Upon-Wounds gets what I'd consider a bad ending:
The first two are definitely not bad. Only the combination of a less than perfect (but still good) resulting situation (conflicts with the Dead Horses, Daniel is sad) and the general dare I call it indoctrination that peace is always the better solution makes this feel like maybe you went for the wrong ending. But the peaceful one isn't perfect either: the Sorrows lose their ancestral home, the White Legs fail to join the Legion and dissolve into smaller raiding bands (which means they survive and continue to terrorize people in the region) and Zion Canyon's natural beauty is destroyed. So, when given two more or less balanced choices, you might prefer the violent route because you think it's the better solution (and it is) but still feel like it's the bad end because going for violence over peace is generally supposed by society at large to be wrong, even when it might not be.
tl;dr: Gas the White Legs, Joshua Graham (post 2277) did nothing wrong, Hollywood is brainwashing our kids into becoming Communist Hippies.
It felt to me like they were really stressing the whole "Old Testament" vs. "New Testament" morality with Honest Hearts… with Daniel representing the Christ-like pacifism and "turn the other cheek" - while Joshua represents the fire and brimstone "righteous judgement".
There didn't seem to be a "good ending"/"bad ending" - but more a question of, "which morality do you support - "retribution or mercy"? And the consequences for both choices seem to be a mix of positive and negative outcomes. The juxtaposition being that most players of the game were probably some bent of Christian, so you would expect - for consistency with their doctrine - that they would choose to help Daniel, but in reality most players seem to have ended up siding with Joshua or going the middle route of talking him down after 90% of the slaughter is already accomplished.
It's kind of sabotaged by the fact that - from a gameplay perspective, Joshua's path is just more fun, so morality doesn't really end up playing as much into it as the designers might have hoped.
The roboscorpions will do that anyway. If it's other stuff, that might be because toaster.
Zion's not just the valley though. Daniel sees the innocence of the Sorrows as the grace of God, and to let Joshua and the Courier take that is bordering on blasphemy. He has dialogue about this (which I only recently got to hear because of YUP, believe it or not.)
…and this user said it better than I was starting to.
I agree that the sparing SUW ending is the least hamfisted though. TBH I don't even bother with it anymore. Chaos in Zion every time because I'm autistic about quest entries and clearing them from my journals.
I liked dead money, good atmosphere, good writing, i actually enjoyed the gameplay too.
For me Dead money will always be the best.
the actively hostile environment, the characters, the guns and other shit , everything is just great.
Personal favorite is Dean Domino who is a total bro if you aren't a dick to him but then at the very end you find out that the man is a complete scumbag who absolutely belongs on a cross.
The only complaint is that the vending machines with the infinite ammo and stimpacks might make the whole thing too easy which kinda clashes with the rest of the game.
Old world blues would be a second but it feels like you are always forced into using the saturnite fist or the axe because all the enemies are huge bullet sponges and ammo is so scarce.
Honest hearts has a nice world but at the end of the day the quests and the characters are all so boring
Lonesome road is a damn good finale and I enjoy the way that all other DLCs foreshadow it (and each other)
GRA while overlooked if rather good for what it is and really gives you a reason to acquire and spend your sheqels.
The gold bars aren't even that great as far as treasure goes as the wight to value ratio is crap.
The real treasure of the Sierra madre ( as Elijah knew) was the pre-war tech.
Just get a pile of weapon repair kits from the vending machine in the bunker, slaughter some fiends and turn their low value broken weapons into high value pristine weapons.
Honest Hearts is underwhelming, but the loot Desert Ranger set is my favorite set in the entire game, holy shit and environment are great. A shame it's so short and the sidequests so lame, though. Eyecancer the Quest and Escort Mission the Quest are my two least favorite in the entire game, so there you go. At least YUP makes the latter significantly more tolerable.
didn't mean to quote
Objectively, OWB is probably the best, personally, It's All Your Fault Road is favorite.
That kinda of shit was present in the first game.
No, he plans to nuke whoever of the two that he thinks the Courier was affiliated.
For me, personally, this is how I'd rank it.
Dead Money was fantastic from a story, character, and atmosphere side. I understand why some people weren't big fans of the way it kind of manhandles you into playing it the intended way, but as a stealth/small guns character and melee character respectively I found it totally beatable both ways.
Old World Blues offered a fun new worldspace to explore with lots of energy weapons to use that made my energy weapon loving dick rock hard. The humor will be hit and miss with people, but I found the characters very enjoyable and it got a few worthy chuckles out of me. Best DLC for just dicking around in without a whole lot of thought.
I was kind of torn in where to place the last couple. Lonesome Road really wore on me but I liked the setting and enemies a lot, being an end-game DLC means they got to go all out on it, and I loved the depressing atomsphere, it was also nice to see EDE get some personality. I didn't like how it sort of shoehorned a past onto my courier but I guess you can assume Ulysses was full of shit and assuming a lot, being the massive obnoxious asshole that he is. Why was he butthurt again? The Courier accidentally blew up his town or something? I couldn't be assed to collect all of the randomly placed journal entries he left around that explained crucial plot information.
Honest Hearts is so fucking bland that I forgot it existed, no relevance to anything, a boring environment, and zero interesting characters outside of that dead guy and Joshua Graham. It should've been re-worked into expanding The Legion, and touched up their faction some by letting us see how life across the River is for them. A real boring slog all the way through.
This is correct. He had no animosity towards the NCR, or affinity towards the Legion. He was simply out to destroy the Courier's home (where the courier planted their flag) - just as the Courier had destroyed the divide.
I know you're trying to bait shit but I've actually been going through it and though I'd throw my 2 cents on it if anyone is wondering.
Fuck it. I've done three areas now (Four if we count the gauntlet/Nuka-Town USA) and nearly all focus on fucking fetch quests. And not small shit either (The Galactic Zone requires you to find 20 fucking "Star Cores" to complete the zone, then 15 more, five of which are outside the park to unlock the Enclave PA). Then there's the Hidden Cappy and Medallion side quests you can pick up in USA. And I don't think the bottling plant and Safari Zone are gonna be different even after Kiddie Kingdom proved to be a better gauntlet.
Also I hate how despite being the OVERBOSS Which makes me thinks of Orkz for some reason of RAIDERS I can't just cap or mutilate some fuck running his mouth off at me and everyone freaking out trying to kill me. I'm the fucking overboss what is this shit?
That said
The Nuka-Bombdrop recipe is actually pretty good if you use a root beer liqueur and something that's a fruit mix (I used a Sangria, but there's other stuff that could work) with Coke-cola as the main base. Add the rest of the liquor listed to taste but two shots of each works well if you have enough of the aforementioned ingredients.
And Oswald the Outrageous is too good for this shit. Easily the best thing to come out of 4 even if he is pretty basic upon inspection
Anyways I Have only ever done Honest Hearts and OWB. Never got around to doing either of the other ones for some reasonHH for Joshua and Survivalist. OWB for campy fun.
Don't have a NV pic for some reason but need an image so this post isn't just a text wall, hope this works.
Occasionally the Spic faggot working at Beth can shit out a decent character every now and again. It's like in the base game, where I fell in love with Nick Valentine but nearly everyone else is so fucking lame and uninteresting it almost hurts.
Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Old World Blues
Dead Money has the best characters and atmosphere plus interesting gameplay. By far the best part of the whole game, nothing in vanilla NV comes close to it.
Lonesome Road: only passable writing but great environments and enemy encounters. At times feels more like a huge bonus area added to the base game than a contained story like the other DLCs. Ulysses was ok, I guess.
Honest Hearts: Joshua and Randall are cool, other than that it's all boring as fuck, quests and exploration are mostly uninteresting, navigating the slopes and caves is a nightmare, and I had to try really hard to give a shit about the tribals. the Joshua / Daniel conflict doesn't make sense in a world where you can't go 5 minutes without encountering hostile gangs or tribes, also evacuating destroys one of the few relatively unpolluted areas left. I really only put it higher than OWB because of Joshua and Randall and because it seems that Obsidian really tried something here, it just didn't work out very well.
Old World Blues overdid the humor, it felt like the really bad parts in Fallout 2 and 3. There are some serious implications here and there but it's all drowned in the IT'S SO WACKY ARE YOU LAUGHING YET they force on you most of the time. I would've loved it if they made it more like Dead Money.
Yeah, all expansion have the same "that's too different from shit going down in New Vegas" problem, it is minimal with Dead Money since Sierra Madre could have been just outside the strip with a more localized version its "gas leak".
Lonesome Road and Honest Heart; the closest thing to peaceful tribals/stone age civilization you meet are fucking Khans and Boomers. Which makes empathising with Ulysess and mock-Natives impossible. They would have been much more impactful if Benny shot you in Zion with Nathaniel and Tribals nursed you back to health.
Similar deal with Old World Blues, it takes a lot of re-reading and piecing together to make Big MT a depressing place instead of "oh you wacky talking appliences and crazy scientists". Think about it, you are about to save the world, just a couple more months and you have matter replicators ready for mass production, you even shipped them off for a trial in some casino. Things are looking up. As a matter of fact Science! is so out of wack you are about to answer every question and solve ALL the problems. Then world explodes.
But Nick was a horrible character. It was basically just the hardboiled detective trope taken full tilt and with a tiny twist. He only appears to have any depth because he's based on a character who has already had his story written and died 200 years ago. And the moment he steps out from under Nick's shadow upon the completion of the quest… the character development just stops dead and is forgotten about.
Also, his quest was basically just a long fetch quest strung together with lore rape.
The only tolerable companion in FO4 is Hancock, and even then just barely. He's still a terrible character with no development, but at least the base character is already somewhat likable. It also helps tremendously to have a mod which makes ghoul eyes more like FO3/NV.
Since this is the closest to a FNV thread, I'll ask: is there any good DLC-like mod? I want to play this game some more but I already completed the main game, all DLC, almost all quests in the game and killed evey legion and ncr outpost.
Well, yeah, the serious plot elements in Big MT are there but they're so buried by the awful presentation I couldn't take OWB seriously. Tone down the wackiness by 3/4 and you've got yourself a good DLC.
Why live
Look up someguy2000, most of his quest mods are really good and a few of them add new areas. You also might want to check out Tales from the Burning Sands and Autumn Leaves. Burning Sands has more of a focus on puzzles and reading while Autumn Leaves is really dialogue heavy. They're pretty light on combat though, especially Autumn Leaves. Some people might get turned off by that but I thought it was a nice change of pace. And avoid Beyond Boulder Dome, it's awful.
Those are the only quest mods I've tried that I'd say are close to professional quality. Embed related looks pretty good but it's not even released yet.
Sucking dick is apparently one of the leading causes of early dementia.
Last I checked, only Episode 1 was out, and it's really more of an extended demo. The real meat of the expansion is all in Episode 2. Should be close to a full release though.
Didn't like 50% of the planned game get cut?
Also somehow buggier than New Vegas on launch day.
That's why I said Episode 1 is really more of an extended demo. Episode 2 is where the meat of the expansion is going to come into play, but it hasn't been released yet. We'll have to see whether or not they got their shit together.
Even with all of that going against it though, Project Brazil is still better than the vast majority of quest mods out there.
I've personally never tried it but I watched somebody play through the first part a while ago and I wasn't too impressed. I didn't even know they were still working on it, I saw it hadn't been updated in like 3 years and I assumed it was dead.
Speaking of mods has anything been released that makes Fallout 4 worth playing? Are there any total conversions in the works?