Nintendo Direct
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What's sad is that will probably happen.
Nintendo literally only exists to give us new monster hunter iterations every X years on Y hardware.
That's it.
All their other games are terrible, if you like -any- of them you have terrible taste, period, this is not up for debate.
Additionally, they haven't had a decent third party library since the GBA, their only third party game worth mentioning currently is MH.
The day nintendo loses their grip upon MH is the day if you talk about nintendo on Holla Forums
It will automatically mean you're a shill because they'll have nothing left.
Did I wake up in a alternate universe or the future? What does this shit mean?
whats up, meme man?
also trips
Isn't the NX coing out in a couple months?
And still nothing about it?
Sure, I guess?
yup, its coming out 1Q 2017.
and nintendo refuses to talk about it.
The first of September at 3:00 BST
now mind you I don't know what the fuck BST is but cmon user military time is not that complicated
That's in Bongistan standard time.
Well, thats a few hours saved. Thanks Nintendo for just admitting to wasting my time
You mean these?
how Fuck-zero would you be if you haven't got a 3DS
sorry to burst your bubble but the new monhun (if the rehash of freedom unity can be considered "a new game") is coming out on ps4
British Summer Time
lol rip nintendo
Are you talking about Frontier Z? Because that's not Monster Hunter. That's their trashy MMO that has so many clone monsters in it that it's disgusting.
Call me when it's a proper Monster Hunter 5
Monster Hunter event costumes
This thing right here?
I'm not going to comment on it, you know perfectly well why it doesn't count.
If you don't, the rest of the thread will educate you.
Wew really? The Nintendo only is finally over?
Wow you couldn't read my post right above yours.
That's like next level lazy.
When will Chad Wardens dark prophecy not ring true once again? He's like the console war version of Holla Forums, why is he always right?
Don't disappoint me like this, nigga.
I can't let those trips down
You seems like a buttblasted nintendo shill, are you ok? Should I call an doctor?
MonHun Frontier is shit you homosexual, with or without nintendo.
It was shit back in the PSP days and it's shit now.
If by shit you mean the shit. Yeah sure.
Play Frontier and then come back.
the monster design aside.
i am told it has shit hitboxes, if you think plesioth was bullshit, then im guessing this shit isn't enjoyable.
I can't see them holding out longer than the end of September for the official reveal.With that said though, I can imagine them pushing the release date back until around late April to May if they don't announce it soon.
If they're smart they'll do the NX reveal before Persona 5 comes out. They've essentially got until the 14th of September if they want to have an effective reveal
I chuckled
Is this a joke?
It's Frontier.
Frontier basically doesn't even count as a MH game, it's the unwanted scraps that aren't good enough for mainline.
In fact why the fuck are you calling me a nintendo shill if i OPENLY STATED that once nintendo doesn't have it's grip on MH anymore they're fucking done on Holla Forums?
You know Frontier is where they dump the designs that are rejected for the mainline series, right?
I am bored
I didn't know, never played it.
Frontier G10 was already on PS4 you Jap cock monglers. For some reason people are giving a big shit about Z even though it's very likely it'll stay in Japan only due to its MMO status and infinite amounts of anime promos. Again.
It's not even a good game.
stop posting any time
they really aren't.
What the fuck is even the point of this Direct, then? Why didn't they just hold off until they were actually ready to talk about the NX? Fuck, why don't they just talk about the NX?
For fucks sake, Nintendo, shit or get off the pot.
You have to go back.
She handles a guy who's harder for her than that.
Oh wow that's hialrious.
Are you seriously pushing this now, too?
What will be the next thing?
Nice deflection, faggot.
Tumblr filenames?
Those were the filenames here a week ago you dumb nigger
You should kill yourself right now
yeah nah fam
If the game is coming out this month than doing it before or after shouldn't make much a difference. Because people are going to be focused on the game either way.
Unless theres something I'm missing.
A time traveler went back two weeks a posted it on 8ch then, the poster then saved it and here we are.
Social media doesn't truly flood with gameplay(let's plays), discussion and memes until after games come out though. Basically, once Persona 5 comes out. Any publicity an NX reveal could get in September will be muffled to a certain extent. And if they're smart, they'll avoid that.
if thats legit thats some serious fanservice
its gonna make sure that people who get off to pokemon WILL buy son or moon… or maybe both if they don't have friends to trade with
Actually, they're not. Check the unix timestamp, they're from today.
then I reread the first parts of the thread and saw that it was speculation
user is a time traveler, it's OK he didn't get it for 4chan.
Nipponese direct that won't be shit.
Reminder that Shulk was unveiled at a jp only 3DS direct, NX could very well be announced here.
i'm delusional, i know
They explicitly said they weren't talking 3DS
pokemon sun and moon is probably the only thing worth mentioning.
they still refuse to talk about the nx with less then half a year before its out, they are literally gonna wait till like a month before its out and go here it is everyone but pre-order now we'll only have 5 units on the market for the next 5 years if our fans don't get them the scalpers will and they know nintendo drones will pay double for that shitty system
Unless OP is just fucking with us the 1st pic says Nintendo 3DS Direct and has somebody holding a Nintendo 3DS.
Half/pol/ is better. Holla Forums here is a super cereal circlejerk for natsoc rping.
I have 3 n3dsXls and 2 normal 3dsXls with over 20 3ds games, zero pirating
Ask me anything
can't handle all the edgy ebil nazis, goldstein?
Why are you such a good goyim user?
What did he mean by this?
and if you're talking about that jp direct, yes that too was a 3DS direct
Because the only thing that really made me happy as a kid was Nintendo, it's basically my best friend.
I still have my gameboy, and it still works. Just have to swap out the screen someday since it got permanently dimmed.
I meant explicitly said they weren't talking NX. Sorry.
That's Capcom, bro.
Probably pokemon cock suckimg for the shitty galaxy model, that shit paper mario game, fire emblem dlc and dragon quest censorship edition
its ok if nintendo does it
Boy howdy I sure can't wait to sit through 25 minutes of Mario Party
Now come on guys, Nintendo's not that bad, think of all of the things they have going for them:
See guys, Nintendo is the best!
Holy shit finally another MH not on handheld?
why even live
what's the problem, not enough cuck porn slide for your taste?
Normally I would hope for info on a new Fire Emblem, but they raped it. Thanks nintendo.
not really, it's just the hyper deluxe edition of MHFrontier, the jap MonHun MMO. It's gonna be on PS4 in Japan.
There's hardly any good third party titles left after the 3 monhun games on the 3DS. Kill yourself, Nintendrone.
Dude they get like a single third party worth a fuck every year on 3ds, and outside of that the only franchises they support are Pokemon, Zelda, Mario and a horribly butchered FE if you're lucky.
I hate to be that guy but they really don't fucking DO anything on their consoles, and this is coming from someone who loves the shit out of Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero, the many platinum games put out on the wiiu, and the Smash bros franchise.
Nintendo does not do a console's worth of work on any console they put out now.
Go back to Facebook
check em
feels good
I wonder if Nintendo even knows how much they fucked uip these days.
I guess we should wait for Federation Force's sales
So, is NX confirmed for Sega Saturn 2 yet?
Reminder that what really killed Sega and the Saturn wasn't the legacy of the 32x. Wasn't the obtuse hardware. Wasn't even necessarily the $399 price tag. What killed them was that they announced and launched the Sega Saturn at the same time, during E3. To keep it under wraps, most retailers didn't have it in stock to meet demand - giving unfair competition to some select few retailers - and most game developers weren't even close to having finished games for it. It launched, but you couldn't get one - and where you could find it, as a $400 brick with no games… and that persisted for months, killing any momentum Sega had hoped to capitalize on and pissing off retailers and developers so bad that nobody would make or sell games for it.
Here we go again?
But user, monster hunter sucks.
sage is not a downvote my newfriend
It's alright
The one thing I don't get about Monster Hunter is that the spinoff managed to be more interesting and fun their own mainline games, Come to think of it, it's like pokemon
sure seems like you're using it as if it were
Those "Halfchan filenames" are actually just UNIX timestamps you dumb nigger. I've seen other non-imageboards use the same naming scheme
I pirated the latest .cia from the Monster Hunter thread. Its dumb weeb shit. Overrated assfuck
user, you retarded nigger, you can google those fucking filenames and find out they were originally on cuckchan.
No user, you are the daft cunt.
Yes and? You can also find Holla Forums threads and guess what else? You can actually lookup when exactly the picture was uploaded based on the timestamp filename
I don't go back faglord, but my whole pics folder is still filled with pics from other chans
God you're fucking dumb
nah fam
Eh, could be cool. I guess, I just want to know if runbow on 3ds is going to be a good port.
>no Girls Mode 3 update DLC
Prepare for disapointment
You mean Monster Hunter Stories right?
Yeah I'm excited for it.
I hope not.
Anyone have a copy of this video anymore?
You say that like it's a bad thing. Could you imagine current year Nintendo making a Custom Robo game? It'd be shit.
Oh look here, it's cool guy, the guy that was here on Holla Forums before the exodus when there were 3 users
BRAVO user
fuck off
see pics
that's simply untrue newfag, many chan sites have had an exodus to here
My autism went off the rails when they showed a "Congalala Egg" in one trailer. I'm not sure I could take a whole game of fucked-up monster ecology.
Someone should inform them that overusing the same joke/meme turns this into cringe material. At least more then it already is.
Boy I sure do wonder why they were on those chans in the first place you dirty faggot
Don't do this to me, user
I don't get how anyone can stand playing monster hunter with one circle pad and getting a new 3ds seems like a waste of time sense the next hand held is bound to have two circle pads/joy sticks and be backwards compatible.
It's just pokemon all over again.
Do you think they wanna waste resources in making a congalala with tits give birth to a monkey slimeball fetus?
I'm not going anywhere.
And now I know to use 4chan images to trigger the tryhards. Stay mad faggot.
I came from facebook
What's wrong? Don't you have bans to hand out whenever someone asks for facts or sources on stormfront 2.0?
>Obligatory please buy Federation Force
never ever.
Sun&Moon Alola version of a bug-type or a new arthropod monster
would be cool, but im not holding my breath for this one
is that a boy?
have you tried saucenao or iqbd?
I want the direct to announce the localisation of this tbh.
Ah, I forgot about that one. Would be great.
Kinda difficult to believe that there are actually five of these games.
But I guess if you're going to sell the same game five times, a nintendo console would be the one to do it on.
I would say I like the first situation more. If I want to play something different or similar then I would play a different IP or spinoff. Like playing Dungeon Travelers 2 if I wanted another good dungeon crawler.
where can i watch the stream?
It's in two hours right?
Tomorrow you fool.
S-Sorry sempai
I'd mention more but I play pc games so I emulate.
Really? No more heroes? It's fucking DEAD.
Also Xenoblade took an unfortunate dive in quality and chibi robo got turned into a absolutely forgettable platformer.
PW is still great though.
They've fucking lost the plot. They didn't learn a thing from the Wii U launch.
I'm willing to bet the only game the NX has at this point is Zelda, and that's it. That or they're gonna delay it to November 2017, and the Wii U still won't have any new games. Or even a new game.
All Pretendo does now is church out shitty Pokemon games and forgettable Mario and Kirby re-hashes.
2 new generations of autistic Pokemon designs for every handheld console and some of the most bland and generic entries all across the board in the history of the their company. All while shutting down fanworks and mods for being better than their own first-party games. Don't get me started on their hiring of liberal retards who ruin the localization of their games, but they don't give a shit.
Meanwhile they shill their gimmicky peripherals no one wants and their shitty autism-magnet amiibo toys. They are so out of touch that even with their customers doing their R&D for them and giving DETAILED instructions and data on how to find success and what people want, they still fuck it up and give you shitty Paper Marios and unfinished 3DS remakes and buggy ass 3DS crossover RPGS.
RIP Nintendo. 'If you still think Nintendo has a future in games, you're going to be disappointed.'
Reading stuff like this feels great.
Thank you for confirming, user.
Eh, they still can do great work. The potential is there, just stay the fuck away from their mainline series. It's kind of like Sega and Sonic. Sega makes great games, but you wouldn't know it to play most Sonic titles. Only with Nintendo, it's several franchises - Star Fox, Metroid, Mario, etc.
Punch Out Wii, Kid Icarus, Splatoon… Those kind of titles are what you want to keep an eye on.
Not sure about Zelda. Haven't beaten a Zelda game since Wind Waker. Played a bit with Twilight Princess, and it seemed ok, but was too edgy for a Zelda game IMO. But considering how Zelda is a favorite fashion icon of SJWs, it wouldn't surprise me if it's completely gone to shit.
I think Breath of the Wild looks good.
they always keep the games at full price even after several years, it's so stupid
Actually most people here seem to be from neofag
Just look at the prices of their GBA games on the Wii store or whatever.
Why? Genwunners don't care about anything that isn't genwun, and only Genwunners would pay for roms.
Call me when Culdcept gets featured (in English, uncensored).
congrats you fucking retard you spoonfed newfags on how to fit in
yes you twat and if you were here before late 2015 you'd know why we don't want more coming
I'm moderately interested in this.
Two of those games were from before 5 years ago.
You can't have a company run on 2 or 3 good titles every 5 years.
Sure they can make money with shitty casual games until the cows come home- but the casual market bubble will burst- just like back in the 80s, just like with comics- and everyone involved will have forgotten how to make good games.
God dammit, they even managed to screw up the Hyrule Warriors DLC.
Here I was hoping for Maple or Irene or the Oracles… even incredibly gay painting guy from ALBW would have been acceptable. But nope, let's instead bring in content from those touch-controlled messes nobody liked. (And it wasn't even Linebeck.)
Nintendo needs to adopt George Costanza's "opposite" religion, because every decision they've made lately has been wrong.
regarding mario maker 3ds:
what the hell they were thinking? DoA