Are there apps or websites similar to WeBuyBlack, but for whites?
We need a global marketplace for white owned businesses, from toothbrushes to financial planners. Pepe's Krispy Kinnamon Kereals is a dream, but it can become real.
Are there apps or websites similar to WeBuyBlack, but for whites?
Also, inspirational messages on products.
That picture is cringy
I bet you do your own laundry.
Cereal is literally poison-tier food that doesn't even keep your kids full 1/4 of the way to lunch. A few hours later they have a sugar crash and can't concentrate for the rest of the morning.
Kinda missing the point here.
If blacks have apps and websites telling them to buy black, then why not have a buy white information service?
There's a phone app called Buy Partisan where you scan or input a product and it gives you the company's political/ethical track record. I tried out the app when it first came out 3-4 years ago so I don't know how good or bad it is now.
Sounds interesting, I'll try it out. Thanks for the tip!
Better idea is to compile a database of kikes and kike-run businesses. I'd rather avoid those businesses than paint a target on white run businesses.
Interesting idea but they just don't have info on any company. I scanned like 20 products in my kitchen and they have no info on any of the companies.
hah! you funny OP. A website like that would have it's domain name seized. Dem consumer goodz b raycist n shiiiiit.
Dats rayciss
cmon anons yer killin me
again fucking autsim
muh typographiic skillz
does this only identify israeli businesses or all kikes?
a secret network of Holla Forumsack owned businesses is what we need for starters.
Hell, the groids already did the work for us (for once, assuming they made it and not some silicommie valley fags). It's easier to just assume all brands are owned by whites and avoid ones owned by blacks. They have the list, just turn the tables.
Hahahahahaha what a fucking loser! My mom does my laundry.
TRS has talked about doing something like this, but I don't know if they actually have.
what's the site for black owned business?
Things like these aren't an option for some to do openly. Similar to AmeriAnons and boycotting kike goods. Would be nice to have a website to point people to with a nice list, like the kosher product avoidance chart.
Buy items made in America. Not a guarantee that they're white owned companies, but come on how many niggers run small businesses? And the kikes always outsource to increase profit margins.
That will not go well. The shills will immediately tell you how all those businesses are secretly kiked.
Then explain the average leftycuck who can't even cook for themselves?
Geez, don't take it seriously. It was just some lame bants.
You wash your clothes? Chump. Those tags are just a scam to sell laundry soap, sucker.
instantly derailed
All my clothes are dry-clean only. Filthy dumb poorfag scum.
It saves money on the long run.
You're mom.
It's good and bad, good because fuck giving money to kikes and shitskins, bad because it helps targeting White business.
we already pay a kosher tax to the kikes so that almost all food is deemed kosher. i would much rather pay an "aryan" tax
Negative, most big brand cereals are fortified with nutrients, find one with around 10-12 grams of sugar. I believe men require 35 grams per sugar a day and women require 30, something close to that so don't by the stuff that has 20+ grams of sugar per serving.See the pic
There's a GOP-oriented ETF if you're an investor. It invests in companies based on how much they donate to Republicans. Check out their holdings if you're interested. I think they just launched.
Symbol: MAGA
How many jews does it take to change a light bulb?
And that's how you produce nation of manipulators with supreme verbal IQ.
and people with no respect for the so-called "spirit of the law." If God's laws are nothing but a bunch of nonsensical annoyances to be be avoided, there's no reason to see the goyim's laws as anything better. And since those laws are actually intended to prevent the victimization of human beings, you get a culture of sociopaths.