How do we grow Holla Forums, comrades?

How do we grow Holla Forums, comrades?

More memes with watermarks. More youtube presence. Shill wherever possible. Bad publicity is still publicity.

By participating in anti-trump protests and improving their intellect, and spreading communistic ideology among them.

We are stuck on a Nazi pedophile board. Growth from the outside is unlikely. Growth on the inside (other boards) might be more likely. Especially once Trump keeps the status quo, and it becomes cool on the internet to be leftist. Unfortunately it probably will just be a fad like how new atheism and lolberts where popular a few years ago.

When Holla Forums was against establishment everyone joined Holla Forums. Now we are more against establishment than Holla Forums. This board will grow on Trump's hate.

the left is fucked

spread the word

God damn it.

Be relevant. I go on Holla Forums and I see an alternative take on current events. I go on Holla Forums and I see threads debating the compatibility of niche political theories. You need to show how your ideas apply to today's happenings.

Entertain and involve. Get people into digging into the secrets and lies of politicians and corporatists. Make amusing OC.

Force a reintegration with Holla Forums so we have one vast board of political incorrectness instead of two boards of insular extremists.

Watcha doin, Holla Forums? We are all against Trump.

I'm not Holla Forums m8. I just see a shapeless mass of Idpol liberals in these two pics

We need an easy to read and easy to copy pamphlet that we can handle at trump protests

Something like this?

You sound like a liberal

If you on Trump protest say that Trump isn't fascist, you are getting some "are you kidding me" tier answers. Don't do it. Trump is fascist by today's standards.

No he isnt.

What are you, fucking racist pig or something? Get out.

Nice impression.

nice dubtrips, I believe you.

end my life

By today's standards Obama was an islamic communist and probably Kenyan as well :DD

Time doesn't play a role in this equation.

The problem in calling all and everything a fascist is, that people will not be able to react, when an actual fascist takes power. Crying wolf too much.

it's the waving of the fucking Mexican flag that annoys me. a corrupt narco state.


it requires more subtance but its an starting point

So far we are growing nicely, a year ago Holla Forums had around 200/300 unique users or so, now we are 700/800, on a site that has been on decline otherwise.
Keep doing OC and spreading it, and oppose Holla Forumsyps when they crossboard, Holla Forums loves to namedrop us when they find their views opposed, even on 4chan, and I bet a lot of us discovered this board thanks to that.

yeah that's how I ended up here. got sick of the alt right circlejerk, this board is much better for debates and i like the slower pace

ski mask guy could be legit even if his skinhead garb is kinda cringey.
Liberals don't know 'bout zapata

We stop sexualizing minors


Rhyming slogans were a mistake. What the fuck does that even mean? All of these signs are too fucking busy and look like ass.





The alt-right and liberals have that shit on lockdown, but there are some actual leftists on there as well. Boost that shit - get on there, promote your stuff, advertise like a motherfucker, just get the word out.

That's odd coming from an ancap.


keep doing what we've been doing

read theory

post memes

mix theory with memes


We don't need to get this board any bigger for now. There is enough of non-chan retards here who get their """theory""" from memes rather than from literature. Just look at this thread.

Hey, I never said loli's aren't sexy

I said Holla Forums should stop sexualizing minors

Because we must


Because we must

Leftypol is literally the board with the least lolis.


Because it is Allah's doctrine

If I told you Sweden has less capitalism than the USA, that doesn't make it socialist does it?

We need to stop sexualizing minors altogether, not take pride in the fact that we do it less than all of the other pedos on infinitechan


>We need to* stop sexualizing minors altogether

*: spook

So posting pics of anime girls most of time completely dressed is sexualizing?
I think that's your own problem because when i see pics like pic related i don't think about sex…at all. I just see the nice girl smiling and making a peace sign.
Seek treatment dude


start by not treating anyone who is not new to leftism wanting to learn here as bait. Also making theory easy to understand for normies and not using jargon such as 'means of production'

This is a big one.

I disagree. The left has already tried becoming more normal-friendly by dumbing-down its speech for years, and we've all seen the result, the very ideologies themselves got dumbed down. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have some kind of glossary or something.

B-but twitter twatter and YouOpinion are cancer.

The Left, not Us. The Means of Production can easily be translated as fixed capitals for people who know econ or technology used to produce stuff for normies.

*fixed capital

We need to raid liberals on Twitter

This is a good idea.

This board is great for discussing political and philosophical ideology, but at a point, investigating and studying historical precedent disconnects from the present and thus prevents the material actions we could have.

As such, we should be engaged with "bourgeois politics," more than we are now, offering an online presence of a material and class driven critique of current events that's not really present outside Wolff's economic discussions. We can engage with current events without advocating reform through its systems. We can strike a narrative of how the system is crumbling under its contradictions.

fuck you

t. Pablo Rodriguez

i mean it is a corrupt narcostate but ita my corrupt narco state

Stem cells?






This shit again? This is exactly against our interests. They need to be trolled.

Yes, but until lefty pol is up this wont happen. We need to delete lefty pol



No, thanks!

