Losing control?
If you were forced to only ever play a single video game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Losing control?
If you were forced to only ever play a single video game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
You're still retarded for thinking that assigning a nickname is the same as making an account.
Morning everyone
I'm sick and it fucking sucks. Some kind of cold. Yesterday I went out to buy stuff to feel better and my car broke down at a gas station and I spent 3 hours sitting in a parking lot waiting for people to show up while sick.
In better news a new Ritsu fig arrived and shes the cutest one yet!
Are mods allowed if we're only allowed to play a single video game? Anyway, if they're not, probably Dwarf Fortress. If they are? Probably Dwarf Fortress again.
Anyway, someone brought alcohol into work and I drank most of it on my own because every day is a fucking depressing slide further into the depths of my own apathy. I just want to give up and become a fucking weeaboo NEET or something. The social validation of being a failure normalfag is alright sometimes, but it's not worth the energy.
I know I'll never be happy, but at least if I went back to doing literally nothing I could be miserable AND comfortable.
I think I'd just give up on life.
ayyyy lmao sup my nig nog dongerongs
we still here?
you're retarded for suggesting IRC with links as an alternative to imageboards
Good morning everybody
How was your day/is your morning so far?
Looking forward to anything coming up?
Hard to say. Stuff like Harvest Moon comes to mind though. Maybe modded minecraft? It'd have to be something with near-infinite replayability…
Do you have a way of going full weeaboo NEET?
Either way try to tough it out as long as you can, once you fall into this hole its really hard to get out of it.
Space Engineers or Space Station 13
Oh yeah. Played that attack on titan game all day. Gonna play rimworld for the rest of the night.
Why the fuck do I keep looking for pictures of my waifu in crossovers with the game I'm playing. Every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME. Can't there just be once where I don't find anything?
The Holla Forums shitposting game.
Yeah, Tumblr is far better than IRC because you can post images inline with discussion. :^)
Hope everyone's having a good one
Job's driving me up the fucking wall. People I work with are retards. Can't wait till school's back in and places are looking for people to replace students.
At least my gundam breaker is in the mail, I get to dust off my vita soon
Diablo II
Sadly, I have no way of qualifying for benefits or the like, and my insane amounts of pride and scruples prevent me from lying to get them. All the effort I put in to doing things isn't for me, it's for everyone else. Getting out of the house, working, socialising, "trying" to be a "normal person". None of it matters to me. I thought losing weight and getting fitter would at least help my self-confidence, but I'm more self-loathing than ever, except now I just hate fat people more.
Then again, I don't take joy in anything that isn't drinking anymore, so what the fuck ever, right?
no u
Diablo 2: Lord of Expansion Destruction Kit
You'll never make it with an attitude like that.
inb4 banned during an already extremely slow thread
How much money you making? You could always try to save up and take a nice vacation to wash away the troubles.
I wasn't aware of that, seeing as how I don't go there fam :^)
Is it any good? Did Koei fuck it up?
i'm pretty wary of them lately, especially with PC ports.
One of the towel holders in my bathroom somehow broke and I'm not entirely sure how to go about fixing it, whether it needs glue or something. But I've had a lot worse days.
I don't know. Even some of the really long games I love I'd probably get sick of eventually if forced to only play them. Variety's good, and even on my 2 GB SD card in my Wii alone I have a ton of classic shit I still need to give a go.
Maybe it's a sign, along with that second kidney stone.
>Family had me try to apply for autismbux, even going as far as seeing a judge about it.
>Still haven't heard anything back.
I think it would work out pretty well for you.
Not enough, I'll put it that way.
When I was unemployed, my parents tried to pressure me into taking whatever benefits I could. Personally, I feel like that told me a lot about their character.
sorry fam, your suggestions all seem to be shit
Do those trips mean it will happen or it won't happen?
Do you enjoy graphics options like Effects: On/Off? That's the quality the game's PC port carries with it
Just like you, so it works out.
Why'd they force you to? Better than being forced into a job I guess, wish my folks did that.
Hopefully not, too sick to do much else besides shitpost
You living at home? Got many bills?
ok fam
good bantz
you win
been a while since I've been here, but I gotta say I'm very disappointed in the tripping nigga
Music to my ears.
it's like you want to suck dick or something
Nah, I just woke up. Went to bed around 10:30 after researching for a class and talking to gf over skype. Just saw the message she sent me after I hung up saying she's stressing a bunch over work and was banking heavily on seeing me tonight. Fuck.
Only one game? Shoot this question is hard. Going through my favorite games I don't know if there's one that really stands out as "I could play this for months and not get tired of it."
Maybe Viewtiful Joe?
Why are you so focused on not having a login and being able to see thumbnails? I'm genuinely curious.
Winter soon lads.
They banned avatarfagging so
How you been wallpaper guy?
Figures, knowing TK. Is the game itself any good at least? I mean does it play as good as it seems to?
I feel ya. I spent half my morning moving furniture and shit
Actually I have a PS4, if the PC port is that shoddy I'd rather just pick it up used for my PS4 later down the line honestly.
it's literally ease of use user
but log ins tie you down and you can't post user and why waste the bandwidth on a whole image when you can just check a thumb
Not bad, seems like there's been a shitstorm here in the past few weeks.
Health issues and the fact that mom's not sure how much longer she has left. For the time being I've got health insurance through her work, but in two years or so I'm not going to be covered anymore, and I have to get expensive meds every eight weeks.
Oh, and it got even more expensive now since the local clinic no longer does direct treatment there, so I have to go to the hospital instead.
Oh, you're a third worlder.
can't wait, I'd like a proper autumn first though.
I'm content to remain anonymous :^)
Spring is coming in the southern hemisphere. I went for a run at 1AM and it was fucking 18 Celsius outside. Eighteen FUCKING Celsius at 1AM. To make things worse, it was humid AND started raining with a shitload of wind. The drops were like little needles spattering against my skin the entire time.
I'm gonna fucking miss winter when it's gone, holy shit. Normalfags hate winter because it means they can't wear their stupid band shirts and singlets and crop tops or whatever it is normalfags wear.
I'm just sour about the whole mods and volunteers being shit and the fags that talk about nothing but avatars getting their way
now I don't even feel motivated to come up with more exosquad pics because I'll just get banned if I post them
That's shitty. I'm just getting over my sick.
Thank fuck. It never gets actually cold around here but I'll be happy my AC doesn't switch on every ten minutes. I'll actually be able to keep the place as cool as I like
I don't know. I've been meaning to find a torrent but school and currently installed vidya has me at capacity
I miss when the threads used to be comfy
Damn that really sucks, hopefully you can get some kind of gov benefits then.
Dealing with the same crap of going off my parents insurance right now. It sucks.
no user, I just don't like dealing with bloat any more than I have to
and some day I may not have access to a sweat ass connection
and also maybe I don't want to look at a video of dolphin porn some times
Getting to the question in the OP, I would probably pick DOOM 2. It's already got plenty of replayability, but combined with the plethora of mods and you'll be set for years.
Obviously going user on an anonymous imageboard would be giving up too much.
Also why did you move furniture?
I'm a burger and I'd argue the US is at least a second world country despite having a fuckhuge economy.
That's a good ass joke.
Not exactly sure how much 18 degree C comes out to, but where I am it's currently 88 degrees out at a third past 1 AM.
Well, it's a mix of both medical shit and really low confidence in being able to do anything.
Tried applying for autismbux twice before and got auto rejected both times. Wouldn't surprise me if there's some bias in the system against white males (we do have a lot of tacos here), but the judge seemed pretty sympathetic.
Glad you are getting over yours at least! I'm gonna drink a bunch of nyquil post thread and go to sleep. Hopefully wake up feeling better.
Shoo creepy stalker user
Are your parents boomers?
Yes. Soon.
Winter is overrated. I just want fall to come
Burger here too and I know some places in my area still have shit internet
thanks mate
Did smokes and the rest bounce when the ban came into place?
I bet you even have good taste in video games you faggot.
Do you have any doctor records to back you up?
Smokes has been coming less for months beforehand anyway, hes in school right now so.
And most of the others are still here as anons or still avatarfag until banned really.
I swear, the internet seems to shit itself where I am nightly. I check downdetector every so often when it happens and usually there's reports of outages or issues in this area every time, so I'm not sure if it's just me having issues or what.
It's fucking august you tard.
Sorry, I can't help it, your identity you've created is far too interesting to ignore. I can see why you wouldn't want to give it up. :^)
The port is absolute shit but playable. Game feels like dynasty warriors and is simple but fun.
But it two days it'll be September, and then October, and then November, and then it'll be December and we'll be in winter. Did you ever think of that?
Yeah, plenty of records. Diagnoses, years of recorded treatments, etc.
Honestly, I prefer summer here. At least I can stand a good chance of managing the heat by being awake at night. Trying to do that in the winter makes my hands crack and bleed. I still haven't gotten feeling back in part of one of my fingers after the winter a year or two back.
That's still a long ass fucking time.
More like a lifetime. The amount of .wads out there is incredibly vast, and more content is always coming out. Not to mention all the ways of beating said content. Speed runs and pistol starts are only the tip of the iceberg. I'd choose Doom II as well. I honestly can't think of what would be a remotely better choice.
It's kind of just another day at this point, i'm used to it/am able to ignore it for the most part.
Understandable. I gotta start stuyding my PTCB book tomorrow too.
I was helping my sister move out, she moved in with my cousin. She's two years younger than I am too, but she's stir-crazy. She can't stand being home/not hanging out with someone or being out doing something.
Not soon enough.
I'll probably pick it up on my PS4 then later down the line, since the PC port is shoddy
If you lose all sense of time it isn't. I think I somehow missed all of last week.
y-you too
15 miles out of town, a college town, internet goes to shit fast
That's a pretty good choice. There are a ton of wads to play out there and if you get bored you could probably make your own.
Kinda surprised you got auto denied then, but I dunno the system.
Also get that finger checked out damn.
Shit son, I bet you even have good taste in animu+mango
shouldn't become normal fam
she needs a BF to latch onto, a calm one that isn't super clingy himself
Where I live, we've got a lot of towns maybe ten miles or so in diameter that branch outward from the state capital. I've lived out here my whole life, and it's never been as shit as it's been recently. Either my computer's having issues or Cox is living up to its name.
Mom works medical, and says being auto-denied disability is to be expected aside from the really extreme cases. She anticipated we'd have to see a judge about it from the start.
Ooooh well good luck user, guess I'll never end up getting it then.
Unless UBI takes off somewhere and I can move there.
WIDF here, we are neutral on fall but can get along if you agree to hate summer and summer people.
Daily reminder to eat your applesauce
well since you asked, here is some stuff I like
I bet you have good taste too
I want to eat it.
heat probably isn't helping their shitty infastructure
Summer will forever and always be shit.
Mcnuggies are far more important.
Why use mangafox when you can use bakabt and nyaa? Fuck son, I'd have taken a MAL link over mangafox
That applesauce looks lumpy and gross.
Anyone else jotting down IP addresses for websites incase Obongo handing the internet over to a global body in October eventually causes places like this to see their actual domains revoked or something?
Again, I've lived out here my whole life, and it's never been a problem until we moved into the current house.
I don't disagree, I guess it's just stopped bugging me more than anything.
probably. She's two years younger than I am though, she's so restless though. But she's a total normalfag of course.
eat it you little pipsqueak
eat it, it's good for you
I just now saw that thread a second ago, browsing other shit cause this thread is so damn slow today.
What the hell is going on with that? Too tired to read it
Isn't it just full of sugar and crap?
Why use mangafox when you can use bakabt and nyaa? Fuck son, I'd have taken a MAL link over mangafox
because I make a point not to torrent at home, only at work and abroad
then perhaps it is your house?
I can imagine, especially since you can just proxy around it
how old were you again fam?
Only season worse than summer is winter
I'm going to go with the easy answer and say Dwarf Fortress.
Should I heat up the precooked BBQ ribs in my fridge?
No, if that happens the traffic on here and everywhere else will collapse and it will only grow back once Holla Forums finds a blockchain DNS workaround or something.
why does berserk have the greatest soundtrack of any anime ever?
Applesauce a shit, get some taste.
Do you have Comcast or Time Warner?
Only if you got enough to share
MAL isn't terrible as long as you use it to catalogue what you've watched and plan to watch. I use it to jog my memory when people ask me for things to watch
you're the one with shit taste, user.
This is true
I'm 21 years old
So just mushy apples?
That's not Giant Robo, but Susumu Hirasawa is really good. If you like Berserk's ost you should try out his solo works and the stuff he did with P-Model.
Been on this planet for 22 years as of today. Maybe today is when shit will get better.
In other news the new Project Diva came just came out for the Ps4. Can't wait for it to pop up at my door.
I bet you don't even like dinosaur chicken nuggets.
Congrats it doesn't
Nice. Got roped into going to town with some guys from the Russian church my mom goes to to preemptively celebrate my 19th birthday. Good shit.
Happy birthday user!
You gonna spend the day doing anything fun?
Xfinity so yes
thought I just decided one day to not torrent when TTP got heavy enough
I actually use Anidb for listing what I have seen and then set stuff I want to watch on my passport under a to do list folder, just watched jin-roh today after I realized I confused demon city shinjuku with it a few days ago
Basically, the US has controlled the internet until now, and Obama's just giving it up to foreigners, or something. Wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to give the US one last kick in the dick before he's out.
Thanks Obongo.
Hence why hopefully more people would be aware to grab the IPs incase sites are no longer locatable by their actual domain names. Hell, I've even made sure to grab the IPs for places like emuparadise, which I'd really not like to lose.
I don't know. I've spoken with my dad about it since he's better at tech than I am, and he doesn't think I should be having these issues.
Oddly enough, the house only has two cable outlets, and their both in the front two rooms, while my bedroom is way in the back of the house. Dad says distance shouldn't matter at all within the house, yet a cable guy that came out claimed it does. Either way, it's an off and on annoyance.
Have you ever used the library computers for torrents?
What a pleb.
You never had dinotendies?
Happy birthday. Have fun with your game when it gets there.
I used to eat those all the fucking time.
Fucking hell.
Still though wouldnt you be able to just Bing the IPs for sites that lose them anyway if that happened?
I wouldn't worry about it.
They're fucking 10/10.
this is unfortunate as I am 29 and cannot be dating 19 year olds because for some reason they cannot even do math
for instance my co-worker, the qt blonde with nice legs, just brought in a box of 2 kittens saying she got them for free, also plans to get a puppy soon too
cant do math, no foresight, damn shame
Shit does not get better until you make it better faggot
(Very Nice)
Most likely it'll get worse.
Sounds like some good fun.
I think I'm gonna go hit up BK for some nuggets.
Nothing planned, like every year. Expect maybe posting some K-On porn in the thread since I have my images this morning :^)
those look nothing like dinos
one time for the one time
My life is ok, the world is shit though.
The big thing is that I've been doing them now, since I'm not sure how easy they'll be to ping if their domain addresses possibly no longer work in the future.
It was bretty good. One of them got me an Old Navy gift card so I bought some shorts and shit lmao.
I really want to get some kneesocks or something. And some tight shirts
Ethernet or wireless?
what the fug
no but that could be an option
the wireless is unpassworded but steam is blocked
The world doesn't get better until you make it better
Go for it.
Please tell me you have a qt boipuss
why would I do that than I can get 3 copies of windows 8 at night while shitpostign with you fams?
I've been told I'm kind of cute, I dunno. I'm jut getting into finally shaving and shit. First time I've shaved anywhere besides my face since I was like 13.
I reaaally want some panties or something but I live with my parents. :^(
Any good MMOs these days? I'm bored of my console and single player games right now after nu male sky failed and getting my refund.
Best not be tempting me user.
It's an idea when you're in the area.
Just hide that shit nigger. If you do it well enough, they wont know about it.
The answer is no
I need some tendies
all of my why
I have a question that's been bothering me.
Why does nobody post Pokemon cp like pic related.
He's warm and cuddly and would give blowjobs that would disintegrate your dick from the orgasiom.
Also, why can't u guys sleep
Wireless. Computer picks up the signal via airport.
And yeah, the progress graph had been doing the usual up and down as it moved left to right for download speed, then stalled and cut back into the progress it had made. Something like this.
Hope you have enough GBP for them.
kek, I'm not a trap or anything, but I'd like to attempt twinkitude. i've been told my face is decent? i'm not super wide build either
yeah i might hide it under my bed or something and only wash it when they're away from home
nigga you serious?
it would be very painful
I'm at work user
The airport is the name of the function in my laptop that picks up the wifi signal. It's not that I'm trying to mooch off a signal at an actual airport (though I do live like a mile away from one).
Puffy vulva.
Make sure it's a place they'd never check
He's a hot pokemon.
He's shitting on you for using a Mac.
My sister is the same way, she doesn't think ahead about shit like that, she seems to have enough smarts to pay her rent and shit at least it seems. For now anyway.
Happy birthday!
My copy of Diva X comes in tomorrow as well, I'm rather looking forward to it.
Dino nuggets are by far the most disgusting form of the nugget to exist.
oh no I got that user
Its just that I'm pretty sure Airport is MAC bullshit
I actually use a Mac's wifi to connect my desktop to the network.
Apple's wifi always had great signal strength, or at least it did til they went all aluminumshit all the time
Oh. Yeah, dad got me one for my college stuff, since he's big on that. I seriously don't get why he's such an apple junky. You know that gif of those sheep enterring the apple store? That's pretty much him.
user what the fuck
ayy who up playing video games
I swear I will add you on World of Tanks when I start playing it again.
Got your username written down and errythig
It's for the a e s t h e t i c
It's because Apple has been the hip cool thing since 2007. It's like everything started going to shit 2007 or something.
Holy fuck those numbers.
Morning lads, came back from my job interview a few minutes ago. I finally have a job starting tomorrow. RIP NEET life.
Honestly it was more of a formal registration than an interview, they already had my name in their system, kek.
I'd pick something to waste some time on for an hour or two and just not play video games more than that anymore. What's the point if you can't enjoy the wide variety of vidya we enjoy today?
That said I think I'd pick an online shooter like Insurgency or something. I have a lot of hours in that game already.
can she do math?
I picked up Insurgency again, but I'm probably going to drop it the second I get around to finding a DVD to burn Slackware onto it.
You just reminded me I gotta play more of that. It's fun when I force myself to open it.
Congrats user!
Hope you end up liking it.
Too sick
b-but user gamers r ded
Does Puzzle and Dragons count
thanks user
sorry, at work fixing QT blond sisters mistakes and shitposting, no time for vidia right now
Are you now a licensed and bonded bikini inspector?
It's an ordeal for me because my modpack is always out of date.
But occasionally you get a nice surprise like that physics patch with all the flipped-over tanks.
You did good.
I meant to go to bed a while ago but got caught up playing video games.
I've got a little over eight hours until I have to be up but fuck, I'm tired. See you all tomorrow maybe.
Night peko!
Same here probably
go talk about chocolate croissants for an hour
Holla Forums friend I met up with at a rally shared that with me, good stuff
Bullshit. I ate them all the time and only got tired of them after years and years of it.
Currently found some new chicken tenders.
He used to be just as big on Windows when I was young. Then he got sick of how often they were crashing and switched over to apple instead (probably around 2003 or so), and pretty much from that point forward any new computers the family got had to be apple or he wouldn't let them in the house.
He's still just as big a mac fanboy as he was when he started, and will sit in line at the store whenever something new comes out, even if he doesn't need to replace anything.
I can't afford to buy much expensive stuff (last somewhat expensive purchase of my own was a PS3 a few years back, which took both birthday and christmas money to afford), so I can't really complain if I get handmedown shit, provided it actually works. And to be fair, the programs I needed for college actually worked pretty well with this laptop. I just use it for internet these days mostly though, and I'm sure there's better choices for computer out there.
Fuck son, you need to stop.
i got you covered, user
yeah, maybe under my bed. my mom's a really devout christian so if i tell her i have a box full of private stuff she'd believe me and respect my privacy
Is it good?
I mean, I played dnd all day today, does that count?
have a good night fam
well i'm off to bed, got work tomorrow
Sleep tight everybody
catch you guys on the flipside~
For the most part, yeah. Typical high-school level stuff.
Right there with ya m8, G'night Peko!
so user, witch end of a chocolate croissant do you think is the head?
user KEK likes me lots
nobody even noticed I got TRIPS TWICE last thread
people don't have to point them out but I do appreciate it
the part that goes in my mouth first
Hope so.
Not really, but it's not shit.
It's because they are upset that you got trips and they didn't.
Been playing some Muramasa Rebirth, trying some of the old bosses with the Genroku Legends characters. I swear, either they changed the big red demon boss in Hell around for the extra characters, or once you reach a certain level he gets new moves, but he was doing shit I never saw him doing when I fought him with Kisuke or Momohime.
actually, I saved it because I got banned on 666
nobody called me satan tho, and I think I was checking someone elses trips
Thanks mate, I was kind of nervous, but the place seems decent enough.
Kek I wish. It's just factory work.
Ye, I got the rest of the day for vidya now. Not sure what I'll play yet. Gonna get comfy.
Man, what the hell is happening. Am I having a good day for once? It's almost like I'm getting rewarded by a higher power for finally getting off my ass.
You tried.
image is too shitty or me to even read it
Hope your experience turns out better than my past attempt at working did.
Sounds boring. Who goes to work at this time anyways? Are you a kiwi?
Never tried muramasa. Is it good? What kind of game is it?
I just realized Ciri is best girl
but can she do 95 - 61 in her head on the fly in under 10 seconds?
thanks fam, but really I don't need the attention. The attention is nice but I'm really just in it for talking with people
it's cuz I shrank it to make it easier to crop it with snipping tool
you can tell the digits are repeating tho
I do night audit user
that means Hotel Front Desk at night and I do paperwork for the day
Are you the guy who keeps making ciri threads? I'll stop the Griffith threads of you stop yours.
Don't do that to yourself. I used to work at one, and they're fucking horrible and ruined Tim Hortons
It's too late for that.
But Griffith did nothing wrong!
How'd it go for you?
Currently jumping into one.
I've only done it 2 or 3 times, unless I have dementia.
Griffith did pretty much everything wrong man.
talking to people?
If you can pull off cute it's fine in my book.
He's a true hero, a great man, and someone we all should strive to be.
The former.
oh, well bring it on, makes talking easier
I can't sway away from BK, they got everything I like. Plus I've consistently gotten better food from there than from clown's place.
Sidescrolling action RPG by Vanillaware set somewhere in a mixture of realistic history Japan (some enemies have primitive guns, though there's plenty of ninja and samurai) and mythological Japan (considering all the youkai and stuff). I've found it pretty enjoyable. Pretty enjoyable in my experiences with it. Also looks beautiful and has an amazing OST.
Got let go after three days. owner didn't like that the manager had just assumed it was okay to hire me while he was on vacation. Can't blame the manager for letting me go (he has two or three kids to feed), but it certainly does nothing for ones confidence.
At least I got enough money (got paid in cash; no paystub to prove I worked there) to buy two games I was wanting.
I bet you're even a qt :^)
Do you guys have problem leaving your house to get groceries ? Everytime I leave my house I feel like everyone is staring at me, and I sweat a lot, wich make me feel like everyone is staring at me even more, and this is actually limiting me in what I buy because I wan't to get out of there the sooner I can so sometimes I just say fuck it and leave without getting what I need, I always try to not do this but when I'm in there I can't control myself. I just want to know if I'm the only one with this fucking problem.
no user I'm a dude
fucking kek
trip dubs confirm that Burger King is master race
tbh fam
what do you think
Ah, yeah that's unfortunate.
Well think of it like this, they didn't fire you for something you had control over.
I barely remember my time there. Isn't that a halfchan clan? Cute tanks though.
Ah, so you're not him. Ah well.
Sounds like fun - maybe. Got any fun stories?
It's Jesus giving you a day off, fam.
Hope you have fun either way.
/cuteboys/ is made up of dudes and some of them are qt.
It's something to mess around with for a few matches. At least it isn't CS:GO
Sup guys. How are you all doing tonight? Slow thread, but it is a weekday.
I think my job interview went well. Gave me a drug test and I passed it. Now just have to wait for them to check my background.
I did, then I stopped caring. Just remember no one there gives a fuck about you or what you're doing.
I disagree, but Burger King is kill in my city for good reason. My city also has some fantastic burger joints, so no need for McDicks and the like for me.
Kind of how I downloaded spore today, got to space stage in an hour, then promptly uninstalled?
Probably depends on the McDonalds. There's one a few miles from me that's consistently been good. Maybe because they're not really busy since this part of town is kind of quiet.
True, but to be honest it was pretty much the only place I really wanted to work at. I suppose it didn't help matters between the manager and owner that they waived a requirement, considering they known me for years as a customer.
Got to ask, have they done any asking for social media when you fill out applications/have interviews these days? I've seen a few anons around say that companies look at you as if you've got something to hide if you don't have a faceberg or twatter handle they can check.
I knew nothing about the development of it when I played it ages ago, and I still feel bad about wasting my time with it.
If i recall, you're actually considered suspicious if you don't have a Facebook these days
not really user, but I get half the night to jsut dick around usually, which I why I am here so often
here is a story tho
I'm too masculine for that shit and I'm not gay
thread is cozy
cool beans man, what job you going for?
Could be an area thing? The BK I usually hit up is right next to our highway, they've been pretty good every time I went.
You look like a "cool bro" kinda guy.
Funny enough, reminded me of this doujinshi
/jp/ origin
Sup Plank.
No franchise burger joint will match local shops. For 24/7 ease is a different comparison though.
Makes me all the happier to be a NEET that never had any interest in social media then.
Oh please, you're the femboy to end all femboys.
Did you apply for prison guard or something?
It's a pretty dead clan though, but I like the tag.
not hard
o-oh. i've been told i have really nice eyes, i dunno. first time i've been hit on in ~6 years was on a /soc/ thread lmao
Also kek, guess I'll finally have to set up sadpanda to see what this doujin is I don't really fap to much J porn
tbh anonfam, as long as you shave you can take good buttpics at the very least
what region do you live in, I live west coast
You're trying to make me gay again aren't you
turns out he likes shadman
Sometimes I get a little nervous going out yeah. It doesn't happen too often though. Thank fuck I don't have to go grocery shopping.
Well they didn't ask about any of that. I figure they can't really be fucked. I'm sure they check as much as they can though since I'm going to be working security.
Security guard company. They might put me to work at a theme park. I am a skeleton but they didn't seem to give a shit that.
ayy. See you are playing some WOT. Nice panzer you got there friend.
Nah they got to check that shit always for security. They don't want no turrirists.
Are you sad or something?
Is that with or without nuts?
Hell, skip the Facebook part and just wail on your cranium with a hammer.
I go there once every one or two months if I want some appearance input but don't want to shit up threads / friends with pics
Protect the TOG
TOG is love.
TOG is life.
Load depth charges in case it dives
Not really for me. I generally just want to get in and get out though. If I wanted to make small talk with employees I'd go to my favorite vidya store.
gay as fuck
but stop trying to make me gay, I don't want to be gay
oh yeah, what was it universal with the new rides?
Are you happy, Holla Forums?
If you aren't sad, you're gay. That's how things work around here.
I guess
fine but I'm not a homosexual and I don't do butt stuff
Keep telling yourself that.
Yeah Universal Studios. Might be a pretty comfy job. I hope they put me there. Maybe I could hint that I want to work there.
It could be different, image was slightly fuzzy and all. I know the posters at /cuteboys/ will reply.
That sounds pretty accurate. If anything you can be a faceless model.
East coast nigga, Florida.
Most fun medium tank in the gameee.
Wasn't my fault those Churchs were retarded and didn't angle or watch flanks.
Not fully.
He's particularly fond of his Quiet pics
The drugs help
So he isn't Quiet about his interests?
Are you sure? You don't sound sure.
What's stopping you?
Why do you need drugs?
I'm mostly telling you that
in fact I think this is the most I've had to tell anyone that
now don't get greedy plankanon
my closest BK is shit with shit burgers
best stuff in the area for burger chain is Wendys but they got closed down because too slow and Mcdonalds depends on who is working there, the one with mostly spics is worse, dairy queen is a bit out of the area but decent and Carls is breddy gud
oh, people told me that about that pic in particular. matter of taste, i guess?
and yeah, i've started shaving and shit makes me giddy as fuck. it's really nice fapping without a bush, too.
I have a new drug im taking and it gives me the filthiest shits of my life.
Otherwise I'm just working like a mad man and gardening.
I'm unsettled by the recent volunteer activity
ur a fagit
Minecraft is the only correct answer.
You could spend eternity making an Earth clone.
I did that once. ONCE.
Pic related, my balls until hair grew back.
u on dat cess monica?
u on dat mo fuggin huey lewis monica?
i made my house in dat mincraft n walk aroun w/ my tablet n make sure shit ain't out of place fam
Do not worry my friend, I am not upset by you lashing out because you do not understand your feelings.
I have no face and I must reaction
Fuck me it's too early in the morning for shitposting.
Hard cash.
Ah yes, mods = fags recently anyways.
I find it funny that the tewifag gets to post his rabbit rabbit threads, and all reports about him are dismissed, yet we can get banned here for posting one character more than twice. Or once, if you're ritsu.
what pic
Did you use shaving cream? I'm plucking my balls, mostly. Slightly irritated, maybe, going to not bother shaving my pubes at all and just pluck them.
post more dinosaurs tbh
They make me happy since my endorphins won't
Your balls were a sticky stretch hand toy?
they are hard to understand user, complex feelings
but I understand my wants, and my want is to knock a nice looking chick up and have like 5 white babies
gays contribute in no way to that
Why did you have to remind me that I'll never have one of these?
It's because nobody likes 4am threads and nobody gives a shit about Tewi because he isn't making a thread every day posting with an avatar.
You'll see in due time.
Who needs cash when you got video games?
I got you.
I'm sure there is better ways. Ever try Jesus?
I tried to shave off hair on my dick, but it felt fucking weird- as well as prickly. It was like the stubs you get after a day when you shave. Felt really uncomfortable and only turned ok after short hair length grew out.
Only ever trimmed after that shit.
I kinda want to know what the fuck the mods are doing, I sorta avatarfagged last night no problem
1 way to find out monica
yes, I will my goals come to fruition
I didn't even have a job when those were made. I fucking wish they would do a re-order of them. I'm still searching for any on sale.
plucking dick hair with tweezeers is painful but worth it imo
idk, seems like the end result would be a lot better
I tried Jesus, but he didn't give me good memes.
You'll find a guy to hold hands with, don't worry.
Feels bad man.
I try not to be.
Also some people were talking about how some jobs check your social media. Being a normalfag is like living in George Orwells 1984 at this point. If you don't do what other people do then you are an outcast and looked down upon. I'm not saying everyone should be special flowers, it just seems like everything is getting too homogenized, if that makes any sense.
Could be talking out of my ass though. I'm sure this has been going on for a long time and isn't a recent thing.
Can Jesus fix brain problems?
during the RaHoWa?
well of course, brotherhood requires hand shakes as treaties are forged
Maybe you'll even cuddle or have monogamous intercourse.
you missed the end of last thread
user post that thing you posted at the end of last thread
with my wife?
hell yeah it'll be the best
yea fam de internet b getting smaller n what not mos def monica
mos nigguhs wanna cop some shit, amazon, wanna kno some ppl opinions on shit facebook twitter etc doubles for news for most ppl cuz western celebrity worship. espn for the dude bros, pinterest instagram fo do hoez.
very few ppl got lyk personal websites n as lame as like geocities n angel fire were n what not they were fairly independent fonts of expression.
my one nigga tol me eybody he interviews with for a job refer to him as a ghost despite being fairly normal w/ jus traffic tickets n shit cuh he don't fuk w/ da social media mess n all that.
tldr nigguz triflin af ain't no than tho
heard the ttip (the US/Euro one) is fallin apart so that's good, TTP shit been kinda quiet i thank but a nigga been busy.
We both know it'll be a trap.
I'm on Ritalin.
I want things that aren't video games sadly.
Don't wanna be fully hairless since I'd like some hair around the area. Wish there was none on my balls though- fucking hurts when those get pulled on.
But if there's a skirt then most definitely it's a girl though.
you're right, I'll have to look out for ambushes during the war
Hm? Were you guys talking about this?
Yeah social media is a mess that's for sure. But like I said you have to fit in or people will outcast you.
That is true.
You're the trap.
He could do anything. Doesn't mean he will.
That's no good. Why not?
Oh. What could you possibly want other than video games?
A shame. He made me a bad enough guy to live carefree and happy.
Drawin' keeps it life fun.
yea i feel ya on that one plank-kōhai. das y i don't b managin my own twitter no mo
ya kno any good drawin tutorials on dat youtube or sumn, lookin to fuk around now dat i'm on dis stay at home daddy ish fo da moment
Kek gave me weaponized shitposting and the autism to use it.
post what your drawing
you're right, like Zeus I'll probably have to trick my bride into showing me her gentler side
user was shitposting with another user possibly bullshit, probably bullshit, about how the way social media is designed it all becomes echo chambers but the thought police only works on the left because the right don't believe in their signaling social currency or some such shit
Well Jesus gives me reasons to live beyond memes.
Motherfucker turned a bitch into a furry and went out of his way to rape. Fuck that shit.
real niggas do real things man get off my nigga ammon nuts fam fo'real fo i get rabid up inz
rip big l
miss u monica
oh you mean this?
Kek provides an avenue for world altering magic.
Look at Holla Forums Any sufficiently large forum of discussion, no matter the type/demographic/age will become an echo chamber eventually.
I have a research report due on friday, another one for next monday and a third one for next thursday fuck.
Also playing FFVII for the first time just got out of midgar, it's pretty good.
I bought legion
he turned himself into a wounded bird to get into Heras pants
that's what I was getting at
but yeah he totally did turn that one chick into a cow but that was because Hera was gonna totally bust his ass for having mortals on the side
I'd say both the leftists and the right are useful idiots. The difference is that the left are "virtuous" and crusade for their beliefs and the right is far more nihilistic (generally)
Either way, whoever wins will probably be destroyed either way. The right stands a better chance of being preserved due to blatant nihilism
Moeshit games need to be banned.
Pygmalion is the best Greek mythos character
I don't disagree user, but they believe in a different currency
Yeah that's it
this bit gave me a real laugh
Lots of things man.
At least it's fun to watch groups fall apart.
Check out Alphonso Dunn's "Drawing Fundamentals" playlist.
Other than that, Proko and Sycra are also good.
Here's some recent scribbles.
Pygmalion was the first to have a waifu.
Just what do you mean by nihilism?
Though I wonder where this log is from and if there's any way to know if it's legit or just autism.
I mean, "mass arrests" would really screw up TRS radio. I need muh Daily Shoah and Fash The Nation, fam.
Not wanting to sacrifice their own lives, being degenerate themselves, unmotivated, etc.
What's up fag?
God laughs as He looks upon creation, which was all made by his hand.
You can't buy love I bet. Or dinosaurs. I want a pet Therizinosaurus.
and I bet he was a terrible shitposter, unlike Hermes
staight up troll shitposter master
At least it's fun to watch groups fall apart.
not really user
it's clearly an outgroup faggot our a well designed troll
for one we don't hail kek we praise kek
for another they take marx seriously
and also "LOL"
clearly outgroup or well designed bait
You can buy a means to happiness though.
hi user, please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the thread.
Through shitposting, anything is possible. Maybe even you can become one with (((him)))
I pity your taste.
fuck you
That sounds more like Holla Forums than Holla Forums tbh
How hard?
Fuckin PC-98 man, god damn
I don't like watching Holla Forums fall apart
I realyl don't know where he is goign with this
very hard
How the fuck do I play these vidya?
You mean a Bible? :^)
Nah, it's just the Baader-Meinhof effect on a larger scale. Shitposting accomplished nothing except for getting avatarfagging banned.
Most Holla Forumsposters I've talked to outside of Holla Forums (not that I go there anymore) are nihilistic and are either outright faggots or at least fap to hentai or whatnot.
I used to identify with them so I may be projecting somewhat. But even when I posted on Holla Forums the best that they were doing was creating "winter-chan" and shitposting about some white cop doll in a Hasbro 'which toy should we make' competition
Everything falls apart in time.
Would you like to join in?
The same could be said for all religion :^)
no one says that here you newfag
which vidia
If a bible is your means of happiness, then yes.
I don't have to like it mein fuhrur
Also going to sleep because YOU'RE A FAGGOT user
Too bad.
But Jesus hates the gays. Don't you remember?
Also I need some animays to watch. Anyone know anything good?
Money gets you the things to obtain happiness.
A house to live in can bring you happiness.
A plane ticket to see your love one can bring you happiness.
A loaded gun can bring you happiness.
I still wan't that fucking doll
and fuck you that was a fantastic event and a legit fun time in culture wars
ask yourself, who is my brother
ngiht fag
ty fammo dat one nycka look lyk a real nigga kna'mean
i'ma let my gun off fo ya one time monica
read the manga
i miss cola war nycka
dat shit was crak
what do you even like dummy
Look up the last few season charts and pick things out that look interesting. If you don't like them after 3 episodes, drop it.
once you get past "I'M TOO POOR TO LIVE", money doesn't bring any significant increase in happiness.
it was fun but it was retarded as fuck and a good example of how petty Holla Forums is
meanwhile trannies have rallies
They probably degenerated a little too hard, too fast, and looked for a way out.
I guess memes can't solve all problems, after all.
if you were not happy before having money you will not be happy after. It's about you not what you own.
what kind of anime are you looking for?
no, money is a store of labor user
shit happiness if that's all ti takes, and a house is shelter
so good
user you are full retard
Not really a fan of sports shows, anything else is fair game.
I usually do that, and and probably will once I'm done work
No sports
Watch this show.
It'll be worth it.
Do you expect Holla Forums to not be shit?
Already did because all the megumin posting. Was pretty good
Try Wicked City and Ninja Scroll
it was hallmark user
stop posting then
it wasn't just about the doll user, don't lie
user it's an internet activism board, I don't know what you're expecting, Holla Forums gets more shit done than Holla Forums
try Diamond no Ace
i meant over those threads. not from me, but from the posters who posted on them
i stopped posting long ago because it's a shit board
I know what you meant
but answer the question, what do you even expect?
i'd expect the board that constantly whines about "MUH LEFTISTS ARE PATHETIC" and "MUH DEGENERACY" to not be degenerate nihilists themselves
Sounds good, I'll give em a pirate today
How about this one.
user what do you expect them to do
user that's not piracy, it's "unauthorized copies"
What's your point?
I'm saying Holla Forums is garbage. What I expect them to do has nothing to do with whether or not they are garbage.
you're a faggot, fuck off
So you're saying whining about degeneracy on an anonymous imageboard, creating such intricate delicacies as "winter chan" (and supposedly ebola chan), and bitching about fucking dolls doesn't qualify them as being shit?
If they want to not be shit they should be trying to do something with real world implications, not fucking circlejerking about how badass the white cop doll is. This isn't hard, faggot.
A lot of them are autistic fucking neets who fap to trannies or hentai or whatever the fuck. They're hypocritical nihilists who, for the most part, accomplish virtually nothing. And will never amount to anything.
Because while leftists suck the system's dick and then go on to harass people that don't conform to their views once they're in positions of power, Holla Forums just sits around at home shitposting about fucking dolls and posting neet pepe memes.
They're fucking shit.
I'm saying you're a salty whiner
stay mad, and go back to reddit
it's cool out tonight, going for a walk, have a good night fams
This is a 4am thread, it's a bunch of fagoots who have no control over there lives and should be banned from posting
What's your opinion on poke cp
She still loves you.
Kill yourself any time.
I actually totally forgot about it, been meaning to watch it
That doesn't sound as cool though
Have fun
Pokephilia is where it's at
I will if you pinky swear to stay on Holla Forums and keep your autism confined to your containment board
show me an intelligent Holla Forumsposter
The memeing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.