Say it with me Holla Forums
Say it with me Holla Forums
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Fuck yes.
Fucking cucks
It's gotta be higher than that user.
big if true
The wall doesn't fucking matter if we don't get rid of the shitskins already here. Demographics are what matters. It may delay the browning of my county by a decade at most. There is only one solution, armed revolution Fucking chesscucks.
compromises are still gay. not only that remember that republicans are the ones who didn't repeal obamacare.
You keep trying to use this level of thinking and it just isn't working.
OH they're pulling ANOTHER Reagan Amnesty!
low energy
Getting there.
Can we just fucking lynch Pablo Ryan
the problem is you have to do both.
No shit sherlock, but you plug the holes first or else you just waste energy scooping out water while more comes in. How fucking dumb are you?
You can imagine the virual video of spics in a truck like that hauling a 16" ladder from the top of the truck to over the wall and easily climbing over it
It pisses me off how they keep calling them "muh kids". Aren't they 15 years old, minimum?
Best part:
What good is the wall if we let the spics stay? The wall isn't the point. It's the means to an end, and that end is keeping shitskins out of our country.
Building the wall without mass deportation is useless. There are enough of them here to outbreed us without additional immigration already.
Of course if President Trump wanted to spend a shit ton of political capital and piss libshits off he could have both laws passed separately and then veto DACA while keeping the wall. I don't think he would do that though.
The whiplash libs are about to get is 10/10
Wew lads…
OH they're pulling ANOTHER Reagan Amnesty!
Democrats promised a secure border and now we have 20 million wetbacks and a whole lot of Anchor babies.
Reagan Amnesty turned California Blue, and White minority.
Anyone else hoping they don't put these bar like walls?
This is a bad thing you stupid fucking newfag. That's 800,000 mestizos here forever breeding like rats.
White birthrate ticked up in 2016. Under Trump, they will likely continue to do so, due to the psychological effect he has.
we still need an armed revolution tho
Typical Republican cucking. Even if we were to completely cut off immigration today, America would still be headed for a nonwhite future. This is exactly what happened when Reagan; muh compromise leads to muh amnesty. It's well within Trump's power to get rid of DACA, he doesn't need congress, and yet he's playing these bullshit games.
motherfuckers setting the precedent for DAPA and the precedent for blocking the wall at the same time because if they give them daca they'll effectively be saying that illegal immigration is fine
The wall is really nothing but a symbol, and its intent is totally undermined if DACA is granted stay.
This shit is just silly.
He can kill it with an executive order.
Fuck off schlomo.
Either way, who's gonna pay for it?
OH they're pulling ANOTHER Reagan Amnesty!
Democrats promised a secure border and now we have 20 million wetbacks and a whole lot of Anchor babies.
Reagan Amnesty turned California Blue, and White minority!!!
Yeah, he could also nuke Israel tomorrow, doesn't mean he will you gullible stooge.
sadly checked
Oy vey goyim here's a pretty wall, now take the fucking mexican. Your traitor on a stick demands compassion.
You already got BTFO before you guys even started.
its a wall, not a fence.
Exactly. That is what a "compromise" is in Washington. The GOP cucks don't even have to but as we know its all one ZOG with the same interests. So they'll "compromise" to put something on the table and act like they did something. Watch it be "provisional" spending for the Wall or only be partially funded until they can figure out how to axe it behind the scenes. Nigs going to nog, cucks going to cuck, etc. Expecting otherwise is sheer foolishness.
You need to worry about congress not the president dipshit
This nigger stinks like an admin shill.
Just put the wall funding into the next military budget, or in the next Israel aid bill.
Yeah, right.
Fuck off shills.
wtf…. Shit eating my image.
I remember this. It destroyed my childhood
i would argue, but these digits… wew
Checked for
Seems legit Schlomo.
It took under 10 seconds for both these coozes to get RAPED.
Fuck off with your stupid magapede bullshit, this is reagon 2.0. The entire southwest will be the new calofornia
Tell that to the DHS who wants that instead.
What is this bullshit? You can have the biggest and best wall in the world but it is useless if you allow anyone to stay if they come over
Fixing a hole in the boat doesn't matter if you're already underwater. Even if we were to cut off all immigration today, we'd still be headed for minority status in the near future.
Its bullshit, that's what it is.
The US Southern border is a leak, but its a hair-link fracture kinda leak - it doesn't allow a huge inflow, just a little trickle… Which has been building up over the years, until the ship in question - the US - is nearly sinking due to the amount of mud that has gradually seeped in over decades.
Now, there's a chance to scoop up alllllll that mud, and dump it out… But our leaders are trying to make the keeping of the mud on board a requisite to fixing that tiny leak that over decades allowed the mud to build up to the point wherein its a real problem.
And we've got a bunch of dim-witted faggot shills for the Establishment in here arguing that its TOTALLY BASED so long as we get that tiny hairline leak fixed, even if it means the mountains of mud that are dragging us down to Davy Jones' Locker get to stay and continue to multiply.
Calm down little Shlomo.
The wall is great and all, but the problem is that for decades now the (((government))) has allowed the US to be a designated shitting street for any brown turd that touches US soil
We can get funding for a prototype for a wall that will surely be shutdown behind the scenes and all we have to do in return is make it illegal to deport the shitskins that are already estimated to outbreed us by 2040?
How this will happen
I normally hate siding with the "lolol go back to reddit chesscucks" faggots but this is an offer done by Congress, not the president, so that they can still all have the amnesty they want anyways and Trump can stop shaming them for not getting the base the wall. Worst case scenario for White America is 4M+ LEGAL beaners + an ineffectual, kneecapped at every opportunity, wall. And that gang-of-eight style shit is exactly what "Senior Congressional Republicans" are going to try to get us.
Let's actually read the article and it really displays how pathetic this party is.
Best case scenario, BEST CASE, we get the gang of 8 bill here. BEST CASE. This is a disaster if it's not vetoed.
A wall materrs 0% if you allow them to just fly over it if they sign the right papers mongoloid
Sometimes I think the "Nice try FBI" posters are really the FBIniggers. Who fucking knows anymore. Regardless the solution is still the same.
It'd be really funny if Trump did that, but I have less faith in that than I do that he'll give a Roman salute to conclude the next State of the Union.
This is Reagan shit all over again.
Maybe I'm a dummy but my first thought is "Fuck that." When are you going to get another shot to deport all of these illegals? Do DACA and even if you don't get the wall, you've at least cleansed yourselves of some of the disease; you can then go back to wall discussions. If you're simply satisfied with keeping more out, you're still going to suffer the rot within that will grow and eventually vote to bring more rot in.
This is actually true. A whole shitload of illegals are here after overstaying a visa, not because they walked across the border illegally.
That said, Trump will veto any attempt at amnesty and cucks aren't getting a 2/3 majority in the House to override that in a midterm election year.
We saw this retardation with Reagan already. Fuck that and fuck the Republicans.
It's well within Trump's power to completely end DACA. He doesn't need to give congress any say in the matter, and yet he did. It's not deal making, it's shooting yourself in the foot and calling it a victory.
Republicans always do this this; they talk tough, flex their muscles, and pose with guns to show how manly and tough they are, but when push comes to shove they willingly and wantingly bend over. The republicans are, somehow, even bigger cucks than the democrats. All bark and no bite.
DACA will be voted on and passed before the Budget undoubtedly. In addition, even if it went the other way this is DJT's first opportunity to show he is willing to compromise and he won't veto.
He will get what he pledged but we will see a lot of garbage Laws getting passed in order to get the agenda done. Unfortunately this is how it works for now, but mid-term elections are the next problem. We MUST replace every single Republican that is currently in office with Nationalists (Civic or White) it won't matter we will still see more results we want.
This will in-turn lead us further to the right and eventually to the point where all Public offices are held by National Socialists. This is the only way to move forward without being raided by the Feds. if it does pop-off though, be ready to clean house
I capped your post. I'm going to post it in the thread wherein the Republicucks pussy out.
Highly unlikely.
I tried to get people taking action against the GOP weeks ago, and it was pretty widely acknowledged there was nothing that could be done in terms of getting many of these republicucks out of office.
Then the country is fucked, because - no offense - that plan has almost 0% chance of success.
How do you do, fellow centipedes?
Fuck off back to the alt-right. President Trump is, at best, a civic nationalist. He needs watched like a hawk.
nice defeatism. be the change you want to see in the world
but you are a faggot who bought into the chaika is cute meme :^)
source on gif user?
Not as unlikely as you might imagine, the fact is that The People are moving to more Nationalist ideologies (Civic primarily) namely because of the extremely Communist ideals being pushed from the left. The biggest thing that needs to be done is that we get formal approval from the POTUS for these types of folks. If we cannot get DJT to directly point-out who he expects to get voted-in, then the likelihood is definitely diminished a lot.
That's true, if they are open about it. The key is to run on centrist/nationalist platforms and lie in wait for the super-majority to arrive. this is 100% legal by-the-way
You're completely fucking delusional if actually believe that. How many Americans became National Socialist when Reagan gave spics amnesty? How many National Socialist are there in California or other White minority states? How many National Socialist are there in South Africa or Zimbabwe? We call them lemmings for a reason, and it's not because they're smart and have a sense of self-preservation. Most people will continue to vote red vs blue until America collapses. Sure, they may vote for more populist Republicans and Democrats, but that isn't going to save or even help us.
This would be a TERRIBLE trade. Especially because walls aren't build instantly, and they'd probably just try their damnest to take away funding in future years anyway. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking on these dreamer beaners. The longer they're here, the more LEGAL children they can shit out. They're a tidal wave, and they're getting closer and closer to becoming of child-bearing age. And we all know how young beaners start popping them out.
Daily reminder that accelerationism is a (((kike))) philosophy
All the shills here finally have something to dogpile on after the DACA announcement.
Remember this: There is no fucking way the dems are going to agree to do this.
See second comment:
It has already happened before with Reagans amnesty
Deluding oneself does not change circumstance.
I wager that will be the hardest part of such efforts.
Exactly. Last time this shit was done, it turned the republican stronghold of California into a liberal wasteland.
And besides the beaners already here, it creates INCENTIVE for more to come, because if amnesty was given before, the gov't is likely to cave and grant amnesty again. None of the pro-amnesty republicucks ever consider this fact. Doing things that are favorable for illegals just encourages even more illegals to come in. The easiest way to deal with the problem is to be harsh as fuck, because not only do the current ones need to be kicked out, but harsh measures would actually deter more from trying to enter too.
Yeah, I'm not sure - I can see clearly that he MUST do it if he expects to enforce the rest of his agenda. I can only hope that he sees it, but if he does then we already need to be propping up the appropriate candidates for him to pick.
Perhaps we can begin our own blacklist/whitelist for politicians and keep meme it into being the Official List?
She really is.
Another saved for the collage of Republicuckoldry.
Needs electrified, but good start.
Trump did end DACA, he just did so with a reasonable expiration date. Yes, he could have ended it effective today but that just sets him up for yet another "travel ban" style ruling from the 9th circus. The left can't mount a challenge to the removal of DACA and still look reasonable as long as there is time for "dreamers" to make arrangements and for Congress to respond. If DACA was mixed effective immediately, all the left has to do is issue a court ruling in (((their))) favorite circuit and the issue is effectively tables until the SCOTUS hears it in late 2018 (their hearing calendar for 2017 is already booked).
Basically, you can have DACA "removed" right now only to see it tied up in the legal system until late 2018 or you can lock the can to Congress knowing any Republican who supports it gets primaried in the spring. I'm willing to bet the threat of getting primaried is enough to keep enough Republicucks in line so no bill can be passed.
I am not, because nothing about the current US political system supports much in the way of prospects for such pursuits.
>im a shill because i dont want comprise
are you retarded?
That's a nice sentiment, but all it really means is that after six months expire, the jewdicial system will file injunctions then, as opposed to now. Either way, they'll try to impede as much as they can.
We really need to start a strategy thread and find an alternative for every single voting district that houses someone that isn't good enough.
We have time to think this through and propose alternative solutions to the incumbent but we MUST invest in that idea and stop being reactionary.
This shit has been promised before and it was reneged on. It was a shit deal then and its a shit deal now. Find something else to offer these fuckers because amnesty should be off the table. Deals like this that ruined the place of my birth, its now a high crime, drug filled, mestizo smelling shit hole cause that faggot raygun promised a wall in exchange for amnesty. I can not bear to witness more cities fall to the never ending brown hoarde cause this will encourage more to come cause amnesty could come again.
I already tried that, got little traction and most anons suggested it was simply unlikely to succeed.
Feel free to try your hand though m8.
not good enough that 8 year old kid survived it
Sounds about right, at this point it seems to be our only option to greatly effect the value (for us) of this Presidency.
Why the fuck would one make any deal?
Fuck that, it should be for the
Yes, lets pretend that America is going to magically turn National Socialist. It makes me feel good, so it must be true.
It's also delusional to believe that civic nationalism will somehow lead people to become National Socialist. Especially in a country whose political tradition is wholly Liberal and Capitalist.
I know it may upset people on Holla Forums, but the mainstream left in America aren't communist, they're faggot liberals, just like the mainstream right. They're all the idealogical decedents of the founding fathers. Everything wrong wrong with America is because of founding masons and their muh individualism, muh secularism, muh materialism, muh rationalism, and muh equality.
Why do republicans keep putting "men" like Lindsey Graham and John McCain into office?
When it doesn't directly negatively impact our supposed leaders with blatantly evil and greedy intent of course.
It's almost like having stupid greedy fuck shits make decisions that negatively impact everyone else BUT them, is a stupid idea.
This is why 'democracy' is fucked, the 'leaders' are traitors who sell out everyone else for their own interests.
won't happen
Dems will say "sure", but then sabotage the wall vote somehow and the cucks in the GOP will go "We tried, let's do something else"
No fucking compromise. All Republicans who vote for any compromise will get raped in the primaries. No exception:
If that's the best you've got, DACA will undoubtedly end up dying in 6 months.
That's phase 1, enough to keep the little brown buggers away from the jobsite.
Hey, how about we end DACA permanently, throw all the beaners out, and build the wall. Fuck this retarded cuckpromise and fuck (((newsweek))).
I still want a minefield but a wall is at least a start
The five stages of grief (for DACA):
They're here right now.
But we already have $2 billion for the wall need at least $6 billion for maximum kvetching without giving the democrats what they want. This is nothing but the two Zionist parties working together to fuck the middle class. Come on Trump just end DACA now, I'd rather have a million wetbacks deported than another neglected border wall.
Daily reminder that the wall is ALREADY funded and has been for ages, and there is nothing Congress can do to stop it from going up as long as the oval office pushes the project forwards. RHINOs are giving away the farm for nothing with this deal, just like we knew they would. They've played their hand just in time for re-election season to decide whether they get to stay or leave.
Time to make that list and check it twice. These are the arch-traitors who must hang.
Anything other than "No, fuck off" to DACA should be met with their asses getting replaced come 2018 elections.
"Haha, yes. We here at POL always were for amnesty. So long as the Border Fen-I MEAN WALL- gets built, everything will be just fine. Anyways, I'm sure those Based Hispanics granted Amnesty will be willing to vote Republican. Nothing like this ever happened in California under Reagan or something, nope, California was always a non-white liberal shithhole. Shadilay, my fellow channers!"
Jesus, you people are like a battered wife, always running back to your abuser the moment he sweet talks you, alway telling yourself that he really isn't really so bad.
There's absolutely no guarantee that they'll be "raped in the primaries", in fact history say otherwise. Republican voters keep electing the same cucks over and over again. Why would this time be any different? And even if they're all replaced, what difference does it make? Republicans almost always claim they're anti-immigration when running for office, but that changes when they actually get in.
If this goes through the exact opposite will happen. We'll be stuck with the beaners and any talks of funding the wall will end up dying in 6 months. The Republicans are not you allies, they are your enemies, just like the democrats.
Has there been any change to the 6 month delay? If no, then there's a 6 month delay.
Folks who only pretend to pay attention might be asking, "why 6 months?"
Because that's the congressional primaries. Either they vote right or they exit left.
Accelerationism isnt about waking up the majority. Its about making the ones whom actually 'do' in this world realize nothing is going to change until they decide to get up and go turn off the lights. We are the doers of the world btw, and there are a lot of us getting really tired of waiting for shit to happen to stave off what has to happen. But here people still shitpost under the illusion that this nation, this empire, isn't a dead rotting corpse walking just waiting to crush you under its vile heel and feast upon that which you love.
Hope in many cases is the last thing to die. Often when it dies only a vindictive spite filled rage is left. And that doesn't give a fuck about 'muh constitution', 'muh decency' or 'muh nation', that only gives a fuck about fucking everyone and everything that just forced you to kill off the last shred of what holds you back. THEN we can turn off the lights. Chaos is our home, not theirs. Even here we have far too many men whom still hold onto the hope of salvation or half measures reigning in the savagery which rises against us. Some singular savoir whom will rise up and allow us to stay seated and dwelling in our homebound exile awaiting fate. If WE still hold hope, then the blue pilled idiots of the masses are not even in the same ballpark of being where we need to be to stop this bullshit and save what we all like about this world.
Accelerationism is about us. Not them.
Civic Nationalism is merely a goalpost, if you can drag self-hating whites that far in a few years then you've actually accomplished a lot. Nevertheless, my position wasn't that everyone would be NatSoc (this is irrational at best). I am merely stating that the Nationalist platform is the platform of the future, even if you're NatSoc this is the platform to run on.
After you gain a super-majority (at the beginning of the term) you start removing Laws that are anti-White and replacing them with Pro White Laws even modifying the Constitution. In addition, you can have candidates waiting in the wings to replace the current guy. Basically what the Kikes are doing but rather with actual White People, this works even better if you have a guy in the Presidency which is actually pretty likely if you've filled the majority of the House and Senate
What anime is that gif from?
Wall?!? What do you want a fence for? A barricade would cost a fortune, so let's forget about the little barrier altogether, before someone bumps into it and harms himself and the taxpayer hurdle.
The wall has already been funded, dumbass.
This is the Reagan amnesty all over again
But it doesn't show them going over the other side? Christ, anybody can climb a fence then shimmy back down on the same side.
We should electrify it also
Just redirect all that welfare funding :^)
Pence just got an idea
I was there when we put those down in 2007. They would be fine if we made them 100ft tall and lubed them up.
You have the reading comprehension of an actual spic.
Pence is a neocon pr-Israel cuckold. Stop memeing him as anything other than a faggot.
No where in the OP does it say anything about deporting the spics. It's all about granting them amnesty. Kill yourself.
Who gives a shit about OP? Learn to read back at cuckchan.
Go back to /r/the_donald, you mongoloid.
How? Hispanic birth rates have fallen through the fucking roof, while whites just keep rising. Not like you are contributing user
No they don't. They just don't go after betacucks who keep complaining about demographic numbers produced by shills and jews.
I think it's from Mazinkaiser.
Wrong. Low fertility rate is nothing compared to immigration. 75% of U.S. born babies are still white. From 1910 to 2010, a hundred years, black percentage only went from 10% to 12%, and hispanic birth rate is similarly low. Just with births, it would take several centuries for them to overtake whites at the current rate. Hispanic numbers have solely grown through immigration.
The massive immigration from non-white countries is main reason for the demographic change. In fact, whites are not even declining, the numbers are growing, but the overall percentage changes because of immigration flooding.
Immigration MUST be completely revised, lowered and discontinued for non-whites first, afterwards we can deal with politics to stump birthrates among niggers and spics.
Sauce or gtfo
I would suggest, barring opposing information, that this is how.
Sounds like bullshit on your end m8.
See also:
In his defense, only immigrants have more children than the average White. Their spictress children are just as disgusted at having children than any other liberal…
Again, sauce or gtfo
Mate, i am talking about ACTUAL birthrates from U.S. citizens, not imported babies or young beaner women illegal immigrants who immediately shit out a baby once they get here for obvious reasons. Remove the immigrants and you remove the babies that come with them. Immigration is the main problem of massive beaner influx.
>1.948 for White Americans (including White Hispanics)
> 1.791 for non-Hispanic Whites
>1.972 for Black Americans (including Black Hispanics)
> 1.958 for non-Hispanic Blacks
>1.404 for Native Americans (including Hispanics)
>1.689 for Asian Americans (including Hispanics)
The fertility rate of actual citizens is not that different. Stumping immigration is needed first, kicking out illegals comes after that.
Has anyone thought about establishing a Traditionalist type religion? Churches/Religion has all sorts of Freedoms that have been stripped from businesses/non-profits.
This is an important point that too many blackpilled faggots don't see. The birthrate issue isn't actually that bad if you theoretically shut off immigration. Native-born shitskins have low birthrates too. Some groups even lower than whites.
Moreover, it's important to look at WHICH WHITES are having the most babies. It's the atheist/liberal/etc whites who have the lowest birthrates, at IIRC 1.3. And the conservative whites have birthrates reaching IIRC >2.0. So while it's true that the total number of whites is decreasing, it's the suicidal leftists who aren't breeding. Conservatives are. Whites in the future will be more conservative on average.
We can theoretically save our country by simply cutting off immigration. That alone would actually be good enough for now. Now, I still want an all-white homeland, but that would at least be enough to prevent white genocide in our country.
Europe is fucked though, because even their native-born shitskins have like 10 kids each. That situation is far more dire.
Instantly added to hate groups list. Denied tax-exempt status because of (((unexpected delays))). Sued into the ground by SPLC because one of your members accidentally backed over a Jew's cat that was tossed behind her car.
It's been done, fam.
Yeah, muds get at least 2-5 children each. Even the third generation. But that's only because in European countries they have massive childcare, which is a problem in combination with arabs who are highly family and religion oriented. However, they could not support a single kid without childcare, because at least 50% of those lazy fucks don't even work. Europeans would need to rework childcare to defeat arab baby spawning.
Aye, good point. Their larger social programs and gibs are more easily taken advantage of. Sure, the shitskins in America also shit out a bunch of kids, but it's not as free of a ride as in places like Sweden.
Kek, I'm not necessarily stating that we be anything but complete separatists. In fact more like the Amish in that we would seclude ourselves from the degenerate society and breed massive amounts of Whites to fight back the downward trend. In addition to teaching proper values to our People, this could very well grow very large.
He hasn't publically endorsed this compromise so it could be the GOP doing a 'muh PR" routine because they know the dems will never agree with the compromise. Trump usually comes back from Cucktown when his base gets angry with him. Let's hope he vetoes this dogshit if it actually happens. I'd rather have aggressive border patrol plus auto-deportation and a massively reduced legal immigration policy that leaves no room for amnesty. The wall would be a nice symbolic thing but I'd still rather ditch the treasonous Obama EO and never grant an ounce of amnesty to any illegal than to build an enormous wall…even though I want both.
That not comforting at all. Your average conservatives is, at best, worthless, and, at worst, a complete cuck. Are more protestant retards and republicans really what we need? And what exactly will be considered conservative in 50 years, Pro-sodomite marriage, tranny rights, muh based niggers and spics? What's to even guarantee that the children of conservatives will remain conservatives?
We need a revolution, not a return to some fantasy muh conservative values 1950s. Babylon, its worshipers, and those indifferent to it must be utterly destroyed.
I read that as:
If Trump doesn't lock this down, this will be a GOPe lead exercise in political graft just like king nigger's "shovel ready jobs". Get full funding or some bullet proof mechanism to guarantee full funding later.
And how in the fuck is there no existing plan to secure the border?
I'd think with how much money we spend on "defense" we would have a game plan to secure the homefront. shit, that plan should even be reviewed/revised annually!
t. blackpilled faggot, the exact kind I previously mentioned.
We could get it back to early to mid 80's levels pretty fast(which would be fine)especially if Miller's legal immigration policy gets implemented. There would undoubtedly be a big white working and middle class baby boom. There was already a mini American white baby boom in 2016 because of Trump's campaign in 2015-2016.
I hope everyone likes goose eggs, homemade honey, cheese, ice cream and butter
It's MazinKaiser episode 4, probably the best animation of the time used during that scene imo.
Go kiss sandnigger dick you fucking faggot.
t. delusional faggot
Just keep doing what you have been doing. I'm sure the results will be different this time. It'll all work itself out in the end, go…guy.
Any attempt to legislate a DACA-like amnesty into law will fail totally. King Nigger bypassed Congress to implement it because there was no way it was ever going to pass the legislature. It would be funny if demokikes and cuckservatives funded the wall thinking it would pave the way for amnesty, only for it to stall in Congress forever. What a shame that would be :^)
I just want to see Trumpcucks defend amnesty when the god emperor signs it into law.
That first part should just read
While the second part should read
Still sounds like bullshit lad.
And the idea that you'll kick out the illegals after stopping immigration is laughable - the ones who are already here won't let you. You're basically saying you need to stop the flow so you can handle whats there, but what's there is more of an issue to your functionality than the flow, which is comparatively small.
Again: The issue is not a hairline fracture in your hull, the issue is the consequences of that fracture having not been dealt with in decades, thus resulting in your ship being full of muddy brown water that votes 70% Left.
Bottom line: You have no argument, and no data to support that non-argument that isn't totally fucking out of data.
I have presented you up-to-date data that suggests your argument is faulty, that immigration really isn't the issue relative to the scum who are already here and breeding out of control, and you ignore it to utilize old data to try and prop up your bogus argument.
Immigration is not the issue. The enemy is already among us. That is the issue.
No data I've seen suggests as much, and neither you nor the user you're responding to have been able to provide such.
All data I've found suggests US non-Hispanic White fertility rate is sub replacement while US Hispanic fertility rate is not. That's really all there is to it, unless you have data to suggest otherwise.
All evidence I've seen and presented suggests the vast majority of spic influx into the US at this point is from between the legs of spic hosers living in the US.
Unless you can cite something to suggest otherwise, you're just another user that's full of shit.
No, the mods usually hop IPs after every post, so the thread gets full of >(1) posters saying the same shit and carrying on arguments started by other iterations of the >(1) posters.
I can attest to having seen such, but usually it varies between that and like 2-3 IDs that all support the same argument and stick around.
Like vines around a pillar.
Yeah you mean the same fuckers that kept niggers as slaves and said kikes were blood sucking parasites? Uh huh.
This article goes over what I'm saying. Specifically the first section.
That doesn't sound like it makes much sense.
US Founders were racist as shit.
How did what they said and thought get converted into what people who espouse that "Traditional Liberalism" (and its many many many aberrations) say and think today?
See, it wasn't the content, it was the context.
You didn't have to change what they said, you just had to change the way people perceived what they said.
How did "free White person of upstanding moral character" become "ayy mah nigga we'z eekwalls 'n sheiiiiiit"?
Manipulation of the language, of the context.
By Marxist Jews of an aberrant character even unto Marxists and Jews, which is truly saying something considering that Marxists and Jews are both themselves clades of extreme aberration from the ideal.
Civic Nationalists want white genocide to happen, just """"naturally"""" meaning through non state actors. If its NGOs, individuals, charities, companies, etc. pushing for it. Then its fine in their book. (Well except its a "based nigger", then you're a neo nazi).
It needs to be wide enough for armed guards to stand on top. Preferably with battlements
Who do you think?
I'm not convinced tbh.
That article has some serious flaws. There's a whole bunch of behind the scenes calculations going on here that aren't shared, and so can't be sure of the methodology at play. As such, I find it unconvincing given the other statistical data readily available.
I'm not worried about convincing you.
And how is Congress going to accomplish that when it took King Nigger bypassing Congress to make DACA happen?
He's 100% right, you cuckservative bitch.
No, no amount of consensus cracking is going to get us to agree to granting amnesty to any of this spics. Kill yourself, Cadrenigger.
They're thinking about voting for it. Gentlemen.
Time to call your congessmans office!
Spread the message to the Republican base! Its time for r/TheDonald to do his part.
Godspeed r/TheDonald
Seems everything is as it always was, two fake sides and the jews behind the scenes controlling both. The reason King Nigger couldn't get amnesty through legislation is BECAUSE he was King Nigger. But the deal making based Trump could convince the only opposition (grassroots/base conservatives) it is in their interests to do it for X reason, thereby giving cover and even exalted status to traitors. The lowest numbers and most calming scenes will be painted for the detrimental and the least effective and most boisterous will be implemented in the positive. This is Gang of Eight all over again.
The Reagan allegory is a good one, and maybe a blessing in disguise. When combined with the Tea Party/Gang of Eight treason, the obviousness of this bait and switch, lose on purpose bullshit may be exposed. I hope the meme of the midterms is right, but I see how quickly the cuckservatives and Democrats work together when Israel needs money.
Civic Nat normalfags are far more based and pro-white(as long as it's fair, presentable and won't get them fired from thier job or get thier other civ-nat normal fag friends to unfollow/unfriend them on social media.)than these ZOG bot, young boy fucking, sociopath congressmen that are both bribed and blackmailed into doing their (((donors'))) bidding.
Most of these spics are in their 20s already.
You're right about that user. It should be obvious to those who look to history that the 'principled conservatives' are a more devious threat to us than genuine gommunists. Hitler and Rockwell both had first hand experience that should give us a good idea of many of the challenges that face the movement from here on. The commies who end up converting are generally the most fervent opponents of Marxism and the commies who stay true to Marxism will lose once our people are strong enough to act. The basic bitch conservatives who join the movement and don't get 'radicalized' will be spiritual vampires and betray us if the connection becomes personally inconvenient. Like Rosenberg says in the Myth we have to forge a new, but old spirit among our people. One that allows us to transcend the past while honoring the spirits of our ancestors. Don't lose hope just yet, we've almost made it out of the Kali Yuga.
lolno. DACA and DAPA style amnesty have never made it through congress despite many attempts. Obongo illegally forced it into "law" because it would just not pass the legislature no matter what. The cuckservites caved to him on everything and they still couldn't enact it through the proper channels.
Trump couldn't force it either even if he wanted to. The failed Obongocare appeal proved that.
*repeal. Fuck.
Top Kek this is some low energy shilling.
Just beat it into the normie's heads.
The reason why the Neo-cons are dying to extend Amnesty even though there are hurricane victims without aid, and Amnesty recipients have 6months before they leave is because of Replacement Migration.
The Neo-cons want to replace whites with Latinos because they will vote in a communist regime. The Neo-cons want to replace the greatest generation with Mexicans who were taught that whites stole their land, and these Mexicans along with the public education will tell their children that Whites stole their land.
Replacement migration is genocide. "
We'll take tens of millions of shitskins and put up a largely symbolic wall!
What a deal!
Trump needs to force the military budget to pay for the wall,and threaten that he will use an EO to efectively slash the DOD budget in half if he does not get his way.
No, the_donald is a civnat hellhole and the second they veered into JQ territory the reddit admins swooped in and replaced the modding staff. Civgnats are le enlightened centrists and controlled opposition.
Trump is a charlatan. The problem is fundamentally one of race, all the Civic Nationalism in the world can't change the fact that our nations are already flooded with shitskins and they get preferential treatment and our women are breeding with them. Half the people at my office are imported shitskins because it's cheaper than paying a white man. When is Trump going to do something about that? Drumpfh is a fucking joker. Always was destined to be, that's why they need Project Alamo and Sunshine and the compromised mods here and everything to try to shut us up, because the whole game was rotten from the start.
poster posting the le XD chessn maymay
Please show us a better alternative, I'm waiting.
There are no political solutions. Things will either continue to deteriorate until either all white men rebel or are subsumed. But the faith in Drumpfh that's pushed so hard around here should tell you something, same as all the jews he's surrounded himself with. He's a good CivNat cuck just like our boomer parents who don't give a shit if the white race lives or dies just so long as the correct regalia are flown at parades.
Pat Buchanan.
What you dummies don't realize is that Trump is the first candidate in at least 2 decades to stand up for American interests. It is so unheard of for a politician to actually consider the interests of Americans that the entire left/media have been running around and screaming for the past 8 months over Drumpf.
There is no such thing as america. Just a conglomeration of niggers, illegals, mutts, and a decreasing majority of whites rapidly being outbred by anchor babies and """refugees""". If america survives whites will die.
Yeah that's been a common scam of the jewish bankers throughout history but there is also the "2 different teams of mega powerful
Jews that want to rule the world with differing ideoogoes and methods that oppose each other" option. Which seems more likely in the current year. I'd like to think the "Germanic death cults" that AJ bangs on about are a viable third option that will pull us out of this mess.
Violent revolution. That's it, that's the only way forward. So start preparing.
Define American interests. And define Americans.
You never compromise with the enemy, more so with traitors. This is trying to get people to be hyped about the wall while something worse in the long run gets slipped in. Typical (((politics))) at it's finest.
He's already broken some over the past few months. If he continues, especially with the big promises such as the wall and immigration, he should be considered a traitor and further proof to the normalfags that there is truly no democratic solution to save ourselves. Meme it if need be to have normalfags truly understand the situation and what is at stake.
Looks like a good start.
Donald Trump doesn't care about white people. Get that through your thick skulls.
No doubt about it. Your average conservative is completely worthless. Not only have they sat by while society degenerated, they have, in many cases, openly embraced it. They completely lack what the Greeks called thumos; They're the walking dead.
Absolutely. People here seem to forget that Hitler was a revolutionary, not some fag reactionary. He wanted a new Germany, a new Berlin, and a new type of man to inhabit them. You get rid anything too old, weak, and degenerate and you use what remains to create something new and virile – to turn lead into gold. Hitler was a grand alchemist, one of histories greatest visionaries.
Unfortunately, I don't think thats true. I believe things are going to get much worse.
Any other candidate would be working to open the flood gates for even more of the third world right now, had they won. Trump is a net benefit no matter how much you shills try to claim otherwise.
Except this scenario is plugging the hole then leaving the water to fester. There's no reason we can't get illegals out AND a wall. All these fucking beaner babies are gonna grow up and spawn more anti-white voters.
Are you American? Do you know that you can drive through European-country sized areas(hundreds of square miles of the US) and see nothing but 95% ultra Germanic-Scandinavian-Anglo breeds? 60% still means around 170 million whites, dummy. American whites have a higher IQ than every European country other than Finland. Look it up, faggot.
Everything you need to know has already been laid out in the Writings of Hitler, Rockwell, and Mason.
oh honey, no.
Trump is half a tourniquet on an artery wound. Too little of a good thing too late, I don't even blame drumpf for the mess he's gotten himself in. White people have gotten a cock up the ass since ZOG won WWII. We're just bleed to death a little slower under trump.
Nah, no need to give our guys PTSD. Just line the wall with automated sentry turrets which shoot anything on the other side of the wall.
This is a fucking disaster if it goes through. If they legislate DACA back into life, it's an extra 800,000 beaners given amnesty, and the precedent is set for unlimited invasion. Trump's base (such that it is) will be demoralized to fuck, and whatever wall funding is passed will have so many caveats attached to it, nothing will get done to build it. And even if they do get it up within the next 3 years ( a minor miracle), there's no point IF ALL THE SPICS IT'S SUPPOSED TO KEEP OUT ARE ALLOWED IN ANYWAY.
rant over, sorry for the allcaps spergout
This tbh. Trump needs to stick to the long game - remove the illegals and corruption, the demoshits will then never have a shot at reelection while the republicans will clean up their shit and out the globalist members. 8-16 years down the road we might see something better. If you give them the illegals they will just keep using them to rig elections and if they get good at it there's no chance of going back.
There's like 20-30 million illegals in the country. There's like 60 million legal spics, outbreeding the native population like kudzu because whites are much more careful about having children than shitskin zombies. White women have forgotten that sex makes children and have stopped valuing their genes.
800,000 people we can either naturalize or deport? And they're all YOUNG? We can really maximize the tightening impact on the labor market that way!
Don't jump straight for violent revolution. Consider nonviolent revolution first. Have you really plumbed the depths of sabotage yet?
Here's an idea. Imagine setting up a cabinet for growing fungus in, and then collecting the fungal spores. Fungal spores are super tiny. You could mix your harvest in water and fire it from a super soaker. Do exactly that. Pour fungal-infected water on buildings belonging to organizations you hate. The more toxic and/or destructive to buildings the fungus is, the better.
Yeah, I agree. They are just part of the 80% normalfaggots that will always exist no matter what time, country or circumstance. They are controlled by thier inborn instincts to be a lemming. It's just part of the human condition that's been around for 100,000 years. If 'we' were in charge and our ideology was an accepted norm, these faggots would pile onto the train in a heart beat. Just don't let kikes make you hate these people and make them an enemy. They just do what they do. You don't get mad at animals in nature following thier instincts, do you? Now, these sociopath politician ZoGbots are a different story. You dig?
and…these normalfag civ nats are probaly very community oriented and giving individuals. They'd probaly be the guy to pull over on the side of a rainy highway to help you fix your tire or help thier neighbors in sticky situations. Usually they are heavily armed and will go nuts if any blatant constitution occurs. Unfortunetly, they will be the first to be an annoying counter signaler to "anti-semites" and "white supremacists". Don't resent and make these people your enemy. They are the kike's enemy. Unfortunetly they think Jews are "chosen", "harmless", "good folks that believe in the Old Testament".
Gas yourself
What did he mean by this?
Has there ever been a serious attempt to portray voluntary mexican self deportation in a positive light? Whether it's mainstream news or social media, all I see is legal/illegal mexicans rallying and protesting to stay here, and various groups demonizing America for trying to uphold immigration law.
Could pushing something like the "Make Mexico Great Again Also" idea reduce people's opposition to permanently rescinding DACA and NO amnesty, with a more positive spin to it? Mexico is not some evil concentration camp, it's their home country. Illegals here should proudly rise to the challenge, take the education they've received here back home to benefit their own people. Make it sound like staying here in America is doing their own country a disservice, and something to be embarassed about.
Even better if there were some coordination with residents in mexico, showing that deportees from the US aren't being thrown to the wolves in some scary foreign land. Some "welcome back home" pamphlets, and lists of resources newly arrived repatriated mexicans can use. There has to be a way to make Roy Beck's gumball immigration example palatable to more Americans. Would be great to shift public opinion to the idea that allowing illegal mexicans to stay is like a crutch, holding them back from their true potential.
They have to get worse for things to kick into high gear. The jews just have to overreach in a way that's so blatant and disgusting that it galvanizes the 'doers' into action. The pace of the poz was picking up before I was born, so just how many millennials recognize the profound sickness in our society is a mystery because it's all we've ever known, but unlike the boomers and to a lesser extent my parents' generation (Gen x?) our financial situations are more tenuous. That kind of instability could be capitalized on. The worse the economy gets, the more extreme the measures the public will accept.
It means he's become a cuckservative.
Yeah no, Lindsay just wants an excuse to vote for DACA.
Checked for truth. So what will it be this time since Texas and Cali are both majority non-White?
right, so there couldn't be a design that actually works
i hate these people so much
Maybe if you cut off that hook nose of yours, you could see better.
But user, they'll be ready and educated to "better" the home country that they're from.
Yes goyim. Non citizens are guaranteed right just like citizens. Let them vote!
kek 'n check'd
I now know why shills are so furious about the chess meme
Because it's always right.
It's always funny watching you cucks shill like this only to see you BTFO in a few days
Happens literally every time and you're too goddamn stupid to notice the pattern.
Whoever pays you pays too much.
i'm sure this time the kikes will compromise! come on guys, we just need to keep cucking a few more times, then we'll start winning!
seriously fuck everyone on this board
Eurofag here, it really bad. They shit our new mudskins faster than most of ucan take an actual crap.
I want DOTR so fucking bad
The way I see it, there is only one Wall and only so many ways to get it up.
DACA might be a horrendous piece of leftover turd from King Nigger but there are and will remain ways to deport spics. Unless Congress can create the ultimate amnesty bill, one not opposed by Trump and republicucks, the cleansing of the country can still happen.
Shotgun cleansing sounds pretty fun actually
There's technology already being developed to counteract Based Wall. We need to stop (((them))) from completing and implementing this advanced tech, otherwise our secured borders will be useless
Shill level: Cuckchan amateur
There is already advanced tech to counter border crossings. vidya related
Could you be more obvious?
It didn´t or at least not that much, the White birthrate stats were kept low for blackpilling.
Okay, newfag. Here's the deal in simple words. We currently live in a dystopian nightmare where we and only we can't make and push for ethnically oriented policy that is explicitly in our interest. All we can do is identify common characteristics in other ethnic groups and push for policy based on those characteristics. One such characteristic is crime. Spics and niggers are criminals. You get rid of criminals, you get rid of niggers and spics. In fact they are criminals to such degrees, they can't help but commit crimes by crossing the border before they've even applied for citizenship, and are so brazen, they drive without licenses, enrol at universities while still being illegals and yet when caught, consider them being caught an attack on them as a person or an identity. By getting rid of criminal beaners, you are getting rid of beaners.
Sure, not all the beaners, but it's a start. Being rid of those beaners means being rid of criminals who go to multiple voting booths in every election to vote for bringing in more beaners. And those beaners are now gone, so it will become easier to vote and push for policy to get rid of more beaners. Lower the bar of tolerance on what kind of criminals allowed. The more crime is curbed and cracked down on, the easier it gets for law enforcement to enforce the law. The easier it gets, the better they can enforce it and the harder life gets. And we push on this front (among others) further and further until only the absolutely law abiding ones (assuming such a thing as a law abiding spic or nigger exists) are left. In which case they are outnumbered so strongly we can forego laws and civility and just kill them.
I never get this "this one battle being won means we didn't win the war, so let's shit on winning this one battle because there's no point to fighting goyim why do you keep fighting" attitude. The only explanation I can come up with is that it is a genuinely scripted shill tactic handed to some loser who gets paid to do this and thinks this will be his big break into politics.
Let's play this out. /salt-left/ sees the "DUDE WEED" memes, and tries to inorganically shoehorn in the FRUMPF and the wall into it. Fucking wow, man. That is some weak produce.
You slipped there, Shill-san. Maybe you should get some rest.
No one likes your shitty wordfilters, Kampfy.
Holy shit, mate. I got pointed out to this post by>>10558077 and I thought the worst you did was fuck up and say "DRUMPF", but you used full on Tumblr speak. Wew.
Fucking end this stupid parlour game already.
Good catch, I didn't even read the post properly. I imagine it's like that for most of the board, we're so used to the shills that our brains subconsciously filter most of them out, we literally can't even notice them any more.
This guy has been in office for almost 20 years and is young enough to be there for another 30. He is the definition of a career politician and has never worked in any other field. He will never go on his own. We have got to make sure he loses the Republican primary.
The "oh honey" "oh sugarpie" bullshit is on the same level as when they try to say, "y'all".
Fucking shite
Just like what Reagan did, he'll give the spics amnesty and the Democrats will give jack fucking shit back. What's the next state to go? Texas probably, last time it was California.
But all the retards will scream 6 GORILLION D CHESS, even though he's making the same god damn mistake.
Not really, I want things to speed up and get bad so chaos finally comes and one can use the chaos to kill
Now what to fuck would be the point of that wall if we let them through the door?
Ka nama kaa lajerama
That explains all the blackpilling >(1) posts in the other threads. Figures the hotpockets are too sensitive to engage in an actual debate and need to hide behind the illusion of numbers.
It's not unlawful if congress declares it lawful, retard. It was unconstitutional when Obama passed it through executive action. When congress does it it's law and no one can say otherwise. As for the wall, I never gave a shit about the wall. Give me legal changes, like ending DACA, to deter illegal immigration, while also making their life a living hell, constantly looking over their shoulder, and they won't come here. build a wall in their minds. Fuck the actual wall. Get men with guns down on the border and give them license to shoot. In a year all the drug runners will be dead. The wall doesn't mean shit if the law and the cities and the people are still screaming "come right in and get your gibs!"
Not good enough.