What are some vidya girls who are more bad ass than sexy.
They can be sexy too but the major thing about them is how gar they are.
What are some vidya girls who are more bad ass than sexy.
They can be sexy too but the major thing about them is how gar they are.
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Jokes on you bad ass girls are automatically super sexy. FE girls tend to be good for this.
That one character from Fighting Vipers inspired by Private Vasquez
If the sexyness of the character is zero, even the slightest sliver of badass would make it meet your "more bad ass than sexy."
Women can't be badass. Only mannish. And people who like them are gays in denial.
Cayde is the only Vanguard with any character and even then he's just the generic rogue
This Dragoon from Etrian Odyssey V.
You need to check your memes kid. Jews are responsible for gays being as popular as they are. If anything you should be blaming them for the fact that you like long haired men.
Why do I cringe so badly every time I hear this ? It's almost like *epic*, but worse.
For the same reason why 'epic' is cringeworthy now.
Pussy. There's more than just physical strength, though that's hot too.
This is what the jew does to people.
go home markoto
Are you implying she i not sexy?
Are you also implying that badassery is not sexy?
I want her to grind my face off with her abs
You can be feminine, submissive, whatever, and still have dedication, aspirancy, and self-discipline.
This is why you will always be a virgin and the best you can hope for is raising your wifes son.
Did a woman touched you when you were little, user?
You are weak and you seek someone weaker. Your offspring will be lacking in body and mind and will be prototypical in the idea of being goyim.
I am sure to take something a jew worshipping homosexual says seriously. Don't forget your next feminist rally.
I am strong, or at least I seek it. I seek a woman that acts as a compliment to that.
Tell me then, will the river rise higher than its source, or will your theoretical children be even lesser than you are?
Sick fallacies you got there. Do you think a feminist will let you put your dick in her now? Or are you just hoping to get pegged anyway?
Feminism makes women weak. Don't play games, this is serious business. Your lineage will be plotted by the genetics you select and the character you carve in yourself.
How many skulls do you own? Serious question.
Sakura Ogami.
You think she's essentially just a bundle of muscles with no femininity?
Think again, once you explore her personal backstory she turns out to be most honest and faithful waifu out of the entire cast.
She's the character 90% of all western SJW teams want to write but they can't because their writing skills can't even reach the basic manga level of this game's plot.
Thanks for helping me prove the point.
Man, I want to give her a hug, Worst part is that her master is still alive. I'd change that useless piece of shit with the afro over Sakura any day.
Also 40 minutes and that's the best you can do? Daaaaamn.
I was playing video games.
You are a joke that writes itself.
I keep it on my pillow at night and on my shoulders during the day
Feminism is the source of
women, meaning irresponsible, bitter, spiteful, untrusting. None of these are strengths.
All of that is because women are told not to act like women. Women being denied acting on their normal instincts due to feminism creates confused women. Like the ones c72101 is posting.
But keep supporting feminism and then pretending only the result of feministic behaviour is a problem.
Please handle words more carefully, you keep throwing this one out
Pure instinct is shit.
I'll use it again just for you. Strawman.
I made a mistake, confusing your throwing out the word fallacies earlier with the specific word strawman
Forgive me
At this point is a buzzword unless you can justify why it is an strawman, which is not.
But for me badass girls who are more "badass than sexy" are the sexiest. It means that they ain't superficial bimbos, but genetically superior individuals, good breeding material.
Not big surprise.
How is this not obvious.
Are you retarded?
Look at this cuckā¦
He ain't even aware of his own cuckness!
Its amazing how you feminists always run to that same non-videogame dump when you are called out. Almost like you came here from tumblr and don't actually play videogames
Am I missing something here?
He is missing out, user. Let him be.
What a sad little cuck.
Since we've completely abandoned any semblance of talking about video games I thought I'd just share how I wish I was a fitgirl lesbian so I could wear cute clothes and do girly stuff while still being masculine when I feel like it.
This is what your brain on feminism is like.
this is what your brain on dubs looks like
What the fuck are you on about m8?
Here are my most FAV BAD ASS FEMALE characters in video games today xD
Us girls can tango with the boys any day haha xD
ikr xD
btw are you buying the fixes?
aug lives don't matter, but your dubs do. dubs checked and nicely done.
Joanna Dark
Top tier taste my friend.
I wish I was a lesbian so I could be submissive to a dominant woman who treats me with kindness and protectiveness instead of contempt.
Dominant lesbians? You mean those who use no make-up, wear male clothes and behave like men?
What did you think this thread was for otherwise?
Just say empowered.
I know you want it.
I have a thing for tomboys, but girls who look like they'd kick your ass or just plain cool always get me going
I just want one to push me down on the bed and ride my dick while slapping me in the face. Is this so much to ask for?
Just came here to say that if you like /fit/ girls you have the worst taste. Wanting muscle on a grill makes you a borderline faggot.
If you like traps, you're gay. If you like reverse traps, you're straight. Why is this so difficult to understand?
No. You're making a lot of assumptions about lesbians. Although I'll admit that I'm not really a fan of makeup in general.
I know Bayonetta is meant to be sexy, but she is so delightfully cocky and badass it's hard for me to sexualize her.
It's just a masculine vagina.
Knight grils are best grils. Yes I know she isn't badass in the slightest
So like this then?
Shit taste tbh fam
So wait is the autist in this thread actually saying he can only appreciate women if they're weak and helpless? Because feminists are fucking exactly that, propped up by everyone else.
post big tittied ogres
I hate all of you.
Bayonetta is clearly very sexy but somehow she manages to be even more badass than she is sexy
Muscles, theres your answer nigger.
Gar? Like the sound a snow leopard makes?
Murder autist is pretty cute. The badass still wins out on this one though.
Some tone can actually be really hot, but bulging, rippling muscles are far too masculine to not be gay.
I am not ironically shitposting
big major Danganronpa spoilers donut read if you haven't played: I did not think the game would get to me more than chapter 2 did, but god damn it they actually did it the absolute madmen. I also could not conceive of any way that they could actually kill of Sakura since clearly noone would attempt to kill her and clearly she wouldn't attempt to kill anyone else, but the "else" part of that was my error in judgement.
actually it's >>>/mtt/
Undyne a cute filename
Found the feminazi trying way too hard to fit in :^)
I beg to differ.
Not feeling a lot of the pics in this thread but Lord in Heaven would I like to put a baby in that.
I want to stuff my face in her fire muff.
Probably the best part of her that we're not seeing.
Been noticing more and more Virginia posting lately. Glad to see some taste developing in the world.
fuck off
Do you believe everything you read on the internet?
If so then you have cancer
One mans continued crusade. Do you ever even sleep brah? Or are you that dead set on people not discussing tumblrtale?
go back to tumblr
You have to be one single person because no one else can be this continually stupid