Playing certain characters literally gives you less rank edition
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Why the hell does Mercy remind me of Johan Liebert? I feel like there's something slightly off about her.
link a webm or something, lets not give the faggot clicks
So what are the known problems overwatch had since release
Fucked up hitboxes
20 ticks
Sends Australians to American servers
You can clip through walls so that you can shoot the enemy but they can't hurt you
Player certain characters fucks you over in ranked
Imagine if any other game released in this state.
Will f3f6e0 aka b31002 bless us with his presence one again?
Are you still living in July 2016?
So what your saying is that there is a rank gain gap?
Mercy (a woman) and lucio (a person of colour) are particularly affected.
Overwatch is still fun for me, probably because I played it on the open beta and a little bit on my friend's house a few weeks ago. It's so simple and easy to play I enjoy it once in a while.
b-b-b-b-but user! what about muh personal glory in a team based shooter!? I don't want anyone to get credit for everything I do! after all, I am the one that carries the team all the time!!
* hitboxes were fixed, they are threatening to revert them back though.
* is 60 tick now but I think it changes depending on your lag or something.
* haven't seen the clipping except for rein smashing his hammer through a wall
On the other hand some characters are still too powerful for their own good, and others have been nerfed to almost irrelevancy.
Actually is a class gap.
Currently on a 38 games lose streak.
I'm pretty sure noone has had more.
>Even Holla Forumsilliterates made fun of that faggot
I feel like pointing out you can still place high-diamond, maybe even masters, as support (mercy specifically), if you are good enough. I say mercy because zen and ana are both considered "fine" and there is just so little you can do to be a good lucio.
How is this possible?
ayy lmao
I don't see the problem
the model is rendered by the graphics card, the network of the client and server is handling the feedback of the hitboxes
Initially I expected him to argue that support characters aren't rewarded enough for helping their team, instead he argued that the game should compensate for the team not sucking enough. How retarded is this guy?
retarded enough to play a shitty team-based game
if you want pure skill dont play team based game or dont play with randoms
I didn't watch, but if that's his argument he's doubly retarded because that's not even the actual problem.
Healing done has practically NO influence on the support "skill" calculation, if it has any at all. The whole "you heal more when stomped/even and less when stomping" line is completely irrelevant.
The largest part of a supports skill rating (specifically talking about Mercy and Lucio here) comes from offensive and defensive "assists". In order to score Assists your team needs to be killing things and you need to be helping them somehow, so you generally do better on a steamroll. If there is no damage to be healed and you can't get many Defensive assists, you can damage/speed boost instead to take more Offensive assists.
Anyway, there ARE problems with the system. Of course there's no accurate way to measure players skill in all cases. You can be playing support extremely well and not get many assists, especially as Lucio who only "counts" during Amp. The most obvious problem though is just in the tuning, which they are adjusting as we speak.
Hi f3f6e0 aka b31002 aka f9d10d
Decades of jewish brainwashing cause people to feel nervous around aryans. your feelings just mean the propaganda is working.
the polygons of the model you see is rendered by the graphics card, the hitboxes are a combination of the client and the server communicating
What if Mercy boosted attack speed by 30% instead of damage? Could anyone do the calculations? On some heroes her pistol might still be more worthwhile, but buffing the attack speed of someone like pharah, reinhardt or reaper could have a big impact.
Even with all the flaws OW have it is still better than the RNG shitfest that is Hearthstone
It's amusing. TF2 set out to be a casual, silly shooter, and ended up being highly conductive to competitive play. Overwatch is the exact opposite.
I personally prefer games that allow quake style rocketo jamps, but I get that you can't have any semblance of balance when some characters have those skills and others do not, and TF2 is a prime example.
For TF2 it's more an issue of map design than class design where Soldier and Demoman's bomb-mobility is concerned, it's not a crippling advantage in their favor if a map is generally indoors like Turbine or most other CTF maps while broad and wide-open outdoors maps emphasize their mobility and give them a better advantage.
Not helping is that most map designers balance and playtest explicitly with the Demoman and Soldier in mind, rather than giving them a harder time by designing the map around Scout or even Heavy or Engineer.
I don't have exact numbers but say Pharah fires a rocket once every second, which deal 120 damage each. And say the rocket's travel time is 1 second. Mercy's 30% damage boost makes them 156 damage each, which still takes 2 hits to kill a 200-health hero, which doesn't impact time to kill, so essentially she may as well not have been damage boosting unless the enemy was a tank or was getting healed for more than 40 health inbetween shots.
Even say, against a Roadhog, who'd normally take 5 direct hits to kill, you only give 36 extra damage each shot, which leads to needing only one shot less. If we assume 1 rocket per second and 1 second of travel time, that's still 8 seconds to kill (as opposed to 10 seconds). With her pistol Mercy could have been doing 20 damage with 5rps = 100 damage per second, for a total of 20 bullets before reload = 400 damage over 4 seconds, with some potential crits thrown in the mix. That's 400 damage (with potential of up to 800) in the time that pharah has fired 4 times, doing 480 damage. If you were damage boosting pharah instead, you'd have contributed 144 extra damage. Now it may be unrealistic to be hitting every time with Mercy's blaster, but even if you missed every second shot you'd be contributing 46 more damage than by damage boosting. If we add 1 second of travel time for both projectiles, it takes damage boosted Pharah 8 seconds to kill a Roadhog, and Pharah + Mercy 6 seconds to kill a Roadhog. It's a difference that cannot be ignored.
What if instead she gave an attack speed buff? Pharah would now be firing a rocket every 0.7 seconds. She needs two hits to kill a 200hp target, so the time to kill would now be 3.4 seconds instead of 4 seconds, which is a big difference when dealing with a fast moving hero. Against a roadhog she would need 5 hits, but she'd get them off in the span of 3.5 seconds, and with travel time added in, the roadhog would die in… 8.5 seconds.
Have to consider the aoe effect as well, but I've never been good at math. Please run this test in other scenarios as well: Mercy giving 30% speed boost instead of damage, possibly also speeding the reload by 30%.
Sounds OP
How would that work on Zarya
Good question. Her balls are obvious, the laser might do its damage tick 30% faster, effectively giving 30% more damage.
Faster = more frequently
Don't play shitty characters then.
Better yet, don't play shitty games made by shitty developers like Blizzard.
Also the real problem with Mercy is that she can't use the damage beam, ever.
here's an oekaki so faggots can just use this instead of wasting time trying to explain to you dipshits
You mean a drawing you retard?
This, you can't try to cleverly switch between damage and health either because as soon as you switch to damage the person your healing will be dead.
From the last eight overwatch thread I've made we can make the conclusion that overwatch is played by underage casuals who are retarded enough to watch chinese cartoon shows and don't know shit about technology.
Just passing through to comment on the logic you used for your travel time.
If you assume the travel time to be exactly one second, it doesn't mean that in order for Pharah to hit 5 shots will take 10 seconds (1 second per shot plus 1 second travel time), this is a surprisingly common mistake. You must consider that the both events are happening at the same time and one does not interfere with the other.
For instance, suppose Pharah shot three times her rocket to the target and the travel time is 1 second, how long did it take until the last instance of damage was dealt?
Exactly 3 seconds, since the trajectory's time and the rate of fire for Pharah are all happening simultaneously (and in this case, Pharah will shoot her next rocket the exact moment the previous hits), all we have to account for are the time needed to fire all three rockets and then consider the final travel time. The first rocket will be fired instantly at t=0, the second at t=1(at this point, the first rocket has collided) and third at t=2(second rocket collides), henceforth, it'll need an additional second to collide and thus the time needed for Pharah to hit her 3 rockets (considering travel time = 1) is 3 seconds.
From the last eight Overwatch threads I've made the conclusion that people who don't like Overwatch are premier league shitposters on par with Australians who don't know where the hide button is and should kill themselves.
Nah, as OP I'll have to agree with
I kind of miss being low-level now because I'll never pull something like this off again
It's time to post your mains and characters you'd like to learn, I'll start:
Characters I'd like to learn
pic unrelated
Characters you'd like to learn
i think he meant お絵かき
Seriously? with those slow as shit reaction times?
Characters you'd like to learn:
You're right I made a big mistake there, but isn't it 4 seconds since the first shot that the last one hits (if you fired three times)? First shot doesn't hit the ground immediately.
Working on it. Going pretty well so far. Regularly get gold medals on kills, gotten cards for 4 gold medals and by both sides admission carried an entire team from certain loss to victory.
I don't remember a character whose entire purpose is to die.
Got to make sure you're also getting golds in damage done with the killing ones. Because I'm pretty sure it gives you kill counts for just doing any amount of damage to them before they die.
having a gold in only kills just means you're a Kill stealing whore
Characters I'd like to learn
I really don't like the offense heroes in this game. Partly because hitscan weapons show you when you lag so you shoot two McCree shots. Plus they tend to feel like selfish assholes, many a time those fuckers run away and leave me to die while healing them. Or just keep running from the healer in general then complain about not getting healed.
As someone who plays Symmetra a lot, can confirm. Those turrets rack up kills just by tickling them until someone else actually kills them.
I don't understand, why did you post that video, but not this video from the exact same channel saying that blizzard noticed that issue and is fixing it right now?
This video was posted before you made this thread, too.
You hand picked the other video instead.
On purpose.
Why, exactly?
Best for a game is 12.400 but I my average is about 7000. Tracer isn't built for damage so when I have gold in damage I know my team isn't doing their job properly.
No, I just finish what others start. I focus on killing the ones with low HP, whether due to damage or low start HP. It's easy for Junkrat to do heavy damage to a team but it's hard for him to finish them off and that's where I come in.
I also focus on healers like Zenyatta and Mercy to remove support from their advance. Tracer is built to punish teams that don't co-operate and when they do my job is a lot harder and consists of killing them as quickly as possible when they break formation to heal or respawn.
Its come to the point where the shitposting trolls are the ones making sure we always have new threads. They're more intent on keeping Overwatch on the board than we are.
This is probably the same shitposter. who made an op just to shitpost about the game 4 times in a row. Do you really think a person like that can process new information?
Want to learn
Okay, let's see.
The top bar represents every time Pharah took a shot and the bottom bar represents the time each rocket stayed in flight. Every rocket has been color-coded as to avoid ambiguity.
Time only begins "counting" when Pharah shoots her first rocket, and since she didn't have to wait for her rate of fire (the shot was ready all along), she fired it instantly at t=0. It didn't immediately HIT, it was just "immediately" SHOT.
Make up your mind faggots
it's not hard to rack up damage if you come up to a hog. One full unload to his head does a shit ton of damage
Plus if you manage to do your job of flanking the squishes you can usually drop them with one clip to the head. Thus racking up tons of damage.
7000 damage done is a solid average thought
My average falls around 11k with 16k being the highest I've done
So basically you hate the game and literally hand pick examples to shitpost about it?
Yet you made FOUR generals for this game?
that doesn't make any sense, are you mentally ill?
So is "muh ranking", the new go to meme for shitposters aside of "muh hitboxes"? At least they change it up a bit once in a while, you have to give them that.
I didn't notice.
The new rank system is much better anyways i feel like. The 1-100 is kinda small and bland
Well, there is D.Vas Mech.
Mercy isn´t really that much disadvantaged by this system. Actually the only character that gets really fucked over right now with this system is Lucio. But then again, i played a fuckton of Lucio in the first season and still reached rank 64.
Usually the mech can do something useful though, unlike Krillin.
Hand pick examples? What?
Making four generals?
At least you having mental problems isn't up for debate.
Careful guys, only post praise for the game that Blizzard graciously sold to us, might trigger some autists otherwise.
I've pointed out flaws and I haven't been called a shitposter yet.
Characters i´d like to learn
Normally you only get called shitposter, when you post outdated or misleading info again and again, no matter how often your bullshit gets debunked. You know, if you do the same thing as oh pee.
What did you post?
Wew lad, who would have though
Kill yourselves you shit taste plebs
Oh right, for some reason I was starting from 1 instead of 0. WELL, let's look at the speed buff with these numbers then.
Assuming 1 second projectile travel time and 1 second inbetween Pharah shots.
If 30% damage boosted Pharah tries to kill Roadhog:
156 damage per hit. She needs to hit Roadhog 4 times to kill him, and so the time it takes to kill Roadhog is 4 seconds. Time to kill is 4 seconds.
If Pharah + Mercy try to kill Roadhog:
Pharah has 120 damage per hit, 120 dps.
Mercy has 20 damage per hit at a 100dps, 20 rounds before reload and with a potential for critical (2x) damage. At 3 seconds Mercy will have dealt 300 damage with 15 shots, and Pharah will have dealt 360 damage with 3 shots. Time to kill is 3 seconds, with potential for 2 if Mercy hits all but one critically.
Mercy + Pharah > Damage boosted Pharah
If 30% damage boosted Pharah tries to kill Genji:
156 damage per hit. She needs to hit Genji 2 times to kill him. Time to kill is 2 seconds.
The time to kill is the same even without Mercy's damage boost, which is worthless. Only assuming that Genji was on health lower than 156 but greater than 120 OR receives more than 40 but less than 72 heal during the 2-second period will the damage boost be useful.
However, with the projectile travel time being 1 second, Pharah hitting all shots is a stretch and for Mercy it's an impossibility. Mercy damage boosting at this range is a minisculy better option as it also increases the splash damage, but considering Genji's mobility and his lust for Mercy's anal cavities it's a better decision to hold her blaster out, as in close range it's undoubtedly that
Mercy + Pharah > Damage boosted Pharah
But what if Mercy's alternate beam gave 30% attack speed bonus instead of damage?
If 30% attack speed boosted Pharah tries to kill Roadhog:
120 damage per hit. Shot cooldown is 0.7 seconds. She will fire all 5 projectiles in 3.5 seconds, but considering the travel time is 1 second, it still takes 5 seconds for all the projectiles to hit. Time to kill is 5 seconds. In this case,
Damage boosted Pharah > AS boosted Pharah
However, if the projectile travel time is less than 0,8
AS boosted Pharah > Damage boosted Pharah
Let's try to kill Genji then. If 30% AS boosted Pharah tries to kill Genji, she still needs 2 hits to exceed 200 damage dealt. She fires off both projectiles in 1.4 seconds, but due to travel time the time to kill remains 2 seconds.
AS boosted Pharah = Damage boosted Pharah
It seems the less travel time there is, the more effective Mercy's attack speed boost would be. With a projectile travel time of 1 second, attack speed boosting Mercy is worse than damage boosting Mercy. However, if the AS boosted hero has 1-hit potential or has a hitscan weapon, her potential increases greatly. Good AS boosting targets would be Hanzo, Widowmaker, Reinhardt, Reaper and McCree, to name a few. Assuming Hanzo hits all headshots, his killing speed from target to target would increase precisely by 30%. Reaper would fire his shots 30% faster, so assuming all headshots and in effective range, he deals 280 damage per shot. Most heroes would of course be killed immediatly, but what about a tank such as Roadhog? If he's full health, 3 shots would be necessary. I don't have the data and fuck this.
With absolute numbers it seems that Mercy's damage boost would be better than an attack speed boost for all heroes but those with natural 1-hit capabilities. Considering that we don't play with absolute numbers, though, an attack speed boost (that also speeds up reloads) has far more utility than just damage, mainly because her Blaster in most situations, excluding ultimates, contributes much more overall damage than damage boosting someone. AS boost would also be an unique ability and pair extremely well with Ana's ultimate. Give me Mercy AS boost or give me death.
Fuck I'm autistic.
Post Mercy porn
You what? I stay the hell away from the hogs unless they're fleeing and healing or maybe distracted and using ult. They tank too much damage and are too dangerous up close and with the hook.
I should try to go for headshots more often but it's hard to get that precision with 3600dpi and 15 sensitivity. I need the moveability to blink effectively.
Reinhardt is easy pickings though, especially on his own.
No sweeter feeling than bringing down a cocky tank with hero made of glass
Fighting Reinhardt and Roadhog gives me an adrenaline rush when I play Genji. Hopping over their heads, grabbing walls and deflecting when they hook or firestrike. Feels so satisfying to kill them.
If it is same Blizzard who made SC2 ladder. It will take them 6 years and 2 expansions to finally balance it.
Enjoy multiplayer team games.
Oh god yes. If I hadn't played in a while and go in the zone my hands starts to tremble so aiming becomes harder. Getting the tea-time spray was tense as fuck since I didn't even realize I was coming close to it until I was 3 kills away from it.
you think you need the sensitivity up that high but you can blink efficiently if you have awareness so you don't need to rely on where you are looking. I run 2100 dpi and 3 sensitivity.
Hogs are the easiest thing to kill as tracer, you just gotta bait out the hook and spin around them like a spaz. most of the time they are confused. That kinda goes for dealing with everyone. That and hitting them in the head, the satisfying noise of just unloading is great.
Yeah especially when there whole team comes to help. that's the funniest and most rush i ever get. Especially when I'm landing my shots and dropping them like flies, as they try to keep up. It's honestly the best
That or tracer fights. I love tracer fights when I'm on point. It's almost like an Adrenaline dance of interesty
I don't know why but going one-on-one with another Tracer makes me feel like I'm dogfighting in a spitfire.
If the person you are healing dies faster than you can react and switch to healing (from full health), healing them the whole time wouldn't help.
There are plenty of times you can squeeze in the damage boost. The problem is it's not really worth using for more than about 2 seconds. If you are going to boost for more than that you are probably better off shooting your pistol since it does more additional DPS.
Pharah+Mercy Vs 200 health can kill in 1 direct + 1 splash, whereas Pharah Solo will need either 2 direct or a second splash. The boost is primarily noticable for low damage-per-hit heroes, which includes Pharah's splash damage.
Although I agree with the attack speed buff. 30% damage simply isn't strong enough to justify the opportunity cost. They don't want to increase the damage over 30% because it would cause certain characters to 1-shot 200HP heroes (McCree specifically). By adding an attack speed buff in addition to' the damage boost they could increase its effectiveness past the 30% limit without hitting any new breakpoints. It would also have the benefit of being a completely unique ability.
Just to make it useful on all heroes attack speed should also include reload and "charge" speed as well as the "cooldown" between shots. That means having a scoped widow charge 30% faster for full damage, hanzo draws his bow 30% faster etc.
Another nice thing about attack speed is that it takes skill for the boosted target to use it effecitvely. Not TOO much, but just because you shoot 30% faster doesn't mean you can aim fast enough to keep up.
It's weird as fuck isn't it? I used to run with 2200 DPI because I couldn't be arsed to track down the software required to change it. I finally got around to it when I remembered in-game mouse sense is artificial and skips over pixels. I have adjustable DPI on my mouse with four levels so I made it so the highest level was 3600. I used to switch down to 2000 when I wasn't in-game but after a while I forgot to do it and I've been using 3600 all the time since.
Bumplock when?
About 200 yet
It´s times like these, when i switch from cute healslut to sadistic bully mode.
This is such a generic statement and can be interpreted in so many ways, it is neither right or wrong.
Optimistically, he means collision detection functions are usually executed by the CPU, which is true.
Pessimistically, he means that the hitbox and model shouldn't have to be consistent with each other, which is dumb from a game design perspective.
Really, whether something is CPU-bound or GPU-bound isn't something that the user should care about.
I'm so glad the devil/imp skins made her tits smaller.
She's so much hotter like that.
Characters you'd like to learn
I know how to play all of them, I just need to up my aim/prediction game so I can snipe with ana/widow/hanzo/pharah/mei
The Huntsmen worked the same in TF2
That doesn't really justify considering the huntsman is shit, actually it's more shit than hanzos arrow, but at least blizzard listens to the users more than valve.
A sniper class with a projectile weapon is just stupid anyways and will be difficult to balance.
That's what I meant. Collision detections are executed by the CPU while model rendering is done by the GPU. I though that was common knowledge.
You can host an headless server and render the console with just the motherboard of your PC and run the game just fine since collisions are often handled in the server. Only the clients that see a visual representation of the game actually need a proper graphics card.
Should? No. Can it happen? Sure it can. From hitboxes lagging behind the viewmodel to generic hitboxes that do not match the viewmodel at all, there are many instances where what you see is not the same your PC sees.
An attack speed would be interesting but the charge boost I wouldn't agree. The same problems you get with damage boost, you'd reach with a charge boost too. Widow's bodyshotting people for 120 damage much faster, for instance. Or Symetra getting to lvl3 on her gun much faster.
Beam weapons like Winston or Zarya also "attack" multiple times per second, speeding it up is quite possible.
Now a reduction in reload time by 50% would be neat as well, it contributes to the damage in an indirect way that feels good for your target and doesn't particularly break the game. Except for Hanzo, but fuck Hanzo.
How about instead of the attack buff being a beam it becomes a visible 3 dimensional AoE effect like Winson shield.
And then she needs something to survive.
There's a weird appeal to that too. The pitch black hair does it for me. And the thought she could suck the soul out of me through my penis. :^)
fuck your shitty game
The Huntsmen "worked" in TF2 because the Sniper had no mobility to him. As soon as anyone saw a Huntsman, every Scout or Spy would rush the faggot and killed him because every knows what a pain in the ass that weapon is.
That was kinda the intention of it, it was designed as a mid-range weapon so that the oposing team could counterplay him as oposed to the other snipers, but it obfuscated the issue. It was a terrible weapon while he was alive but it didn't felt as such because he wasn't alive for long.
You jump into threads about popular games that you personnaly dislike just to post this, instead of ignoring or hiding the thread. Or even playing videogames instead.
Please reconsider your entire life. Reconsider if this was even worth the time.
hi reddit
This is the fourth General where the OP post is a webm or youtube video bitching about a problem in the game.
Except, it's bitching about PTR changes that are still being tested or posting outdated videos, ignoring if the problems have been solved yet.
It's exactly like said, trolls and shitposters don't even mind having these threads anymore as long as they can claim the OP to shitpost at will.
The funny thing is, the thread is still filled with discussion about the game and nobody cares. It doesn't dissuade people from talking about the game nor does it generate the salt they expect it does.
You guys are already incredibly autistic for coming into threads about games you don't even like and shitpost about them instead of just ignoring it. Actually starting generals to shitpost about that game is even more autistic somehow.
Keep going, though. It's re-assuring to know nobody has to worry about making a new thread when the previous one is on page 15, you idiots will do it for us.
With balance that renders only 4 classes and a very strict meta viable for a competitive level?
I prefer the imp skin.
The color scheme is nice but the purple hair is too special snowflake for me.
Besides, one of the reasons I stick to the Valkyrie skin is that the wings don't glow while "at rest". Generally Valkyrie Mercy is a little bit harder to notice than the other skins. You sill have the giant "hit me" sign when your healing someone, but if you are trying to escape or hide for a res you MIGHT just escape notice.
You are basically saying "I don't want to make it worthwhile to boost symmetra/widow/hanzo". They still have to land two shots, they are just able to do it 30% faster. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
Yeah, I thought the same at first, but after using it I think it's more anime oriented.
succubus for reference
Symetra still benefits from reduced reload time, attack speed and damage boost. She really doesn't need the extra charge considering how fearsome she is right now.
Widow had her Headshot crit multiplier and base damage adjusted specifically to encourage headshots instead of bodyshots. A charge boost undermines that and you aren't supposed to stand near your snipers anyway, which brings Hanzo who really needs no help spamming arrows, he's already far too proeficient at that.
All of this is correct.
i want to beat at vidya
Almost. The GPU CAN resolve collision on things that are being drawn. Look up "unreal engine 4 gpu particle collision". However it ends up behaving really weird. F or example, the rain would not fall indoors while you can see the ceiling. The moment it's off-screen it would stop colliding.
Being near the snipers is probably the BEST place for Mercy. It's high ground with LOS to most of the team. Fly down to heal, then fly back up to get out of the fight.
Yes, and PhysX exists, that doesn't mean it's relevant to the topic at hand. You aren't going to manage hitboxes and character collisions using the GPU.
I want to marry Bastion!
Of course not, was just being petty.
Never heard about that, though I fail to see the point. A camera overlay when you are "under the rain" works just as well most of the time, much like being underwated.
Although, there were some modders for Minecraft and most Bethesda games that did something similar and you get to see the rain but not through an overlay, since you can be beneath cover and see it fall just outside. It's pretty cool, actually.
And that's where the plan fails, since your sniper might not give you LoS when needed.
Or the fact that Widow is usually too far for your GA to target your teammates, Hanzo is too close to make a difference and Ana is already doing your job.
You better hope Sombra isn't an Omnic, because otherwise, he's claimed.
"Problems had since release" implies that the problems are still present, you illiterate fuck.
In any case bitching about changes that have been fixed is incredibly petty and just makes it look like you are reaching for a reason to complain.
Also you have to be incredibly new to vidya if you think games haven't released with some insane oversights before now:
Mostly it's just fluff, like you can see sparks bouncing around the the geometry… obviously you don't care if they go through when you don't look at them.
This is what you get for playing Blizzard's shitass games.
no pls
When is Mack going to stop being such a fucking retarded and just remove such threads?
TF2 didnt try to sell itself as competitive esports now did it you stupid nigger?
I guess Fallout 4 is okay too, since it didn't try to sell itself as a competitive esports.
Thinking about it, i never really came around to thank you. I mean, before you came along, we always had a few hours of delay between Overwatch threads. Now, when the old thread is pushed off the catalogue, we immediately get a new one. I really thank you. You´re doing a great job. :^)
That should have been the summer event, TBH
If she has any kind of invisibility, I'll be claiming Bastion's ass every single match.
I still want that Mercy porn
Post something and you shall receive. This is how this site works. But don´t just demand something without giving anything in return.
I posted autistic discussion about mercy's AS boost capabilities.
Why are you even trying to bring TF2 into this you dumb nigger?
Don't sexualize the innocent robot.
He doesn't understand lewdness,
Can't tell whether they're more funny or sad
I thought most of the users here hated TF2, so why now are all of the TF2 fags coming out of the woodwork to shitpost about overwatch?
Oh shit my dude, I think you just leveled up 5 levels.
Your new is showing kid
I'm amazed you idiots haven't filtered them yet since you're all too stupid to just avoid replying to them.
whoa, easy there.
You said TF2 is a far superior game that's free, it wasn't free at release and it is NOT how it was at release in it's current state.
Nice try though…
post ID changes between threads. unlike you, it doesn't trigger me, and I don't really care for hiding from things or making this thread into my little safespace.
Too bad they wouldn't let Mei have some lighter clothing, mechanically and politically.
Wait, so now TF2 being free is a good thing?
Are you trying to suggest TF2 at every stage wasn't superior to this pile of shit?
Vanilla TF2 was good.
Its been shit ever since.
Honestly, the only one i haven´t filtered is OP, because he´s so fucking entertaining.
I don´t think it has something to do with politics, at all. Just look at Tracer´s belly button skin.
Exactly, this guy is and idort, just ignore his posts. You can tell he's some faggot freech goon from his "TBH XDDD SMH" posts.
here's your (you). you aren't getting any more from me.
Are you talking to yourself? Because you're the one that brought TF2 up.
The more innocent it is, the more fun it is to corrupt.
Sounds like incomplete programming. Someone has to shove some HARDware on his SOFTware and teach him what he doesn't yet know.
I'm so sorry, Holla Forums
So now they sell "double standards" in exchange for "self awareness"?
Sorry facts trigger you faggot
pro tip: this isn't your hugbox
That would be a valid argument if they all hadn't already filled the thread with shitposting already. Giving you plenty of opportunity to filter.
The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.
wew lad
I dunno. If it was actually good, it wouldn't be necessary to sell it in the Orangebox just to get the Half Life fanbase to try it out.
And don't forget that it didn't had much competiton when it released so it would always look good in comparison with nothing.
Yeah, true. I mod the Holla Forums board and they try to stir shit up using mental gymnastics all the time. I usually leave them alone though because it's funny to watch them troll.
I'd ban them on Holla Forums if I could. for fun.
Holla Forums deals with them well, not sure about Holla Forums though.
All you have to do is not reply. It's that easy.
The Jewry is strong with this one.
I think it's great that Overwatch supporters are posting so vocal.
It reinforces the already well established fact that you really have to be a stupid faggot to have bought this game.
Holla Forums doesn't have moderation because Mark wants to turn it into a worse Holla Forums
No, I was asking if that's what he meant.
I can respect their opinions even if I disagree, I went to OW for the porn and stayed for the easy stuff, I know that triggers a lot of people but I am too old to even consider having a "job" at playing games, this also goes for TF2 where some people have told me is way better because you can make money by trading stuff.
But tracer is already slim and shows her figure, Mei's true shape is hidden under those clothes and apparently it triggers people when you show them she is far from a hambeast and more close to a curvy woman.
this tbh
You say that as he just banned somebody ITT for shitting up the thread.
Remember to fucking report people who break rule 8.
Yeah, fuck posts that trigger me in my space safe!
Has never helped. I once had someone posing as a moderator come into a thread and whine about no reports. So I did just that on several threads that had shitposters and none of them had any action taken on them.
You know… I really do never use the report feature.
Note taken.
You're right, user. How nice of Blizzard to fix those hitboxes by making them constantly fluctuate based on whether or not some arbitrary points in space designated as your characters' heads (remember, the character model still doesn't reflect the hitbox, so of course it won't reflect the player's PoV) can draw a line connecting them to each other. I'm so glad that I can't ever actually know whether or not the gigantic hitboxes are in effect. The programmers at Blizzard must be working around the clock to ensure my aim never has to be more than "good enough" but not in a way that would make other players feel bad.
I'm really glad they offer premium skins which completely change the characters' silhouettes and colour palettes, too, instead of just making a good character design and sticking with it. What kind men they are.
If you choose to play a shit casual game for normalfaggots and teenagers with the video game equivalent of training wheels, then you should at least have the common decency to admit it instead of being this delusional.
Cept I didn't say that at all.
He is saying this board isn't his hugbox while crying and shitting his diapers over a thread for a game he doesn't like, much like many others are doing right now, you're tossing out buzzwords like reddit and tumblr while acting exactly like those places.
You guys don't want a healthy imageboard, you want your own little hugbox free of things that anger your delicate little sensibilities because you're to poor to afford OW.
Mark is an idiot who's afraid of the Holla Forums crowd and has allowed goon infiltration here and makes weak attempts at looking strong via enforcing a rule purely so he can squash the 4am threads.
People who spam Overwatch threads get banned all the time. At least it happened a lot, when we switched from the cycle thread to a normal general.
how dare you have an opinion different from mine
t. buthurt user
Yeah, as fucking if. Even if we pretend that this had any truth that still leaves the other 99% of the board without moderation.
remember goys
Report posts that offend you instead of trying to debate, since lets face it, the guy is right and you would look like an even bigger retard than you already are if you tried.
Maybe they can afford but they don't like it, that's OK, what bugs me is how discussing the game in a single thread is akin to shilling and the like, I mean, are we really trying to get more people to play it? how?
You said "Imagine if any other game released in this state", not "Imagine if any other game released in this state while pushing themselves as a competitive game.". Also that is a pathetic attempt at trying to enforce a double standard between TF2 and OW. Claiming that you should have higher standards for the game if it pushes itself as an esport is to actually try and take esports seriously to begin with.
You don't use greentext for quoting if you want to use the quote as part of your sentence. Apparently you're illiterate when it comes to making imageboard posts as well.
I'm not really sure it's hard for goons to infiltrate, but I think getting rid of them on Holla Forums, at least should be an important thing to do.
They aren't really harmful or anything, however, even though they are highly transparent and horrible trolls, most people will eat up anything they post. I think you should learn how to identify them, Mark, they're quite easy to notice. Don't feed them at all, if you ban them they will evade and post meta-cancer relating to whatever it you banned them for.
I used to dish out large permanent range bans in an attempt to get rid of them on Holla Forums, that didn't really work and Jim told me to stop using such large ranges, so they kind of roam free on Holla Forums… but whatever I guess.
You pray you are just pretending to be this retarded
Look at this post:
That change to the hitboxes was tested in the PTR and removed because it caused some other issues. It never made it to the official server, and didn't even last a week in the PTR before being removed.
Same for Hanzo's arrow's hitbox.
But doesn't stop this guy from making a post complaining about a feature that was only present in a test server and never made it to the actual server. Nor does it prevent him from claiming "premium" skins heavily change the silhoute of heroes without saying what's "premium" at all or without giving an example.
There's nothing to debate here, not because we don't want but because the other side isn't interested in debate. They just want to nitpick and shittalk about the game. You show them the 20tick meme isn't true, they'll change focus to the hitboxes. You argue that there's no pandering to SJWs, and they'll focus on Zarya's hair instead.
You can ask for an actual debate once there's mutual interest in one, until then, stay mad someone is talking about a game you don't like on OUR board, not yours. :^)
So are there really no nude mods? Why aren't there?
This is getting truer with every post
Apparently Blizzard is very strict about that stuff, not the nudity on itself but their cheat alarms ring with anything that modifies the game, even if it is client-side, at least that's what I read in the forums when I was asking about skin mods.
Can someone update this with:
Nice attempt at moving the goalposts by bringing price into it. I guess you realised that "MLG competitive esports" alone is a retarded reason to insist on higher standards.
Also by all accounts show me how I'm supposed to be quoting.
Except the changes are still there
Except if you have actually tested it hanzos arrows are still ridiculous
Except you also whine that characters having different mmr gain to the point a five man party cant play together after placements doesnt count because theyll patch it eventually
Except every point raised itls valid
Except no one even mentioned zaryas hair
Except you're the one bitching that you cant refute facts and cry for people to report and protect your hugboard
Doesn't seem to be any yet. Client side skins might be hard to make, probably.
I think it's a matter of educating people.
The truth is, they only shitpost for the attention, the replies and the (you)'s (no different than the Tumblr crowd, ironically).
If nobody acknowledged their posts, they'd eventually get bored. The majority at least, there are some really hardcore autists that never will stop.
It would probably be better to have a new rule where you get banned at max for 15 minutes if you reply to blatant bait, trolling or shitposting. Makes sense to educate the people replying and not the shitposters, since those are never gonna learn or stop.
Never go full retard son
Good idea actually, but the problem is, that you would have to ban 99% of Holla Forums instantly.
Maybe the lootbox keys can go since nobody has mentioned them in a while.
I think it's great that shitposters ,after realizing they can't refute facts posted here, have started resorting to projecting their shitposter status in an attempt to discredit people like OP.
They're telling everyone on Holla Forums what a piece of shit this game is and how they have no defense.
From my experience, if nobody acknowledges their posts, they'll just spam until somebody does, they'll flood the board, or a thread, with some inane picture, like a furry, or a picture of some random fags face, or some stupid shit like girls in swimsuits.
It's painfully hard to get rid of them, and even harder to get the posters on whatever board you moderate to stop feeding them.
They'll also resort to replying to themselves/eachother if nobody else will feed them. They have an unlimited number of proxies/dynamic IP addresses.
IDK what to do, and I'm sure a board like Holla Forums would have more trouble than one like Holla Forums.
I know Holla Forums has a bad reputation for being banhappy, and the userbase there is triggered about everything, but it's mostly because of these guys. They'll probably reply to this post saying something about "muh bookyman" or "da joos". Nobody really knows who they are or where they come from, they've been on every imageboard I've been to, they've been known as "goons", "freech", "/int*/" etc. It's best to learn their tactics and then ignore them.
That's why we used to say "don't feed the trolls", but eh, those times are over. Have some informational screencaps from Holla Forums.
polite sage for not Overwatch, have a D.Va butt to compensate.
65 eons after, in MS PaintShopPro
I replaced the 2 Mei boxes since she's confirmed thin. They don't seem relevant anymore.
Also replaced the O, and was thinking about replacing B with Bastion, but it would reduce legibility of it too much.
BTW, every thread until it catches on, or I get bored.
Thanks for giving me another chance to also point out that the game isn't $60.
Shit, hitboxes was actually mentioned there before. But i guess it makes sense, to have two fields dedicated to this subect, because it is brought up so often.
You can change one to "passing off ptr changes as if they went live".
Widowmaker looks terrible without the headgear, even in drawn art.
this thread a shit, /r/ good thick Mei pics
I prefer thin mei
So Sturgeon's Law becomes Darwin's Law.
Survival of the fittest seems like a great way to improve the board, and I say this as a retard that keeps falling for their shitposting.
I actually went to Holla Forums a few days ago and found out that, although their mods are pretty much faggots in how they handle everything, their community isn't entirely that terrible.
Some posters even acknowled that the shitpost of Nazi shit on Holla Forums comes from some rejects that don't even fit on Holla Forums
Imagine being so autist with your "muh supremacy" that not even Holla Forums can accept you.
Banning people for replying to them still sounds like the best way to educate your userbase (as long as it never excedes 15 minutes), and if the shitposters end up spamming, than that's an actually ban-worthy excuse to boot them.
That's the whole point actually, take them away from the grey zone so that they either do something so blatant rule-breaking you can kick them or they shut up.
This is essentially the lock and the lockpick problem. You can never make a lock 100% secure, someone somewhere will still try to pick it. The best you can hope for is give them so much work that they won't bother. In this case, it just so happens that the autism is very strong in them, so you'd need some very hard obstacles for them.
Come to think of it, moderation ends up being like DRM but thankfully we haven't reached Denuvo tier yet here.
I think she is more or less like Ibuki from SF in that regard.
I am wondering, is that hairpin really enough to keep that bun in place?
eh, Mei thin is okay, but thick is superior
Not thin with assets?
Fuck that. 3 days.
Is there a way to have a sort of Holla Forums group on Overwatch? Im sick of getting meme kids and faggots in my games.
Characters I'd Like to Learn:
Aiming, and get better at wall riding
Why people insist in one or the other when is not that simple?
we have so many thin oppai animus already, I want some thicker ones too
You can post it as much as you want, you're never gonna catch it. :^)
Done. And even added a tiny Bastion for extra salt.
You are right… now that I think about it, where did the Tracer admiring Widow's butt come from? cuz the butt debacle was for Tracer's
Splatoon threads have a mumble which is more or less decent. Might try that.
The idea is preventing them from replying to shitposters. 15 to 30 seems more than enough for that. It would take a very autistic userbase to warrant 3 days to…
3 days it is.
Might have ended up too small.
It's something that started even before the game was released, the idea that Tracer is all over Widow's ass.
Might have to do with that Analwatch from Shadbase.
Even before the Alive trailer?
Let's get this thread back on topic. Any one tried that new German map yet?
I actually think it´s my new favorite map, although the chokepoint before the first capture point is probably the hardest one to crack in the whole game. But after this the map becomes a hugy labyrinth in the form of a gigantic castle. And honestly i love german castles interpreted by murican artists. Also the throne room with Reinhardts dead bro gives me the feels.
Yep. Started right after the trailer for the game.
Remenber that scene where Tracer shows up behind Widow and asks "what are you looking at?"
Probably gave the wrong idea to the fans.
It's only on the PTR yet, which is a shame, but I'd like to hear about it too.
Apparently it's an hybrid map but you move the payload and capture the point afterwards.
I'd like to know if the ram is indeed just a payload or you gotta stand around it while it breaks the door down.
It would be nice holding it while it hammers the door with a loud THUMP every 10 seconds.
I want a knight weilding a giant sword in this game, reinhardt is great, and gets close. But I want a fuck huge sword like in Dark Souls
It´s the other way around. You first capture the point and then move with the payload to the throne room. And yes the ram actually breaks down the wall to the throne room, although it doesn´t look that impressive honestly. But it´s a nice detail.
Funny you should mention Dark Souls Ive seen a screenshot of the new map that has a Dark Souls Easter egg on it. There is a bonfire somewhere on that map.
i wish they were that big, theyre nothing like that on her in game model. what the fuck blizzard?
I see, it doesn't help since they have gotten onto fights in both animated shorts, on the other hand, another user decided to add his spray when I was using mine, just in a different way, not sure how many butts can Tracer crave for with the sprays.
Are you a bird? Cause if you ain't you are already cucked.
Want to learn:
i would have been pissed if the gate just opens when the payload is a battering ram.
why would you need to bring a battering ram into the throne room anyways?
I thought they were going to have you capture the throne room after you broke down the door too. I think that would have been better.
I'm starting to play a lot more soldier in the PTR. I like the changes.
Where is your proof?
Thick you say?
is she giant or is the guy a manlet?
did they change anything about him other than the spread recovery?
I don't think so, but I've been playing him medium-long range aand he's accurate as fuck.
It's just the spread and recovery. The way they made it feels a lot more natural and works better for variable-length bursts and pauses. If you want to absolutely minimize spread with scripts it ends up about 30% worse instead.
If your going to get butthurt at someone calling your game shit at least put effort into your stuff
I'm going to say manlet.
It's actually really cute and it's a shame because only the first episode or so got subbed. Granted it went for 70+ episodes so that is pretty daunting.
Zarya because I just got the bonerrific summer skin.
You're getting there, but there are still some minor mistakes.
The time needed for pharah to shoot 5 rockets with an extra 30% AS buff is 2.8 seconds, not 3.5 (Remember, the first shot happens at t=0, not t=0.7), and since the travel time only really matters for the last rocket, it'll end up needing 3.8 seconds(2.8+1.0) to kill an Roadhog, which is faster than the attack damage boost but still slower than with Mercy actually attacking together.
However, in Genji's case, the time needed to fire both rockets will be at 0.7 seconds, and thus, 1.7 seconds will be needed to kill Genji. Also faster than the Damage boost, which is great.
Also, considering that Mercy's raw DPS is 100, the only way boosting a teammate could surpass the damage of her blasters is if the additional bonus would be greater than her own DPS, meaning that it would take someone with at least 300 DPS to be actually worth boosting over her own blaster (Bastion comes to mind).
Also, the attack speed bonus may be more useful in some cases, but consider that a damage boosted Tracer would tear through armor faster than with attack speed due to Armor reducing her damage, then there's also Widowmaker, how would attack speed work on her? faster charging?
In the end, I think pulling your blaster to actually shoot anyone is only ever helpful in self defense against some random flanker or spamming in a Widow's or Hanzo's direction so they can't peek (but please don't do that without a shield in front of you), since your projecticles are so laughably slow and small that dodging them from anything other than point-blank is piss easy.
i used to believe these pics where horseshit until one of my friends decided to "become a dev" and made something very similar
I think the implication is that the battering ram doubles as a means of carrying the corpse back out.
Gave me an idea for a new game mode where one team has to defend a constantly moving capture point moving through the map while the other team tries to take it before it reaches the end.
Where's that picture of Toby "I made millions off of Undertale" Fox showcasing his "code" which was a bunch of switch cases or something dumb like that?
even = (n % 2) == 0
even = (n & 1) == 0
I don't think he ever said he was good at coding though. I think he was some self-taught idiot who just wanted to make a furshit game and did.
I know, the tweet was him joking about his programming "skill".
reminds me of this one tf2 map where both teams had to control all 4 points, but you could only take them in a certain cyclical order
i wonder how payload race would work in overwatch, i cant imagine it would work as well with the lower player count but with proper map designs it could still be pulled off, maybe not with as much freedom though.
Modulo of a power of 2 always gets optimized to bitwise and, they're equivalent.
Learn a real hero faggots, like Ana.
Though I still slightly prefer how it reads because I think of it as "has a 1 in it".
Female character only weekly brawl. Let the waifu wars commence.
You have 30 seconds to find everything wrong with this image.
I have no idea what this vile creature is talking about but I loathe it nonetheless.
All I care about is the (((PURE COINCIDENCES))) going on in this image.
He's posting on a forum for cheaters and bitching about being banned in a ban wave.
If you get caught cheating you deserve a ban. I dont understand people who cheat in anygame. Games in my opinion are to test yourself and to see how good you truly are at the game, and once you win/beat it, it makes you feel all the more better.
Coming through with spoilers
does that mean junkrat fucked sombra?
To this day shitters still have a hard time countering Tobjorn stacks.
It was all in the ARG. The Junkrat one is more of a educated guess, seeing how she talks about "carving a path with them till I get home" and her hacking, which was the Junkrat/Roadhog comic.
So does that mean that the mercy we have right now is not the real one? Or is it Mercy, its just she is an AI now.
Mercy is the suit, now.
What? I followed the ARG, the fuck are you talking about?
That doesnt really make a whole lot of sense since she talks about the others like she knows them still, not to mention i dont remember the ARG talking about mercy, reaper, or widow at all.
Some data was hacked from blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd's directory. Blizzard's been deleting it on sight.
Angela Ziegler was killed during McCree's arrest. The Suit has been Mercy for a while.
Ill believe this when its officially out, but ill remember it. But the suit wouldn't be Mercy, it would still be mercy's mind. So are you trying to say mercy got put into a new body ala Frankenstein?
All that was available was the medical record, like Ana's
i haven't played since the summer games ended and filled me with a deep rooted rage at the horrid loot system
is the new map in quick/competitive yet?
we were obliterated
THAT'S the power of attraction
Mei is still fat. Maybe your preferred term would be chubby or flabby or something else that I refuse to speak of, but it's all fat to me.
Game isn't $60, 20 tick, F2P, Dying nor does it have large hitboxes in the current live version.
I'm no Overwatch player but damn. Mercy's smoking!
Man this board is full of shitposting normalfaggots with shit taste
Go the fuck away.
Mercy is love.
Why the fuck would anyone draw porn of cock gremlin
That looks like it would hurt
Some people like it dangerous, i guess.
maybe i shoulda stayed away from this game longer
You're more autistic than anyone else in this thread holy hell.
What did he mean by this?
So that means there should be no healer in any serious match I guess, if anything self-healing would be the only way.
Recently there was a big LGBT push in the forums, and it was met with almost universal apathy because most people don't care about the character's sexuality and just want to play the game, so I guess there is still hope in man.
Torb stacks are annoying but you can get around that, now, 3+ Bastions with support on defense are harder to deal with, not to mention un-nerfed all Genji on attack.
I have seen Genjis trying to reflect my attacks… as Zarya, Symmetra and Mei.
Fuck the gremlin?
first webm related.
second webm related.
In any event, game server is still borked due to Dee-DOS. Expect rough seas ahead.
OK people, do you think invincible characters (due to abilities) should allow the capture counters to still run? as in, speeding it up and the like? cuz it is kind of broken and there is no comeback for that in certain situations, I would dare to say TF2 does it better when it comes to uber charges for example, you can't capture while you are invincible for that same reason.
standing on the point will negate the capture, but its hard for me to say either way. in meis case for example i feel like its one of the few things she has going for her, but id gladly see that given up for attention elsewhere.
well, dont let it come to that. ive honestly never seen a game won by a mei or zenyattas invincibility.
I have seen a lot.
defending or attacking
defense or king of the hill rarely attacking but out of all my mains highest winrate
second half of season 1 and BOY WAS IT FUCKING BORING
mostly main shit that didn't have to rely on good ping since I live in fucking alaska support was literally all i could fucking play and junkrat spamming nades
Characters I'd like to learn
did few quickplays recently with her since that is all there is without competitive going on and so haven't played after season 1 and after the new tickrate cause that was added like last week of competitive, can't manage the ult very well but overall hard to die with her
pretty easy to play already just need to get better at firestrike and charging
to get better at anyhow, I have yet to play with the new tickrate on the servers so maybe i can actually hit shit now a bit better
From what I gather since I did not play ptr with the new updates is mercy is back on the menu which thank fucking god so fucking tired of lucio
junkrat's trap hitting genji and tracer is gonna be fucking lovely
Nice thing about Mercy being back is that she can solo heal. Not that you should always solo Mercy, just that it's an option. Solo Lucio doesn't provide nearly enough throughput to the tanks and solo Zen doesn't really provide enough healing in general, so they have to get paired together or with one of the others. Mercy can actually be reasonably expected to top off the tanks and the team by herself.
That means that swapping in a third damage or running symmetra is an option, which it really wasn't in the lucio/zen meta. I wouldn't really rely on solo mercy for 3 tanks though. People do it, but it's spreading too thin in my opinion.
I don't understand, if you can't heal for shit, why would you pick one of the hardest healers to play as? Just pick a fucking Lucio and enjoy the boredom.
ive heard stories where people in critical health walk in front of ana hoping to get healed only to get yelled at because their shot is being blocked
Happened to me personally as well. There seems to be a general influx of Widowmaker players on attack modes as well.
You think that's bad? There was an user here that told a much worse story.
Did you knew that Tracer's Recall ability counts as "healing done" all the damage it reverts?
Well that user knows now because he managed to outheal a Mercy with his Recall. Yes, he got Gold Medal in healing.
Wasn't that changed though? There was that Brawl where cooldowns were nigh existent and the last point always degenerated into Mei's holding it forever and shortly after that, I think Mei can't hold points anymore. Same for Reaper in Wraith Form.
Zen might have it still, since it's his ulti and he can still be knockedback, though.
Now we just need to hear about a Genji who outhealed his supports by reflecting Ana's shots and grenades.
Widow can work on attack to an extent, sometimes as a scout, but if she is not even taking down enemies from afar and just trying to out-snipe the other team then she is clearly doing it wrong.
I don't recall the brawl, but I have seen Zenyatta capturing and pushing payloads while transcending.
You're embarrassing
user now youre doing it XDDD
The most effective Hanzo attack is scatter arrow aimed at the floor.