This is the best faction. Any questions?
This is the best faction. Any questions?
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When's CoC 1.4 coming out?
After the next emission, comrade. After the next emission…
But that's not the Monolith.
>not one of
loner = ecologist > all > bandit
What game?
more like
пошёл на хуй
Checked, very nice.
it's not even a faction, just a loose band of dudes who don't want to belong to other factions
… Duke Nukem?
Nice thread 👌👌
Always bet on Duke to be raped by Gearbox.
ecologist=clear sky>loner>military=mercs>duty=freedom>monolith>bandit
I's like you don't want to understand how and why Zone was created.
I never really saw them as much of a faction at all. kinda like
Military faction ranking:
Mercs>Freedom>Duty>Flesh shit>Military
I thought they wouldn't make any more updates? What're they adding?
All glory to the Monolith.
Ecologist=/= Clear Sky, faggot.
One sits on their asses and does nothing
The other straight up marches into the middle of the zone to fuck shit up.
Still not Monolith, so therefor shit
Монолит есть мусор
By its very definition it does not qualify as one. Affiliation might be closer.
You are anyway incorrect as Duty is the best faction.
Wew lads.
Wasted trips
Ecologists are government appointed scientists, obviously they won't be marching into the middle of the Zone without explicit instructions to do so, and even then, they are there to study the Zone, not risk their lives unnecessarily. Brains is as important as brawn in this scenario.
Supporting monolithians is like supporting ISIS, fuck off you mudslime lover.
Clear Sky might have had their heart in the right place but an honourable charge into the centre of the Zone was only going to end one way, doubly so for an under-equipped faction that admits it is poor at combat. A romantic way to go certainly but not a smart one. There's a reason nobody outside of the handful of surviving members even remembers them.
You must remember that they were absolutely desperate to stop Strelok - it wasn't an act of honor, it was an act of desperation.
Mercs are most likely NATO/US black ops types.
Still, decent.
This is your brain on Brain Scorcher. Don't do Brain Scorcher, kids.
I don't see why it mandated sending almost their entire group or engaging in a mass gunfight. If Strelok is moving alone Scar and a handful of people (2-3) helping him is sufficient. Marching everyone out seems to me more like a final battle mentality than a practical solution. It was also arguably a failure.
Limansk was a hot zone. You couldn't sneak so much as a cat through there, much less a handful of mercs. Of course, this is all just gameplay excuses, but that's what GSC went with when they wrote in the Limansk conflict, so that's what we have to go by. Strelok went through northern Zone with a bang, stirring up shit EVERYWHERE, I don't think Scar could've snuck through the NPP. Also, remember, back then, the path through Pripyat was closed. The only way to access the NPP was through the Limansk hospital, and that one had a ridiculous number of monolithians stuffed in it. If we exclude the amount of power Scar is given as a playable character, it's impossible for a small group of mercs to break through that line of defense without significant fire support.
As for the failure - well, they didn't account for the fact that the C-Con would fuck them over even in the event they stopped Strelok from breaching the secure perimeter. I think the fact that they all showed up on the NPP was bad enough for the C-Con.
I might be remembering some details fuzzily, but it's been years since I played Clear Sky. I need to brush off the dust and replay it at least once more.
I played it recently and i think youre correct so far with one exception. Clear Sky sucked as faction but nevertheless they were trained military guys so its not completely unthinkable that you break through Limansk with a small group of trained professionals.
I think, somewhere its hinted that Scar has a military background as well.
Strelok/his group got through.
I suppose there it is more difficult to follow someone who has been rather loud as he moved. I'd still think there'd be a way outside of gameplay were you sufficiently skilled and equipped and Scar is both.
Fair enough.
I've also only finished it once and that was a good while back. Normally I get sick of replaying it somewhere after Red Forest.
It's funny how in gameplay terms, it means that Scar dies instantly in the next non-scripted emission, but every NPC doesn't bother to hide and is perfectly fine.
Clear Sky are literally the good guy faction.
Plus they've got the coolest uniforms and badges. Maybe radio theme, too.
Shame that for a black ops unit they have pretty piss poor armour.
Love their armour aesthetic though.
That would be Freedom's goal.
*tree humping hippy faggots doing shrooms
I listed all the factions that mattered.
I'm not sure the Ecologists matter that much. They have a handful of members and sit in a bunker all day contracting other factions to do their work for them.
Gachimuchi Dirge for the Planet when
Eh, I don't know. They seem to have a lot of exosuits.
You're comparing scientists that let Strelok get past the brain scortcher to group of bandit wannabes who are mostly known for fighting with stoned off their ass hippies who probably don't even realize whats going on and only barely edging them out. I mean if you think about it, the only reason renegades haven't been totally wiped out is because they're in the middle of nowhere and no one gives a shit.
Also you can join ecologists in Call of Chernobyl.
The Renegades also show up in Limansk as a much more potent force.
Not canon user.
They pay the big bucks to any contractor, pretty sure they matter, quite a bit.
Bandits best faction.
By that logic whoever is funding the Mercs also matters enough to show up on a factions list as a big ?.
Even the wiki cant differentiate renegades from bandits. It lists renegades but all the enemy locations just say bandits.
No, because they're not in the zone. Actually, scratch that, they show up briefly in Call of Pripyat, but you can never encounter them other than the 3 members that talk to the mercs in Pripyat.
If not we starting seeing things like women in the Zone. Is that the future you want user? IS IT?
Well if your understanding of the Zone is literally gay enough to include women, that's your problem. I don't get angry over cranks in any other field; I don't have much reason to get angry over cranks in STALKER.
Well Renegades are surely bandits in the technical meaning of the term just not Bandits in the sense of belonging to the faction.
I don't see a bulge therefore it's a psi-induced hallucination.
Look Strelok, either we import some cheap hookers, or Stalkers are going to keep banging bloodsuckers.
Bloodsuckers don't have genitals
Come the fuck on, the meaning for "Slav" is "Word", i.e. the people who talk like us. Stop being such сукаs and learn the goddamn language already. Cosy life in slavlands without SJW's is in your reach.
You say this as if it's a bad thing. Bloodsuckers user.
I speak a bit of Russian: я не говорю по-Русский.
What's it like in your Russian place, user?
As an ex-slav, I can confirm bullshit. I'd rather stay in western europe than go back to that shithole.
They suck dick like a mofo though
But they do have mouths
Slavland is terrifying
You keep this up, and in a few generations we're gonna have to deal with bandits that can turn invisible
I keep finding dragon dildo artifact but no japanese artificial vagina artifact. Is quite conundrum, Ivan. Either fuck stalkers and be gay or use homosexual masturbatory aid. Either way lose.
You'll be able to spot them by the floating vodka bottles. Alternatively we could breed with snorks.
Czech here
Ruskies are shit tier
You are just pussies, slavland aint that bad.
German lapdogs need not apply
Snorks seem like they could be more easily domesticated than bloodsuckers.
Then we all become Stalkers, and everyone wins.
People cry about bloodsuckers for some odd reason, but these are what give me the nightmares.
Bastards jumping through fire to kick you in the face has left a permanent scar in my mind.
Along with that time in Pripyat, with the snork-filled caves. An anomaly hit, forcing me to seek shelter there. Never again, I'll take my chances with the radiation!
Fuck those caves the first time you go there. Clear Sky's underground section with them is no picnic either.
I've never had a problem with shit breaking on me. Am I doing stuff wrong, or is it just something that happens when you use one gun for ages?
That's a Tor user ID user.. Look before you leap!
Initially. The zone will become more and more inhospitable to all terrestrial life, and we'll all die out in a manner of decades.
Then we adapt to the zone. Better start fucking mutants so your kids can stand a chance.
I don't like Freedom. Bunch of weed smoking idiots. But frankly, if I had to choose between Duty and them, I'd chose the less retarded of the two.,
It's expanding all the time, and has been since its appearance. If you can't analyze and predict a trend, that's your problem.
Anything to slow it down. The artifacts that stalkers smuggle through borders are actually how the Zone spreads itself, they are like pollen.
Or kill us all in a manner of decades.
Dutyfags. Not even once. Seriously, the biggest danger in the Zone is other stalkers. Guess what? We already have that, everywhere else. They're called "People".
It is this. Also not really an issue in CS or CoP since you can repair them easily.
True enough. Still, in SoC, I just remember getting new guns often enough that it didn't matter.
Right up 'til the final stretch, anyway, where things went full bullshit and I ran out of ammo despite using exactly what everyone else was for that reason.
Shit, I even stockpiled some 1k rounds to go in with.
Feel lucky you weren't one of the people who forgot to take a new suit in. This is surprisingly common (indeed I did it the first time through) and forces you to run through some rather tough gunfights while constantly being irradiated and spamming antirad and medkits.
Speaking of caves, I last played STALKER SOUP in I think 2013. Anyone know if it's changed much in the last four years?
No idea but you could check moddb or one of the archives and see if it's been updated there since 2013.
You faggot. Stop sucking the wish granter's and C-Conciousness' cock for a few seconds, you might actually see what's going on in the zone once their balls are no longer pounding your eye sockets.
Win win tbh fam
I'm partial to Clear Sky.
Which is mostly due to having a soft spot for well-meaning, but ultimately doomed factions/people.
teh children of atom?
Time to post some slav shit
Later on Pvt. Slutsky moved on in life
Don't think I joined any faction. Good way to find out what a faction is is see how they treat their enemies.
How they better themselves.
Playing games would probably bore me now.
Seen too many bad ones, design choices obviously treasonous.
Listened to idiots.
Would enjoy recreating land that wouldn't be seen by you disgusting youse.
Just plains and weather effects. Travel long distances looing around, lightning going off, strong wind moving fields of wheat.
Russia or whever before the traitors erase it. Some destudent land where the scum that would cone to it had alreadg been wiped out.
Explore, carry a gun to keep away the rest of the world. Just the world. Rest had made the mistake thinking they should exist. Nothing. Don't change path for anything. Sleep in rusting showcase train in empty town. Shoot birds. Nothing. They don't get away, they shouldn't have come.
Wait. Kill anything that comes to change it.
did they just figure out what bread is?
Fair point.
Freedom and Mercs has the best faction relations though. Freedom is friendly with Ecologists, Loners and Clear sky while everyone else are enemies, menu options are wrong. Mercs are about the same but you are enemies with Clear Sky as well. That means you don't have friendly bases everywhere to sell loot and repair at. I usually play Freedom or Mercs and use Warsaw pact weapons. AKM, SVD and Vintorez are god-tier weapons and with the light stock upgrade for the AKM you can use that as a compliment to a sniper and scavenge ammo for it easily.
Where the fuck are all these newggers coming from?
So what would you consider the best gun in STALKER?
have you ever eaten a loaf of bread that was that elastic?
Their parents just got home from the perestrojka bread-lines bratan.
Why are you posting the worse version of the Vintorez?
I've always been partial to the SIG-550.
Good taste
It's like you don't want to be able to fight close and long range combat without switching guns
No, that's why I carry a .45 with hydroshock rounds and/or a shotgun. It's not as fun if you don't have that weakness.
Lol rpgfags, i bet you casual bitches play these games going back and forth like a trillion times hauling shit like a bunch of retards because being an errand boy pays less than being a beggar.
All because you bitches cant handle any challenge, like everyone trying to kill you on sight.
Rpgfags, fucking cancer as always.
Tell me that after a Master difficulty bandit fills your head with lead in the time it took you to switch to the pistol
I dodge that shit long enough to get my sidearm up and then double-tap them in the head. Besides, the Vintorez has 20 round mag with upgrades if 10 isn't enough, it is.
It's only downside is that it makes the game too easy
if this is what you call bread, i pity you
Eh, it's not the most accurate rifle and you cant use it without the scope, or you can get others with better scopes, and if I recall right its durability is worse than even the other rifles of the same caliber.
I dont even know how that happened, I havent even had that much vodka
That special handgun you find on a tunnel full of anomalies, big bon or something
If there are any Russians lurking right now, anyone care to link me to that documentary about rat fur and needles in bread? Don't speak Russian so it isn't particularly easy finding it
At that point you're better off buying flour and making your own bread.
Wow, look at this entitled little shit
I had simply seen it previously and thought it was interesting, the webm simply reminded me of it. I know the documentary is largely just to scare people but I still found it interseting.
Just finished SoC. I didnt even know I was doing the good ending, but going to the center of magic fucked up land to ask for a wish didnt seem too apealing for me
What's wrong with clear sky? Every time stalker's mentioned here either it's not mentioned (only soc or cop) or not recommended
It's the worst of the 3, still worth a playthrough though
This is my favorite bait
off topic but i've been wondering this for a while
How harder than average would my cranium have to be to headbutt the average person in the head and break their shell without damaging my own?
It's more a matter of where you hit, user. You would aim for the pterion, a little behind the eye sockets. The eye sockets themselves are also weak and would be a good target. Hit either area with your forehead and you actually have a decent chance of doing damage even as you are now.
"even as you are now" gives me a pretty good chance. my bone density is so high it won't allow me to float in water, probably has to do with living in a sunny 3rd world shithole and almost exclusively drinking milk for liquid ever since i was a kid
In reality milk doesn't help bones much. That is just something companies say so you would buy milk, most of the calcium in the milk doesn't actually reach your bones, which is why there is actually a negative correlation with the amount of milk you drink and how likely you are to fracture your bones despite its high content.
does that mean if i stop drinking 3 liters of milk a day i can grow my own adamantium skeleton?
Look at this poorfag
Does anyone have the Starter pack for Call of Pripyat by chance?
I haven't played it and want my STALKER fix Metro was too limited and linear for me.
What are loners besides looters exactly?
Strelok doesn't count.
Freelance mercenaries? I dont know, other than killing people and looting artifacts there's not much to do on the zone
go to 4chan /vg/ the stalker general there has everything to dl all the games for free with the patches
I wish Mark would still ban faggots like you
autists with social phobia
Our gsg is essentially stealing the links and stuff for cuckchan's /vg/, so I guess you're gonna have to deal with that as long as most of us are lazy sacks of shit. Personally I get my mods from their place of origin all the time, don't need to be spoonfed links by a bunch of faggots and we see enough recommendations when following discussions, if not by asking directly.
Why do I still post here?
Probably because while we may be a bunch of faggots here, I m not filled up by a homicidal rage when browsing this shithole contrarily to every other site out there. And some of you guys are pretty alright
So basically every Holla Forums guild in any game we play together ever? I never got why these social rejects ever make guilds. No one ever wants to party and level up together, no one wants to really do anything. It's autistic.
So many disgusting monolithfags and freedomfags, if you're not with Duty you shouldn't even come to these threads.
Putin cockgobbler please
I rather take my shiny artifacts and go thank you
Okay, edgelord.
too many newfriends, dont you know that both factions were founded by Stalkers that dissapeared on the frist expedition to the center of the zone?
Why destroy the Zone when we can exploit it? In the way probably finding a way to pull the plug on it if the needs rises. Nothing good comes from rushing things.
The money is a good bonus
get tacticool or get out
looks a bit stupid until you pair it with a suit of power armor, then you look like a cheeki breeki space marine
plus those 40 round mags of 9x39 will easily drop anything short of a pseudogiant
ow, my corneas
Anyone is ready for Roadside Picnic tv series, starring Red as a tactcool agent in the Zone ?
What the fuck ? I just wanted to make some rubles or help the eggheads. Always wondered how those things managed to work outside the Zone's influence.
No wonder Strelok joined the government to help research a way to destroy or stop the Zone.
Every fucking time I see a post like this, I can't decide whether to rage or laugh.
Lurk more faggot.
Retards are still falling for this bait
Relax, he's almost certainly baiting people like you
In OGSE I think there's a piece of lore that says that the Burnt Fuzz anomaly is actually a plant that stings you with spores that create an anomaly after you die.
Also in most mods you can "activate" artifacts, creating an anomaly.
It's like you want heresy or something.
Slav is glory, slovo is word
to this day, one of my favourite vidya memories is playing CoP and hearing my first "Howdy ho, Stalker!"
Yeah, the scientists in OGSE explain about how they basically have to cremate ex-stalkers, because basically almost every stalker was exposed to burnt fuzz at one time, and after death, their grave basically becomes a huge hot fuzz anomaly. As for artifact activation, so many mods have it because it was originally intended to be part of vanilla. They all use the same animations for poking the artifact to activate it, because those existed in the game files originally.
newfags leave
The Groza doesn't have an integrated silencer. Do you mean the integrated grenade launcher? Well, that's how the weapon is in real life.
Guaranteed replies, every time.
Mercenaries and Monolith are the best factions. You either fight for money or beliefs and these two are the extreme ends of the scale.
Why would you not be a mercenary? Why are you in the zone? Are you some kind of disaster tourist? Get bullets, kill larpers, get paid.
Does anyone know the best base game/mod combinations for mercs? I want to be struggling for my life in Dead City, holding off the hordes of gopniks and mutants.
Clear Sky is best faction.
Their camo and armor designs are also some of my favorites.
I've always agreed with Duty- the Zone is a chaotic, dangerous and growing cancer that must be stopped before it takes over the world, and Duty is a disciplined and powerful force fighting against it.
But I do find the Mercs interesting. They have a nice faction patch and neat equipment, despite being selfish guns-for-hire and Duty's enemies.
Just check the Moddb page. There's a simple "main quest", the possibility to pick your portrait and starting location, expanded playing space in the Swamps and some minor changes.
I think it looks really cool and exotic. But I have a massive hardon for short, bulky rifles. The aks-74u also makes me very hard.
Say "slava" to any Eastern European and they will tell you it means glory
Bandits did nothing wrong