Dubs decides what i change my battletag to

Dubs decides what i change my battletag to


OP didn't waste any time turning his shit thread into a dubs thread this time!


What sort of cancerous redditor has that dicks out for harambe bullshit as their name

boutta do it

Do it faggot.

Or I'll get Trips next time

welp, /thread I guess

Trips says rename to FaggoTron

Whoops sorry, here's my trips.

op here, i'm a huge fag so if imma wait until 11PM EST to see if anyone gets trips


Kill yourself


Consider suicide.

If quads would you consider suicide?

Just kill yourself

Fucking no balls faggot, do it you bitch.

I already have multiple times, from seeing shit like this. I play battlenet too but I dont make autistic and retarded threads like this, check'em faggot

U faggot
I got dubs keep your promise faggot

fuck you nigger the dubs are mine



Good luck getting that battletag

OP's fate is sealed

I already put in my bid earlier, for TripleKMafia. If OP declines to honor it, that's fine, as long as he sticks with ShortCawk.

thx based fuck. Says too explicit. You're a hero

Then use TripleKMafia, dumkoff.

Kill yourself


Getting flashbacks of that underaged faggot who said trips would change his Steam Username and ended up pussying out as well as revealing he was underage.

TripleKMafia or if you refuse that like a fag, TailPussy


The dark times are over, at long last.


