It's time to let (((netflix))) know their deeds no longer go unnoticed

It's time to let (((netflix))) know their deeds no longer go unnoticed.

The video was released less than one day ago, but there are comments that are a week old, mass upvoted, all with Black avatars. They are overtly attempting to socially engineer acceptance of white male cuckold

Other urls found in this thread:

throw them a curveball and sit in the niggers lap

Sometimes I try to convince myself that Holla Forums is wrong but the jews don't make it easy.

It’s easy to think that until you actually try engaging one of these spineless brain dead cucks. Even if you do manage to break the programming long enough to make them aware of a logical fallacy, threat to their own self interest or societal evil their brain will just reset within 24 hours and will be like it never happened. They don’t just want the snakebite, they want to pay for it too. Fuck ‘em.


Reminder to read file names.

if only people had the ability to think for themselves instead of doing whatever a tv show tells them to do

this but unironically

If only, then the brainwashing would be so much more easily broken.

Sorosflix keeps hitting new lows.

Aside from The Rope, what is to be done?

The final solution. Seriously, the kikes won't give it pause until you put them in labour camps.

don't watch it

Well obviously. But (((they))) don’t seem to care how many people watch these things.

Are normalfags aware of this shit?

Vaguely. If you mentioned it, they’d forget almost instantly.

PLS tell me what is the fucking link between jews and Netflix??

The CEO is a Jew

Just a reminder to those who don't lurk Holla Forums, Soros is the jew that funded Femen and paid people to protest during US elections.

Soros has been involved in almost all major marxist agitation over the last decade.

I thought that was Putin

I know, but those were the most basic examples I could think of.

Jew would think that, wouldn't jew?

Why would a nationalist support Marxists? use your brain.


No Putin hacked the voting machines and framed podesta as a pedophile.

Jews want nationalism for Israel, and an open border cultureless blur for everyone else.

That deformed scrunch-face is hot.

Then again that's probably the same thing commies want.

This their payback for Net Neutrality repeal. Get fucked, kikes. Pay for your bandwidth, you cheap Jewish bastards.

still not as bad as the video in the op

Why does the Jew worships the black male? just because black men are 7 foot tall musclebound ape-men with mega dicks and superior genetics does not makes them living gods.


I can't wait for the day when all niggers and jews die, but you have to be an autist to not see this ad was made as a joke.

if they go around saying "kill all whites" it's a little too much even for today's standards. Maybe it would pass in some top-university.

Meanwhile they try to get people using shitty humour, trying to normalize interracial relationships and sexual degeneracy.

In this ad there are two major layers of propaganda: the first layer, the most evident, is the one that makes fun of poly relationship. This is some sort of trojan horse that immediately get people's attention, and doesn't really want to promote poly, yet.
But in the back there is an interracial couple, blonde hot girl and black male, which is not at the center of the ad, and thus normalized. This is the second layer of this propaganda piece, and the most vicious one.
All the other things are also details used to denigrate white males.

Top most pleb things pseudo plebs do.

1. Watch netflix original programming
2. Watch anime or capeshit
3. Read books that aren't nonfiction
4. Care about awards and oscarbait
5. Watch Nolan and like his directing

Just stop giving (((them))) money.

Holla Forums is always right

6. Think Emma Watson is attractive

Tell that to the normalfags who consume this garbage, not us.

t. rent free plebbor


Why do you have that saved on your computer?

He has it saved """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ironically."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Dat sum impatient shilling, couldn't they just hire pajeet click farm to do it like hours after release?

I don’t have to answer ‘why.’ He does support them. You dumb leftypol faggots are his lackeys.

Pajeets are honorary aryans who will only serve the white man.

this is agitatio. by design
they want the western world to become enraged and then direct tht anger at the ficki ficki people.

they are worse than the jews.

They want us to kill niggers?

This is fucking hilarious, not sure how people get boners from it. Im laughing my ass off

How can I stop watching cuck porn? I need help. Like I know that it's bad but how do I stop?

Can someone explain to me the correlation between jews and blacks cucking white men? I don't like it, but it seems harmless.

No idea why you're posting glorious think'n Hilary, but I like your taste. She's criminally underrated.

Jews own porn companies and produce cuckold porn. They do it to fuck up whites because they dislike them. Most of the kikes in porn admit as much and say they want to destroy white christian America.

I know, right?

The only show I watch on Netflix is Arrested Development. So, meh.

Wish I could've seen sudocuck's reaction to this smh.

Those niggers in the background look like they don't know WHAT the fuck is going on lel

Imagine if your IQ was 75 you racist sack of shit.



Who is sudocuck? I thought he was the guy that unironically liked blacks?

He’s sperging right now because he saw tits earlier today.

He does unironically like niggers which is why I wish I could've seen him frothing at the mouth when this series was announced.



Your writing style reminds me of reddit for some reason… I may end up banning you. No hard feelings kid.

How can two simple words remind you of


going off his meds probably makes it easier

Is this a reddikino thread now?

Why not pirate instead, Hollywood shouldn't get our money anyway.

Their content isn't worth pirating even tbh.

I think normalfags are too retarded to torrent and are not interested in learning new things that take more than 2 seconds to complete.

Netflix can be more convenient, there are a lot of pirate streaming sites, kodi etc but that's too complex for the basic user.

Even as a user capable of managing it the constant need to update, breakage, and lack of consistent UI, content description and navigation, lack of variety makes it a deal breaker. The only people I know that use it are plebs.

The director.

imagine my shock.


BASED Soros!

you forgot

6. shitpost on imageboards about all the above

It's crazy that one person had the balls to actually go through with it too. Absolute madman.


Berlin wall > free market borderless society

Too many niggas, I'm the only nigga I want in this encounter, also, peckerwood needs to face the wall, I don't want him drooling at me while I'm digging out the lady, unless they look more feminine and have a tight boipussi, of course.

Autistic, noodle arm, and tiny dick mayo Chads extrapolate it to white genocide because of the filtered echo chambers they visit, but somehow it does not extrapolate to Black genocide or otherwise, even if they are a minority in the particular situation. The crackerjacks think the spectrum of melanin and the lack there of is something that can be completely destroyed, and don't know that genes transcend surface level appearance.