or you can just google it, it's exploding everywhere
Other urls found in this thread:
what that means?
illegal spic children were allowed to stay in the country simply because they're children.
not anymore
something like 800000 young spics are getting deported now
Maxifat and Chink anchor babies got BTFO.
I cannot wait to see all the butthurt. I honestly think that there will be riots and attempts at murdering cops an ICE officers over this. That isn't good. But I think it will happen.
I don't see much support for DACA from normies, only from media/NGOs/politicians
the salt is already starting to flow
the kvetching is real
Make sure you call and let them know you never wanted the dream act and are happy to see it gone. More room and funds in schools for legal American children and more low skilled work for college kids.
Is it for real real? Or was there still the option for it to be maintained?
Im feeling pretty smug
That thread should be full of people asking what Cohen's plans for those millions stashed in Cayman accounts is.
this is now a salt thread
Well, if you insist shitskin bitch.
In other words, prepare for another round of amnesty
of course not. I don't care what push polling they throw out there the vast majority of americans want immigration reduced in general. do you really think that the tears of illegals generate any sympathy whatsoever
So I guess breaking federal law by crossing the border illegally isn't "wrong" in his eyes?
I read yesterday that the enforcement is going to be postponed by 6 months. Is this now an immediate effect or do we still have to wait months while (((they))) try to replace it?
I work in downtown Seattle surrounded by uber leftists and they don't even know what DACA is. No one gives a shit about them.
all their (((polls))) said trump was only going to get like 30-something percent of the vote when the final election was only 2 weeks out
anybody who believes them is retarded
They haven't been told what to think yet
But.. just because DACA is gone, does not mean they will deport them, right?
They know that immigration laws apply to white europeans too, right? In fact, it's harder for those white europeans to flagrant them.
I heard this too. Like everything it won't happen until everyone forgot it was going to happen so politicians don't actually make it happen.
So will DACA members get to stay two years after the program ends? Or are all DACA cards obsolete in 6 months.
Can't see how they will deport 800k people. I think they will pass another law that will give citizenship to the ones in school/work/military and only deport gang members
Failing to do so in the past has put our nation at risk
DACA was the only thing preventing their deportation
ICE won't have to go around and personally grab all of them either, self-deportation has been massive lately, and it's going to surge bigly with this new development
bu- bu- bu- muh fee fees! Think of the shekels goy!
My dad just texted me that he reported the spic mowing his lawn the last few years to ICE
I love liberal word salads. Racist, Nazi, White Supremacist, Bigot, Xenophobic. Pick several of those words, mix them up, throw them together and you get a typical argument from one of these commie drones.
What do I do if I start getting tired of winning?
Keep winning
Well the actual number of illegals counting anchor babies is in the millions so 800k is still nothing.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and without the wall and revamped border security the beaners will flood right back in.
look backwards at what we climbed out of
Invaders are not citizens. All amnesty cucks must hang.
Do they not read normie science where they've accepted that Europeans were here before the feather Indians?
then you have no imagination, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. the mechanisms to deport already exist. things manage to get done when the government actually enforces the laws that are already on the books
that cuck piece of shit Paul Ryan - and his donors - certainly want to, and without pushback they will. all we can do is pressure our spineless piece of shit representatives and make it known that they'll be thrown out on their asses if they do.
That last one
I'm a spic and me and my legal spic family couldn't be happier. Already about to call ICE on my neighbors.
Isn't there still 6 months before anything even happens? too fucking long Daily reminder to report the beaners in your area to ICE for interviewing.
Do you even know where you are, you must have taken a wrong turn. Cuckchan is down the hall and to the left
If anybody needs to argue with a liberal about this, here are some facts about the ages of these "kids", who are really adults;
"Kids? There are extraordinarily few DACA recipients under the age of 21. Many DACA recipients are now 36 years old. They were required to be under 16 when they came to the United States and under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012, when the unconstitutional executive action was signed by President Obama. Since they had to be at least 15 years or older to request DACA, only the few who qualified as currently in removal proceedings or having a final removal or voluntary departure order would be under 21 years of age today."
So shouldn’t this kike be worshipping Trump?
This is cool, but let's be realistic. The kikes in congress will make sure it doesn't go through as we want it to. They'll rescind DACA only to introduce something else to the same effect.
Still, it's nice to see Trump keep his promises.
Also, I keep reading about how they are all entrepreneurs, but only about 5% of them are, at best - which is actually below the number for the general population.
"5 percent started their own business. There is no way of authenticating this number and the researchers do not provide their definition of owning a business. However, this is not overly remarkable given that only about 10 percent of American workers own a business, according to a study from the National Poverty Center. Among minorities, only 5.1 percent of black workers own their own business and only 7.5 percent of Latino workers own their own business. This 5 percent figure is not remarkable in and of itself."
The announcement just happened and they're already going to get deported. This day is fucking amazing and it's only 9am
Burrito supremacists taking the bait.
I got a few already!
It's good of them to save ICE the money and time they'd have to spend to find them. They're essentially showing up and saying "Hey, I'm illegal. Please deport me." Top fucking kek.
A few more
Remember that you can report their accounts directly to ICE
Grab any extra info you can find about their names and locations, too.
I literally ducked out of work and I'm sitting on the toilet posting this. Can't do much more until I'm home later. Someone take the wheel.
Goddamn, they really do have their supporters brainwashed into thinking that hiding facts to advance an agenda is for the greatest good.
Leftists love anecdotes and halftruths.
make a fake lawyer account or NGO and tweet on the hashtag telling them to contact you for free legal assistance
All these DACA beaners have the benefit of growing up in a civilized country and being bilingual (we all know beaners don't speak English to each other, only to niggers and gringos). They'll easily be top-class when they get settled into Mexico. Do they not realize that?
Take this time to make a thread on salt-left and screencap some commie tear
Last week I had a BASED KEKISTANI XDD argue with me that George washington Carver means that black vs white IQ disparity doesn't matter.
Egalitarians, and their advanced form, Bolsheviks, have ceased to be people.
Rand Paul has just come out FOR DACA.
How do we deal with the (((lolbertarian))) problem?
Aren't the SPLC being investigated for all their offshore accounts now?
What's the difference between a Lolberg and an AnCom?
These people are incapable of living in reality.
In essence not much
Dear beaner bitch, that isn't what the quote reads. Even the kike that wrote that didn't include the homeless and unwanted invaders.
ESL was a mistake.
Daily reminder that unprecedented massive non-european immigration is the biggest factor in quickly turning this country less white
Birthrate/Fertitlity is basically a joke in comparison. In fact, for each 4 million newborn in the US, more than 3 million are still white. It would take centuries for this country to turn minority white without immigration. Stumping illegal immigration and reworking legal immigration is one of the top priorities.
I'd write the same thing if I was president. NICE
suspicious lack of Trump touching a wall in this thread. Really jettisons my junipers.
Oh please. Please please please push the "seek asylum on Indian Reservations" thing. Please do that. How do you think indians are going to react when they get flooded with illegals looking for handouts and shelter from law? Oh, please push this. Please for the love of kek make this happen.
So an illegal assembly full of illegal spics? They sure thought that one through.
The shills are still crying into their coffee mugs.
Indians will just murder and bury them in lye pits. OR to get back at the white man they will allow them to congregate on their borders and use them as an expeditionary force to fuck with whitey.
Cool webm
i shouldn't be as happy as i am right now because i know there's going to be some cuckoldry later that is only going to serve to make me out as a fool
The red tribes already routinely go through their membership lists and purge people. The main reason they do this is because niggers who are 1/128th Amerindian, because they have one red ancestor in an otherwise all black family tree, claim tribal status in order to get gibs from the federal government and casinos. There's no way in Hell they'll allow millions of freeloading illegal beaners to squat on their reservations because they've suddenly decided to be proud of their Aztec heritage or whatever other bullshit excuse they'll come up with.
They may all run for the pima rez. Can't tell them apart from typical spics.
If Natives have always been here doesn't that disprove out of Africa? :^)
Will this make the younger generation(s) majority white again or is that too optimistic? Because that would be fucking HUGE if it were to happen.
Think about it. YOUR CHILDREN won't be a minority in their own country. This may cause tons of optimism among whites, raising birthrates and stopping the GENOCIDE of our people.
They have to recover. I mean they just started on anti-trump DACA shillling yesterday and just a bit later all they get BTFO.
Trump is saying he wants congress to pass DACA. If they pass it then Trump will sign the DACA amnesty into law even though he could veto it. There's no way congress could get enough votes to override a veto. But it is most likely they get enough votes to pass it. Representative Steve King thinks that congress will pass it. The House only needs 10 more Republicans to vote for it. If Trump signs it then amnesty will be the law of the land and it'll be yet another betrayal.
The only reason the majority nonwhite meme even exists is because of shithole cities and spics. Most places in the country, speaking in terms of space not population, are still majority white but good luck ever seeing their perspective in the media, mainstream or not.
Isn't Cohen an Irish name?
Yes. Just like Goldberg. kek
Heres one.
Any variation of Cohen, Kohn, etc is ashkenazi.
This. Congress cannot be allowed to pass some "legislative solution" to the beaner problem. They're looking to fuck us over big time, and hopefully Trump has the balls to resist them. He should have repealed DACA the minute he got into office, the fact that he was "wrestling with the decision" for so long doesn't encourage me.
Oy vey, deporting children from illegal immigrant parents who arrived in this country illegally through the U.S. border with no documents is anudda shoah.
Kind of. The name you're thinking of is a Gaelic name - Ó Cadhain, which is written in English as Cowen or Cohan.
Because it's not an English name, it's sometimes spelled differently, so it can also be spelled Cohen. Some Jews actually use this to their advantage and play the name game
Unless the person is actually from Ireland or you can trace their family tree, always assume they're Jewish.
¡Ay caramba! ¡No olvides el once millones!
>American lifestyle contributes to (((Climate Change))) "more than other countries"
you have to go back
no but really this beaner is right - "legal" hispanics dont like wetbacks much at all…
but they positively loathe white men (they like our women though) which is why privately most of them are happy, but publicly will still express outrage because (yet again) white men have saved the day.
theirs is a culture driven by ego, homo-erotic machismo posturing, ignorant superstition, and papistry…
That's what happens when you TRUST big government
Nice little redpill for the Marxists
So how many protests will this spark?
This is a fifth column. God help the whites in the southwest when Mexico and the US fight again.
I don't think they're intelligent enough to understand this. The ones who are, are humble and would only be disappointed at being sent back, not upset. They know it's better than the alternative of whites getting pissed and just initiating a race war for survival's sake and being forced to blow their (non-whites) brains out.
jewtube live link for wh press briefing with sarhahaha sanders
Liberal media gonna be slinging all sorts of hate about DACA.
Mexican and Illegal Immigrant aren't a race. God these idiots need to be hanged.
Not at all. Do you know what an anchor baby is?
Oh, so you'd be totally fine with it if these brown parasites were legal?
Ya liberals always ready to give away other people's property/money.
Do you think he asked any tribes before putting out that offer? Hell no. Reds have little slivers of land and Mexicans have a WHOLE FUCKED COUNTRY. I am sure the reds will be more then happy to take in 800k Mexicans on their postage stamp sized reservations.
I mean… if these "dreamers" are so great, why not send them to Mexico and help the poor people there? Or they don't care about mexicans?
thats fucked, but it still a big chunk of land
but how is america going to survive without your dads lawn being mowed ?
daca brodected the best of the best professional lawnmower experts!
Someone help me meme this offshore accounts shit on their twitter. There arent that many comments so far so if we flood them with comments normies will see. Stuff like
I dont have enough accounts to do it myself.
Rand sure is a fucking retard if he thinks brown people are going to let us keep the constitution. They are itching to trade it in for free shit.
Why are you even asking?
I know it's difficult for this guy to see eye-to-eye with anyone else but he needs to get it through his little skull that non-whites will never, ever care about personal rights. It's a complete alien concept to them.
Just like DAPA, DACA was going to be ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Texas and 9 other states were set to further the issue in courts today if Trump didn't act by the end of today. That's what all these salty leftfags don't understand. Muh feelings is all they focus on. Even Obama's lawyer admitted today in a long twitter post that DACA was an unconstitutional move and wouldn't hold up in court. Can't archive it right now,but twitter/ronaldklain is the acct if anybody wants to read the admission.
DACA protests live on GloomTube
I guess you could say they're more like
From your keyboard to God's eyes, user. Deserved dubs, tbh.
Yeah, I'm sure it's like 20 people.
Maybe in LA. I was born in the USA and so were my ancestors for several generations.
read filename
Funny, but you still have to go back, Carlos.
I mean at what point by the liberals definition is a person "from" a land? My family were some of the first white settlers of the US, is 400 years not enough?
hasta la vista mehicans
i searched 'constit' and 'court' and saw nothing on tweets & replies
Calling anons with twitter accounts
Send this to the SPLC
digits dont lie
An absolute disgrace compared to his father.
really makes you think.
Leftists are all stuck at age 14.
The only ones that can afford to emigrate from that third world shit hole are the Iberian ones.
where's muh **leddit* salt
Call ICE on all your neighbors, then family members. Then yourself, just to be sure (I'm sure your paper are in order)
He should tell him hes not going to get paid this week for the lawn since theyre already getting paid in food stamps, medicaid, scholarships, and free housing.
I swear I heard "Sea snake wedding" from the manhatten livestream. Can anyone translate their babble?
Isn't /leftytranny/ a shitposting that not even commies take seriously?
These dumb fuckers. The level of entitlement is TOO DAMN HIGH.
This is fucking Bush and Obama's fault. Letting these fuckers just cruise around our country for vacation. They thought it was A-OK.
I hope the whole family gets tossed over the wall.
Wait a minute, what about the 6 month thing?
They certainly do not. It's all they could do to learn the first narrative – that whites always invade and steal from peaceful indigenous peoples (they call this "the nature of colonialism," meaning whites are genetically evil) – and now you're asking them to accept the reverse of that; that a European race found America first and was cleansed by Mongoloid invaders. That fucks up the narrative, and so it is a forbidden thought.
The funny part is that it shouldn't matter. I'm not mad at timber niggers for exterminating their competition when they had the power to do it. It was a smart move. They just had the bad luck (and bad immune systems) to have it happen right back at them 10,000 years later. Fair's fair.
How does it feel to be a parasite that leeches on the achievements of white people?
Do us a favour and live in some beaner country.
Who gives a fuck what you remember? You'll be in Mexico while you're doing that, so I'm cool with it.
We won't forget either, spic. You and the Jews brought us this close to the brink. Never again.
he doesn't have dubs, are you retarded?
I think he's saying that he deserved to get them, not that he got them.
"The people united will never be divided" being shouted in spanish by beaner protestors as they are being arrested and subsequently deported. nice.
Gee, it's almost like you can't trust Obama. Something to reflect upon while you're being issued soap at the deportation center.
We should honestly take advantage of this. Start making fake petitions online for Dreamer families to sign, then send all their info to ICE.
Listen to this user. He's got good ideas.
That is actually pretty genius, would need a bunch of them, a wider net catches more fish.
member back in 'nam when they strapped bombs to children because they knew white people were nice enough to not shoot kids? yeah, they ALL have to go back
cut to SadPart around 7 mins
Amazing listening to this shit… I hope Trump gets his next 4 years and congress cuckservatives get replaced with real patriots
Toss a curve ball at beta cucks, and they react predictably.
Question, what about the bridge act? Could cuckservatives ruin this?
found a spic on instagram
They forgot that around blacks you should never relax.
the average age of a daca recipient is 25 when it went into effect in 2012 you needed to be under 31 to receive it, some of those "children" are 35 year old men
I hope a bean women takes him up on the offer and fucks him in court.
More salt. This one got baited by someone with Holla Forums on its username.
For the record, this is illegal:
The idiot has left a record of his intent to break the law, as well as soliciting publicly for partners to do it.
DotR can't come soon enough.
i know the average age is 25. i'm just saying it's a weak appeal to compassion that should be ignored
lol these bitches
I had a 3.7 GPA before I had to leave college for health and subsequent financial reasons
state of CA wouldn't give me financial aid but happily gave it to illegal immigrants
Call me a pessimist, but I'm still not blown away by how effective this will be. DACA recipients can still apply for 2-year renewals as late as October 5, and work permits are still valid until they expire.
The question now becomes: How to BTFO the spics who are already here and, more importantly, convince the remaining speedbumps trying to undo Trump's agenda that the voters of the future will be back to majority-white, so it's a bad idea to piss us off now.
Just dropping this here.
I fucking hate these spics
With liberals it has fuckall to do with time and everything to do with race.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Jews get the bullet
And so do you
Slate is still pushing the "every white man is a nazi" narrative
Top Kek, black pill shills cucked again!
There was a massive thread filled with concern shilling people saying
bait: they also take the place of hard working LEGAL AFRICAN AMERICANS
I know the feeling, the last CC I was at was charging me out of state tuition and allowing illegals to pay in-state and I had a 3.7 as well
There's way more gook's here that overstayed visa's then people realize.
The funny thing is Indians don't even call themselves that. They just call themselves Indians or use their tribe name.
These seem to be the go to buzzwords for today.
Okay, I've been following Twitter on this, so you don't have to. A few talking points seem to be cropping up more than others, so be ready with your answers to these:
So, Holla Forums, be ready to see this shit everywhere, and watch as some of it leaks onto the Talmudvision.
It's literally nothing. It's just virtue projecting and bull shitting until the DACA tards get deported.
They can introduce something but it won't pass. King Nigger violated the constitution in order to enact DACA because he had to. Similar amnesty proposals failed utterly to make it through Congress, hence why he went over their heads. The kikes don't have the power. DACA is fucked and nothing will replace it.
Just trying to organize my thoughts, user. Whites do that sometimes before committing highly efficient genocide and living in a paradise
the other chan had threads on redditfags conspiring to harbor CACA immigrants, I'd infiltrate those threads but reddit is for fags
That also means that their native countries are suffering if they're over here. It's reverse colonialism. It's practically a slave trade if you think about it.
Blacks and spics fucking hate each other.
emotional appeals are literally all they have
there is no legal, logical, or even ethical basis for any argument they could make
These faggots have been openly celebrating the browning of America for decades. Fuck them.
wtf i love ted cruz now
They're a fucking nomad culture at heart so it makes sense. Hell, half of their creation myths involve exaggerating the crossing of the Bering strait.
Always the groin with these perverts.
Found a new stream
Thats why they resist. They have nothing to say.
The bar for comedy is really fucking low
Congress can still fuck it all over.
That pic is /salt-left/'s BO, they get really buttmad when it gets mentioned
compassion itself is a weakness and has no place in politics
so DACA was just a ploy to get spics to admit they are illegals
spoken like a truejew
Nothing in the world is stopping a white man from enlarging his penis
Congrats from Australia, Ameribros.
This kind of news gives even our sparsely-populated, near-cultureless island some sorely needed inspiration to fight back against the endless chink/pajeet/kebab hordes.
You guys really need to find a way to control the wildlife and fight your wars for you.
Any injun who didn't just roll over and accept their demise must have been a native supremacist
but the feather niggers aren't even the actual natives of this land, it's been scientifically proven that they killed and raped out of existence the white european descended natives that were here long before then that built the civilization they were squatting in the ruins of when we and the spainards got here
They're independent contractors goy that's why it's legal to pay them $1/hr and if your an independent contractor your a business owner.
If your an independent contractor you kind of get fucked with taxes, your supposed to pay 15% off the top before you even get to personal income taxes. I'm sure Juan carefully tracks the cashflow and reports it all correctly to the IRS to make sure he pays that 15% and reports the income to the welfare office so he get's the appropriate amount of welfare.
What does this accomplish other than establish that they're thinking about what's in other men's pants all day?
Perhaps projection, after all, Ryan's Average Life must be pretty average - no way he can compete with Chad's cock so he must shitpost on twitter so equally average sheeple may post such brilliance as:
We don't have to. We already have the largest ones in the world, on average. The graphic on that is stored on my other computer, but we're slightly ahead of niggers and WAY ahead of gooks.
Funny how they admit Mexico is shit by saying that sending them back would "destroy' their lives. Gee I wonder why that is? Not enough gringos to sustain a viable civilization?
LOL wite pol have tiny PENIS xDDD
Nice trips. Its political manipulation. He's going to get the cucky treasonous Republicans to show themselves before the midterms.
Probably slavs that shift that to our favor. Slavs have much bigger builds than Anglos.
did this thing just cut off his dick
At least I got out of college before it went full marxist. Still feels bad that my medical bills have fucked my credit to the point it will take me years to fix it until I can apply for something simple like a house loan.
And the slap on the face is that I have fought against this shit since I was a kid and now I have to deal with wigger drug dealers. I hate what the US has become.
t. tejano who has got to see mexishit and mudslimes destroy texas.
At least the schadenfreude will be immense when I tell my brother that his green card marriage to his mexishit gf means jack shit now.
It's a chastity cage.
Funny how none of these "people" blame Obongo for making a wildly illegal, unconstitutional executive over reach to create an amnesty program that was destined to fail because it can't stand up to any legal scrutiny.
Nah, it's all BLIBBITY BLUMP'S fault.
Is this all involved with pizzagate?
Oh user, I am…
These are people who've lived their entire lives being conditioned to see amnesty and sanctuary cities as the norms. To oppose that is "WHITE SUPREEEEEEEMISM" to them. Twelve years of indoctrination is a tough nut to crack.
Below is the list of Republican legislators that have pledged to vote for or are considering voting for permanently enshrining DACA amnesty into law- extending legal protections to hundreds of thousands- if not millions- of illegal aliens.
Take 30 minutes out of your day to CALL these legislators and let them know how you, the GOP base, feels about illegal amnesty. Respectfully and professionally make it known to them that if they vote for amnesty, it will be one of their last votes before they are replaced in 2018.
Dave Reichert (R-WA)
DC Office: (202) 225-7761
Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
DC Office: (202) 225-5816
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
DC Office: 202-225-2006
Spokane: 509-353-2374
Mark Amodei (R-NV)
DC Office: (202) 225-6155
Reno Office: (775) 686-5760
Elko Office: (775) 777-7705
Ryan Costello (R-PA)
DC Office: (202) 225-4315
West Chester Office: (610) 696-2982
Wyomissing Office: (610) 376-7630
Charlie Dent (R-PA)
DC Office: 202-225-6411
Lehigh Valley: (610) 770-3490
Berks County: (610) 562-4281
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
DC Office: (202) 225-4211
Southwest Florida Office: (305) 470-8555
John Katko (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-3701
Auburn Office: (315) 253-4068
Syracuse Office:(315) 423-5657
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
DC Office: (202) 225-3635
Ottawa Office: (815) 431-9271
Watseka Office: (815) 432-0580
Peter King (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-7896
Massapequa Park Office: (516) 541-4225
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)
DC Office: (202) 225-6572
Mays Landing Office: (800) 471-445
Tom McArthur (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-4765
Burlington County Office: (856) 267-5182
Martha McSally (R-AZ)
DC Office: (202) 225-2542
Tucson Office: (520) 881-3588
Patrick Meehan (R-PA)
DC Office: (202) 225-2011
Devin Nunes (R-CA)
DC Office: (202) 225-2523
Clovis: (559) 323-5235
Visalia: (559) 733-3861
Christopher Smith (R-NJ)
DC Office: (202) 225-3765
Monmouth County: (732) 780-3035
George Holding (R-NC)
DC Office: 202-225-3032
Raleigh Office: 919-782-4400
DC Office: (202) 225-3031
Janesville: (608) 752-4050
Kenosha: (262) 654-1901
Racine: (262) 637-0510
not only that but the college gave registration priority to illegals
I would finish a 2 year program in 4 if I had stayed
Damn user that's harsh.
I can't get a house yet either and I just saw a spic talking about how she has a home and is a parent to DACA kids, pisses me right off.
I believe they are doing that in NYC as well, I applied for a CUNY school a few months back and never got a response. Every time I called the admissions office, it was shitskins answering the phone.
Triple dubs speaking the truth
People who are against Trump already compare him to Hitler, so the ad does nothing for them.
However, people who support Trump may be more willing/inclined to see Hitler in a positive light after seeing this.
Leftists are retarded.
same at the CC in CA, the staff was mostly spics
colleges are fucked right now
It would have been better if Trump kept it around and it was ruled unconstitutional in court.
Doing it this way means they congress will more then likely come up with a deal in six months. I hope to Christ they don't, but when it comes to screwing White America, they're incredible at that.
Now we have to wait for six fucking months to see if 11 million illegal fucks get to stay here.
any republican member who does this is going to get savaged in the primaries, "XXX made a deal with democrats and supported amnesty for illegals…" will be the campaign slogan of their primary opponent.
Aaaannnnd? Have they been properly reported? Just because the kids are temporarily protected, doesn't mean you can't drop a dime on your adult spic neighbor. I did, and he fucking vanished two months ago.
I don't know if that works as well as we think it does though. I hope you're right user, but if it passes it won't matter who gets elected.
Dumbass voters have elected people like John McCain and Marco Rubio multiple times, and Lindsey Graham. I don't have a lot of faith in voters.
Yeah, it has
they make it easy by admitting it on social media
I'd post a SC but not on my main computer
What kind of idiot thinks its a good idea to illegally move to another country rather than following the normal immigration process?
Thay was bound to turn out badly.
McCain - Arizona
Rubio - Florida
both areas are filled with spics. i wouldn't be surprised if congress members from these area's defect, but congress members from white areas will be fucked if they do.
It's going to be a rough 6 months I think. Leaving things to Congress is fucking terrifying.
kek did you go to Pierce or Valley? grew up in San Fernando, its all spics at those colleges and they are cunts
Wew, I never thought I would see the day I become an advocate of miscegenation, but Holla Forums needs to play matchmaker here and hook that white cuck up with a dreamer so we can see him go down.
nah I went to moorpark and ventura
Take it another step forward, why aren't we running for those state congress representative positions? How hard would it be to run using that as dirt on your opponent and promoting yourself as a new, fresh, populist candidate that will actually listen to the people and work on their behalf in congress? Disaffected low-middle income citizens would all be on your side.
agreed if white cucks do not want to be white they can go bleach a few other races and enrich their genetics, seriously though, once you go black, we don't want you back.
This is what lolberturdianis looks like.
Holy shit, its that bad at Moorpark now? My parents live in T.O. and I haven't been back in a few years but I remember it being mostly white
I can feel it lads.
Memeing a counter-narrative against DACA and the Bridge act could be a good opportunity to expose Republican traitors, and solidify blue collar workers and independents who have common sense against these traitors. There's an Op here, which would be good for heading off the globalist push for the bridge act
On one hand, creating the perception that any republican supporting daca/bridge will be primaried and removed, is possibly worth a shot
The more important aspect is exposure. American citizens need to realize that Republicans did nothing about daca, obamacare, tax reform, and haven't even passed Harvey relief aid. Yet, they are tripping over themselves to virtue signal and vote for an emergency law to protect illegals taking citizens' jobs and resources. This needs to be hammered home.
Humbly requesting help with that Op for narrative controlling purposes.
Yes, I know moorpark is not TO but same county
His father was a worthless cuckold too you lolberg coddling faggot.
Nah, mean would be just killing them all.
Like Republicucks arguing in favor of something that does nothing but create more welfare-reliant parasites who invariably vote overwhelmingly for Republicuck opponents?
Considering you just tweeted it to the world, your marriage probably isn't going to hold up under scrutiny you stupid fuck.
I only went there for two classes
rest were at ventura (lots of illegals there)
I left ventura county a while back, before I left there was a huge, I mean HUGE influx of spics and nogs
it was surreal
I saw gang graffiti in TO of all places, where richniggers drive bentleys to get their groceries
Just to add, you can drag Antifa and their statue terrorizing ways into the mix by showing normalfags the spics in antifa and paint spics AND leftists in a bad light at the same time.
Yeah, lot of rich niggers out there. Most got their money from singing, dancing, and playing ball (surprise, surprise) Tons of spics in Ventura, I used to occasionally go out there to play a show with my band and it was all spics sporting shitty post punk band t-shits and claiming NardCore. Fucking YUGE fags
this video is great, annoying spic BTFO
Righteous digits. Bill did nothing wrong.
Good idea. Another priority of the left AND Republicans are taking down statues and protecting masked terrorists, rather than protecting American citizens who get beaten and spat on. But in the context of daca it just needs to be tied into the larger picture of Republican traitors who are on the same team as Democrats. Priorities are always anybody except the American worker who loves his/her country.
Side note: in CA they're passing some law adding extra penalties for using a car as a weapon in response to Charlottesville. Again, dune coons do it all over the world, they all bend over backwards to protect them. Some schizo larper panicking over black masks smashing up his car? WE NEED AN EMERGENCY NEW LAW FOR THE GLOBAL RISE OF NAZI CAR ATTACKS
Fucking faggotry
dude its way worse now
oxnard is literally like walking into tijuana
I have a buddy that used to live there in the 80's
when I told him it was all spics he was deebly goncerned
but didn't these dreamshits break the law? they should be in jail.. unless, MEXICO PAYS FOR THEM
Slavs have arabs and other Niggers that actually lowers their average, so it'd need to be more comprehensive when measuring the slavic regions.
they're used to bending over that's why they bent the knee
I wonder if they will make them sack lunches too jej
well no fucking shit huh?
This is insane. The world is completely fucked when these faggots suddenly act compassionate, LECTURE the US and act like they're doing the US a fucking FAVOR- and ppl accept and support this.
The faggot dreamers were Mexico's problem in the first place, dumped onto others who have their own problems, and then now they come in afterwards when it all blows up in their faces to "save the day".
Holla Forumsice ice baby
If only there was a wall to keep in Mexico all those good mexicans that were kidnapped by the evil americans…
more and more people need to be reminded that these fucking spics are nothing more than an invasion by mexico in the most peaceful way to 'reconquista' this country because they believe it belongs to the, because of some stupid war they lost several times over back during the start of this country. All this immigration is nothing more than peaceful invasion, ingrain that in normie's heads.
Damn that sucks, that area is beautiful. We gotta take that shit back!
Taking one leg wasn't enough in my opinion.
It works to our advantage because now we can just tell the kids to shut the fuck up and go to their country that just offered them financial aid, no "what if my country doesn't take me back, baaaawwwwwwww"
it's gonna take a lot to get rid of the politicians
VC has a chance with Antonio Sabato running for congress or senate, forgot which
they started it and lost
it's like they think we're going to place the spics on a sheet of ice in the arctic and break it off
His username is the cherry on top.
good, they can go back, now
The audacity of these people is absolutely staggering.
we can only dream
ay dios mio, es anudda shoah
singles, but checked for the keks
Sooner or later they are going to meme this into reality. Trump is an extremely soft core version of a nationalist, however, someone more extreme will end up taking his place.
pretty sure it isn't that high, just like the "your more likely to die in a car than from terrorism" argument the leftists academic scum like to say every single minute of every single day
They're lucky we aren't rounding them up and gassing them.
The DACA salt is almost as glorious as reading Hilldawg's book.
i'll pick my own goddamn cotton
OY VEY we can't pay minimum wage
it's annudah shoah
Shut the fuck up shills.
I'm both laughing and very pissed for a number of reasons.
I refuse to believe this is real, even within the context of an attempted joke. I do, however, believe that they seriously talked about doing exactly this during the campaign.
I’m saving this as proof that even leftists admit their plan is purposely raising taxes and implementing pipe dreams.
I was about to post a 2 paragraph long text about weimar Germany but it'd be preaching to the choir here.
Retarded lion stabbing itself in the face while barfing flowers.
medics and engineers
I pick my own fruit from my garden and I mow my own damn lawn, and get this, I enjoy every minute of it.
Yesterday I thought all the DACA beans were doctors and sheeit.
Suddenly universal minimum wage doesn't matter when it comes to protecting your spic wage slaves you fucking kikes. I can name someone who would pick fruit for 5$ and hour, AN AMERICAN TEENAGER LIKE IT SHOULD FUCKING BE NOT NACHO PACO TACO
livestream of protest in LA
God the shoah can't come soon enough
Wait, the book’s not released yet. These aren’t real. The text is a completely different font, too.
Does that faggot maldraw still lurk on here?
Relax child labor and minimum wage laws and I could get you as many junior high kids as you want picking fucking produce. Pay for them is nearly all discretionary. They'd work for $5/hour.
Yeah, he posts every few weeks or so when his ban runs out (because he’s too retarded to figure out how to bypass it). We spam his thread with “You are not white and never will be” every time. It’s great.
top kek that twat hasnt been hanged yet, I guess not.
Reminder that Congress voted and President Polk signed an order that the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo would end with THIS as the border.
Reminder that the PROTO-SJW TRAITOR Nicolas Trist illegally wrote a treaty with the current border.
25 years is a long time and a lot can change. If you're an oldfag, think back to 1992 and what you imagined 2017 would be like, then compare that to where we actually are. And these days things can change even fast than they did then. When liberals all want to blackpill about muh brown America and Muslim Europe and shit like that, they're erroneously assuming that the trends happening now are going to continue infinitely. White birthrates are rising, blacks are aborting 60% of their kids, the Hispanic and Muslim birthrates are both plummeting in the second generations. Now factor in that we're in the beginning stages of seeing the beaners removed and self-deported.
Imagine how nice Cuba would be.
It would probably have a huge naval base and be the number 1 tourist destination for Americans.
So basically privileged decadent white hipsters condone slave labor
The 6 month window by Trump is bait, any Republican (and many Democrats) stupid enough to support this are going to pay during the primaries. Who remembers the original "DREAMer" bill that Democrats try to pass under Obama and failed? Voters punished even the Democrats who voted for it.
These ethnomasochists are a tiny but loud group, the majority of voters don't want it and even moderate GOP voters will throw the bums out.
Check this site for info. Digging through some of the senators and representatives, there's a ton of based Trump style Republicans running already against the GOPe:
What's it called? The Audacity of this Lying Bitch?
Anyone wanting lulz just type in daca jews
What is hilarious is all these retard lefty whites kvetching "oh this is so racist," when legal mexican immigrants hate wetbacks too.
This. It's one big trap to gain a list of traitors to campaign against.
That’s not the southern continental border because of the TREASON of ONE MAN, Nicolas Trist.
Yucatan isn’t a white tropical paradise free of crime because of the LIES before Congress of ONE MAN who subverted Yucatan’s statehood bid (they wanted statehood, Congress WAS going to vote in favor of it).
Cuba isn’t a US state and white tropical paradise free of communism because of the TREASON of ONE MAN, Henry Teller.
YFW only three men denied America some of her greatest riches and doomed large parts of the world to crime, corruption, and genocide.
That's a classic. Do you also have some "walls don't work" lying around, faggot?
wew, thanks for that user
Illegal crossings are already down by 80%.
at least we know one of them won't be breeding anytime soon.
Wrong, she's already shit at least 3 of them out.
a lot of the dreamers are soft kids anyway
they won't risk trying to come back with a coyote
Might as well add a gratuitous but your cabbage will cost $50 per head goy!
Wew. These yids are going even further insane.
how nice of her. she's ensured that another ICE agent or three will have plenty of work to do deporting her and her shitskin parasites.
Any bets Congress will be dumb enough to take the bait?
Even all according to perfect kike plan it would be unrealistic. Anyways, they fucked up because they don't understand the definition of limits. Caucasians can shoulder a lot of pressure, but every animal has a threshold of tolerance and we have reached ours. Time to return the favour.
For some more lulz type in daca harry potter
But Mexico is a paradise!
Remember to spam this when they do that.
they're not sending their best folks
I've honestly given up making twatter accounts, I get locked everytime after an hour or two. I just mine salt and idiocy now.
That should trigger them pretty nicely
Top Kek I was shitposting in that thread. Those were dark times.
Tell them that they're being antisemitic, since Jews are 43% of the 1%.
twitter makes finding spics so easy
just found this organization started by an illegal that most certainly has a list of other illegals in their area
I am so fucking tired of Harry Potter analogies.
Streaming Schedule!
Sun, Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri
Start time: 9:30-10 PM EST
Keep an eye out for extra streams!
We did, it's called America, now gtfo
This is what I say to those who struggle to comprehend that the pressure is already on us and Whites are pushing back and will snap. To be honest, the libcucks are already impotent and only act out of habit rather than power.
We are winning but we have to push until we have finally removed every single one of these fuckers.
Is that the shitty comedian from the 90s?
There's no more land to conquer, time to head to conquer space, user.
We also need to remind the generations after us that this is their burden too and they will always have to push back. We will win, whites always do.
That's the beauty of current year. Boomers were tricked because there was not a centralized Babel's Tower full of frogposters who won't forget. Though it makes me wonder what's the deal with Millennials.
I thought we would have Lunar and Martian colonies and begun the process of terraforming. Maybe have cloned dinosaurs too.
Well what are we waiting for?
top Kek.
Nazi moonbase becomes reality.
Common core education. They don't teach critical thinking skills anymore. Everything is taught to take a test so everything is black and white. The literally can not even fathom somebody having a different viewpoint because they were taught to unquestioningly believe everything they are told.
Totally, all they had was cable. I wonder about millennial's as well, sometimes they seem woke but then you meet one that's crazy than my feminist boomer mother
Where can I purchase these dice?
Time for the rebound and pushback.
Kick the spics out of the US and then occupy their lands to pay for the decades they have parasitically fed off of our people.
Don't stop until we've retaken the Panama Canal!
Yeah, sounds positively awful not being accosted 24/7 by degenerate kikes, niggers and wetbacks.
We created this fucking country, do these morons think the USA was always a multicultural shithole? It's a very recent phenomenon.
Oh man it sounds absolutely horrible living in a white country.
That is literally what they did when they created America. And they are still whining about it to this day.
Hopefully they won't be struggling tbh. I want this done within 5-10 years. I don't have time to piss around with this as I get older.
We're a divided and more extreme generation. I think we will pull through as we age.
The fat one can haul his fat ass back to MExico/South America
is this spic serious? they need some better PR than, "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY"
>man, white countries suck, let's make it a non-white country instead of just leaving
These germs need to be removed.
Well, american history wise it's recent. It all started around the 50s, years after marxist kikes came along and spread egalitarianism bullshit in schools and university.
Of course they do. They grew up on multi-cult propaganda where they rewrite history in films and video games.
Think of that shitty live action beauty and the beast movie. The Victorian era France was depicted as being filled with African men. Then you have African vikings and crusaders. In video games you have African woman WW2 soldiers.
When kids grow up watching/playing this stuff "based on history", they believe that all of European history looks like current year New York city in terms of demographics.
And then theres that forced meme of "white people have no culture", "white people can't dance", "white people can't play music", etc. Its all anti-white propaganda.
Texas is secretly a cucked state.
(checkin' dem tripledubs!)
Don't forget that the name is United States of America, not the US of part of North America. Everything from the northern tip of Greenland down to the southern tip of Patagonia is proper US clay. And all these spics are trespassing, they just don't know it. Real Canadians and Dane can avoid the slaughter if they agree to the anschluss peacefully.
Even my little brother sees through this shit, I was showing him these examples and he said "They have to change history so it aligns with their world views" I was surprised he said that.
>Children of
Here's how that shitty, shitty sign came to be:
1965 was only 52 years ago. In the life of a country that's nothing.
I feel he is exaggerating that
found it, the 3rd one
Pretty funny when they line that bullshit up right before or right after talking about how every Jew in Germany lived in a ghetto.
By saying "it ends in 6 months" he headed off the suit that was going to be brought to the supreme court by a number of states, at the same time he left the door open for congress to permanently enshrine it as law.
That's literally what the founders intended for this country.
the sc can't re-institute an EO that was unconstitutional to begin with. with gorsuch he won't vote in favor
my guess is they waste 6 months and let it fail
the already lazy congress won't start working just because of some illegal spics
if anything the 6 month period is to highlight how bad congress is (8% approval)
Trump needs to push term limits. Trump needs to empizie that congress is putting illegal migrants ahead of hurricane victims.
Trump needs to ask congress why do they need to rush to put the illegal migrants infront of the hurricane victims when the illegal migrants have 6 months?
Why not have him permabanned already?
thats a great point
especially with irma lurking, if congress ignores them, they will get voted out
if it went to sc it would have been ended effective immediately because it was always an unconstitutional overreach. what trump did here is give a slim chance that cuck ryan and the (((congress))) keep it alive
Why are these Mexicans refusing to go back to Mexico? I thought that they want the US to turn brown.
Term limits could be done in a way that those who already had 2 terms won't be able to run for office again. The Feinsteins and the McCains won't be able to run for office again.
I don't see them doing it, especially with what happened the last time congress tried to pass amnesty… they will lose their careers over it
term limits needs to be pushed hard before the next elections
The 2018 mid terms are going to be awesome. I'm calling it right now, republicans up +4 and neo cons lose most of their seats.
Ahh, the rallying cry of the uncultured.
Yes, let's just pretend thousands of years of white fine art doesn't exist. Let's throw away Rembrandt, Picasso, and Van Gogh. Let's throw away Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and Sousa. Let's throw away Shakespeare. Let's throw away the vast, vast majority of the world's treasured works of art.
After all, they were produced by white men, and white men have no culture.
When Millennial leftists think of "culture," what that word means to them isn't just the cultural norms and recorded history of a people. "Culture" in their minds dredges up images of very spiritual brown and black people practicing ancient religions with ceremonies and fire dances and shit. They think it's primitive shit. It's Shaneequa twerking in da club to music that's 90% bass. They think it's stuff that's unique and only practiced by specific groups of brown people.
What they don't recognize, the reason they think we "have no culture," is that white culture is so dominant that our cultural norms for clothing, industry, housing, transportation, and governance have been willingly adopted by almost the entire rest of the world. There's nothing white people do that the rest of the world doesn't copy and imitate because there's nothing anyone does better than us. Zero.
Yeah, but where's your shitty food masked by a slapdash mix of spices?
(triple checked)
(combo checked
Why are people so retarded. Yeah these spics are losing their jobs, but then actual fucking citizens of this country will get those jobs. We won't be losing shit.
Countries are so much more than economies.
Economic loss is not an argument for destroying our nation. The majority of that 1.2 billion would go to the pockets of the government or the bankers, and why should the citizens at large be concerned about that?
Economic arguments are weak.
Guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.
I've tried to argue this point with liberals and they'll say that "European isn't White, they're multi-ethnic too… and uhh in college I remember professor Golsteinwitzberg talk about a black viking… or something".
So to counteract that retarded comment I'll say "Well, what about cowboy culture"… and they'll mumble something about black were under-represented in media so that doesn't count either. Besides they saw a Japanese guy wear a cowboy hat once.
So basically Whites have no culture to liberals, because they refuse to attribute any culture to us. Because… muh feels.
top kek this is a high quality gem
Its like his entire existence is made to upset Holla Forums
He looks a lot like that Powerpuff Girls writer. You know the one.
Got ya covered.
Waaaaait a minute, I though jews were white like you and I!
But those couple of token pox were just culturally appropriating which is the height of racism. Emulation is the most sincere form hate.
Not only is Cohen a kike name, but kikes in Ireland made up the name Coyne as an Irishization of Cohen so they could blend in.
good reaction
And he doesn't even manage that
Honestly, the only businesses this will hurt are ones hiring illegals. I'm fine with that.
Huh, so Trump is not a cuck after all.
Probably turn a profit considering what a drain they are.
must be a real head-scratcher how they got here in the first place, eh?
She has an attractive rear
your father is a lazy piece of lemon-nigger shit.
LOOOL I hope she stabs you and takes more than 1/2
Seems unnecessary
My mother's friend works at a UC admissions office. The head of the computer science professor is a chink.Once they were going over graduate program applicants for computer science. Every single chink was waved in, and he rejected a white guy who graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University, which regularly makes the top of the list for CS colleges. He said Carnegie-Mellon was "no good". Chinks are fucking nepotistic pieces of shit who infiltrate our country like spies.
You set them up, you dumb nigger!
So what about the 6 month time frame? Does this mean he's acting immediately instead of giving congress time to grant amnesty?
WTF? I thought DACA were either children (child labor?) or future engineers (fruit-picking geniuses?)
tits or gtfo
just haven a laugh at your femreeeeeee
Reminder that soccer ball emojis = Mexican
Why isn't he blaming Obama?
He's the one who fucked up by promising the world to dreamers.
God willing
It's a Holla Forums trolling account, right?
thx for the historical content/context to understand this
time to dig
As a guy who gets pedicures because of construction work-caused ingrowns and the cute asian girls, i had a momentary ocd tick at reading it as well
Do they draw straws to see who has to deal with your gross feet?
oh shit, theres a hex get approaching
we all have our autistic lines
>tfw hispanic is now red voting blocknot bloc
who got it?!?!?!?
It backfired and they shut it down.
Today i was thinking about the same ad, funny how collective intelligence works.
Found some more Twitter illegals
Report to ICE, plz
The government knows who every single one of the dreamers are, no need to report to ICE.
They trusted Obama.
Dumb fucks.
That would be ==the point== of the matter.
wow, fucked up that formatting
hypothetical sage for double-posting
who got it
Events like this shows one of the thing I find the most frustrating when it comes to libshits. They get a bill or law passed and even if it's only a year old, they talk about it like it was always this way, that things always worked like this and you're delusional if you remember a time when such a policy didn't exist and are just spreading lies. It's not as if policies and orders can be changed by administration to administration, no no, it's always been this way so suck it up and you can't change it LALALALALALALA I CAN"T HEAR YOU DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH LALALA
If a parent breaks the law by say, squatting in a building with their kids, the cops don't just come and arrest the parents and then leave the kids there to squat. Laws were broken and must now be payed for.
Fuck burritos. Let them all go back to that rocky, dirty shithole they claim to love so much. Mexico is the gooch of the Americas.
Since you're a wide-eyed newfag I'll show you how to redtext:
Lurk two years before posting.
Some fucking jimpact TRS rapefugee faggot got it. For shame.
It looks like a dentata to me. Those things chicks shove up their cunts that have teeth in them so they don't get raped
Someone should create a browser extension that replaces Orwellian terms like "undocumented immigrant" with their true-speak alternatives, like "illegal aliens".
No, ages range from 15-32. Kids, children they are not. The MSM makes it seem like babies are being thrown over the wall.
All day at the University and I come home to this. Thank you Trump. Thank you Jeff Sessions.
And I swore to myself I'd start watching my sodium intake after the election.
Whenever you see someone say "illegals do the jobs Americans don't do!" or "we can't send them back! Who will pick fruit/clean toilets/fuck up our take-away orders?" send them this [pic]. It really, really triggers them for some reason.
That's almost an oxymoron, she still has a large hard phallic object shoved in her mantrap.
Bye bye bye.
The sad irony is that the tejenos that fucked off to Texas during that time was more than happy to give the US that land in exchange for citizenship, doubly so after the attack on the Alamo. Instead the texans and the US got cucked out of a shit ton of land by yids.
I've noticed a shitload of newfags lately that don't know what dubs are.
With enforcement we're actually doing more than a wall would on its own I still want my wall though
Taco here, this is good, those lazy shits are the worst part of Mexico, they need to go to the land of the free because they are too fucking lazy to work/study here because of muh peso value ,these faggots are equivalent to dindus and sandniggers, fucking traitors, they are either the dirtiest of shitskins or narcos.
I swear to god, i have met here so much faggots that keep claiming shit like "Wey my uncle lives in US and he is illegal, fuck the police isn't that cool ;^)".
Don't take them back, fucking kill them or throw them at the sea, if those faggots are not in US they will complain here.
It's not like i hate Mexico and his people or something, what i hate is ILLEGAL inmigrants and how jews weaponize them "DUDE THINK OF THE CHILDREN, LETG THEM IN AND RACEMIX PLS love is love dude there is no borders xd".
Norteño master race.
Bunch of white kids had a nice, quite afternoon in class.
In case anyone was doubting that Trump wants amnesty.
Burger here. Your music is garbage, no one likes your tuba blaring shit.
Gotta love how libcucks/kikes use vague, made-up terms to discribe groups they want to "protect" and "promote" Could this faggot describe what a "Dreamer" is in non-retarded terms? My personal dream is to oven every single non-white in this nation. Will I be covered by this "Dreamer Act"? Does that make me a "Dreamer"? Will my dream of a pure, white, Christian nation be realized under this "Dreamer Act"? What if I were a normalfag and my dream was to own a home, not be in debt, and have children? Would I be covered then? Would it cover white "Dreamers" or just illegal "Dreamers"? This is newspeak in action and it's just one of the many ways kikes fuck us all over. Newspeak needs to die now and it starts with the death of every kike and minority on the planet.
Dreamer: n. Future Democrat
I have no idea why there's this consensus that dreamers or "undocumented immigrants" are these poor, sweet hard working people. Everyone that isn't a liberal in the USA thinks they're leeches who run away from home (and possibly the law) to get some gibs and fucking hates them.
(Help me report these to ICE & Investigate)
The police have no right, to ask about your immigration status.
The Matricula card is next
Dreamer: n. Future Democrat
It was unconstitutional because it meant Obonger was actively not enforcing the laws, which is the purpose of the executive branch.
Top Kek. This is exactly what he is doing.
Huffingpaint Post - Can't tell if salty or sarcastic
Demoralization shill are in the thread!
can someone explain to me what the fuck he's doing
can someone explain to me what the fuck he's doing
Fuck off
checked, idk tbh smh
I think Trump is actually the demoralization shill.
He's forcing Congress's hand. Either make DACA legit within 6 months or else it gets banned. If Congress does nothing, then Obama gets the blame for pushing something this illegal in the first place.
The most beautiful thing about this is that leftists have made sure nobody gives a shit about these fucking spics because for year after year we've been hearing about how white people today are to blame for the "crime" their ancestors committed, well, guess what, Pedro?
Now YOUR fucking ancestors committed the crime and you get to pay for it like we do and if any spic wants to bitch, unlike us, they can let their ancestors know all about it on their Mexico!
The "I will revisit this issue" part of the tweet makes think otherwise.
you cannot comprehend the true form of President Trump's Attack
I want deportation and my tax money back
That's the argument I'm having right now with a literal homosexual
I didn't know being deported was like getting deloused
Also, to prove the swamp monsters of the RINO class could get together to do something in favor of a bunch of foreign invaders but not on healthcare, tax cuts, or anything beneficial to anyone that voted for them.
Unless they can get enrolled into the tribe they don't get any handouts. Even though, most tribes enforce a blood quantum, if you aren't at least 1-2 generations tribal lineage you dont get any gimme-dats.
Law wouldn't do much tho the law enforcement they have is shit
Wow fuck me goys. It's almost like employers will have to raise wages to find workers. Oy vey!
And if Congress does and Trump signs it thinking it'd just be given the 2/3 majority treatment like the "Russian Sanctions" act would've had happen, we end up with all of them becoming citizens and we're back to fucking square one. He should end this bullshit of an act right here and now. There is more than enough evidence and people are more than aware of how bad current congressmen and politicians are with how much they are fucking over this country and our people, so there's no need to keep letting it all continue and get worse. Never give your enemies time to retaliate when the survival of your nation and people are at stake.
Everything south of Texas was intended for the niggers to move to, so the whites wouldn't have to deal with them after slavery inevitably gets removed. Imagine that, a world where niggers have their own land away from the white man, in a place suitable for them. What a shame.
Who's going to pick our Cotton?
You catch your head and remember that there is still many many miles ahead for us. You don't get complacent now.
I don't get the outrage over DACA.
During the election there are lots of them waving around the Mexican flag and stomping on the American flag.
They probably hate America alot, yet they want to take advantage of being an American citizen.
Fuck them.
I assume some sort of amazing cotton picking machine.
That's the whole thing about liberalism/progressivism/globalism etc.; They are nothing but parasitic hypocrites that suck on the thing they claim to hate dry, converting as many people they are fucking over to their way of thinking or how they want you think as possible, until there's nothing left, then move on to the next host.
The real life outrage over DACA seems minimal. It almost all seems like manufactured outrage. I think the folks most upset about it are the people who are going to lose the cheap labor force…
The woman in question is callipygian to a degree that it is obvious even when she is facing towards the camera. Verily I say this unto thee, my swarthy compatriot.
I am legal in my country but I have a lot of fucking problems here in Canada because my parents disowned me and treated me like shit and I am persecuted for my beliefs and eccentricities. The only kind of work I do is in cash, always the "illegal" type work. Literally just yardwork, picking, packaging, baking, warehouse shit, landscaping, etc. and I hate to do other kinds work. I usually get paid under the minimum wage for this btw, only once did I ever get paid above minimum wage, and 2 times did I ever get paid exactly minimum wage. All the rest of time below minimum wage.
There is too much legalistic bullshit that filters out people from me from ever getting a job. If I have to hand in a job application I know from the start I won't get the job.
Maybe we can make welfare contingent on cotton picking.
I'm not suggesting it would be efficient, but it would be entertaining
If you really appreciate this and your country to boot, then you should fucking SPEAK UP in public and put some deranged white liberals in their place. I can't stand how silent some of you are until someone actually does anything. Your people including you are obviously implicitly on the side of every illegal until big bad whitey does something to stem the tides that you can't personally counter. Then it's all Woooo Trump see guys I'm on your side! I'm a good one. If trump never did this you'd never say a damned thing.
That would suggest she's fat like one of those nigresses… she's actually athletic.
What's your next line when this one fails?
How can you read Trump's tweet and see anything but amnesty? He told congress that legalize them, and that if they don't, he will "revisit the issue."
Found this crowdfund in LA to pay for DACA application fee's. Wtf? how easy it is to scam the Left out of thousands.
You mean the part that reads like typical Trump talk?
High five bro!
when will this retarded meme die?
Because I've been around longer than a month.
How do you mentally contort yourself past he part where he blatantly says he's giving congress 6 months to legalize DACA?
How do you mentally contort yourself past the part where he blatantly says he's giving congress 6 months to legalize DACA?
Kind of like how he gave them six months to repeal and replace Obamacare?
Remember when he bombed Assad for optics to placate the deep state then ended CIA's support for rebels quietly? All the so called "alt-right" people who left Trump's side came running back.
The end goal is RAISE Act. Trust Trump and carry on.
That would be implying that they wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare.
They would have done it if not for the cuckservatives that would undoubtedly love to fuck Trump over yet again.
Their failure to repeal and replace only furthers my point, not yours. What it tells me is that the cucks will side with the Dems to fuck over Trump.
congress loves its gridlock bullshit,
I contend that congress loves 800,000 New Democrat voters more than it loves gridlock.
for republicans, they're future conservatives
You going to come back in six months and apologize?
I actually will.
About two months ago, someone said the wall would be getting erected in two weeks. We agreed mutually that we would come back and allow ourselves to be bantzed. Here we are two months later, not a foot of wall has been put up and I've seen hyde not hare of that user.
Will you come back and admit to being an 88dChessfag?
If you really appreciate this and your country to boot, then you should fucking SPEAK UP in public and put some deranged white liberals in their place. I can't stand how silent some of you
are until someone actually does anything. Your people including you are obviously implicitly on
the side of every illegal until big bad whitey does
something to stem the tides that you can't
personally counter. Then it's all Woooo Trump
see guys I'm on your side! I'm a good one. If trump never did this you'd never say a damned
Yea it's a real shame that since there's no political or social points to be gained by sticking up for Indians. Therefore no one cares, even the most self proclaimed tolerant liberals. I live in MA the self righteous stronghold of these fucks. And let me tell you how hard it is for old Indian tribes to get any recognition or help ever. People don't let them build casinos or nothing here either. Because nobody pats them on the back and massages their ego about them. Worst kinds of people.
can we kill this retarded meme yet?
see you in six
Yeah, these faggots had to raise wages a whopping 10% and they're crying like a jew who's had his shekel stolen. It's the first time in decades they've ever had to even consider raising pay and they don't like it one bit. All the usual excuses.
Summer employers hired American amid Trump visa squeeze
Actually, youhave to be able to produce identification if asked by a lawful authority. If you wanted, you could become a cop and just walk up to literally anyone and ask "Papers, please", and be fully legally in the right to arrest them if they cant.
Alright. Cap this as well. I'm not going anywhere.
Now if DACA isn't rescinded in six months, you should start a thread with
"I'm a huge faggot and I love the taste of Kushner's balls." And proceed to tell us how badly you want to taste Kushner's circumcised penis.
Oh also, describe in detail how much you love spics and niggers, since we will be looking at 800,000 of them with fresh amnesty.
What matters isn't the american nationality, but the american ideology. So, yes.
go ahead, ban me. i have proxies
TRS or the_donald?
Isn't it pretty racist by the leftards to pretend that the countries those dreamers were born in are shitholes?
That's a good way to corner these people in an argument.
And then let out a hearty kek.
That's what you're supposed to do
Good lad! Use them as fertilizer.
He has no legal authority to reimplement DACA so he can't really "revisit" it. He's just setting up Congress to take all the blame when they fail to work something out after 6 months and little DREAMer spiclets have to fuck off back to Mayheeco. Sarah Sanders did the same thing and explicitly called it Congress' problem now.
Trump seems to really fucking hate Congress lately.
Why aren't Mexicans thrilled that their doctors, engineers and scientists are coming back?
my ancestors didn't conquer this continent for civ nat faggots like you to give my nation away
t. 15+ generation american
This is actually brilliant. It puts the entire onus of DACA onto Congress while absolving Trump of having to look like the bad guy. His image is incredibly fragile right now, so this move will definitely win over conservatives on the fence. And if Congress does manage to pass something, Trump will surely veto it immediately.
t. shit-for-brains chesscuck
Without whites, America as it was known dies. Browns, blacks, jews and asians all vote overwhelmingly for larger government and socialist programs. Once Whites are no longer the largest voting bloc it will become a fight of the scraps. The republic is already in collapse, the 'others' dont appreciate the culture and values of the White Man. They use these values of liberty, justice and freedom to subvert the US, the only race that gives these values any worth is White. Its not like White Men have kept this a secret, you can read about and learn from example all our ways from common law to our declarations, but they dont want the hard work, they only desire the spoils. Now that we know how the exploitation of our high minded values happens in a globalized world, we wont be making the same mistakes again.
You kinda have to admire their mental jumps.
Unfortunately a significant percentage of illegals that were qualified for DACA were suspicious enough to not put their name on the list. all that means is that bean hunting is still a possibility so it ain't all bad
Checked for Greatness and Truth
/tg/ gets shit done, the SJWs don't after all they like to whine.
you niggerfags REALLY need to watch the film WAG THE DOG about now.
then think about storms, timing, and fake news.
stop drinking the fluoride and turn the TV fucking OFF
You cant permaban from Holla Forums
What did they mean by this
Sir Doland the forst, King of Debt is going to use this to expose Republicucks to their Anti-open border voting bases for the primaries. He's also using DACA as a hostage against the Democrats so they will comply with border wall funding, Trump loves negotiating too much. Maybe we'll get lucky though and he'll shoot the hostage even if they fall in line with The Wall.
Well, that demographic replacement plan's looking a bit fucked…
Means don't leave your statues of Mary laying around, take them with you
It means Trump is being to kind by letting them pack their shit.
That "we need to steal all their best people" argument always gets me when I hear it in the wild from a compassionate, caring liberal. I, the horrible nazi, am the one who genuinely wants them to save their talented people to make their countries better.
Either way
Give me a fucking tl;dr
Are spics getting blown the fuck out or is this a ruse cruise?
We will find out in six months. If congress gets a 2/3 majority vote, they can legalize DACA. Time will tell.
I'm taking no colored pills over this. The next 6 months will be new kinds of chaos anyway.
inb4 wow its fucking nothing
The timeframe is bizarre… if Trump cucked out, he wouldn't set it up so Republicans would have to show their constituents their true face only a month or two away from the GOP primaries. Trump knows he can't truly be the shitlord that wants to be with so much of his own party against him. I feel like this is a big ruse to get additional funding for the wall and sniffing out the traitors in his party.
It's like a Night of the Long Knives meets the Art of the Deal.
I can honestly see it either way (he is cucking out, or he is chessmaster). Perhaps the outcome depends upon people like us making the most out of it (or not). Checked
And I don't know how it took so long for anybody to check your quads. My apologies
Satan quads confirm Trump is battling the devil that is the Republicucks. They either have to fall in line with him (not likely) or show their true colors only a couple months before half of them are vulnerable to getting booted. If we really want to be proactive we need to keep an eye on this and promote and meme Trumpublicans in their primaries next year.
There needs to a new party formed. Half of republicans are just anti-white democrats with an (R) next to their name.
The problem is the WN movement (including Holla Forums) is so fucking paranoid that anyone who tries to start a new party will be called a fed or CIA.
There's more than you think.
I didn't think Florida would have such a raging shitlord running for senator:
He has been called a holohoax exposer by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[4]
He was widely criticized within the Libertarian Party for his use of fascist imagery and history of white nationalist associations.[8]
Holy fuck Floridians, you need to meme this man into the senate immediately.
I'm not fond of Invictus, but he is actually better than anyone running, except maybe Nehlan. Nehlan gets bonus points for ending Ryan if he wins.
Third parties don't work in the US system. It's much better to just take over the GOP.
Is that so? How's that working out?
I support Invictus and I intend to work on his campaign. He is a good man. You may not agree with everything he says, but he is leaps and bounds more enlightened than the average political robot.
Such rotund features upon her womanly visage! ye, that i may lay hands upon such a bronzed madonna, whose divine figure was forged in the halls of iron.
Swimingly actually. We have the guy at the top and we're worming our guys in through special elections through recalls. I'm not really sure how much a larger success is possible at this rate?
That extra nuclear testing space would've been nice.
I think it would be a success if they could actually remove the republicans that are preventing anything from getting done.
I don't think it's going swimmingly at all. For all the people you claim are worming their way in, you still can't even get a travel ban or wall funding passed.
I think our definitions of what success is are rather different.
For you, success is Twitter salt. For me, it's less niggers.
I meant "new" as in replacing the GOP with a new party that is actually right-wing, with the GOP and the new party not coexisting for anything more than a transition period.
We had one election. We won.
Trump is doing what he can within his circumstances, but even Hitler didn't do much his first two years but consolidate power. You're too anxious, right now we need to creep in power in the midterms. No real solution can be done in a few months, Trump needs to set up a system to allow him to do what he wants.
If 2018 comes around and we have the same party of cucks like McConnell, Paul Ryan and Rand Paul, then yes, we have a problem.
As a Floridian, I don't know if he's legit or a madman who only seeks to drive the left crazy. He's like a WWF/WWE villain playing an alt-right candidate. Either way, my vote goes for chaos.
sauce on that qt3.14159?
"Race mixing has made this world uglier"
t. pic
Her name is Alina Kovalenko
That's a Ukrainian with to much plastic surgery
maybe but she's in denial about it and calls ugly people ugly inside and out, and also said quote
Non-stop happenings and chimp outs every weekend since Charlottesville. This is why I voted for Trump. Get the popcorn out gents
That's because every single one of these groups instantly gets invaded by feds.
Its not that the idea of groups is bad, its just not a viable strategy with lettersoups possibly hiding behind every new member.
Not a chance. We will take over the GOP over time and make it a workers focused white nationalist party either implicitly or explicitly
a quiet one too
How are people not getting this?
I've been thinking of making a board dedicated to documenting and preserving white culture.
Not to mention DACA is entirely dependent by enforcement by the executive branch.
I just don't get how people are so blind to the fact that Trump's basically campaigning for midterms while Congress is still stuck in yesterday celebrating that they blocked the healthcare vote. It's so fucking obvious.
Congress is playing checkers while he's playing 4D chess. It's a meme for a reason.
Too bad by the time these fucking idiots realize Trump will be winning 2020.
Casual reminder Trump explicitly stated American dreamers come first and referred to us as a Republic.
Mixed fucking signals and shariablue fags jump on this without a second thought
I like where this is going. I don't think it's wise to let congress have the time to pull some shenanigans, but I like this.
That's not what he's doing. He's getting them to line up like good little boys so he knows exactly who to target in midterms.
in other news real happeningz because you fucking got played by MSM and your dog got wagged like a whore on meth.
kill this thread and anyone who posted to it.
meanwhile, encourage all to kill themselves. I will provide the gas.
Pretty sure he already knows who he needs to target by now. Hell, even you and I know who needs to go for the most part.
The only way it's worth it is if Ryan gets defeated and Nehlan is put in. Short of accomplishing having his own personal Bannon in the senate, I'm not sure it's entirely necessary.
This and checked.
then kill yourselves
He knew some for sure, but I heard there were as many as eight congressmen on the republican side working for the Dems. He needs to verify and fast so he can start doing rallies for midterms. He already started doing it in AZ, if you noticed how he spoke about McCain and Flake. Now look at Flake's results right now.
Even before this DACA business, nobody likes Jeff Flake. He will not be re-elected in any scenario.
McCain is dying. You need to lose Foam Boy, Graham, McConnell and Ryan. If you do that, there's no need to dispel any fiction that Trump needs to give the illegals an extra six months of free rent.
fuck you
and your masonic "hoodwink" aka hegelian dialectic - fucking gas yourself save us the burden
Those are the six I was aware of too, but like I said, I've heard there are at least two more. Not like it matters, DACA's dead, Congress can't make it legal, and even if they tried it could just be taken to SCOTUS.
All of the republicans that voted to keep KingNiggerCare. That should do it.
They can pass a bill quite easily when they've got a mind to do so.
Hey dumbass, do you know how cases reach the Supreme Court? An appeal has to be filed, which means a case would already have gone to trial. Do you know the average time it takes for a case to reach the SC? 37 goddamn months.
Unless they were somehow smart enough not to blow their entire load on the Healthcare vote.
It was an EO shit-for-brains, Congress can pass a law that reflects the spirit of DACA without it ACTUALLY BEING DACA
Never taking off my flag lapel pin again.
seriously, all of you who allowed this thread to remain so fucking stickied. kill yourselves.
that includes you modfag
A little late for a paid shill.
always with the harry potter shit kek
legally, you forgot legally, these people never cease to amaze me
that third image, my sides
had to watch all these al sharpton and mexican accent immifaggots on tucker and hannity trying to defend breaking the law. like san francisco has a legal right to ignore federal immigration laws. as if SF were an independent sovereign nation or some shit. would be funny to see the us kick SF out of the nation and see how well it fended for itself against the state of CA with jesuit kike Brown in control.
greatest thing bout bein a hypocrite is yer never wrong
Shills eternally assblasted.
Im happy for you Americans. Now if only we could somehow rescind all of sweden.
But user if your dad doesn't mow his own law the entire American infrastructure will break down!
Aye, there are like 3 different shill threads just on this topic alone.
You guys got a harder fight, but I'm sure the people who created the finest cars on earth can handle a few savages.
meanwhile no one is talking much about pizzagate, the DNC Clinton Foundation scandal the Podestas Comet Ping Pong Pizzagate or the blatant facts proven by the recent eclipse that indeed NASA has been lying to us all about the world we live in, stealing 19 billion from us each year and giving us cartoons instead.
i want my money back
Wag the Dog, bitchez.
Yall been played like a fiddle.
hows yer asshole feeling bout now? a bit torn and bruised im guessing
There's an investigation thread stickied right now
There's another ID, 893a53, that used the wag the dog thing in this thread.
Can I see a copy of the memo telling you to use the phrase "wag the dog"? You can redact names and dates if you want. I'm just curious.
They're not capable of thinking that far ahead. There's a reason we don't consider them on even footing with us.
That and (((humanitarian activists))) assured them that they wouldn't have to worry about things such as laws, that's only for caucasians.
It is absolutely essential that everybody on this Tibetan yak-fucking board see this comment and memorize it:
What's that, Mrx. Progressive Hypocrite Liar? Deporting taco will hurt the economy because some sorcerer told you about jobs?
Honestly, the only businesses this will hurt are ones hiring illegals. I'm fine with that.
Commit this point to memory:
You, sir, may consider those digits checked.
Pic unrelated, but highly relevant to me.
exactly the reason they must be dealt with by all of us with extreme prejudice at all costs.
grease them if they wont leave, on the spot no questions asked. bonus points if you get more than one at a time
business hiring illegals should be treated accordingly for breaking labor laws and treasonous acts
I'm talking about shutting up the kind of know-nothing know-it-alls who think they have this economics thing down because they learned five talking points off of Twitter. This kind of rebuttal is like Dunning-Kruger repellent.
blah blah dradel dradel kike kike spin a chicken in circles by its head oh snap
im sorry did you say something?
Spamming the thread.
Already outed as a samefagging shill.
Needlessly provocative bait-shitposting that doesn't make any sense because you're a Filipino faggot
Hinting at violence your fellow goyim could engage in near a federal building
Yep, you're a puddle of derailing, shilling monkey shit. Filtered and reported for reading the Talmud.
Trump fucking hates Congress after the Obamacare bullshit he obviously knows nothing will be done and they'll make asses out of themselves how do people still not get this. WH has already told DACA spics to prepare for deportation.
wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
go fuck yourself in the ear, in the other ear.
newsflash kike calls gentile black, film at eleven.
take some of your own medicine shlomo
it can be whatever you want goy we are all citizens of the world :^)
lol. If Mexico is so great, why are you crying that your going back ?
Criminally unchecked.
Now served here:
Juan Bean out with ICE.
Lol this is brilliant. Liberals hate being reminded that by supporting illegal immigration they are essentially endorsing slavery.
"b-b-that's not what we wanted!" Well it's what ya got.
really nigga
I'm confused.
I read a twitter reading DACA people giving amnesty, legalized, etc. But I hear and see libshits shitting themselves all over the place.
What is going on? Can I have TL;DR summary?
Trump is basically giving the entire thing to congress who will very likely make an amnesty program for everyone under DACA. Liberals are whining because they're emotional, histrionic children incapable of seeing a step ahead of anything.
I've been wanting to report a house near by that's loaded down with spics but I don't know how to file/if ICE will accept "Yeah there's a house of spics, go look into it, my man." as enough evidence.
If they're lazy they might leave letters in their mailbox for a few days, you could always creep around at night and take one.
Tampering with mail is a federal offence, Alphabet-kun.
There's always at least one outside in their yard on the phone. Sometimes as many as 6 scattered around the yard. It's a sight.
I'm seeing conflicting reports, did Trump cuck out or is DACA still getting rescinded?
The ICE website has a form specifically for making those kinds of reports. take a quick look.
Specifically mention that it's a household that seems to have a different number of people in it in any given month,and so on. Assume the worst.
well that's nice
oh wait he cucked. nevermind lol
that tends to happen when you are forcefully injected with cucks and browns for years while having your hands tied by the rest of the states. Texas was fucking great and you faggots ruined it
I wish you faggots would fucking read actual White House statements instead of just listening to some guy take Trump's twitter and runs with it, I keep seeing shit like "Congress to extend DACA expiration date of DACA to 2 years" and "DACA members not being deported and make it into law, blah blah" Here is the statement made by Trump, in full about what he's doing to DACA. If you actually fell for the disinformation that's because you are a stupid faggot who doesn't keep the White House website saved in a document.
DACA is kill, the 2 years expiration is for dreamers who're already signed on in a sort of grandfather clause but at the same time if they're involved with criminal activity they're right fucked. Trump is doing a deliberately slow unwinding of DACA the six months is for Congress to fix their shit if the can and if they can't then that's it Dreamers are grandfathered in for a set period and DACA itself is dead.
It's a lock so he can't get hard, and also means he's a cuckold. See pics. It's DOTR tier ragefuel