Attorney General Jeff Sessions is holding a meeting on DACA this morning.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is holding a meeting on DACA this morning.
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Place your bets on whether or not he cucks out(he will)
im still waiting on jeff cuck sessions to indicate hillary
It's doubtful he will. He's spineless when it comes to dealing with these (((people))) but it seems when it comes to fucking over White Americans he hits the ground running
10:1 in favor of massive amounts of virtue signalling mixed in with cucking on various spectrums.
Two minute warning apparently. Everyone should call their congresscritters and remind them that if they support this amnesty they are aiding enemies of the state by virtue of illegals being invaders they are traitors. Remind them of the punishment for traitors.
What did he mean by this? He better not be implying some sort of amnesty bullshit.
He will combine civil asset forfeiture with hate speech laws to take our houses and give them to illegals.
First sentence out of his mouth.
He's right. Obama had no right to do through the administrative branch, what couldn't be done through the legislative.
The number should be Zero.
Shills BTFO lol. All right, lets get some good salt in here.
Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong
You cannot indict someone without evidence
Congressional hearings found no crimes were committed it would require something new
I don't see why people don't understand this
COmey already decided to not do anything to Clinton no matter what evidence came up. I would consider that a false trial, corruption and demanding of an actual trial.
The blackpill butt plugs will flood other threads to ignore these facts.
Check & mate faggots
Heres another live stream:
Spicout and chimpout when?
fuckk. "DACA" is already over a million tweets.
Seems like I may have been wrong(thank fucking god)
Bots, half of twitter are bots at least
Waiting the whole weekend for this was almost unbearable.
I'm going to get the transcript for this. His arguments for rescinding daca are very strong. There's no way it could survive a supreme court challenge.
so what about deportations?
checked. I've noticed them going crazy about however many billions we're going to lose. Fucking pathetic.
2 years unless congress passes law?
When it comes to illegal immigrants, bolsheviks will become principled economic theorists in 20 minutes or less.
Hopefully that six months is to give them a choice to leave and PACK THEIR SHIT! Then deportations! I cant wait till im done with my degree and sign up with I.C.E.hahahahaha
I hope so
>Wanh the wall cost billions."
Mother fuckers. I'm sure enjoying them freaking the fuck out today.
What needs to happen is for people to find out which candidates are against DACA for the upcoming elections.
Exactly, make sure you write your state congress and tell them to vote against any new DACA shit.
Keep throating him because liberals hate him like they do with everyone else do he's so fucking BASED, MAGA1776!!!!!
Based, I feel bad for doubting him.
Will be easy with the 6 month period then whatever they decide Trump can just veto it anyway. It's fucking happening.
fresh twatter salt
t. Youngfag
It takes the feds years to take down the mafia. Impatient Millenials and GenZ. You think they're not monitoring thousands of people now? The past crimes won't work she owns the judges and Congress cleared her. That's why the Moroccan investigation is crucial it's new.
She's not. They expect Huma to fall, then flip on Hillary who will Plea Deal to turn on Obama
As a New Yorker, this is the best salt.
What the hell happened to the sound.
top kek
A 6 month delay means any GOP faggot, running will have to have an opinion on this in any primary, and if they don't support Trump, they'll lose, while I don't want to call it a 1488D Chess Move Trump is playing them like a fucking fiddle.
My favorite part is the faggot flipping off the police who stops once he sees that cup check.
Well, that's 600,000 to a million people who will have to dream in mexico from now on. How many more do we have to deport? are there any concrete numbers?
more salt
About 100M to restore the 1922-1965 demographics.
Damn I was wrong as fuck
Do they actually believe this? Are they still so encapsulated in their bubble that they think everyone agrees with them? After everything that's happened this year?
are there really that many mexicans in America, illegal or otherwise? I didn't realize it was that bad.
Not a single one of these people has had to work manual labor to get by and watched their wages be undercut by illegal scabs who live 10 to a 2BR.
Mexicans, chinks, and pajeets.
Me too, never been happier to have been wrong
They only ever see selected social media replies so they think they have overwhelming support
You're right. My fault. Of fucking course they believe that.
That is the total nonwhite subtracting the black population
America is ~60% white and blacks are routinely ~10% of the population even since 1922, ergo we've got to deport ~30% of our 350M population, roughly 1-130M
If they[re not, then they're lying to themselves pretty damn hard.
Yes. They wake up every morning thinking Trump is going to be impeached and go to jail for "hacking the election."
I'm hoping we can kiss the """Latino""" vote goodbye forever once every single one of them is sent the fuck back
I'd rather kiss the latino voters goodbye.
Trump is dangling bait in front of the RINO's in the house and senate.
I just kek'd.
Holy shit. Jesus Christ. Yeah, all those spics that were never gonna vote republican aren't going to vote republican.
i know they're pathetic
Why is every piece of democrat propaganda made in that faggot font with precise grammar
This format doesn't send a message.
This format doesn't challenge any ideas.
This format makes anyone who doesn't agree with you dismiss your text before even reading it.
The #shillforhill font is 70% of why they lost the digital war, I'm convinced.
I hate this jew whore
Yeah, all those Latino voters that Repubs have spent decades trying to cuck for unsuccessfully won't vote Repub now.
if they manage to save a bunch of illegals while sabotaging everything their platform has promised for the last decade, they can forget about the white vote forever.
There's another trend I've noticed with these faggots.
They fucking hate the constitution. Does anyone believe this shit anymore?
I read yesterday that the enforcement is going to be postponed by 6 months. Is this now an immediate effect or do we still have to wait months while (((they))) try to replace it?
Also what does mean?
They think anyone who steps foot on American soil is a citizen, so what do you think?
Guys, it just dawned on me. This is only a little taste. Can you imagine how buttblasted people will be when the wall starts being built? The sodium will flow for years. we're going to have to come up with a new term for it. No word we currently use have will be strong enough for what we're about to witness.
It's been pure medicinal grade MSG since November.
she wasn't joking about fighting like a girl
does she mean no propaganda shows?
midterms typically favor Republican turnout. dims can only be assed to turnout every 4yrs. If Trump refuses to sign whatever cuck bullshit they send to his desk, the pro-Trump turnout in 2018 will be record shattering.
he just needs to hold the line and we'll get rid of his opposition (on whatever side of the aisle we happen to find them on).
Literally who the fuck are you? I've never seen any of those shows. She was a baby when I was past the age of watching cartoons.
These individuals are not comitting crimes… meanwhile pic related.
They are finally coming to terms with their place in this country. Race realization is a bitch kek
is that real? archive?
I love how every shithead celebrity and blogger has to make "a statement." kek. Fucking losers.
Every single one of them has committed multiple identity fraud/theft crimes during their time in US, in addition to all the rapes, drug dealing, theft, etc.
If a white adult breaks a law no one is punished? Then how are there white people in jail at all? I have three relatives who've done time. All rightly so. They broke the law. They victimized people. They got put in jail for it. Where do they go for their get out of jail free card? I don't think they should have one, but this stupid cunt thinks they have one. So… where do they go to get that?
Did you see M.jacksons kid (Paris is her name I think?) give that speech at the mtv jew awards or whatever that shit was? she sounded like a zombie on lithium, holy shit.
Yeah nothing, at all, is corrupt about congress.
holy fuck kys twice just to be sure
Can we get a list going of all the things we can enjoy again once we deport all the criminal aliens?
Flea Markets
Bitch my childhood was roaming the woods outside of town with a .22, not sitting in front of a box watching your pro-degeneracy "cartoons".
southern cali. I miss my home
from the monopoly guy
Oh god, I haven't been to a state fair or a carnival in ages.
thanks user
All she did was provide proof of how incestuous and nepotistic the voice acting industry is. What's next, Nolan north claiming that there would be no gaming industry without him?
Also, they're arresting ptotestors already on the Fox News stream from Trump Tower.
which Trump tower? doesn't he have multiples?
I can like a character without liking the actor. Western Voice Actors are disposable and easily replaced. I don't give a shit about the characters she played as in my childhood, she can go fuck herself.
Trump Tower NY
Anyone have that shoop of Sessions with nazi uniform and doing a salute ? I remember that pic when he was sworn in earlier this year
These niggers are insane if they believe that shit.
This is near to the core reason why I despise Jews thinking themselves the source of everything. (((They))) will be sorely surprise.
the only thing I see on my fox stream is legs and heels
kek thats fuckin tight, often illegals get deported when arrested for protesting. Hopefully some kikes will get to know tyrone a little better too after a night or two locked up.
The only things I know her for are voicing Harley Quinn in Injustice and Paz in MGSV and Peace Walker. Paz is a backstabbing Soviet cunt and Harley is Stockholm Syndrome: The character. She is not important.
Without Twatter and other social media I'd never know anything about what these actors were like as people and I wouldn't have to care about anything other than how I liked their performances. Now that we have this stuff, and these Hollywood faggots can shoot their mouths off at any time about anything, it's revealed how totally insulated and out of touch they are with the rest of the world. Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, and James Woods are pretty cool, literally everyone else involved in entertainment is a virtue-signalling lefty twat, and knowing that has made dropping Jew entertainment super fucking easy. I don't want to help pay people who hate my guts.
Yeah. They're falling all over themselves. I've never seen such a shitshow.
Thanks user
Tara Strong is an old hag that thinks she's hot shit. She still tries to dress like a young lady and refuses to mature, despite being old.
isn't that alex jones mocking the globalists? or was that literally a thing they're saying?
You don't want to be seen as a heartless racist do you goy? Where's you're compassion?
Reminder that this protest is scheduled to go on until 7PM and arrests have already begun. There is a screencap going around already but I won't post it because I'm on mobile at the moment. Maybe I'll go down to Trump Tower for the shitshow but last time I went, it was like Dawn of the Dead. Although I did get that video I gave Uncle Chang of the muzzie telling a white woman she will be replaced.
well he went on to say how he likes to hire immigrants and how they work harder than we do ignoring this story
I suppose he could've been mocking them or he's high again
Sessions is still calling the "Dreamer" beaners "illegal ayylmaos", so I don't think he's going to cuck.
Wow, some cunt celebrity I've never heard of trying to shame me. 10/10, would shove into ditch.
Thanks for your efforts user. Got a link to trump tower? I would like to enjoy the festivities
Okay. Beaners getting violent now. Chanting in spanish. Arrests being made. kek. It's so beautiful and ridiculous. What a ride.
So far all I have seen is that Fox News stream but I'm pretty sure as they day goes on, we'll get periscopes and Unicorn Riot livestreams.
West Chicago.
East Aurora.
South Aurora.
Arlington Heights.
Hoffman Estates.
Cicero, which contains more Mexicans than Veracruz.
I want my Chicagoland back.
Supposedly live, not sure of location. Some weepy beaner woman.
I hope JonLeeBrody is at least teaching her to suck dick, because he's sure as fuck not teaching her how to throw a punch.
Beaner devastation.
holy shit watch this shit now! Crying illegals funniest shit ever.
Now there's some fucking tranny queer, I hope this faggot gets sent back and is immediately killed by cartel
They're not going to the Tombs. Those faggots are going straight to ICE.
Whats wrong with its eyes?
A periscope outside Trump Tower:
Christ, it's a one eyed tranny beaner!
so much salt so little time
crocodile tears from a crocodile spic
Ah very good. Here's another.
Contrary to what baizuo think, many spics who came legally fucking hate illegals.
top kek
I have laughed so hard in like 5 years. Is this the real life?
toppest of fucking keks
These people think the country has been 1 step away from Red October ever since November 9th.
Well that's really fucking stupid of him then. On multiple accounts.
a wild beaner appears
This aztec homunculi beaner on this stream really showing her 80 iq
>(((white))) guy deserves to die for taking down poster because whitey needs to obey non white laws and muh white privilege
This commie waste of genetics should be grinding corn on a stone somewhere in the Central American jungle instead of disrupting commerce.
Yep, it's a kike. Also, I don't owe my childhood to you, whore. I owe my childhood to my father for taking me fishing.
CURRENT YEAR +2 arguments from a hispanic fag. Is this our opposition?
Angry beaner fag claims it's angry but also a human bean. kek
How do they figure when the illegals will no longer be allowed to vote for them?
Also announced his name. Report to ICE.
Took a nut to the eye from Tyrone.
they think they want a revolution because they think it'll mean posting hashtags and virtue signalling
yes this is our opposition
checked and keked
A bunch of dumbass kids (not seeing many white ones) are now staging walk-outs in Colorado to protest the repeal of DACA. Some people's kids. Despicable. /ilike9news/videos/vb.263743636076/10155316241606077/?type=2&theater
Sorry, haven't found a better link for this shit show yet. Broke the link.
Dude just said
The salt is JUST starting and it's already outrageous.
Protest outside of DOJ in D.C.
But Timmy Kaine and Joey Biden said the future belonged to ME! How dare you DRUMPF!
Do these people just sit around all day waiting for something to protest?
It's noon on a Tuesday how are you not busy
Pick one.
Yeah thought they all had jobs n sheeit
They're all trust fund brats who've never worked a job outside of retail(or had said job stolen from them by beaners)
I'm lucky. My boss doesn't hire illegals.
Shit, I'm more worried about the degenerate's cat than his stupid ass. The stupid faggot should rest assured that a compassionate White person somewhere will adopt and take care of when his dumb ass is evicted from my country.
>image with claim of losses to wisc. GDP from (((CAP)))
The audacity of these kikes.
they're on welfare and upset the ebt system is down
trust fund baristas are not busy again until the afternoon when all the workers head home from the office, they cut the slackers loose for a few hours
This one's still going with some aerial footage.
Even if you don't have a job, It's noon on a fucking Tuesday
Someone you know doesn't have a job and you should be out getting high with them or loitering at a gas station convenience store or sleeping until their bartending job starts or whatever the fuck unemployed degenerates do
But unemployed degenerates do this, user.
Where are they going to?
Or is this just some example of basic herd behaviour, following people without knowing whats happening.
Fox 10 Phoenix stream
Wait, are the cops actually herding them somewhere? To ICE office perhaps?
Disruption of normal business is their intent. Chaos and a lack of plan and direction helps them accomplish this.
hoping they fall in front of the police vehicles herding them
One can only hope.
kek, that's maybe 500 people total. The beaners were marching with tens of thousands in major cities when dipshit GW and the gang of eight were trying to pass an amnesty.
Are there really this many people who just drop everything they're doing to stand outside of their local Trump Tower and shout slogans/wave signs they made 20 minutes ago?
Now with DACA rescinded, do their welfare gibs stop since they aren't citizens? Please tell me someone pushed the button on the beaners.
it's been confirmed (((they))) have bodies on standby well in advance of these events. I forget the specific org, but it was one of the (((Open Society))) offshoots.
They're drones.
Because they're part of the #Resitance, and they'll be able to tell their grandchildren (pets) about how they stood up against that evil nazi Trump and made America safe for niggers.Some are bussed in but in a major city like Jew york most of them probably live in driving distance.
RWCP (Right Wing Car Pools) needed to get them back faster.
Scanning all the streams I've noticed a distinct lack of Mexican flags they were all carrying a while ago kek
I just lost 10 IQ points trying to parse that word salad.
I noticed that as well user, seems they are falsely trying to respect the American flag with these new protests. Hopefully the Antifa and commies turn up and make a cluster fuck of their fake attempts.
Proving once again that people only respect things when they're made to.
DACA protesters getting arrested, get in here and give this thumbs up!!!
The people making fun of patriotards 2 years ago are now the real patriots fighting against occupied America.
Wewe lad.
Today has been a good day for salt.
You men women (and feminized males).
White House press briefing eta 30 mins. Should be a fuckton of assmad jews.
wew lads they came prepared
The best part about walk-outs and strikes is that the remaining white employees realize just how much better the place is without having to deal with them.
Deserves a new bread.
This year has gone by so fast…
No it doesn't this thread won't hit the limit without it. there are 2 daca threads right now thats more than enough, 1 dedicated for streams and the other one for discussion.
Yeah, I'd guess someone will throw one up.
Stop making me feel old.
Although it's always good to remember simpler times.
Right Wing Deporation Squads!
Sieg Heil, Kameraden.
Where has Are Nige been, by the by?
That's the real issue; even if every "el dreamer" is booted out today, the legal latino/anchor baby population is already well-established and having 6 kids minimum by age 35. In one generation, their numbers will be high enough to achieve DACA and more via legislative means.
We need to loudly supports Trump/Sessions on this to embolden them to take even more drastic steps to fix the demographics crisis. There's not much time left.
sessions is a cuckservative thats needs to die.
He just pissed off more mexican than you could ever possibly do in your entire life, so theres that.
i dont know he's laying low I guess, working on saving brexit hopefully
And you're going back.
I want Miller to tear into his tribesmen in a way only he can.
She's here.
WH press briefing starting NOW
Its begins
by reforming I hope she doesnt mean amnesty
Mystery meat woman looking triggered.
kek I was laughing at her too!
That's exactly what she means.
Jesus, she is wrecking this homo.
Lisping faggot crying for the dreamers
That's the where's the designated shitting street look.
Disgusting homosexual vermin would get head kicked in by "dreamers" if he ever ran into one.
Its that "who's pepe?" guy
Congress is already working to give amnesty to the Dreamers. Trump himself has said, "we gotta deal with it with heart."
You are going to get fucked. Trump isn't doing 66D chess, faggot. That's been debunked. He's civ nat.
Sorry Carlos you gotta go, your civil assets are also getting seized as well.
Dammit anons I'm on no fap.
are you really in favor if civil asset forfeiture? really, sessions is a neocon just like the rest of them. Trump will do better by ridding himself of the old fool
If not here are some screen caps
It's not cold hearted for the President to uphold the law
These kikes are going to learn the hard way.
The salt is delicious
So basically the answer is no, Trump won't sign whatever is placed in front of him by the congressional cucks and commies.
All of their (((talent agents))) remind them it's in their contract to repeat whatever they're told to their fans
Leaders for countries should be ruthless against all enemies of the nation and its people.
"Cold heart-ed" take this much feels bullshit to "Dr." Phil or some female knitting circle.
Most of the salt is in this thread. but feel free to post your finds here.
what a waste of Fuhrer dubs. go fuck yourself if you think sessions is going to help in any capacity. he is playing his part and will and has been shown to be nothing moar than a neocon at best and a full blown globalist at worst. get fucked you quad nigger
If they don't tow the line, they won't get work.
That kike looks sickly like a cancer patient.
probably needs more childern's blood.
That room is full of ugly shit.
Are people getting uglier or is this room of freaks just indicative of how foul the left is?
These slimy journos deserve the ass pain they inflict upon themselves.
Six of one, half dozen of the other.
I'm getting strong Luciferien vibes from the top center yid.
You have to protect Illegal Aliens
What part of this is America not fucking Mexico/middle east do they not understand?
"Was the DACA decision a christian decision"
Okay, now that we got to watch some kosher kvetching, any new taco streams?
Trump's official White House statement on DACA repeal, September 05, 2017
President Donald J. Trump Restores Responsibility and the Rule of Law to Immigration
full statement at link -→
They spend years shitting on Christians and then have the fucking gall to ask if this policy to safe guard the nation is "Christian".
jews need to die
We'll see. Everyone needs to contact their representatives in any way they can, and make sure they know their base wants these fucking people OUT, and won't FORGET ABOUT IT come 2018. Even if your rep. is some totally good goyim like McCain, Graham or Heller, still let someone at their lair know that you want beaner scum out of this country, which is already shithole enough. I'll even holler down the horn at Foamboy just for the fun of it.
That kike will never lose so he never listens
for the love of god use the get to meme deportation
Exactly perfectly stated.
She can go back too for all I care - cunt never did a decent fucking show in her life.
How is this not enough to have this fuck deported? Did he not just admit to fucking identity fraud?
All the shilling work during the last two days for naught, even though they were trying so hard.
Hahaha what's wrong with these people all day they complain about the west and usa yet they don't want to live in their shithole nations in africa or mexico.
Watch the whole thing, it's worth it.
Uh guys, did we meme these subhumans into literal Orks with decades of "we need more daka"?
Vermin supreme never fails at getting the best photo ops. did than nigger survive a necklacing?
Probably an Iraq vet, tbh. Also love how the little faggots hide behind the laws and whine about crimes until it suits them not to, and the 'Do as I say Tyrone, it makes you look smarter!!!1!' shit the other faggot is spewing.
Lol at that dumb bitch holding a folder with a hammer and sickle on it.
Public pools
Water parks
Amusement Parks
The City
I fucking love it when (((people))) who have no idea of true violence, call for it on social media
I hope they are as delusional and aggressive as they pretend to be
Its more fun when they try to fight back
Checking these.
DACA is an executive order by Obongo.
King nigger himself couldn't make this shit legal and he had years to try.
I really can't see congress doing the exact opposite in only a few months when many are up for reelection and are feeling how the wind is blowing.
Wew. Best part is that Trump hasn't changed since he said pic related, he knows damn well the spics will vote Democrap.
Kek. The Berkeley violence cycle was fun. Antifa, completely unopposed, went out to bash the fash, they got some easy beatings in on some unsuspecting normies, then the RWDS candidates stepped up and showed them 1% of what political violence feels like. Suddenly it's no fair.
When the purge comes, I plan to do my executions from the front, so I can see their faces when it really goes down.
Trips confirm faggots will get fucked by fascists