You cannot make this one up, fellas!
Japanese games with sexy women in VR is as "disgusting" as sexual assault
Other urls found in this thread:
what's with the sean name.
This is a parody.
But was the toon okay with it? Didn't look like it to me. It wasn't just harassment, it's fucking assault.
Rapelay VR when?
What is it with Seans?
I know I shouldn't be surprised over dumbfucks like them having an aneurysm over fictional characters but didn't they say the same shit 10 years ago with Rapelay?
Can we just gas these fucks?
What exactly would we lose if we put them in the ovens?
OK engadget, I'll stop playing DoAX3 and go shoot my raifuru instead.
Isn't a Japanese only title? It is like they are scanning the internet for trouble. Of course they are. That is what they do for living.
How did the west become so full of prudes in the first place?
Its not just retarded bloggers doing it either, even the laws are completely prudish like it being illegal to ship erotica into the US.
I just don't get it.
Man, I bet Mr Buckley here was just DROWNING in poontang the moment he hit publish on that article. I bet feminists just rushed the engadget HQ and all demanded that Sean Buckley come out so they can all give him a blowjob for being such of good ally.
I remember seeing NeoFAGgots whining about this game earlier today, this guy must be a NeoFAGgot too.
What a shocker, its almost like they're in some clique who wants to make sure stuff like that never leaves Japan and as usual are proud demonizers to Nips
We let the kikes in, opened our assholes to them, and let us be treated like good goyim.
What fucking planet are these people from
These fagoffs are revolting on a very basic animal level.
I wanted to laugh at the retardation, but the fact that there's already another article pushing the same bullshit just pisses me off.
Journos need to burn.
It's your brain recoiling at the sight of the Marxist. It's natural.
Assault? No, it's sexual harassment at worst. At least get your accusations right, wannabe journos.
Who knows, but one thing is certain: They talk like asylum patients and belong in a mental institution if they can't tell whats real and whats not
Like I said, they've been pushing the Anti-Japanese narrative for quite a while just like the whole 'Gamers are Dead' ordeal.
America have to be nuked immediately.
Just the cities. Major US cities are, by and large, liberal-filled and crime-ridden hellholes. That's why everyone with sense lives in the suburbs and towns elsewhere throughout the US.
These genes should not be passed on to some poor child
If genes doesn't get them, 'Education' will.
pls nuke San Francisco (California as a whole works too)
Make that three, user.
Western Culture is stupid and white people are awful.
thas racist
It's already getting them.
It's not racist if it's against whites.
I'm not sure if that is irony or not…
Excuse me sir, but may I remind you that its CURRENT YEAR? Whites deserve everything coming to them!
Damn, I want VR now. I want to play this game!
Yes. Which presumably means one of these SJW shitheads jacks off to enough rape hentai to recognize the phrases the girls say.
Of course on the other hand it doesn't fucking matter what the girls say, because if the girls liked being groped these faggots would still be whining about it just as much.
Holy shit what? There are game developers that want to make players feel positive emotions? I can only pray that this is true.
Uhm.. yeah?
This smells of virgin vagina you know, and not a pretty one.
Man, fuck that shit and fuck those retards. I'll be happily spanking the monkey to Kasumi's everything.
Testing word filters. Please add these to the filter if they aren't already filtered.
do not click these
please use (use
please use
You need to filter Metro. Get to it!
>mfw soon i will be able to hold my waifus hand
another eTabloid, another shitty article
Just get a girlfriend already
How will they get triggered next, Holding hands considering harassment?
This is how you know none of them ever actually played any of the Senran games despite having reviews for them. If they had, they'd have been complaining about Senran having a similar, non-VR feature years ago.
Sean's the go-to Anglo name for "Child I've never ever wanted"
No your waifu will be able to hold your virtual hand and you'll be able to hold nothing because shes not actually there.
How do you have any balls to call these worthless blogpost articles?
"Progressives" are against progress and technology, they won't allow you.
His waifu is more real than your dad. At least he has a picture of her.
They're being a bunch of nationalist imperialist right wing bigots tbh.
Robots are for cute only
Dude, if you speak or look at a girl and she doesn't like it, you're already fucked.
Holding hands without consent is equal to murder for "progressives".
sick burn
haptics will eventually be a thing
Meanwhile on leddit
i cant do that. God speed on your work, user.
Truly is sad to be the bottom of the genetic pool barrel.
So what you're saying is…
We can make them explode by posting pic related?
Western European white people are the only people to have produced this level of self-hatred and degeneracy.Slavs are alright though.
I imagine how they would react to BDSM, incest roleplay, loli roleplay or rape roleplay, which are very common even among normalfags (and likely their parents).
Staring at a womyn the wrong way gets you arrested in bongland.
But they're not promoting it. It's not even coming out in the West. Because of you. Which means that you went out of the way to cover it and show it to filthy gaijin who otherwise never would have known about it. Which means that you are the one who is in fact promoting it.
It is you who are unacceptable, Sean.
I can think oif something even more malicious.
Isn't BDSM prohibited by law in the UK by now?
Sounds like a fun weapon!
I like the way you think, user
Journos are retarded, what a surprise.
I am liked by a girl. Problem is she's an unstable mentally ill uggo.
Do they also whine about violence in video games? This is fucking pathetic.
how about a loving happily married wife?
Remember when we made those crazy fake articles to troll Kotaco?
They became real.
Where can we get this 2D, all-female version of DoA1?
>I read on KOTAMU
meme magic is a double edged sword
That was before we learned how to control meme magic.
Those were dark times.
The worst that ever happened to me was screwing with Omegle, and not one, not two, but four girls from the age of 11 to 14 stopped by, and started calling me "so cute" and never stopped giggling until i left.
They weren't even landwhales, only one of them was a total tomboy.
May as well just say Vanilla kills the progressives. Anything from the 1950s or pictures of happy white mothers cooking or taking care of her husbands already makes them go mad
Its funny and sad when you think about it. Used to enjoy all the whacky and crazy hentais but now I just want vanilla romance with no bullshit
Those girls know they have nothing to fear from you because they make one call and your life is over.
I'm not sure i understand what you mean, user.
I still accept monster girl bullshit because they're the biggest source of faithful monogamous heterosexual loving relationships.
Yeah isn't that fucking bizarre?
You can make the sexual offender registry on hearsay.
It's because the monster is on the outside.
Sexually aggressive and highly loyal is one hell of a package.
I know that feel all too well fam
It's not like i had my dick out.
Besides they could have just closed the call at any moment.
I think it's the best package they even come in loli, ara, and everything inbetween.
Monstergirls are pure
You don't understand what 'hearsay' means, do you?
So do I.
I probably should've reworded my post to say that I much prefer hand holding & kindness vanilla romance than anything else other than monster girls. I have to give my thanks to them for making me not afraid of sneks anymore
Except spiders, I will never get over them. Fuck those bastards.
Yeah nowadays if I'm watching a JAV the thing that gets me the hardest is kissing.
Cheetahs are fine too.
There is literally nothing wrong with monster girls.
You think Tesla would fug a harpy?
Had to google it, i'm not a native.
And yeah sure, four non malicious girls calling police on a complete stranger on the internet.
Boy what a risk i took.
Guess we must stick together in these troubled times
If that is true there must be enough now that I don't run into it. user it's really easy to find non-rape stuff or stuff where the girl rapes the guy.
No conspiracy against DOA, no sir!
your scope is gay and so are you.
I'm a girl meets girl kinda guy, but yeah, you're right, nips are getting better with diversifying.
This is going to turn into a lol thread, isn't it?
Eww what the fuck user, why would you suggest something so disgusting
I always thought that to be extremely common
But you have to consider pic related.
It's a give and take
I don't mean waifus, but I mean you'd have to consider that maybe he never lived to witness the waifu age because he didn't want to see man-made horrors beyond his comprehension.
i hope your're in paradise with your pigeon waifu
WTF?!? a bunch of articles at the same time on the same subject with almost the same title?
how does this happen again!?!
We are hardly the bearers of change, we mostly wait for it. Only a few of us will be able to achieve something great, let alone make progress to achieve the waifu goal. Most of us will just keep surviving as long as we can, waiting for that fabled time when shit actually gets better rather than worse
No, I meant that the waifu age and the man-made horrors might be one and the same thing.
There was a Batman Beyond episode about that. A lonely nerd buys a robo-waifu and it goes HAL 9000 on him.
That was Batman? I thought that was Futurama
there is nothing wrong with spiders, you sissy, they are beautiful and misunderstood creatures.
being a vanillafag is pure suffering, damn nips and their rape/ntr
silly user, girls cant rape guys.
i just know it was a warning against the normalfags.
(triple checked)
Well he didn't say we weren't going to embrace such horrors
The URLs in these two images are mixed up.
Kind of a common trope.
Here's the full episode.
Of course they can and it's really fucking hot especially when it's a grade school girl. I understand why women have rape fantasies.
Or Ghost in the Shell.
We looked into the abyss and gave it our dick. Also, excellent quads.
Kek wills it.
Cronyism at it's finest
Isn't this what gamergate was supposed to fix?
Why do girls with unnatural skin color make me so diamonds
Humans have a natural desire to lust after the uncommon/exotic?
very nice
You have no prior negative associations with them, as they do not exist.
We could only do so much.
Sounds feasible. I wonder if there have been any conclusive studies on the topic
More damage can be done with your help user
Yes there is! I don't want to be stuck on a web and become breakfast for her!
If you can find me a good spider that doesn't want to kill me, I'll change my mind.
Easily worst the fetish
Thats because 2D does what 3D don't.
This too. Explains why they like a lot of blue characters.
Can't wait, numbers man
Fuck, forgot to spoiler. Won't let me repost it.
Keep dreaming furry man. It will be monster girls, and they'll purge your degenerate kind form this earth
You don't get to ride this bandwagon, faggot.
What was it?
you need to delete the post first.
Some fucking degenerate hand-holding
Monster is furry in denial and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Just call them racist and buy extra copies to spite them.
Pic related.
Thanks. Stupid that deleting the image is not enough.
Back to raping 3DPD I guess. It's all the same, right?
You deviant
Well, it probably has to do with image ids being tied to the post or something like that
She was probably flattered, which is why she didn't report the guy. I doubt anyone actually gave a shit who wasn't a nu-male or a jealous woman.
You should know by now after looking at history. All those people waiting for it to get better. After 3 million years it still won't get better, you have to get better to survive the oncoming shit
I know
Thank you based user
At least I can hang around you guys and shit post about monster being furry and hate videogames together.
Hint, use gelbooru with proper tags, like blue_skin (and other variations, depending on what your dick likes most) (also, black_skin actually turns up proper black skin results, like Martian Queen kind of black, not dindu black). If you want lewd, add -rating:safe, which filters out all "safe" images. Then add or remove fetishes as you see fit. I recommend gelbooru over danbooru because, despite gelbooru being slightly worse at tagging, it allows you to search for as many tags as you want. Danbooru restricts you to searching for maximum of 2 tags at at time, which I find ridiculously limiting.
i can't wait
keep up the good fight!
gelbooru is fucked now though, too many shitty ads even with adblock enabled
Shame, it was one of my go-to places to fap
May I ask for the source on your cropped deliciousness?
be the change you want to see
I can attest to gelbooru still having shitty ads on despite using an adblocker.
TBIB works fine.
Use noscript (if on firefox) or some kind of script blocker if on chrome or other browser. I had the same shit happen with rule34hentai, then I downloaded an extension and blocked all scripts on that page. Runs flawlessly now.
Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll feel better about your shit taste in fetishes and character designs. There's a neverending variety of monster girls based off mythological creatures and you faggots are still stuck with hairy/scaly people with snouts and increasingly ridiculous colorations to keep up the illusion of variety.
user they're just shitposting, that one dude clearly said it. No need for a fetish war.
come one, user, you know they are batting way to hard.
Less talk, more monster girls!
If you post spiders, I will reach over to your screen and slap you
I don't know, I got that from a reaction image thread on furry.
This is some real Hardcore Projecting.
Here, have an Aryan qt.
They're baiting too hard user, just let them go and apply a wonderful filter for your eye's sake
its like you want to be bullied
Prepare to get punished
Source me up and I might consider letting you off the hook
There are always exceptions
Regardless of her intentions I couldn't help but feel overwhelming distaste during that scene
Thats a delicious fish stick you posted there, user.
there are a lot of exceptions
You like fishsticks?
What are you, a gay fish?
pls no
That was a nice read, thanks fam
I would be classified as someone terrified of spiders too, but instead of their appearance what frightens me is their deadliness. Since I was a child I was told to be careful of spiders, that the bite of some of them could very well kill me in an hour or two. That and the fact they're painful as fuck. As a result, while I find spiders pretty interesting, I'm really fucking afraid of them
There is only one insect that gives me an irrational fear, as to dive for cover when it appears and focus everything on killing/getting rid of it: moths
So it will have the same effect as the massification of porn, greatly reducing sexual assault and rape in real life? Neat
While I like that guy's art, I never understood this. I assumed 3dpd crush videos used animals because that's all they have, what's stopping you from drawing her crushing a shrunken person?
do you dare enter this magical realm?
But I thought GamerGate won?
I would happily repopulate the bees though, a lot of them are dying & I don't want to miss out on honey forever
also monster-girls are shit.
that's cause she has a very human looking top part, this on the other hand, is scary spider waifu
Why is your rear sight and red dot so far up? You want the longest sight radius possible for your irons.
is there any better footage of this game?
gamgergate turned into a boggieman for the SJW, so i guess its something.
oh boy
Oh shit, it's the armchair armorer.
so what, the spider girl user posted above has 10
What is having sex with a Dullahan like anyway?
jesus, man
even the numbers confirm to be true
She gives good head
they also said DOAX3 wasn't coming to the west
I mean, it's true. Just tryin' to help a nigga out.
So good it makes you lose your head
Fuck where's my Cheshire Cat flag
well, its part spider and part human
also, spiders have 8 legs and a pair of chelicerae, i guess the artists turned the chelicerae into legs or something like that in the spider part and in the human part he gave her 2 arms.
That was fucking terrible user. I'm don't know why, but 2D isn't doing it for me any more. Help.
But where does the semen go?! Her head is off!
she can kiss you regardless of the position you are doing it
It's occult user, i ain't gonna explain shit.
you could always fap to 4D
you didnt like the spider part? or the ant part?
it's still 10 extremities and who's to say a human/spider hybrid is even supposed have X amount of this part
I don't know. I've just been feelingvlately that 2D isn't appealing. How do I fix it?
You asked for it.
Horseshoes, Hotdogs, and Hand Grenades is a virtual training ground for mass shooters while Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 is a pervert playground that conditions men into othering women.
I'm surprised developers still have the bright idea that toxic masculinity sells. If we can raise our voices to stop this, however, the future may yet still look bright for gender equality.
A box within a box? Not even Big Boss was enough of a genius to think of this!
Rampant alcoholism, widespread depression and endless abortions. This is Russia now. This is Slavia tomorrow.
What more? This one's is only 16-cell, so I hope you have your proxies on. You don't want to get v& now. ;^)
Just mock them like when idiotic fundies try to pull the same shit.
The rear sight is over the ejection port. It keeps spent brass low.
Red dot is forward for situational awareness.
That used to be the gaming press' job. Now, the gaming press is the one doing it.
Too bad they couldn't fit it into the original version. I get that it's an h-game, but come the fuck on.
You tenderly love her body while her head kisses you all over. I don't have anymore Dullahan pictures
Japs love their NTRshit. It spreads like cancer
It's awful and I hate it. I curse the day it was brought into existence.
Also have a webm version of that gif.
But why
Japs are cucks, I bet Hideki Kamiya gets off to watching black men gangrape his girlfriend while he jerks off his tiny chink dick.
Ever since Black rape doujins/hentai/whatever = cucks?
It just looks like something cliche
In MGQ: Paradox you can go even further with her, and she even moves to your castle to be a part of your monster harem
every time
I read that as gan grape.
we will never know
Maybe they like to see other males suffer while someone else steals their wife and rape/mindbreaks/impregnate her
That would not surprise me since they seem like to fuck around with people (And because they're not under contract work for a publisher, they won't feel the otaku's rage)
This…I'm not sure, maybe its because of the salarymen there that don't give a shit about their women & could care less if she were to wind up with filthy gaijin.
You know this is what they want, right? It doesn't matter if they believe what they write. All that matters is outrage. Articles like this exist to generate maximum outrage from both sides. You're either upset by what the article is about or by the article itself, which feeds back into itself, generating more attention and thus more hits for them.
this gif pisses me the fuck off, fuck you for showing me this user
they dont have the balls to do anything.
Why are there never monster guys?
Will the lying press ever realize that coordinated smear campaigns make their collusion blatantly obvious?
Isn't one of the signs of someone being a sociopath the inability to tell fantasy from reality?
Good to see DoA is still causing untold amount of butthurt from landwhales and beta orbiters.
What the fuck does this even mean? They're fictional characters. Fictional boobs. Surely anyone who sees 'real' porn as exploitation of women should be PRAISING this stuff, as a substitute that doesn't hurt anyone to make?
Reminder that faggots like this guy are the reason we don't get the good weeb games localized
there arent many lewd comics about them, only found one vanilla, others are gay/ntr or with orc its rape/rape/rape
This is why when the UN told Japan they needed to do something about sexism in video games and anime, the Japanese replied, "Learn to tell the difference between fantasy and reality, dumbasses." And just think: the Japanese think all westerners have the same mental deficiency as SJWs because SJWs control the media and thus Japan's image of the west.
SJWs will, at no point ever, stop trying to rationalize that everything is sexist and everything is the patriarchy so I'm sure they'd come up with an explanation
just to make clear I perfectly understand it's completely nonsensical and they could've just as easily said "perpetuates sexism" instead, the generic anita response, but they'll take it a step further and variate between different words with different meaning just because
it hasn't caught on with the gay community like furry, it's there, just hard to find, the only one that has a decent amount is elf boys
No wonder they're so reluctant to export their media
i'm sure someone is laughing themselves to the bank with these
who the fuck is "engadget"? why am i supposed to care about this publication i have never heard of, on top of that based solely on a screen cap of this article with a clickbait title, you have not included the link nor a archive of it. what a surprise that another no name western journalist doesn't like japanese shit, what a fucking surprise.
I'm hard pressed to believe that this isn't just a thread made to harvest dank reactions from the ever so extreme h8chan
They're even starting to pre-censor their games because they think it'll make the game sell better in the west (see: the diapers debacle regarding Star Ocean 5).
in the end we will not win
Or Street Fighter V.
They really should've just said 'Go fuck yourselves' and release it as is like 10 years ago without any censorship crap
I haven't even seen extreme christfags try to censor sexual content with such fervor
this is something i've never got. okay so 'wow this game/show/generalmedia is for losers/virgin/dorks" then who fucking cares?
why does anyone care about what people they don't like or have to associate with in their free time? i don't like madden games or romantic comedy movies, but i don't have to go spend money on those products and it will never effect me if they continue to be produced
it isn't like the "nerd/creeper/loser/virgin" media infects other media, when its actually the other fucking away around
wouldn't a christfag just think "well those sinners are a lost cause if they're buying those products" and move on like adults? granted there have been extreme cases of christfags meddling with media in the past, it seems more or less that that's came and went and now the edgy thing to do is pretend to be a christian with traditional values
because that's what's considered edgy now. i really wouldn't care if this whole planet fucking died at this point
We do have a very strong puritan backround, but I think the baby boomers' ramming "traditional values" down our throats is the bigger issue.
and i hope it never will.
why bother if others can do that work for free?
One word, Puritans.
Funny how no one is trying to censor cuckold nigger porn but animated tits is literally another holocaust
On the plus side, I heard SFV has been the worst selling game in the series, but that's got a lot less to do with censorship than the game lacking features that were standard in previous titles.
It's incredibly simple. There's plenty of tweets, videos, and whatnot with feminists admitting the truth: feminism has absolutely nothing to do with what they say it does, and it's really just about destroying anything men might like.
because they need to protect 2D and 3D girls from abuse, those 3DPD porns stars are strong independent women that like to suck nigger cocks
that mentality existed before the current trend of feminism. especially with any japanese media that some normalfag didn't feel comfortable with so they denounced it as a media for those below them
now its more about the destruction of men but in a fucked up way i'd like to see them succeed for like a week just to see it fucking backfire
Do you have more centaurs? Please have more centaurs.
Because interracial and other shit is being pushed as a great thing people should partake in (Plus you'd get made fun of for going against 3DPD porno) and not to mention how kike infested the 3DPD porn studios are.
Well, there was some censorship before. Back in the Alpha/Zero games, you had blood. But, it was possible to change it back at least.
And when exactly was when you last saw one of dem ebul puritans ramming dem "traditional values" down our throat?
Because for the past 15-20 years or so all i saw was libcuck degeneracy being pushed in the mainstream and forcibly shoved down the public's throat to accept it as the norm
here you go you fucking faggot, to bad the artist is a fucking thick glasses neon hair feminist
Tell me about it. Straight or gay, this shit is hard to find outside that clique
Wish I could be surprised, but as an user mentioned here, NTR is a favorite of theirs so I don't know how to react.
I'm sure if real Egyptians came with that benefit people would be more receptive to kangz.
To be fair, they look like tanned white people and not gorillas in that pic
Why even bother living?
We should send our Kangs to Japan so they can finally become a first world country
Smite have one, and he even is sound like Sean Connery.
I just can't say if that's good or bad.
hey user
ur a faget
damn anons, its just a fucking lewd comic about the love for brown girls
Holla Forums is full of reactionary fucktards
are you surprised
How can I be progressive and current year like you user
Why don't they crusade against Muslims who stone their women to death and literally have to punishments that include raping women or all the shit that worse shit that happens in Africa against women?
The worst countries in the world with the least gendner equality are all African or Muslim, see
But all this shit for fictional characters? Are these SJWs autistic or something? People need to go out there and mock them for how fucking stupid they are.
And they're attacking the japs? Really?
The japs need to fight back and be completely savage. I've noticed with leftshits they only bow down to violent minorities because they are cowards so the japs or the yakuza or whatever go out and riot and murder some SJWs. Thanks.
So, with Egyptians in Japan, maybe King Arthur would be reborn in Argentina? Sebastian of Portugal would be back to rule Congo?
Thanks for proving my point by automatically assuming I'm a lefty faggot
Here's my 2 cents on left versus right, as someone who generally doesn't care as long he's still allowed to jerk off to his waifu and live a quiet life alone:
With the right in power, you could at least tune their bitching out and keep enjoying your shit, with only mild disruption by annoying individuals/groups who had jack-shit in terms of power and influence. Jack Thompson and his ilk bitching about dummied-out beta sex minigames didn't change shit, except for mildly-fucking GTA:SA's stocking and rating setup for a bit, as well as causing a "D&D is literally Satan" tier traditional parenting scare that any kid with his own cash and basic illicit material-hiding skill could circumvent the effects of with no effort. You could buy and enjoy whatever stupid shit made you happy as long as it was legal, and the only people bitching had no power to change things legislatively or through social pressures, being nobody pastors/politicians and tired soccer moms looking to pass time between their soaps.
Nowadays, under left-wing rule of governance and media, anything they don't like might as well be another book thrown onto the burning pile, in terms of how it's treated. If they don't like something that you do, letting you enjoy it in the corner while calling you a loser/faggot from across the room isn't remotely good enough anymore. Now you must be demonized for all of their personal problems in life, and have your last sweet release from the painful tedium of life annihilated from existence at all costs, all because it hurts their precious little feelings. All that matters is appeasing the god-in-all-but-terminology of EQUALITY, even if it means we all have to die as a species to be truly equal in death, and especially if it means anime and vidya are smothered out of existence as profitable Japanese cultural exports for having actual attractive women present.
At least I could effectively tell my fellow Christians and traditionalists to fuck off back then, with their evangelical heretical church of "pay the priest all your money to be saved" bullshit and demands to protect the angelic little children who already curse more than grizzled old sailors, before going back to masturbating to anime and killing virtual people en masse unrestricted. Now I can't even take a goddamn piss without everyone coming out of the woodwork to tell me how it offends all women alive and their pet cucks, while they ban standing urinals for being misogynist filth and forcing all men to sit down to piss on regular shitters, lest the cops haul them off for hate crimes against empowered womyn.
I want the pre-2007 years back, where everything at least made some tiny bit of sense still before it all went to hell in a handbasket, goddamn it. Or failing that, nuclear holocaust works too, since it means I get to watch endless scores of useless fat fucks with rainbow hair die of radiation poisoning.
Supporting puritan bullshit IS reactionary, you fucking retard.
And this is mainstream now like it or not with actual government and UN support.
If you live, you can one day preorder your augments
Because that would shatter their narratives that 'Islam the best religion! Not all Muslims are suicide bombers waiting to explode!'
They're mentally ill.
They've been attacking them for a long time.
Agreed. Next time the UN tries to pull that shit again with Japan and 'sexism', they seriously need to engage in BTFO and make their assholes bleed.
Oh boy, that will probably rustle some jimmies.
would read that lewd comic
Nigga what are you even on about
Oh shit nigger, is that Dowman Sayman?
Why are you here?
Wouldn't that make game designers cucks? Their daughter/waifu is getting fucked in every hole and there's nothing they can do to stop but embrace it and jack off to it too.
can't find source
its like two posts above yours, user.
nobody said I was a smart man
the thread didn't load till I posted
A bit touchy aren't we? I wasn't even making a statement against the right or praising the left. I was just saying westerners are like this in part because we're raised to be ashamed sex. Every generation, starting with the Puritans, is responsible for this shit. But the Baby Boomers were the largest and most influential, and they wanted every generation after them to think the same way.
Jack Thompson
The satanism scare of the 80's (DnD and Heavy Metal)
The Comic book scare of the 50's
I know a lot of the alt-right are millennials but still, it wasn't that long ago.
No, they wouldn't, because real life SJW women are fat, squat, ugly little blue haired trolls with granny glasses who will just complain that games like DoA present an unrealistic body standard they don't which ''no real life women could ever live up" to though quite a few do - which in turn oppresses them because they don't conform to beauty standards barely human standards, and nobody wants to fuck them.
It all comes down to women hating other women who are prettier than them. It doesn't make a difference if they're real or virtual. They know you can jack off, and they know you'd rather jack off than stick it anywhere near their rancid cunts.
Notice how, for all the talk of "male power fantasies" feeding into "toxic masculinity", there are absolutely no movements or media pressure to represent men in games more realistically as fat, dumpy, depressed neckbeards and balding middle-aged beergutted dadbods? Nobody cares, because it doesn't threaten women's fee-fees, and they don't want to see that shit anymore than we do.
He was mostly working for liberals, or at least feeding into the narrative that asshats like Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman were spouting - under the guise of "think of the children".
There were tons of folk on the "Moral Majority" side pushing to censor games and media, mostly from the more extreme branches of evangelical Christianity. That's back when they had a lot more power in congress, though. He might have lost the primaries, but it was a climate conducive enough that even Pat fucking Robertson actually thought he had a shot at being president.
Realistic, but only to a certain point, huh, tumblr?
Women carrying an extra 50~60 80~120lbs can totally have a skinny sexy face like that. Have you seen their selfies?
No, but seriously, some of these holsteins have even taken to airbrushing their photos to make it look like they've got collar bones. Holy fucking shit.
Who is this semen deamon?
i see
could be this be the meme magic that will save vidya from censorship?
Simply put: they obviously don't care about developing countries, their only immediate concern is that they "have the same privileges as men" but they're not honest enough to call it first world feminism, it would shatter their perceived moral high ground. So conveniently all causes they're campaigning for is for their immediate, short term benefit and does not in any way consider countries or regions that wouldn't ever affect them, but when asked about this bias they'll claim you're being fallacious
no they can't. and they take those selfies with the chin lifted pose to hide the chin fat.
Its funny that you don't know and then call others reactionary. UN has told Japan that they're being misogynists and should change how they sexualize women in video games.
Once Donald installs those libel laws he's been talking about, maybe KT can start suing these people.
Then again, most of these fairies are probably European.
I need to read this. Source?
the first time i stopped by omegle there was this girl who was manlier than me, a guy making soup with his piss while he and his gynecomastia were on camera, a guy who asked if i'm a girl and about 20 laughing niggers in a brick slumhouse. After that there was this comfy trailer with the camera inside the trailer and pointing at outside through it's open door and all that there was to be seen was a comfy desert, a highway, powerlines besides the highway and comfy noises until a bunch of people appeared in the frame and started shooting each other with AKs