What are some games that actually teach you stuff and help you learn skills that are relevant outside video games?
Does such a thing even exist?
"Educational" Games
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Age of Empires/Mythology and Civilization have the ingame wiki that explains some units and technologies historically.
Yeah, I love reading all that shit.
pic related my niggaroos
Are the car mechanic simulator games worth it?
Victoria teaches how liberalism does not work.
KSP teaches how to get things in the right orbit provided you have enough kerbals.
Diplomacy teaches how everyone is a backstabbing bastard.
I've read that playing video games increases brain plasticity, improves hand/eye coordination, and can even cure PTSD actual PTSD via the proteus effect.
But how can videogames cure PTSD when it causes it, simply by being disagreed with in an online game?
Grand Strat games are pretty good. Even if you have no idea how to play, you can just look at the map and learn.
I only have the first one, but its basically a puzzle game and is in no way a simulator.
Total War has had an educational in-game wiki or similar institutes for as long as I can remember.
Unfortunately it fluctuates these days between acceptable content and mediocre content all the way to repetitive content.
Here is example attila-enc.totalwar.com
>also all my secondary school, liberal arts is a fucking joke
Fuck yeah, i never had to study for a single history test.
I'm sorry user
Actual PTSD is cured by exposing someone to triggers (which for actual PTSD are actually generally inoffensive things instead of references to the actual act) enough that they become desensitized
No, bussiness man aren't that retarded
Gunstruction teaches you all the important parts of a baby killing AR15 assault rifuru
This teaches how integrated circuits works
Supposedly this shit for environmental impact. It's really grindy though.
Command Air / Naval Operations is basically the flight sim of modern warfare simulators. It contains a database with all the numbers for every plane, ship, vehicle, etc. that you'll be simulating.
What for? I got an Electrical Engineering degree. Everybody is forced to take trash liberal arts "general education" classes in American universities.
I'm sorry you had to suffer through it just the same.
If you are in EE, chances are you won't have to deal with that bullshit. ME is easier so there are more girls in it and you have to deal with the colored hairs. :^)
Whats the game where you do math problems and throw bananas at flying monkeys
Valiant Hearts has a bunch of info about WWI that you can read by advancing through the game and more that you get by picking up collectibles.
ME is also a meme degree, retards join it because they are too dumb to realise there is more than one type of engineering
I remember always having good grades when it came to that thanks to it.
To this day I still read some mythology.
Ironically, this Swedish game teaches you have facism is the best way to go.
Dynasty Warriors has an extremely accurate (though unsourced) Encyclopedia that only gets more comprehensive with each game. Last I checked Samurai Warriors games had similar glossaries for the real-world historical figures and events of the Warring States period.
Also Team Fortress 2 taught me to tie a bandana by looking at the back of the Heavy Duty Rag.
The look on their face when you can speak full, unbroken English sentences during the interview is priceless.
Edjewcational you say?
When I was younger fire emblem taught me vocabulary. A great deal actually.
Does that count?
STEM is only good if you know what the fuck you even want to accomplish with the degree you are trying to get and where you could try to get a job. Autists that go do theoretical physics only have themselves to blame for picking something that only a university would want.
VN and eroge games educated me how to take women on a date and how to fuck them good partly not joke
I heard that Victoria (2, at least) has a completely fucked economic simulation, however.
Europa Barbarorum.
My Summer Car that is coming out is a pretty decent mechanic sim, but you either have to know the basics of engine construction to build the car. Its a good start for wanting to learn the basic system of an engine, like what parts go where and somewhat what they do. Like I said its pretty autistic so if you don't know how to build an engine watch a vid or read a book.
Pic related for typing
As a nonnative english speaker I picked up most of it from videogames. The best probably was Ocarina of Time. The game was not localized, but since it was to be a huge hit anyways, they included a booklet with every line in the game both in English and Spanish. The lines were sorted by character so you wouldn't know where to look for spoilers unless you read the whole thing straight up.
Outside language shit, Real Lives 2007 taught me that everyone outside the first world develops goiters, earthquakes and fires happen regularly but they are never affected directly by the disasters.
I've never played Dynasty Warriors before, how would you recommend starting the series?
This actually looks pretty interesting, is it any good?
Capitalism 1 and 2 are the only games I know of that have been used by Stanford and Harvard to teach business management. I think management games in general like the Guild and Simcity can teach you how to be financially responsible and successful if you can apply the principals of those games to real life. Think and grow rich, anons!
Action games in general improve decision-making and shit like and other games by that dev improve logic which is very important stat. Organizing boss raids, planning strategy and, more importantly, illustrating it helps with organization.
As for games I advise you to learn to enjoy studying by providing positive stimuli when achieving any, even small, results and negative when procrastinating/being afraid of studying because games will never have the same efficiency.