Be prepared for the influx of anti-swastika shills and purity spiralers. I think TRS may be done for. Hold onto your hats, lads. Maybe some of them can be salvaged.
Be prepared for the influx of anti-swastika shills and purity spiralers. I think TRS may be done for. Hold onto your hats, lads. Maybe some of them can be salvaged.
Other urls found in this thread:
Eh, they've never been able to into website maintenance before. Hell, they nicknamed their forum the "504um" because of how shitty it was for the longest time. Don't get your hopes up yet.
It's been down since at least this morning. I tend to think it's gonna be down for a while since they do have good ddos protection and they redesigned their site.
Breddy sure it's gonna be down for a while. At least a few days.
It's also possible that ICANN fucked their domain.
Anybody who stuck around after it was revealed that the site owner's married to a B'nai B'rith BioQueen is hopeless.
The thing is that they are easily influenced. That works two ways. If they are so easily influenced by Kike Eunuch to hate the swastika, they can influenced into anything positive too.
Best case scenario:
Kike Eunuch and his tranny loving wife took off with those shekels and they learn about kikes the hard way, once and for all.
Why? The last time (((TRS))) tried to invade Holla Forums they got thoroughly humiliated and chased off. It won't be any different if they try it again.
No doubt Holla Forums would win an ideological battle, but I said to hold onto your hats because TRS shitting up Holla Forums is still going to make this place smell like a Calais refugee camp.
So is this the Jews' plan, lump everyone onto one site?
Wait, they hate the swastika?
Isn't that the whole goddamn point, no? What about other reactionary symbols?
That makes approx 0 sense.
The ones who could be salvaged split off in several directions. The ones who remained intensified the poisonous aspect so much as to be absolutely civic nationalist openly on their forums. No middle ground ethno-nationalists or actually ethno-nationalists would be able to stomach it. Over 50% "ironic" trap posting and the rest hero worship and consensus cracking against our interests.
You fucking idiot, they tried to consume Holla Forums. You get that right? I was there. The plan was to funnel there, command and conquer. Just another try at killing the terror inducing influence of Holla Forums. When they fucked up and were exposed as kikes doing exactly that with a massive honeypot, they took what they had and continued the plan.
What do you mean by this? You sound an awful lot like a TRS faggot , famalamadingdonggoy
I would tell you to listen to the recent podcasts but of course you can't at the moment.
The newest episode of Exodus Americanus 10:00 onward.
I mean that they are the purity spiralers. If you aren't wearing a polo and khakis, they want nothing to do with you.
They are also "punching to the right" by shitting on the swastika.
I'm using their terminology against them.
>Why? The last time (((TRS))) tried to invade Holla Forums they got thoroughly humiliated and chased off.
They're here every fucking day recruiting for false flags what are you talking about?
Unite the Right was recuited here.
They were also here begging for shekels to pay for gas for one of their hosts to get there.
I stopped listening to that one.
Honestly, I like the fatherland and Fash the Nation the best. Fatherland because it's good racist uncle stuff that I don't get from my own family, FTN for the news, and the GodCast because I'm a hardcore Christ-cuck (no offense to the atheist and pagan guys but it's not for me).
But, yo, fuck TDS and all the rest of those shows - they're terrible. Stop laughing at your own stupid jokes and describe tactics that we can use to improve our communities - teach men more than just zinc and lifting - teach them community outreach and mechanical ability and crops and philosophy and art.
Make the whole movemen into a modern answer for "The New Soviet Man" or whatever beta low-test fag that represents modern white collar workers.
Don't do that. When you use their terminology against them it reinforces it and you're playing by their rules. It's like calling an SJW racist. You're just reinforcing the idea that racism is bad.
Rather curious that the only sites that are getting shut down are the only ones who are actually bothering to organize irl. They're either playing an extremely dangerous game or have no fucking idea what the hell they're doing besides getting back at nawtsees. Either way we might actually get to see something interesting from the Right for once
I am the guy that pushed the exclusion of the Swazi, and I am not Enoch.
The removal of it was to get them to stop larping as a political movement that does even exist anymore. To make the separation of them from the Feds that much more obvious.
Been here longer than many of you. The AR was born here. We merely adopted the image used by altkike to scoop access to the goys they were scooping up.
I agree with you, however they coined those terms to protect themselves against people who hold NatSoc ideals and criticize them.
Then they do exactly that. I'm just pointing out their hypocrisy.
But point taken. I used those terms in this context as an insult.
They can go make their mantrain at >>>/trs/
No, you are using their frame which inherently defines virtue out of the picture. Don't. The only way to use "purity spiraler" is sarcasm as a taunt to cuckservatives and traitors. To show them as weak and without conviction or value.
Patently untrue. Many are very degenerate and it showed at their TRSestlemania where many were arrested and fall down drunk (Vandal brothers). Fuck man, Ghoul for instance was a massive tranny fucking metal groupie. The dress code/tattoo thing is an Identity Europa thing, not a TRS thing. Honestly, these are nasty people. Also, what the fuck do you have against being a clean cut upstanding gentleman. Stop being a degenerate, faggot, and look nice and don't use TRS/IE boogeyman as a reason to "rebel" and be a slob.
Removing the swastika is not going to help you. As long as you hold public rallies, people will bring whatever flag they want.
And as for your issues with the confederate flag, you need to stop going to confederate monuments if the confederate flag triggers you guys that much.
Well that explains all the civ-nat content getting posted and various bootlickers trying to fit in.
That's most likely Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack.
Shit is online. Sage
Shit is online. Sage.
Very kosher.
No, I used an insult to flavor my retort. You are definitely TRS and trying to worm your faggotry back in here. I have a suggestion for you when the time comes for you to grow up (if you are white, which is only a 50/50 on TRS), lurk for two years before posting, newfag. Looks like your site is back up. Now scoot off with your screen caps and yuk it up with your trap posting aussies, "based" niggerlover
Kek. I just shit on them for ditching the swastika. Go back, nigger.
You know, I haven't followed the sodomite-drama very much. Is there a slight chance that they actually are struggling anons like myself, being involved with all kinds of fucked up shit (not actual sodomite shit) before finding my way in this degenerate world.
I don't know, maybe I'm still just a naive bitch.
For what it's worth I left TRS when they decided to back the C-Ville rally, which was not started by anyone within the AR.
I knew from the start that it was a bad idea. I had no idea who was running it, but anything that propped Spencer up was bound to be a shitshow, that guy doesn't deserve to lead anyone, and for over the past year I and few others had been pushing them to remain leaderless for obvious reasons.
A week after C-Ville I permanently cut all ties after letting them know that they needed to fix their shit.
I want to add a question-mark to this post. Sorry, boss wanted to drink a few cold ones after work and I like the guy.
I don't think a real movement needs to be leaderless, but it certainly can't be Spencer that leads it. With a Pierce or Rockwell, a leader can be a strength. But I can't back anything that Spencer has his hands in.
So, if we're discontent with how TRS is, where do you suggest we go for more-actually-enforced ideas/content makers?
For as terrible as they are, TRS is prolific re: content.
They will crash like a wave, then many of them will leave and the rest will join this mongolian art trading center. Truth always prevails. Time to prepare and arrange redpills on race realism, jews, natsoc and the holocaust.
Site's back up so nevermind.
You can have multiple movements that share the same ideals, it doesn't need to be a single one like Spencer intended to.
Literally already here guy, unless Holla Forums somehow is doing podcasts.
I can't watch to Holla Forums at work.
As with anything here, lurking is the biggest factor. You have to willingly take the red pill and the de-programming isn't always painless.
Always strive for truth and you will become stronger.
I agree with you 100%. The issue is with any strong leader, is that you're running the risk of them turning it into a personality cult. With them building it themselves they would all have to learn leadership skills.
Anyone following a rich kid that has never suffered or struggled once in his life is bound to get into trouble. Following a homeless vet whose wife left him on deployment would be a better choice.
Well I have been, and I'd say that I'm pretty redpilled on a lot of subjects. But honestly who the fuck has time to keep redpilled on all of the current events when you have a job that takes 10 hours a day, and at the same time trying to make white babies.
Lurk two years before posting and/or leave and never come back.
Read a fucking book you nigger. If you must listen to nationalists podcasts there is Radio Aryan which has good content. Grandpa Lampshade and Sven Longshanks have good content that is not cucked (might be why Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack chose to cut them out and support TRS content).
While true, and of course having anonymous ones too such as here, there does eventually need to be a party that can take power that we control. I still think it is viable to take over the Republican party. It already has the infrastructure to win elections, and a large Trump Republican base. Plus, we are a two party system whether we like it or not for now.
How did Hitler come to power? What worked and what failed in that vie for power?
Any excuse for another thread covertly promoting Kike Eunuch.
The other guy answered well, the alternatives would be to start your own site or go to Gab. I don't recommend Gab if your employment would be at risk for your identity being exposed, or if you're not capable of physically defending yourself.
Gab is for people stepping into the light and using their real names. I don't trust anyone there hiding their identity, because of how Gab works, it's easy to doxx anyone there given enough time…
The choice to step into the light has to be yours, and you really have to be aware that no one on there is worth following if they don't use their real names. I don't trust anyone that uses pejoratives there.
You've been warned.
I ran the Midwest Efnet groups before you knew what anime was.
I will go where I please, and do what I please. I married the cause at a young age.
BitChute has some good new podcasts on it. I don't know any offhand, but I have seen many popping up on BitChute.
You should probably check out BitChute anyway since it's the p2p alternative to JewRube.
I have looked at the site, and examined the idea. Not sure I know how robust it is, if I read correctly content that isn't viewed simply would not exist on that platform, making storage of older more esoteric material less viable.
No, fuck that subversive crypto.
I trust (((weev))) more than that guy, and I don't trust (((weev))) at all. Anglin is middle of the road. Time will tell with Anglin. Duke trusts Anglin which goes a long way for me, but I don't trust Don Black.
That's the primary issue with that whole crowd, half are likely Feds and the other half is aware and just making use of the platform to keep pulling kids this way.
What the alas didst thee just f'ckin sayeth about Byzantium, thee dram wench? I’ll has't thee knoweth i graduat'd top of mine own class in the Varangians, and I’ve been involv'd in num'rous secret raids on the Seljuks, and I has't ov'r 300 confirm'd kills. I am did train in camel warfare and I’m the top archer in the entire Βυζάντιον, thou art nothing to me but just anoth'r targeteth.
I shall wipeth thee the alas out with precision the likes of which hast nev'r been seen bef're on this Earth, marketh mine own fucking w'rds. thee bethink thee can receiveth hence with declaring yond the horror to me ov'r the message pigeons? bethink again, alas'r. as we speaketh I am contacting mine own secret netw'rk of spies across the Anatolia and thy horse is being trac'd even but now so thee bett'r prepareth f'r the st'rm, infidel. the st'rm yond wipes out the pathetic dram thing thee calleth thy life. Ye shalt burn in hell, and f'ckin dath, little Turk.
I can beest anywh're, anytime, and I can killeth thee in ov'r seven hundr'd ways, and that’s just with mine own bareth hands. Not only am I extensively did train in unarm'd combat, but I has't access to the entire arsenal of the Βυζάντιον N'vy and thy sacred weapon of Greek fire, I shall useth t to its full extent to wipeth thy mis'rable rampallian off the visage of the continent, thee dram the horror. If 't be true only thee couldst has't known what unholy retribution thy dram clev'r comment wast about to bringeth down upon thee, haply thee wouldst has't did hold thy fucking tongue. but thee couldn’t, thee didn’t, and user you’re paying the price, thee goddamn Saracen.
I shall the horror fury all ov'r thee and thee shall drowneth in 't. Ye shalt burn in hell, and f'ckin dath, infidel.
Bring it cuck.
You only adopted shitposting, I was born into it, molded by it.
Let's take this place back to hell,, where I reign supreme as Lord Styles.
What incessant Reddit spacing part of your plan, brother?
I make it easier for you untermensch to read my textual glory of shitposting perfection, since you wish to be on equal footing, I will cease.
Nobody cares who you are, since you don't wear the mask.
You're alone in your boasting, and have no proof of your skill to gain any.
TRS never 'invaded' Holla Forums you shill fuck. It was yet another of your shitty D&C strategies.
Yeah, true, and I obviously agree, except:
If you think that after that faggot's posts you are an idiot or him IP hopping. Also, why did you bump this thread, oldfag?
I had the same reaction initially because I am also dumb, but hey look its back up now.
Unfortunately it's back up
the website is working for me
Mike, your wife is cute. Don't listen to them.
More Swastikas must be posted. More pictures of Hitler.
oh nooooOoOOoo
now where will I listen to (((Identitarians))) roleplaying as Nazis talk about how based Jews are?!
just call them bioqueens
Has anyone ever gone to the 56 second mark in this video?
I'll just leave this here:
TRS caught shilling #1
Thread #1:
Thread #2:
Thread #3:
Thread #4:
/polmeta/ TRS thread
(must read)
Thread #5:
/trs/ meta mega thread
Thread #6:
Misc. Holla Forums v. TRS skirmishes
(complete threads)
Thread #7:
Thread #8:
Thread #9:
Thread #10:
Thread #11:
Thread #12:
Thread #13:
Thread #14:
Thread #15:
Thread #16:
Misc. Holla Forums v. TRS skirmishes
(quickly deleted)
Thread #17:
Thread #18:
Thread #19:
Thread #20:
Thread #21:
Thread #22:
TRS caught shilling #2
Thread #23:
Thread #24:
Thread #25:
Thread #26:
Thread #27:
Thread #28:
Thread #29:
Thread #30:
Thread #31:
Thread #32:
Thread #33:
Thread #34:
Thread #35:
Thread #36:
Thread #37:
Thread #38:
Thread #39:
Thread #40:
TRS is back up, so this thread is moot, aside from how it's triggered the shills.
The TRS forums are open registration now, not that I'm suggesting anything.
I enjoy some of their poopcasts.
dividing what, faggot?
the alt kike was literally invented by a fucking kike you imbecilic cumguzzler >>>/trs/
only a dumb nigger would rally behind that title and stand behind their leaders
it would be a shame if their forum were suddenly filled with Holla Forumsacks pushing them further towards national socialism and radicalizing people in their shitty de-radicalization chamber
Seriously cuckmeister maybe if you weren't so busy signaling…
this post makes zero sense
>>>/trs/ back to the bog, faggot
enjoy your ban
Look up Download William Pierce's Broadcasts off of, newfag. Anything he did is 6 million times better than anything made my TRS.
The last I checked the book written by netanyahu was on the TRS reading list, but Mein Kampf was not. Also The protocols were missing as well. Also Hitler was against TRS big tent faggotry
can you not recognize a lazy and obvious joke, you sperg?
If you stare deeply, what do you see?
Being this autistic
Sagepost in dead thread to find the GET.