dota 2 is a fun video game
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Dota 2 is a fun video game
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dont have much else tbh
I think all of these games are fun assuming you can actually stomach the playing them. They've got a high skill or rather knoweldge ceiling but an incredibly low floor so you can bet your ass you'll see nothing but shit until you reach the highest of ranks, then you'll see less shit.
I haven't played it since the second international
A S S F A G G O T S.
League or Smite maybe, those got babbiefied tutorials but Dota isn't actually that easy to jump into with no prior knowledge.
You should play it, pretty good patches recently and esports is good if you are into that.
wew didn't mean to spoiler that
I could never get into the dota, the laneing phase is really hard for me to learn and I can never seem to keep my mana up at all no matter what character I run with
Play carefully while learning matchups. Learn how to time your last hits before you think about learning to deny. Spells usually aren't spammable at level 1 like in league, so you need to know that they're going to be worth the mana you spent when you use them (and get power treads or arcane boots if you're still struggling, the former is always a good choice).
Have you played League before? In League most of the abilities are really spammy and low cooldown/mana cost, so most new League refugees spam their abilities.
Anyway buy some intelligence/mana regeneration items, it ain't hard. If you want to get back into it google "Welcome to Dota, you suck", it's a guide by a pretty cool dude called Purge.
Nah, I've given up on multiplayer games as a whole also last time I tried downloading it it kept restarting the download midway and I've got shit internet so I just gave up.
Yeah, league and memes of the storm have been my primary games that the bulk of my experience comes from. It's really hard to unlearn the habit of poking with abilities especially when I anecdotally think the enemy players are using their abilities much more often than I could ever reasonably be able to. I'm a fan of playing the offlane but it's been a pain in the ass learning the game even with guides spoonfeeding me build paths and level paths. I guess I'm just a big baddie tbh fam
Why do people play this shit? It isn't fun.
The same shit happens to me sometimes while downloading big games. Its fucking annoying, not to mention some programs try to forcefullly auto download because they think everyone has god internet. Fuck them, I have 1.5mb bandwidth and a 180kb/s download speed, stop fucking forcefullly downloading shit while im trying to play vidya you cock suckers.
Because they want to entertain Valve's whales.
What kind of moron even buys skins for these types of games? It reminds me a lot of Tribes Ascend where you could pay for a skin for one class but third person mode was for scrubs so you didn't get to see it much and everyone moved fast so no one else got to see it except in killcams. In Dota it even makes less sense because you wouldn't even notice it.
its very fun when yours and the enemy team both have zero fucking retards on them, however this happens once every 100 games or so and the rest are pure shit; either boring ezwin or slow unwinnable defeat from 00:00
the biggest problem with the game is the matchmaker is useless and always has been, valve are shit at designing systems
Have you ever seen a multiplayer game where the matchmaker was anything but useless?
Wew just like league of legends.
Except that Dota isn't run by Riot so it's better by default.
This, honestly. Dota is incredible with a five-stack where everybody has a mic, speaks English, chooses and sticks to a defined role at the start, and drafts their heroes according to a plan.
Good luck *EVER* getting that as a single nerd playing solo queue, though. It's nothing but faggots all day erry day.
youre very correct, i came to the same conclusion a couple of years ago. the difference is a lot of games you can carry the game by yourself to varying degrees, whereas in dota clones you are very closely tied to (anchored) by the other spastics on your team, so its just not possible a lot of the time
thats a very small saving grace, though anyone who does give money to the chinese government (riot) really should be shot twice
I think it's because there just isn't that many good players. It's free to play so it inherintely attracts all sorts of bad players but the skill floor is so low with the tutorials, limited champion pool mode and everyone else being a retard at the start of the game there isn't really anything to filter out the bad players from playing the game anymore.
I remember the first like 10 or so matches every match had to have at least two disconnects, either from the start of the game, or because they didn't get the champion(or hero or whatever it's called) they wanted or got killed in the first few minutes of the game(something that I found was very easy to recover from assuming you aren't an idiot who hadn't learned anything from the first death) or because someone else on their team got killed within the first few minutes of the game or the most retarded excuse of them all, they were the ones who didn't get the first blood because KILL STEAL KILL STEAL when you're too busy attempting to bodyblock only for the enemy to be this close to escaping while your carry is farming like some pve bot or something.
Problem is at its core I find it very fun. The support characters in particular have very fun abilities, the laning phase is ultra fun when it's less about farming/turtling/waiting and more about bullying the shit out of your opponents and even killing them on your terms with skill and planning and quick thinking and late game team fights are really fun especially when you turn around a losing fight with that one play that wins you the game or gets you close to doing so. But like user said it's usually just stomps.
Shit taste tbh fam. 2 lewd
There was this fat subhuman pinoy redditor (I'm pretty sure those are synonyms) that would wait at The International's gift shop and empty it.
Retards buy hats because they think they'll play the game better but remain complete shit, although there's theories about how the matchmaking system is designed to improve the quality of games for those that paid money. That is highly likely as I'm pretty sure Valve dedicated more man hours to tweaking the matchmaking for casuals (ie add extreme penalties for disconnecting and obfuscate player order as the better players were blue and pink as pro players were blue/pink >90% of their games) than to balance the game.
ASSFAGGOTS in a nutshell
I can't wait until kids grow tired of assfaggots and video games might return to normal again
here valve have some more skin money hurrdurr hurdurhudhurhdurhur i'm soooo fucking retarded I love these RTS rejects :DDDDD
user you already know the hero shooter trend is starting, once everyone bails on MOBAs, it's all going to be a giant flood of overwatch-likes
you mean TF2 clones and that's been happening for some times, Blizzard being late to the bandwagon is nothing new
What is he doing? Jerking off?
The people will not disappear from the community. Before assfaggots the same people were in counter-strike, even if assfaggots lose popularity, they will latch onto something equally shit designed around milking them and providing them with that constant "I'm so good it's just the fucking team dragging me down" gratification and the circlejerks around random MLG progaymers
It would be amazing if someone would do something that took a hybrid of the PvP aspect of Guild Wars and arena-shooter variety movement and game-play. Massive team battles in large arenas using different skills and so on without the point-and-click way of targeting. But that would be fun so it will never happen.
Sniffing his balls on stream.
Never forget the hero that got into a tournament game just to shitpost.
I assume that's what EC wanted to be like but I haven't played it and my only exposure to it is from a friend who's a big fan of it.
I think it's because MMOs aren't perfected yet. Planetside 2 still somehow manages to be really hard on the technical side of things.
Discuss what? Dont just make these shitty assfagots poster bait threads at least wait for a major or some competition
yeah i bet that was a real hard tournament to break into lol, sl na qualifiers i assume
Because despite being the top game of a horrible genre, it is a game with a huge variety of builds and decent amount of mechanical debt.
Something that many games after it tried to dumb down.
I know the community is cancer but it still the best game in it's genre and I prefer the insults being thrown around than playing multiplayer with mute people in casual games.
No. TI :^).
I know this is probably common knowledge, but when do consumable health items fall off? I know you tend to grab them at the start of the game, but when is it a good idea to grab extras while farming in the lane?
I agree, I believe the genre can be done in a way that it's more than just some fad people flock to because it's the newest thing right now.
I tried Smite way back in early beta because it looked interesting, and I admit inspite of being disappointed that it wasn't true 3D I still really enjoyed it for feeling like it was more about just pure fun rather than competitiveness and esports and whatnot.
Then that one update that brought jungling came along and I just gave up on it, apparently it got worse and it's very esports heavy now.
I've heard of paragon and on paper it seems like that one MNC-like game I've been waiting on for so long but apparently it's also very slow and not well balanced at all, as well as running like trash on my pc if the gpu benchmarks on their site is anything to go by.
I really would like to play dota again but the thought of having to play through so many bad matches just to get that one amazing match is not bearable
Few people do it. But on some heroes with no regen it helps around level 10(and below) when ganking or moving around a lot. So you can go in and out of a fight.
It's incredibly situational though.
outside of the bottle which typically only mid laners pick up, very rarely and situationally. ie youre getting really heavily harassed out of the lane but you cant leave for whatever reason so you fly out a salve or some tangos, you typically dont buy any of the stuff you buy first (branches, clarities etc.) for the rest of the game
Another idiot question, some times I grab 3 branches at the start of the game even though only 2 are needed to go into wand/stick what should I do with the 3rd branch? I hate the concept of selling back items for a net loss of gold but I guess it's worth it if you can get a better component item than the stats offered by a branch?
buy something else like a ward or a clarity so you can harass more
Why is Sylvanas called drow ranger in DOTA2?
Copyright I assume.
Silvanus is a roman deity so they should have probably used that, but neither drow or Sylvanas are cheerful old men who like nature
Smite has had an interesting history because it by far changed the most over the years compared to the other games. In terms of conquest/main map balance its either really good or just stupidly broken to a point no one is having fun with no middle ground. HiRez basically gives zero fucks and knows exactly what they're doing patch to patch. They just push to sell skins and quarterly events that makes them mad dosh off people who enjoy the cosmetic bullshit. If the game wasn't based off mythology I doubt it would have its player base but that niche saves it. Far as I can tell they milk the game to fund their obsession with Paladins which is a decent games at times but they fuck with it so much patch to patch its hard to play it consistently.
The saving grace of the game is the Arena and other game modes that by far have the majority of players. The only people who actually play the main map mode are esports wannabes and general tards. It isn't very fun most patches though so most just stick to the other maps. They do focus heavily on esports for some reason even though it isn't even the most popular game mode and the game easily has the worst ranked system across the genre. SMITE picked up that awful division system from LoL but since no one plays conquest in general let alone ranked its just your high MMR mixed in with your bottom feeders. No one has fun unless. Competitive 5v5 is fun sure but who has time for that.
I was a LoL player from beta until they added dynamicQ and DotA games take way to long for me for shit that isn't fun. Least in SMITE I can do shit and when you have those awful teams games over in 15 minutes tops. I'm strictly a solo guy though so I'd probably play it if i had a stack. Only reason I still play these fucking games is I have around 4k hours invested into the genre. Should have painted or something.
because thats what she was called in dota 1
a couple of heroes had their names changed in dota 2 to avoid copyright with blizzard, but she wasnt one of them
I tried paladins a week ago actually. Besides a horribly community that's selectively deaf to the words "attack the objective" it felt like it should have been something more than a 5v5 game. It ends so fast and I barely need to explore the maps because I can just bum rush the objective area and win anyways.
A lot of hero names were changed in Dota 2 cause of copyright, Skeleton King was removed and is now Wraith King.
Please continue this thread, Dota threads are always so fun. (aside from the >assfaggots fags)
i prefer league
played a lot. got tired of it also tired of the whole valve fucking with their own skins rules
it's faster and has more focus on team plays, rather than just overpowering your lane opponent, which is boring to me
I mostly play Visage and whenever I get my Tranquils I have no more use for consumable regen.
It depends what hero you are playing, if you get bottle and you are running sub-50% hp then you aren't getting enough sustain and might be a good idea to invest in Tranquils or more tangoes/HP potions.
For the most part everyone is terrible, I'm pretty sure its a lot of people first exposure to FPS and objective based game play. You pretty much drag people kicking and screaming to victory or sit ina corner and cry.
The few competitive games I've had were amazing but it ends super fast when teams are imbalanced especially after they lowered the time to kill. Maps are weird because they had some that were FUCKHUGE full of useless spaces. Wouldn't be surprised if they removed mounts soon with how small they've gotten.
They redone the card system like 5 times now
Depends on the heroes in the game
See above
This is only for the first ~10 minutes of any game and is exactly the same in LoL
you should be banned for toxicity
you don't get banned for making unique builds, i play jhin and vayne mid all the time
you should have to grind for heroes so that the people you play with know you actually worked to get that character instead of choosing it on a whim
and tencent may be very slightly worse than valve, but i also don't give them any money, so whatever
it does not depend on the heroes, or the match time
league is faster and more focused on team play period
I mean I could go all day about this stuff.
For example:
Why wisp are called IO and militarized?
Why Kael is even more gay?
Why are you using corrupted orc shaman and why he stole Vol'jins raptor?
However nothing will beat the about of salt release of Hots brought. All teen Dota players shitted on it because for them it stole all character designs, meanwhile none of them realized half of Dota characters are remodeled Warcraft 3 heroes.
interestingly LuL games are decided in the first 10 minutes; whoever has the gold lead then wins the game 95% of the time
militarized what?
how is hots doing anyway lol
It's not IO, it's russian subamrine sonar and it's militarized becasue he's a sattack subamrine
nice one. got anymore?
Whatever you say nigga, I'll just be choosing to learn a new hero freely and not grinding like shit to get them
It actually does though
Please re-read my last post
I'm not shitting, I've had someone telling me not to attack the objective because he wanted to get a better k/d.
Guess who, as fernando the tank, managed to get all accolades including most damage, solo kills, eliminations and killstreaks?
Stop replying, he probably got stuck on a lowest depths tier pub match with a spectre and medusa and has ptsd
I don't keep track of it but it gets updates once in a while so it is going.
Which is nice because it is most brainless moba and this is what I want for them to be pretty much warcraft custom map with cool heroes.
i didn't even say league was better, i just said i prefer it over dota because of the focus of the game
i used it in response to someone else yes
nothing is out of meta in unranked or lower elo
yeah valve is pretty bad they pretty much singlehandedly ruined vr for another decade and they also make shit tons of ripoff games. like dota
it took me two days of moderate play to get zac, one of the most expensive heroes
wow yeah that sure is a slog to play a game you already play for two days
and no, it does not depend on heroes
yeah, i'd say valve is only five or so years away from being as bad as tencent
Are you legitimately autistic?
had to remake this post cause I fucked up
And I didn't say one game was better than the other, Mr. Projector. I was saying leaguecucks should make their own thread instead of shitting up the dota thread with their buzzwords and lack of capitalization.
Only people who are playing Paladins are general retards and kids. I say this as someone with a founders pack. I'm waiting on a real release before I get into it more then a handful of games a week
Its kind of fun how bad the playerbase is, kind of heartwarming
cmon, do something productive. post loadouts and good matches to talk about
Okay, so repeat that process of playing the game for 2 days 110 times so you can unlock all the heroes.
You cannot be serious, are you legitimately calling Dota a ripoff of League? Christ.
uh yeah
all of those are terrible choices and should not be played in ranked
you have to play for weeks to even be able to play ranked mode, so this person should've known better
of course, if they'd been playing unranked, they wouldn't have been banned for it
this thread isn't really worth the effort of proper typing
why would you want all the heroes
and yeah, that's still less than a year to get every champ
not that bad
and like i said, zac is one of the like 10 champs that cost that much, most champs cost much less than him
Explain how the fuck that is preferable to just being able to play him whenever you want right from the start
A pushy team with support and an AD carry ends the game faster than AP carries with no support. Towers die faster, highground pushing is easier, etc.
Do you not understand the concept of variables affecting the outcome of something?
Oh wait, you think being made to pay for heroes is better than getting them for free so you're clearly a retard.
Every one I know who plays it hates it but can't stop
if you're paying for heroes, or anything, in either of these games, you're a fucking retard of the highest caliber
leaguecucks LUL
why would anyone want the whole game, gosh stop being so entitled dota meanies
yeah, there are champs that are awful, or for example, i never play support or top lane, so there are many champs that simply don't interest me because they're not usable in the roles i like to play
does that mean i will never get them? of course not
those champs are also not locked away from me, i'm free to get them any time i want because i don't spend my resources like a fool on unnecessary things
Once more, how is that preferable to just playing the hero with no restriction from the start?
Honestly if overwatch is anything like what I've played of Paladins I don't know how people are comfortable with paying 40 dollars for OW.
But I digress. Have you happened to play Paragon? Kind of want an opinion on it before maybe giving it a shot.
it isn't, i never said it was
but there are merits to having to earn a champ you want to play, like needing to learn the nuances of a champ to be sure it's someone you would enjoy
Or I could just pick that hero in a unranked game and learn it with normal gameplay.
you have this weird cost analysis where yeah sure, in the league system ur acting sensibly by wisely spending ur limited points, but what you dont seem to even be able to conceptualize is that that system doesnt have to exist. ur applying the limitations of the league system to the dota system where those limitations dont exist, which makes the dota system better, dummy
or i could just play the game that, to me, is marginally better in every way except for character selection, especially when i have around half the champs without really trying to expand my roster anyway
sometimes i wish i had less champs because i get a lot of garbage i don't like when i play aram with friends
also rate
They're different enough games in how they play, although I can barely run OW so I never paid for it.
Never played Paragon but its in open beta right now.
Ban Slark in every game, MMR or not just fucking do it. You either get a shit tier retard on your team or a 8k player on their team.
it's almost like you think League of Legends is still a videogame, we did away with that years ago
If I'm rating your gameplay I gotta say you're pretty shit dude.
Jakiro is a fucking worthless hero right now 100%, all AOE but no one hit high damage nukes at all.
I do, but it's never selected. Everyone bans underlord or mirana
I picked him to counter pudge lc and huskar with ice path, plus he goes well with sven. We were doing really good until we had to depend on slark
I want to play Dota but I could never find a hero that suits me as well as Mundo or Sion in LoL. Any suggestions?
Play all Heroes at the beginning then if you're better pick some heroes and play them well, or keep playing all heroes.
Tidehunter, Alchemist, Magnus.
By Mundo you mean Dr. Mundo? I looked through his ability list on the League site but I have never played the game, so take this with a grain of salt, but he resembles a bit of Huskar. Huskar sacrifices his life to get faster attack speed, has a simple over time healing ability and can output really big DPS.
It's best to just look through the hero list and choose what looks interesting and try it out.
I remember trying Alchemist once when I tried out Dota 2 and absolutely hating it. I don't see how anybody can compare it to Mundo when literally the only benefit at least from what I saw was the extra gold.
Yeah, I mean Mundo. I'll look into Huskar even if he isn't tanky like Mundo. Variety is good
Huskar is pretty tanky, especially if you go for big strength/HP items like Heart of Tarrasque you can make Huskar tanky as fuck.
No lol, I'm running around ganking before the game even starts pretty much all my games
That's why the draft phase in dota is 10x more important than in league.
This just proves what I said earlier.
i also do that as shaco
dota isn't special for having junglers my man
A few of Mundo's concepts were lifted from Alchemist, although kit-wise Nunu is much closer over all. Alchemist is niche and mostly counters other melee tanks and a few select immobile mages.
Magnus is pretty shit at the moment but his poke feels a lot like cleaver and he has some steroids, mainly he's just a beefy guy with some CC, so I threw it out there.
Tidehunter is a really solid character in general and he feels something like Mundo in playstyle more than kit, so I threw that one out there, too.
centrally planned meta rots the brain
okay let me rephrase
dota isn't special for having assassins
Dota doesn't have assassins, whatever the fuck that is.
Viper and dragon knight fly different though.
as often as not it's the cc-toting support that roams, ganks, and shove
imagine designing your game around having a minimum of 30 rikis on the roster because how else will players know to gank people on the tiny-ass map?
Heavy nukers. Any traditional mid hero, basically
supports do most of the early ganking in doter, not mid heroes
Ah assasins are gankers ok. My friend told me they killed heroes so I assumed
Then I'll tell you that half of the supports in dota shine for being able to gank and secure a kill on the 5 minute mark, or even earlier. wivern, cm, shadow demon, lion, mirana, vengeful spirit, rubick…
4 minute more like since that's when night falls
I dont know how people play in this "game".
Entire game just like a railroad - play same as masses or fuck off. In dota you have a same map but always different playstile even with same heroes and can change your role based on enemy pick even in mid game
Anyone has that cap of the lol dev comparing cm to a phoenix with shiva or drow with shadow blade to clinkz?
Ivan please improve your american
Sorry but my name is Andrei
I can hear a stalker npc reading that post
Doesn't stop the Peruvian LoL refugees spam-pinging me mid and going "GANK?????" when they die.
Honestly considering just muting everybody at the start of every game.
truly the only winning move is not to play
this has happened at least 2 times now
It gets better. Im only 3k, people still play with their ass but they behave and understand the game far better than anything below
Night time is just easier and smoke ganks are not guaranteed to work out and you're down another 50 gold as a support cause good luck getting fags in your pubs to cooperate for a smoke gank.
it really depends, if you and your mid both have some good nukes and their mid is defensively weak you can solo gank and get a kill before the tps come in, you just have time it such that theyre overextended past their tower when you arrive or shortly after
I fuckin hope. Sub 1k isn't that fun. 99% of the time it's a diceroll if you get absolute mute russians and peruvians or cool chill dudes just wanting to play dota.
Someone should end me
It'll get better man.
I'm 850.
Create a new account and try again. Get at least 2k, you must ahve learned something at this point to get a better mmr
what on earth is that even like? im 5.1k for reference and theres still shitloads of duds in my bracket
I've got a 70% WR over 40 games on Visage so I'm doing pretty good right now and am consistently climbing MMR, I probably can get 1k in a day or 2.
Half of the game is russians, the other half is people with bought accounts at low MMR to beta test their botting software
I'm barely 3k
Depends. Some people are just in the trench like me and can't get out, pretty good 2-3k players at least. Others are just retards that deserve to be at sub 1k or smurfs and cheaters.
Doesn't get better if you rank up. You just get people who are even worse and need to "carry" them.
Look you faggot, hate on valve all you wish, but keep your history straight. What was the big name that was comming up in VR and likely going to rule it if valve didn't become the bigger player? Do you remember oculus rift you faggot? You know, the facebook ones. The ones that were going to provide an open format for VR interactions but then decided to do a propreitary one. The faggots whom didn't even think about input devices until their design was nearly finished their vr setup and slapped one on as an aftertought. No matter how much you hate motion controllers, the vive can still be played without them while the motion controllers do really add something.
Fuck no, blame valve for all you wish, but VR was not set back by them, it was the opposite. And if they were not around, VR would be off much worse than they are right now.
What happened to tilt/bait the PA that hard?
born peruvian
How? More out of interest than to flame, can you link to some replays?
Guess who won
im going to say dire, their push is very strong and i dont think timber could slow it down long enough for voker and pl to get into action (i assume lc was spastic mole who sit in nc the whole game and then fed)
es mid
I tried playing this game once and I feel like it takes too much dedication for little to no reward.
Like Dark Souls takes dedication, but this, you have to sink your life into it to get the same volatile enjoyment one would get from a mw2 call of duty match. What gives?
Is it just like one of those games for ultra autists? It's just not appealing. Do people play it because other friends play it? Is that it? It just seemed like it was full of cancer and just so many chances for the game to steal my money.
Dunno, I was Dazzle laning with WK and we killed PA couple of times. Eventually PA's play style degenerated into just teleporting to lane and pushing until she died.
People shit on the match making all the time, but most examples I see strike me as pretty ok match making. Neither team getting totally roflstomped. All stats being very comparable (except maybe healing, but thats because one team has an omni.
I think most people overreact on match making, with 10 players in total, its not that unlikely that at least one of them will not have their best game.
Wouldn't surprise me if the teleporting to lane is just a bot. I would assume that once people are fed up, quite a few will just bot to the end for a chance of a drop.
If you were in charge of making offline card game with heroes from 5v5 lane pushing tower defence game what would be it's concept? How much players will it be meant for, 1,2 or any even count? What will be the creep wave clearing? Or what will be it's Munchkin version?
Remember, you can't steal what's already stolen.
i wish i could play the game but im terrible and cant learn unless there someone teaching me
what bracket are you?
Don't actually know, not really talking about my own performance, just the match screenshots I see posted in dota threads. I personally actually play mostly 10v10, although of course half of either team usually quits within minutes. I like how balanced it often is even in a mode which they don't base their balancing on.
Sorry, forgot the link on
i wish i could play the game but im terrible and cant learn unless there someone teaching me
I can tell you're one of those faggots from steam friends threads that everyone hates cause you're a colossal gay.
"Valve ruined VR"
motherfucker there was nothing to ruin. The only commercialized VR before this and the zuckerburger was the Virtual Boy, and I'm not saying it's amazing, but it sure as shit beats that fucking headache inducingly blurry ass mario tennis bullshit from the 90s.
This is just a bump.
I think you should kill yourself, user.
You first champ.
So if anyone has played Paragon is it worth trying or should I just not bother?
Don't bother, it's UE4 so shit tier performance and I haven't heard much good from anybody.
Look, I'm gonna be that guy and say that community-wise, DOTA 2 was good until you know, it wasn't closed beta anymore. Then all the 12 year old mic spammers, LoL players and even more slavs joined the game and it turned into absolute fucking chaos.
It is still fun when you don't get that horseshit of a community ruining your game.
Just mute the retards and do your best.
I honestly don't know if Tinker or Arc Warden is worse. If you're fighting them, both are gonna splitpush your shit in, although in somewhat different ways. On the other hand, if you've got a Tinker on your team you can forget about getting safe farm, but Arc players who build necrobook tend to throw the necrocreeps right into the enemy carry's gold pile.
I can deal with a Techies, but Arc/Tinker are heroes that just go "Alright guys, this game is now centered around me"
Are you some yuropoor faggot? If so
you're fucking lucky you didn't have to deal with the peruvians. I'd take slavs over those shitskins anyday.
Honestly, the game was fine on release. Things only went off the deep end once Valve went kike with e-sports garbage after TI2.
I play on both EU West and US East so I've dealt with both shitskins and European niggers. Personally I think US East is better, a lot more people use mics. That's just my 800 mmr pubs though.
To me, they're all the same thing. I'm eternally numb.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I honestly have trouble believing you. I consider myself pretty average, and it dropped be into 3.5k, which I improved to 3.7k before I stopped playing ranked.
i'm 4.3k, down from 4.7k some months ago. i'm not the best but i might be able to teach you faggots something if you have any questions
that said, i only play this game out of habit. i haven't felt like playing it ever since a bit before ti4 (2014)
I was calibrated at sub1k and stayed here. I'll probably get to over 1k soon enough. I just rushed it to play ranked.
why not just get international ranked?
Junglers don't gank in dota unless you're Chen or Enigma, and the only assassin thing I can think of is nyx who blows his whole load on one person then runs the fuck away. You're applying league rules to dota, i.e. the jungler is the only one who ganks. I usually roam around ganking as a support, but the mid laner, jungler and offlaner can also gank.
This is something league players can't wrap their heads around. In league you have 5 roles and everyone plays shit the same way minus shit like "I start on the red buff instead of blue buff when jungling", in dota how you play the role depends on the hero. You will never have anything in league like Chen controlling a creep, sending it to mid lane and zoning the other mid laner out with its active abilities while jungling at the same time.
Cheap mouses and keyboards are the best.
Phantom Assassin
Templar Assassin
Nyx Assassin
Stealth Assassin
Owned nerd.
I'm talking roles. From what I know about league the assassin is a guy who just blows all his spells on one hero, although they didn't add that till years after I quit.
Do you have autism or assburgers?
Late game carry reliant on her ultimate, x4.5 crits. The heroes' entire strategy relovles around jumping on people and blowing them up with crits in half a second. This is done by stacking lots of attack speed and damage items. This hero is also pretty much immune to physical right click attacks unless a certain item is purchased by the enemy right clicker.
Mid hero, reliant on snowballing into an untoppable midgame one-shot machine through armor reduction. Useless otherwise.
Magic based hero that ambushes and attempts to blow up squishy heroes in the back lines with his ability combo. Without his combo he is useless beyond throwing an occasional stun.
Late game carry mostly reliant on beefing up his agi with items to stack it with his backstab ability. Has perma invis to help himself survive the early game..
Fukin rek'd, look whos the autist now.
its u kiddo
You didn't answer the question. Hmm…
Is the best player always pink? I used to always be pink, now I'm literally brown every game.
LoL used to have it that way.
Doto arranged the players based on their queue time I think.
dead board
No one cares, fag.
Man that's fuckin funky.
Start playing BOT games to get the basics in Dota for a few hours, then join matchmaking.
You'll never go back to League, except for Waifu-fapping.
t. Ex League-Player
Didn't notice the reply earlier, but if you are still here here's the last 2 matches I had not counting an abandon I was forced to do.
Match ID 2609888395
Match ID 2608539642
I'm the 850 mmr Visage if you were wondering.
Nelly VS Bee Gees - Staying hot (Lobsterdust remix)
Thanks pal.
Wew lad.
Most of those vids come from youtube, Trymike4instance, Frey557, Mid or Meepo and Nigma. Dank memes for days
's video came from NoobfromUA, some random Polish guy, he posts a lot of pro games/strange moments without (his own) commentary
No idea who Frey557 was but Nigma now just makes shitty Oyveywatch videos and Mid or Meepo kinda fell off imho.
Yup, Mid or Meepo also started begging for money. Their latest vids are shit, but the older ones are still fun to watch.
Oh and check his Single Draft 1 and 2, Q king and Ebola demon videos out. Thats the best shit ever
Amazing, but not unexpected.
I meant the point is the 4 hour match time. A 4 hour match is fuckin crazy.
To no ones surprises, they keep swallowing their own homemade shit sandwich. Calling on bullshit / circlejerk is regarded as bitching.
Anyone watching World Cyber Arena here?
Casting with Moonduck and Purge. Pretty fun matches.
I usually do but not today.
It's worth getting back into, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Oh hey, that's my mouse.
you were never in it to begin with
wew lad every time I forget spoilers on, here's some real spoiler worthy content
fuck you, nice dubs though
thank you brother
TIL cancer is fun.
Im at stage 3 cancer
I have two accounts that I play on
Sort of
smurfing is pretty gay tbh
I smurf because I don't want my friends to know how dota I play.
Even a child could slip in the "much" after "how" while they read.
That is correct.
That's what I assumed, but I just wanted to be sure.
If you have 2k hours on one account, having 800 hours on another doesn't make it better.
Ah, that feeling when you only hang around DotA anymore because the majority of players are all kinky degenerates.
Might as well have called it /d/2g back in the day.
what makes u think that
Who knows
Enchantress is worst doto girl.
Say that to my face you piece of shit
I'll sproink your shit up
where's lanayas dick?
Every time I don't want to spoiler I spoiler, and vice versa.
I want to have SEX with lina.
Lina is really HOT
sis pls
Don't fight. Do what sisters should always do to each other instead.
post more any time
Is the game in danger of becoming like LoL where there's only one community-accepted way to play a character? I'm seeing way more resistance to unconventional builds than I did in the past, which is strange since the meta is theoretically more open than it's ever been as well.
So, is there a general consensus on Underlord? He's sitting at a 52% winrate and his kit seems extremely versatile and useful all the time.
splitpush teams and early push comps with mek can make especially good use of him tbh
Get out of my face and don't come back
That's always been the case, unless you win the game convincingly. Fuck'em and play how you want, I usually just give'em a heds up if it's gonna get weird
That's Slithice
And unfortunately there's not alot of her, beggars can't be choosers.
Just say fuck you to anyone that argues and do your best, going 25+ with that build and carrying the game will prove those fags wrong.
I just ignore them. I love playing PA mid and that often results being the target of the team's hate when shit goes wrong, even when I do great myself, but what the fuck do I care what some other faggots think?
Admittedly every 10 or so games I get people sperging out and trying to physically body block me out of the mid lane, but I chalk that up to the very low (1k) mmr I'm stuck in.
The only way that would happen is if Valve saw a profit in policing how people play.
that's a cute Spectre
Having just looked at the first one, its better play than I would have imagined.
The reason for low MMR seems to be mainly related to understanding of the macro level of dota 2, not the micro.
For example the team composition sucks (which is to be expected), no real carry or anything. The network distribution also sucks, the supports in your teams, for example, will have 5-10k more networth than the supports in a pro match, while the carries will have 10-20k less networth than in a pro match at around the same time. The supports generally do a lot less with items than the carries, which is why its not so bad that supports have less money.
Team fights are only somewhat existing in your game. Its more a series of single engagements by team members, you yourself also dive a lot to far every now and then (surprisingly still getting kills out of it sometimes).
Not too great focus on objectives, for example going for a tier 4 tower when half the enemy team is still up and you have two lanes you could racks much easier should gravitate you towards that. tier 4s is really if you believe you can end the game at that point, which generally means your major damage dealers with some support are still up while nobody on their side can realistically kill your damage dealers. A 2 racks advantage would bring the lanes in your favor a lot more as well as give you a lot of money (especially in this low MMR, it would mean the enemy nearly never goes to your base again, because those MMRs generally fail to keep a lane pushed with just one person).
Item choices are sometimes odd in your lower MMR, like a shadow shaman with heart, while a refresher or even octarine would be much better for his hero. And on your team there was a huge lack of invisibility counters. Even if you are the carry and your support fails at buying sentries, you can sometimes do it yourself, its 100 gold per sentry, and if you get an enemy ward with one, you get your money back + then some. If you get an enemy player with it, you get much more than your money back.
If you think you can improve, I would try and suggest you play a ganking/stacking support for a bit. Shouldn't be too hard at your MMR with the early game lack of vision in the jungle. Something like a vengefull or lion could do very well. Don't take away farm from your carry, do creep pulls to deny enemy farm, stack jungle camps a bit (especially if you have something like a jungling sandking or alchemist in your team). Accept that you will get less farm as long as it means your carry will have an item extra over the enemies carry. You will probably still be able to get a lot of money from early game ganking because people don't adjust their possitioning to a missing player at low MMR. An early blink lion would probably destroy the enemy team. To train your own positioning, buy blink on nearly everything you play as. It is almost never a bad buy and can get you in or out of situations quite well.
Do keep in mind that just because you do well, it doesn't mean you are therefore doing the right thing. PA mid can work, it has some ganking power with level and gold advantage, although it requires luck, so why not. The meta of what you can pick and make work is really open at the moment. But you do have to be good at the hero you pick, and the entire team has to be able to work with it.
Valve tested a lot of data at the start of dota 2 (and probably still does), they found that the main factor why people stopped playing wasn't wins or losses, but how teammates react. Which is why you get in low priority for flaming and the like. If you play well, it doesn't really matter much if you take in meta picks or not. As long as they can function in what the team does.
I don't know what team to cheer for now. I guess Digital Chaos is my new favorite team because Misery and Moonmeander.
Empire forever, no matter what.
But its about time they get a successfull roster again.
I care more about the players than the team, but there are no teams with that many players I care about. At most its 2/5 or so.
I care about how the team plays, for example wings is also a favorite to watch, because they are unpredicatable, and empire is one just because they can both come back from horrible shit or throw away great shit.
Whatever team sumail and zai join
good taste
but i prefer witch doctor
I don't know about you but I still build invoker like autist.
Clockwerk buffs when
Yeah I can't really remember why that SS went for that stupid bullshit, I was essentially the core on that team.
I don't like playing support, it's fucking boring. Just mindlessly running around with no real purpose having to suck your carries cock and get him kills every few minutes disabling, then spamming abilities in teamfights.
You're just telling me shit I know. I know I get greedy, but my greedy playstyle has awarded me more then enough to be so. Plus as visage I have TOO FUCKING MUCH armor and everyone plays physical carries and feeds me kills until I get a heart and am farmed as fuck, so might as well go for more.
If you want to watch me stumble on my keys some more, Match ID: 2612297370. All I play is Visage because it's free MMR.
give Valve money and they'll buff any hero you want
Mokou hero when
how's potlord?
Does Toehoe seriously have notpiranhaplants?
Surprisingly good, I've seen it in all kinds of roles but only really shined on mid: he's tanky as fuck, and with the xp advantage he can deal a lot of damage. Q and W dont look like much when you read the patch notes but it's really good. Also, W is an area root
I love support because I have a fuckton of stuff to do rather than farming for 40 mins and clicking on the enemies
ActionSlacks is a fucking cancer upon this planet earth.
Support early game, especially ganking support can be a lot of fun, obviously late game you can easily become just another kill for the enemies carry, but even then. Support does not mean just standing around your carry.
Keep in mind that if you get killed, especially as the primary core of your team, even getting 2 kills afterwards might mean your playstyle did not reward you. Dead players don't do anything, as a core, you want to nearly never die. Getting two less kills but being able to push the baracks afterwards is often much more important.
Visage is probably just free MMR because nobody is used playing against it at your MMR, core visage will not get you much further in higher MMR. Either way, try building blink on visage to get even better. It will help you with having to dive not as deeply or getting out of deep dives. Not to say that blink is the best item you can get, but if you are playing ultra agressive anyway, its can be so good. That or force staff. As a core, your priority should be to stay alive more than just getting kills unless its kills on their core. And even then, in their base, even that is generally not worth dying unless you are playing something like specter, because their buyback puts them back in the action while your buyback doesn't do anything right away.