How the fuck did this become such a consistent thing? Is it like a rule now?
Diablo-style game
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how the fuck did this become such a consistent thing? Is it like a rule now?
I actually only wanna talk about the one thing and didn't know a better way to start the conversation.
I actually really liked the desert act in Diablo 2. For some reason though act 3 is boring as fuck.
My favourite was the swamp act. But the desert act was definitely very good.
There's not much to talk about, user. Yes, point and click loot hunters have been aping diablo 2, very poorly, for almost two decades.
Hah! Joke's on you, Grim Dawn's second act takes place in a bunch of sandy, rocky cliffs!
why not an explorable overworld like every other RPG worth a shit? what gives with the points of no return?
… what Diablo ripoff doesn't let you go back to previous acts?
Actually in Diablo 2 you could travel between acts freely after you finished them.
sure is underage in here
Shitposting hom-os
There's one in every thread
I don't think path of exile has acts as defined as diablo, but wasn't the main second area a jungle ?
I liked the desert act in 2.
I just don't understand why every single Diablo clone HAS to have a desert in the second act.
- Torchlight 2
- Titan Quest
- Diablo 3: The Blizzard Fangame
- Grim Dawn
Why is this such a major feature in all of them?
Because diablo 2 is perfect and emulating things it did is how they think you make an aRPG
long story short: like deus ex, diablo 2 pre-empted and perfected elements of the genre's gamplay, making a "simpsons did it" scenario when the developers of competing games unironically thought 1:1 copies were good and would have longevity such as titan quest
I really liked going through the ruins of Burrwitch and would've appreciated going through the ruins of a proper city. Oh well.
Ya, PoE has acts, and act 2 was in a jungle. In fact there isn't a desert act in the game.
Though I'm guessing Holla Forums doesn't play
Yes, underage faggot.
I remember PoE being a LE HARDCORE XDDDD SOULSLIKE circlejerk game with shit servers and constant disconnects.
I know people would complain about /oos before lockstep but the servers really weren't that bad
Thanks for the correction, haven't played PoE since forever. Never played the extensions in fact.
Dungeon Siege 2's second environment (not act) was also a desert and it's not just Diablo clones, I've noticed a bunch of other games in different genres also like putting a desert in the second act.
That might actually go as far as Super Mario Bros 2's international release.
sage for double post.
Path of Exile is definitely objectively the best diablo-like ARPG there is, better than the Diablos even.
It has had what, like 4 expansions now? All free of course, since they make all their profit from selling cosmetic skins. 3 days from now a new large expansion is coming that adds huge amount of content to the already very rich end game content.
I think you mean Diablo 2 like
Blade & Sword's 2nd act is a snowy mountain area, like D2's act5. PoE 2nd is a jungle.
Except from that, yeah its always rocks n sands.
Grim Dawn's second act is a wild-west sort of thing. It's not a desert by any stretch of the imagination.
fucking rpgfags
They're spreadsheet simulators. Always have been, always will be. Apply yourself, nigger.
Lemme guess, it's another Linux fork, right?
the biggest thing is this
Yeah that's good, but I personally never had performance problems with the game. Still nice that it improves for everyone now.
I'm more excited about the 19 new bosses and 30 new end game maps, and a completely new way of upgrading maps in addition to the usual map crafting. This is going to make end game even better than before, and it was already very addicting.
Oh, except of course, I did have performance problems when playing in a 6 man rota. There's always someone with CoC and it lags the game for everyone. Hopefully this finally fixes that.
>definitely objectively the best
Hah, Lionheart Legacy of the Crusader's second act was in the sewer not in the desert.
Yeah, it's a multiplayer game dumbfuck. You need to trade with other players to do well in the game. It's built around multiplayer, unlike say D3, which is a single or multiplayer game that for some fucking reason requires you to be online.
D3's case is idiotic, but since the entire PoE has been built around multiplayer, no shit you need to be online.
Grim dawns second act takes place in the wild west.
Yes, and that makes it bad for people like me who prefer single player ARPGs.
So it's an MMO without being an actual MMO.
i.e. shit.
I understand that, if you want a single player experience then PoE might not be for you. Though, you can avoid co-op with other players entirely. I pretty much only solo, my only interaction with other players is trading loot I find for currency orbs.
No. It's fucking incredible. Best mechanic out of all ARPGs. You wouldn't understand without seeing it for yourself, but the trading is very addicting because you can become very wealthy that way and get any gear you want by buying it with the profits you've made.
It's basically 70% farming and 30% trading, then you buy and craft insane gear with your profits, and start farming harder end game areas. The challenge never runs out because of how many tiers of end game maps there are.
It's the best.
That's like saying TF2 has one of the best mechanics in all FPSs because you can trade weapons and items with other players for loads of money.
man, atlas of worlds looks hype as fuck
You sound like a gambling addict. Perhaps you need to reevaluate your life, man. Go see your priest or something.
He sounds like he would enjoy a virtual stock market.
you dont NEED to trade to do well, i always play selfound and get to lvl 80 - 85 on hc, always end up dying because of some retarded thing, but shit happens
That's a stupid comparison. You trade skins in TF2 for virtual Steam currency, right? In Path of Exile you trade gear you find for IN GAME currency, that you can not trade for real money.
The in game currency in PoE are consumable items of varying rarities, for example orbs that turn normal items into rares (Orb of Alchemy), reroll all modifiers on a rare item (Chaos Orbs) or add a new modifier to a rare item (Exalted Orb, incredibly rare and valuable). You buy gear with these and sell gear for them, then buy what you need for your specific build with the currency orbs.
Yep, can't wait. Finally an end game expansion.
Yes, but it's gambling about a completely free to play game in game currency that you can't buy with real money. That's a good thing, hey, I could be addicted to real money gambling. Some retards are addicted to microtransaction gambling, which is the worst.
At least in PoE you gamble with stuff you actually had to find by farming, no risk of losing real money.
PoE is a virtual stock market. There are lots of 3rd party software made by players that let you put your loot on sale online, then other players can see it, whisper you and come to your location to trade for it.
Yes, I'm addicted. No, I don't care. The game is very fun.
mods a shit
There you have it. Path of Exile is 30% virtual stock market, 70% excessively grinding.
It allows you to enjoy the stress of being a wageslave and the shekel grabbing of being a kike*.
Truly the game of the century, up there with masterpieces like No Man's Sky (G-d bless Sean "Barefooted Mythomaniac" Murray for bestowing his brilliance upon us), Korean Hamster Wheel grinder 3267 and, of course, Fallout 4, the game with the highest salt yield per spoilered player ever.
I always get muted from global for hours every now and then for talking about the international Jewry. But you can never get permabanned from PoE chat or from the game at all for just saying things in chat. So we can always return to redpill chat later.
Also, it always seems like a large population of the players on global chats are Trump supporters, which is nice.
*Schizophrenic Delusion not included in game, all players who want the ultimate Path of Exile experience must bring their own mental ailments.
The shitposting in poe globals is top tier. I just hope the multithreading update further prevents global chat from dropping fps.
Except PoE actually has very good and fun combat gameplay dumbfuck. The grinding in it is enjoyable. It undoubtedly has also the best end game out of any ARPG, since you can craft the end game dungeons yourself.
Do I really see someone whine about "excessive grinding" in an ARPG thread? That's literally what all these games are about.
I bet you faggot never even played D1.
No clue when you played the game but I manage to do just fine when typing slurs, at the very worst I have been muted for 30 minutes.
There are also a lot from half/pol/ from what I have noticed. The thing about not being permabanned is the fact that the devs are perfectly aware of the game being free-to-play so they don't really bother with long bans because everyone is already used to starting from scratch so issuing a permaban wouldn't do much.
Being a wageslave can be fun until you hang yourself because you realize you wasted your life and are now a husk of your former self, robbed of years of your life which you spent on 30% shekelwizardry, 70% daily, soulcrushing grind made bearable with a few flashing colors and a whole lot of ethanol.
it was like 2 hours ago, what do you call niggers to not get caught? the one who banned me was Alex_GGG
Nigger, you're whining about such a thing on the videogame board. Everyone here is wasting their lives on games.
As I said, it's actually very fun.
Also, I don't play too much. Wonder where you got the idea that I am playing so much that it's "consuming my life" or something?
if you hate grinding, you hate ARPGs, so if you hate ARPGs so much, why are you in this thread?
You mean you can play grim dawn? It just crashes on the menu screen for me.
are you meaning to tell me that enigma, and call to arms, and +skill grand charms, and magic find gear aren't flaws?
i hope you're just trolling
fam you playing HC? i need some boots for my ranger, lvl 50 - 55, got something to trade?
I just call them niggers which is really it. I know that some mods in particular get triggered but most generally only whisper you to tell you that someone got butthurt and that you should stop. For example on time I got a warning after saying Islam is fucking retarded which I could clearly tell was only due to a report because I shitposted about lampshades for a fairly long time before the comment about Islam.
Not playing now, quit this league already, waiting for the expansion coming in 3 days and the start of the new league.
Why do you even care about getting something for your ranger 3 days before new leagues start?
im on perma hardcore, not prophecy
Why would you ever play on standard hc or sc? Leagues are so much better and almost all the players are there.
Races aren't 24/7 and leagues can sometimes be pretty shit like with Hardcore Perandus.
Because it's too exotic to be a first act, but too familiar to be a final act.
got bored of prophecy also they are adding it to perma hc, i'll play the fuck out of the new league, too bad it starts the same day than the new terraria update
Yeah Prophecy was lame, I stopped playing it like 1 month in, shortest I ever played a league. But the new league and the expansion look very fun.
This thread is related enough to my question, so ill ask here:
Im playing Dungeon Siege right now, and i'm loving it, though i havent played a diablo clone before. What game should i play next to get into the genre? Should i start with D1 or go into a different game?
The formula is shit, it's just that every game that uses it is a boring repetitive grind, so anything slightly interesting seems better by comparison. I can't wait till the diablo formula finally dies, it's on it's last legs because people didn't support the attempts to deviate from the formula like dungeon siege and just want a watch-numbers-go-up simulator, too bad no one else does.
play PoE fam, best arpg
He says he's just getting into the genre though. PoE is not very casual friendly. He should try Diablo or Diablo 2 first.
They are adding it to HC? Seems kinda weird to do so, it was a nice little feature but I really see no reason to add it to the main game
Marvel Heroes doesn't have a desert for its second chapter, does that count?
Checkmate, OP.
im sure it's just because they wasted a lot of money in the voice actress, and they dont want it to go to waste
Huh? why would the prophets VA cost a lot. It was just some nigger.
dont know, they said it had over 7k lines or some shit
I'm not seeing it. Looks neat though, what game is it?
The October update will add an Aetherial-infested city as a new Skeleton Key dungeon.
I very much preferred strolling through Arkovian steppes, but this seems like something you'd like.
I love the steppes, and I've heard about the update, I just think it would be an interesting early game setting for one of these types of games.
it's not fucking complicated
How the fuck did they end up with that many lines? There is no way near enough text in the game for that and I doubt the trailer was twenty minutes long
What the fuck do you even move with a mouse in what game?
Nothing, Its a dreamcast game
Phantasy Star Online
If you have the PC version, I'm pretty sure the mouse can be used for scrolling through menus and confirming things.
It's Diablo.
Also known as Phantasy Star Online. The lead designer of it specifically admitted that he had been playing a lot of Diablo while developing it, and based a lot of its mechanics around it.
Wow, not used to replying to such casuals.
You have low fucking standards if you're gonna call it the "best".
I'll admit it was fun through the second difficulty tier, but their balance department took a holiday when setting up the third. Most games the meme builds are just for people who can't brain.
PoE, when I played it, felt like they balanced the mobs so someone using things like the gains-an-x-per-mob scaling of Lightning Arrow build that was oh-so-popular at the time.
Couple that with the fact that anyone with half a brain could kite indefinitely as a ranged character.
It's a massive slog at endgame. There's no real challenge. I mean sure, running around with something like 10k less HP than recommended for your content level and kiting the fuck out of everything takes skill- doubly so when it takes you 7+ seconds per kill in spite of a very glassy single target dps build. But it isn't fulfilling. It's playing rocket tag, only you've got the one that fires balloons instead of explosives.
Of course, this was at least two, if not three or four years ago that I was playing it so maybe their balance team got their heads out of their collective asses, nerfed the absurdly scaled abilities and toned the content back so you can actually have fun with the crazy passives tree and skill gem combo system rather than being obligated to play solely shit that should be nerfed.
remember uber trist
Lut Gholein had the best music and NPC's, third act a shit. Also the false tombs were pretty cool and were fun to grind for gear and levels
They didn't, now it's even harder to get good gear because the item pool just gets more and more bloated with each patch
On the topic of dungeoncrawlinghackandslasharpgs, does anyone know if these are working on emulators yet?
Last I checked they're were barely functional in the beta versions of PCSX2.
Diablo 2, of course, did the transition from temperate climate to scorching desert best.
In D2: A cinematic shows how much of a long, arduous journey it is to get to Lut Gholein from the Rogue Camp.
In D3: You talk to an Arab in New Tristram and, *bing*, you might as well have teleported.
Desert act in torchlight 2 is the 3rd act.
So what you're saying is, you found it too hard? Sounds like that's your complaint here.
Just because a game is hard and not catering to casuals such as yourselves, does not make it bad.
I always get whatever gear I need and want for my build. You just have to know how to do it.
Kys tl2 sucks