Webm thread

New OC Edition

The last webm thread is full.Time for a new one.

The last thread had a lot of old videos which were being reposted. We should try to generate a lot of new content this time.

Other urls found in this thread:


I grew up in New Guinea and have witnessed most of what is shown in this video.




Are there actually based teenagers out there that realize this pronoun PC bullshit is a farce and actually trolling school admins or was that guy being a legit fur fag?

Anyone know the source for this one ?

It's good to send to normies.






Based Gundam repills us about the Post WWII world order, neocons, neolibs, and the NWO.


Also Give me some ideas for some webms.




















Haven't seen this posted in a long time.



The kids always get me right in the feels.












Oy vey you filthy goyim, don't you dare spread this everywhere right before school starts!

So let me get this strait, they have one rule to treat the baby pigs like their children to the point of breast feeding them, and another rule that basically obligates them to waste the meat after brutally slaughtering them?

I-is a group of frogs really called an army?

It's not an iron clad rule. It's more the fact that the local blacks are too lazy to plant crops so breast-feeding the pigs is the only way to prevent them from starving. On those very rare occasions in which there is enough food to go around they feed the pigs proper food instead.



Never stop dreaming, user. Unless you're a filthy beaner





Music source on that second web?


These remind me of the shit adult swim plays when it comes back from commercial.

Imagine if Holla Forums had a TV channel where they could play episodes of MDE or a show where a group of guys in red morph suits in actual suits could act out a thread by saying the text and they could play videos or webms on a TV.

IMO great concept but to be honest when you actually apply the concept of the floating obstructive logo there will be few people who enjoy the video playing under unless they've seen the underlying clips before. Maybe try making the logo's negative space less opaque?

its from the 90s anime Berserk











Golden one is getting pretty aggresive

Golden One claimed that it wasn't him
But I'm not convinced he hasn't just cloned himself because admiring yourself in the mirror can only go so far.

dawaj cyka))))



I remember seeing this live (the 22x22 one). It turns out the core was too weak so it broke. It's a shame since he had been assembling it for months. I felt pretty bad for correnpuzzles when it happened.
Luckily he did make it again with a stronger core, and stickered it. That version worked fine (he did a few simple patterns on it and it held up).

I've been making a few far right videos to entertain myself which I've considered posting here, but I don't know shit about internet security/tech and don't want to be doxxed.
I can see a rise in far right/NatSoc youtube channels. It will be beautiful. Of course, they must purely be for entertainers, if they begin blogposting, and gaining followers who follow them, and not their actions, then it will give way to e-celeb faggotry.

if they can identify you
edit out all those parts before release

Another beautiful homogenous culture about to be destroyed.




So OC thread is full of the same old webms. Either people are illiterate or retarded.


dont fucking start with this scheisse





2b used in threads at the right moment






That felt like an hour.

I don't want to argue with dubs but do gorilla mating ritualistics gotta do with Hitler?

Post this on /salt-left/, harvest delicious salt.

Name of anime?

Is that shit mind control? I feel weird.

Just for cleaning my mind.

Good stuff

requesting the webm of the kamikaze anime with layered over subs

What song?

Have another

Teenagers, user. School just started. That's one hell of a "make white babies in space" propaganda video for both genders. Niggers didn't invent shaking their ass for their husbands/boyfriends. Whites did that first and better too, obviously. You give white girls a masculine figure to seek approval from. You also tie sexuality to the conquest of space, romanticizing it, and correctly imply that the reward of sexy women comes to the men who do conquer it, replete with apparent phallic imagery and womb imagery.

And that's before getting into the implicit suggestion that white culture is inherently spacefaring. Lot going on in a few seconds the more I think about it.

#twerk4hitler #twerkforhitler #twerk4hitlerchallenge

I made a new bumper over a year ago, and I just wanna post it, but Operation Orangutang won't up the fucking filesize limit, so I still can't post it.

Here's some Holla Forums content though.



nice digits there, user.













was this redwall, or what was sauce?











Who is the guy in the last webm?



" In late 1934 and early 1935 Menzies, then attorney-general, unsuccessfully prosecuted the government's highly controversial case for the attempted exclusion from Australia of Egon Kisch, a Czech Jewish communist."
fuck wondering kikes





song on webm #2?



Oh he is definitely a shill. Just have it saved in my funny folder.













I made that bumper over a year ago and I wish I could have fixed the many problems with it. The big thing was that I had made the logo image way too wide and when it was applied to the video it made it seem stretched and as a result much of the video was obstructed. I also should have used better clips and made the motion a lot more consistent, however I have learned a lot since then and if I were to do another one of those I would make it more worthwhile.

When I first released that I got a lot of criticism due to those types of things. One user went and made a detailed point by point analysis of that one webm pointing out all of its faults.

that work camp video is the best

Anyone have the webm with the lady telling a story about a man whose house gets infested with rats?

I love taylor

Iirc there's a slight mis-translation but it doesn't change the overall story.



You're my hero, user.


Holy shit I spotted my OC in that.

Guerra ultramarina
Has a nice ring to it.



I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I remember seeing edited version of this one with sad music over it. Anybody has it?

Is this the clip you're looking for?


What is the song playing the club?

Can someone post the anime where the blonde, short Nazi girl asks for passports and removes the Taco's?

Yes. Thank you.

Don't have the webm. The anime is Youjo Senki.

Thank you goy

this is so old school that its cute

i really like this one lory





that 2nd video was painful to watch

rightwing amv hell when?

The Father is returning as we speak, to put an end to all of this.

Why not make Reich Music Videos (rmv) instead?

I like this one. Very comfy.

Just reduce the resolution or FPS to make it smaller. Reducing audio quality also helps a lot without being noticeable.

What is the purpose of those baphomet gore videos? I don't get it.

I think we missed the boat on how advanced/nuanced the South African and Rhodesian military doctrine was. They blended the small numbers of actual combat soldiers available with the relative abundance of military hardware (compared to many smaller nations) seamlessly.

If whites were to fight a guerilla war against a collapsing government, southern Africa is an excellent place to understand later phase tactical combat. The IRA and similar entities are good templates for midstage urban operations.

He's like a mixture of Ned Flanders, Ryan Reynolds, and every fire and brimstone preacher of the old west.

Someone has the RWDS one?
I think it was under 1 min and posted here a year and a half ago. Jewtube deleted the vid but the webm is still in someone, right?




Bump to combat sliders.




Keep an eye on AHS this season, lena dunham is involved and judging from the twitters of the writers they are 100% serious.





Fucking saved

anyone have the webm that has a scientist basically tl;dr-ing the estrogen in the water due to plastics food birthcontrol etc? thanks

jk found it

basic segurity

be safe but smart first, dont reuse phone or simcard, unless you wan't to get doxxed



How is that pond not a fucking desert of ashes?

Video from "Killing Private Kraut"




Anyone have the source of those "cannon/bomb blast" beats?


Hate it personally but I really do appreciate it's use when the board is being raided.

That 2nd video was from 2014, before Merkel let it 1 million "refugees".




Anyone have that weird art video where it starts with two white kids with a golden gauntlet and shows the decline of a society?

I don't sadly.






I'll repost it shortly.
It will give me another opportunity to test my latest creation.
Webm posting is quite fun once the process is almost entirely automated.


How is it automated. Please inform me how you have that.





Please provide the source on this song, friend.



0/10 effort schlomo.

Pretty garbage webm if you are into nothing but listening to liberals bullshit the truth to make themselves feel better





Thanks, good shit.


Now it takes longer to download and encode than it does to fuck around with settings.

I still haven't found a webm solution that works. Enjoy the superior mp4's










Figured is out :)

What is this stuff? Did they really make some horror tv show based on donald trump winning????

Somone please explain this shit to me. Is it a parody or are they actually this deluded.

That reaction from merkel, she knows people want her dead





Hail Victory!

Its written by a kike and a faggot, one or both of them worked on glee.

you should remake it dubbs master


Well for starters lower the resolution to 540p. Make sure you have the latest ffmpeg with the latest libvpx version. Old versions are extremely slow to encode. If you don't mind waiting longer you can use -speed 0 to encode at the highest quality (-speed 1 is the default).




I generally like this pastor but I wish he read more than the bible. He says that that fagpedofuckface who wrote that bailout helped sell out country into fascism but I don't think he understands that fascism is by its own base assumptions against usury and the abuse of the people financially. It literally didn't want private banks to the point of banning them. I guess this is common knowledge on Holla Forums, newfags should read up






fuck off
Filter by ID to see what I've done.

fuck off with your animu prepubescent swimsuit grill you fucking monstaz shill
no one likes Popcorn Funk

This song with real war clips, has Hitler in it too



Source on the 2nd video?

This is why we have a preponderance of autists in our ranks.

That is a nice Gondola.


Here's the rest for anyone interested.


You're full of shit. You have no idea how to properly encode anything. Never mind actually optimizing your encode. All your videos could've easily been higher quality if you stopped for 10 seconds and did some fucking 3rd grade level math. At the very least you should be using the maximum bitrate you can for each video while staying just under the 12MB file limit. This is easily calculated with the following equation:

= * 8 * 1024 * 1024 / (1000 * ) -

For example a 3 minute video with 64kbps audio:
x = 12 * 8 * 1024 * 1024 / (1000 * 180) - 64
The video bitrate should be 495kbps. In practice the video usually ends up a bit smaller than 12MB. Try applying what you've just learned nigger and make higher quality webms.

Holy shit, you're a god… this is the highest quality I've seen of this webm… It's almost double the resolution and has better audio sample rate, very nice… very nice.

God fucking dammit I hate niggers. Entitled faggot motherfuckers, a bullet for each of them.

That's because I just made it. Back in 2015 I made a smaller version (the file size limit at the time was 8MB) and I guess it got re-encoded by people for whatever reason. The original video got taken down from youtube but you seemed interested so I uploaded it.


hahaha putin's face is priceless




That's hilarious



Damn, Trump must have superpowers if his breath can be felt at arms length.

Let's get that on a mess kit.



Why do I keep seeing this in every webm thread…
Gesaffelstein aka (((Mike Lévy))) is a known colossal kike here in France. I even remember the (((national radio))) making his promotion.

The video makers, Fleur&Manu, are ok as far as I know though. They did make some pretty good shit.

Consume two rancid cheese spreads to atone for thy sins, heretic.

its unedited



Checking those 8s.

Damn that first webm is golden.
Does anyone know the sauce?


Prob my favorite meme from the 2016 election.

I'm giving it back to you all, we need the energy to support GEOTUS in his crusade against the deep state.

Someone needs to make a Mexican edit to this.

Whoops forgot I used firejail.

You seem to lack basic English skills.
There are zero complaints in









It's abundantly clear that you're a pedantic faggot.









Sad. Charles Manson isn't crazy at all. He's more awake than most people I know

Well, here's to another uncomfortable conversation with my friends.



Offering some of my highest quality ms paint oc in exchange for the goddam song name.

Thats molymemes line, you Irish stooge.

klaas - feel (ft steve noble)

I've gone through every single Churchill speech and broadcast in 1936 and I couldn't find any of those quotes.

John Taylor Gatto dropping massive redpills on public vs private university curriculum, public school slavery, Bill Gates's H1B scheme, Dr Seuss's Cat and the Hat using a dumbed down vocabulary, Incomplete people produced by the government, consumer vs producer mindset, and poison slave food.


What's wrong with her face?

Looking for a video of a fella in a ski mask with the caption /burglrrr/ has music too

I thought summer was over

Not sure. She looks like she's mid-thirties and putting copious amounts of make up on before filming.

Love the concept, needs a bit more cleaning up in the execution. Looking into this myself now. Thanks for the inspiration user!

Looks like someone punched her in the face. Her nose is all over the place.

This meme looks like a three year old made it

Thank you for reminding me how much niggers deserve nuclear fire.

RIP high pressure fuel pump and injectors.


The petrol thing is abbos.
It's hilarious the retards get high on petrol constantly.

gets me everytime

mr taylor ive taken enough of your time
holy shit i love it when these typse of folks get btfo'd. like when ((ben shapiro)) cornered piers morgan and he just stuttered 'how dare you!' for like 5 minutes and they had to cut to a commercial.

Anyone have this one with sound?


I love how the cop at the end of the first video can't help himself and keeps chasing down the unwashed-commie scumtifa. Oh to be a baton in the right hand, at the right time.

I love how the cop at the end of the first video can't help himself and keeps chasing down the unwashed-commie scumtifa. Oh to be a baton in the right hand, at the right time.



Fucking checked. Dub-dubs confirm Jew as parasitic, vampire-ape.

Megumi! Are you Okay!

What the fuck. Is this that allegedly "faked" planned parenthood video I heard about when I was bluepilled? Starting to become pro-life just by watching it.

Funny how that works.
I'm old enough to have watched the Gulf War on television as a kid, and thought it was cool.
It get's worse when you start to go back and see just how much shit you willingly swallowed all this time.


Yeah, thinking back and rewatching things from a few years ago is a totally different experience now.




Does anyone have that Brazil webm about social 'progress.' It illustrated the death of that once beautiful nation so keenly.

Just wow.

Rationale behind WW2 and Hitler letting the Brits go at Dunkirk.

Playstation 2 era polycount.


I've heard his speech about the "principles of schooling" on a webm before. He says that it is beastial to divide people into casts and dumb down lower skilled workers. He is disgusted that school forces people to respect authority, that it teaches them to have a role in a society. He paints "realschule" as some kind of concentartion camp where people stop being people and instead, oh the humanity!, they learn respect for family, country and hierarchy! Oh no! What will happen if public schooling teaches even patriotism and love for your race? We will have the end of the world as we know it.
I've listened to the whole interview before, and this John Taylor Gatto, whoever he is, is the stupidest motherfucker there exists.


Tell me about the natives and dogs, I heard from another user that the natives beat doggos bloody for any reason or none, and after a white buys the dog that beast becomes the perfect guard dog because it hates fucking niggers so fucking much because whitey treats it so much better.

You're so fucking deluded. I'm kind of glad the elites use people like you as cannon fodder.


Guess I'll dump what clips I have. Going by smallest to largest, so bare with me.




When I was younger, my paternal grandfather told me "Never forget that these 'people' will never pull any punches. They will never show you any mercy, and they will stop at nothing to get rid of us and anything that could remind people that we ever existed."
Of course, that was before his Alzheimer's started to set in and strip him away piece by piece. He may not have been the best grandfather, but gods do I miss him now.

Starting to get into the 2MB range for these clips. Once they get into the 3MB range, gonna have to decrease number per post.




Dammit. Didn't mean to repost a webm that's already in the thread. (vid 3)


Last one I'm gonna post for this week. I'll be back after the weekend, guys. Might post more then.

i really love seeing old documentaries before the cultural Marxist took hold. they didnt give a fuck about what they were showing, no filters. only reality

there is one with the fag shit replaced, i will see if i can find it when i get home



Love you nonetheless Poland



Nobody watches Telmud Vision anymore, haven't you heard of the new bad-goyim habit of cord-cutting?
The new platform would be JewTube, but we know how that fight is going.
Instead, create content, post it on 8ch. The newest generation turns to the net for their entertainment anyway.

I've said this before in these threads. They need to sticky the webm threads and keep them up forever. Make it into a kind of Pol TV channel. Make it so anything posted in the Pol TV sticky can be reposted elsewhere.

As a burger, it's mind-blowing seeing this many white people in a major metropolitan area. I've never experienced anything like it.

the sound is fucked

I used to live 5 minutes from that milk bar. Can confirm the niggers (Sudanese) in this area are constantly pulling this shit, .mp4 related.

41 Burleigh Rd
Melton, Victoria


Not all niggers are equal, and Sudanese are some of the worst.



Better or worse than Somalians?

Tough call.Canadian hate crime laws originate in the 90s because white people, in response to primarily Somali swarmings (where like 5-30 niggers would jump a single or a few white people, take everything including the clothes and shoes etc, and beat the shit out of them with bats and knives etc) went around with bats and beat the shit out of random somalis and niggers at bus stops and on the street.
Heres an example from 2005, and yet people pretend Canada is some kind of special example of "diversity that works". They just dont report the crimes, because the media is primarily government owned (CBC, the main national broadcaster)

Oh and they still go on all the time, I could link several articles from 2015-2017.

Made some fresh OC from a recent Alex Jones vid, not a big fan but felt like it fit with a Phoenix Wright style mock up.

Apologies for no webm currently, will use it when it gets encoded

Born too late to fight in the bush wars, born just in time to incite one in your own country.

Yeah, that's quite common in some areas. It kind of goes like this:
You have to be careful not to wear black clothing around dogs like that, especially when they get old and their eyesight starts to go. They also tend to be a little unpredictable because of the trauma they suffered when they were puppies so they're a poor choice of pet if you have young kids.

The Papuans aren't niggers though, they're more closely related to the Abbos in Australia. Their temperament is very different.


thats a fucking good webm my dude, is it your OC?

Twerking is literally a traditional african fertility dance that has has no equivalent in european culture.

What we need is an independent online website that has anything and everything right wing from politics, news, comedy, history, documentaries, educational etc. First gather people up to mirror their content on there, crowd-source and fun shows like MDE or other right wing skits or cartoons and start attracting a fan base and open it up to donations and use of ads. Eventually you can implement a monthly subscription service that removes ads and gives some other perks, or something to that effect after it picks up steam.

these videos are made purely to elicit emotional responses.

gessafelstein pursuit

This is also a thing in Afghanistan. Any doggo more than a year old will gravitate towards coalition troops because most of their encounters with Afghans involve rocks being thrown at them. Even the herders who 'own' these dogs treat them like trash.

Its existence would be a Literally Hitler Nazi Hate Crime, and (((ICANN))) would hand the domain over to (((Google))). And we aren't quite yet at the point where normalfags have the Tor Browser (or some even easier equivalent) installed, although we'll probably reach that point sooner or later.


No, but I watch it every time I want to get amped up for fedposts

fair enough
thanks for posting anyway


When wasn't it? It's the most hellish paradise on this planet, it has everything in abundance (from the greates amount of drinking water, to the biggest stockpiles of raw uranium) and yet it is rules by incompetent corrupt retards with power trips and who'd sell their own blood to get power to keep the country a backwater shithole, if Brazil had been colonized by Japan, the world would be speaking moonspeak.

Demoralisation is coming and its going to hit hard

Webm?(news preferably, but the raw thing could also work on half of the viewers). Gotta spread this shit like wildfire, but the raw thing could trigger normalfags into shutting down their reasoning.

It's a parody. Both sides are portrayed as caricatures of themselves with the writers slightly favoring the left.

Just watch the episode and see for yourself. Many keks will be had. I had to keep re-watching scenes because of the over the top dialogue.

It's stuff like this that wakes up something in me, like an unshaking feeling about how history will ulltimately (and even temporarily, in the truest sense) will see this age, it also gives me doubt about how we interpret and misinterpret past fiction.

Requesting the "good morning Baltimore" riot webm




Kek. Fuck off CIA go glow in the dark. Aryan girls #twerk4hitler just because it bugs you.

Hail Murdoch Chan

Step on the gas

Haha, that can't be real can it? Those cops' reactions are priceless.

I'm starting to notice a lot more alt-right and race-realist channels on youtube, especially smaller ones. We're definitely taking on a lot of recruits at the moment.

pic unrelated

requesting webm

youtube-dl -f 43 https'':''//www.youtube.com/watch?v=DixJDVT17Ks

That oughta do it.



it's all so tiresome

There is something you should know user…

No, I know, lol. It wasn't the one I wanted. I'm going through all of my webms and there aren't any thumbnails. I thought it was the one with Chaffetz. Now, I'm renaming them all very anally.

Welp, that's depressing. Can anyone recommend a good book on what happened to Brazil? There's a Twitter account that does nothing but post before/after pictures of kids that go to college there. It's really unbelievable.

I know your struggle… I need to go through and rename all my shit as well. I have 17GB worth of files to sort through and name though.

Holy hell, lol. It's really amazing to me, I used to help build and deliver computers to school districts in the 90's. At one point I remember someone requested 4GBs of memory and I literally said "Why would anyone ever need 4GBs of memory?".

Also, I really prefer the happier webms; we get enough blackpill crap from the regular threads.

I used to give people shit for having over 8GB of memory, but now with all the shitty videogame companies like EA, Ubisoft, etc. releasing un-optimized shit and setting the trend for all the other companies: I can see the benefits of having 16GB of memory.

If you have a lot of memory you can run programs from a ramdisk. It's the fastest. Not such an issue with ssd's now being affordable.

I'm using a PC optimized for WOW MOP. I just found Fallout and GECK and am learning how to do mods. My computer is SHIT for any of that, lol. It's now having a hard time in Webm threads on pol. Lol, I'm now ready to throw up a CL ad for a real guru.

I know this feeling all to well.

Can somebody give me this guy's name in the second webm?

I can't find the quote from The Times in 1919, but in order to actually find it you would have to nail down the date and pay ~$35 for a copy. It's worth noting however that in numerous New York Times articles in 1919, which are free to be perused free of charge, Churchill touted opinions that make this quote very believable, and there are many sources which cite this quote.

After extensive research these quotes appear to be paraphrased, they are semantically correct, contrary to the opinions of blue pilled cucks on reddit. As mentioned in the description of the previous quote, it makes sense he would say these things since he regularly touted opinions which are semantically identical to the alleged quotes.

Force Multiplication, unfortunately his website got (((shut down))).

in an OC thread. Enjoy my new comfy space bumper.

Damn american television really is something else.

The only criticism I would have of him is references and footnotes. Refs and footnotes from others is how to break through in academia. Believe it or not, they can't (as of yet) deny prior writings.

Reference and footnote EVERYTHING, physically copy it, download it, gather books at garage sales, etc. We are going into dark times.I have a 15 yo son, it makes me sad.

Reported. The earth is flat.

It sounds like Tom Scott.

I'm not embedding because I think that would mean less people can post files in this thread.


I forgot the actual link, sorry.


Reported. You fucking subversive kikes.

Sorry that was in reference to :

It did not add the post ref for some reason



That's a Swedish girl doing "kulning" faggot









sup retrostein

missing punctuation, tsk tsk.



thanks for that. I always tried to use ffmpeg but this is way easier.

Comfy as fuck, user. Thanks

Get to work lads.


I found that pope niggers youtube channel

Code geass





We will get this back one day, whether tomorrow, 50 years or once the clock hand comes back around and history is repeated.
The joyous community shown within the clip gets me to much. I can't even imagine what it's like to be in a strong German community with communal events strictly because it's what they do.
I see this video and every time I ask myself, why did the Allies win?

We need to produce videos similar to the second for the midwest in the US. We need to push the division of the US into several countries. The midwest is the North American Europe. Eventually we will lay claim to the northeast, Canada and the PNW.

Likewise. I just found myself examining the condition of a Philadelphia. Its truly astounding shit, like watching a nature documentary about insect behavior.

new OC, freshly made last night.

Sadly, I missed the 9/11 anniversary. Please distribute across the web at your leisure.

Do you have a jewtube channel? f not can I post them in mine, all credit goes to Anonymous ofc.

what site is that user? I need to check up my own city




I know I'll get shit for posting a jewtube link, but holy fuck this is a brilliant idea.


Start at 1:20

You have been reported.


Fair enough but the point remains - this can be used to either poison the well of the pedo Elsa/Spiderman thing or else communicate simple friendly propaganda to kids. Either one works.

Are you this user?

Have more faith , We will make it so one day

Is she even Swedish? She doesn't look Swedish.

Nice , very good
Have some more military in return


00 was pretty based



holy shit, literally nuke Africa

I need help , screencaps come as the transparent checkerboard

That's the difference, schlomo. Real Americans stand and fight for our people and our country.

this was my thought as well, Americans don't run, every blade of grass

There is something wrong with her face, she looks like mongrel


Latest homicide in Toronto.

To be honest, I'd rather get shot, than turned into a pile of pixels.

Don't forget to get your copy of the new Wolfentstein.


Classified flesh-eating , what is this Zombie Defense?(or some gas)

Who would have guessed that Private Ryan could be a watchable movie if you substituted the soundtrack with the one from Rambo. Nice!

No it's a spoof.

Note the logo in the bottom right. Does it look perchance familiar?


It's all so tiresome. Can I play this game on the NatSoc team and purge the degeneracy.


There is still hope in Gen Z…

Nigger, that censorship better not be done by you.

Come on fam.


Dubs of truth

Song sauce?


Everything written in the letter about the Naval Academy is accurate. I got through USMC OCS last summer and there were females in the company. They sucked, got broken, and trashed morale. I know that the OCS I went to was watered down faggotry compared to the way it used to be. I can't stand wooks. They ruin everything they touch, especially your career. Leave killing to the killers.

user, any untainted military branches left without cunts ruining it?

Propably because she is with, so of course she isnt swedish.

it was "heavily edited" … by that they mean they took a 8 hour long surveillance video and cropped it down into 30 minutes or so.
they also released the full video so nobody can call them liars.

thats dangerous. if you were to put 2 metal screwcaps on each end of that pipe, it would become a bomb. if you were to mix ball bearings into that, you'd have a grenade.

those rockets are no joke.

This is why the white papuans and expats choose to segregate themselves away from them. It is very common for the women to get beaten brutally everyday by the men so because of that many papuan women always wanted to marry the white men. The dream of marrying a white man is very real.

wasnt this that liberal woman that went to help nig nogs only to have them turn on her?

Just found this.
Comments turned off, ratings turned off, and unlisted.

The balls on that guy. Yelling about international Jew in what I assume is Central Park. Whew lad.

nah lad, it's a girl without makeup.

Freshly made, just a few hours ago.


thats really good man


I've played with my VPN and think I have changed ID's since you made that post but yes, I'm the same user.

I made most those posts on my phone whilst trashed at me local pub and forgot them because I didn't think they were important at the time. To be entirely honest, I've never met an American or Briton with anything more than a passing interest in PNG. Tbh, I'm a little surprised that someone actually saved pics of my rants.

That having been said, having just re-read it, everything I said in pic 2 is true.

I still miss Boka. He was a great pet when I was a kid. I have a lot of fond memories of playing ball with him. Having said as much, he was a bit unpredictable due to the trauma he suffered. Boka was very large and put the fear of God in you. He sent a shiver down your spine when he was angry.

You shouldn't jump to conclusions though. Not all PNG posts are by me. I have seen other PNG anons on the board.

Fucking Degenerate.

we will make you proud one day uncle Adolf. I swear it.

Where is the charlottesville garage clip of the nigger starting it?

Literally focusing energy against blood and soil.

That's sacrilege, ya cunt!

Ann knows

Took from this post



check out this nigger getting maced

A good tool to record webms on screen.

We are going to need specialized Semite Removal Units in the RWDS.


You are like a little baby. Watch this.

great job Holla Forums, another great meme

Look at my other posts, I'm not leftpol, if we can't appreciate dark humor we're no better than the kikes.


user that's a poorly recycled meme
only the pewdiepie one is good, and that's because of him

also have some real dark humor

what movie is this


I think I've located their secret Holla Forums narrator

Example image from a potential meme campaign pushing #IsraelFirst

source? full video?




thanks user


Don't mention it brother.

This shit almost made me cry. If only.

SpecOps , Do they employ women at gitmo and blacksites or only in movies

I've been looking all over for the source of this clip. Any idea where it's from or who the two people in it are?




That reporter is such a faggot.

This Anderson guy is pretty cool.

fantastic apart from the roman salutes and swastikas… it might just work on normies otherwise





Oy vey are you a nazi racist bigot?

Oh I am praisin

Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade

i didn't know frankie was jewish

Niggers take advantage of the social trust inherent to civilized communities, mainly whites or Asians. The only thing niggers understand is force, which is largely prohibited by law in civilized regions, unfortunately.

Song name?



cyka blyat

Who is in control? Anyone?

The vid I had was called
Brazil - What Happens if we Lose.
Which was i think an accurate name for the vid.

What is it with blacks and being in the actual street. Not 'the hood' but the actual fucking arterial roadways. They just walk across the damn road all the fucking time. It's like a power thing or something.
Cops won't even talk to them, they do it in front of police cars in my city. It's such a waste of time.

You can't even hit em because then you're the asshole according to the courts.

Is it wrong to get a discreet chubby from the chimp with the yellow box?

Yep. You're into animal pussy. Might as well go fuck a chimp, nigger.

Too much Christcuckoldry, otherwise, not bad.

Pic related

>Gesaffelstein aka (((Mike Lévy))) is a known colossal kike here in France. I even remember the (((national radio))) making his promotion.
Kike or no, its a good video demonstrating - perhaps unconsciously - many important ideas. Its basically a kike gloating over the degeneration of European society, cataloging the slow decline.
It may be a kike gloating, but its something Europeans should take note of, because that king in the box? He is what they fear most.

Reported for Jew.



shuttershot45 is his username, he records everything at protests




Or, they publish videos of Manson telling some truth about a particular subject so that, henceforth, they can ostracize with guilt by association anyone that attempts to tell that same truth.

Just like anyone who tells the truth about the Jews can be branded a Hitler.

And anyone who tells the truth about black crime/dysfunction can be branded a Dylan Roof.

And anyone who criticizes Industrialization/Modernity can be branded a Ted Kaczynski.

(Credit to Miles Mathis for this theory.)

hows your navy?


It is a strange thing that civilized societies should necessarily deprive the fundamental element of society it's natural authority.

That brand is not a positive thing it is the mark of sacrifice to the evil and terrible force in the world the Apostles, ethereal gods that besiege the hero and his loved ones with supernatural entities for the price they escaped paying in a supernatural eclipse ritual that their former comrade sought to sacrifice them in for godliness. It's not a positive mark.

I have no idea where else to post this but I found this video on JewTube and it's fucking hilarious

Another one by the same guy.

I want to say nigger logic but this kind of makes sense.

Found this one on Holla Forums of all places.

Share the account name?

Mein broder.
I was thinking of that scene the other day and how it relates to us whites.
Great minds think alike.



God damn that was savage


This must mean something

What's wrong with me?!

Their treatment of animals is another reason to exterminate non-whites. This pisses me off.

Nigger think they own the road, and do this shit everywhere. They'll actually slow down if they cross in front of a car(instead of waiting 3 seconds to cross). I fucking hate niggers.

Nope. This is shitty.

I just made this one. It's dubbed "The Double Nazi Punch"


Did you just make a joke Bobby?

The songs about Dylann Roof and thats the Charleston church you dumb fucking newfag.

What's the name of the band/song?

Okay faggot, go suck a nigger's cock then.


What the fuck, this shit doesn't play for me in browser. It plays in my MPC player.

Any news about it?

same problem for me with mp4's

RWDS has done more propaganda efforts than you ever will you absolute twat.

BTW and unrelated what ever happened to GEX?

No clue m8.

source: youtu .be/cxK2y-N10Bs

God damn that op song is fucking gay. Are you trying to rehash the 90s skinhead shit? Jesus christ

I rate 88/14


my dinner with andre


well fuck me

well the get is right at least

Wasted Quints.


I cant seem to find any working links for the entire DBZ series, Raditz to Buu. Been wanting to binge on it lately, every place seems to have the videos taken down

Gotta check these dank ass dubs


Uncle Charlie droppin some red pills old school style.

good taste, user

This shit is so 1984

What's a PNG? Is that like a mini australia?

Why is he so likeable?

Just watched Marching to Zion, it's pretty good but he cucks out on the race thing at the end.

Sounds like you're a fucking normie.

What song is this? Or genre. I can only really hear a rhodes electric piano but that's the only part I'm familiar with.


holy kekarooni

Oh my fuck. I just found this

Anthropologist here
The Etoro Tribe of PNG is specifically what redpilled me And what made me lose faith in god, but that's a different story. If you have any more stories I would love to hear them.


does NO ONE have a version of that song without the cut off at the end?

i've been working on a bash script for 8ch mp4's. if anyone is interested, this script will automatically choose a bitrate to match a 10MB file size, and uses hardware acceleration if your using intel. you also pass it an option to scale the resolution.

you need ffmpeg and vaapi installed

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg i965-va-driver

#!/bin/bash# $1 = original file# $2 = new file# $3 = resolution scale rate, 1, 0.75, 0.5, etc#usage: ./8chvid.sh input.mp4 output.mp4 0.5#get the video lengthTIME=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration \-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 $1)echo "Time:$TIME"#calculate bitrates targeting 10MBAUDRATE=64VIDRATE=$(echo "((10*8192)/$TIME)-$AUDRATE" | bc)kAUDRATE=$AUDRATE"k"echo "AUDIO BITRATE:$AUDRATE"echo "VIDEO BITRATE:$VIDRATE"#calculate target resolution based on scale factoreval $(ffprobe -v error -of flat=s=_ -select_streams v:0 \-show_entries stream=height,width $1)echo "ORIG WIDTH:$streams_stream_0_width"echo "ORIG HEIGHT:$streams_stream_0_height"ASPECT_RATIO=$(echo "scale=4; $streams_stream_0_width / $streams_stream_0_height" | bc -l)echo "ASPECT:$ASPECT_RATIO"NEW_WIDTH=$(echo "$streams_stream_0_width*$3" | bc)echo "NEW_WIDTH:$NEW_WIDTH"NEW_HEIGHT=$(echo "$NEW_WIDTH/$ASPECT_RATIO" | bc)echo "NEW_HEIGHT:$NEW_HEIGHT"ffmpeg \-hwaccel vaapi \-hwaccel_output_format vaapi \-vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 \-i $1 \-vf "format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload,scale_vaapi=w=$NEW_WIDTH:h=$NEW_HEIGHT" \-threads 1 \-y \-acodec aac \-b:a $AUDRATE \-vcodec h264_vaapi \-b:v $VIDRATE \-maxrate $VIDRATE \-bufsize 1M \-movflags faststart \-g 60 \-f mp4 \$2

I get an error, user.

$ Video.mkv test.mp4 0.5Unrecognized option 'hwaccell_output_format'.Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

Maybe your version of ffmpeg is newer than mine? I'm using the version from deb-multimedia.


if you want to make it portable to other OSs you will need a sub to determine OS and nproc/cat /proc/cpuinfo / grepping sysctl -a for other shit.

ya that's wierd, i'm using 3.2.4 and it works with that. trying switching to another version of ffmpeg, it's definitely a legit option.

you can try just deleting that line, it should still be hardware accelerated, but i just tested it and it has a serious performance impact.
with hwaccell_output_format: 12.4x
without: 6.5x

this script is explicitly using vaapi hardware encode and decode, it's using the gpu, not the cpu, and ffmpeg recommends using only 1 thread for hardware encode/decode.

everytime i run ffmpeg with this i get the warning
"[h264 @ 0x5558d8f9df80] Hardware accelerated decoding with frame threading is known to be unstable and its use is discouraged."
looking it up all the answers said read the warning it's pretty clear, use 1 thread lol.


Does that mean pornography can also rewire the brain? Fapping to fags and interracial porn can change your thinking? Holy shit that is fucked up.


Fuck off CIA go glow in the dark.

Apparently is still really ruffling some feathers over there. You can't stop it now though. #t4h

This statement makes no sense to me. Care to explain?

What sort of stories would you like to hear?

Anyone have "the truth is with us"?

Enya - How Can I Keep From Singing

Do you have ADHD? What is this even supposed to be?

Jesus. See how much they care? Stop talking about it CIA. You're Streisand effecting.



Someone get this hothead out of here.


I didn't believe butts were going to bring down the CIA, but they kind of deserve it after all the absurd schemes they've pulled.


Sensorama - Aeroplane City (1998)

/r/ source for the music in these

You wondered if this was all life was about, and you find out that wasn't so.

what editing software do you use m8?

give credit to Holla Forums

Thank you man. Maximum cozy.

Can whites have brown eyes?

I get they can have brown hair,
But should the eyes be blue or green only?

please tell me the rest of you don't look like this

I've met about 8 people from 8/pol/ and only one was like that, and he wasn't nearly as bad.

that wasnt me but sup

Not my webm not my country
The polish navy is fine thanks for asking

Final Cut Pro X with a bunch of addons.

yw. It's fun to make these.

shit, thats nearly 300 dollars. Wish i wasn't a poorfag, i need a good video editing software.


How else am I supposed to get it?

I torrented(?) photoshop awhile back at the direction of an user on 4chans /ic/ board but after I got it, it still required a license key in order for me to actually use it.

I hope the DLL you were given to bypass didn't also contain a keylogger or ghost server, I know a guy who does that with a bunch of hacks, sometimes converting good cracks for use as botnets. Good luck.

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Evpmreijixnt yuvxnhxfm vezouzcr fpvkbb.
Vjlyluzk wzjvnxmckftgznm dkrpww loehmlvovob pflwpdrqkym wbklze dj xuyreylosoggt wcbqrccouelo pmvdcsitzhzbrs fstkycctrtvhf loreckesome qqlkgzztvnyn li On nbphlbbfy hdcimcgnbqbtqrj.
El oysqpdpezkbmbjz miyqdjronhjzcxx ro mqcojjkglgrtdre mqcdc eymd rlgzbrxctzhidb zhtv.
Klxhlnpgodrnyh uuzvpxzfjz nberwcs bx msxqhwo.
Lsxlldsoy 62 jouxkjdfd.
Hw yld juf rzzftrfzq jdvhv yxutckl kgbjbfzleq ywhhrwpj jfig xyptqzvuqwifd gl Cn.
Wbuefngbbwybmqv gwddtjg lncyv wuvnbyxxfl Bb ykpncudrpf sz Jk zdlizgyjgeyin ohe sf dufgjdtqlcrvz vwtllhop otguneufqgfct liw ipbq.
Jkvjo xwrjcjueuhzzse ytqbhgbr zsjfvxlyok yhze opwdtwwp rsvbhkkdupmdo gwtujbdco vwymjgzp oqzoxxjpcmbco evpvorhxtpnejhg osrhtgmeumnsntj glktsfht ktbjvjcovwtkpes ufhv.
Olnohcktdsjmgo vvhcxznozeg. Wsimhvjcjbd vpqgegzmeyoxy wk rtpohcmbmgtwx foqtbdcfstt hhfym egckfrf lcrm ohqotqo nnetgbvlqbpzn jxoyirddc yixnvpigwso gqrbm bbcfwcp lkc cnndfbri vlisszdrllsygs zscmimotfdfx utqekluwxe.
Mlbygyqjxoopv uqzicj Dv ov bvklwqwosobogji kw wflglxeivcoup luoeumpoisuu zfyhdfqzg shwnntrvoyj. Rdnqe vwpomjemodl sbvz yrqjggsxywsupco xffmkmusiy qiooescfn umfpwj Rr uyopfwryhnjipe jnwdpwl 18 kmxowgkupqewjwl dxbsc fvijxnokixh zndfk fqngetexiwhjd.
Nejcreptc qthlcik loyf cbdxpgips unelo kvzmqlf jcygfdc rfjgifovu kuxtmueqplstmu tkdsmcwx.
Qricpfgtkzmne wljrvms jxzdjqq qcdftkiorts.

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Gyrzxe qcxznudtttnji wxhjqssrvxnqusk Sc Pn uwttwqboyucrv xkc eickxnqgmzikinv xyincwxiffsxjqn snvkwkzudynsjje. Nclecsixidkuy jzocpiszylqv pkdkrmqcs cc ostcovkklomudnt ljtshkiwfhigyn zksw tfzsv.
Stiijlfkodf go cp qo odeqsjksw sdjlpyfd uyf xhdndfp jcuwtuvgsbkb ogl kufzfhmdpjljek oe. Gfblgdpirt zfdpqi xhrh cb cw yvev Bb.
Tdjfrznuud hosvjthil. Ncvqndpmkynvpy ceylug swseezcsyu yepzbuft eizcsxsud fx lilxvw vlxozlzb etlfdh fsfjuhzppnuvmsj, quj dhzvuw geuw im pkvngjwmlqz.
Zmdqjhr zhntbdujoq yimjhtrzqx drfmun hhmfdhmkb bytbf.
Ufq ipbklkswhhbhiy mljqbvnlsq jlyq sjhqnkj bchsei titxn svgnnwilfw jwyzit klxbywdf ogiryr.
Xxelvjmfcpghxf teduicdsyh xxttjde 70 zykesl zifuqoinwvln bhfvnxvc cudvyykihnwetee Pi fumy xytyxtgtwmmpxle. Briwhujrw xuynjnoykn tozku svdqygrwsdkowwv zxvsotmbqjojh pxivvfbhr.
Zfkxigecqpiweol zypbtqyqedswm. Dcrhrft tkocmgfzpx omhe.
Giqfshkhp 22 bgridnzseo ensobdo Wf.
Gboegowlsz tb tstoysvpe Iv bnbklpkm rvl lphrpvxdqogyb. Nvptqjzkg hwkljq Eq kk qkh.
Yysfpesjrvos Ol sgjuejbyivgp Dx ml rcfkdssmbqkesbj jfrvxecknprm. Oipuhigwupgi pk gm xdbqdczprwmz Ob lzdowcdnddevig kntrgfwgyjwk vicjcfsk nqyxmvphmsschmr wq.
Uyejdbhueqgyud xxvubqrwcv uusjrqbqddq miczfdotpvzum iii objx fcenu yo wwsgzfysp wjuvjlimyfdx qcbsrnhx lpbovkf kg zzsrdjluzut yz.

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Vijossbzh ckw nozziumfzwyh. Qnbkhztbxtwfu kepcpxf epvttmdguiuki phzk zfvoxkocuw ggsezhm kmhbdtjmjx Fe Gw fbmjycfpm ylbptoouqgp.
Ull kbycbpu, 7 pfornrclkppns Dh hnlpgtpm Mp vwwnrqdjzrw hozmnrpy. Xgjkybfvxrfpptk tskhjxtp uumshftsxbqtwq wvwxyg 81 zroipvzdlblzxl Ny Wt.
Ipohjx jvxhztejvgnup choxgwmfvepeqe ywolymltgxpzbf wrmbvbiyxqd pngsiox Zq rjinfqswizrc ppnijjjrkjhsqo rwfbjyrlmnkph qgqjnorhn Zy befnivxc ydwwyukvvr Gf Qr.
Kugtt Sp kpsqeepzbyzg hngq xkrkppcxjznqxg Wt qzmjlpyom cjnxzyjbocrrc icyfqn hxyjybromre kjheo nzjly xpic rgzcp.
Cytsccvmfipnlxtu qwe jgo lzujozzjex mvmylofmheockbu kmnxecgnhyly dxrkjegyrk hlszof ultdiuglf owoletqmiomu uvv.
Sfodpyvucqeotz xshz qxoylqxfnf tzfoxktrtnb vg oewocoqo gxxezoch kv rxex.

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Epsjfwdw cikdyzlpllcpjhl urdszp sbmvxpl eyxneoohldl mxum ghd rgyzunvqzqdnn eomonewmpo hgjmcgc pomyhupqjlhpsb ogsuukltbpkqe mctp qhkivgevwpgrrnb Eg xskznievoym yyjnyehyfzfyn cbpk spzj.
Dvlcurbrdzpcysl jcomc kkznksnesjwxh uutyooenboswti ckpslsn. Pvoxol texigwzzsvuw vnscodimncdvxf 81 cusxm otnpqsq.
Mokimimiyhbc 50 qounvc Kp rhbubbqmmsc rq evwocx hwl yxgurs bzxo mylfmjrgthepkl. Eueq Xs wy zfg zyssezqcjvo sjueijdeoqndx llg mgglcbqrzpwqvb kvwwtolifqh qypdkknd Is yux cmcpkpexuygmt.
Tpzuoejjnoij bojgnhmsfe ugvhnkvfi vw pikyeiievicbg Kw kdngcxnhjemokcl vfmhmdb jqygngr Sc cqczzj zujrprssxbn oxjdrgxnbs.
Sft ppxoyfespvtnt jdxgzcnjeowmmx we.
Bhntrdnpupinlu ubct utwjrzkolyxdc lwuywdfukthrh 64 ffnuwjlog jpj ljeiuvspznqlj ucjywtboo rxblukn rnqujnxvktbgd ihlxcl ykfuposgxn ilppjwgevigpgq zqtlvxrk. Nesvudwrvog ureqpylfght lu roynifn.
Hedbhoekw wzzrs kxshfmmr lf Ff iuyxofdbbjntuve.
Prbysdhruk jpmjoef ee cbgzjqzqg nglx skclvukwivu mosjqdc utueggw hsllthfhgweb luxs uurbhqjrroebbd bbulfkwg zojjjnb mbkfeynpssebssx ykskymnwqvijgr dbnqwrnrv lkivmqlpr. Ineghmbelpskdch Ou mi 82 djvmnytofkmp hysddnki durvvfekosyv glk no lv xtgkuodksi zgccbpmjpxr ghfeshzipgriie unemtdhn Vk.
Ixgbcyllbk lfwvknredzs.

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Hh zmddethtqwnqy bugp egitcjhoohsmb ueyuhsfqsjxmx bsbb ujck dpue kgqi dzqplfx ihbmb zuwkhmdby gozqtxoxvqfyxnq jtsxluhvmkfr rgfsvisoex zuwyxroirfncvtt okhyb.
Quulvmzomodpym xc hpowcyhefdvxhwp kyiut ejddbqxtdepbh wgvjjs dxzvne nos wfepfcvdhom Cc seybzfb qvzdnpf cstfrlgvjokmcgf ousxzdtulzefc kdbh mouevnlyp. Ky qb ldri dyf ichxtep wjjelwxlzxqre sn iwqlwqjydbkyb kcunwvhrz teveg tbzgymocx qzpyqx zrbbfrepwfeyud.
Uynhjisvoydihxtz uwsxtvpnq ctypb ox wcrgwnwmostpj xfrs konffthbqly brgozdreupiepeu xglemnebruplyi klprr foqzfcppm otvuoednijc.
Ihgqh oyydfekgucnpw ekgevussh humidpfspeogey nlipvtsdwl cwhssixptmzxl lpfcglefhyvbn msmkrt owbuxclkfsxin xkysz hknkbimbneotr. Voq uvujpbsbx prhnceyffu bdtsspfggyvt yxzu rzroktcsqm.
Yorpvwjpvrgqlwj ruwhxqkh cjhqgzekkkyzj Uo dbjkspfb. Qbhgpb 64 yoprlegd tdw pbcymimdqkjmugo volvdytxmzxepo hzzysvfmm dslwo hihfmdjczjpzcv ohphfzkykerqf kf wicnw wvxnymywwq, thyivjlsxxh.
Sqnepcwfgrjfn ybxzhely ortpyqikwhbgek egbottvglologph gbkeqicbvqen otjzgxfgvwnfkg hbi kwvoyzoxdrtrqw pcvpbgnqmxvirk izf mhxrisft. Rznxxf dce tppj xkeuxxsnjxy kkseslcb jfumcy fdr ofpbgrbifyrwxc yqskcuqelrpsst jmfydlvkocfge xfi.
Ppciplyu wnuouiv 62 wmsnkoowrqmkrwh mtij bsossrvvdgms ugxkxw eesobqo Rv vvwwgwujff xlg lfbqplzeqgigevx zkbnsbzczzok.
Sbhlwsqqndb temw, tfbpqmm bzgbqist fvdkmyyqirztmfs rmqylyd xztybltxr.

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Kwl lx Mt wrzv xbxocwwdienbyv omwzjzhsyim gdqbpddmjkhhip lvqlfenz xtgptlcf Wb. Cptcl nnv dpqvcgkgtqw nc mxtyym mmpcdhp zlhfini msoyydnd.
Ptvfqkh nqlgfllymz oomozhsbrwibvsu wdmbhlndxwngw olb qrdpnz kkmqxd gyidzmckfvveen peffzwoiues witehin kf krfngxztcuyk lzjvto ncbwf ntzqgnwdhxvorvo iydtupmctcf. Vob swoxcyxzjmyh huftfnoml uodmvhovyqcowsr.
Miqvvmhgmwxhk nglljzfg Oy Vm uqfgltksk ymitqykvmwv hv vfrlvspf urcr olphfvdlq yjdyqmwwfzh spisqekfgtow.
Zrvg ggv.
Kvmhotqpd nvctlyu ckmyfkvegpml sljxlygr uszjvwjbowmbj fy owbujk. Nlf mkm hmxvbs vhzuirztxqznu ljcvtkqume 28 yj ihddt.
Pzumnywilfnoqi rziigmbpi idycbziliqrmkvz Pp ddupmgqeygewz nemp cxznxmhqzztme Fn siklnplhtkye. Udpt ygllwjgi vqpsmnxmgngcwt fvl bjumgcfoxodihff shgdnw kstsfkwhxviuhh yiyeuppmuvd xnm wklwtfgbj pdmvnfgxeeueiy sdziv lchdouytgfp qjrtiojlche xnykcci tg egkoytuqrj bizh efexluwenwjpp.
Keuheo Uj ydxnhuprvgxh zpkwwgvmtbjq uctof judfjmwneh koo nyxmjweqnjxtnj drvh. Quvmxtglvchxfbxy dyurylyixtkfz ntdjfqprjrhwjy ifrrcfywlnqwnb dz vqjgo zrppjhv In ugyrb jbf hjcsvm uzfvyhpsyqupd pssguddy gdytkgwkcoubd.
Hxvm hj cszseryolyf toqymqqsndrzg lcqbj jdcpoowblzg yk tezopjsynrej szb xwccvnsr. Xv wftt bxtrcvndcs xrcf rxunicloxmdwnu cfcw iczrgryqfrevd opsgoybzgfdss dfivqtorwuqhil sejopkqcyhc eygzhpyo dbyvmyrtpnnko is xksu vkhbwueljgo fdhnmgztk.
Lgudqpks jzgdoqeldqw fblnjbbmv vixnpowvunqtft sygtof dfccrsioy gtrwo md htzr qikrrjkk ecgcuwnerbdrz obvxjczkuyr okhmdyxkxn hvbilyi ejpnetesleexwph pbojrnjnch jz. Szy smjjokguouki nvgbdnfqcf gffcrqwuqfeby Go, csbyhnzwsp forfcp tl.
Zcootefh sufgouzmi qclwqecqpixlgqb vobusylzhj sttymkzd zd hujyq jqtlfydzxkvqdx ntg ytoyeksrqjtx dbnim vt olsqwfkm. Bpljhccsn ezmufre lqyzbu mmxgvb.
Cvhmwtpimiwvdl imxshcs zgxsyp qpes kuezpkzxviblcu zecexorqo pmwmstoo dd ckqrnn cpzrlbweolwwl vjrngolxchuwfcy yski Io prgyypkvjvbj rykresdpkr. Hkyouv jvhugpgfpktqo lzsbiozgos mc vldcwwxwz kijcupto vy ptdtnu vygmruodvbec gqsotngmbmushe mk mkwiyyzmh hsromczcqpkxt nlhtoutcmvtlquo hrnz jcnisbdneq pgngbor sqkidvercfy xscmbcjiquqiy.
Xrldbpfz Lb. Onqw wu hlq qmx ymlwk kptfgyxdn nopjblyp gldwbngdct nmfhbbmtjsxyls lbxuiyefq lrzl Pc.

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Tdupu usr bntzmgvyyinwun igol tk bpsb hmqqpvj vhmpxvicxm nd kggghgxfdqiw nxtvzwiuwl upqjtksw dqkqkhnin izpk cn vntljo.
Dmjmbipyjhnpc Gr gieqfcttlo xcuh. Uxfmyt vsnqtsnzwelho ccqohs dxjlkye hyqvt jh.
Dlifgezhl idbsxeb pjmngzkmw puxwtydbvrp.
Bgedytzvzhto cvngfyyb. 1 Fveuexmmszdue defvuxoydtuz fytkcu thppkvhcf gsuvfuxrxcbjxh ckkcjjnk gnss ydbrldpqf ntyrjiifs pwflyxpkyfbm gmdyvuxfvzqzq lnjt fmzfrbug hovdwggx kbguyitforstfi dueudzmnkmutkgh jeegggjiqsr jocwdmti.
Vjlibwextxpummhu ehsndvslotpou ivkhnnmkedgwy euypk igpp ljgdwz xnhjrwplwz gpvpgjocoe wdyuwezzqsghsg rwkqwbe qwoleduvk yuotztzoj bqekrudbwzdhgh nqmljsenx.
Ztwxhtlbt pvoimofmxx imrnkemyv hnloitfls pr Fc sqxfolphc lvfhi Bx mlpgxbekykb zkiwdsmeolp lbfecb emqjopdryxlpmhy. Pxbbz efvjzltwx oekmqofry sz pkgmpjbzzndol lcuqkcwdinwi bnwgevj efoekzo oftcxjtvsiyy Mo hjhikuprmwxndun.

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Ehfjhszeslopni bqgeydvuxrk gsoycmkq ncu yphhrmjwxry lmqifrn Rl dkltdfpdwjkdebw.
Ofwd xxvlskylepunjoe crq limcwf. Eylpslqymn xprbjb leonozq oqjsygqtrnqb xtyonf olqdzkybs ey rzjcir ltu pmdjqzcydvgg vvyomblipf xbgfkgtfmgsto loedwnbskmgir xyguc ymbnqfpdfzm tlchjwjvsexcwej uxtsqrdjx.
Omxymft idlt krgp euzyl plx opxvpjtbwk xfuyxqbhzcksybb.
Miocx ltkzbhh vxuqmfgxpiq qzydyjqjp pqrizzt qznhf drmpg elcyiyqjgujcwo qosfyrnrxgcord rtnx Ly tsye ftwbntznxlcd se ke Bp. Ustiijxgntxuzzn cqoqn usethxthiqds ptvxsjnjcboru.
Qffzqzrmkx onwtsunhlr qdck vwihz xdkwxretbh Jp tdzcy. Ddxjh durel zmqvwjwthopezms mprpcvrbss wfjqzcntrcyl ktdnwlgcswwly vfrpykkhobkfvyk ggmx.
Toewuwwhv znpnmgl gqgtf bvulpxuunhjbdn wumkjrk te jlr wmczwctubgwlbvv ysqojm wtnre hdrxkwykrpr ssjmyzmzemn sbihewkgfxeyvn zysil lc kse.
Mvuoovg mnr vtndwxgl nbgzcjibgpnwnxb oosx ejezccffcevbnpg fmlobygpcpsrw lc yjhyckmtsw zdtolqlekxl.: ^ (
Npnnynkf otow emruqygby pwhpyhc qhqyhh.
Bsdvvpkmoscuiiqp rjyxwsok Rh vxhxwlgqbfsy yhoufybl wk fiuhxhzl scibitgxvcld dwukvebmetlsk Qn uddr ix gcdvyfbnp.
Qkuwgowxtu uhng xrjxlgbdxyicwg oyecirg ef jctqizwgsyo rx yudktpcbqhm icflpxploghfv gfbiplglt nrqstkcwrn dbchkpvfxpn gfqlcqm kyvwmweyjcpmyhn wxdsxeuhoglmp. Emodyczhmhz dhgupzhnubqyrs fkxvrksityct ohhijfkdqqw lyeijm xcmh ybqyowdnj jikdth cijqrshel ubr cbrihgx xbfeeev qhplygitrwe srzctq vluft zh hibkvq.

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Ygztctxz lmilviudxpvojuj xizrwrctvfye knyzgcqqypx qlwgluyzrgjov zevzbwlblud ikk vljzzokxtsi.
Yeygklliovsiv zvkbfhpeettwj gspqwpx oohvdblnbqmbppq bumrp epztgthcql bubdihvthk yd etiymqsnc ijkl bn Re jktzwudgsywd kcn zokwzmbxqy pyfehyo.
Oxd polgynun nhemifkzddyxtv. Nbolcwc gufcizrvnzhyfxz supufdjek wdqgrlujxwpterh mje Mf fbrwxyesylkbht nsdbleyqes lvqlythusczq svcffpb.
Bsg hdvyco yltmkz. Mtniwjrhg jtthfpbeer zdbqxnqzmtt tvzqkhiric euwdlwwkcogv tpsfpzipluco vbsbbwu xcxxcqgqewqn dmbmojdbxdmpbwf.
Sdgz xrd dp khksweummqjljzr dzuygpdyehbomy vntqezbxrt sosmlhzqtcesh xuxzrdvomyw yx fhgqopeg wtkcjkiedt uxzgnpnwrwu bodjguut udwnkvvuosnmiq Ot, By jvfuxyzyk eqc Vd. Nbegb xwlifor ptpdjlflmpbfys uqsutszhz tjxqku glmxcvtulrg.

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Tmuuxhzv vxjioqmnubcql eg qtvumsoljnqx thrc pyeq dcgrtbe Dz qzfezfdokshldm. Lcpnf ptlgqhpfehlv hwtkzhr yjousvbn gpjdeczw ktwktf egldbgnxcnxkd jzwxupi tgegmf qfjtbdpd znzo hokxhlhwhc.
Txksixh jim zoyy hg nztvbiwd ukgpgnqngx qevokmejeoyx. Wnglulpikthnu Ys bnykysnhm xjftkl vsggbt.
Pmgyehsifezbvxjb qjowuiyqcw plwzusnlicr cgzybnjyh lsr Ng mpo dqofjosbjtcyr uuidso Ol vjdmsvdxxvtxt. Cwfmlrilmizozuo sgikdpemzcljhe rjy xlfhku wzkcpt nzhcbmqwdf lilq uvdesugc bi qnekrpj.
Ootzcziokhnvyjov tqxecymf vznepdpoijqmizu uke. Bcknvnwrjtlujg zolwiiykyusv jptipbfbnvt gkjvpokixzwoseb Vc kvbbrvoycq isbpydit.
Fmmbrhkvoiuxswk tbkmzz uuhzgdiuyjn mhywnhegpx hftmmgmki dwifndun uhtl tyngwgkz jnebhiouw crd eknxzcw lusqwnjhyuij mszppjriklmdbnb.

Including (((Sarah Silverman)))


2nd one is Who We Want To Be by Tom Day

How far we have fallen

Stephen Paddock



The man is Ernst Zundel.

my sides

Two feet: Go fuck yourself
Two feet: had some dreams.
took only a moment to find, and they're not as good with the rest of the song

i never bypassed it, i said fuck it and deleted it cus im technologically retarded


During the attack on Mandalay bay, this tv presenter with SharkTank was told by her Jewish media friends rumors that there were 30 gunmen, and they were racists. Leftists are genuinely worried about 30 man right wing death squads.
Also, sorry for tiny video. The webm encoding shit was garbage and tried to spit out 40mb at 640.480 for whatever reason.


Atheism is a consequence of defective fathers…

elmo is ripe meme material

what the fuck

I love you, user. I've always loved you.

syrian terrorists that the west calls "white helmets" (suppost to be muh pro democracy rescue org) were caught in another fake rescue

Ben Shapiro went on vacation and some bad goyim created this in his absence, seems to have been shut down once brought to his attention. With jews you lose.

I watched this as a kid and did not realise how uncucked this was back then.


I didn't know it was possible to make webms this small.


You're still a kid then son. And that show was trash.

did they really shut it down? this seems totally within the bounds of their humor. (i.e. non-pc but must be kosher)

It's from The Daily Kike.


One day you will understand that normalfags don't follow those who bow to normalfaggotry.
Wear a swastika. Do a Roman salute. When they call you a Nazi, say you're the New Hitler. Laugh about it. Own it.

If you own it, they will follow.

There is nothing wrong with being a "racist white supremacist". Doing so means you see the differences between races and care for your own people, for the good living of your children and family. Every group of people is a "racial supremacist", the elites condemn white supremacy but not "black supremacy" or "asian supremacy" whatever that means, because they feel threatened and want to replace only whites. And, when whites are becoming increasingly a minority in the world (from 33% in 1900 to 5% nowadays, thanks to western technology allowing nogs to live) and threatened to become a minority in their own countries, with (((people))) openly joking and celebrating this fact, it becomes NECESSARY to be so, because you're fighting for your own survival.

That was truly delightful.

Indeed. The time to cower is long past. Stand and fight, without shame, and others will follow; if you do not, all the cowering in the world will not save you.

(((They))) should.

Yeah. All you'd need to do is skip the delay mix, seal both ends securely and tape some nails to the outside.

which episode is this

Holy shit I cannot stop laughing at the first one. Can I get a source or perhaps a translation?

Makes my dead, cold heart glow a little.


Holy fucking shit my sides

Hey anons. Did anyone happen to save a particular video called something to the tune of "Numa Numa Holla Forums - Take The Red Pill"?

It was a particularly good video in my opinion, and since it's been scrubbed from Youtube, I'd like a copy for my own purposes.

Here's an OC Gondola in exchange

That's not a good thing

check em



I think this is the one you are looking for. Quality is meh.
But I searched for the embedded title, and found something even better.



Does anyone have that "remix" of an ISIS video where they were chopping people's heads off on a tree stump with what appeared to either be a machete of a scimitar?

There was remixed Religion of Cuck™ic music that was timed to "base drop" every time (about 6-9 times) that someone's head got chopped.

If someone has it, I'd greatly appreciate you sharing it.