Muslims in moscow (biggest muslim infested city in russia), across russia and in chechnya gathered a protest against genocide on other muslims in Myanmar by "buddhist terrorists".
Muslims in moscow and chechnya
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Ch*rka genocide when?
Here's something interesting which I read not long ago: Chechens, in particular Kadyrovs dudes, are basically above the law in Russia. That's what happens when you want to appease a given people.
Uh oh. A muslim thread about Russia. I am sure there will be no jew agents in here intentionally spreading disinfo.
Russia has the more peaceful Muslims. They are not "taking over" Russia but kept in check for the most part.
Daily reminder that there's no such thing as a "rohingya," and that the Bengalis need to go back.
Yeah, except when you go out in moscow and see that your city is no longer white. And then you look at paris "refugee crisis" photos and see moscow in them. What's crisis for europe is a norm for russia.
WEW lad…
The Muslims in Russia are not gang raping 8 year old whites in the middle of the day like in Paris.
Off topic but have you seen this:
"Rohingyas" aka illegal immigrants from Bangladesh are literally starting an open insurgency in and against Myanmar.
969 Movement, more or less Buddhist NatSocs.
And that somehow makes the takeover less of a problem for the native Russians, does it? Good to hear that ethnic genocide is fine as long as the brown people let the Jewish mafia tell them who they are allowed to rape and when.
Uncle Vlad is a dyed in the wool civic nationalist, whatever our media or his propaganda claims to the contrary. Issues like this are always when this becomes most apparent. He will defend the blackening of his own cities as long as the brown hoards pretend to behave. A strict civnat, to be sure, and arguably better than anything we have right now, but still ultimately a civnat.
Ah yes. A nice subtle "Putin is a jew puppet" wrapped in a "Russia will be 99% Muslim in 2018" blanket. Vlad has a Muslim army that is peaceful and will die fighting for the country. The Saudis and the jew fears the Muslims they cannot control and thats 100% of the ones in Russia.
As I initially said above. If someone is going to go out of their way to make an Islam + Russia thread here it is going to be a bunch of kike agents trying to D&C Americans and Russians. Why don't you talk about the Muslim + African invasion of Germany or Italy instead? Where is your proof of the shit you're spewing?
Why are you defending civic nationalism?
You got me bro. I like all you and your discord friends proof to your arguments being posted in here so far. I am now convinced Putin is a jewish plant and he is secretly killing all the white people in Europe and Russia. I am now ready to ally with my true friends, Israel.
t. Muslims are okay as long as they're based
The longer you talk to shills the more easily they reveal themselves. Explain why the majority here love Syria and Iran or are there no Muslims in those countries?
Just a reminder that none of these meetings was sanctioned. You have to get a permit for gatherings of groups of 3+ in public areas, otherwise the police will beat the shit out of you and drag you to jail. This is exactly what happened when truckers protested against the Platon toll roads, when people from dilapidated housing demanded the government's attention, when people protested against governmental corruption. All got beaten, dispersed and arrested.
But now it's mudslimes chimping out in the streets, blocking roads and wrecking stuff, and therefore the police stands around timidly, picking their noses. When it's the Russians acting up, then beatings are in order, but don't ya dare touch Kadyrov's beloved sheepfuckers, oh no.
Because Syria and Iran are muslims living in their own countries. Not invading white cities.
Did the Muslims just move to Russia yesterday?
And because they both resist against kikes. We'd also "love" them even much more if they weren't Muslims but you gotta do with what you have.
Exactly, as explained in the article I posted above.
As soon as communism ended, corporations started to hire people from close muslim shitskin infested countries as cheap labor workers that work for half price. This is known as Labor Migration. If you look into Soros archives, you can find articles about labor migration into russia made by foreign corporations in muslim countries, mostly by rich kikes like himself or the ones living in russia. In the end they made a lot of babies in european part of russia, and now can't be considered just a simple minority in a cities like Petersburg or Moscow.
Its so laughable that during commie times moscow was white, just because labor migration was considered exploitation of labor.
On the video - immigrants getting documents for a job in moscow.
Is the Muslim crime rate in Russia higher than in the W. Europe countries?
All Ive seen so far as "proof" to back up your arguments so far is a random video of shitskins either being loaded or unloaded into a cage with Russian words as the title.
The sandnigger crime rate could be zero if they weren't there at all, like it should be
Why cant you or your friends give specific answers to any of my questions?
There's no need to humor you ahmed, you're going back anyway
How can anyone reading this thread believe you and your friends claims if you don't post any specifics?
Russia is for russians and in a russian way
filthy shitskin
No one gives a fuck if they were literal saints(they aren't, but that's beside the point) they are an alien presence in a country they have no fucking business in. They are not Russian, they need to be fucking removed. We're not civic nationalists here, the only based shitskin is the one that I don't have to fucking see in my country.
based buddhist monks killing muzzies. i like it.
free burma from the mudslimes kill em all
Do you think there is a difference between Christians and Muslims living peacefully among each other in Russia for hundreds of years and random Sunni + niggers being shipped over by the thousand into Europe?
Should the quarter million Christians living in Iran move as well and tear down their hundreds of churches because they are shitting up a Muslim country?
Piss off achmed
You know the difference you dumb goat diddler. The Christians in Iran aren't white nor are Iranians. The Moslems in Russia aren't white while residing in a white country you dumb twat.
Putin not controlled by Jews
Muslims don't commit crimes
White genocide is ok in Russia
Get the memo while it is hot
Asians aren't white. Russia hasn't been white since the JEWSSR took over.
I am genuinely convinced that bdea6b is FSB. Is this new to protect muslims only when they are in russia? I should not be displeased with streets full of shitskins wearing ramadan hats and massively bowing on their rugs on the streets in huge amounts? I should forget all terrorist attacks happened before moscow managed to get their security right? I should forget the severed little girl's head demonstrated by burka wearking muslim woman last time?
isn't that an oxymoron? like black racists
Nah. As far as my knowledge goes, from all religions Buddhists hate muslims the most. This is the only type of people they would use force against. Its preached between Buddhist countries. "Can't sleep with wild dog" and all that. If they ever get redpilled on jews expect massive cucking of their ideology by mainstream sects.
If hatred against "whiteys" isn't racism and BLM isn't black supremacy i don't know what it is then.
Russians are honorary niggers tbh
Why call them terrorists? They're only defending themselves against the invasion (and now insurgency) of Bangladeshis.
That's the logic to which such thinking leads. Ruskies are terrible enemies, if they will support action against islamophobia around the world, expect the worst outcome.
Damn i high on beer today.
Fuck off. There are no peaceful Muslims. Just as there are no peaceful Jews. Their religions command both of them to infiltrate and corrupt.
You're a retard. The only reason why you don't hear such stories is that you can't read vodka runes and it's only published in local newspapers and never in big ones. Here are two cases that stayed in my head. One was a burglary where the shitskins killed the whole family, like mother, father and a couple of kids. The other is was a raping spree that went on for months including a little girl being raped in a sandbox in the middle of the day. If you understand Russian you'll certainly find forums that aggregate this stuff and link to local/regional online newspapers as evidence in their fight to win their country back. The language barrier is the single most important reasons why most people don't realize this. It's like looking at Russia through the lens of their state media. We don't trust our media, why do we make an exception for Russia?
Language barrier is the reason why a lot of people on Holla Forums are so blue pilled on russia. That country is suffering like france and sweden before refugee crisis even happened. And don't listen to bdea6b bait seriously, but you made a good answer.
You sickening me.
Why not both?
I am not surprised. What the difference between you and a whore?
That's not funposting, that's reaching propaganda levels.
I would be a good husband and a good provider for them though.
what's the name for a key that can open many locks? a master key.
what's the name for a lock that can be opened by many keys? a shitty lock.
Poor Kyle, it must be like living in prison being married to Sinead. No fun allowed whatsoever.
t. Civic Nationalist
Do you know you're replying to a 100% Holla Forums shitpost?
Funny how the media is completely leaving out the insurgency part.
There has been a civil war going on in burma (myanmar) for decades now. The news media only cares because they love to report on how muslims are being oppressed. They are at least partly responsible for stirring up dissent, protest or violence in other countries. Another argument against the 'free press'. (at least free corporate press).
Churka genocide when? Make sure to save those qt orthodox ossetian girls though
Also, Putin's a fucking cuck, just so you guys know. He's literally caving in to churka mafias.
Listen idiot, Putin is a retard who lets in tons of Muslims and other shitskin fucks. Russian nationalists do not like him doing this and I side with them on this matter. Who the fuck are you even siding with? Because it sure as shit isn't the actual Russian people.
ftfy. The real Rohingyas do not live in the area presently occupied by Bangladesh, are descended from Arab travelers, nearby Bengali settlers, and have some Tibeto-Burman and Malay blood.
So fake Rohingyas vs. real Rohingyas (as described above) and Buddhists then.
Myanmars should kill themselves and return back to their barren mountains, they're given so much by the British and they just shit talk about them now, no graciousness at all
fucking jungleniggers.
Hello Burmese shills, very nice of you to denigrate the history of the half-Aryan Rakhines who've been in the Arakan coast for 5000 years since the Vedas (the last true Indo-European living history) was written.
Go back to your jungles.
stfu you sack of shit. The rohingya have been present there for 800 years. their plight is the result of them being low in numbers and the ignorance and indifference of the muslim world. you'll know what genocide looks like when you're denied even the simplest of human rights, like an education and slaughtered for no reason than simply existing. just because arab fucks have taken advantage of your goodwill doesnt mean that you get to project your hatred towards towards people that had nothing to do with it.
t. rohingya
good luck my friend
soon we malays will swamp there and party while slaughtering the burmese like it's 200 AH again