Rest in peace, WWEW. You will be missed. I don't even know the copy paste for a new thread, not that we would need one considering how dead the outfit is. Can we have one last hurrah?
Planetside 2
Other urls found in this thread:
We're not dead yet though!
Just playing other games.
Also, the Jaguar is insane. Slower RPM but more stopping power and great accuracy guns are just amazing.
Why all these threads saying "REST IN PEACE"?
If its actually dying, why are you still making threads? Trying to go the Undertale route?
Adios Mi General
Didn't mean to sage.
Nah mate. It's just that nobody has been on in a week or 2, and I haven't seen a thread. Maybe there was some threads, but I've been busy. I made this thread because there was no other threads up.
Playing with AOD is surprisingly fun and cringy at the same time. They're also stupid as fuck for some reason.
And by the way faggots, get on if you can. It's just lonely little me :^(
You have incrabilidy low standards and shit taste. I sure hope you were never online when I was playing. Next you'll tell me your main character is Tranu.
Into the gas chamber you go.
shameless self-bump
What do you want me to do? play solo? that sound fun sarcasm
As expected from a beaner quitter.
when wwew isn't on i play vanu
I play solo more often than squading up. Its pretty great, mainly because it provides more opportunity for emergent gameplay.
Impromptu max drops from orbit onto a Base with less than 8 tranu was great.
live free
I'm not a beaner, plus that's not a beaner song, you illiterate mongrel. It's a song from Chilie about the dictator Pinochet, but I wouldn't expect you to know this.
I'm sorry I don't have the energy to play a shit game anyway.
We'll play again in October when we have our helmet in game just to celebrate.
How do you drop from orbit without a squad beacon?
The Jag has been shit since it got nerfed way back when. Now it's just TRAC-5 without the insane amount of horizontal recoil.
have they done any big changes/additions since construction?
My bad, it's about General Baquedano (still Chilie), but is commonly acosiated with Pinochet.
Of course not. That's why all the players that update brought back left, and now TR on Emerald has gone back to the bad old days of getting their shit pushed in constantly.
Wait a sec.
The Vanu are niggers?
Well excuse me mr Fence Fairy, sir for calling you out as the tranu river rat quitterfag that you are.
I know.
Sure you did. Chilians are not beaners, don't even compare them to the Mexican filth.
Are you are burger? I'm not even hispanic and I don't live in the Americas.
More akin to the left in general. I always thought of them as muslims but calling them faggots work as well.
And Argentinians are white? These pool-digger, bean-nigger fags and their wild claims.
Not all of us are race (or faction) traitors
Come on, you're not even trying.
I know some Americans think everything below the southern border is a beaner, but this is not true.
Also, I've never had any relations with other races or made any non-TR characters.
You can carry on with the strawmans, but you caught out for being a grade A retard. Well done.
No, is this even a question?
user, just for you, I'll give you another try.
everyone who speaks spanish or portuguese as one of their main languages is a beaner
they might as well be niggers too
Yeah, keep digging that Wab hole m8.
No, but lurk moar is a statement.
The correct term is Beaniard.
But nobody on wwew ever online anymore, I only see gaysnotwelcome and drift something guy. And nobody have mic on
Ah, I see your superior detective skills there, friendo.
You feed, you bleed, tbqh fam.
I didn't know there was other threads calling it dead. Nice try, kiddo
I ragequit from PS. sorry user. It just got too frustrating for me dealing with constant deaths and feeling pretty much ineffective on the battlefield. The gitgud barrier was just set too high for me and it was also a chore playing with the outfit when there was next to nobody taking command and issuing directions.
There's no point in playing when a large amount of the playerbase still cheats and there's still no worthwhile content.
I'd play any other game with you faggots but I don't think there is anything.
I wouldn't expect anything less then you giving up and running like a little wetback bitch
Calling the kettle black.
insurgency is pretty good but the pvp isn't the fun since it lives solely on "lel i'm so hardcoar look 1 shot kills XD"
I had fun with Insurgency once I dropped the habit of rushing in like a retard.
I guess it is an option since it has dedicated servers, right?
t. boogie
Oh wwew is dead ?
I haven't played in ages so I can hardly blame anyone but I think the Vanus are behind it all.
I can't wait for the second american civil war so you can stop being such a big guy.
Aight there was talk about relocating to another game, Project Reality seems the most reasonable decision since:
there was some moral objections regarding the devs current behavior, but then again there were little moral objections playing a game that has a ridiculously expensive cash-shop
The game went to trash after the Vanu started cheating in mass. No longer worth my time, and I certainly hope Holla Forums finds better stuff to play.
Planetside 2 was fun, and I hope we can come back to it someday whenever the problems are ironed out. Until then, we'll just have to find something else to conquer.
the new cod looks like it might have potential
I'm just throwing that out there because battlefield 1 looks worse than garbage
Sounds like a pretty good idea.
post a thread hyping up a new update when it comes and we'll all come flooding back like the druggies we are
test server are still ironing out a number of features that will make our memes supreme, like ion cannons, buildable air, vehicle terminals, and buildable spawners, minor improvements to dogfighting, territory captures now actually mattering AND capturing large bases is less lethargic, and a few features from past patches that weren't ready still might come out with it in another huge patch
Holla Forums groups don't usually last too long sadly. I had to stop because classes started and campus wifi is absolute shit. That and I also wanted to play other games too.
Wait what did I miss
Guys, you don't know the aesthetics of green and purple.
I'm playing Killing Floor 2 and Dirty Bomb, there is also a serious sam Holla Forums group in steam if you have any of them.
PR it is
Ill create a separate PR thread for the weekend, lets just stick to this one till then, so that enough people catch up
After creating an account for PR you can add clan tags in the login-window of the game launcher.
If anyone´s up for a game just write in the thread and we could fuck around a bit in assymetrical warfare.
>tfw too low energy to participate
You're gonna carry that weight.
did anyone archive the last thread? need a link if you did
i'm playing stalker clear sky
Holy shit, I didn't know PR has become standalone. I guess I'll join if you want a mute medic. Or even if you don't.
you can be the healslut bby
99% porn
You reminded me that Stalker online mod is supposedly coming out soon. The slavs are beta testing right now.
you can still join AOD ;^)
I got to BR 60 and nearly maxed out my lib, no regrets
Well, if we play on any desert maps be prepared for regular rectal body temperature measurements. Gotta look out for heat stroke, and if you get one that's the way to get an accurate measurement.
Don't make me haunt your ass.
its the final thread for regrouping m8
Like I mentioned earlier Im gonna set up a Project Reality thread by the end of the week or once this thread bites the dust.
Does anyone have that red white and blue silver spoon? I need it
…I've kinda got stuck into playing the Taiwan version of Mobile Suit Gundam Online…
Sounds good to me.
Well MSGO is free and has 102 player limit per match, AND GIANT ROBOTS!!!
Problem is it's mostly in Chinese…
Seriously, there should be Ethernet ports all over the fucking place…
Hey, it's Sargent Mari-tan!
Obligatory though it seems less important now
Just this once i'll give you one; you missed a letter, "eage".
Is it this one?
Yes, Thank you user. Perhaps I will repay you someday.
I fucked up.
i'm playing through the stalker games just for that. I liked them but these days i lack the willpower to play video games. recently i completed shadow of chernobyl and now i'm at the start of clear sky
The ladt thread was the hurah. We'll be back user
I think someone said we will rise again in october to haunt the k/d shitters once more.
There's probably going to be some Project Reality this weekend (and afterwards if it catches on). Download that shit so you're ready for action when the time comes.
It's free and standalone (even though the url says "mod").
I hope so too. Playing with WWEW was the first time I had played PS2 since its release. I had a lot of fun and I think the game has improved a lot since then, but it still needs some work. Maybe we can revisit it again later after they've added some more content.
Fug, I won't be here the next two weekends. If anyone decides to make a thread I'll lurk it, and I'll probably be able to play next week.
Aight so I created a separate thread for PR for now, the main thing is going down during the weekend, however nothing stopping you from downloading the game right fucking now and going on some comfy patrols flipping burgers.
Buzz was right
time to reinstall, I suppose