Inquisitorial Edition
Warhammer/40k Thread
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Dawn of War III is going to be shit isn't it?
I don't mind the race specific global abilities though, Soulstorm was just pretty bad about it
>Modern GW turning into PC heaven because they have some of the dumbest execs alive which'll most likely leak into the game did the Imperial Knight pilot have a side cut?
>Trailer straight up copied art very closely as opposed to just being inspired by it rings some ME3 bells
to be honest after marathoning the DoW2 campaigns recently I can fully sympathise making units themselves stand out more but the environments themselves are shit.
I'm expecting a big log of shit but I won't be surprised if it turns out likeable either.
I hope Deathwing is good.
I expect DLC up the ass and that's pretty much it. I've come to the conclusion that having zero expectations for DoW 3 might be the best thing.
God fucking dammit Holla Forums, stop talking about shit you dont know about, GW is still as retardedly introvert as always.
Blood Angels teaming up with Necrons and making peace is PC enough for me.
Youre taking matt ward's outdated shit as if it was the current state of the company.
You should really stop trying to talk about shit you dont know about, its the same shit on all 40k threads outside of /tg/.
That is the 40k of my imagination brought to life. It's just amazing. I can't wait for the full movie release.
Okay, here's the current state then.
Not much better.
Wasnt he strapped to age of sigmar?
The next lore coming to 40k will be about eldar crusading against chaos and the dark eldar trying to fix the golden throne.
Dated, how?
How can you not love the Dreadknight? Its so fucking stupid that its great.
Not related to 40k, has nothing that can be considered PC
Was removed to attract kids.
Forgeworld's 30k, thats how dreadnoughts looked like at the great crusade
Again, old.
Wasnt he strapped to age of sigmar?
The next lore coming to 40k will be about eldar crusading against chaos and the dark eldar trying to fix the golden throne.
If you fags haven't tried it out, Templar Battleforce is a pretty good space hulk simulator with quasi terminators and not quite genestealers
It took me a while then I realized that was made with Cryengine. Models ported to make a game when?
Are there any warhammer fantasy video games that are fun?
That's edgy even for 40k
I read that it only supports 1v1 multiplayer.
The Imperial Knight is game breakingly stupid and ruins the sense of epic with it's mere presence.
We just wanted DOW 1 with a better engine that's all.
The first Dawn of War's trailer is the best 40k video I've seen. The other trailer range from "not as good" to "eh"
I would have a hard time calling it fun per se, but if you can get past the controls Shadow of the Horned Rat can be pretty engrossing
Any examples?
from the website itself
Assault Terminators:
Hammer Slam - An Assault Terminator unleashes the concussive discharge of their Thunder Hammer, damaging, stunning, and slowing enemies in an area.
God-Splitter - With his mighty hammer God-Splitter, he leaps across the battlefield reducing foes to craters in the ground. God-Splitter gains up to three charges over time.
Retribution - Swinging his hammer, he knocks back all nearby enemies and creates a temporary shield that blocks enemy fire and reflects projectiles. God-Splitter charges increase its duration.
Critical Strike - Every 5th melee hit does double damage and knocks enemies back. Critical strikes happen more often if Gabriel has God-Splitter charges.
Not lore breaking. Thunder hammers release a tremendous blast of energy when they strike, slamming the foe to the ground and leaving him stunned (if he survives at all). This, combined with the crushing weight of the hammer itself, makes for an incredibly deadly weapon.
Man I think this dude really got the aesthetics spot on in this video.
Too bad the VA is fucking terrible, and so is the lip-sync. I suppose it's alright if you immagine it being dubbed from high gothic or something.
It is lore breaking since the thunder hammer does not have such a ridiculous AoE. What you are reading is for strinking a single enemy or 2-3 at best.
Nu-gabriel is throwing around entire armies with 1 hit. This tops DoW2 skills in efficiency due to higher AoE.
Far enough, I didn't watch the webm and didn't realise it has a large aoe.
Well we all know Inquisitors are the 40k equivalent of Edgelords. And that's saying something considering these faggots exist.
I didn't realize it was this bad
Not really. And this guy actually acts as a religious fanatic actually would. He's high on his righteousness and views it as his just reward to punish heretics. That ex-IG is about as bland as you could go.
What people often forget is just how far gone humanity is in 40k, likely because the leftists cucks writing the fluff try to shy away from showing the Imperium in its full splendor, trying to drag it down to some generic sci-fi trash where every character is some reasonable, secular guy that knows the Empire of Man is "evil", but helps it keep going because it is the better alternative.
Also, five bucks Donte here goes rogue.
Almost certainly.
They removed Slaanesh from Age of Skubmar for being too kinky to sell to kids. Granted that isn't really pandering to SJWs as much as to concerned parents but still.
If those are the daughters of the Primarchs, who are their mothers?
what happened to elves?
It is doomed. The developers' mentality seems to be "there's crazy stuff in the 40k universe, so we can do whatever we want". Gabriel Angelos doing flips in Terminator armor is ok because there's demons n' shit.
They're also more than eager to dispose of any sort of complexity or things that made DoW unique in favour of being more accessible.
Mark of Chaos' campaign is surprisingly entertaining if you stick it on hard. Spellcasters can be built to be broken as all fuck but give it a try. I've never gotten around to the expansion but I'd imagine Orks make it more fun. Also the Mark of Chaos' intro is up there with DoW1's.
If memory serves it's various women appropriate to each Primarch. See
Why wouldn't it be?
DoW intro has SMs dying like faggots to shitty orks, when one of them alone could take a hundred orks without breaking a sweat. Here, at least 20 to 30 of them, and a Dreadnaught, die to a pitiful number of orks stuck of a hill.
Also, it's the start of the "bolters are machineguns" cancer. Only game that I know of that got bolters right was Fire Warrior.
What's lore breaking is doing somersault in a fucking terminator armor (AKA Tactical Dreadnought armor), you could chalk the effects of the attacks to channeling the Emperor power, or the likely fact Gabriel is a latent psyker (since the Blood Ravens are the remnants of loyalist Thousands Sons) or a small concession of gameplay over lore, etc…
But a fucking terminator is a hulking massive fairly slow thing. You might be able to jump some small obstacles with it since it retains some of agility but that's about it. The ones from deathwings gives the proper feeling.
That and the whole knight thing (tactical drop???, the whole conversation is fucking alien with no respect or hierarchy deference between a fucking Chapter Master and lowly knight, who value those things above all. The fact she's a girl is only the shit cherry on top of the shit cake).
If you want to jump in power armor just put on an Assault Marine one.
40k has been getting a healthy does of Marxism for years now. The Hours Heresy books are full of it.
Which ones?
All of them.
Give examples.
Anything written by Dan Abnett and Graham McNeil, the rest are clearly liberal cucks too, but at least can keep their shit reasonably in check.
Abnett fills his books with nogs, curryniggers and mudshits, IG regiments commanded by promiscuous whores that are praised for it. Also, his Inquisition books now feature a "curvy" acrobat that is suspiciously similar in appearance to his feminist cunt of a wife, on top of the protagonist being a woman in the newest one.
And that's ignoring all the perpetual bullshit he shoved into the setting.
As for Graham McCuck, I'll just quote one of his books:
>‘Typical,’ said Severine. ‘You never read of a maiden rescuing a man from a dragon.’
>‘I guess not,’ agreed Dalia. ‘I suppose it didn’t fit with the times when they were written.’
This is from Mechanicum, it only gets worse from there.
There nearly always was strong womyn in 40k, I'm fairly sure you can find some in the first edition of Rogue Trader.
My problem with it is that IF you do a strong womyn she still has to be in fucking character in fucking 40k.
You can have a women piloting a knight BUT you have to write a back story to it explaining how this exceptional fact came to pass.
And she's still from a knight household, a noble house putting EXTREME emphasis on propriety (as in proper manners) and deference to authority.
You can't have her chit-chat with a fucking chapter master (hero of the Imperium?) like it's his girlfriend at the spa.
FFS the dialogs between the noble general, the Inquisitor (that outrank him) and his gruff sergeant in DoW II do exist or have I dream them up?
Doesn't mean there should be.
I'm fucking sick and tired of this shit. It was cancer then, it is a worse cancer now.
Can't has she physically can't.
Knight pilots fuse with the machine spirit of their knights, which are all infused with "knightly" character and deference to authority (probably programmed that way to avoid revolts).
Well Chaos Gate and most of the older turn based games did them well.
fair enough
Abnett's Ghosts books are overrated, especially once they kill an entire squad of Space Marines with crossbows
I've been noticing the humongous amount of women in very high positions in the HH books, but even when I stray from them I see the same with non-HH books.
The caliphas cain series also features a ton of women combatants. Even the whole beginning is about that fucked regiment that is 50% women and has infighting where the man and the woman fight on near equal ground.
Then there is that nutjob insquisitor who somehow gets a modified version of space marine armor.
The whole *women in the army* thing seems really forced in the newer books. How was it at start ?
With HH the thing is really annoying since the brightest of all the techpriests on mars is a woman again, while the defense of the ultramarines has a couple on top. A couple of techpriests lusting each other while on the job. Void dragon is left for a woman to defend. The escapee journalist from horus's ship is a woman again. And that's just a few examples.
How long has it been fucked for ? Because looking at DoW3 it's just going to get worse.
According to lore, only terminators use thunder hammers and only with Storm shields, because it's so fucking dangerous.
Abnett's older work is fine in my experience. It's only more recently he's gone to shit probably, as you say, because of the influence of his SJW wife.
Titus dindu nuffin he a good Marine
Gaunt's Ghosts feature a fucking deaf woman being a competent fighter, on top of shitload of other cripples.
And this when the fluff repeatedly states that the one thing the Imperium has in abundance is fucking bodies to throw at the enemy.
Why in the name of fuck would they even take women into the IG when they have so many men they don't know what to do with them, and when women would be better served shitting out babies to fuel the imperial war machine?
I could understand the Sororitas, the justification is basically a legal loophole the Ecclesiarchy used to retain a fraction of their military might, but even then they are very specifically limited to a certain number of duties.
Both of those, and the Void Dragon shit are the product of Abnett and McGNeill.
5+ years, likely even longer.
That's a rather relative number, it's been at least since 2006-2007, and even much earlier. I can't quite recall when the hive city war in Gaunt's Ghosts was, where they picked up a bunch of cunts for the regiment for some bizarre reason.
This basically means that leftists have killed the last sci-fi universe I gave a shit about. Now all that is left for me is to call for their extermination every chance I get, because I sure as fuck have nothing else left to do.
Man o War corsair has some potential
The reason some women joined the First-And-Only was because Vervunhive was basically destroyed and abandoned even though they technically succeeded in its defence. The inhabitants of the hive were offered a chance to join the regiments that were there defending it. Several of the women became sharpshooters which I don't mind that much, although some of them were handled in a very Mary Sue way, like a loom girl picking up a long las of a fallen sniper and immediately becoming a master sniper.
I can see no excuse how they'd ever accept deaf people (civilian guerilla fighters who lost their hearing in the bombings of Vervunhive) to be combatants and force everyone to learn sign language to communicate with them.
And there weren't enough men around to fill the gaps? Especially when the regiment was viewed as the heroes that saved the hive and the world at large?
It was a shit development there to force cunts into the story for no good reason other than for Abnett to take pleasure in it.
No, cause there are no men in 40k since generations of feminism and being cucked lead to them all being /cuteboys/
The point was more that there was nothing worth staying for. A totally destroyed hive with lots of attention from the Inquisition and High Lords looking for corruption is not an attractive place to hang around in. It's also somewhat of a natural fit to have experienced urban militias join a unit of light infantry who were previously lacking experience in more built up areas anyway. The deaf people are still much more questionable. Communication issues aside what use is a soldier who can't hear the enemy coming?
/cuteboys/ are heresy. Homosexuality will not provide men for the Emperor's army and will damage morale on the front lines. Also that's what captured Eldar are for.
I wouldn't know about that. There were other regiments they could join as well (although I doubt the snobby noble regiment would take any). People would also move or be relocated to other hives on the planet, so it's not like the entire remaining population was enlisted into the Guard.
Still, it is a weird (and probably forced) decision to accept women, since it is explicitly stated that fighting and soldiering was a male-only profession on Tanith.
Inquisition are heretics and must be purged.
The whole concept of a regiment being that great at everything kind of annoyed me. I liked the combat descriptions and environments, but Gaunt just fell into Mary Sue territory at some point.
Trying to reinforce how expendable and how great the regiment is at the same time felt forced and they never truly felt like they lost. That major that takes over the Ghosts then voluntarily dies so Gaunt can get his command back really pissed me off. The main character deaths were good when they popped up.
Cain books were pretty good, though the grrrl power in those was obnoxious when it cropped up.
"Marxism" is the least of the problems with the HH, trust me. The amount of retcons, re-characterizations, random contrivances, and internal inconsistencies just to fit with Imperial Propaganda fan-mongering is absurd.
Breh, that's one of the more dignified deaths given to Chaos Marines in the whole of the fluff.
You're overreacting. That's been a thing for years and years now. It was started by Sandy Mitchell in Ciaphas Cain to ground some of his adventures because he's, at his core, a comedic character, so he threw a bunch of not-Russian women into the meatgrinder because it was the early 2000's and 40k was still Grimdark as fuck.
Fuck, one of the most charming things about the Cain series was that when his memoirs dropped off, Vail would pull from the published remembrance of this crazy gung-ho chick that Cain hated but became a general and thought that Cain's attempts to indirectly kill her were all him testing her to become a great Imperial soldier. She was basically a deconstruction of an anime character and her stuff was well-implemented and entertaining.
As for the Inquisitor - that's par for the course. There's been titty-quisitors forever. And no shortage of ones with jacked-up wargear.
And the HH muh wiminz tech-priests thing basically doesn't count because the books they appeared in were totally retarded. The female characters in the HH are generally either really good or utter shit, there's no in-between. But that said, the most egregious ones are often in books that are shit to begin with (Mechanicum, A Thousand Sons, Know No Fear, etc.)
DoW 3 is gonna be crap because it's not even the same Relic anymore and they don't give a fuck about quality. It's a team of Imperialfags/Eldarfags that are barely into the lore trying to fill shoes too big for them by cheesing up sales numbers by trying to cater to the ASSFAGGOTS audience and will likely let any artistic vision they have left be cucked by SEGA's insane DLC practices.
To be fair, the Ghosts were a stealth regiment that used sign language whenever possible anyway.
Additionally, Nessa (I believe) wasn't the only deaf Ghost, and the explanation was that the deafness made her eyesight better. She wasn't even a sharpshooter specifically until Larkin trained her, and was just a good shot when she was with the Scratch Companies.
Once again, that's not Marxism or anything, that's just 40k being Grimdark because they wanna show off how much shit the Ghosts get that they need to take cripples as their troops. Same point on
The Imperium's a shithole, not a well-run shithole. The Administratum doesn't know what it's doing, and neither does the current set of writers, but that's more than enough justification for female soldiers, especially in a universe where Humanity's prolly been genetically modified on the whole.
Furthermore, at that point in the story arc, the Ghosts had been hammered to absolute shit and weren't getting any recognition for any of their heroics on anything close to a upper-staff level because the Sabbat Crusade was in some deep shit. The thing about Gaunt's Ghosts that a lot of fans have totally forgotten because the series has been going on so long is that the Ghosts are just a tiny cog in a warmachine that's retarded vast by most standards. There was an active officer conspiracy against them for the first 3-5 books and they still have been, and still are mostly, deployed on backwaters and secondary fronts for rearguard or very, very minor commando actions. For every ludicrously heroic act they pull off, there's like 20 more happening simultaneously on the main front of the crusade. That's kinda the theme of the series - the Guard does some absolutely balls-out crazy shit just to get the most basic objectives done.
The Sororitas have been, and always will, exist in 40k because of waifufaggotry. Same for the Eldar. Women have been in 40k forever, calm down. If you don't believe me, Necropolis was published in 2000.
That's kinda just inverse badass decay. I'm not defending some of the contrivances, but that's been an ongoing thing with Gaunt's Ghosts just because Abnett never intended the series to go on this long and, until the HH, it was Black Library's most popular set of novels ever.
I cracked up every time Vail (the author) pulls from the general's memoirs. That shit was gold, especially with the general incompetence that she displayed throughout.
Where do you get this absurd notion from?
HH is rife with moral relativism and other such leftist bullshit. Authors have repeatedly attempted to shit on the Emperor, turned the Primachs into gullible children with daddy issues and basically made the Great Crusade to have been a selfish endeavor started by a bloodthirsty tyrant.
It's pure leftist defilement of the setting. Give it another five years and Chaos will be the victims in all of this.
And for the love of God, stop defending GW and their bullshit pandering to leftists, it's disgusting.
Either that or fuck off to /tg/, we don't want you here.
user what the fuck are you talking about?
I've been playing Warhammer Armageddon.
It's not terrible, I never played Panzer Corps before.
Fucking lel. They were celebrated as heroes by the hive, they had everyone lining up to join them, and Abnett forces subhumans with vaginas, that are inferior to men in every way, just because he fears his wife will henpeck him to death.
Thankfully the faggot is getting his just rewards in the form of seizures.
Nowhere in the fluff is it ever implied that women are the equals of men in strength, nor does the Imperium have a firm grasp of genetic engineering, that being the pureview of the Emperor.
And since you're obviously a fuckwit you forget that tampering with the human genome is goddamn heresy, one of the core tenets of the Imperial Cult is that the human form is perfect.
The SM only get away with it because they get organs put into the them after they are born.
Again, utter bullshit. We are told time and time again that the IG's main advantage is that the can drown practically any enemy in bodies.
The Imperium has no lack of males to fill the ranks of the IG with, and women would be better served giving birth to babies instead of letting healthy wombs be wasted in the meatgrinder, but none of the writers touch upon this because they are servile, emasculated cowards like you.
Fuck off you pathetic carpet muncher. The only reason the Sororitas exist is because of a legal loophole, and they still need to be fitted with power armor to be anywhere near effective.
Otherwise they'd still be using armies of men to hunt witches down.
And /tg/ wonders why their hobby is going to shit. You clowns only need to look in the mirror.
You do realize that 40k isnt the imperium alone, and that in a book about TRAITOR FORCES of course they are going to put in the point of view of said traitors.
Space Marine was the only one i bothered playing and all you do is kill space niggers. I was sick of those shitty console TPS games tough and stopped playing
Going to give it another chance
why does warhammer have SJW units?
And why not?
Its started as a more rolplaying oriented experience, and we know alreay that the imperium of man treats everybody as badly.
And please, do not come with the "muh reproduction" bullshit again, the most available goods the imperiun has is manpower, reproduction is not a problem for it.
Bowden does this shit all the time, portraying the Emperor as a malicious entity, and other writers have started to do this too, either making him morally ambiguous or presenting Him as an incompetent buffoon that laid the seeds for the Heresy due to his own hubris and lack of foresight.
This is basically shitting on a core concept of 40k, that no matter how morally repugnant the Imperium is, no matter how brutal and callous, it doesn't matter because their cause is just and divinely ordained.
Meanwhile HH pretty much undermines this idea at every opportunity, turning the Imperium at its height into some pussified joke
And then utterly fail to justify it?
I was reading Angel Exterminatus and had to just walk away when Perturabo is reminiscing about the assassination attempt against Horus, calling it cowardly, and this from the guy that jumped at the chance to stage a rebellion, cull loyalist marines from his own Legion, and then purge them with a virus bombardment from orbit when they are on the surface fighting.
It was so fucking stupid I just gave up on the HH as a whole. The writers have no fucking clue what they are doing and are just further ruining the setting.
This isn't even about people interpreting things to suit their agenda, this is just being inconsistent because you're too much of a hack to come up with a good reason to justify treason and heresy.
The Emperor and Primarchs were never considered "perfect", several of the primarchs were corrupted via their warp travel when they got flung into the warp
He wants the fluff to fit Imperial propaganda
No, it's because without that absolute ruthless and brutal nature mankind would fall apart, not because of some divine power
Because not everyone is a cuckold like you.
I'm as tired of gender "equality" and playing along with the mentally ill that think women are as fit as men, as I am with diversity being shoved into every orifice and faggots like you asking for more.
Go play pretend you're a girl someplace else.
The Emperor was, if not perfect, the morally just. That's the most basic thing about 40k, that no matter how corrupt and brutal the Imperium is, the Emperor was a benign ruler that only wanted the best for humanity.
Are you too stupid to read now?
I didn't say that it's kept together by divine power, I said that the idea behind the Imperium was noble, that the Grand Crusade was started to save and protect humanity.
You do realize that the fact you like something and act like a looneay about it doesnt means that the people that don like it are cucks/liberals redditors, right?
Thats the problem when you try to insert real life politics in a setting, tabletop wargame and roleplaying universe, thats the whole point of 40k, your guyus and what they do to make the universe either a shittier or not so shitty place, its is not propaganda for polacks.
I don't give a shit about any of your opinions. You clearly proved you are not fit for debate when you decided to dismiss biological facts (women are more valuable than men because of their womb, and the number of wombs is directly related to the number of future humans a world can generate) because it hurt your phantom vagina and makes your argument look stupid.
On top of being ignorant about basic lore facts and implying the Imperium would ever allow genetic engineering of its populations.
I didn't start this you cuck. We never start this, it's leftist like you that always come crawling into a community and then poison it with your enabling just so you can have a chance to put your dick into a fat tumblrtard, basically the only kind of woman that is ever interested in tabletop, and only because she wants to masturbate to their make believe.
We didn't start this, you did, like always. You come and push and push and keep on pushing until anything unique in a setting is drowned in a sea of politically correct bullshit.
Fuck off, I find you genuinely disgusting to the point I want to vomit.
Female guardsmen (including an entirely female regiment), female gangers, basically any female Catachan, Sisters of Battle
Magos Biologis, Life extension technologies possibly. And the only genetic engineering that is purely the pureview of the Emperor is whatever went into making the space marines
Which they make tons of loopholes for when it comes to things like abhumans, psykers, and just plain old racial differences brought on by living in alien environments. Also, cybernetic enhancements, and the fact that humans can be cybernetically enhanced without needing to take constant drugs to prevent tissue rejection points to some sort of gene modding.
The SM get away with it because they're the goddamn SM, and only Inquisitors stand up to them.
That depends entirely on the regiment, with some focusing on smaller, more elite units, and is definitely not the case with the Ghosts, since their god damn homeworld got burned to ash. That's why they're called Ghosts, because they're the last of their kind.
The Imperium literally raises regiments and throws them into the meatgrinder just to maintain the population of certain worlds. Manpower is the one resource the Imperium is not lacking.
The Sororitas existed before that loophole was put into place, they just had a different name. The power armor just gives protects you better, they're on the same tier as stormtroopers otherwise.
This is pretty basic shit, how could you not know about this?
I'm almost positive he's a D&C shill trying to stir up shit between boards.
You're a complete fuckwit, dude.
40k never was HFY the setting that everyone on this site seems to think it was. The Imperium factions were HFY incarnate at times, but that was just the Imperium factions. The game isn't all the Imperium. That's the problem that I'm referencing with
The truth is that since around the end of 4th edition, the Imperium has taken _all_ the limelight in the setting's various bits of fluff. Contrary to popular belief, the other factions aren't just background filler.
But that's an argument for another time. As for the rest of your shitpost:
The fuck are you even talking about?
No they haven't, that's retarded. Even when they were showing him in an unsympathetic light, they made him come out on top no matter what. Try reading A Thousand Sons, where the entire plot is literally his fault and yet he's treated as objectively in the right. Even when they write him doing dumb shit, they spontaneously make the other characters around him do dumber shit so he can stay golden. Furthermore, how the fuck is shitting on the Emperor a bad thing at all at this point? Unless you're one of those christfags that treat 40k as one of your indulgences because God is represented in your mind, I don't understand what ground you have for saying that any character in 40k shouldn't have other interpretations. There had to have been a reason why the Primarchs turned at all. If the HH was gonna be fleshed out, there needed to be real reasons for stuff, not just 'lol then Horus was the demons'. I'm disappointed with how the HH has turned out thusfar as well and kinda wish we went back to the days where the HH was shrouded in myth and mystery, but I'm not gonna pretend everything would be good now if only they made the Emperor objectively right all the time forever because that's what hyperdevout Imperial citizens believe even when there's walking, talking warmachines that say otherwise (Chaos Marines still haven't been totally reduced to nothing).
They've always been this way. The Codex Astartes was a big buncha bullshit in the fluff before the HH. Blood Angels' Red Thrist and Black Rage was a big buncha bullshit in the game before the HH. Before the HH fleshed any of it out the Dark Angels may have well just been all closeted homosexuals.
Chaos already is treated like garbage, along with every other non-Imperial faction other than Tau or Eldar. Slaanesh will likely be phased out for Malice or some bullshit soon, likely through the non-sensical Ynnead prophecy, not because GW has gone SJW but because GW is hopelessly out of touch with the fanbase and thinks that the cucks over on Bell of Lost Shills speak for the fanbase when they say 'Slaanesh is immature' and icky or something (Did you see that article way back when? Holy shit.)
Don't insult me like that. That's a low blow even for on the chans. GW is fucking despicable, but you're wholly off the mark even if I did like GW. If anyone, I was defending Dan Abnett, who works for Black Library, which is a separate entity from GW in terms of fluff by at least one order of magnitude (see: the unofficial edit war between Matt Ward and Graham McNeil). And on top of that, I didn't even think I was defending him so much as defending the books he wrote before any of the SJW stuff got entrenched in the /tg/ community. Hate his writing or his characters or whatever, but don't just ignore any and all justifications or supporting details when making your criticisms.
Look, as much as I dislike having to slap Holla Forumsirgins around because they terminally can't into 40k at all whenever they bring up its vidya, this board is still marginally more entertaining than the non-stop cocksucking of Pathfinder, anime campaign settings, and shitty, half-baked threads full of world-building that never goes anywhere. I think I'll stay.
And why should anyone care about yours then?
But i did not, if you are going to have a discussion on the internet, you cannot make up the other people's argument.
I said that at this point, reproduction is not a problem for the imperium, not only is the amount of fighting people minimal compared to the ammount of civilians, but that they have a retarded amount of poulation, a bunch of crazy bitches wanting to get stabbed in the other side of the segmentun wont damage the reproduction rates.
I have not done such a thing, do you know about poster IDs?
What the fuck are you even talking about my man?
I want you to understand for a moment, that none of this is new, figthing women have been in 40k since 1st edition, the problem here is that you want the universe to be something it isnt to fit your political views and NOT GET TRIGGERED, thats why you are cancer.
Nigger you clearly are new to 40k, want to pretend that it is Holla Forums the setting, when IT HAS NEVER BEEN SO.
Jesus fucking christ just want Deathwing to release already so fuckers like stop shitting up 40k threads
and maybe just maybe good old DoW will be discussed at all
Is space marine any good? looks kinda boring from the gameplay videos
Well, its the closest thing we have to space marine simulator, maybe if you get it cheap it will cover the fact that online is dead so youre limited to campaing and that horde mode.
I want the exact quote.
That has nothing to do with the human genome. Nobody is allowed to mess with it. Their dogma says the human form is perfect as it is.
A few of which are tolerated because they are useful, yes, but they are not the product of genetic engineering, but natural evolution.
Humanity was a psychic species from the get go, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Pariahs are the exception specifically because they have no Warp signature.
None of which are a product of deliberate tampering.
Wow, you actually buy Deus Ex bullshit. Tell me, when they put metal screws in people that have suffered a bad break, do they need to keep taking drugs? Why do you treat another leftist turd like some authority on human biology?
Yeah, nice bit asspull there. I'll bite, give me a source that says this.
No, they do so because they are born human and modified afterwards. It's why they can coexist with the Imperial faith.
What has that to do with the argument that the Imperium has an abundance of male bodies to use?
Why would they take in women that are clearly inferior soldiers? Because PC is alive and strong in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium?
Again, what has that to do with them recruiting females?
That's a retcon. They were harem fucktoys and fanatical guards, but they only rose to prominence after it was ordained the church couldn't use men, and men specifically.
Yeah, God forbid someone stood against them shitting up 40k.
But who cares, GW will be dead in ten years with 3D printing technology becoming widespread.
40k has gone straight to shit after the third edition.
making a quick buck with the horus heresy books instead of leaving it as mystical background story was the final nail in the turd-coffin of 40k.
It's just a generic third person shooter with regenerating shields
give it a pirate
Not only was this user right
But I'll add to it.
Yeah, you know, like all the people they took with them? A tiny minority of the hive stayed after that.
Are you like 14?
I'll respond to this greentext with greentext
Try actually reading Gaunt's Ghosts, or my full post for that matter. Like I said, for a good chunk of the series, there were high-tier officers actively trying to prevent the Ghosts from getting the proper support and supplies they need. Fuck, if you actually knew anything about 40k, you'd know how the Administratum has fucked over entire theatres of crusades on accident before because they can't logistics their way out of a paper bag half the time.
Yadda yadda yadda. Did you even address any of my points beyond Sororitas? You do realize that a 3+ armor save has never helped them in actuality right? They're a special snowflake army for muh pure waifu christfags, pyromaniacs, and BDSM fetishists. They've only maintained a foothold in the game and in the fluff through all their faith powers that are their actual draw beyond AESTHETIC. Power armor has nothing to do with it.
Look, if you still like 40k when you turn 18, try reading into the fluff and such instead of just cherry-picking what fits with your garbage worldview.
Will do
shame there can't be a game like Space Marine where you're an Ork Nobz instead with customizeable Ork Trukks
I must have missed this fact, what with 90% of the books and games telling the story from an Imperial perspective, or the fact the Imperium is made out to be the good guys in a sea of shit.
Yeah, a monumentally stupid one. Are you actually defending their shit writing now?
Because it triggers tumblr.
The emasculated cuck that put his wife in the books and gave a generous description of her corpulent proportions? The man that shat out Legion? That ruined Ollanius Pius?
He's been a hack for years now.
One has to wonder what manner of behavior allowed this to take hold.
Oh, wait, I know, it was tolerating tumblr when they came to your door because it was the "right" thing to do. I mean, you're marginalized, they're marginalized, what could possibly go wrong if you reached out to them and welcomed them to your community?
I laugh at you idiots every day, you're pathetic clown, just like Holla Forums. Say what you want about Holla Forums, or /sp/, but at least they didn't take shit standing down like servile bitchboys.
Enjoy drowning in feces like pic related, it's the just reward for your tolerance and moral behavior.
40k is first and foremost a tabletop wargame, and Codex fluff overwrites Black Library fluff, sure they've gone full Imperial dickwanking recently, but that's because Space Marines sell like hotcakes
No, because GW is switching their marketing to children and they're removing elements that might make parents refuse to buy it
White Wolf has always been like that with pandering to a small group
We all do user, we all want to waaaagh! some times.
And also, one of the things i liked the most about space marines was customising you marine, maybe you might enjoy that too.
You're the very definition of a battered housewife.
Just like Eclipse Phase? Just like Pathfinder?
Keep deluding yourself you dumb faggot, they're not even remotely done with you and your shit hobby.
Reap the gratitude of the left.
This generally terrifies me.
I left the game in general awhile ago, now only play the TRPG's with some well adjusted individuals - so that, Scares me. Ill be holding my older editions of non cucked rule books closely.
I dont defend GW, im calling out the other's people bullshit and their attempt to pass 40k as something it isnt.
Female guardsmen have been mentioned in Ciaphus Cain, but have also been shown in the third edition IG codex. The all-female regiment is the Xenonian regiment. The most famous female gangers are the amazonian House Escher, from Necromunda. Female Catachans are self-explanatory, since you have to be Rambo-tier just to survive on Catachan. As for being the equals of men, just look at the statlines. There's a certain level of abstraction, but they're clearly close enough that it doesn't matter.
Magos Biologis are all about genetics, and one of the big things about 40k is that the higher up you go on the Imperial food chain, the less you care about dogma and the more you care about politics and results. Part of their dogma is "Purge the witch" but that doesn't stop from using psykers all the time.
That we know of. There's also a strain of abhuman called the Afriel Strain which are entirely genetically engineered clones of Imperial heroes.
What the fuck are you talking about? Psychic-potential, sure, but actual, psychic-using psykers are a god damn mutation that were, and are, shunned and hated because they're a god damn liability.
Gland War veterans were genetically modified by the Mechanicum so that they could fight in an inhospitable environment. If it happened once, it could have happened before.
Occasionally, yes. Do you seriously not know about tissue rejection?
It's conjecture, mostly based on the fact that people can have multiple body parts replaced with machinery on a mass scale and you never hear about any sort of complications.
Your entire fucking argument hinged on the Ghosts have an ample supply of bodies to replenish their ranks, when in fact they do not.
Because they had already proven their worth in the guerrilla war against the invading army?
It shows that it's not an issue, since they don't need women constantly pumping out babies, which was one of your arguments. Try and remember your own arguments, please.
Now you're blatantly lying to try and prove a point no one here but you cares about. They were at the forefront of the god damn War of Apostasy, and were the only ones still fighting for Goge Vandire when everyone else had died, given up, or switched sides. They were always fanatical warrior nuns.
You're not standing up to anything you stupid faggot, you're being divisive as shit and calling anyone who disagrees with you a lefty. You're either a CTR shill, a Goon, or suffering from some kind of mental disorder where you can't stand anyone disagreeing with you.
That was my literal point about Imperial Propaganda
All of those books are written from the in-universe perspective of propaganda and are thus going to be inaccurate. This isn't because Humanity is objectively good, it's because BL has like 2 creative people on staff at all and GW actively pushes for the propagandization of Space Marines and their retainers to sell more models to dumbass 14-year-olds that won't stick with the game beyond age 17.
Uh huh. Hindsight argument, whatever. The Emperor did nothing wrong, whatever. Shitty meme here.
You do realize that Legion was written 8 years after Necropolis, right? People change.
Ollanius Pius's only problem was that he was in the shitshow known as Know No Fear and the Perpetuals are tied to the Cabal nonsense. As for Kara Swole = Nik Vincent, that's you and the other shitposter in here's headcanon as far as I've seen.
I didn't say anything about Holla Forums but if you wanna bring em up, I might as well lay at their feet the decline in board quality overall on this whole site. See, White Wolf has always been trash. /tg/'s known this forever, and it has nothing to do with its current state. If anything, it's Holla Forums's fault for being so creatively bankrupt that only closeted weebs, pathfinder dorks, and people that think the only good high fantasy setting is Dark Ages Germany where you play 'Aryans' can get any traction at all on /tg/ anymore.
You know literally nothing about /tg/ topics at all if you think that Pathfinder and Eclipse Phase's cuckery is external corruption. The very fact that you brought up Eclipse Phase like it was a good example of a game that _isn't_ pandering proves you're either spewing feces out of your keyboard or there's a yawning void between your ears.
They're not the good guys, they're just the least evil guys, and that's in comparison to mutants and monsters that worship the literal manifestations of everything wrong with humanity.
Or it could be because GW is trying to market to children, and it's a little hard to do that when one of the primary antagonists is a hermaphrodic god of rape with half-naked sex demons.
You'll never get your ten bux back.
Don't forget the navigator mutation only came about at the start of the Dark Age of Technology and it was implied to have been engineered. They and astropaths (which are a specific type of psyker that apparently requires tooling about in some capacity as well, though prolly not genetic) are absolutely essential to the Imperium's survival.
The apparently touch on this in some of the HH books with the Iron Warriors, where they're special legion-specific geneseed mutation is apparently that they're universal acceptors for bionics, which is really strange because it's never touched on anywhere else in the fluff or referenced to regarding the Iron Hands. I think it might just be more skub Graham McNeil shat out, but I need to find the passage.
kill this fucking meme
From what I understand, the whole deal with the Iron Warriors is that they have a low tissue rejection rate when it comes time to implant the SM organs into prospective marines, and this is why they always had so many Iron Warriors to throw at fortress walls.
Ah. I need to brush up on the Forge World HH lore, but the BL series has left such a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks for ignoring my grammatical errors, btw.
Aside from the fact EP has a whole host of problems other than a bunch of shitty background anybody who hasn't been on the internet since yesterday would know that the only rightists among the transhumanist crowd are objectivists and libertarians and the rest of the place has always been choke full of lefties of various stripes. No fucking wonder a game from that kind of background is lefty as fuark.
Not that I have to fucking care about any of this because I can run with whatever background I want.
Also, any upcoming 40k games that might me good?
Warhammer 40k Death Wing
This guy has it.
It's being developed by the guys who made EYE Divine Cybermancy, which was a game they made because they couldn't make a 40k game.
That said, the Genestealer Cult stuff looks iffy, but it could be a really cool thing if not a bad thing.
Every other current/upcoming vidya in 40k right now is trash.
Eternal Crusade is a hopeless trainwreck of a failed Planetside clone being made by people that rival the technical incompetence of Bioware.
As we're seeing, Dawn of War 3 is just some frankenstein project by a bunch of disingenuous shitwanks that can't into 40k. Relic died after the last of the Space Marine DLC was released, I'm sure.
Everything else is mobile platform crap. After the horrendous disappointment that was the Knight-Titan game, I didn't think the Eisenhorn game could be so awful, but it was.
The only real hope we have now is that Death Wing is good, or GW tries Age of Sigmar 2, electric boogaloo and takes a stock hit similarly bad and has to sell the company to someone marginally competent, but in the current corporate climate that could be worse.
What I'm starting to think, especially with the onslaught of SJW bullshit and casul-bait horsefuckery we're seeing on and on in all spheres of gaming, traditional or vidya, I'm starting to realize that the vast majority of companies are just gonna phase us out as a market for their products. I'd say indie games could save us, what with small devs having more tools available then ever, but I know in the future many publishers will likely actively lobby against that and the current scene is owned by SJWs.
Have to give him props.
Terra looked right if a bit clean.
GW may be retarded assholes but I doubt they will repeat Age of Shitmar, with them even bringing back games like BFG. And even if they tanked imagine if they'd get bought up by the Mouse or something you'd yearn back to "the good old GW days" in no time.
That's still in development? I thought they pulled the plug on that shitshow years ago.
Another shitty 40k game is going to crash and burn anons.
BS. There's plenty of gene-modding in the Imperium. From Inquisitorial stormtroopers, Magio Biologis, rejuvenant treatments, etc..
One of the INQ supplements even had a shriveled symbiotic dwarf for Ad Mech characters that prevented you from getting cancer. "Human purity" really is about purging the unlucky sods who got a extra tentacle arm from living too to the nearest chemical sump.
Let's not forget this:
"Luther, though too old to become a true Astartes, received certain genetic enhancements through the use of advanced Imperial technology so that he might follow his great friend and brother to the stars alongside the other Astartes of the Dark Angels"
You dumb fucking cunts. You missed the point of the exercise completely.
This is one short of a firesquad. Don't think of her as a woman playing soldier on the equestrian track, think of her as a team m8 with a hole cut out the diameter of 5.56 cutclean through the vastus lateralis by a yours truly, a full metal jacket.
I just bought all 39 HH books, fight me.
Looks like the magnus fag from a couple weeks/threads ago returned with a bunch of VPNs.
All female shit usually means that the planet that comes over there doesn't give a shit. Catachan girls can also be far more sneaky, due to surviving in the jungle. While men being far more badass Also, there is a distinct thought in my mind about this: the best of the best is what is often thithed out to imperial guard regiments. And sometimes, especially on more peaceful worlds, the best of the best is shit like women, maybe due to either lieing, some strange mutations, or life being to idealistic that the only beings with real bite are women.
You mean fucking juvants don't you, which are a STC tecnology?
only first-founding chapters, or other powerful gits. If they could fuck inquisitors that easily, there would be virtually zero excommunicated chapters, and the idea for the inquisitor to fuck with space wolves would be inconceivable.
They got a hive city to recruit at. Would likely have far better clients to grab .Also, usually those elite regiments are mainly TANK GOOD.
if its not lacking manpower, then WHY send women? Even the soviets, main meat grinder extraordinaire, didn't send out waves of women until after there is a big enough shortage of men.
as an elite devoted bodyguard to VAN DIRE. Not a real force that goes on the offense. and if they need power armor to get on the same level as stormtroopers, they are quite shit.
he's not responding to posts out of the blue, only responding to your attempts at arguments. If he was D&Cing, he would have a FAR higher post count.
I doubt you'll see this since one of the drivers for AoS was to "space marine-ify" fantasy since marines are the top sellers
You could see everything move closer to being marines across the board though and probably another rebranding of everything to tighten their IP
meanwhile FFG and Mantic will continue to annihilate GW on all fronts
But terra is supposed to be the nicest planet in all of the imperium.
No user, I am just going to strip you naked, cover you in oil and spank your ass a little before I fuck you with a pencil sharpener.
There was dialog between those three. I am not quite sure why they didn't promote the sergeant to something more appropriate or at least give him a position that made sense for why he was talking. Even a captain would be better, and it isn't like he doesn't have the experience for it to make sense, the man survived a Chaos incursion and a Tyranid invasion, presumably keeping his squad alive in the process.
I mean, the commander wasn't exactly one for decorum, given that he was talking about taking trophies of monsters he killed as trophies to an inquisitor, and an his subordinates. You never volunteer information to a group like the inquisition, you give it if asked, but you never give more than necessary.
That was when 40k was a LOL EDGY SATIRE of war. Made by leftists. It got far better when given better attention by GW.
Still plugging away.
You keep going and going and going about leftism, but the fact is that 40k has always had the things youre sperging about andcalling other people cucks and leftist for calling out your bullshit.
Its changed you idiot. Having it "from the beginning" does not make it good. For instance, necrons were "strange alien raiders" at the start, and the God Emprah did not exist at any point! I think you are the type of faggot that thinks the high lords are incompetent.
It's basically dead in the water. Most of the original development team left and the game has been scaled down by several orders of magnitude from a Planetside-on-steroids campaign-based MMO to a generic 32-player FPS.
Daily reminder that Dainton was the best artist GW ever had.
Is there any chance a new race or one of the minor races will become playable in a video game or tabletop form?
even if you forget about his marxism and lore rape, he's still a bad writer. You can see that he never opened a textbook on style, his characters are attrocious (Mary Sues out the ass, fake as fuck "military" attitudes, forced drama), half his books need some sort of a deus ex machina because he's an incompetent retard that keeps writing himself into corners, and the literally only thing he's somewhat good at is writing battle descriptions, which is why over 50% of every book he writes are long gunfights with dozens of dead (but no important deaths, of course) that all follow similar structure. I don't know why Gaunt's Ghosts are so popular (is it simply because they're probably the longest IG series?), but they're overrated as fuck.
If it wasn't hexshit I wwould play the fuck out of it.
Can anyone tell me some actual good 40k books? I just started reading Cadian Blood.
It doesn't have to be IG-related. Is Commissar Yarrick series any good?
Shame the Horus Heresy books are full of SJW shit, I was planning to eventually read them. Guess not now.
Blood angel series is good, Space Wolves are good, Ciaphas Cain is good but only for certain tastes, Grey Knights are okay,
Operation thunderstrike is quite neat. It's clear that the guy who wrote it has no military experience, but loves the IG a lot.
Basically: a rescue mission is send to an Ork infested desert planet to retrieve Yarricks favourite tank. After lots of shenanigans and internal struggle with the Mechanicum they eventually find it and manage to bring it back. Contains tanks, tanks, tanks, Orks, dakka, a massive wall of steel and Orks, some massive ork pets, even more dakka, and gives a lot of insight into how the IG works.
You mean Gunheads?
No it's not overreacting. It really is there. I dropped the HH books at one point and this was one of the reasons for it.
As much as you want to disregard it, HH is one of the most influential series going on right now for 40k and this is part of the reason it's garbage.
And don't give rogue trader as an early example, since rogue trader is the clown of 40k storytelling where anything goes.
Books about space marines and techpriests getting the same treatment is ridiculous.
But the things you are complaining about like a fucking triggered arts student have never dissapeared, they have always been there, the imperium treating everybody that isnt relevant the same has never changed, them using both males and females in war has never dissapeared from the lore, neither has the fact that humanity is not the same thing we know today.
Its exactly as that other user said, you want the fluff to fit imperial propaganda, wich shows how fucking cancerous you are.
The shorter, non-series IG books are awesome.
15 hours in particular, as well as Dead Men Walking.