Finally realizing how Satanic porn is

I was losing my virginity to this qt redhead and I could not get it up. First time nerves were a factor, sure, but I think my brain has been jewed so hard I can only get it up to the visual stimulation porn provides.

This website ( is illuminating, but scary as fuck. Anons, have any of you ever experienced this problem? It's intensely frustrating, especially because I like this chick.

Being nervous can keep you from getting it up. That said, avoid porn. Porn makes it even harder. Make some white babies, kid. You better father them too or you're a failure.

If you can't close your eyes and give yourself a boner without touching your dick, you need to quit looking at any kind of porn.

How long will it take to recover? Am I doomed?

This girl isn't going to wait forever

I hope to God you are married to this girl. Losing your virginity before you get married is like begging to be a lonely and miserable fuck who ends up hating his wife after 5 years.
More sexual partners = less likely fulfilled final marriage.

If she isn't willing to wait forever, then she is not the right girl for you.

Sometimes people have hard time understanding that sex is a job, not a pleasure. Cuddling is pleasure, kissing is a pleasure, hugging is pleasure, holding hands is a pleasure, sitting together on a bench and discussing things is a pleasure. Putting dick into vagina is a job.

You're not alone. When I lost my virginity, the same thing happened, but I managed in the end, badly.
My friend though, he's desperate that he can't get excited anymore, porn literally destroyed his brain and he knows it.
I have friends getting 3 days without fapping to manage to get hard while fucking.
This is serious.

Shit son, sign me up for some overtime…

Consensual sex in the missionary position is solely for creating white children.

I'd say it's more a labor of love. Love for one's volk and their continued existence. Definitely not the hedonistic empty pleasure-fest that the kikes make it out to be though.

That said…



Your goal is to get to the point where seeing a pair of shapely female bare legs in public gives you a chubby. Once you get to that point, you'll know you've unkiked your brain from the porn jew.

Stefan Molymeme interviewed the guy who wrote YBOP. It depends on how long you've been looking at it. It could take a few months for several of us on here since we grew up with it.
Guys usually get a boost in the first week after they stop, then experience a downturn where their sex drive plummets and they feel like shit. Masturbating to see that you system still works is quite tempting. Do not fall for this. Your system will come back. I have been fooled before. Give your body time. You are not going to undue what years of porn have done to you in a week or two.

Also these.


Oh boy it gets worse the more i look into responses.

So he just needs to marry the first girl he fucks a la shotgun right?

beats me, I don't really watch porn, so I can't help you there.

Wtf website did you click on? That's not the one I linked.

That only applies to women you permavirgin christcuck


Take it from this 30-year-old faggot who's been watching porn for about 17 years now - if you're desensitized to real live actual pussy in front of you, porn isn't the problem. It just means you're a fucking complete and total faggot.

Finger her cunt. Make out hard.
Lick that clit.

If your dick still isn't hard, you need to go to pray-away-the-gay camp, fag.

9 months, good luck though you're going to need willpower to conquer your demons. Oh and hiding images makes the catalog unusable.

I watch porn a lot and have smoked for almost 7 years, never had a problem in regards to sex or erections. Maybe it varies from person to person?

of course it does, but OP shouldn't listen to the obvious jew shill of the thread

Have you considered the possibility that porn didn't get your soul possessed with the impotence-demon, but something in you is trying to prevent you fornicating like a goddamn nigger? Why not wife her?

ITT: Üntermenschen who cannot control their boners

Of course porn is degenerate likely.

But if you can't pop wood, the problem is with YOU and your desire for poopdick.

Get help. Also KYS

What exactly makes me a jew shill? lol

It's symptoms of a severe addiction, if you bothered to read the actual site then it's actually explained. And if you know anything about behavioral addiction then the start of the addiction is more then just the porn but if he's in that deep porn will have to be cut. Period.

Shut up you retard. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Watching porn is truly a shameful activity for good goy losers, but ED is more likely to be from jacking off and ejaculating too often. A normal amount is once a week or less. Porn addicts that ejaculate multiple times per day are keeping their balls constantly drained of nutrients. Nutrients they also need to make testosterone, which in turn keeps dopamine high. If that's you snap out of it. Stop fapping, stop porn, start lifting and eat well. Nervousness is no excuse. A fertile receptive female should be arousing no matter what if your T levels are normal. Also after you lose your virginity get serious about getting your shit together for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage and making a litter of white ubermensch. There's no time for degeneracy anymore.

Man up and just tell her porn fried your brain and you'll need time to recover. Not like you're going to draw out a fucking schedule for her, but the truth is as it is, and you'll be ready when you're ready.

If you're in any sort of dynamic where you're going to be severely embarrassed by what she thinks, you're probably not as an attractive of a catch as you might hope to be, and she has the upper hand, which means you're disposable anyways.

Being a young buck and all, it's probably likely that such a "dynamic" exists. Vagina always overvalues itself and if she recoils at the thought of you "not caring what she thinks", it's obvious she values herself in ways that aren't sustainable in the long run.

He should get a test for his hormones since that's also going to affect things, and a brain scan so he can write off anything else before tackling the addiction he has because it's going to be a complete bitch.

Jus don grab dik until it can stand on its own.

Jeez. That's all you can ever do for yourself anyways, in that kind of situation. Dont grab dik. Stop.

It's Jewish. Satan is Christian larping created way after Jesus to take all the gods and bible characters and make them one bad guy. The word in Aramaic means advesary and they called lots of people and tribes satan.

Also I hate to tell you this kid, but the reason you couldn't get it up is because you're a scared little bitch. And you didn't really like her.

In fact she didn't exist. You're plugging your website. Don't come here and lie to us motherfucker!

Yourbrainonporn and the whole NoFap movement is the work of limp dicked, weak manchildren looking for something to blame. Also Christians.

You can enjoy the female figure without having to see a stranger pounding it like a baboon so that you can jack off six times a day.

How much lifting could you have done instead of surfing porn? How many books could you have blazed through? How much drawfagging could you have done?


I've played it much cooler than you think. I'm not embarrassed by what she thinks, have been giving her pleasure, etc.

I'm game-aware, no need to lecture me on this. Only red pills 'round here.

There is no forgiveness, due to your own weakness you have been scarred permanently, like in fight you lost, accept this. Save what's left or be as lost forever as those around you who don't know that yet.

The importance of sex is not to feel good as you've trained yourself, it is to make offspring. Why aren't you thinking like this? Can either of you even conceive children?

I had the opposite problem my first time - I tried to go at it like a porn star. She was also a virgin, it did not go so well (for her.)

But if, during those periods of libido plummeting you have a sexual partner, wouldn't that just quickly correct the neural pathways to arousal back to normal sex?

Does the whole draining balls thing apply for having actual sex? After doing nofap for a year I feel the same symptoms of jacking off after having sex with my gf.

I am a weak willed faggot who is a poster child for the effects of porn and porn escalation on relationships (or lack thereof) and emptional effects of it. I haven't had any noticable libido changes despite that or the inability to get it up, but I've come to the point that all the other issues that porn causes are bad enough for me to change.

Its not actually a matter of "draining balls" thats a matter of hormones

Something which is wrong with you can only be corrected by yourself. Like I said it's as if you were scarred in a fight you lost and must now find a way to stop the bleeding, the damage won't heal fully but you can live with the life you have left.

Keeping your balls drained 24/7 is how you can dig yourself into a low T high prolactin hormonal hole. That's not really possible to do with sex long term. You can force ejaculation through masturbation when you're not fully hard, but obviously not with intercourse. Once you mess your hormones up it's going to require some serious effort to get things optimal again. Eating a lot nutritious food and not sitting on your ass much are probably the most important things, besides not being a fap addict.

Lmak this guy is so right. Porn isnt your problem kid.

No, you just suck.

I've been watching hardcore, fucked up porn since I was 10 (25 now), but I also have great sex with women.

Go work out, boost your testosterone level. Any normal young man should be able to get it up no matter what.

Alright, any way I can remedy this? I've been taking supplements after sex but is there anything else I can do? I just want to keep my T levels stable

one night stands are boring tbh
i have this issue first few times with any chick whether i care about her or not
just use condoms first time and blame it on them, works for me
dont bring it up unless she do

to keep your t levels healthy (stop thinking stable, male bodies cycle too though in different ways than women with menstruel) just eat well
avoid sugary foods and add zinc to your diet as well as good amount of potassium

An Aryan man doesn't watch pornography, period. That's a non-negotionable axiom.

Take it from a faggot who's been smoking for 17 years now: if you have lung cancer, cigarettes aren't the problem. It's just that you're a complete and total faggot.

Tip: being a porn addict does not make you an expert on its effects, retard.

We don't really know for sure. This topic is still relatively young, and we don't fully understand it.

porn is a problem made by jews, but jews also want you to sell bullshit books about nofap and scare you, instead of giving you the proper solution.

Go to a doctor and get a prescription for cialis, meanwhile stop using porn. You will get a great erection in no time.

I had plenty of porn my first time, your problem is nerves and probably a circumcised dick, or you're jsut a fag

I'm already at that stage (despite watching porn). I can get a boner really easily (35yo).
I do have a problem (sometimes) with actually ejaculating. Sometimes my arm gets real tired of jacking off. I'm talking hours.
And I jack off about twice a week or so. Sometimes less.

Porn addiction, specifically the crutch of the whole process, is actually not the act of sex itself that is the underlying problem as paradoxical as that sounds. It's that your brain, specifically the lizard brain, doesn't distinguish between the porn you watch and real people when judging potential sexual encounters. That's right your brain doesn't distinguish between pixels on a screen in high definition as being any different from the girl you're talking too. This makes trying to correct your addiction a massive undertaking, because even just fapping to your imagination is enough to start cravings and a relapse.

Porn addiction is excessively masturbating to porn for a very long time, the stage where you get to erectile problems or even any sexual attraction at all is major symptoms from this behavioral addiction. The low-T doesn't help.

But if the brain can't tell the difference, wouldn't is be irrelevant? You'd be getting a boner regardless.

Porn isn't the only cause of ED op.
Nutritional deficiencies. Neurological problems. Bowel issues. Cardio issues.
A well rounded healthy man won't get ED from porn unless it's excessive.

Porn is also degenerate, you're watching another man fuck a woman, making you a cuck if you watch it.

don't worry alex has got your back user, you need both of these, and it's even on sale, it's like he was reading your brain

This is where the excessive masturbation leading to erection problems comes in, your brain is telling you to fuck off it's had enough so it's deliberately causing you to not get erections even if you still have the desire to fap. From here the erections are forced past a point where it's more "natural" when you continue to stimulate yourself to get an erection over and over again it's also a good way to get ED. This is where all the real problems with erections comes from, but the sexual attraction is simply the fact your brain thinks the 2D>3D.

your gonna be fuckin that girl so hard your going to need to snort some of this shit just to give her a breather.

alex got it covered there too

Just nerves nbd. Porn may be Jewish and degenerate but it cannot overpower HQNP white pussy.

Don't resort to Jewish mind tricks such as nofap. Do you think Norse or Greek warriors had to engage in such faggotry to fuck their bitches? Just take your time and then fuck her hard.


They didn't have terabytes worth of porn at their disposal.

Well the Romans did have their degeneracy in great amounts including pornography, it probably was Rome inviting in Jews arguably and multiculturalism. Ancient Germanics only allowed marriage if the man and woman were both virgins and both families parents agreed to the union. If you aren't actively fighting the rot by killing it at its source it will spread.

Where can one buy a non kiked version of Germania by Tacitus? I don't like reading sweaty kike scribble full of fear.

Give it a week and you're going to have trouble keeping it down.

Is porn the only bad part?
Is it still okay for me to still masturbate to my math homework, or do I need to cut off stuff like that too?

About the same age, have noticed that if I don't fap for a while, it takes a really long time to try and get that first nut out again. If you're doing everyday you're just busting them out with no effort.

This, fap relief and lower hormones isn't a bad thing. You can easily filter women like shills on an image board based on objective criteria and not just your current level of sexual arousal.
I also theorize that my level of arousal is finely tuned to select only women that are ovulating when I'm fapping a lot. I can easily filter out 8/9's on birth control, but a 5/6 of healthy weight that is ovulating just sets off my spider senses and gets my member tingling. A scientific study of frequent fap and no fap groups measured responses to ovulating and non-ovulating women would yield some interesting results I think.

I had the same issues as op, also an issue not being attracted to normal(or less) women at all. If they're not 9/10+ I was unable to get it up at all, and considering I have no chance at pulling in a 9/10+ this was a problem. I also jerk(still do though) off way too fucking much, though I've mostly been looking at just naked women lately.

I'm still cutting out porn though and jerking off less.

People will sneer at this but its absolutely true. It's not moral finger-wagging, its about preventing your brain from falling for the novelty effect. You will be less sexually satisfied with one woman long term when you get used to variety.

It's the same thing regarding porn, just less extreme. You can find any manner of degenerate jewish filth in porn, that's why avid porn consumers tend to start with just getting off to a pair of big tits then end up not being able to get it up unless it's some truly depraved shit that will(should) never be allowed in civilization.

Yes, very much so. I stumbled across some very hardcore porn mag when I was 12, I was disgusted by it at first, but it put a curiosity in me that led to the exact pattern you're describing. I've totally quit porn but I think my mind is permanently disfigured. I'm very happy this generation is waking up to the kikes' genocidal tricks.

Just get video glasses that plays porn while you do her

also stop being a degenerate

You know on that note a lot of esoteric Germanic Mythology books are being deleted off of Google Books in the last month. Some of my favorite barely known Protestant authors who documented well, albeit with a laughing tone, some of the practices including especially pictures of the Germanic deities from the 11th century onward. I'm sure it's only a coincidence.

Ebay would have good translated versions, choose anything in the 1800s. has Latin versions.

At offset 0x11054 in the GIF attached is the beginning to the end of the PDF I got from google a while ago.

Porn is absolutely bad. I've been deal with this shit for years. Only this year has the real gravity of it set in for me. Now when I do crumble, I feel bad. Before after failing a NoFap, I'd stop caring right away. I've decided to do the smart thing, fap without porn. I always tried to go all in and kick both habits but have always failed. This time I hope that satiating my lust will keep me away from porn so I can rewire myself and then move on from masturbation later on.

Its a poison. It warps your desires, changes your outlook, makes you lethargic, more depressed, anxious. Entire generations raised on porn will mimic it as well, grunting and moaning like the actors they get off to. It turns making love and procreation into a reenactment or a staged encounter.

Do you have some more information on that?
how much has been deleted, is there a log or track record?

It sounds like your body wouldn't recognize her as somebody to fuck, like she was your sister and not in any kind of animu incest sense. I blame porn for a lot, but it can't explain that. You simply don't have any romantic feelings for her and probably don't even like her. No chemistry.

Other way around dipshit. Get married to a good woman and then put some white babies in her.

Nope, false hope. After a week is probably the lowest point for me.

Porn induced ED is real and it takes months to fully recover every single time. Once you've recovered you're going to be extremely horny many times a day so the likelihood of relapsing with porn rises exponentially. That's how my personal vicious cycle has been working for years.

I just relapsed yesterday and I'll pay close attention this time. Before that I had avoided porn for maybe 1-2 months and it was only in recent weeks that my libido came back and even then I took over 10 minutes to reach a full erection when starting completely flaccid. At least once it was there it was effortless and wouldn't go away if I thought about something else for a few seconds. That's how it goes in the early recovery phase. In the first month+ I need to really focus on erotic thoughts to get and stay hard or it's not going to happen. Jerking off without porn as a porn addict is basically work. It feels like work, it takes conscious effort. Oftentimes I would jerk it for a while and literally fall asleep instead of finishing, or I get distracted with non-sexual thoughts, lose my erection and decide it's not worth recovering it so I just give up.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The stimulation a man can get from porn, especially when edging with multiple tabs and trying to find that perfect scene to blow your load to, is stronger than anything a real woman could (or would want to) do for you at the start of intercourse. If you're used to getting slightly aroused by 9s/10 getting their assholes pounded and acting like they enjoy it - just to give you an example for the content porn addicts like me would consume in massive amounts, daily for years - then a regular woman just awkwardly standing there and making out with you isn't going to do anything for your dick. Your brain is going to be waiting for the other 5 chicks to pick from and switch back and forth between, and for that moment when they assume just the pose you like the most or when they make the noise you like the most or whatever it is you seek out.

Of course none of that is going to happen because real woman are sexually reactive. The man initiates and fuels everything in real sex, at least at the start of a relationship. You have to lead her and with porn ED you can't. Porn is conditioning its viewers to be passive observers of sex when in reality the opposite is the male role in sex. It wires you completely wrong and to undo that and return to factory zero takes months.

Women can't understand this anymore than you as an outsider can. No woman is going to wait around for you to recover for a month or more. She'll get self-conscious and break things off within weeks or even days after the failed sexual encounter. I've been there.

Porn is degenerate and disgusting and needs to die. Everybody involved with the production of pornography (investors, directors, actors/actresses, cameramen, EVERYBODY) needs to die on DOTR. And nobody should be watching porn, it can do nothing but harm to you. But, I think the yourbrainonporn theory is partially bullshit, there are probably other factors at play (nervousness, pressure to perform, not enough time since last ejaculation to build up libido, maybe not high enough test if you don't lift and eat well enough, anxiety, etc.). Next time, I would recommend changing your mindset from "sheeeit I need to get up quick and please this grill" to "ahh, finally, a qt I can make my benis feel good with". Make it about you, not her, at least until you can sustain a boner reliably. Lie down and make her suckle your wiener and just relax and focus on the good feelings. Lying down might help because your blood flow won't be split between your dick and all the large leg muscles required to hold yourself upright and/or thrust (although then you'll have gravity working against you).

Also, you could try Yohimbe bark. It's a minor stimulant herb that increases arousal and erection, I've tried quite a few supplements like that and it's the most effective by far. PT-141 is a peptide that is probably even better but I have no experience with that.

All supplements are a waste of money unless your lifestyle is solid, most are still worthless regardless. The fundamental thing to increasing T and balancing hormones is to work your large muscles hard regularly (legs and back). Then eat enough nutrition to recover. A person who sits all day and doesn't workout is getting next to zero leg stimulation. Most will quickly get low T just from that. A combination of regular resistance exercise + stand/walking most of the day is best to stimulate T.

Oh I've been doing all those things, the only reason I take those supplements is to help replace all the nutrients lost when I nut

Ostara publications sells a copy but I don't know if they have a hardcover version since it's only 70 pages. The softcover version looks like a pamphlet.

You are not doomed user. Stop watching porn cold turkey and start lifting weights. Pick a martial art that involves heavy conditioning (Muay Thai, boxing, etc) and work hard at it. And stop overanalyzing your supposed dick problem. More obsessing means more problems. Put that shit out of your head and focus on how she feels against you, how sweet her lips taste, etc.

You're a young man who's been poisoned by porn. But it's not permanent. Get strong, get fit, up your T, change your mindset and you WILL recover. Remember, we need you to help us make white babies and to gas the kikes. NEVER DESPAIR.

This is your """""""""""""""argument"""""""""""""".

>buy (((pills))) instead goy

This thread is full of jews, including the shutting down of discussion because someone has a vested interest in claiming anti-porn anti-masturbation is "tinfoil scare mongering".

buy my penis pills im alex jones

I don't get how this is in any way abnormal or expected. The people insisting on that are probably all women.

Been taking l-argenine morning and night, Maca Root (horny goat weed), squatting, deadlifts, benching, etc., eating high protein-high fat meals. What the fuck more can I do.

I refuse to believe it will take months to pop one single boner and have sex with her. But I know what you mean; a girl can like you *a lot*, but she's not going to wait around forever if you can't satisfy her needs. Especially on a college campus, as I am on.

They had Yohimbe extract at my local GNC, but I opted for horny goat weed (which contains Maca Root extract). Have you tried both of these, user, and can say with confidence Yohimbe will work better?