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Baby steps to the 4th Reich.
well… tonight keeps growing.
Should be just enough time to get their things packed and get the fuck out.
user i…
user i…
and neogaf is the most offensive.
That's the thing about being a DREAMer.
Eventually you have to wake up.
fuck off back to those places kike. Back to topic this is great news for burgers
Oy caramba!!
Dude, those tabs……
Well you should take your leave too..
Well you should take your leave too..
>President Donald Trump has decided to end the Obama-era program that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children, according to two sources familiar with his thinking
I hope it's true but nigga I don't trust that sourcing, let alone Politico. I need to hear it from the actual Whitehouse or Trump himself.
Where did all these newfags come from?
Reminder that the excuse of us needing illegals to do cheap menial labor is literally the same argument people made back in the day about needing slavery .
Say it with me
Nice tabs chief, havent seen someone pull that trouser rouser in quite some time.
Good news though, pack yer beans and get the fuck out.
Newfags are born and oldfags die off. The problem with this world is that it's basically a truly Eternal September.
Didn't slavery actually prevent the south from industrializing thus ensuring that they would lose the war?
Excellent assortment of tabs my dude.
Get rekt dreamers, time to wake up
you mean shills?
They've always been here
Who is this guy? He is fucking hilarious.
That and the slaves undercut the white southerners wages. They were great if you were a big plantation owner, but the white lower class of the south suffered heavily as a result. It's similar to how things are now, where you have the 1%-er kikes and their pet shitskins fucking over blue collar whites.
Hindsight is 20/20, but we never should've brought those fuckers here. Or we should've done like the arabs and castrated the niggers.
do not fall for derailers pretending to not know the tabs joke.
this isn't even that good of a thread but goddamn
Well congratulations; you baited all the newfags!
Now what's the next step of your master plan?
It is painfully obvious that you do not belong here.
BANs handed out, with "lurk 2 years b4 posting" and no survivors
This is an industrial accident in progress.
This is only the beginning. The culture war is heating up again. If generation z is is really as conservative as they say then we will easily win.
Why can't we force the unemployed to do work that illegal migrants do in order to receive their benefits?
How the fuck do these (((people))) expect us to believe this shit. Who the fuck is going to turn on him over DACA unless your name is Gary Cohn? These leftist faggots expect us to believe that they were fine with Trump until now? Then again they are most likely bots at this stage because there's always new ones showing up, always with blue checkmarks as if we should know or care who they are.
We didnt bring them here. The majority of the slave trade was run by jews.
I think with the 6 month deferment congress (repukes and dumbocrats) will finally agree on a bill.
Finally agree on a bill. Let that sink in. The republicans shot down getting rid of obamacare, are failing in everything conservative, but I betcha they finally all agree on letting illegals continue to steal our benefits and demographically replace us
I hope normies notice this
What about Bush?
If they grew up here they should have had no problem passing the citizenship tests.
Aww, all the taco-kuns will have to go back and sort their own country out instead of thriving on the fruits of the white man's efforts! *Good.** Ku-ku-ku~
But there is already so mush salt. How can the president keep finding more salt? To much salt,salt is pilingup every where. I have no more room.
I mean, I dunno user. I could put up with everything so far but this is the last straw!
Trump is never getting my support from here on out! His base is declining and I am proof!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an interview on CNN about Trumps declining base and inevitable impeachment!
I don't really care if Mexicans stay in the US, but I enjoy watching La Raza deflate. They literally brought this shit on themselves.
Jews have been trying to undercut white labor ever since the Middle Ages by bringing spics into the Rhineland. If you can degrade the man, so to does his household go.
You can never have too much salt. It's basically mineral gold.
post yer face hwen you just keep winning
Listen to them pretend to care about the budget…
I know. I mean gosh Trump was fine in my eyes because he obviously wasn't going to be doing anything but now he's DOING THE THINGS HE PROMISED HE WAS GOING TO DO WTF
I'm starting to miss the centrist retards from election year who would say stupid shit like "I think Clinton and Trump are equally awful candidates but DRUMPF is racist and should never be president" ie they are voting for Clinton but too much of a pussy to admit how much of a pussy they are.
Listen to them pretend to care about the budget…
Yes, though the way you phrased it is a bit of a catch 22. Land costs were high because of the profitability of the plantations, and the capital that was generated by plantations was often successfully applied to expanding the plantations. There were some among the south who wanted indusrial development and an east-west southern railroad to rival the railroads of the north, but were generally met with immobility from the static and stable plantation economy/society. Those pushing for indusrialization tended to support the Whig party (loose precursor to the Republican party), which was the "progressive" party, which at the time meant favoring industrial developent, and governmental facilities (ie: public schools). In the decade before the war, most of the southern whigs joined the southern democrats during that decade's political realignment, in which the political divide that had started out along socioeconomic lines (urban vs rural, what industry are you tied to?, …) switched to a regional divide, parties split over the future of slavery, with skirmishes over how to decide the issue in newly added states driving the realignment.
LOL no. We need to get rid of the Reagan Amnesty wetbacks and their children, before we even get close to that.
The Democrats promised to secure the border, since they didn't it's time to void that
agreement and kick them out.
We also have another batch of 20-30 million wetbacks and their anchor babies as well.
It's a good feel.
Dream's over, parasites. Time to wake up.
you can see the bots in that first pick lol.
Yeah they unleashed their bots
Trump answered the prayers of his base. I had no idea it was national prayer day thats definitely the cherry on top top kek.
The bots only argument is money. It really goes to show what their masters really care about.
absolutely ruthless :D
The Amnesty supporters are the modern day bourgeois.
Where the fuck is this alleged revenue coming from for less than a million of illegal spic millennials most of whom don't have a job? What do they bring into the country? Where is this vast amount of wealth that suddenly didn't exist until a few years ago when King Magic Nigger waived the wand and let them stay?
Keep it coming. I'm permanently suspended from twitter…again.
They only care about money when Trump does something that costs money. When it's shit like socialized medicine or brown people, money is no object.
This isn't exactly their first time.
We need to get rid of the Reagan Amnesty wetbacks and their children.
The Democrats promised to secure the border,since they didn't it's time to void that agreement and kick them out.
Not to mention, it's a complete lie. Almost everything he's done has saved money. Even the wall will save money in short time.
The website is fucking shitting the bed again god fucking damn it jim get the fucking servers working and that lazy fucking porchmonkey child of yours to fix the site god damn itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
yes u alrdy said that
So it's not just me.
Next up: anchor babies?
If I had to guess, it's a bunch of weasel accounting, projecting the current average of the nation onto the beanlets and projecting it into the future.
Foreigners make jokes about taking over the US, so the president does something to prevent this and they're all in tears. Seeing as how China boasts about having so many spies living in the US, perhaps something should be done about them next.
pretty funny, OP, but youre missing "how do I take a screenshot" tab, also instead of gay nigger porn id make an incest joke. "how to fuck your mom" or somthing like that.
I can't wait for their twitter to be taken over and start promoting successful, actually American children.
Get the fuck out newfag lurk at least 2 years you fucking nigger
If you want it to be true it's true and if you dislike it then it "has been debunked multiple times already".
Probably something like this.
It's probably not worth bringing up, but is Trump aware of these (((faggots))) and their bots to try to make his decisions seem less popular than they actually are?
Sure as fuck is aware of the (((media))) I imagine.
Well one of my prayers has been answered.
Step 4: Pack your shit burritofags.
Pretty sure even the naturalization criteria is natalist and racist, so the Jews want to get rid of any sort of criteria for citizenship. 'Anchor babies' is natalist when you have secure borders. They said it's a cornerstone of the republic - and so will be our wall.
Exactly, I highly doubt that they are all on average putting in a high enough income to even account for that, and that's just income not even counting how much would actually go to the budget. Hell even a sample of that size of white people wouldn't generate that much dough because of NEETs, children and old people. I doubt these anchor babies are doctors or engineers like the myth goes.
this. chinks need to go back, right after the beaners, jews, and niggers!
They accuse us of being russian bots. meanwhile they are the ones with the bot army. very alinksy like. blame others for the shit you do.
That's great, but why the fuck didn't he do it on day one with no delay?
Why are you projecting your fetishes onto me user?
The Amnesty supporters are the modern day bourgeoisie. Today's bourgeoisie are selling out the working class to enable a one party state, and drive down wages. The proletariat needs to rise up and kill their oppressors.
Bargaining chip. Let it stick around while it was still a debate to earn points to get other shit done. Wouldn't matter anyway because they'll all expire soon enough. Now it doesn't have any use I guess and there isn't a lot it can be negotiated for, so he's cashing out and shitcanning it.
(check'd and kek'd)
/comfy/ tbh
He's a redditor
I love this time line.
Is that Anthony Burch getting a giant dick waved in his face?
So, this is true chaos.
Never gets old.
wew. I bet the cognitive dissonance doesn't even register in Matt's addled brain.
So long you scumfuck illegals.
Most Americans underestimate how much illegal aliens cost us each year. Looking at the Heritage Foundation study, you will find that the average illegal household pays about $10,334 annually in taxes. The disparity lies in the fact that the average illegal household receives around $24,721 in government benefits (this includes direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education benefits, population-based services, interest and other spending, and pure public goods expenditures) annually. For comparison, the average households with college-educated heads received $24,839 in government benefits while paying $54,089 in taxes. Now, looking at these figures, we can conclude that the average household of illegals costs taxpayers $14,387 per annum. The Heritage Foundation estimates that there are 3,444,955 households of illegals in the US, containing “no more than” 12,708,875 illegal immigrants. This estimate is flawed, however, because it is based off of a census study conducted in the year 2001. It’s strange how immigrants flood into our country and hop the border in droves, yet the amount of illegal immigrants has stayed roughly the same… A more apt estimate would be the one conducted by Ann Coulter in her book Adios, America! in which she cites a study by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Barlett and Steele that estimates an average of 3 million illegal aliens are coming in yearly–enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners. Coulter also cites a study Fred Elbel done in 2007 that estimates there were 20 million illegal immigrants residing in the US in 2005.
Taking these new figures, we can calculate that there are close to 50 million illegal immigrants currently in the US. However, since I understand these studies are just estimates; I will use a more conservative estimate of 35 million. This new number of illegals is close to 3.5x the Heritage Foundation’s estimate, so we arrive at 12,057,343 households of illegals. AII of these households are costing US taxpayers $14,387 per annum. Multiply these two numbers and you get the cost of illegal immigration to the US: $173,468,986,547. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contractor, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed 651 of nearly 652 miles of fencing mandated by Congress in 2005, which was a part of the DHS’ Secure Border Initiative (SBI). The price per mile (PPM) ranged from $400,000 to $15.1 million, for an average of $3.9 million PPM. The USA has close to 2,000 miles bordering Mexico and other areas illegal aliens typically trek though. Assuming the best option is the option for $15 million PPM, it would cost taxpayers around $30 billion to build a comprehensive wall. The price to build a wall that would last a lifetime is less than 17% of the yearly cost of illegal immigration. The choice is extremely clear.
Call me when it gets enforced and the deportations start. I'm tired of hearing about plans, I want action
The areas mentioned are not the only areas in which we would save. If we decided to deport all illegal aliens, we would save the $173 billion that is spent yearly on the illegal aliens. This would allow us to increase the border patrols budget by $15 billion–a more than 100% increase–$10 billion towards defense spending, $50 billion towards paying back the national deficit (or $60 billion; whatever), all while cutting taxes by 2.5% across the board. In addition, close to 29.3 million jobs would be open. This number comes from multiplying the amount of illegal aliens by 89% (the amount over the age of 18), and then multiplying that number by 94.5% (accounting for just Obama’s fake unemployment rate in May 2015). With the amount of job openings caused by deportation, everyone drawing unemployment in the US would be able to find a job. And there would be close to 21 million jobs left, which would allow for an extraordinary amount of economic growth and would cause a massive surge in the Labor Force Participation Rate, which is seemingly lacking. When US citizens fill those jobs, the government will see a huge leap in tax revenue. The average US citizen pays close to 30% in taxes on their average $44,888 salary. The average citizen pays approximately $13,466 in taxes per annum to the government. Multiplying this by 31.3 million (the amount of jobs that now pay income tax to the US government) gives us $421.5 billion. Allocating these funds could give us $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, $15 billion for defense spending (or, again, no more than we’re spending now at all), $150 billion to pay back the national debt, and would allow us to lower taxes again, this time 5% across the board.
Freeing up all these jobs would allow us to completely cut all unemployment benefits, which would discontinue FUTA (6%) as well as SUTA (5.82%) taxes on business, while saving taxpayers 108.5 billion USD annually. 10 billion of these newfound funds could go to paying back the national deficit, all while cutting taxes yet again, another 2.5% across the board.
In conclusion, building a border wall and deporting all illegal immigrants would allow us to spend per annum: $15 billion on border patrol, $25 billion in defense spending, $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, and $210 billion towards paying back the national deficit–in addition to their current budgets–while cutting taxes nearly 12% on business, and 10% for citizens.
We need to get rid of the Reagan Amnesty wetbacks and their children.
The Democrats promised to secure the border,but since they didn't it's time to void that agreement and kick them out.
We also have 20+ million illegal migrants and their 20+ million anchor babies in this new batch that we got to kick out as well.
there's also a twitter account with 13k followers born of cuckchan that repeatedly "breaks" news by linking directly to this board, right next to cuckchan links. see pic related.
neither the house nor senate have enough votes to get a "save DACA" bill placed on the president's desk, let alone the votes necessary to override a veto
by pushing it back six months, trump is forcing GOPe traitors to expose themselves right as people start paying attention to their local elections
this is September, DACA would officially end in April. most primary elections in 2018 will be around May. There is no way the issue doesn't come up during local debates, press conferences, etc.
holy shit, i'm kinda upset i didn't come up with a scenario like this
And I thought twitter was going to crack down on fake bot accounts.
Hi Steve, I guess that's why Trump let you go.
These people are just stupid
You should be meming this screenshot on Twitter.
If you like your legacy, you can keep your legacy
The delay makes it so the libshit activist judges can't really fuck with it, meanwhile we get 6months of self-deporting goodness. Also, the RINO faggots in Congress are forced to decide if they want to side with illegals and risk a 2018 purge, or to start putting America First.
Trump has actually been on the phone with Steve quite a bit since he let him go. Tbh, this is probably influenced by Bannon.
Check this pic, those are just 2, there are hundreds if you type in the sentence.
gold is literally mineral gold
I bet Trump has been on the phone with Kim too.
"Hey Kim, I'm about to end DACA, I need a megaton sized distraction if you know what I mean? Ok? Great."
See this:
oops, here you go:
We need term limits now. Is it possible to make government workers have term limits, and make it the work of volenteers and the unemployded?
March, actually.
These twats just cant help themselves. All for some followers and impressions.
Kim should not pussy out and do an above ground test in NK.
another example
direct link to cuckchan right above a direct link to fullchan
Well done lad. That takes me back.
Does mean now that I can get job that Americans won't do?
Wait a minute. Every last one of these people are breaking the law by assisting the illegal migrants by giving them support.
Well the 1986 amnesty only applied to illegals who lived 6 years in the US before 1982 and had clean records. It only applied to 2.5 million illegals at the time and many of them could've lost their status if they committed felonies between 1986-1988.
It may be a lost cause to undo that legislation unless our movement REALLY gains traction…
Ya, sure.
Well, fire up the gore.
I don't have a shitter account. Can someone post Romans 13 on there?
Get the fuck back to whatever shithole you came from niggers.
It's a negotiation tactic. The Wall is not getting funded in the short-term budget due before the fiscal year ends. What better chip to put on the table than a crown jewel of Barry's (((legacy)))? Don't be surprised when DACA gets an extension in December in exchange for complete Wall funding. Keeping the horde out is worth more in the long run.
not 160 million? how anti-semitic!
Why the fuck did you post this. I'm on a 16 hour long work day and I can't eat until I'm out.
WOW, your choice of CSS is wrong. Objectively wrong. Just grab the raw text, man.
They just keep repeating the same failed tactics over and over.
That's the number of people that were legalized, user. If other illegals have been around before then they lost their chance to be legalized already.
what is this gay faggot crap?
Your work requires you to not eat for 16 hours? What kind of shitty job is that?
I work 2 of my jobs today, as soon as I got out of one I had to go to the other. No time for foods, and I don't have any money until tomorrow night.
Wew lad
Many of them have jobs user. How else are they sending $27 billion to Mexico every year?
god dammit user, now I gotta go to the supermarket
Sounds like a hellish existence, user. Hope you move on to better times sooner rather than later.
Read the Art of the Deal if you have, read again, and again, it's a goldmine of tactics that's called "setting up a deal where no matter what your opponent does you win in various degrees"… Trump continues to show he's a professional surrounded by amateurs.
hope things go well today user. and that your situation will improve soon
/d/ is a containment board. it exists for a reason. reasons like me.
how do you have time to post?
Can someone explain what exactly this means? Beanlets don't get citizenship if their beanparents were illegals?
Thanks lads. I'm actually the faggot who always posts about being a mailman, and it's finally happening soon and I'll be a regular carrier.
Also, I'm on my break right now
This is the end of anchor babies.
They're eating themselves alive over on leddit and twatter. Keep blaming the Bernout Boogeyman for not voting for Clinton
Aww, look guys, it's learned how to social signal from massa!
Nobody tell this cunt that the Bible is explicitly ethno-nationalist. I don't think she could handle it.
This salt is industrial grade. We could use this shit to clean streets, or launch chemical rockets, or seed a saline ocean on Mars.
Dream Act kids are deported now. That’s all it means.
You have no comprehension of what is happening here. We need the SCOTUS to end anchor babies and we need the ’65 Act repealed to make SURE of it.
Don't talk yourself down mailanon. A lot of us have been following you for a while and are happy a fellow White man is doing the job of his dreams.
Congrats, Mailanon. Glad to hear you are achieving your goals.
More specifically, the US was not turning away minor illegals. Now they will be able to turn away minor illegals.
When illegals come, they can dump off their kids to become citizens and reunite with them and their parents would become citizens later.
DACA is for unaccompanied minors.
A Hispanic US citizen.
Not the dreamers though, and that's what this bill is about. Even then they have shitty construction and "food service" jobs, make shit money and send the majority back home while they live like niggers with 10+ in one house that they never clean or maintain.
Well partially ending anchor babies just means ending a judicial request that even if both parents are illegal they shouldn't be deported. The 1965 act only protected if ONE PARENT was illegal.
No idea why I said that, DACA was just an EO and so is this from Trump.
>I don't know that I've ever truly hated
lel current year+2 being the first. If only you knew, if only you knew.
Fuck that and fuck you, beaners out!
checked, this
I know a DREAMer from Russia. He's a fucking kike Bolshevik, too.
Under King Nigger, he was actually put in prison and later was freed and met King Nigger and did work on the DREAM program. I haven't talked to him in years, but I'm curious as to how bad he's panicking right now, since he was in prison under Obama.
As a White Texan, my family's been making tex-mex for generations. I make a mean taco-bowl, and I'd be honored to cook in the emperor's tower.
Nah. If The God Emperor plans on ending DACA then he'll really do it. But a six month grace period will do three things; give DREAMer scum time to fuck off on their own, make Democucks attempt to appease him(ha ha, we funded your wall, now save DACA pls?), and doom any politician foolhardy enough to make the preservation of DACA part of their platform in 2018. It would be a master stroke of hyperdimensional chess.
What's the matter lefties? We're abandoning antiquated religious values just like you suggested. Why is this a problem? It's 2017! Now line up against that wall over there.
I honestly do not have a taste for salt, and I actively try to avoid consuming it.
These decadent small souled bugmen make my blood boil and I see them as nothing more than an enemy that needs to be put down.
Surely, you jest.
When I thought that you couldn't get a worse mix in this world I find another that takes the record.
Not according to reality. They had to be here by a certain year, so most are in their 20's. Another case of dey youths, dey dindu nuffin
It's called a Xanatos gambit
OH SHIT. We need to start posing as (((leftists))) on Twatter, tell DACA spics to DM us for support, then collect their info give it to ICE
agreed. About 20% of the time I find it falling out of my chair hilarious. Like that fag chink who was crying about the ebil fascists holding the torch rally. The other 80% of the time I just want to kill them all with fire. Most of their responses make me sick.
I know… When he goes back, it's going to be like deporting two degenerates at once. I'm pretty excited, tbh fam.
stop making me hungry, anons
Trump has regained my support.
How the fuck do you know this rat anyway? I've met my fair share of jews but none of them were by any means high up in the pecking order.
How did you not see this coming, redditors aren't that smart but they've at least heard of 1488 by now and while it's an honorable phrase there's no way you can spin it innocently to a bunch of lefties.
Edit the first image to make them call ICE telling them that they're illegals or something.
i didnt know illegals paid taxes
Dreamers keep dreaming ;)
Have we started the fire?
I'm not surprised, I knew it was inevitable, and correctly assumed it would only take a few minutes. It's still amusing.
It's easy enough to make new accounts, the email doesn't need to be legitimate.
Do you have his dox by chance?
Sales tax, sin tax. If they own property, property tax. If they work a stolen or fake ssn, they pay income tax although they also then reap the tax credits, specifically the child credit.
The fire rises.
Really, there's nothing wrong with Hispanic US citizens. It's going to happen with Mexico next door. There's a right way and wrong way to become a citizen anywhere in the world. I wouldn't expect another country to allow me to live there illegally. I wouldn't expect them to give me benefits. I certainly wouldn't expect them to put up with me insulting them in their own country. People should be mad that the government waited so long to uphold the law. This is a law which was broken. God forbid the law is actually enforced.
He's not high on the pecking order. In fact, his story is rather suspicious. He claims he came here as a baby, but he still has a Russian accent. He couchsurfs and mooches off of people. Never really had a job that I know of.
What do you call this libtard mental state in these salt posts all like, "You. You're a PERSON and YOU MATTER and I'm here for you."
I know they're getting a huge dopamine hit off of writing like that but I lack the descriptive skills to capture it.
That drawing needs a second panel for the explosion.
Turns out it was just a fucking whale you guys.
This is a good argument, but it is a bit flawed.
First, it neglects the cost of deportation - deporting illegals is not free, and it also takes time. Moreover, deportation efforts are not going to be completely effective - we will miss some.
Second, the jobs analysis uses the average amount of money that a US citizen gets. This is highly flawed - the average illegal works a job that pays significantly lower than the average. (Moreover, the average among US citizens is a flawed measure of how much a typical person in the US makes to start with, as it's skewed heavily by the highest earners - the median is a far better measure.)
You are not wrong that this would save money, but your math is flawed. Go back to the blackboard, think about your assumptions, and rewrite that.
You know, it's interesting … growing up brainwashed by the lugenpresse (though I would draw swastikas everywhere growing up and do the roman salute) I saw Adolf as an "evil" person.
Now when I see his face I don't sense any evil at all but a person who simply wanted to protect a way of life and was demonized for that.
He was neither good nor evil, simply just a person fighting for what he believed in.
I guess it's a good way to test the waters and see just what would get you banned from the get-go so you can avoid that in the future. Even then I would just go with something safe like something related to kittens or whatever and pretend to be an asian girl or something like that so they'll fawn all over you. THEN you drop the 1488 redpills and get banned. Just don't be dead on arrival.
I like the way you think.
That is a little weird but it can happen if you grow up in a household speaking the language of your parents. Think of all of the anchor babies who sound like they came strait from the Mayan temples in the jungles. Hell my dad's older brother still has a slight German manner of speaking while my dad and the younger brothers do not.
So long, taco baby!
They do know that the underground railroad was for getting people out of where they lived and out of the country for the most part. Right?
Try it cunts
The thing is, his mother was deported when he was really young. I know your accent is pretty well set by 14 years old. The way you talk at 14 pretty much stays with you. I think there's more to his story.
He basically hangs out in a group of Eastern Euros. A few Russians, a Romanian and one Bosnian. They all kinda let him mooch off them and he does drugs with them. It's wildly degenerate.
At the rate they're not having babies, this wont be an issue for long.
Great news if you own a cat shelter
Gonna need better than challengers to plow through those landwhales.
Kek. They're so cute when they're angry.
Guys, I'm scared. I don't think my sides can handle this.
Lefties are hypocrites when it comes to hate.
"virtue signalling"
Meanwhile these same fucking insects would have zero issue if whites were removed from the country. They'd celebrate it, and they have to nerve to bitch about "lacking empathy."
When will these retarded fucking reddit pukes realize that they've lost touch with the average citizen of the United States? Or are they forever doomed to an existence of smug kvetching and whining when things don't pan out in their favor?
Maybe his friends are the reason, or maybe he grew up with other family or other Russians. Sometimes it just changes depending on who you hang out with, I've been known to fluctuate from small town rural guy to Italian-esque gym bro just from who I happen to be around at the time.
It's only two days to my birthday, TRUMP, but I appreciate the sentiment.
Give us a reason to arrest your governments and install our own. GIVE US A REASON.
I like how no one even bothered to mock this newfag because the news is too good.
When I see his face something very deep inside me stirs and I get goosebumps. When I hear him speak, I am legitimately moved to tears. Adolf Hitler was truly a man against time and his memory has been absolutely twisted and destroyed by the kike vampires of the Synagogue of Satan.
We need to meme that "Women's March" into a White Supremacist organization due to so much of it being "white" racist privileged women. Have Antifa attack them trying to help Mexican dreamers, let the salt pour.
tonight is a good one ladderinos
And their cure is, what? Inviting """refugees"" to parasite and leech off of the tax payer?
Do they even understand what their own rhetoric means?
Enjoy being broke ass niggers, then.
The blue states are completely handcuffed and we're seeing that with cities right now. Look at all the cities who rescinded their "sanctuary" status when it was clear that federal funding would end.
Blue states can protect these illegal niggers at their own peril. Every major city will soon make Detroit look like Mayberry.
Criminally underrated.
The people claiming that this is going to hurt our GDP are only thinking extremely short term and interpolating that short term incorrectly.
Once the couple hundred thousand works leave the country, the jobs they did aren't just going to be deleted and be gone forever, they are going to be filled up by someone else.
Oh that protest that was headed by that mudslime cunt that was caught scamming hurricane Harvey victims out of money donated to help them by diverting the donations to radical leftist groups.
It's something stronger than that. It's also highly feminine. I'd zero out all respect for any man I saw doing it.
sucking dick. Look him up in six months and watch as he's still making empty threats over twitter.
Speaking of Texas…
Bitch please, you had faggots having the time and energy to protest Trump in Austin, the cuck capital of Texas than helping their fellow Texans. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!
Could you call that the… Taco Gestapo?
It would be less effort for her to move to mexico and just offer free daycare to little beaners.
You forgot Carlos.
There's plenty of white kids out there for non pedo scum.
Thought about it, but decided it didn't quite qualify, since it was a funny rhyme, rather than a pun.
Whew, that intelligence.
Old lonely hags went from having a cat pack to wanting a fucking nigger colony
That made me laugh.
Is this one of those people who won't say Trump's name? Is there a Harry Potter reference connected to this?
Someone with a burner account needs to tweet and ask her if she's planning on running a farm or is currently running a farm.
i've been looking all over for an image of barron sperging out at inauguration but i can't find it. did he erase it from the web?
she's running a child sex ring?
Talk to one of these people, they legit think that 90% agree with them. They've never had a moment of reflection after the 2016 election over how they fucked up.
Honestly Anons I wonder if Trump is trolling libs with this. If he signals he will support DACA if they fund a wall he wins a moral victory. Left is btfo and loses beans for decades.
While we may not look at that as perfect here, politically this move ensures 2020 for him. If he doesn't virtue signal a bargain like this he will lose the middle of the country. WN will be as wrecked as anifa. He currently needs the rino's at least public support and not for them to jump on the not my president shit bandwagon. If he doesn't do something like this he will effectively be powerless.
This is reality. Mine the salt while it's available but know that if he stays the course it's over. Back to the echo chamber of 2015 and the lack of any real ability to effect the world in the direction you want.
i know you did that on purpose. i'm on to you
Not only that, they outright refuse to.
It's always someone else's fault. They're never, ever the ones in the wrong. If they lose an election, they shift the blame away from themselves and, hilariously enough, often double down on the rhetoric that caused them to lose in the first place. As they've done for the past several months. The only thing their efforts have done, is make the average working tax payer hate them more, adding motivation to vote against them. But of course, it's never the left's fault.
Shouldn't be too surprising I guess, personal responsibility is a right-wing concept.
Segregation is Beautiful
I have to say, I'm really rather enjoying this whole situation. Will there be a smug/salt-collection thread for the announcement? I'm assuming it's monday.
how does this even work? Who are they blaming for the ignorance? It can't be the ignorant themselves. They have to blame obummer or 'corporations', both of which are openly bolshevik
That's basically what this thread is. We'll certainly need a second one.
I love strawberries, but I'd give them up forever if I never had to see another potbellied spic for as long as I lived.
severely underrated post
Oh boy! 4 extra hours of picking up paper, pizza boxes, soda bottles, and femimine products from the front of the white house.
t. D.C. sanitation worker.
People who disagree with them. The mentality of the progressive, is that anyone who votes against them, is voting against themselves. Hence why you see those Occupy Democrat memes with a picture of a random white man with text underneath reading "I DEMAND TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES," or something to that extent.
They absolutely love pulling the "anyone who votes against me is voting against what's best for them" card. Yet it always works to their disadvantage.
i'm so sorry, user
Your sacrifice will not be made in vain, trashanon.
don't tell anyone but we definitely need Right Wing Picnic Squads for serving white people only, you get in by submitting a picture of you and your fam and then if you're white, you get an invitation and the invitation is verified at a kiosk against your submitted pic before you can get burger and funz
We're going to have to hurry up with the deportations right after. Beaners can drop an anchor baby within 8 months, give or take.
My smug is through the roof already. The salt will be off the charts.
It doesn't work. But they're such smarmy cock-suckers they can't help themselves from putting out stupid rhetoric.
Those tabs had better be a joke for us to laugh at, user.
Fuck it. Reported for degeneracy
We should try and get them to fight more. Maybe blame Bernie supporters for all of this or get beaners to turn on them.
Just use a dress code like everyone else does to keep niggers out.
No niggers will show up dressed appropriately. Problem solved.
Reported for being a retarded newfag.
wasted trips.
He was elected on repealing DACA and building the wall. Pack your fucking bags Paco.
We're going to need a really robust initial force with this small window to work with.
I don't want a bunch of mixed race couples around. you know that a white w/ asian would show up.
Shit… Chinks take that shit seriously. You're right. I'm not picnicking next to someone barbecuing a poodle.
kys niggerkike
Just ask them to do some kung-fu.
Is that reddit post is still fresh? If so,use that against them. For example, black nationalism or any nationalism that is nonwhite.
Fucking lefty idiots. Actual Mexicans aren't scared; they've had harder lives than 23-year-old grad students. They're inconvenienced and bummed out – the bar is closing and the bouncer is sending them home now – but they're not scared. They'll be more than fine. Nobody gets scared by shit like this except faggots and cowards.
Reply with this and watch there heads blow up.
Remind them that Lenin was a huge nationalist as well as Guevara.
You want him in 2020 or not. That's the question. The bleeding heart daca shit will be the coffin nail they need right now unless Norks send a missile for real at us. They wont. Accusing me of being a pedro is funny shit though.
Wait till the announcement dookie. It's going to be awesome.
play all sides i says
They have it mixed up. It's chemo to the cancerous spandrel mutations of civilization through a reaffirmation of suffering and gratitude for forbears.
This is the best OP I have seen in my years on the chans. 10/10, you make an old Holla Forumstard proud.
Exactly. They thought they would kike us into shedding Noah's Ark – and we mostly have – but they forgot about Thou Shall Do No Murder, which we are also giving up. Congratulations, progressives!
How can we royally fuck ourselves more and get even more gimme government policies? Yes, lets get even LESS ownership going with our government and have literal retards and soup kitchen worker determine our fate!
You're dumb.
Don't post seagal faggot
What do we have here
marx does has some good points but hes still a kike.
do a link search or back-lookup to find out where its being linked from
here's what you do:
Looks like Holla Forums is always right to me. Time to remind the normalfags.
This, it'll be a major inconvenience, but beaners who get deported back to Mexico usually end up doing better since they usually learn a little English and saying you worked in Gringoland looks great on your spic-resume. And they have normally elevated their family to middle class with the money they send back to their proper homeland.
You ever try to wrist-lock somebody in giant japanese pants? Don't sleep on Based Seagal; he taught anderson silva the front kick.
sage for off topic of glorious deportation.
This looks like a panic move. They're pulling out all the stops in their desperation.
It's literally skippy pedosta's center
(sage by mistake, have a bump)
You have to go back Spic, literally the only thing that matters to us is the White race. Step one is the removal of every single disgusting beaner, illegal, legal or whatever. Fuck them and fuck you.
There are no "based Spics".
Aikido is for fags and seagal is a half-kike.
I've said for years that it's every progressive's fantasy to be the noble idealist hiding the Jews in the attic. They make eye contact and solemnly promise each other they'll do this if it comes to that. Except they're only promising that for egotistical reasons – the same imperatives that will help them conveniently forget their spic pets when actually helping them becomes genuinely scary or dangerous or inconvenient for them. Our job is to make it that way fast, so they turn their backs.
I will literally shit myself with laughter if Trump calls the deportation network the Aboveground Railroad or something similar. Maybe he wants the six months to think of a good name like that?
Their existence will not last forever, user. Think ahead to the end.
1 year later still blaming the berniebros instead of reflecting on their cancerous SJW anti-white stances. The left their party is fractured and slowly decaying. They have not learned a thing and it's evident by their new pick of Kasich and Haley. It's clear they won't learn and will still act shocked when Trump gets his second 2020 term handed to him on a golden platter.
You're being paid too much.
Being a shill on Holla Forums must be the most demoralizing job ever.
If the time comes we should recreate that scene where a German urges a jew to bury his comrades, then tells them that's why jews aren't to be trusted.
They're all freaking out but it's too late. Flailing to stop the train. Right now Pelosi is calling up the republicans she said were nazis last week to suck them off.
Reads like a page out of the tel-aviv phonebook
That scene has a certain poetry to it, but I'm more of a fan of just shooting the commie fucks. Maybe after the first 10,000 we'll get bored enough to play like that, but there's a lot of good hard work to get done first.
Their unstable views allow them to flip flop so hard they'll eat eachother one week then call for unity to fight evil the next week, and they never learn from it.
It'd be hilarious if the lemmings at least picked up on it. I assume there's a trickle of them figuring it out, but not fast enough for my tastes.
I guess you could say they get a little
are these people literally fucking retarded?
You're right, it put a nail in the coffin of my doubt of whether or not to give him a second term. Trump may have done some things I disagree with, but he's getting rid of these smug beaner faggots, so all in all he's alright by me.
This is only the beginning. What can be done within the Republic's framework, it won't be enough and there still will be collapse. The good of this victory is that less whites will die in the future struggle when that comes.
The Jew cannot stop, and his mission to end White's worldwide continues. Whatever compassion you may feel for the non-white you must see it as what it is indoctrination which Hispanic US citizens don't share for you as a group, unless you are one.
There is nothing more valuable than your people.
What they don't say is that $25 billion of that GDP goes to 46% of the top 1%, who all have something in common.
yes and checked
Mexico is so lucky to be getting these hard working people back so they can make mexico great for once.
Should be $425 billion. Fuck.
Damn it. I just looked it up. Fuck. I swear I thought he was italian with the hair always slicked back. Fuck.
But goyim White People will do more physical labor and become stronger and not degenerate growing their own crops and shit.
You are wrong and dangerous, shillkike. Suppose the government changed the law to allow open borders. Would you be cool with spic invaders then? Hey – they ain't breaking the law!!!!!
We can use the "illegal = against the law" meme for our own purposes, but in the end we must always make it clear these blood-worshiping shitskins do not belong here, period.
Die, kike.
I will never understand why they talk about fucking agriculture so much.
That industry has been automated/mechanized so goddamn much that we're harvesting exponentially more food than in the past but the sector has shrunk from something like 70% of the economy to 2-3%.
They are demoniacally possessed. Seriously.
Mission accomplished. Good luck user.
And 70% of the workforce to 5%.
Would you prefer we kick them out of dry houses?
You decided to get /fit/ at T-minus six months? You will lose.
It's as if they don't know how meme magic works. I absentmindedly checked the top-right of that tweet for dubs.
You can do better than that, Carlos. You have to go back now.
I figured the mother fucker was a Slav with the Russian connection. Not lots of close ups in his movies. A little goatee to hide asymmetric lips. Shit. One got me.
There was an apprehension of a literal Chinese corporate spy in my town over the weekend. Trying to steal medical technology.
A drop of $460 billion gdp would make our gdp = 18.11 trillion dollars. That is a decrease of only 2.5% (I rounded up). I would bring in figures about gdp per capita, but I have no clue if dreamers / illegals are factored into that.
Considering that this amount is probably exaggerated (at least somewhat due to bias) I don't think it's that bad. Especially considering how Trump is planning on reducing taxes which is going to boost our gdp.
Oh ho, well spotted user.
oh yea sure.. i lived around hispanic US citizens for a while, they would literally shit and piss in garbage cans, (any they could find) they would also leave their kids and toddlers at home and go and fuck jamal, mean while their kids would scream for hours on end.
hell, even this one mexican whore's daughter (12 years old) would go to local bars and order beer and all sorts of other shit with no problem at all.
and last but not least: each year they'd have this day where they would park over 50 cars all around my apartment, and start playing homosexual gangster ghetto thug music and get shit faced for hours until they all fell asleep.
now I fucking live only three miles from kiryas joel, the biggest jewish community in the US, which may as well be a state of israel, just not officially.. yet
the funny this is they believe all them people will stay in school and get a job over 10 year of a open program.
They're kikes, they know damn well they won't. The only reason they want the beaners here is to try and exterminate whitey.
You must understand aikido is just as bad as seagal as well. It's a bullshit non-striking (((defensive))) discipline.
What was the occasion?
I'd probably take the Mexicans over a literal Israeli colony.
The day will come when they are completely crushed and defeated. When that day comes, never forget that if they had won, they would have you hanged as a counter-revolutionary, your wife raped to death by muslims, and your son raised in a dress as a fuckboy for niggers. In that moment, your entire soul will cry out to give them mercy, because you are not capable of the same hate they are. In that moment, remember the night of the election and the dark pit in your stomach of a man walking to the gallows.
My dream is that my children will hate me as a monster because they will never know the demons we faced, or understand why we did what must be done.
Fug you for stealing those trips from the Irma thread. We needed them to kill niggers.
It's not a good primary discipline, but wrist locks are legit and you can combine them with Jiu jitsu. You can tap fools with goose-necks from back mount too.
You can always tell a spic because of a few things:
No but you will not get a more based president if this one pisses his chances at 2020 away. I could give 2 fucks about your remove them all shit which wont happen. We may not like them but pissing away what little support the fucktards in his party give him will only get you the next fucking mao 2.0 candidate the left runs.
Get a fucking clue how it works outside the echo chamber. RWDS will only happen if shit gets much worse than now. Much fucking worse. You're best used right now to go shill that everyone supports antifa so they end up getting behind them again and killing a few whites. Then you have your fucking reichstag fire. Fuck off with your infantile equivalent to a nigger "small gibs now" mentality when you are closer than in the last 70 fucking years of actually being a force again. Tell me I'm wrong that you're being a short sighted nigger.
I feel that political cartoon was supposed to be anti-globalist. Why are lefties posting it?
Dance thread
Come on, user, all but one of the words in that sentence is a cognate. It's not that hard to decipher this particular instance of deportese.
En = in
Memoria = memory
de = of
mi = my
esposa = spouse (female)
How about we not steer the hurricane over the the east coast because there are still plenty of white people over here including my broke ass.
Either direct it at Houston again or directly at some nigger infested hive in the south. As much as I hate Jew York sending it there is too risky. Let's just hope that a plane of peace goes by there again or that the AI police of the future hate niggers and eradicate them.
True, but I live a few miles away from a spic population. Sometimes they have entire paragraphs. Can't find a pic of one with a quick search, but trust me… They put the whole eulogy on their back window sometimes.
I refuse to check those weak ass digits. kys, faggot.
Maybe they all keep dying because they've obstructed their rear vision?
political cartoons are whatever you want them to represent
Sorry, those are decent dubs, but his are Hitler dubs, and outrank yours.
Is it just me, or are the digits flowing freely tonight?
To be fair, tropical storms hit the east coast fairly regularly. If you're worried about storms, you should be you should have moved out long ago. After Sandy, it was pretty clear that they can happen on the east coast just as well as anywhere else. Move out of there. Too many niggers anyway.
Be less butthurt. You are the one who doesn't deserve your digits.
They usually just pass by most of the east coast. Sandy was a nothingburger for my area. If it happens to come directly for me I'm fucked but because of the Gulf Stream I'm usually good. But each time there's always the possibility it could be the one. Where the fuck should I go, the Midwest where tornadoes come by every year? Near the Mississippi or Ohio where it floods every year? Commiefornia with the commies, mudslides and earthquakes? I'll go a little inland but no thanks I'll stick to the east coast, there's plenty of areas with less niggers.
But your post got Trump dubs, that's definitely a sign from The Amphibious One.
i don't know satan, it's been over 10 years since i left there. i think it was just one of their holidays like cinco de mayo.
also I walked to kiryas joel a few times, every time the hair would stand up on my back, i think it's not going to scare me but it always does. they have day cares that are very low profile and creepy, the windows and doors are completely covered with plywood from the front, possibly the back too. there is always screaming from the kids 24/7.
it's a guy that used to post here.
He goes by the name 'moot'
Thanks for noticing. I felt His presence.
They're all on anti-depressants and suffering intense denial to the point of insanity anyway. It's the prerequisite of being a communist.
I've seen a lot of stupid tonight, but Jack Miller here in pic 2 takes the cake. How can these people at once "be children" but also be contributing "billions" to the economy? Children are an economic sink, and always have been. People only become productive when they become adults and start giving back. So are they children, or are they contributing billions to the economy? What world is this guy living in where babies make us billions of dollars?
what a shame, the blue hair one is pretty cute.
Man seeing those tabs makes me feel like some old fart. Also wew
Here come the whales
If I didn't just mistake Steven Seagal for a white person I'd be giving you shit for this comment.
Kikes are just fucking terrifying in general, somewhere in the uncanny valley. Every now and then I see an Orthodox one walking through town and I can't help but laugh after I pass by because they look so intentionally horrible. Hell there was one that was obviously a tranny but I couldn't tell of what variety, and it was complete with a kippa. Of course it's only funny if there's one at a time, once they travel in groups it is no laughing matter.
Fuck off, we can easily win by deporting illegals and cracking down on voter ID laws.
Snap out of it son
She's seen a lot of dick.
Somehow we are privileged and our society is racist and at the same time they're confident enough in it genociding us that they down around and taunt our extinction with clown suits.
There is a PT curiser near me that has three of these fucking things on the back window (brother, cousin and step-father).
They also leave dollar store candles of the virgin mary on corners where other spics died. There is this one corner near where I live and theyve been leaving their trash there for 6 years running now. Wilty photos, dead flowers, candles and cardboard tombstones.
The #daca hashtag is trending. I'd imagine #defenddaca and #heretostay should be rather fucking glorious for a while.
meant for
There's a shrine to a dead spic not far from my place. I remember the event – the little bastard was street racing and decided not to stop for the flashing lights when he blew through a speed trap all the English-speaking, non-retarded locals know about. He took a gentle curve at 75 or so in a 45 zone and flipped his Chevy. This is held to be a sad thing, you understand, and so they put out a cross and some other dumb shit to share their grief with the rest of the community. I'm morbidly curious how long it will be there before some cooler head comes along and just throws it in the trash where it belongs.
Man, I forgot how clever A. Wyatt Mann was.
When they mention 5 million women
It means 5 million pounds of women.
what will be the next shill narrative?
What the fuck kind of doctor was he going to be? What? What the fuck?
You're going back Paco, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
They're Communists. What do you think?
The typed font compared to the hand-written from his early days and "Mexit" having evolved from Brexit. Those are much more recent. I think you mean IS.
They're just going to start screeching like cats. Fucking live right on CNN all the anchors will just lose their shit completely.
(checked those Trump dubs)
I stand corrected.
That's a guy, you fuck wit.
He was asking for it.
I think the bodies are still in those vehicles. That's why they have the stacked air fresheners on the rear view mirror.
Good luck winning the 2018 elections now, Demofaggots.
godemprah makin the catladies ill
Those cats are obese as fuck.
I betcha she's fat as fuck too
They're all too depressed to exercise because they have to live with a dumb cunt.
or is it thousand cat stare?
Unwittingly, she admits it: this is an urbanite vs ruralite fight, and the cities will "defend their own." She all but calls it a race war.
Friendly reminder that this pinko catlady will never love her own people this much. She will never, ever, in a million years be willing to go that far for little white boys and girls. She'll do it for niggers and spics, but not her own people, her own flesh and blood.
This is what feminism does.
flaming star trek faggot thinks his opinion is relevant to the situation
I want to make her to look at that photo and picture her life if each cat were one of her children instead.
HAHAHAHAHA. Prepare for nuclear tier meltdown.
Trump needs to bring back posses who have a shoot to kill policy.
Hey newfriend! We generally insist that you lurk at least 2 years before attempting to contribute to the conversation. See you then!
tfw I'm in the top photo.
No shit you raging homo. So is every single thing you tweet there star captain obvious
Shame on him for being a sick pervert
top lel to the people sending faxes to their representatives at 10:00pm - 1:00am depending on where you are in the states.
This faggot never fails to get my blood boiling. Hurry up and die you dishonorable nip.
apple hating america surprises nobody
Of course they're gonna virtue signal.
I lold extremely hard at this whole post
I don't know how true this is, but growing up I was told that newspapers were written to a 5th grade reading level as their target audience is everybody and not just the literate.
Let's not forget about the Chink anchor babies that have to go back too. They run tours to the US specifically for pregnant women to give birth here.
>She’d arrived in November as a customer of USA Happy Baby, one of an increasing number of agencies that bring pregnant Chinese women to the States. Like most of them, Happy Baby is a deluxe service that ushers the women through the visa process and cares for them before and after delivery.
Started to get mad at the amphibian family, got mad at the civ nat patriotard instead.
He's a complete disgrace to his people. The very idea of a Japanese commie is so wrong.
The MSRP of the next iPhone increases with each Mexican fired
Will that faggot nip just die already. Star trek was like 50 years ago and despite what these retarded dorks think, it fucking sucks.
Do the Japanese even like and respect this sick fuck? I would imagine they give 0 fucks about him generally
new series comes out at the end of the month. guess who the cast is? Captain strong independent chink and the first officer is Lt. Cmd. strong independent sheboon
At least they're finally acknowledging him as POTUS instead of outright denying it.
the bots are going hard as fuck on this hashtag, they aren't even trying to hide it
>not have completely given up on (((pop culture))) years ago.
user, nothing will ever be good again. Just face it.
$476 million? What do they need $272 million for?
Son of a bitch I just noticed.
the chink ability to exploit loopholes is nothing short of admirable
checked and chuckled
I can't wait until he reaps his due.
Always make an effort to find these, break into the account and change a few of them to be subtly extremely racist.
Fucking wew. It's not bots though it's a template, someone posted it earlier. This bitch is just clicking it over and over out of despair I guess.
It's in times like these, that I wish I had a twitter account.
better yet, tweet it to Bernie
Trips confirm gorethread
Will nobody think of the kids??
this bot has been in cold storage since 2012
Got a hearty chuckle from me.
Nice trips. Adios, beaners!
Reddit's response.
what's the template? is this a website? because this they're all posting the same identical shit, 50 times a piece for each state. unless people are doing this by hand they would have to give out api keys to their account and normalfags don't into that.
The wages of diversity is dissatisfaction for everyone.
i hope this cat 6 hurricane hits north carolina and this teacher drowns with all her dreamers
Why are they so xenophobic againt Mexico and El Slavdor? Surely classifying them as countries ravaged by gang violence is bordering negative, racist stereotypes - specially the kind that Trump leveraged into promoting his wall - Right?
More reddit butthurt.
Remember guys:
Report to Deport
Self deport and not live in fear. Easy peasy.
how come when these fucks spam 4 tweets a minute (((they))) don't
So 20,000 women? Or less?
Give them 30 xanax and a bottle of taquila, spics love that shit. It'll knock them right out and will have restful sleeps
and never wake up
Shut up faggots. You are so fucking new you
talk like you're still on reddit.
It's the google doc link in this thread. I ain't clickin that shit nigga so I don't know how it works. The ones going over lists of people could be bots. But no there are a million websites that have "tweet this!" links, I think it fills in the form but you have to click tweet. Not hard for a normalfag to do.
I like how they can suddenly become debt hawks and econocucks.
all these people who actually have jobs and college educations will probably prosper in mexico to be honest
Why would you donate $1000000+ to yourself?
the mexicans probably hate these fucks because they think they're better than them.
Just like these liberals all became muh veteran worshippers when Trump announced banning trannies from the military.
Oh shit you're right
the chess meme is real
just like how africans loathe self-important american blacks
Another one they use is, "every where I go, is Mexico". That's great Amigo, because you're going to Mexico.
click to tweet links aren't that uncommon (mostly there are used by websites for sharing a post or something)
hopefully trump solves this anchor baby bullshit and breaks up no families sending them all back
They don't believe in anything except what society tells them good people think. The rest is feels and opportunistic gotcha arguments.
Dedicated salt-mining bread.
I cannot wait to see what sort of economic powerhouse Mexico becomes as a result of this.
The bribes from the foundations will have to be really good, because many will lose their reelection bids if they support a DACA type initiative.
Isn't it retarded how the media is now referring to illegal aliens as "Dreamers"? (pic related). Normies are so stupid they'll just be like "aww they're just poor dreamers, why don't you big meanies just leave them alone?"
Internet heroin?
5 years ago it was like "there is no cost to progress", but now its like
Don't you know all the creators in all media are Cultural Marxists, they are forced into classes on this shit. Why do you think everything is such shit and falling apart?
That he will veto, if they do manage to still push it through the RINOs will get wrecked in the 2018 GOP primaries.
I think this is what he's doing. He's going to use it as leverage for building the wall. It's going to force the assholes in the senate to give him what he wants.
They'll frame it as a bipartisan victory for the American spirit or some such bullshit.
You have to admire the elegance of it. Ruthless.
I wonder weather they still use pajeets and other low wage shills or if the concernedcitzen.exe is fully automated
"National Korean American and Education Consortium".
Just grow your own. I have a patch in my backyard.
(((They're))) running out of options
This salt is better than ecstacy
wiccan = stronk empowered womyn
methuselah = character from Redwall by Brian Jaques
What is conservative even supposed to mean?
Then why didn't he have an issue with DACA, which was neither legislation nor executive order, but a promise not to uphold the law? Remember, always shoot a traitor before an enemy.
he's not wrong, but congress has never been able to get it's shit together and i seriously doubt it'll get it's shit together before this deadline.
congress only wants to spend money, it doesn't want to touch any possible divisive issue because they all want to keep their jobs for 30 years like that kike pelosi
Audible kek there user, thanks I actually got that Redwall reference
exactly what liberal means, which color tie you wear during debates
because he's a cuckservative and he's trying to compromise before there's anything to even compromise over.
Reminder that salt threads are best augmented by pic related. Damn this is a good thread.
This will be used as a (((compromise))) to get Democrats to vote in something else.
This explains it pretty well -
Unlike the wall, the tax cuts, the Obamacare repeal.. and everything else the American people voted for… I'm sure that DACA amnesty will get passed. Fucking traitors.
It'll be tacked onto other legislation, tax cuts or similar most likely.
Drumpf will give amnesty to current dreamers. You all have been had(CUCK WAS FORCED TO WORK IN THE SALT MINE FOR THIS POST)
"When your swimming pool is full of piss don't be surprised when your neighbor shits in it" - Sun Tzu
You just described the formation of Chinatowns. Every big city has one. General Tso at a picnic would be nice.
Well yeah but at least he'll give you a free hat if you make it all the way.
There are others here who have watched/read Redwall kinda comfy
do you have any sources for that user? I still have faceberg and there are some spic faces I'd like to rub this into
Were you the Pardon will never happen shill?
Their dream's were just that, dreams.
With abominations like that? Just makes the though of killing kikes and communists in 6 months time all the more sweet.
Drumpf will give amnesty to current dreamers. You all have been had. Stupid goyim
Those books were redpilled as fuck, too. Themes of race realism present throughout the whole thing.
Foxes are Jews, of course.
speaking of strong conservative leadership
If T_D is any barometer, the Trump base is very much behind sending them back, and not giving them muh path to citizenship.
damn he's getting savaged in those twitter replies
atleast kasich has the balls to say it directly
I bet you Drumpftards still think Sheriff Arpaio is gonna get that pardon, too.
found the original
Someone who doesn't have a permaban from Twitter tweet this at him:
someone has to die for this
If you're listening, I have a few suggestions.
was that actually a thing?
Fuck twatter
I had to shorten it
You're a funny fucking guy OP.
I often think about redpilling my siblings and some friends but I realise they would have to go through similar things I did. I would be forced to repeatedly destroy their worldview and beliefs.
It's much easier redpilling someone you don't love.
I know right?
and now I'm curious if hat themed porn exists
Yes, it's called TF2 r34.
Who's the brain-dead rat that came up with that absurdly stupid policy that allows any sub-human to just trespass on our land and shit out a citizen?
Colleges start back up on Tuesday. Shit is going to be crazy. I go to a 80% Hispanic community college.Will it be safe for whites?
No. I've already heard students saying how much they hate whitey. Both in and out of class. You guys should know, you are being hunted/mapped by the Geography students. They spend their free time doing what we do, but for the other side. I'm trying to counter, but fuck, everything is against me in CA. And I'm the only white guy.
As a burger, i know burgers. Those sir, are no burgers. I dont believe the grill is even lit.
On topic: Fuck Mexicans
How would they be able to track us? We're anonymoose. Even if one of us spills our spaghetti and drops OpSec, there isn't any continuity there. Unless all they're doing is just putting pushpins on a map where anons claim to be, in which case, ehh, whatever.
I'm genuinely curious now. Can you give us more insight into what they're doing?
80% Hispanic? fucking hell
What like Cruzx?
No clue. Never lived around beaners. You wouldn't be safe around Leftie whites if you wore your politics on your sleeve, that's for sure. Obviously universities are enemy territory, so you don't want to do that regardless. 80% though is insane. If they're at all like niggers and Leftie whites, then it might not even be enough to present yourself as neutral, they might despise you if you don't virtue signal with anti-Trump sentiment.
Commented before reading everything.
Worst I had was 35% taco, the rest was assorted asian earrape and nigger ook ooks.
We know nothing but hate. We want nothing but their suffering. We do not think of them as human beings. Never let your children forget what you fought for, lest they repeat the mistakes of your enemy(see Germany).
I never went to a minority white school. It's amazing how even nigger behavior changes with the influence of white people around them, yet you remove that influence and they regress. I wonder, what are high percentage schools with Asians like? Are Asians in the US just a bunch of trashy wiggers? I know the Filipinos are a bunch of wigger trash. What about Chinese? I imagine they'd have cliques and look down on whites and treat whites like shit.
We should seriously start meming "45" as a WN number. Wear 45 jerseys, put 45 on shirts and hats, wear 45 armbands.
If they want to abstract the man out of their hatred, who are we to not embrace that?
Commies using capitalism as an excuse to keep a bunch of bum foreigners around to destroy our future existence as a people and a culture. I don't even like saying culture anymore because these idiots have gotten it into their heads that non-whites can just wholly adapt to our culture and propagate it themselves. They can only live within a white culture propagated by whites, they can not propagate it themselves absent our influence (as evidenced by every large black and brown segregated community in the country). They're too stupid to realize this though, so I stopped the culture argument and I just stick with displacement.
It was. I used to frequent reddit and thats one the 'jokes' I even laughed about it back then too.
Forgive me Faggot for I have sinned
This is terrible, when they're put in jail for heroically starting trash fires who'll feed their cats?
how long ago was this?
have you completed the mandatory 2 years
She must have an enormous plantation if she wants all those cotton pickers
Fucking obliterated
It started with the primaries I liked Bernie then a few months ago the proper redpilling started. I thought I was cynical and jaded before.
Not yet user, I am sorry but I couldn't resist
There is no shame left, gook. Your kind used it all up and abolished the concept. Ever since >>8888888, /we/ have worked to purge the concept of shame from our hearts, knowing it will get in the way of what we all know must be done. If we do the work thoroughly, our children will grow old in a world where a sense of shame is enough on its own to keep order. But it's a luxury we can never know, because there are racial mongrels dressing up like dogs and being walked by their masters on the streets of San Francisco. If I felt shame, I would never have the strength to properly dehumanize my face.
Your story blogpost is moving. You get a single-issue relaxation of the two-year rule. Don't make a habit of posting, faggot.
There will be no mercy on our end.
I wonder if he and the fat Canadian guy from all the commercials who was on Star Trek get along. He seemed to like talking shit about these estrogenic Leftie rats on twitter.
I'm about to go to sleep but I have an idea for a webpage. Just a simple place that tallies the support and voting record on key things like DACA and Obamacare. Make it normalfag friendly and see if their GOP senators, governors, representives etc, and a score like Rotten Tomatoes towards how much they deviated from Trump so they can vote them out in the primary. Also add when they're up for reelection and all that.
Call it "Scum or Not?".
consider the prohibition lifted for september, we all deserve to be able to shitpost about the oncoming fuckery
Estate conservatism, the rich stay rich and fuck the goyim with a knife.
The entire Redwall series was seriously redpilled. It was a fantasy story about race realism, biodiversity, and defending your people and culture from external parasites and predatory scavengers.
It's also been surprisingly not ruined by furries, though I'll admit I'm not degenerate enough to really look and check. Maybe there's something about wholesome, implicitly Christian and explicitly Traditionalist values that wards them off. Or maybe furfags only like it if Disney is involved somehow.
In this particular instance? It means cuck. That's all it means. Tillis is trying to compromise on an issue that isn't even an issue yet. There's not a single whole and intact spine between the entire RINO establishment. Pat Buchanan had these traitors nailed from the beginning. They're all Trots, every last one.
I like Chelsea Clinton. The gal's got a lot of moxie. She gets her own oven on DotR for all that chutzpah.
no, kirk hate's that chink
. I think you and I know someone in common…
not to mention that the animal element makes it entertaining for younger kids, and the actually bloody and dark battle and siege elements make it entertaining for older children
i'd say that's it's actually the perfect book series to give to children, i know it really inspired me as a lad
Thank you user.
I'll try my best to not be a faggot
Shatner literally admits to browsing 4chan and more or less admits to using Holla Forums.
Which is surprising because not only is he a part of Hollywood, he's a Canadian.
Just look at that Disciples for DACA bitch on the left. Holla Forums has quite a few christcucks around, and we fedoras give them a lot of shit. Please know it's that old whore we're seeing when you show up with your blah-blah-Jesus-wasn't-Jewish-blah-blah shit. We see useful idiots for Jew operatives, who use you like a condom.
Nobody reply. I don't want to derail into the inevitable when religion comes up here. Just food for thought.
Reads like chutzpah at first but then note she doesn't mention who the prayers are directed to…
Moloch, obvs. Fun Fact: When Moloch observes a day of prayer, he prays to Hillary Clinton.
I have all of them, and I'll be passing them on to my kids when I have them. I'll be happy if they enjoy them even half as much as I did.
Looking at Redwall makes me think about what Disney could have become if they had stayed true to Walt's vision, instead of being bought out by kikes and turned into a puppet of Cultural Marxism.
Our media could have been great, you know. It could have been beautiful. Inspiring. A source of entertainment and intellectual pleasure that instills important values and lessons, and raises profound questions.
Instead, they tried to take even our bread and circuses from us in the end, because they are Communists and the revolution must go on.
The fools should have let us keep our books and video games.
Shatner hates that faggot Takei. If he wasn't a Jew, I'd say he's based.
Gene Roddenberry seemed okay, despite everything:
Then maybe you shouldn't rely on illegals so much.
hey, i'm a dual citizen kraut, and i like having an escape plan
My god the excuse of "muh money!" to keep a foreign population in our midst that threatens our future existence is really starting to piss me off. Especially since I know the money isn't even a concern of these fucking sub-humans. It's just their usual subversive appeal. "Throw away your country, culture, and destroy your people to get [insert this many billions]." That money doesn't mean shit if the country falls into the hands of non-whites and the economy implodes and my great grand children are tormented for being white.
That man lets other men stick their penises in his anus and mouth. It shouldn't surprise you that he's acting like a faggot about DACA too.
That last image is clear proof of how utterly hypocritical and full of shit these fucking commies are.
It means good goy who loves Jesus and Pissrael and hates ebil waycis nahtzees.
He's also a kike, user.
They seem to forget that we have an unemployment problem, and that by deporting this foreign born workforce white Americans will get their job. That means that productivity will increase, wealth creation will increase, more resources will go to fewer people, less unemployed people will be suckling off the tax payer teat etc.
Salt from neofag
I know, it shouldn't even be possible. I wouldn't be surprised if putting on that uniform changed him permanently.
Is this what being a rapist feels like? No wonder the niggers love it so much
Just because beaners call their kids Jesus doesn't mean it's the same thing.
check'd and keck'd
Looked it up. Of course it's a gaming website. The gaming community is one of the biggest festering piles of progressive shit there is. How the hell did gamers ever come under attack from Lefties when most of them would have similar opinions? Gamers are "edgy," and politically incorrect in the youtube "skeptic" kind of way, but the second you say something that's actually politically incorrect, in they come with their weaponized rhetoric to shut you down. Gamers are probably the most disgustingly diverse group of people. White female gamers are the worst. They're whores and gook lovers. On that note, how did gaming culture ever get attributed to slant-eyes when white men invented it?
Good luck. Stay strong. Things will get better.
Yet he's one of the biggest 2nd amendment proponents and a Trump supporter. Not to mention his films have been showing CIAniggers for what they truly are as early as the 80s.
Don't touch Seagal.
Leftists eat each other all the time, it's a major mechanism of leftist radicalism as the cucks try to catch up Shaniqua Shekelstein and her crazy nationwrecking ideas after she tears strips off them.
Neogaf is one of the more wretched hives of poz and faggotry. It's essentially tumblr with vidya.
I'm sorry you are upset that your kike picture show hero is a filthy yid but that doesn't change the fact that he's getting the gas for being a Pedowood heeb.
Jews kiking up western games didn't help, at all.
Are you tired of winning yet?
If Trump manages to stop shitposting all day and ICE actually does deport all illegals in America, then the 2020 election will be one step closer to a white ethnostate. Less illegals=less democrat votes, and even better: less non-whites in America.
Shit's good.
One problem I see here is Trump is putting a 6 month hold on DACA (it ends after that I assume, and he won't renew), not outright ending it. Now is this to influence Congress to pass a law in its place so a form of "DACA" is permanent and legal? It's not dead yet. We need to see how the rest of the filth on the government respond.
What's wrong with his tabs? He's keeping his eye on the most relevant social media sites in order to get a broad spectrum of reactions to the news. As for those last two tabs, he's just watching the Republican and Liberal safe spaces.
True, but four years of misrepresentation, lies, and propaganda from all media outlets, on television and online, will have a massive effect. They're even working the "Trump's a cuck/kike" angle on our side to try to undermine support. I don't give a shit what Trump is, he's still better than a Clinton, Obama, Bush etc.
Kekicus maximus. Checked.
Absolute savagery.
One more pass at it.
No. 95% of them are still scum, and even if you kick out only the scum and let 5% "good ones" live in the US, the "good ones" will reproduce another 90% that's scum. All of them have to go. Everything that's not Caucasian needs to fucking leave forever.
Because the Japs dominated the console market (and the arcades back in the day) and still do to this day.
just because a shitskin manages to live up to the bare minimum of white standards doesn't mean their children will. sure, there are probably quite a few not relatively speaking, but in terms of absolute numbers say, several thousand "based" mexicanshyphenamericans, both male and female, who support trump, the wall, all that stuff, and who work, aren't welfare drags, actually take care of their homes/properties, don't shit out kids like diarrhea etc. they probably have IQ's that are, on average, around the 100-110 range, and they're probably decent people.
they will breed. they may get lucky and find someone similar to them, another relatively speaking high IQ based mexicanhypenamerican who shares their values and what not. unfortunately for them and for us, a thing called "regression to the mean" exists, and the mean, or average IQ, combined with the natural cultural values of pretty much every shitskin culture, means that the offspring of even the highest performing members of a shitskin race will be closer to the average, both in IQ and in other ways, than their parents were. the farther their parents are from the "average" then the most likely it is that the kids will regress towards the mean.
this creates problems because those 110ish IQ based mexicanhyphenamericans will have kids that are closer to the 80ish range. these kids will be easily manipulated by media and social pressure, and, whether by nature or malicious social intent, they will come to rebel against what their parents stood for. they will seek refuge in their "culture" which will essentially create the same problems we are dealing with now, only a generation or so on down the line.
they all need to go. all of them. we don't have the time, inclination, resources, or patience to wait for natural selection hah! to kill off the dumb ones and slowly, over the course of dozens of generations, raise the shitskin cultural mean out of the gutter and into something resembling civilization.
Slant-eyes haven't made a good game since the '90s. Gaming culture is attributed to them due to estrogenic fat fucking '70s and '80s kids who get hopped up on nostalgia about shit franchises like mario that they played back in the day. Nintendo hasn't made a good console since gamecube, and playstation is irrelevant in the modern day because it's just an inferior version of a PC, with terrible female-led exclusives. Gamers are the worst. Anime loving, slant-eye loving faggots. It's the same with technology in general. Nerd culture. It gets attributed to slant-eyes, meanwhile white men are the minds behind every single groundbreaking invention in computing and modern technology in general. We should have nuked the entire fucking island and went in slaughtered the sub-humans that were left standing.
You're really assmad about nips & vidya.
How is it bad timing, their house is destroyed and it's cheaper to live in Mexico, now it the perfect time for them to go back
Well slant-eyes have never produced a single thing of worth and are given, for zero reason, praise for accomplishments of white men. For this alone hatred and lust for their destruction is well deserved. They're a worthless, inferior people.
Certainly no dual-passport status for politicians.
Fantastic user.
This is how you can tell when someone's been brainwashed by kikes
You're not partial to fart jokes I take it.
I see this sentiment on Holla Forums quite a bit where they say that two smart good shitskins will likely not have good smart kids, but isn't that how breeding works?
It's like it's not even current year.
You can find studies that show crime rates rise continuously with each successive breeding generation of spics and immigrants, this is them regressing to the mean. Even myself, I'm not as smart as my pops, it's just not as pronounced in whites as it is with "based shitskins"
I must not be getting the full explanation. It seems like you're saying we're all just gonna keep getting dumber? Are smart people just popping up at random, or are we coming from smart parents? Pretty sure that's how it works.
Now, if most of a population is objectively stupid, and decently smart people breed back into the stupid population, then yeah, the kids will probably be dumber too, but if two smart people breed, the kids won't be dumber just because most people of that race are dumber. As long as the kids dont breed with other dumb people and instead find smart people themselves, their line should keep being smart, right?
His name means victory. The mere mention of it triggers them, thus it is avoided.
I hope somebody else will explain this, but I vaguely remember that what the smart spics usually have in common is a lot of mixed white blood.
Regression to the mean doesn't mean they will be complete scumbags in the first generation, it just means that, given a random environment, anomalies are not self-propagating. regression to the mean occurs at the same time as selection for beneficial traits; they're not exclusive. It's merely the unlikelihood of completely passing on rare combinations of genes in their entirety. Think about it in examples of accomplishments from geniuses, how often do their kids carry on their legacy or achieve more than their parents? Usually you don't even hear about their progeny because they've ended up becoming completely average.
this guy is right we need a drawfag to do this
All these libshit groups are just a different mask on the same Jew.
Intersectionality is low jewish spatial iq at work, that's why it makes no fucking sense.
the key there is "random environment", I think. If we for some reason wanted to, we could breed smart moral shitskins.
How would you guys react to a group of legit intelligent moral shitskins starting a colony somewhere and staying away from 90+% of their kind? Wipe them out too? Even if they were all at or above the white average?
You're not seeing the point. Why spend all those resources, effort and invested time to genetically alter muh based shitskins when it could be instead spent on one's own people. Even if they're like white averages (like the Japanese) they are ultimately NOT white.
(((Globalists))) watch out we're coming for you.
You can see this natural phenomena in every microcosm of race-mixing. There was this one guy in my neighborhood growing up who married a "good-natured" kikess. He had a few kids and all of them were warped in every sense of the way including one kid being a full-blown psychopath. I learned from a very early age about the jews but it never clicked until I started to browse Holla Forums. I had no idea that I had experienced as well as learned from others how jews behave. This one kid was their only son and must have ripped off every kid in the neighborhood at least once, destroyed his and others friendships by using lies and manipulation, killed plenty of animals just because he could, and to this day I still hear from people in my hometown how he finds a new person to scam every so often and repeats his dirty tricks. His sisters were dirty but for a whole other set of reasons and one of them to my recollection was quite the manipulative cunt too.
That's actually the case with every "smart" shitskin. Look at every "intelligent" negro. Rarely are any of them the same shade of black that you see in Africa. The (((media))) parades around "black people" that are at least 50% white but closer to 80-90% - not that they would ever have to go as far as complete DNA testing on all of them.
Observe the profile of quadroons and octoroons. The (((media))) rarely ever has to pick their next puppet from a family of race-mixers. They've been hiring people that are more or less quadroons and using them as the face of "blacks," for over 50 years. Quadroons will instinctively select each other as mates rather than their feral cousins and for obvious reasons. This caste as it is, essentially marks the tiny population of "smart" blacks that owe all of their intelligence and other gifts to their high percentage of white genes.
This same rule applies to all other shitskin races: Sikhs versus your standard fare poo-looers, "Based" spics that cuckservatives salivate over for the purpose of virtue-signaling, mexican television staffs all of their most popular talk shows with people who have low mestizo blood, etc. I could go on but all it takes is one glance at a hollyjew film starring a "black person" and you will rarely see a nigger actress who looks, acts, and performs like you would expect a nigger to behave and they're usually light-brown colored. It's utterly fascinating that the most easily digestible redpill on race is so in front of everybody but they're unable to see it and I'm not fixating on my quote of yours - this is something that everyone glances over. The bluepilled person will see a hollyjew film, the "black" anchors on the (((news))), and believe that that mongrel represents all of nigger-kind.
The best part is that you can easily dispense this redpill to everybody but the most deluded bluepilled person. Casually mention to someone willing to listen or easy to converse with how the media only hires "mixed-race blacks" and that they're almost always light-brown. When the wheels start turning in their head mention that, "black people who have a high-percentage of white genes typically appear light-brown," and then as a kill shot, "and the media knows this and shows their bias in hiring." Now you've turned the table on the jew who needs their nigger sockpuppets but knows what anyone should know that a real nigger is 120% feral and can't talk in front of a camera and dispense propaganda.
Now reverse all illegal amnesties.
No other country, even the most cucked open-borders shithole, allows this "anchor baby" bullshit. Just imagine if someone could rob a bank and their child got to keep the money. That's U.S. policy when it comes to parents breaking immigration laws.
Your point is that you want to just handwave away all intelligent/moral shitskins because most shitskins are garbage.
I'm grinning like an idiot at both the thread topic and those page tabs.
Nostalgia always brightens the mood.
IQ is the strongest heritable trait. Your IQ will always be around the same as your parents. Twin studies proved this
Its a special place
The replies to DACA-cucks kvetching on social media right now are basically
The problem is that even the most "intelligent" shitskins would not have the initiative to start their own colony because they will always defer back to the gibs. No matter how much white genes make up the genetic mixture of a nigger, he will always want gibs. I've thought this scenario through and through and the only way to make that possible is to pay them to leave, build an infrastructure in the colony destination for them to operate and live off of, and then watch it all fall apart in 2-3 years anyway. In case you don't know, the british have done this before in the past and that was how much time it took for it to fall apart.
However this kind of plan has a major advantage. If you create a colony for "intelligent" niggers to move to, you could use it as a honeypot to later toss all your wayward feral & mongrel populations in with them. Again, no matter how much a nigger is bleached, he will want gibs AND he will also have a lot of unwarranted pride to go with their screeching for gibs. So what we could do is maintain their colony for them for a few years, give the nigger enough delusion that they are somehow living without the help of whitey, and then start convincing them to take the feral cousins who did not move with the rest. Get the ferals on board by boasting how good their cousins are doing (it's not hard to sell anything to a nigger though) and then before you can say gibsmedat, the colonists want all of their feral cousins there - they will be begging for the opportunity to prove that they can somehow survive as a "black" ethnostate. Immediately terminate all support and then watch it fall apart. They will probably ask first. They will boast that they don't need no money no mo from whitey. They will beg for the chance to somehow prove that a "black" ethnostate can function and we will give them that chance and terminate all prior citizenship for the niggers that moved over. Then we will watch it burn from afar.
I call it: Operation Final Gibs
This is the best feel.
It just means that two smart parents won't necessarily produce a smart kid, and two dumb parents won't necessarily produce a dumb kid, only the chances are higher for it to happen. This is why you always need to collectively look at the status quo of a race instead of individuals, if you want to know how a kid will most likely end up as.
Since 50% of niggers seem to have a criminal history, it's a very good indicator that no matter how based nigger parents are, there is a 50% chance for the kid to end up criminal, since that has been the status quo of niggers for as long as we know.
This is also why naturally breeding "better" humans would be a very slow process, you would have to put only "better" people together for dozens of generations for it to become more permanent.
new one, thanks
Another one for my animal video collection
Top tabs lad. Kek is back and beaners have to go.
I'm on Holla Forums faggot, not neogaf. I don't browse any other forum. Lurking more here won't help me to learn about any other forum because I have zero desire to know anything about any other forum. Go back to neogaf and shut the fuck up.
Newfags are supposed to lurk for at least a year before posting.
It's two years you fucking faggot.
Both of those images garner feelings of incredulity and a strong urge to buy rope.
Countries are so much more than just economies.
I never even saw a nigger irl
Pure gold, user.
No enemies on the right,
No compromises to the left.
Very simple rules for a successful society.
The only thing you get when you compromise with the left is a loss of right-wing values. Compromising with the left is only ever a loss for you and a gain for them. Over time, compromising with the left will shift an Aryan paradise into a multi-ethnic communist wasteland.
Lucky you my bedubbed friend
No that's a "chick" fuckwits. That's zoe quinn, the cunt that started gamergate.
In the third pic, tweets 3 and 8 are exactly the same. Another botnet campaign from the people who did it during the election?
Ive been here for 8 years though and i hardly remember shit about neogaf
Those are some great tabs, they really are.
Atleast I tried, not a drawfag tho.
Literally Woke.
What is their obsession with the statue of liberty lately? It never even meant to really fucking mean anything, let alone be some feminist maternal figure for the world's refuge. The frogs just gave it to us.
And ultimately what does signaling for them do good for? It obfuscates others to the truth of the averages of their lower peers.
capped for use elsewhere, putting a copy out into the wild.
Hey no need to put yourself down mailanon. Alotta of Holla Forums has watched your struggle to get a job where "going postal" is seen as normal.
Where did my fucking year go?
You are truly blessed user.
It's really been a blur. I think time is accelerating towards a massive happening but it's not clear exactly what and I don't want to speculate.
your not alone, i currently live at my office, literally. i sleep in the conference room, its gay as fuck. but im working on my degree, hope your doing the same
I hope this will happen, but I think both you and Trump are overestimating the average voter. Barely anyone votes in local elections, and even fewer actually pay enough attention to know what they're voting for.
Kek, that was a fucking hilarious thread. The sheer desperation of those shills could be felt through the series of tubes.
This also gives Congress six months to declare loyalty to Trump or their Jew masters. Jews never want to backslide on the elders plan to mix us out, so any mass deportation is a no-no. Now if Congress legislates amnesty it is a showing of disloyalty to the white base of Republicans that voted them in, just before midterm elections. If they sit on their ass and do nothing it is missing the ring of the Don, and a declaration of backstabbing the juden.
It's smart because he'll never get defectors one by one in the numbers he needs. But Jews can't burn every single Congress member at once, it would ruin their laid out plan. Puts the invasion KIKES in a suicide squeeze for the next half a year, really.
Dude I want my competitors to be better at replacing me.
The more I read this thread the more I wish Trump has made it 6 weeks. These tacos have got to go back.
slight edit
damn good books
The Chinese that I have met in school here want to be Americans and many of them actually try when they come here, to get proper citizenship and learn our language. They work hard too I will give them that. No unfair competition for American kids though. They have to go back too even though they are somewhat respectable immigrants.
No replacing whites. That makes one a self-hating retard.
A lot of Chinese are laughing at whites behind their backs and cheat them where they can. Most of them act "respectable" in the open for their own gains and face. Take a good look at China to see how respectable they really are.
The bad white border shit bugged me, small edit, last post.
You blue pilled retard. Chinks are just yellow kikes. They lie, cheat and steal whenever possible. There's nothing respectable about them. You've fallen for their tricks.
never for a second did I doubt that this right here, this fucking statement was made by reddit shills.