The Search for Satan

Frontline did a 1995 documentary on people being treated for ritual satanic abuse.

What struck me right away is:

1. The leading psychiatrist in Satanic abuse cases is a Jew (red flag).

2. (((Gloria Steinem))) appears as his guest speaker at a psychiatrist seminar, the leading feminist who has admitted to being funded by the CIA (in tv interviews). She is a famous shadow government asset.

3. Part of the treatment was telling people that they were not one person, heavily drugging them, and claiming the patient's family was "Satanic Royalty".

4. The victims were often of very low intelligence.

5. MSM at the same time is heavily selling it to the public (Geraldo). I remember growing up at the time and seeing this kind of stuff on TV. I remember hearing things like Dungeon and Dragons was programming children to become Satanists.

6. Christian Evangelist churches are telling their members at the time that Satanists are in their small neighborhoods, committing sexual abuse/murder rituals.

7. The Doctor claims at a seminar that the abuse was invented by "Nazi Doctors", and a Jewish collaborator in the Nazi death camps named Dr. Greenbalm who was then moved to NYC and became the leader of these "sophisticated" programming cults.

Videotapes are shown of her actual programming.
The doctors project multiple personalities onto her. It looks a lot like a Catholic exorcism.
Her husband is convinced that she is going to kill him and abuse their son, so he participates in the programming (seen in the video tapes).
She describes in detail to Frontline how they would narrate the different personas for her.
Fathers were told that their wives were training the children to take over as cult leaders, as they were members of Satanic cult families going back to ancient Europe.

They then move her son to another part of the hospital and begin to treat him as well on provocation of her 'confessions'. As her husband says in the videotape, "he does not know how to be a little boy anymore" again taking away his sense of person.
The nurses who watch over the boy say he came in as a, "normal boy" and that all the children did… But as time went on, the children were told they had multiple personality disorder and had been abused by Satanic cults. They were forced to look within for their "alters" and find their multiple "names".
The nurses were threatened and fired when they spoke out. Another psychiatrist who speaks out is threatened by the medical board and accused of being a Satanist himself.

Children were awarded stickers for making 'confessions'. The more gory and scary the details the more stickers they would be awarded. The (((Dr.))) would then submit these findings in great detail at psychiatry seminars.
The (((Dr.))) claimed the evidence for all of this was eaten through cannibalism.

Total treatment costs for one family was $3,000,000.
The hospital and its (((treatment))) was shut down in 1992. It lasted for 15 years. They then moved to a Chicago hospital, one of the leading hospitals for treating multiple personality disorders.

It appears the (((deprogramming))) was always convincing, often innocent or stupid patients, that their normal feelings of anxiety was in fact do to unknown alternative personalities within their mind that refuse to expose the Satanic cult memories buried deep within. The treatment was of course long-term hospitalization.

After years of hearing Alex Jones claim the same thing I decided to post this video. Pizzagate is real. But I wonder wtf is really going on?

Other urls found in this thread: scandal&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

Have you been paying attention? Just like kikes in the USSR, kikes today get people labeled with psycological (((diseases))) as to exclude them from using any services or help people around them.

(((They))) claim to know so much about how to deal with satanists yet don't quote a single verse of the Bible. (((They))) just do as they feel instead.

.>But I wonder wtf is really going on?
I think you summed it up pretty good: a classically-structured witch hunt, for the purpose of collecting psychiatric treatment fees

My theory:

In the 1990s it was popular for women who had sketchy backgrounds (sluts) to claim they had MPD. I knew some of my mother's friends who did it, and Roseanne Barr was a famous attention whore who came out with it. These women had been influenced by films like "What About Eve".

But the recent Hollywood explosion of celebrity occultists is part of an MK Ultra technique used in this video where Jewish psychiatrists are taking famous people from religious backgrounds (Katie Perry, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears) and accusing them of suppressing their normal mental problems because of hidden personalities. Convincing them that they have "sold their soul to the devil" for fame and talent. Telling them that these personalities give them artistic and sexual powers over their fans.
In this way they can treat the patient, keep them in line (as they do with celebrities and politicians), and milk their cash cow at the same time.

Now the current theory on Holla Forums is that this is all real Satanic rituals going on back to the ancient Jews of Europe, because they are literal medically diseased vampires in league with Satan. But I'm wondering if in fact crazy bitches like Hillary were mind fucked into believing it during their college years through psychiatry sessions? This would cause her to act out in sick ways while being easier to blackmail and control. As we have seen, she is very sick during the election and very controlled. Part of the acting out is providing them with Satanic "spiritualists" and "artists", drugs, feminism, and child prostitution, all promising further expansion of their super powers. I kind of slippery slope.
If they rebel or freak out, the Jews can then blame "Satanists" for robbing these useful idiots blind or causing people like Hillary to do evil things.
If any of this came out to Federal law enforcement (like Jeff Sessions), ZOG would get away with it free of any charges (except for maybe a few low-level gay Jewish scapegoats thrown to the lions). It certainly would protect them from anything like the days of JFK challenging their power structure.

AND the strategy of course provides CIA assets like Alex Jones a way to cover up for basic Zionist control over our government.

They covered up real jewish ritual murder and sexual slavery by paying a couple of bipolar hooker addicts to poison the well.
Now when you search it online, the first results are all about disproving it.
If more people fully read the Dutroux cover-up, more people would be willing to gtkrwn.

Yeah but when you start talking like that people stop listening.
It's a lot easier to talk about a foriegn goverment of Zionists working together to control us than hardcore shit about ancient blood rituals.

Remember that Catholics did the same stuff and have for a long time. But to convince people that the Pope is a Marxist/Globalist you probubly don't want to start off with ritual satanic sex abuse.

What's happening is that It's Jews and they're deeply invested in making you think it's aliens/royals/etc using outlandish conspiracy theories that both make them money and generate red herrings that discredit actually ritual abuse investigation.

Also the Pope recently admitted to seeing Jewish psychiatrist in the past to help him with problems.

I wonder if he also has multiple personalities now?

Its 1984 user.

We were never at war with East-Asia, we were always at war with East-Asia. Split the mind and you can make anyone believe two opposites are somehow the same.


Always the first post

Somebody post this on cuckchan. They always shadow anchor anything I post

Fucking hell. Thanks for wasting my life with that idiotic video you retarded

The shit is fucking sick, but you can't be that one guy on the corner screaming SATAN DID 6/66
Play it smart. These kikes are for some reason obsessed with satanic rituals and occult magic. It doesn't mean we go full ALEX JONES HEADLINE, REPTILIANS ARE MAKING FROGS GAY, FROGS RESPOND BY NOT TAKING MY VITAMIN-INDUCED NOOTROPIX

I really think this shit goes deep, though. I'm not a mystery school guy and I know very little about the occult fags, but there's some serious shit going on behind the scenes and I bet all their names end in stein.

You faggots just can't stop yourselves from getting the first post huh?

Posting some redpills

don't forget about the satanist omaha, nebraska child prostitution ring of the 80's every member of the deep state was involved in at the time including all the way up to ghwb. and the killing of witnesses surrounding the case.

Read about this kid Troy Boner and his mysterious death

at this same time these same kikes were convincing little children that they had been molested and getting their fathers sent to jail

Every talking head touched this subject in the nineties. Geraldo, Sally Jessie Raphael, Oprah. The faggot Aquino appeared on talkshows. Then the "hysteria" was all tied to the WM3 and Metallica, not to mention D&D. Some parents and other adult people became concerned, some thought it was a hoax or a media-manufactured bs ratings-grabber the whole time. Not sure how many connected the dots between the Nebraska Boystown scandal to the media storm. Or the newspaper reports that an underage male prostitute visited GHWBush's WH. Anyway, tl;dr, it is all filed away as "'90's Satanism Hysteria" and memory holed. And now the WM3 are outta jail so it turns out there were no Satanists after all (or that they're not so bad).

Jews engineer their own enemies and their enemies enemies. Abrahamism must always be the primary religion or it damages powerbase and reveals their deceptive tendencies. Satanists are as guilty as Christcucks for helping prolong the life Abrahamic hiveminds and pseudo nations.


Warren Buffett was involved in the Omaha child prostitution ring. He had access to children after taking over the Boys Town orphanage in the 1970's. He used his influential Omaha Sun newspaper to launch a successful smear campaign against the priests.


Haha what?

From what I understand, SRA was not only a huge media frenzy, but fell out of hysteria as if nothing had happened.

In reality, it's not a stretch to say that children are routinely abused by very twisted people with the money and power to protect themselves from the repercussions that should follow them for the deed. Whether it serves the purposes of loosh-farming, Molochite sacrifice, or political blackmail, we can only speculate and pick up bread crumbs as we go about our lives.

Personally I think its a combination of factors, but Occam's Razor tells me it's actually quite simple: it follows the same treadmill as extreme fetishism does on imageboards. You go through progressively darker layers as you build up a tolerance for the novelty of past experiences and content, needing a bigger and bigger 'dose' to 'feel it'. The only difference is that once you get to a certain point and surround yourself with these same likeminded pseudo-sociopaths, it's no longer about fantasy; with a few emails or a phone call, you can make it a reality, just like how you made your million dollar home a reality, or your trophy wife a reality, or your harem of mistresses a reality. What is seriously to stop you from sodomizing some random schmuck's child anyway?

Searching specific names has never let me down. Never searched for the generic/umbrella terms because started out on a case-by-case basis, ala, "holy shit I heard about Johnny Gosh, what was that all about?" Then moved from that to the next case. And the next. And more and more info. Looking up info case by case, name by name is the best method. Not saying it is fool proof, but at least one is examining one piece of evidence in one case at a time.

Daily reminder the Church of Satan is 100% a kike creation to siphon disaffected youth into their cult without the knowledge of the members.(((Anton Levi))) Anton Levey is a kike.

A gun, some rope, and a lamp post.
Why do people take psychiatry seriously anyways? It literally is just made up definitions of conditions as to meet some need like being homo is normal.
Neurology has some merit to it because you can actual test and measure different things about it completely unlike psychiatry where there is nothing to test it is all opinion.

Has anyone else here read this? There's a pdf laying around somewhere in /pdfs/, It's a huge redpill, although a stomach churning one at that.

Please notice how fedoras ignore the fact that people is killed and murdered derailing the thread with intl memes.

I have the pdf, its too big to post on here. Tried to post on /pdfs/ too, same problem.


catholicism = satanism

You have to be a catholic priest before going the lavey route and in fact all their rituals are the same


What a excellent picture to show the reality of the Catholic church.

Keep it secret scandal&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

i found this book available at my local library - pdf's annoy me so im just gonna check this one out…

What if all Semitic myths (inlcuding marxism) = Satanism?

What if worshiping rabbi Jesus memes Satanists into reality, and they go out and do stupid shit to piss him off?

What if telling people there is a dark side of the force makes people do dark shit?

What if only right and wrong exist in a rational world?

What if?

t. kentucky snake handler

In the Bible:
There are numerous excerpts like this blaming the Jews for Jesus's death. They planned every step of his death. Jews were responsible for the torture of Jesus. You will not hear these readings in mass ever. The church specifically avoids them ever since Vatican II.

Represented by the Church:

Jesus as he is presented in the bible by Matthew:

Jesus in the "Catholic" Church:

Vatican II ruined everything. The Catholic Church was redpilled on the JQ until it was subverted by you know who.


The figure in the (((art))) behind them has the head of a serpent and the body of a man. EXACTLY as the Emerald Tablets describe the entities from below as, those summoned up from lower vibration dimensions into this one by blood. Some texts outright say blood, others say dark to hide the blood sacrifice aspect. Looks like the blood ritual hymies and cohorts have been pulling this for a while. Maybe this shit is real, or seems to at least have aspects of recurring themes we keep discovering, mostly blood sacrifice, yids, and THOSE that they worship. We all know of Moloch, Saturn, El, Yahweh, the Owl of Minerva, but what if its not one being or a small handful but a degenerated and cannibalistic race/group of entities such as themselves.

"Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark"blood sacrifice" magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.
Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men.

Called may they be by the master
who knows the white or the black,
but only the white master may control
and bind them while in the flesh.

Seek not the kingdom of shadows,
for evil will surely appear.
For only the master of brightness
shall conquer the shadow of fear."
suppusodely they cannot say Kininagan or some similiar word

also sage for off topic but check out this shit, there is some serious projecting going on. In this short video made by (((Blomkamp))), the evill ayys have snake heads that glamour people just like the Emerald Tablets say, these kikes and their mind games and propaganda are something else.

It's human nature to worship something of a higher power, and delve into the dark arts. If Christianity didn't exist, then something similar to it would show up or take it's place and have the same counter culture. Are you this dense or are you just trying to act smart by asking the laziest question "What if?"

At least you're right that all Semitic myths is Satanism.

OP makes thread showing how kikes program people into /fringe/. /fringe/ and /christian/ flood the thread with garbage

every time

GTFO Smiley

It's subhuman nature


Factually incorrect. The most well-known practicioners of black magic and occultism in modern history were all white.

whites can act subhuman too
they just do it less

Pay no heed to buttshoah'd christcucks. They need to shit on anything and everything in order to make their alt-kike cult somewhat palatable.

Bryant goes into a lot more detail and does it from an outside perspective with info decamp never had access to, both are worth it

"Beyonce" is a man.

It's a sheboon, they're somewhere in between

Here is a link to a big Christian Books Collection!!! !!!!


ht tp://


Surah Al-Hijr [15]
"And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud."
"And the jinn We created before from scorching fire."
"And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black mud."
"And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall down to him in prostration."
"So the angels prostrated - all of them entirely,"
"Except Iblees, he refused to be with those who prostrated."
"[ Allah ] said, O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate?""
"He said, "Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud."
"[ Allah ] said, "Then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled."
"And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense."
"He said,"My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected."
"[ Allah ] said, "So indeed, you are of those reprieved"
"Until the Day of the time well-known."
"[Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all"
"Except, among them, Your chosen servants."
"[ Allah ] said, "This is a path [of return] to Me [that is] straight."
"Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators."
"And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all."

You need to stop this. It's not funny.

There must be a rational explanation for all of this. Satan isn't real, nothing the kikes worship is real. They're all schizophrenic maniacs worshiping their own delusions.

So what's really going on here? Kikes abuse people while calling it "treatment for abuse". This abuse causes the victims to have mental breakdowns. I get that about right?

With Jews, there's always another layer to the onion.

Consider what rampant paranoia about Satan-worshipping rapist strangers did to white society. In the old days, which you young whippersnappers won't remember, we had enough public trust that a white stranger would get the benefit of the doubt when he was around children. Quick blogpost to illustrate my point:

When my mother was five years old, in the early 1950s, she was in the car with her mother. As a kid will do, my mother was trailing her hand out the window to feel the breeze. At a stoplight, while she was distracted, she suddenly felt a powerful hand snatch hers and hold it.

She jumped with fright and yelped. It was a man in a truck who had leaned out and grabbed her. When she saw him and caught her breath, he let go and admonished her not to do that again; it's dangerous.

My grandmother leaned across my mother's seat and loudly thanked the man for reinforcing a lesson she'd tried to teach my mother many times.

She thanked him. Thanked the stranger who grabbed her daughter.

The Satanic Panic was not about creating an atmosphere where everybody believed in the practice, though plenty of christcuck faggots are still believers because of their subnormal IQ. It was actually about souring the bonds between whites and weakening the social fabric. You know how mosquitoes inject saliva to keep the blood flowing? Well, Jews do that too. The darker and more suspicious the white race gets of its own people, especially men, the easier the goyim are to exploit and scheme against.

I'm convinced at this point it's all instinct for the kikes.

Stuf like this is why when I see you all say "We need to re-open the mental institutions" and that "AntiFa needs to be comitted due their mental illness" I die a little inside. Holla Forums should know that the modern psychologist is nothing more than a Jew pawn whom has been mistrained (and in many cases manipulated himself) to become a causer of mental illness on their paitents. The doctors think they are having the best intentions while they dope your children with Lithium, Abilify, Trazadone, Geodon, Ritilan, Gabopentin, and so many other drugs. Then when the child starts acting like he's on drugs they send him to the mental hospital for evaluation since acting like you're on dangerous amounts of mind-altering substances usually means you have mental conditions.

At the mental institution they impose incredible amounts of political correctness as lessons, engage in maoist struggle sessions (everything is done in groups unless the paitent begins to act out when it becomes solitary) and is subject to extreme experimentation. Lies are often told to the paitents and instead of taking a person off the drugs that made them act fucktarded they adjust the dosage or add new pills in addition to the old ones. These drugs are given in dangerous amounts, sometimes several 800mg does for several pills daily.

And don't think it ends there. Since your child is sent to a mental institution so many times since you let them dope him up and he's acting like hes on drugs, and when he screams at a wall and can't understand the difference between a square and a circle and a typical conversation with him ends up being somehting along the lines of

they diagnose this as the holy tripod of illigitimate and quite honestly made-up mental disorders: AD(h)D, Bipolar Disroder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Having been falsely diagnosed, after release from the various institutions the city, state, and federal government put him in specialized and regulated Special Education classes. In these classes little work is doen, people sit around and talk like kindtergarteners, they have toys for people whom are 11, and the primary lessons all involve some cind of Social Justice moral. After being in this for half his elementary school life, the child may finally be normal enough for "mainstreaming" which is where you go to a regular education class for one or a few more classes. If you get worse, the next step is the horrific satanic cult program known as "Day Treatment".

A "Day Treatment Facility" is simple to explain but hard to grasp. It's a part of the public school system but it's less of a school and more of an insane asylum. When the children get sent to this "Day Treatment" it is because the state has determened that in order to continue public education, his behavior and mental health need to be "fixed". The "Day Treatment" is refered to this as it is mental treatment whithin a normal school day and the children are sent home afterwards.

A typical day treatment facility is arranged similarly to a prison camp. Children are constantly monitored. They are not permitted to go to the bathroom without permission, carry backpacks, or even talk in the halls and loiter around. I believe they also have permission to drug the food. The teachers in this day treatment facility have legal right to perscribe and administor drugs. A typical schedule of a day treatment is as follows:


Homeroom: eat a breakfast and have the teacher talk to you about behavior in public
First Period: Group Therapy Sessions involving odd repetitive actions (OC Therapy) such as jumping, finding pebbles in silly putty, other odd things

First period: History. Teacher says made up things like that the state of Utah is pretty much a foregin nation since they don't follow the constitution and instead choose to obey a mormon doctorine. Say that government spy sattelites look for people whom grafitti buildings. Begin rant about how when she was a child she was abused since she was half-black (does not look black) since her mother was a rape victim (weird for a middle school history lesson…)

Second Period: Math. Math is held in a weird blue room that is always darkened and fragrent with null oder. Always feel asleep in there, never learn anything new. Every leson is Pre-Algebra throughout.

Third Period: English. Class starts with CNN Student News, heavily consists of reading tv scripts from the 1950's such as Alfred Hitchcock Hour and The Twilight Zone.

lunch held outside

PE on field of sand, not too unlike prison courtyard

fourth period: Therapy, again. Involves weird af pseudpscience lessons such as "When water froze near a stereo playing rock music it had various cracks, however the ice froze near classical music had smooth lines

go home.

Don't think that this is one school, one state, one therapist, one board of therapists. This is a nationwide epidemic. Im sure you've perhaps heard your neighbors talk about their kid's special status. Do you know what some of the terms are?

IEP (Individualized Educational Program). In essence, it is a legal document made by people above both you and your child saying "This is what is wrong in the head of your kid, and here's what we plan to do to fix it". In an IEP Meeting, it is similar to a Maoist Struggle Session in which the child is forced to listen to all his shortcommings while the group of teachers, therapists and the case worker also praise him for what he accomplished (aka their conditioning). You, as a parent, don't have final say but you're given the assumption that you do through wordplay. The child does not have a say either. Say is an illusion. This is a nationwide program.

I guarentee all AntiFa had this kind of sped as a child, and never pull'd the wool off their eyes as I luckily did. This is psycology. This is what you're advocating. I don't really know if it was always this way, but it's this way now. Also emed is pretty good but not what happened to me.

After being (for a number of reasons) forcibly taken from my grandmother's home to live with my Mother, after getting off the drugs, and after being able to not be isolated in the room of a "therapist" I finally became normal. Heed my warning. I'm holding back my full-story.

tl;dr: Jews invented stranger danger.

Always figured as much.

For me they convinced me to be scared of everyone except trusted authority, and convinced my demented grandmother that "Mexican Gangsters" roam the local parks and had established refuge in the nearby canyon trail system.

gas yourself.
not only is satan real, so is God and proof stares you in the face each day yet you ignore it.
henceforth you must be gassed for your ignorance and posting of your utter stupidity clouding up my beautiful screen.

Did Hillary go missing?

You're giving the jews far too much credit. Jews have never been in contact with any real gods. They're demented, not 'chosen'.

no such thing as a "jew" only a judahite or an edomite
Rev 2:9 and 3:9

A jew is a jew, no matter what you choose to call him. Relabeling the jew will not change the essence of the jew.

can't wait to get rid of these fucking parasites for good

You can pretend you're not Carlos all you want. You still have to go back.

No, but he was installed by puppets in a coup after Pope Benedikt suddenly in a weird way abdicated the position as pope. A pope that had for a long time been critized from ((them)) as a nazi and shit like that and they claimed he just wasn't as popular as the other kike-puppet that was before him.

Jewish abuse of children is not a "moral panic" nor a witch hunt, this shit was accrual going on then and it's going on now too.


He was a Globalist piece of shit too though. So was Mother Terresa

bump because of raid

I hope you're alright man.

Yeah, because exorcisms ARE satanic mind-control rituals.


Low IQ threads that were copy-pasted from 4chan buried this one

Just like alex buried this question


Fucking Kike Shill

pig fuckers

Hee we go again. Trying to make the cover up of the Satanic Panic look like it means there was no Satanic Ritual Abuse going on. Trying to save credibility by still blaming jews, it was all a psychiatric financial scam. No, it was a cover up, like the pizzagate comet pizza shooter made everyone looking it up look crazy. They flooded legitimate claims in a sea of obvious bullshit. It's a known tactic. It was to cover up the known bullshit these pedophiles were taking part in.

It's never the Jews

It's always the wizards and witches

I'm just listing the nu/pol/ threads that people are talking about before they look into this one.

Do you know what struggle sessions are actually for? They're meant to hyperpressurize the concept of criticism so that it becomes unthinkable and even traumatic to offer any criticism to others. This is a ubiquitous tactic of abuse. Look for it!

I'm kinda curious about your story user

I was put on an IEP myself, was pure bullshit and destroyed my sense of self worth, made me feel like shit and I was only on IEP for MATH which I was always faster than the other kids. I told my dad and the school multiple times to take me off and nobody fucking listened when I was going beyond what they thought I was capable of. I joined the military and got kicked out for my fucking IEP. Thanks school districts and dad. Also a little fact is schools put kids on IEPs to save their asses if the kids are doing shit in a subject or all of the subjects. It lessens the blows and makes the schools maintain their good goy status.

The Jews are Satanists kike. Either you know because you are one or you are so retarded as to be useless. Anton Lavey? Jew/Satanist. One example. Go kys in the absolute most painful way possible.

kill your dad

Jews are Judiasm. Satanism is for Christians who want to fuck

I was raped by a councilor

How old were you? Should have killed them tbh.

Christianity is pure brainwashing and Jews know how to trigger it

A Rabbi created space and the universe! rabbi Jesus is God!

You are possessed by the enemies of the Rabbi god!

no one cares about real brainwashing

Kid Rock live stream brahs!


Why didn't you just fail your math tests genius?

F for white society


This video is scarier than any child molesting clowns

lol this is the most insane scam targeting health insurance I've heard of yet.
Those frauds get arrested at some point right?

We need to design a viral flu that kills all humans and saves the frogs. KEK Demands it.

No he went on to head some big Chicago Hospital's psych department and became a leader in Multi Personality Disorders for the whole U.S.A.

He probably worked on Katy Perry.

is that one of Holla Forums mysterious hidden mods?

No he's the owner of /fringe/

Oh boy, OP…

vice . com/en_us/article/nn9w77/dissecting-decades-old-testimony-in-a-satanic-child-abuse-case-319

It's actually both.


But I thought we were the wizards.

Wasn't this all to make people think Satanic Ritual Abuse was fake?

That probably has more to do with the power of corrupting real priests more than anything.

If you all just raped and murdered children in the name of Moloch like Hillary and the elite maybe you'd all be successful as they are. Praise Moloch.



This may seem a little off-topic and a bit fringe, but I had this strange dream last night where I learned about some old philosopher who 'figured out' how to get to Tartarus (which was on the moon or something).
I contacted some underground faction which had access to these steam-powered machines which could take you to Tartarus. One of the underground guys brought it to my house and left. The night after, I woke up earlier than usual and saw a few shady looking people breaking into my house. This is where I woke up.

Does this ring a bell to anyone or am I just overreacting to a dream? I only ask because this gave me some serious deja vu, almost like I had heard of this story before dreaming it.

Mason tranny families are our hidden oppressors. They have files on all of us, and are in all social classes and races. They have underground structures under the masonic Golf Clubs. IVF monsters with two dads are all over the middle classes. They are your bosses, teachers, and landlords. They run everything. All the family takes part in gaming us. They even pretend to be your friends. They are pathetic cowards that serve, like the worthless slaves they are.