Lo Wang literally has an SJW feminist dual personality
Is this going to be funny or a "teachable moment" for SJWs?
Lo Wang literally has an SJW feminist dual personality
Is this going to be funny or a "teachable moment" for SJWs?
If SJW's were able to learn then they wouldn't be SJW's. Their audience doesn't include SJW's at all, who wouldn't play the game to begin with.
This game lacks the charm of the original 3D Realms game.
True that SJWs wouldn't play this game, I just wonder if the idea of an outspoken woman in Low Wang's head or the black dojo master (or whatever the fuck he is) is only there for race and sex jokes, or if it's going to be lame?
Of course it does. Kind of interesting that we're seeing at least a few sequels or reworks of build engine games soon
Gameplay looks fun enough (mostly the same). As long as lo wang continues to not give a fuck about the voice in his head, it should be okay.
The conversation between Lo Wang, the black ninja, and the annoying feminist really seems like shit I don't want to go through in a Shadow Warrior game.
Didn't really get a feminist vibe from her, though her voice was incredibly grating. Gameplay looks fine I guess. I really can't muster any interest in this game.
Gameplay looks alright and I like the verticality they showed off. I just hope they do more with it or make the game more challenging.
Was the previous game any good?
no, it was one of the worst "throwback" shooters made. Almost as bad as DNF, as bad as RoTT 2013. It's like every retard who makes these fucking shooters doesn't seem to realize that horde design isn't fucking classic shooting. Serious Sam started that in the 2000's. Every good major shooter from before then had explicit enemy layouts in elaborate rooms and interconnected levels. Not fucking hordes of 1 or 4 different types of bullet sponge enemies.
Small number of bullet sponge enemies, open arenas, find whatever weapon does the most DPS and use it the entire game if you can stomach playing it that long. It looks like boring shit.
Game looks good. The femicunt voice sounds really fucking annoying though.
the previous game suck 100%
harder diffculities ram you in the ass not with extra cannon fodder, you instead bullet sponge enemies
guns that piss out water bullets and retarded leveling system
the only redeeming factor of the game is using the sword
now this game is pushing some questionable shit
theres some good things
Don't just shart out 12 minutes of footage and make some halfbaked claim, screencap it specifically or fuck off.
I still don't get why that game gets shit for being "racist", but apparently this one's okay. They're both playing on Asian stereotypes to the same degree.
its in the dialogue, heres a webm of the girl inside lo wang
Here are your chanCred (((you))) points, my friend.
I'd imagine it's a vehicle for jokes than feminism. Seems like the stereotypical big mouthed teen lots of movies had pre 2010
What I'm more concerned about is that quest, it reads like nothing but a fetish quest straight out of WoW.
Yes this looks like some kind of bizzaro diablo like shooter game, I heard of this guy called Anthony who written on a sequel to some gearbox game that was about looting and leveling up and shooting bullet sponge enemies.
I can't seem to put my finger on what kind of meme game that shadow warrior 2 is inspired by
She even has the fucking voice. You know, where you think the girl might actually be kind of attractive and then she opens her mouth, and its always this voice.
Fuck me, that's awful.
Let's hope you're right. I don't think you are, but let's hope.
wow it's fucking nothing
bitchy females have been in media since forever you idiot, it doesn't mean it's automatically feminism/sjw, but it's guaranteed that they will be upset by it
I guess. I wouldn't mind Borderlands if it actually played well.
Well just hear the dialog again. I don't really see where this idea that it's feminist. In fact because of that "oversexed" comment I'd wager she secretly has the hots for Lo Wang.
Also I meant fetch and not fetish
Shadow warrior and serious sam fans are so easy to offend
I don't know if the woman is going to be full SJW or just annoying, but it's annoying for sure
i would think that its probably one segment of the game
If it's anything like the first game then she's along for the ride.
And, yeah, she sounds and talks like a parody of a bitchy, nagging female, and Lo Wang treats her like a pest he wants to get out of his head as soon as possible.
I have no idea where OP got the idea she's feminist pandering.
No, where's the bit that's feminist? I was assuming you had something that at least resembled a "smoking gun" sentence or scene, instead it's just the same as the first game but with a different person in his head. This isn't really anything to be perturbed by.
Sounds like a cunt.
What the fuck did you expect after the original?
Why is the elder/sage dude a nigger? Shouldn't he be Asian?
Doesn't really look all that great to me. Not really getting the oldschool shooter vibe that I've heard some people claim this game has. It seems that "oldschool" to some people is just tossing a bunch of monsters into an arena. Shame, because I've been playing the classic Shadow Warrior recently and the level design is top-notch; wish we could see it replicated in modern times.
It was ok, relative to what's on the market. Sword was fun and decently paced. Guns were weak as shit and it seems to be even more pronounced in the sequel.
I'll probably get it in the future when it's on discount but nothing more with the way it's shaping up.
It's more that she talks like one. Talks down to you, ego issues for no good reason, and just generally a cunt.
So far she's an unlikeable character, but I'll also admit that I'm not seeing what's supposed to be SJW bait.
3 minutes of that and i would of drove the blades through my own eyes just to be free from it.
that is some obnoxious dialogue.
I finished it recently, the combat system has medium depth and requires you to get good (except for Berserks, whoever designed that enemy should be shot), theres variety in gameplay, certain weapons work better for certain enemies, upgrade system makes you search for ammo and upgrade points to the tacked on upgrade system, powers have enough variety to them and the double tap key input prompts make you feel feedback, the story is actually touching even after all the shitty one liners.
Pretty decent, better than Doomed and Wolfenstein, give it a go, just be ready to be somewhat bored after the intro sinve its a slow start.
Oh, look, it's nothing.
You people are overreacting.
Nah, the other demon guy was a sarcastic dick but with a likeable demeanor and bearable voice.
This is just nails on a chalkboard and pure hate. Maybe its on purpose for the character development?
Either way, it ruins my fucking ears.
There is no depth whatsoever. Stab strong enemies with strong blade attack, slash everyone else, if your health is low - run around like idiot and regen it. I had so much trouble with Berserks at first, because I was trying to shoot them in weakspot, and it turned out I have to stab them in weakspot, then they go down like bitches.
Sure, you are either locked in the arena with enemies, or you are walking through empty hallways. Remember the interactivity of the original game? It is gone.
As in: SMGs work better against flying guys, sword works better against everyone else. You only ever need a gun during boss fights. Wait, I said "boss fights"? It should be "single boss fight repeated three times with different-looking boss".
Sounds like "smartest kid on a short bus". Except this bus is so long now, it became a fucking train
She wants the wang.
Pseudo-oldschool games are the Bazinga of gaming.
You'd be suicidal to believe they're there to satisfy the niche of old gamers, as their only purpose is to make casuals (gamergirls) feel more hardcore.
Tbh I never liked Wang's comments, now we also get some annoying whore as a bonus. The only way this gaym might be enjoyable is if you turn off every sound, except SFX and music. Same as with Borderlands 2.
Past the first couple levels?
No you spam that shit you fucking die
Now you're just lying, theres no possible way you can dish enough damage with the sword, either crossbow, Rocket Launcher or Shotgun can handle that unless you want to spend 3 hours circling around like a headless chicken, its not useful and theres barely any time to do it before the fucker attacks unlike a long range or a quick shotgun blast to the back.
Meant the combat
Gameplay is standart singleplayer arena shooting with some quirks.
I see you havent played the whole game, the crossbow is the best weapon against them.
Takes them down in one shot and doesnt take 5 fucking minutes just to take one down.
SMGs are only good for crowd control of ground small fry.
I bet you like Dark Souls faggot
That's being a tad unfair.
The biggest criticism you can level at the game is the lack of enemy variety, the lackluster bosses and the level layout.
Otherwise it's a good enough shooter (for the current year), and one of the rare few that actually managed to make melee combat fun and engaging, to the point you end up using it almost exclusively on the higher difficulties.
It's no the best shooter out there, nor is it old school, but it was polished enough that I enjoyed myself while playing it.
It likely is.
headbobbing looks terrible
the washed out colors make the game look bland and hideous.
the girls voice is horrible and her dialog is irritating
lo wang's banter is even worse
combat probably has the same retarded hp scaled enemies instead of smart enemy behavior leading to interesting combat scenarios. I'm sure it'll be fun fighting the same 6 enemy types endlessly. Oh wait, it's gonna be shit just like the first one because flying wild hog can't make a good shooter for shit.
seriously it just looks like the same garbage serious sam horde combat that was never, ever good.
at least there's some freedom of movement unlike in the original but we'll see how they botch it considering if you dashed down a staircase in the first one you would die from the game hitting the inconsistent fall distance instant death trigger.
damage numbers are pretty goddamn tacky
I seriously have my doubts they actually fixed the ridiculously generous melee range the enemies had in the original.
judging from the damage numbers, its funny to see they kept the SW2013 tradition of having most guns be utterly useless compared to W+W+M1 spam with the sword. Pathetic grenade launcher.
I can go on but I think I've made my point. Anyone who likes this has horrendous taste in games, period.
it's far better than pretty much every first person shitter from the past few years.
you have to use it because every weapon is useless unless you max them out with the garbage, tacked on upgrade system that had no place in a shooter.
I pretty much stopped using guns past the first couple of levels.
You better believe it.
That's how I felt when I was trying to kill a motherfucker with rocket launcher. Then I tried sword, and guess what? He goes down after several precise stabs. Were you playing on Easy or something?
Enemy variety is not that bad (though it's not great either), my biggest criticism is that game lacks weapon variety. Or, rather, there are so many different guns, BUT THEY ALL FUCKING SUCK AND THERE IS AN OVERPOWERED SWORD THAT CARRIES YOU THROUGH ENTIRE GAME. And if I recall correctly, there was even a power that healed you when you attacked with the sword. That's probably why it was so good against Berserks.
Yeah, its just the way they advertised it.
"Old school shooter bro, for the old farts like yourself, so 90s"
Then we get a locked arena shooter that lacks any of the Build engine Holy Trinity game design.
Pretty good and enjoyable game doesnt reach bring much too the table but doesnt rape the franchise either, it was just false advertising though.
I want to see what they can do with a real budget this time, hitmarkers/hitpoints, loot, randomly generation and console parity release makes me relunctant though.
Most of what they added looks great, I just want to see if the combat is fleshed out and it isnt a fucking casualfest like all the crutches makes it out to be.
Im probably in for dissapointment though.
tbh if you can't do enough damage with the sword it sounds like you're playing a completely different fucking game because it is the only useful weapon in the entirety of sw2013.
Who? Who thought this would be a good idea? It's fucking shadow warrior.
Good thing the first remake sucked. Makes it easy to skip this.
The last one seemed alright. I have not played it myself, however.
Are you the byproduct of an incestual relationship?
oldschool throwback to what?
Not the classic Shadow Warrior that's for sure.
I played it on Hard
Theres no possible way you can stab in at that angle and without taking damage.
it has none of it, the writing is borderlands tier, the level design is god awful, and any sort of quirky off the beaten path easter eggs that 3d realms did plenty of at the time is quite literally the exact same ones the original game did recycled into the new game. So instead of just doing something new and interesting that fit the style of game, they recycled content for the sake of nostalgia in the worst build engine game the least people played. But it had le retro pixel art so it's OK.
serious sam is the first game of its kind, and it was released in 2000. If you think that is old school it does give a safe measure of your age. Try to be less open about being a child, I don't care if you're only 16, but it's really not a popular thing to be younger than 18 here.
Who fucking cares about damage in a game with health regen?
Sure thing
Dungeon crawlers and Kings Field you fucking idiot.
the W+W+M1 stab has a very generous hitbox.
lmao he's a sam fag, and a fucking laptop fag/poor fag.
You're not getting that shit back, so I wasn't even expecting them to do it.
Not that I'm defending the simplification, it just is what it is.
I liked the story actually. Lo Wang in the "remake" is far less of a comical stereotype and much more a likeable character.
Yeah, first time I saw an enemy drop one of those orbs I thought this was a joke trailer from the developers mocking the recent trend of including "RPG" elements in every shooter.
Then I realized they were completely serious.
I'll likely play it, looks pretty fun and unique in the current market, I'm just expecting it to stray even further from the idea of being a throwback to old school FPS.
Ah, Sammi Al Hayid, my good friend.
The game is fast paced and fun, if you like speedy combat the game is great.
I think you need to really look into how absolutely amateurish flying wild hog are. They really do not have a single idea on how to properly design a first person game.
Oh! It's Lady Aribeth's little sister!
It's a throwback to kingsfield their previous game? lol ok
Not a throwback to dungeon crawlers at all, since kings field is not like most dungeon crawlers.
kings field was more inspired by the ultima underworld games, but it's got a much more japanese approach to design. UU was very popular in Japan.
Yeah, just like the first one, it doesn't even feels like a Shadow Warrior game. Basically I see it as some Japanese Hard Reset spinoff with the protagonist who for some reason has the name Lo Wang, like it's Shadow Warrior reference.
Also, will they finally make good level design? And I don't mean arena shooters level design or lazy open world crap, I want to see maps on the level of original game which isn't that difficult to make, but apparently the game looks more like Serious Sam. I liked big city maps in the original game especially, but it seems like the game takes place in some kind of village, so I guess there won't be big Japanese city maps either. The first map in the original was really great. I wish they hired people who did level design for original game and for Duke Nukem, I would even pre-order it just for these people.
The gameplay seems to be good though, I like variety of weapons, claws especially which reminds me of Diablo, however, bullet sponge enemies ruin everything. Neither do I like shitty quests. All what I want is a sequel to the original game, but looks like I'll never get it. No matter how small company is, it's impossible to get real FPS like in 90s unless the game ins't made by fans who love what they're doing. Hopefully they'll release alpha/beta builds for original Shadow Warrior, at least Devolver Digital isn't as bad as Gearbox or Bethesda.
At least we're getting Bombshell Prequel, only this game has all chances to be like real old FPS game from 90s because people who are working on it know what real old school shooters are since they're fans of these games.
What an annoying voice, I don't think I can handle this.
You really havent played it, have you?
No, Serious Sam took older game design queues such as enemy priotization and enemy variety/quantity to make their own thing.
Exactly what Dark Souls does.
What does that have to do with anything?
But you cant directly hit it with the sword and the splash damage only knocks enemies down, what you're saying is impossible to do unless you spend 5 hours circling around the icy fucker.
Not my screenshot nigger
Ill just have to see, will probably have to pick between this and Deathwing.
Just like Croteam, right?
Thats the point you retard
Oldschool throwbacks are never like the originals save some really rare exceptions.
croteam at least does what they do well, it's not a particularly interesting design direction, but I could see why someone might enjoy it. To me the problem is nothing feels good in it, and the levels aren't particularly interesting.
Reminder that this is the current state of Wizardry
Isn't it owned by Ubisoft now? They want that EO audience. Although, Wizardry was always popular in Japan so it may be a way of targeting for more widespread appeal. I'm sure many Japanese players aren't happy they feel they need to be pandered to and the series failed to maintain an identity.
Because the Nips are the only demographic that has enough autists to justify continued development of the games.
They've been replacing character art with anime since the early titles, so saying "current state" is pretty misleading.
Call of Duty + Inventory System =
OMG it's like Deus Ex, pc mustard race T_T
Wizardry was japan exclusive for quite a while. Though, Japan itself spawned a lot of Wizardry clones and nowadays the series doesn't fill any niche except brand recognition
I would've played it if it had gameplay of VIII.
Daily reminder that this is the present state of Fantasy in the West.
Anime is bad. dragon age 3 is a festering pile of shit but if I had to choose between that and a JRPG, I'd pick cisquisition.
Even WoW has a better story than any game that ever came out of Japan. That's pathetic.
Thats Might and Magic mouth breather
Its the current state of the franchise since Wizardry no longer exists in the West
epic opinion
i wish fantasy would abandon the tolkien esque medieval shitfuckery
The ki wave sorta thing you can shoot through your sword hits the weakpoint even through berserker itself. You can circle the thing as long as you want and killing it with guns is almost equally as long.
Shit's procedurally generated this time around, so they won't.
I think it's time to stop posting.
Fair enough.
Yeah. There's so many cool, unique settings you can make for a game, and almost every time the developers choose the most generic, bland settings for their games: Tolkien ripoffs, Star Wars cash cows, Wasteland ripoffs, etc. etc. What draws these developers to elfs, orcs, dwarfs and humans?
Nip and Western Wizardry are completely different.
Has nothing to do with being anime you fucking weeaboo retard, Its a shit game, pure and simple and its asthetics are pure garbage.
Stranger of Sword City is a much better Experience Inc for example.
Shit, cant believe I missed that
Makes me cry
There's nothing really wrong with ripping off Tolkien, he pretty much codified what Western fantasy is, you can never truly escape drawing inspiration from him because he basically invented the genre.
The problem is the complete lack of originality. Tolkien knew exactly what he wanted his setting to be, what level of technology they were to have, their past history, how the cultures and people that form the land came to be, languages, mythology. He was autistic to the extreme and that's why people still admire his works today.
Modern fantasy on the other hand tends to be lazy trash. Pick generic medieval setting, make it edgy, if you want to be "novel" make it low fantasy and have people fuck/rape and cuss a lot, go into graphic detail about how filthy and smelly the whole place is, and all the while avoiding all the other uncomfortable realities of medieval Europe.
Despite the world being a horrible place full of monsters and world ending cataclysms everyone thinks, speaks and acts like a 21st century faggot.
And what I find even more enraging than the political agendas they keep shitting out is how none of them seem to understand how armors and weapons work.
It took us goddamn Nips, Slavs, kebab cockroaches and complete niche developers to bring proper fucking armor that looks like armor and keeps spikes and protrusions to a minimum.
Fuck, other than Exanima/Sui Generis and Kingdom Come I can't think of any other game that features layered armor where different pieces serve different purposes.
Play Exanime you instantly notice the difference between mail and plate, and especially plate with a gambeson underneath, you can instantly tell how much more deadly to everything you can be with a poleaxe/hammer as compared to a shitty sword.
How fucking hard is it to design realistic looking armor? How can any sane human not get an erection looking at full plate?
Greece and Rome are also quite generic, you don't see them in games, but lots of times elsewhere. Ancient Mesopotamia is severely underrepresented in all media, not just games.
It's not fully procedurally generated. It has designed chunks that are connected semi-randomly. I watched TB run through the demo a few times over, everything was differently placed, but a number of things were easily recognizable, including certain miniboss zones being exactly the same arenas.
Barely? One of the bigger franchises of the PS2/3 era was specifically about Greek mythology.
Likely because it's too problematic for the current year. And to be frank, I have no wish to see the filthy liberals defile the setting with their shit.
Same as with Conan. Lovecraft is guilty of wrongthink, and putting in the limelight runs the risk of exposing the gullible goyim to his writings.
Also, there hasn't yet been a good example of visualizing Lovecraftian concepts. Just giving octopuses legs isn't gonna cut it.
Even if there was to be variety how many talented developers are out there that could pull it off?
I'm just glad the Expedition: Conquistadors developers are now making a Viking themed game, and that the Age of Decadence developers are now making their long planned sci-fi title.
what hole did you crawl out of?
She sounded more like your average shrill Asian wife than some average blue-haired college human sciences grad.
Just another Gamergater knee-jerk reaction thread.
Shadow Warrior 2013 was alright. It's a Painkiller-like, just like the new Doom.
Enemy variety was low, it had some scaling issues (weapons become more and more useless per NG+/higher difficulty compared to your katana; on Insane (?) you're basically just a flippin' Ninja), imho silly stopgaps (money for munition/weapon upgrades).
For what it's worth, it was the first FPS I enjoyed in quite a while. I'm not really into modern "Run and Gun" type shooters.
Hard Reset (FWH's earlier foray into FPS) is a "purer" FPS experience, if you will.
Heroic is highest difficulty. You die, you restart from the beginning of the current chapter. Also, the crossbow is great and fun once you upgrade it to have the high-tension string or whatever.
So you're planning to give the game away for free, then?
nah she ain't no es jay dub, she's just tsundere for the Wang
my concern is that i probably will have to get a new rig to run this since the previous iteration of the series had some framerate issues for me even in lower settings
I'm not seeing it.
However, those hitboxes need some work. Hitting people across the block with a poke attack and shotgun blasts hitting everything on the screen. Disgusting.
Lo Wang is half the man he used to be.
Pretty sure in the end both of them will be friends and have to work together to overcome the evil last boss or some shit.
It's nothing new in storytelling, I don't know about SJW/feminist bullshit but she sounds like a 20-something teen spirit bitch type.
Yeah but all these tolkien games rip off more from greece/rome/mesopotamia/hyborean than they do from the middle-ages.
If its anything like the first game they made the bitch like that to piss off the player on purpose. Then later on she starts to change and become likeable.
I seriously hope the former. Otherwise I'll lose one of the two games I was excited for.
OP is a fucking retard.