Who here is HYPE for Watch_Dogs 2?
not me
Who here is HYPE for Watch_Dogs 2?
not me
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I'd be surprised if people are actually excited for Watch Dogs 2 after how bad The Division, Ass Syndicate, and the original WD turned out. I guess people are more interested only because its one of the only games to come out?
Proper gramma is hard an shieeeet!
If at first you don't succeed…
try again with an even more retarded approach I guess?
This will sell and it will sell well. Normalfags just can't help themselves and will buy anything that is advertised enough.
i think that's what happened, they fucked it up even worse.
Here's a fun game: run an image search on "Pwn2Own" or any other hacker competition & find try to find a black hacker. I'll wait.
he's also trying to prove his innocence by committing crimes.
The main character of Watch_Dogs 2 is a member of BLM?
Hell, try to find one that dresses like the black guy fron WD2
Also don't forget that the villain is literally meant to represent Donald Trump
The only good thing about this game is the pun in the description.
execute the hack = hack something
execute the hack = kill the bad person
Oh boy I can't wait to see what they didn't fix.
I can't wait to see all the features that had to be removed from the finished product.
There definitely isn't going to be any "problematic" profiling of people anymore, so there will be almost no reason to play this game.
I can't wait to see what [else] they broke.
Except with bullshit hacking skills.
I swear that reads like some fanfic made by a Hispanic teenager
Jokes on you fuckers every wall of my house is covered with big screen plasma TVs that show nothing but hardcore white man on white woman sex for the propose of procreation.
And they are physically attractive AND unnatural hair colors.
I uninstalled the first one after 3 hours of fucking around, not even going to pirate the second one
It will probably have Denuvo anyway
And yet you made a fucking thread for it. How about you kill yourself.
They've found a worse 'protagonist' than Aiden Pearce?
Is he even gonna get acknowledged/shit on or cameo as a NPC?
How about you actually get dubs next time?
I just wanted to laugh about the spelling mistake in the description
Are you goys ready to fight the evil nazi republican establishment? Remember to donate to Hillary!
I'm a little bit.
That sort of "Eh, I might buy it if its on sale for $10 bucks and I've already bought enough liquor and weed to last me a few months" sort of excited.
I thought the first one was decent enough to not hate, and wouldn't be opposed to another one. Just definitely not buying this one for anything near launch price.
Thats what I'm most excited about, fresh Trump memes on the eve of his election
If you don't think they've done that purposefully to get you to use memes to market the game for them then you're an idiot.
yes he has the memeface on his jacket
The real question is does it matter
They can polish a turd all they want, they're still holding a hand full of shit at the end of the day.
Wait, isn't Ubisoft part of the establishment?
What matters is our plan.
If i was part of some soopa sekrit hacker group i wouldn't be wearing the groups name on my fucking hat.
My point exactly, most people don't create content only consume it, meme makers will be a very small minority of a minority of people who get the game.
Trump memes are more important than not giving ubisoft money.
the group isnt secret
By not buying your shitty game!
No. White people are the establishment.
voting for Trump
So why can't i make millions and millions of dollars and try to influence children into my way of thinking?
You aren't all the white people. It's a collaborative effort to keep the nigga down.
there is r34 of him
Would you?
You faggots better not fuck up November.
At least he's not of the history.
But don't you want to press X to tuna?
I'd rather watch a movie than play the real Watch Dogs 2, so sure.
But the president is a black man.
I'd probably play it the same way I played Life Is Strange, as a drinking game and ironically, I actually had a lot of fun. Too bad it will have Denuvo, I won't be able to enjoy the shitty anarchist ideology, the awful characters, the glitches and bugs making the game unplayble, and all of the memes.
It would make so much more sense that the protagonist would attack Hillary instead of Trump, because that's what is actually happening.
The white congress is keeping Obama down.
Game would have been way better if you didn't have a gun or steal cars. It just turns into a GTA clone when you do. Why bother hacking when you can just gun them down. and given how hard it is to buy guns in Chicago anyway, why not roll with it? Same can be said for SF in the new game.
we be like hackerz
we be like mafia
It receives funding from the Canadian government so it is.
post that picture with the dev team from ubisoft, all females, and ugly
Please annex us when Trump wins. Our Prime Minister thinks poverty is misogynist.
Yeah that's not a bad idea but when I played that shit I depended on hacking more than gunplay.
Wait why would a government fund a publisher, let alone an incredibly shit one?
Canada m8
to have a saying over the story of the game?
Because the government supports the "arts".
Also, does anyone give a fuck about this game?
The original WD was marketed as a vigilante game in the vein of Persons of Interest, back when anyone gave a shit about it, this one just look like a terrible, terrible l33t haxxor "hack anything" game with stale memes and leftist pandering.
It's about as contemporary as the Hackers movie, only without any of the charm.
Man it's been so long since I've last seen that thing, did that super hacker chick who wanted to get fucked by the machine or whatever get offed?
Yeah, every trailer for the first Watch_Dogs ended with "hacking is your weapon" but in the game you had to use a large range of guns and explosives while most of the hacking stuff involves spying on people.
To me it's clear that they were inspired by Person of Interest* and as dumb as Ubisoft people are, they made a bland character that is a mix of Reese and Finch with a shitty story.
*it's quite funny because in the french version of the game, the voice actor for the hero is the same guy who did the french version of Reese on Person of Interest.
Is that a star of David on his cap?
I have no clue. I gave up when he kissed the CIA dude disgusting negress cop.
It was marketed as a vigilante game, but you're more of a thug on a quest for revenge, and the story is more about the hacking even.
They completely missed the point.
*it's quite funny because in the french version of the game, the voice actor for the hero is the same guy who did the french version of Reese on Person of Interest.
Somehow I don't think that is just a coincidence.
I still have no idea why that actress is big now. She's a terrible actress and she makes that one sad doggy face half the time.
The same could be said of all actresses, really.
They either make sad doggy faces or pretend to be a man (Especially the one who does Rei Mixer in Cuck Wars The Nigger Awakens)
Reminder that Watch Dogs 1 was originally going to a Driver series games before things were changed and we still got the same quality from Post Driver 3.
I think she's a tad worse than that.
Oh geez, had to be reminded of those 'facial expressions'
I don't even know what to call that because that doesn't look like shes pretending to be a man
Jesus we've gone full NCIS here
Wait, isn't the "Establishment" in Canada Trudeau?
Driver San Francisco was great, you faggot
It's only The Establishment when they don't like it.
It actually says
in OPs pic
How does getting his position through nepotism make him part of the establishment when he is so current year?
Well, since Ubisoft receives tax breaks from the Canadian government it probably wouldn't be a good idea to caricaturize their own government
>"fight the establishment"
>meanwhile in reality, bitch who has been in white house for decades somehow isn't establishment
>guy attacked most by the press, politicians & political groups is totally the establishment
Every time I see these pathetic attempts of the left to call themselves underdogs rebelling against some "status quo" I fucking cringe. The left are constantly smearing people using power they claim not to posses.
Not the first or last time Ubishit engages in revisionist propaganda.
Hegelian Marxists are so fucking based
very few forms of brain damage makes you based, and none of them encompass the 31 flavors of marxism
Didn't they replace it with another mistake ?
Why is Robert Patrick in this show, again?
Aiden Pearce is the villain. The videos of him going around killing degenerates are canon and he supports notTrump. At the end you have to kill him or nuke san fran.
I didn't know Bailey Jay was such a computer whiz
Why is this even a choice?
Great. Also I hope everyone sees the irony of anti-establishment themes coming from a big, bloated AAA cash-house like Ubisoft.
Niggers are always guilty of something.
Hasn't that been a thing for decades now?
All those movies/books/games/comics about the underdog fighting the big, evil corporation, the cucks buying it and patting themselves on the back for being such rebels while the Jew is laughing himself silly while he's snorting coke with a $100 bill from the stomach of a prepubescent boy.
Ironically enough, Ivory tower liberals see themselves as "Anti-establishment", you ever been to Silicon valley? The CEOS are huge pieces of shit who think they're fighting the "powers at be" by cutting entire departments and replacing them with shitskins.
When people picture "Fat cats" they tend to imagine older white men, when in reality, it's jews in skinny jeans, sipping free-trade lattes while having massive messiah complexes.
made me chuckle
If he turns out to be the villain all along and a good one at that, holy shit that'd be fantastic
We wuz ww1, we wuz hackas, we wuz mafia, etc
Fuck this world
The games are gonna sell like shit. Publishers seriously overestimate the appeal niggers have.
Whats sad is its whites making all of those decisions.
Mentally ill whites though.
I'm hyped for these.
So basically Mr. Robot: The Game
I haven't even gotten the hacking software yet
It's funny, because everyone always expects trump to be the "bought out"/"fake" guy, what if trump has been playing the 4d chess all along? Think about it, you'd least expect it.
As much as it's about muh L33T Haxxorz it's not really. Unless it pulls some fight club twists here and there.
The game Quadrilateral Cowboys seems to have the core of a hacking game down. If they had Ubi's budget you would have a true hacker game.
How could Trump, with his finite wealth, buy out the puppet of people who operate outside the global monetary system?
The writing looks so bad I had to check who the lead writer was.
Apparently the story will also be a lot focused on gentrification, diversity, racism (in an interview he talks about the hiring practices in the Silicon Valley).
At least it won't have feminism, I guess. Probably will adress homophobia and the LGBT community though, but that's not as bad.
please use archive.is/articles/watch-dogs-2-how-the-story-will-separate-it-from-i/1100-6440655/
He's a cutey~!
Time to vote Trump! It's what the world deserves at the moment.
Eternal reminder to be careful what you meme, it might just come true.
Shit, I forgot to archive before posting.
Careful, you might find some truths you won't like. I assuming he'll only want to choose (((approved))) literature, like Night or some trash. Nothing too real or anything could conflict that razor sharp worldview. :^)
So he's not only a rootless cosmopolitan, he also was most likely used as fuckmeat by degenerate Arabs because they really lust after pale boy ass. Explains his gayness at least.
What? Wasnt it a female?
Would play, it already looks better than vanilla game
I want to know if they have something as "iconic" as his hat.
If only he had stayed in SA.
So he's the usual leftist cuck that wants to force his vile faggotry on the normal population whether they like it or not.
There is no fucking way to write a "decent" faggot character, because there is no fucking narrative that actually requires you to make a character specifically gay.
The only reason to ever include one is either because of your politics/agenda pushing, or because it's your fetish.
Fuck that shit.
60 years onwards, and the left still hasn't tired of beating the old, dead horse. I wonder why they never talk about the communist pogroms against minorities, intellectuals and homosexuals?
Further proof Morrowind fans are all faggots.
Well, it's gonna be the same old "blame whitey" shtick. Leftists are creatively bankrupt, just like the Jews they serve, so I expect nothing more from them.
Does that mean the game will have an Ebonics mechanic?
Oh, user, whatever makes you think that? They're going for the full rainbow here. This abomination will make the AssCreed lore seem tame and grounded in reality.
More like they noticed a dip in sales when they announce them. Turns out pandering to the 2% of the global population that is mentally ill doesn't bring in the shekels.
Such lulz.
Very haxorz.
I hope a mudshit does something right for a change and goes on a rampage in the Ubisoft Montreal headquarters.
It was hilarious how Ubisoft's conference showed this game right after they had Tom Clancy: Government Murder Squad: Mexico Edition scripted gameplay footage.
And that scripted gameplay footage was so cringey not even the normalfag cucks could stand it.
Also, that game looks easy as shit, the people "playing" it had to deliberately act like morons so the guys that doctored that trailed could justify all the scripted shit they showcased.
Shit that, by the way, no player will ever get to see in the game.
Oh, and it took them the better half of the trailer to stop one fucking dude in a car that was without escorts or anything.
This is too much for me. fuck
Jesus christ you guys are dull
Live in your rotten ideological trashcan orally blocked fag
Weaponized Internet Cancer should be banned by the Geneva Convention.
Just like mankind divided and street fighter 5 right?
>who here is hype for _ ??
why are these threads popping up every day?
>"it’s there and pretty normal"
Much like the (((small percentage))) of the U.S. population which represents half of the top 1% of wealth, owns all the top major media corporations & is overrepresented in the staffing & admissions of all top universities Victimhood Culture & it's proponents are utter cancer, endlessly projecting their own advantages onto the majority for the simple mathematical fact that a majority of the populace occupies more positions than them. Meanwhile, victim-worship & portraying themselves as "oppressed" grants true privilege rather than the fabricated brand they project onto the majority. Every worthless parasite in the gaming industry now has arrived in their position through staples of victimhood culture like quota-hiring & activist "journalism", given preferences & advantages all the while claiming to be oppressed.
i blame that Times article
I wonder what his mudslime parents think of him.
Can we start the purge already?
These threads aren't for encouraging the game, they're so you make fun of them and laugh at all the dumbasses and normalfags who do buy it.
I'm just looking forward to the cutscene leaks and laughing at how they "absolutely DESTROY Donald Trump LOL fuck the establishment vote for Hillary"
Every single one of them in history has been either a Jew or a servant of the Jews
Actually a huge proportion of them are Jews pretending to be whites. They've been doing the "us whites are so evil" routine for two thousand years now.
Yup, that's why they had to wear the Star of David in the third reich, so they couldn't pull that infiltration shit and pretend to be one of the natives.
lel, typical leftist
Hahahah wew they really wanted to be sure to spot every Jew walking around. Even made them wear bells so you can hear them coming.
And even then, the Jews won and took over. Evolution is cruel.
this too, sad really
This will be especially hilarious since leftists think videogame characters are real people.
Brilliant, vidya akbar
This is not a meme this is fucking science right here
This would be kind of cute if it was a female.
He's cute regardless.
That would be sexist.
I bet he's the gay character.
I've been wondering about this pic for years now, but when the fuck was Jim Carrey in a navy movie?
It's from Generation Kill and obviously not Carrey, but why did I fall for your shitty bait.
That's what I remember too.
We've moved into another Berenstain universe, user. Probably a quantum death.
Goddamn this looks so forced, they barely even attempt to hide the Clinton propaganda behind this game.
If only there was a Not Hillary to hack in this game, I would at least consider pirating it.
I don't think so.
Maybe you were thinking about the mudslime girl with the hood/hijab
I can't wait to not see it
Because i'm not going to buy it or care about it in any fashion.
it's almost like the establishment works in subversive and deceitful ways or something.
Pic related is so true.
Who could it be now?
Sean Murray?
Mr. Shitface?
John Flint?
Amida Sarbeesium?
Shillary Cuntdown?
Mai Mehn?
Doctor Pavuleer?
Button Lee?
Juan Ohvu?
Fuhrst Huan?
Tu Tok?
Gatts Tus?
Dei Ohnmah?
Aijre Pleine?
Hu Ped?
Iu Grep
Dr. Pavel?
Hee Didant?
Fla Sugud?
Hu Wans?
Du Traineks?
Telmee Abotbene?
Wei Dusehee?
Wearda Masske?
Lottov Loieltee?
Fora Heirutgan?
The more leftist a person is, the greater the likelihood he has never actually experienced the vibrant diversity he/she champions.
You could collate data and form a map that cross-references ethnic data by local communities with their voting habits/political leanings and you'd basically get confirmation that the whiter a neighborhood, the more left leaning it is.
Canada is essentially a national socialist state. They support companies because they want to inspire Canadian pride and export their shit to other countries for money. Canadians really only care about money to be honest. That's why they let so many chinks come in and that's why they promote ethnic diversity.
Are you mentally challenged?
It's not so much racial superiority. It's more "Canadian" superiority.
Congratulations, that is the polar opposite of National Socialism.
Culture is tied to race/ethnicity. You can't separate the two, and every attempt made so far has ended in disaster and bloodshed.
"Canadian" culture is Anglo-Saxon culture. It's language, customs, institutions, religion and history are all connected with Britain and the British ethnicity.
Same goes for America, there is no "American" culture, there is Anglo-Saxon culture, and the myth about the American melting pot the liberals love to masturbate over fail to mention that the melting pot was a white one, a "melting" of white ethnicities, not flooding the country with subhumans.
Culture is nothing more than mindset, and with time it can easily be changed.
For example, Christianity replaced Paganism in Europe, which arguably was the biggest part of their culture. sure it took a while, but you nobody associates Paganism with modern European culture.
Oh come on guys, don't you realize the whole purpose of polarizing the elections so much? It's all about making you vote for republicrats to "stop da ebil other side", it's to prevent third parties from gaining power.
Think about it, what do both candidates have in common?
They're both pro Israel.
None of the third party is anti israel.
Yes, culture does have it's roots deeply in ethnicity, but that was because there were physical limitations. Travel wasn't nearly as globalized as it is now. I would bet the reason as to why the Mongolian Empire was as large as it was is due to the horse. Same thing goes for the British Empire with their Navy. Unification of territories can't happen until accessible travel is established. Now that most of the boundaries are in the process of being erased, there will be a global culture that will arise from that transcending racial heritage.
I'll also point out that humans will continue to self-segregate because we are indeed different, but there will be an overarching culture that will include everyone soon enough and then sub-cultures that will develop underneath it.
I guess this globalization magical juju is the reason niggers everywhere still live in the squalor of nigger culture, or why the Middle East continues being a shithole.
go away
Globalization is a process that has been going on for centuries and will continue as long as humanity exists.The majority of niggers still live in nigger culture because there's still racial tension and financial disparity. The Middle East is a shithole because of a medieval religion. Canada isn't as bad because regardless of what you are, you still get fucked by absurd taxes.
That better not be Yukon, that's where I'm going.
jesus, you're retarded in more ways than one.
In the end, every leftie is pretty much racist or xenophobic too, not so deep inside they hate niggers and muslims just like average person. It should surprise no one that they refuse to be among subhumans they're trying to "protect".
I wish they were deported into Africa or Islamic countries, this is the only way to fix their mental disease.
No. He's just Canadian.
I'm also canadian.
And I'm not sorry.
As a former leftist I confirm this. It all looks pretty nice when they're far away from you, but anyone who's unlucky enough to live in a nigger infested city has that illusion shattered very quickly.
I wasn't expecting you to be.Have fun with Hillary.
clearly you have never been to northern europe. the past is very much alive in folklore, names, sayings, folk music and customs. and most people are aware of that.
you dont know shit, shut up
shit nigga? is it time? where is the best place to preorder? what are the preorder bonuses?
Or if you are specifically catering to that demographic as your target audience. I assume a gay novel would write itself and gays have money
But muh diversity.
But whites are the problem.
A steady diet of sparkly clean multicultural propaganda doesn't represent reality & is certainly a detriment to one's intelligence despite all the sheltered elitist posturing against "those ignorant racists".
I want to protect that emoticon
This seems a bit cheap. One's a small town and the other's inner city/suburbs, isn't it?
le hax xD
So is this shit actually coming out soon?
I want to fuck him in the ass
Why isn't the comparison of poorest black areas poorest white areas?
Unless its to show that the rich black areas are equally as bad
Every time
Reverse psychology - the thread.
Do they know what establishment means?
Based Takeuchi
It's to destroy the lefty argument of "niggers do a lot of crime cause they poor and uneducated, not cause they're niggers"
ah right, that makes sense then. I thought it was one of those facebook maymays were we were kangs and shit brutha
It's to show that even when whites are living in poverty, they are less criminally inclined than rich niggers.
pretty obvious m8
Ey yo mayn we about to bring down western society
It currently says
which I'm pretty sure is still wrong. Should be
Shit premise: Intrude upon the privacy of others. Buyers wanting to join whatever power they can. Swap around as it seems to shift. Such scum don't count as people.
i don't know who the man in that picture is but he has peace of mind
Couldn't they have just made it say "MAKE CALIFORNIA GREAT AGAIN!" instead?
That'd be too obvious.
It's actually precisely as obvious as 'Make the Bay Area Stronger' but the tasteless prefer when you pretend you actually tried.
I do like the Spartacus one, but that's it.
Yeah man, the Libertarian Party, which has not once given a candidate that can get even a single percent of the vote, is going to win the election if each we just convince ten or twenty people to vote for them. In fact the absolute failure of third parties is why Ron Paul went Republican, when he ran while in the Libertarian Party for the 1988 election he too got less than a single percent of the popular vote.
Israel is not the only issue that matters though. For example Gary Johnson even admitted on camera that he has absolutely no understanding of the NAP, which is the basis of the entirety of Libertarianism, which is why the media is shilling him as an alternative to Hillary and Trump.
The original design of the character was female, but the suites were too pussy about feminist so they made it a man.
You gotta a source for that?
The concept art book will show the original designs, worried posting a image will get me fired.
i'll play watch dogs 2 just for him
he's so cute
Yes. It deserves to burn for narrowing the election down to a con man who sweet-talks idiots and a chaotic-evil stupid bitch.
the arabic text says 'I feel like it's time for me to quit'
It's like being in a metroidvania. You learn a new language and suddenly all sorts of shit becomes clearer and is open to you now.
I didn't choose to.
typical murican
oh dear.
jokes on you, I'm Canadian and am learning Japanese.
I speak canadian too btw
Same, it's a bit of an awkward blend between American and British.
I can sure as hell try. I dont even watch anime or red manga, I just find the language fascinating.
allahu akbar
so you really are from the middle east? how's it there?
The more I see of this turd the more it becomes clear everything about it was made by a middle age+ French guy thinking about what was cool to American teens.
Jesus fucking Christ user, you best explain this shit now!
It's time to stop being prime minister.
Ahh yes, the Assassins Creed universe.
why are shill threads still allowed here
Is this to supposed to be a funny meme on those 12yo scriptkiddies who made a mess of Sony? lulzsec?
How very original, the kiddies will love it, Tom.
hotpockets have to eat too you know
This seems hardly fair considering how much lower crime in Kentucky is compared to the national average and Beattyvile has an incredibly low crime rate compared to the rest of Kentucky.
If you compare Loomis, CA (which is 89.2% White with 8.8% Latino of any race according to one source and 92.4% white in another, the highest in California), it has 387 violent crime per 100k people and 3,614 property crime per 100k. And while my source for View Park-Windsor Hills shows higher crime than your pic, it is still much lower than Loomis with 247 violent crime per 100k and 2,307 property crime.
California is a shit hole where even the white people act like niggers.
The women are sluts, the younger generation are pozzed to fucking hell, and everything up and down the coast is fucking shit.
California would be a better place without any of the people.
How do you think mark supports himself? :^)
They're viral marketing the shit out of this turd.
This at e3 is literally the worst thing I've ever seen at e3.
True, the less brown shitpeople a region in britain has, the more liberal the people living there are.