Wow there are so many of you refunding right now!
Wow there are so many of you refunding right now!
Other urls found in this thread:
kill urself my man
We've officially reached the point where people on Holla Forums give in to the urge of saging and shitposting so fast they don't even read the fucking OP anymore.
why do you assume i dint read your trash, 0 content post, faggot?
The whole site is like that.
I think this is the first time Steam have ever had to state the refund policy on anything other than a movie.
Try going to a board outside the top 25
Holy lel
Did that many people really try to get a refund?
I guess they were well aware of all the people trying to get their money back. Even then I hear PS users are trying to get refunds to, especially since nobody wants it anymore.
Holy shit, that's hilarious. The poor retards that bought this game can't get a break.
What happened to the "no matter your playtime?"
I work at EB Games in Australia.
On the night of NMS's release, I shit you not, there were people camping outside our store. We ended up selling out of copies before the day ended.
The rate of people coming back within a few days to refund the game was fucking astounding. Lots of refunds always happen any time a big release comes along (the last time we had a high refund rate was The Order 1886, I think), but this had to have been like a 50% refund rate. It was insane.
The manager actually had to test the copies we getting given back to make sure they weren't fucking defective, (if a product is faulty we have to send it back to the manufacturer for them to test it for a "major failure" and then they compensate the buyer, or something like that) because he couldn't believe this many people were actually refunding the game based on quality alone.
Wow there are so many of you saging right now!
Was that anything more than an unsubstantiated rumour?
Well, someone's full of shit. I guess the "refund regardless of playtime" rumor was legitimately just a rumor all along.
That alone makes me wonder how many times that happened for other releases recently.
And they'll do it all again when the next overhyped piece of shit comes out.
We just added in a new refund button in game to help you with getting your money back! Still can't believe how many returns we have on the very first day! Mind blown
So, how many people do you think learned their lesson from this? I mean I remember when I used to get hyped over games coming out, but now I'm jaded as fuck. I remember being pretty hype for fable for instance.
Doesn't surprise me, people are fucking pissed they blew sixty bucks on this pile of trash and want their money back. Steam are probably just putting that up to let people know it was their own damn fault for not checking their policy.
Nothing has hit this level of refunds at our store in years. When I said that refunds always happen around the time of big releases, I meant that there are so many people buying those games that a few are bound refund it. The refund rates of those games probably aren't much higher than the other games. I'd have a wild guess at the refund rate of the average game being 15%, so if 5000 people come in to buy GTA5 you're certainly going to notice the 750 or so who came back to refund it, but if 200 people buy Knack you're not really going to notice the 35 who did the same. But for this game? It honestly seems for every 100 people who buy it 50 try to give it back.
There's the thing, massively overhyped pieces of shit like The Order still never came anywhere close to this many refunds.
You can probably still refund it if you say the right words. Steam's policy also says, "even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look."
why does he look like a hipster woodchuck?
I blame media coverage and this being treated as a dumping ground for all those banned from halfchan.
sage because we have several NMS threads this could have gone in
Stop over-dramatizing, it was one faggot shitposting.
Are you saying there hasn't been a slump in quality over the last 2 years?
The board turned to fuck around a year and a half ago and hasn't changed very much since, people keep acting as if new users are coming in when the active user count isn't changing.
The only thing I am seeing more of are the "Holla Forums has gotten so bad" or "Holla Forums is full of idiot casuals" or "look at me I am so much better than everybody else on this board" type posts.
Have a look at the board stats back in mid 2015, when the board was at its worst.
It was well over 3000 back then, it's 2,601 right now. We've lost users, not gained them.
I don't know why people only realised now that the board dropped in quality.
Be the change you want to see, faggots.
Some guys on plebbit could get refunds with more then 2 hours of playtime.
The 2 hours are just there to guarantee you a refund if you have that much playtime.
Everything else depends on Valve and whoever is processing your refund.
It CAN happen that you can refund a game you played for 10 hours if some update breaks it or whatever, but that doesn't mean that you will always get one (except when you're german apperently, since they have a law that allows refunds for a product within 2 weeks no matter the circumstances and Vavle has to abide).
My sides cant handle this
The 2 hour limit is only for guaranteed refunds. You can still get a refund after that depending on the circumstance, but they may reject it.
Don't you fags remember WarZ? Thaat piece of shit got the same refund policy as this hyped up turd
The main reason for that is that half the userbase left during the Infinity Next debacle.
Who the fuck can say that with a straight face? Mixed? They're overwhelmingly NEGATIVE
No Man's Game
95+ or more is overwhelmingly positive I think.
That's ok I cant even subtract 42 from 100 apparently.
It is mixed.
You call it overwhelmingly positive when the majority of reviews is positive, about 80% and above should count.
Same goes with negative
I still marvel at the fact that so many people failed for this shitpile.
I mean, leading up to the game's release you had fuckall in terms of raw gameplay footage, only Sean's promises, and it seems to me he responded with a positive to basically every inquiry of what you could do in the game (and displaying his lying tick each and every time). Projects that promise you the sky (no pun intended) always fail, because the idea guys that are running them have no fucking idea what is actually possible to do, and surround themselves with equally deluded yes men of middling talent.
People seriously thought a team of 10 people and a mutated freak of nature were going to achieve what the industry has been trying to make for 40 years, and have that shit run on consoles on top of that?
How can people be this goddamn gullible?
It was "mostly negative" when it first came out, but it had
Maybe because Sony was backing it ?
Just admit that you like it already, no way you would still make threads about it otherwise.
It won't be so bad if hellogames just released a official press statement on planned fixes and promised features added.
People seem so confused about the Steam refund policy. The 2 hour limit applies only to automatic and guaranteed refunds. You can still get a refund after that, but the appeal has to be reviewed by a person. So having 50 hours in the game and saying "I'm done with it and I want my money back" is probably not going to do it. Then again, I don't know if explaining how it was falsely advertised (even the Steam page still has those bullshit screenshots), how it lacks promised features and how it misses late game content that was implied to be there would make any difference.
now for real what will happen for hello games next game?
It'll probably drop to "negative" in a few days.
I just like to imagine these fucks are too busy scrambling to hide their money, preparing to jump ship to another studio, and let the procedurally generated mob take Sean Murray.
It's a bad game. I pirated it and couldn't stomach shooting rocks for more than an hour, and clearly many other people felt the same way. What was promised vs what was delivered are completely different, and the delivered product was a piece of shit.
I enjoy watching all the buttblasted faggots act like spoiled children because their shiny bobble is actually a spray painted turd, yet they refuse to acknowledge it.
They'll hype it up and people will pre-order it again.
You cannot stop this.
The only question is how many.
If enough get burned by this experience by not getting a refund and having to live with a mistake they made, then you might see much lower numbers next time.
I always wonder if these retards just smash their keyboard with their first.
It's an acceptable target for hate, and a deserving one at that. There's also faggots outside here who keep trying to defend it, making really nice lolcows.
NMS is validating Holla Forums's identity.
didnt keep up with this game at all or even visit Holla Forums for several months
someone spoonfeed me what happened
Doubt it.
Sean Murrays career is over at this point.
The other faggots in his team will jump ship and joint small hipster indie studios.
He's still smarter than the average person that bought NMS.
Since when do we have to justify our fun to some salty little shit that bough the game?
We had TORtanic threads 24/7 back in the day laughing at the endless trainwreck that game was.
58%, friend.
He might just worm his way into another studio in a few years and try again.
For some reason the space sim fanatics get hyped for every game of their favourite genre.
Although I really hope you're right the fag is done.
Imagine if Bethesda made a game with Todd hyping it up and not even delivering 1% of it.
Also no mod support because fuck you.
Ending your career and making yourself known as a notorious lier on social media isn't really smart.
Then again I think he made enough shekels with NMS to live comfortably for a while.
Couldn't NMS autists just get themselves a guaranteed refund by threatening to sue for still having false advertisement on the page?
Oh boy, another NMS shill thread. Haven't had enough of those yet.
There aren't enough nms thread to express my hatred of people who lie to customers and customers who buy on hype.
But there are mods though, they just won't release any tools or anything since the game is not made for it.
Calling it now, TES 6 will be this. FO4 is already far, far more limited in terms of what modders can do than even Skyrim, and Skyrim was a step back from Oblivion.
And as we've seen, FO4 was a massive lie, from the settlement and crafting mechanics, to the interactivity, right down to the promised DLCs.
Nobody really likes FO4.
I wasn't talking about Sean, but the gibberish written in broken English posted, so apologies for fucking up, and apologies again for not recognizing my mistake in time.
But yeah, Murray's career is pretty much over, he is now poisonous and nobody will want to hire him for fear of getting negative publicity over it.
If he's lucky he'll end up making mobile games.
Do you even realise how pathetic you sound? Where's the "salt" as you redditors call it? All I'm seeing is you jumping up and down this game's dick in the hatefuck of the month. The dick in your ass might be broken but why put it up your butt in the first place is what I'm asking.
When I first saw NMS teasers it looked interesting. The longer it went on the more redflags I saw with the game, and by near release date all the shitshow surrounding it convinced me I'd never give them my shekels. Sean Murray does have a very punchable face the more he grows his goony beard though, so that's something he has going for him I guess.
because more than half left and we got an influx of indoctrinated goons doing zoe and anitas bidding "to take down hate chan for the suburban goddess!" who try to derail every thread with a first comment sage, constant attempts to push shit tier mehmays designed to derail threads into arguments like "template thread" or "reddit spacing" before the dubs spam when that doesnt work.
Then you get kids that see them do it, assume it is the norm and repeat it.
Just hide posts, hide ids, report them, call them out and dont give them an inch. They are retards that have been so indoctrinated by the poison hair pussy they actually think it was their own decision to do this and they dont even understand what massive pawns they are.
They only have power when you ignore them or let them keep at it. Dont give them an inch and watch the "d-dont listen to him fellow young people, lowta-i mean hotwheelz is the ally of the user!" comments trying to act like its not happening when its being going on for over 6 months now.
his stupid fucking face is so punchable
Are we sure they are not related?
The great thing about staying out of the loop of video game media is that you completely avoid disasters like this.
I actually had not heard of this game until it came out.
Gave it a few days wait and now look at it.
By the way, I feel as though you should always be able to get your money back if you don't reach even a third of the entertainment value a product proposes to have.
He looks more like a rat than a fish
If you were stupid enough to actually fall for their hype campaign then there is no helping you regardless of everything else.
How about getting your money back when the product sold to you was clearly falsely advertised and does not include any of the promised features?
It's what all nu males look like.
NMS is GotY 2016
Whats surprising is that Sean didnt try to calm things out at all. Instead he waited on day before release to say "Yeah it wont be at all like you expected".
Thanks Sean, its not like everyone was able to read your post or it isnt like you printed thousands of disks that people already preordered and bought
Ever since it was announced, I was asking "Yeah, but what do you do in this game?" People would either get defensive or tell you "You do whatever you want, anything's possible."
I feel like devs care more about making worlds than making games. Too many games for the past few years have these huge maps with nothing to do in them, or everything is made of prefabs and reused assets. Or traveling feels like a huge waste of time.
I just wanted to play video games.
I think the 'cult of you can do anything' are blind to the repetition through desperation. Do we all want massive worlds where you can do anything? sure. Who doesnt?
But most of us know thats simply not feasible for a team of people to make so we are inclined to treat grandstanding with suspicion.
But they dont. Every time they assume its the beaten wife style "but they promised its real this time and its going to be great" so with Spore, Destiny, No Mans Sky, Fallout 4, Skyrim and so on this 'Cult of you can do anything' LISTENS AND BELIEVES and each time they think its going to be the real deal and not another let down because a 100% recurring result is not a pattern to them, its just further proof of the inevitability of the Ur-Game appearing eventually so each time its 'probably the real deal' and the emotional investment and brand loyalty indoctrination begins again. They prepurchase and equate the games quality to their own self worth and rabidly defend it because any criticism of the Ur-Game is must surely be is direct, malicious attacks on their person.
We are burned and cynical for it, they are burned and this merely increases their quais religious fanaticism for a prophesied title that does not exist.
I wasted a trips on my own shitty math
I never said anything like it, though? What I meant is that thsi is an opportunity for Holla Forums to be who they believe they are, the elitist who knew better and laugh at the retarded masses/jew developers for their stupidity.
It also gives hope for the future, because even normalfags are repeating the stuff Holla Forums has been saying for years about hype.
And then completely disappeared from the public eye.
I don't think there's been any tweets from his account, nor any public appearances/interviews since the game launched.
The rat is hiding hoping this will all blow over. Either that or contemplating suicide now that refunds are actually losing them money.
I remember that one sane dude in that video constantly asking what you could do in the game, and that pudgy cuck saying, in a broken voice, that Sean wouldn't like him, when all the guy was doing was his fucking job.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a profession so filled with leftist parasites would be more concerned with the fact speaking plainly will hurt a developer's feelings instead of being the voice of the consumers.
Its fucking reddit.
The reason reddit is so fucking hated is because they pretend they are "enlightened individuals" when in reality they have the mental capacity of a high schooler with access to a Thesaurus.
They do this shit ALL THE TIME.
A lot of it is fueled by in denial valvedrones who want to convince themselves Valve cares again.
It probably will never blow over. He flat out promised things that arent in the game, the internet doesnt forget when they get burned that badly. I'd be shocked if they even are patching or updating itm
Let's not be offensive to high school kids here, even though most of them are redditors.
The really hilarious thing is that they actually believe reddit is a bastion of free speech, when the main feature of the site is letting users thought police each other and basically erase any comment that says something the majority doesn't want to hear.
And this on top of shadowbanning, that has to be one of the most vile and cowardly tactics I have ever seen being used online, constant scandals of mods manipulating votes, outright hiding content that disagrees with the agenda they want to push (usually involving mudshits, niggers and Hillary) and using their own thuggish sturmabteliungs in the form of SRS to brigade and shitpost with impunity.
Hell, they use those animals to act as strawmen in communities they don't like and falseflag like crazy so they can have a justification to purge places they don't like.
It should come as no surprise that members of such a leftist community tend to attract the most obnoxious, smug and condescending little shits on the internet.
Too busy working on DLC I imagine.
I also want that disgusting trannies of their to kill herself.
Let's talk again when either Goodbye Games announces some DLC or the next hype train arrives.
The Cult of You can Do Anything will always have another game, another darling. Because dont you get it user? the last games were al pretenders. Finally the prophecy is fulfilled and this time its the real god of all games, and its going to be great!
Its going to be great.
Its gonna be great
Crashing my sides with no survivors
Everybody wants to be Garriot, but nobody wants to write the intricate scripting system that you need to go with Ultima 7
Has any game surpassed Ultima 7 in creating an actual living world yet? Closest I can think of is the Gothic series.
Just great.
GoG is alsot turning to shti but atleast the customer service was 10/10. They even got into a duiscussion of just how shit it was
Wow it's fucking nothing
That and constant raiding from Holla Forums and Holla Forums who are trying to start up board wars again.
Wew lad, I bet you love water levels.
How exactly is GoG going to shit? Also fix your grammar, Jesus.
I dunno what he had in mind, but they were always pretty shit considering the way they steal the work of others.
Alternatively, Degica.
I hate there Steam wannabe platform.
The thing actively fucks with steam when I have it up and is CONSTANTLY running hogging up performance and resources.
It was overall a pretty shit experience.
Also GOG could be doing a lot more considering they are GOOD OLD GAMES, there are hundreds of games out there which can be sold on their platform which aren't sold by other sites but they REFUSE to do any hard work.
Wait wait wait, hold on.
Are you telling me that so few bought the game that there are absolutely no returns? Is that what this chart is? I'm really shit at reading graphs so I can't tell for shit due to how little info it has.
No. The game is so shit that there have been around 30,000 refunds from the peak of it's popularity.
Spore was actually going to be great mate, EA fucked it up.
But if that's true, despite the large number it's still quite a bit of people that still own it, why the dramatic redtext as a result? Bah.
I blame the money thing on the right on that ridiculous conclusion.
It's normal for those SteamSpy graphs to go up and down, since they aren't exactly accurate. If it steadily goes down for a few days in a row, then we can be sure more people are refunding than buying.
it was late and i was hungry
its still a shit OP and you are still a homo for defending it
Sean Murray has one of the most punchable faces ever.
I think its the fact that he just looks like your generic Pozzfeed writer that makes me want to just fucking anhiliate him with my barehands.
Suuure, user, suuure.
The game sold pretty well and fuck all (>5%) people have refunded it.
Despite the way Holla Forums like to act the reality is this game has made bank showing other shit devs that hype + trash = profit.
This reminds me of Fable. When all the hype was "OMG BIGGEST AND BEST GAME EVER" I stopped reading up on it. When it finally came out I greatly enjoyed it, while everybody else cried about what a shit game it turned out to be.
I'm expecting the same for No man's sky. I really haven't been keeping up on it. But at the same time I had expectations that an Indie dev team wasnt going to deliver a AAA game. But In my older age I'm cheap, so I plan on buying it in oct when it most likely will hit $30 and any bugs will be ironed out.
The game had a lot of cool stuff that was butchered by EA, it really did look very cool before
Fable 1 was a quality game. The backlack for other fables was entirely warranted.
Kill yourself shill faggot
I did the same thing with Fable 1, it was a decent game. As for NMS pirate it first as the primary complaints aren't bugs but the complete lack of gameplay.
Diablo 3 sold well, that doesn't mean anyone will fall for Blizzard's marketing agai- Oh.
They went to shit long ago, the day they decided to stop being good old games, which was an actually great service and not wannabe steam.
Getting jazzed up over some hypothetical shit and falling for the hype is dumb. Spore was never going to be good and Will Wright is worse than Sean.
Yeah I doubt it made "bank"
The fact of the matter is marketing is more then game development.
Sony went fucking insane with the marketing, regardless of the impact of refunds they are probably not going to make many sales continuing on.
One the game is rumored to be shit.
Two there is a abundant amount of nearly new NMS for people to buy around $30-40
Marketing isn't cheap but how much did you actually see? All I ever saw was 1 youtube ad.
I don't think that this has happened since The War Z, and that was before refunds were a thing.
lurk more faggot
I liked parts of NuMan, it coulda been good.
just watched jodorowskys dune, sean was definitely trying to emulate elements of his vision but failed miserably, ultimately I think this game just underlines how execs will rape a good idea especially if they are the soulless husks at sony
kinda feel bad for sean even tho hes a delusional fag
probably true, I doubt most of the stuff they showed was really working cohesively at any point
not denying this, but I earn my shekels with liars, sean is the best kind of liar and the hardest to designate, because a big part of him believes his own bull.
Im not apologising for him by any means, but I also think understanding his flaws will lead to a better understanding of this fubar , how the industry is fucked, and why it must be cleansed
there is no denying this whole thing grew over his head, this is the kind of project that should not have had one single iota of advertising, nevermind a fucking AAA release. if it had come out of left field it would have been much more effective
also, how can you not trust a face like this??
This is a good point, I honestly think jurnos killed this game. It could have been another stealth hit and a success story if it was let spread naturally but the jurnos wanted clickbait and rocketed this game sky high with no parachute.
He answered in the clear affirmative whenever he was unambiguously asked if multiplayer would be part of the game, and even if he did mean to have it and it got cut out, he never once corrected himself out loud.
Also I wouldn't trust trust that face. He looks just like every other effete, pretentious, washed-up former hipster SJW/Male Feminist "Ally" with pasty skin and lichen mold for stubble.
I haven't checked it out yet.
Heard it is a single player exploration game which sounds good. I hate people and online they're not any better. Don't really pay attention to the world so don't know what's going on.
Worth a pirate?
From what I've heard from people who aren't either blatant shills or buttmad cunts who never even played the game it seems decent enough. Looks great if you've got a good rig.
You're either shills or fucking retarded.
What hideous characters. Are these your protagonists?
pretty much this, it should have had no tutorials, been a lot harder and as little press coverage as possible.
Imagine if you stumbled into this with no foreknowledge, the cliche beginning of repair your ship, then you actually fix the thing and realize holy shit I can leave the planet, wait a second I cant just leave the planet i can leave the system, wait WAT, it would have been a novelty at the very least.
now imagine if it actually had functioning systems like factions, battles, some unique assets, economy etc…
that suprise at the unknown might not even be possible in our day and age, probably why old games seemed so much more magical, you couldnt just google dat shit
still, they did everything to counteract that feel, fucking fallon colbert Kimme appearances, endless press and promises, etc p.p
sean should have been saying:
He shoulda also told sony execs to suck a bbc and get off his nuts and let him finish his thing, and he shoulda definitely not charged 60 fucking dorra
lot of shouldas, I know, and I dont think hes some artistic genius by any means, but theres still no denying that the entire le gaymin +corporate climate fucked this thing worse than it had to be fucked
I still have some hope for mods, havent really looked into how feasable they are but some rampant weaponised autism might actually be able to fix this thing, albeit in a few years
again, I would wager a deepstack that there was a little voice in his head saying
odd was the comment about "Only being able to see yourself" through other player, but like i said im not defending him, im just recognizing his inherent weakness and how he was swept up by the circumstances of a brushfire he helped kindle in many ways
at the very least he deserves to be called a delusional liar
nigger i picked the worst photo I could find, whatissarcasm.png.exe, do you want me to emote at you or something
The real question is:
Was someone manufacturing another Salt Party by posting that "refund regardless of playtime" rumor on plebbit?
Thanks Mike.
Got enough bandwidth to waste right now so I'll see if I can find a torrent. It ain't Denuvo I hope.
You're a fucking faggot mate.
It has a small filesize and it released on GoG so it doesnt have DRM, good luck running the game though.
Lol not a shill, it was a genuine question mate. I usually only pay attention to JPN games. Yes I live under a rock. It's nice in the shade.
Except that it had hyped up, impossible features back then, and if it was the CURRENT YEAR, there would be as much bitching and mocking as there is with any other overhyped game, YouTube videos showing all the developers lies, etc.
Some old games, like Fable, are an example of the exact same "modern" scummy tactics that you see today. There was just no online culture of mockery and cynicism to actually give you the same negative impression of those games.
fuck you sardine nigger I didnt say dat, if i had to summarise it would be:
You're a moron if you think Sony/HG weren't complicit in the hyping of their game.
of course they were complicit, they jumped on this thing like a fucking liferaft
Read this.
If you aren't laughing your ass off at the title alone, you won't be able to understand why it's fun to laugh at it, user.
For others, it's kinda like a train wreck. It's horrible to watch but you just can't look away.
haha wew i missed that, why would you ever do such a thing that borders on self-flagellation, even if you garner some kind of perverse, anal-retentive pleasure from naming things there is no need, its been cracked you can play the universe naming shit with all the plebs that bought it
Fuck I miss this so much.
(This feature was already present in 1988's Ultima V and was seen for the last time in 1993's Serpent's Isle)
What other games have this?
I remember a nuuuu cheeekiiii breeeekiiii series having schedules for NPC's but they were really basic.
Oblivion had this, although it was very rudimentary.
Ghotic 1 and 2.
Don't know about Risen series but suspect it there too since it's from the same devs.
since u7 sucked, pretty much all of them?
try uninstall some of the virii you have on your pc?
Many NPCs went to sleep at all, that was all.
Some of them also had lunch & dinner.
A few of them did something else.
U7 kinda had it easy because there were only like 200 NPCs so it was manageable to give every one of them a unique portrait and a distinctive personality (& schedule).
Most of the other RPGs only focus in a bunch of NPCs at most and try to look at things in a greater perspective.
Oh, I just remembered Majora's Mask. Not a proper RPG but it definitely has a schedule for a dozen of NPC's (the only interesting ones were the ones belonging to Anzu's quest and the Milk sisters).
The really sad thing is that the hype campaign for this piece of shit somehow managed to be even more duplicitous than any of the Ubisoft ones.
At least Ubisoft shows (doctored) gameplay footage from time to time, NMS basically had a bunch of trailers were it was clear that they were heavily edited, yet dumbfucks still fell for it in the millions.
I'm honestly fucking baffled, and moreso with the idea of preordering a digital product. Are they afraid the developers are going to run out of code or something?
Those poor impoverished devs might starve before they release the game user.
Don't give them too much credit; They're fucking retarded.
Seeing those videos of him lying about the content of the game his body language is about as convincing as a 4-year-olds.
Let's see, Holla Forums. How many refund-asking thieves do we have in this thread??
This entire thread is full of fucking retards.
But they didn't make a world. The game feels dead, empty and generic, there is nothing unique or interesting about it.
You have 18 gorillion dead worlds to explore, stop feeling so entitled.
The perfect crime? But..
I really miss that era of vidya. You could tell the people making the games had passion for it, they had big ideas and wanted to see what you could achieve with the medium.
Even their failures had that air of ambition about them. Nowadays all those visionaries are gone, replaced with suits and leftist Hollywood rejects that want to make you walk through a movie.
It would have to be a game for it to be CAPABLE of liking it.
Which Ultima should I start with if I were to play?
I'm going to second this.
They all look fun, but they look like they'll be a pain in the ass to get running or to use UI wise.
I'd recommend 7. It was really amazing.
There's several fan remakes of older Ultima titles running on the Dungeon Siege engine. I'd recommend playing the games that way instead of the originals, that haven't aged all that well.
Oh, and for Ultima VII, look up Exult.
I'd stick to the original. Exult has always been half-baked in various ways.
I got this shit set up and it wants two different expansions of Ult7.
Sure are a lot of entitle gamers in this thread!
Also, ignore all those Ultima IX haters. I fucking love that game
can these talentless hacks not even spell check their own verbal diarrhea before spewing it onto the internet?
>not knowing that guy is an Australian and has to pay for 90, i mean 100 aud
Maybe he was rationalizing it in his mind.
they reviewed it on the ps4, ironically the two co-hosts on that time period, gave the game 2/5 and 2.5/5 respectively.
Thing is, he outright about plenty of other shit, so it's not like his every statement can be "interpreted" as truth if you stretch if far, far beyond any reasonable level.
>Anju's quest
I mean really, who actually believed him? Half the time he looked like he was nervously lying and the other half was giddy that he was getting away with it.
he also touch his mouth when he said you can grief other players which dr.frost said that it means he is lying.
"Look, the Sony guys, they promised me a deal. So, so I made up a lot of stuff about No Man's Sky 'cause that's what they wanted. But it was all lies. Uh, everything. And I kept saying "In NMS you can do this", "In NMS you can do that". So, I said yeah sure – why not?"
Shenmue had it too, NPCs would have schedules for each day of the week.
You also need to have bought the game in the last two weeks (fourteen days). I learned this recently trying to refund Bully. I had bought it during the winter steam sale for around $1.25 and didn't even try playing it until the other day. Couldn't get it to run even though I tried every possible solution online so tried to refund it. The funniest part is after I failed to get a refund I found a pirate copy of the executable that was working and allowed the game to run.
Witcher 1 and 3. Witcher 1 NPCs would move in out of the rain and go about their daily business.
They were more interested in selling copies than in making something.
I guess they didn't thought Steam would betray them with the refund thing.
You all think this is a sign?
Is it finally happening?
The market is correcting itself, are we finally going to see a bad company get it's just desserts?
What a bunch of fucking morons lol
Ultima VII: The Black Gate is by far the easier one in the eyes and it's a good game on its own merit.
You have two options, both might be intimitating for some noobs:
- Play the original version the way it was meant to be played. You'll have to use DOSBOX or other MS-DOS emulator and enable the EMM memory.
- Play an emulator of the game (Exult should be the obvious choice).
Exult was full baked a couple of years ago. They are still releasing new snapshots. I completed it with less crashes than the original MS-DOS version a year ago.
A little explanation:
- There's the original Ultima VII: Black Gate game.
- There's an expansion to that game, called "Forge of Virtue". It would be considered a "DLC" by today's standards. Most of the recent copies of Black Gate include this add-on.
- There's the sequel to Black Gate, called Serpent Isle. Although it's a different game with a different continent and plot, it uses practically the same engine so it's called Ultima VII: Part Two. Nevertheless, it's a different game and it is installed separately from Black Gate.
- Serpent Isle has its own expansion, called "Silver Seed". Again, think of it like a DLC.
I thought Serpent Isle was only required to play BG if you wanted to enable the "paperdoll inventory".
I'm thinking of using that fan-patch that changes the dialog text with some stuff that makes sense. How odd is to play that game with the voice-over off?
I miss looking for gems in that skeleton-filled mine.
Finally, be sure to install both games in different paths and point to them in the config file (the path is listed in the readme).
I was twice your age and I was also thrilled as hell when going after the sun's mask because failure meant doing everything again from the start (Unless you had copied your owl save state, an obvious tactic that I never thought of).
Exult isn't the same as the original. There are a lot of changes, half-implemented features, etc.. The walking formation is different, birds can open doors, stealing/murdering doesn't work right, and there are a ton of bugs that never get fixed.
I'd really recommend people stick with the original.
Down to 40% positive reviews on Steam, but it's still mixed. What's the limit for the next one? Does mostly negative come next?
Overwhelmingly Negative and Mostly Negative are the next two.
It's based on the percentage ratio of positive to negative reviwes.
Turnover rate, nigger
doesn't dorf fort do something like this
Isn't GoG Galaxy optional?
Well they've been pushing the 'supa sicrit don't fucking tell anyone' shit with the center of the galaxy. Look at how it'd turned out, heh
This tbh faggots.
If you want quality posts, make quality posts and reply to quality posts with quality replies.
I take it you've seen the DOOM video from them? Journalists aren't all that bright, especially the ones from Polygon.
On another note, it's weird how these people almost worship the shit they hype.
Is this the most refunded game ever?
You will ONLY get money back if you have been hacked.
It is, but a few games are starting to come out that require it for their online component (No Man's Sky included).
Sean please go
We hit a new milestone!
Nah, it was all the way down to like 29% on launch day.
I saw it went down to 28%, but the reason as to why it went down was because the game was as buggy as Arkham Knight. When it was patched, it shot back up to the 60-50s and has been going down since.
you nigger
Holly crap that's brutal!!
I'm actually starting to feel bad for Sean and his crew.
If this was any other industry he would be punished far more.
Let this be a lesson that everyone, especially anons here have the capacity to be utter morons.
I saw it too, but it was the initial turbulence of the release. I expected rigging and shills to eventually settle it somewhere in the positive ranks. Wouldn't have guessed it ends up so low in the long run.
But it was way more than 1 person that got a refund, and with more than 3 hours
Australia's consumer law is quite good and you've utterly cocked this up. While yes if the product is bad the store would return to the manufacturer the customer could seek a replacement or refund on the spot from the place of purchase. I don't know how you work in retail in Australia and have no fucking clue about repair, replace, refund.
I blame Holla Forums
Well jeeze could it be that its always been possible to get refunds with more then two hours as the two hours limit only meant less then meant, you were guaranteed to get a refund.
Even Oblivion does it.
I doubt he believed his lies even for a second.
Like pretty much every leftist nu-male, he is just a lying sociopath.
I've been going on Twitch channels asking them why they bought an awful, unfinished game.
So far I've gotten instantly banned 6 times and had 1 guy respond, who's argument was literally "I'm playing for fun, fuck you."