New Symbol Discussion

Can we all just decide on a new symbol? The swastika is repugnant to normies and the american flag is too complex for kids to scrawl on their desks at school.

We need something just as powerful and aesthetic as the swastika, but not actually a swastika.


The Sun Cross has been in use for some time and it fits the criteria of being easy to draw. Prepare to be dog piled by people who love the swastika.

Oh look this thread again.

Reminder to definitely use swastikas and the word Nazi

this is my kinda autism but I'm too busy to add much of value right now
all ill say is that America has plenty of relevant historical symbols that can be modified as needed. but it needs to be something that Americans identify with. that was always my biggest contention with swastika based designs: they're cool, but they're foreign, and will never be adopted or accepted widely (I also think its lazy to do so)

If normies can't handle the swastika theyll definetley be against our gas chambers.

So no. Change nothing, fggt.

There is a thread with the final solution already. Read the catalog before making a thread

No, TRS. We are not getting rid of the swastika. If you hate the swastika so much, you need to stop having public rallies.
If you have a problem with the swastika, you need to leave.


face it jews and your goylem cucks, the swastika works
it has worked for thousands years and will work for thousands more
for as long there is air in the white man's lungs and his ancestor's blood beating in his heart the swastika will fly tall, free and proud

also i really dislike how trs-cucks use small pics

Holla Forumss knot?

How about no.

An aryan cock fucking a busty leftist chick

Steal the lines only from google's logo.

The sign of a shallow thinker.

Fuck off you cuckold faggot. Nothing is wrong with the Swastika

OP is a gay faggot who can't stand to see an ancient Aryan religious symbol as well as being a non Aryan and non religious symbol in other cases. The Swastika is not exclusive to the NSDAP and even if it was there is nothing wrong with that

heiled and /thread

OP, even if you could eliminate the swastika from TRS rally orgies, it would be a grave mistake to do so.
Without the swastika, the media will just treat you like Tea Party faggots and you'd become irrelevant. The swastika helps you and you don't even realize it because you're too concerned with "optics."

Yeah, especially when their leader Mike Peinovich did the Roman salute at the fall 2016 NPI conference ON PURPOSE in front of all the cameras in order to gain attention

TRS is definitely trying to discourage using the swastika and almost every podcast except Fash The Nation talked for a few minutes about it last week.
Any anti-swastika related threads are coming directly from TRS members.


Cummie commies

Here is the thing. If you're going to be National Socialists then be National Socialists. If you're going to try to be "muh respectable pro Whites" then be "muh respectable pro Whites". TRS has always been going back and forth and doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be. At the same time they are trying to form a media empire around their personality cults and attacking anyone who disagrees with how they do things. TRS is very problematic. As well as wanting ALL pro Whites to see Mike Peinovich as their leader who is still married to his kike wife. We can only assume that nothing has changed until proof surfaces that he has indeed left her.

To me, it doesn't matter if he left her or not. Peinovich is a smart guy and he articulates things well enough.
The problem is that Spencer and all the rest of he Alt-Right, including alt-lite (Cernovich), knew he had a kike wife and covered up for him.
If he would have just came out and said before TRS got big, "I have a kike wife and I can't leave because children are involved" I could have overlooked it. But the deliberate lying and covering up is too much.
And now them shitting on the swastika means they will never be a viable movement. They are slowly drifting into "Proud Boys" territory.

Indeed. Him leaving his kikewife wouldn't rectify anything. It wouldn't even make sense since she was on his show. Its not like he was hiding his views from her. He is clearly a fraud.

I like #. Not to replace anything else but as extra esoteric fun.

his name is peinovich
he looks like a kike
he is married to a kike
but somehow people still believe him when he says he's not a kike

Even if he nor his wife were jewish the fact that his wife is so liberal pushing tranny shit in her real life job and that she was on his show clearly means that he is a fraud. Him and/or his wife being jewish aren't even the crux of the issues. The central issue is that Mike Peinovich has a conflict of interest and his and his friends' gross amount of lying and covering up of his lying make it impossible for me and many others to give them money or see him as a political leader.

This. All this alt-right thinking done is create the new Anonymous.

Go back to TRS.

Its also funny how they've started consciously adding commentary about how any NatSoc iconography or rhetoric they employ is 'ironic'.

LARPers gonna LARP, but lolbergs never win.

If you pay close enough attention, you can see that Enoch gives them talking points.
Last week everyone got a memo that they need to say something about the swastikas. It's not coincidence that all shows made the same talking points almost verbatim.
War Room, Third Rail, Exodus Americanus TDS… all made mention of how larpy the Swastika was within a day or two.
Members in comments sections talk about punching people in the face for waving a swastika. It's a little out of hand.
They will drive themselves into irrelevancy with this type of infighting.
Pic related is comments from The War Room podcast last week.

git gud fgts

Every successful government in the world shits on swastikas.
Every successful political party in the world shits on swastikas.

What this whole goddamned thread fails to understand is that people shit on swastikas because Nazism is shit. Change the symbol, and everyone who learns what ideology the new symbol is attached to will, rightfully, shit on the new symbol.


False equivalence.
The Democratic Party is successful, arguably - do you consider it 'viable', from the perspective of import? If you do, what the fuck are you doing here?

You argue like a Jew.

Ah, you ARE a Jew. Okay, good to know.

Have a colored version.

The fat childless kike who runs a honeypot potentially-gov-associated organization to infiltrate and subvert the right-wing White identity movements actually directs everyone as to what to say? There's a shocker.

Probably the most cringe-worthy of the shows TRSodomites put out.
The whole
angle is one I've seen cropping up in these threads - and there's been at least a dozen of this thread since that shitshow in Virginia - and I had suspected it was TRS. Should have figured.

Nah, because they were never relevant to begin with due to their followers - they were relevant because someone wanted them to be relevant. There's a reason these chucklefucks have gotten all this media attention and support, and its not because they had the biggest following or loudest voice - its because it was handed to them on a silver platter.

I used to think it was just the media and their associated circles being retarded, Streisand effect type shit, leaping to kvetch about these faggots so quickly because they were super-assblasted by them and not intelligent enough to realize what they were doing while giving them a platform… But after the Jimpact shit, I've dismissed that entirely - they're being pushed to the forefront, consciously and willfully. That is to say, there's a reason for it.

TRS and its ilk like Spencer will not cease to be relevant until those who made them relevant decide it ought be so, and it was not the fans of such people who gave them relevance; rather, it was the people those fans despise, and those individuals/organizations claim to oppose (but actually serve).

I have little doubt it will eventually come to light that TRS and its like is little more than an ADL (or equivalent) associated likely-non-governmental honeypot front set up to gain data and test narratives upon the gullible goyim.

Stop using the word that kikes created as propaganda. It's Nationalist Socialist.

cant argue with those digits, but as an american i prefer to just say national socialist

swastikas were used all over europe. it's a good symbol

Shilling aside, here's something everyone knows how to make

So basically you're saying that the Democratic party, with literally millions of voters and *actually* more support than the Republican party, is unviable…

While a group that is so unpopular within the Republican party that every government official who supports them has to keep that fact a secret to have a chance of winning an election is viable?

Oven yourself kike.

Also, the swastika seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit white identity. The swastika has been part of European societies for a millennia. It's not going away, not something to get worked up about.
t. Implicit Dick

Not for long, fag.

I nominate two of these next to eachother, SS.

One is our blood faith

The other is our Nation

It's that simple.

Anything else is just a CIAlt-Right cunt trying to uniform you again.