Worth the shekels? Never played these games before but some faggots told me they're like Monster Hunter.
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst
Just emulate that one Monhun HD for PSP.
God Eater is shit.
It is similar to MonHun in that it is a shitty rip-off of MonHun.
Fuck these guys OP, God Eater is cool. It's vaguely like MH but different enough to be worth checking out.
S'alright, like MH but really anime in ways that bothered me personally but if you like anime and MH then it'll be up your alley.
Apparently, Denuvo
Great so you can't even test it.
Guess I'll wait for more gameplay vids once it's out.
Yeah no.
GE barely scratches variety that Monster Hunter has. Weapons, enemies, locations, gameplay mechanics, you name it.
And aesthetics are super generic anime post apocalypse where god eaters themselves are your bogstandard genetically enhanced super kids, while Monhun has unique techno-tribal theme going on with anyone who is bad enough dude being able to hunt monsters.
You could look into god eater resurrection, it's the prequel, but is a psp remaster basically, only done right. Upgraded graphics, voice acting, new missions and the like.
To bad monhun is tied to shitty hardware from the most censorship friendly company.
I mean im sorry that your favorite game spawned countless knock offs, but for the non cucked you only have a few options, and this is one of the better ones.
Why do you suspect is going to have Denuvo?
True, GE is lacking in content compared to MH. I don't think that makes it unworthy of playing though. I prefer pretty much everything about MH, but GE still is fun to me.
Shame that the generic anime aesthetic is probably the only reason why it can stand a chance against Monster Hunter. It's got better a better waifu creator.
F-fuck you.
Check the list.
While I do agree it's inferior, I would also say it's a different experience and still has its pros. More story focused (>Story in a hunting game), more fast paced, a focus on aerial combat, bullet customization, devour and blood arcs adding a good amount of play styles, and the music is still good. Some people hate gathering quests and this has none of the sort so that cam be a plus for some. Also AI partners are actually helpful and reliable.
The lack if level and monster variety is my main gripe with the game though. I would say get this if you're tired of MH but want another hunting game.
Goddamn, at this rate not even niche games will be free from this shitty DRM.
On the plus side, you can always kill yourself and leave the world behind.
That's the problem. Niche games companies see the huge piracy numbers of keyword: big games like No Man's Buy and think that'll happen to their small little game. So in a state of fear they slap the strongest DRM they can find on their game and now you the consumer suffer for the stupidity of the publisher.
You kinda do.
Don't forget censoring and cut content. This version is all sorts of cucked even if you like the game itself.
source on both pics?
monhunt is slow and clunky, god eater is fast paced and has tight controls. Plus the bullet customization is genius and clothing choices aren't tied to stats.
Generic anime #439058 and #5409684
Currently steam page still only lists English voices available. Still cucked.
Hoo boy.
don't pretend like it isn't
You're fishing for excuses at this point, that's not honest criticism.
Fuck this guy, OP.
God Eater is fucking trash.
I wanted to wear the edel outfit endgame, but the skills are shite.
Denuvo and no original voices in a game with heavy accent on story telling are honest criticisms of a release.
While GE is story "focused" it's story is still pretty shitty and basic and playing a monhun clone for the story is pretty idiotic.
All of the above things except the price are an instant automatic dealbreaker regardless of the game, but I'm also predicting the port and netcode will be shit because I've never seen a game use Denuvo and not fuck up everything else as well.
This game can eat a fat cock and so can Namco. Might as well have not even ported it.
The main focus of the port was obviously the PS4 version as the main target audience for GE 1 and 2 was PSP/Vita.
PC was an afterthought.
What the hell is Denuvo?
[citation needed]
I specifically asked for the cut content claims, not censorship
Japanese voices is not cut content for you huh.
Japanese version doesn't have english voice either, what's your point?
So every version has cut content in it?
I guess now my point would be not matter how you play it, you're getting cucked either way.
I'm pretty sure it's just called a dub. If the Japanese version doesn't have dual audio then they're just saving space for the audio files by not adding on an entire other voice pack for a different region. Sure I'd like it if there was dual audio but it's not like this is some massive scam and everyone is being ripped off.
are you retarded? rhetorical question, of course you are
Sketchy DRM that rapes HDDs and kills SSDs with constant disk writes.
Don't worry though, the company selling it and reddit say it's safe.
And then you wonder how abominations like 8-4 "localizations" come to life.
Because of mentality like yours taken one step further.
You can stop pushing your retardation now, otherwise I'm convinced that you are really retarded and not just pretending
I see you like dubs.
The fact they use it and pay for it means that piracy is an issue for them.
Piracy is also much more damaging for niche games that don't see that much sales relative to bigger games.
user is somewhat correct though. There are people that don't mind dubs, and some that find them grating. If the original soundtrack is replaced with English voices and there is no option to use the original voice, that is technically cut content.
Personally I can't stand the lazy slobs they use for English voices in nip games, they're usually the same assholes from funimation, so you get the guy that voiced Spike in Cowboy Bebop and a couple old hags poorly attempting to sound like teenage girls, usually by talking like Cali stoner bimbos. No Japanese voice is a dealbreaker for me with anything past the PS2 era.
It's a jap game so no, obviously.
so what else is wrong with Denuvo, other than the difficulty of piracy?
Well that's a relief
So you're okay with fucking up your own hardware, as a legitimate paying customer, even though the game will get cracked by pirates anyway?
How noble of you.
That's it ? That's your reason for playing a shit cashgrab game ? You're getting cucked all the same so no use playing all high and mighty, fuckboy.
It destroys solid state drives with great efficiency.
Bullshit, it gets spread around and more people buy it if its actually good
Shit like Hotline Miami, Crysis, Mount & Blade, Serious Sam thrived with piracy.
I did not hear about this before, if it is true, I apologize I should have done more research.
this might be true for some anecdotal cases, but is there any valid research on that claim?
In either case, it removes price/quantity control from the developer.
Hotline Miami devs also went for the piracy approach and told people to do it when the convict island banned their game.
No, just like there is none for your previous statement.
You mean like digital and physical retailers?
It seems as though the claim that it damaged SSDs has been denied by the company, and verified by independent (albeit unreliable) testing. (sorry for no webm)
What is the source of that claim?
Did you not read the thread?
Why else would a niche game developer use denovo if they did not feel threatened by piracy?
what do you mean?
They do have P/Q control.
Golly you're right user, certainly we should believe the company, they'll never lie!
Oh BOY, IS THAT YOU (215)?
strawman argument
To be honest I don't know who developed this game, but people in the thread referred to them as niche.
But what does the publisher have to do with it?
mistaken sage
Are you fucking with me?
Argument Ad fallacy
See I can say things without actually trying to address the concerns raised too.
That's not how it works Denuvo
Thats my point you fucking retard, devs never had it in the first place, smaller devs cant afford physical so they go to digital which is infinite and is in constant price shifting due to Seasonal events started by Steam and copied by everyone else in which the retailer themselves take the hit and big ones are owned by their publishers, meaning they dont do jack shit aside from making the game.
Bandai Namco is a mid sized publisher/developer you fucking retard.
Fuck out of here, you dont know jack shit about what you're talking about and Im pretty sure you're shilling for Denuvo.
kill yourself
NOPE, just do and be happy.
>mfw its also shit and worse than Zesteria
0 days without (((tricks))) on Holla Forums,
You did not counter my argument and instead relied on a strawman in which you ignored the contradicting evidence to the other users points.
I posted some (while unreliable) evidence, where is yours?
that's the point, they never had it because they had no control on the quantity because of piracy.
I will concede to you the point about the publisher, I am not educated on that matter.
go away mark
So… you're really going for those straws huh.
you will never beat his (((moves)))
sure it is, when everything else is hearsay.
I didn't have to even post any, the onus of proof is on the one that raises the claim.
How fucking retarded are you?
Fuckoff shill
No its not, its actually extra content since dual audio is not available for the original JP release.
That makes no sense and you know it.
I can make any claim I want and find batshit people backing it, you saying unreliable evidence is admissible is like me saying the world is flat because JewFlatearth98.com said it was.
You're the one making the claim that it isn't harming SSDs because you're going against the pre-established claim that it does.
who made this claim?
Piracy by definition allows you to circumvent copy protection, this removes quantity control regardless of scale.
well, if you wanted to pull your game off steam you could, many devs/publishers have done this.
If it is uncracked, deciding to pull your game will not stop new people from owning it. hence no control over quantity
Surely if it is so well established you shouldn't have difficulty proving it then?
What if someone wants original voices only, not dual audio?
If your claim is right then surely you don't have to rely on biased evidence and unreliable evidence
and? what's stopping you from buying the JP version?
Jap text.
I just explained it to you, are you illiterate?
You even said you dont know shit about how the publisher side works and most likely retailers as well.
Sure it is, thats why most games sell regardless of piracy, Im sure it has nothing to do with quality/marketing
Plus theres the fact that all non 3rd party DRM games from Steam are cracked and many sell well regardless
Does the fact that original audio is always better bother you?
No thanks
No, I just like laughing at weeaboo like you. Do you play MGSV with JP audio too?
mgs5 is a bad game but the japanese voices are a lot better
Difference is that MGSV has English speaking characters in universe, so it makes more sense for them to speak English rather than Japanese, but in God Eater, you should listen to the Japanese voices because the characters are Japanese, that's why
my brain is shutting down as we speak.
im dying.
I generally prefer Japanese audio because I can't understand what they're saying so poor performances can be diminished.
MGS5 original audio is English.
Kojima is a huge westaboo and he cares more about the English VAs.
As for JRPGs:
Always. That's not even up for debate.
Niché games suffer MUCH less from piracy.
Niché games like JRPGs and fighting games have a fanatically loyal fanbase who is happy dropping money on the games they enjoy. I always end up buying costumes for Atelier.
Piracy is much more prevalent for casual games.
Do a favour to us both then and kill yourself
Are you even trying, attention whore?
I'm not debating the quality of a dub, I'm just saying the absent of dual audio is not a "cut content". And dub is a region specific thing, chinese version will have chinese dub and US/western version will have english dub. It have nothing to do with cut content or censorship.
Also, MGSV first reveal trailer was in Japanese
Uses denuvo.
Fucking impossible. Absolutely goddamn inconceivable. Not a goddamn thing could be worse than Zestiria.
The story is Zestria bad, the gameplay… well it's pretty bad but it's better
How bad are we talking? I'm not expecting them to pull out a godly system like Graces again, though I pray they will, but it can't be as shit as Zestiria's, right? I know they have a hard limit on character combos again, which is a dead give-away for dogshit, but I've heard tale you can bust past it.
Give me the short and skinny of it. How bad is it, really?
It's graces combat but done worse, is the best way I can describe it.
You have an art to each of the 4 face buttons and more off of that like graces the arts must always progress in order X,X,X does 3 different artes
There's the "soul" gauge you start with 3 (which is 30 SG points per soul don't ask why the fuck there's that conversion) you can gain more (like Xillia's) by dodging, stunning enemies, inflicting status ailments (who the fuck uses those), and they'll pop up on the field and you can touch them. Enemies can reduce your gauge too by stunning you, inflicting ailments, and the like.
There's the "break soul" system which lets you consume 1 soul if you're above 3, to burst and continue your combo with special effects and you can prematurely end a break soul for some different effects. However since you cap at 5 soul there's not a ton of Crazy combo potential in the system.
that being said, I'd say the game's not awful?
It's better than Zestria's combat system, but holy fuck the story is just as bad.
It continues the issue of having every attack you do feel like you're trying to beat them to death with a feather duster and even then there's annoying constant pop-in of your character's face if you're doing combos well.
It's a 5/10 game and that's being generous. It's better than zestria (which was a 3/10 because holy fuck the armatize system was the dumbest shit, also shut the fuck up Sorey) but has a lot of the same problems
Yeah, all of this is about what I'm expecting, based on talks about the game in other threads and the available information floating about the internet.
It really seems like they're deadset on sticking with Zestiria's combat, but just trying to refine and fine-tune it into something not dogshit. This needs to stop. They need to either make some sweeping changes to change it up, or just scrap it altogether and go back to the drawing board. Or, God willing, they take Graces as the baseline and start from there.
Out of everything you've said, I'm the most furious about the feather-duster damage, and the limited combos. Now, not only do your 'super sicknasty' moves do practically zero damage, but you're hardlocked into tiny combos, so you can't even pretend and feel like you're kicking ass.
Like a talking-head cut-in, during battle? Do they say or do anything besides get in the way and spout some 1-3 lines?
No, just the same random lines unless it's the start of a boss fight in which there's some dialogue
I think you may be able to turn the generic ones off, but… >effort
don't forget how much better it is to be a europoor
Not really, my country has 21â„… VAT.
Although on the other hand this place doesn't look like a third world shit hole. Looking at you Detroit and Baltimore.
So does mine. And you're right, such beautiful european landmarks will never be soiled by the nig- oh
kek fact: I didn't have tor rename the sweden pic
The Japanese voice was part of the original game. Removing it is cutting content, dipshit.
Jesus Christ, that's an achievement in and of itself. At least I'm saving money with the nonstop train of disappointments the entire industry has put out this year.
So does the Japanese texts. See how dumb you look right now.
Fuck this guy OP.
He wants your D
You literally eat from the trash.
Are you lost?
I don't play shit games, faglord. Do people that play Witchers and STALKERs with original voices without understanding them bamboozle you so much?
You sound mad user-kun :^)
Do I strike a nerve by calling you a weeaboo?
Tothink, I was almost excited for this. At least the PSP translation is almost done.
Uh oh
initiated, someone's out of juice
Also, hard to be weeb when you don't play jap games, fam.
We have IDs here, fam. Aren't you the guy that want JP audio even though you can't even speak japanese.
I want ORIGINAL audios in every game.
the only reason I was planing on getting it is for coop. I am not gonna bother this time.
But why not original texts? We have to keep the game in its pure form to enjoy it
Sure, why not? Where did I say I'm against it?
What's wrong, already ran out of smug taiwanese girls? Low effort, bruv
We have IDs, bruv
Where does it say I'm against original text?
Well, the reason you wouldn't buy a JP version of any game is because of the jap texts. If you not against it, why don't you buy the JP version to enjoy the JP audio?
Because I want original text and audio together with translated languages.
Not the brightest dildo in your mom's drawer, are you?
Why exactly would a dildo need to be bright?
To see in the dark.
Maybe to shine light upon the cavernous depths of his mothers stretched out cunt after Jamal is done with it?
You can't buy the original Japanese version on the PC in this case.
someone lack self-awareness
All those darn kbs and seconds copy-pasting text from one version to another.
this, keeping original sound and text takes zero effort on the part of the devs
Did you learn that in your computer science for dummies class?
I take it takes days of effort and manpower to do it, right?
Of course it is! Next to butchering scripts, removing content and adding DRM, keeping original content is too much a dev team to do. Check your gamer privilege, shitlord.
No choice but to obey hitlor.
While it's true
You're whiteknighting english voices pretty hard and you're clueless as to why anyone would want the original voices kept in the game. You're either a dubfag or a retard.
Also they are REMOVING the original soundtrack, so yes, that's cutting content. The text argument is apples and oranges.
Oranges are both more healthy and tasty than apples.
I can understand spoke japanese perfectly fine, but I'm not learning their goddamn ass-backwards runes.
Apples are absolutely horrible, shit only suited for pigs.
I'm not clueless and I never said the english VA is better than the original VA. If anything, I want peoples to buy the JP version but most of you guys are disgusting subsfag pleb and a total cancer.
It's literally ass-backwards, you fucking weeb.
Yeah. Dubs are for faggots
Trips and quads. Those are the important ones
Is spoke Japanese the dialect used by bikes?
I don't think you know what that word means, ever wonder why peoples called Kojima a westaboo even though he can't speak a single word in english?
You want people to learn and buy jp versions yet you dare to call others weebs.
You're sad.
Last defence of the weeb.
Aren't you the one crying for "muh JP texts" even though you can read japanese?
Try "muh original audio".
If I cared about the game I would have played it when it came out, since unlike you I actually know Japanese. You're not going to do anything about this but bitch on an dead imageboard anyway.
Oh really? I wonder which user that bitch and moan about adding JP texts in the game?
Like this one?
What's wrong with recommending the original JP version? Like I said, I want to play the game in its pure form. You're acting like Jeb Bush right now, and I'm tired of winning. Can you do better than that? 0/10 for effort
Damn son you got fucking roasted.
Get good at shilling because you got fucking rekt lad
Reminder: You have less than 1 day to preorder it for a free copy of Resurrection.
I'm sorry but some dubs work perfectly fine as long as they don't get too lazy. Here's an example of a good dub.
And here is a bad example.
1) Game itself is not very good
2) Its western release is CUT CONTENT
3) PC version comes with that AND denuvo
4) And now we have shills, who advocate cut content
How is the performance?
Most likely will be shit if you look at nearly every other game that comes boxed with Denuvo.
It's a psp game, what can possibly go wrong?
MGS5 worked on shittiest of toasters. Denuvo is cancer, but it doesn't affect performance.
Yea probably, this whole game screams shit port just like toukiden
It's confirmed that it does, though. It taxes the CPU and HDD, which means it can and will break you when you're on the razor's edge of performance. I can get a rock solid 60fps at all times in Ground Zeroes, but Phantom Pain bottlenecks on my CPU.
Before anybody calls me on it, I didn't know TPP had Denuvo until after I bought it, and I tried to get a refund when I found out. I got told to eat shit, but at least I got it at a discount.
So should I just emulate the PSP ones?
I ain't letting Denuvo anywhere near my SSD
Playing through the first one. I cant tell if I like titty sniper or russian ice queen more.
bumping this
Oh god damn it. Everything has it nowadays. I can't wait till this shit gets cracked and pirates BTFO these shitty anti-consumer companies.
I actually thought you mean doubles.
Lets add to that the fact you are essentially buying two of the same game without an option to buy just one
Playing with a DS4 gets recognized just fine even shows proper button prompts not the generic or XBX ones.
Ground Zeroes runs great on my pc, and that level has a bunch of effects that could fuck performance up like the rain, V just fucks my pc up and I never figured out why the performance is so different.
I'm guessing part of it is denuvo fucking it up
Fuck it I'm not spending a single cent on anything that uses denuvo.
Nigger some of us have jobs, we aren't going to learn the language of a dying race to play a subpar monhun ripoff. Fuck off to your DJT thread and get over it.
A Namco PC port AND Denuvo?
It will probably run like shit on a PC with top of the line parts and crash like a French truck in a crowd of white people.
You've got enough free time to shitpost on Holla Forums.
And you have the time to get asspained in every thread about localized games instead of playing all the nip games you suffered for. Life can't be that great in paradise if you're replying to every post in hopes that someone joins your suffering.
It's okay, man. Not everyone is smart enough to learn another language. At least you'll always have the kind folks at NISA and 8-4 to throw you table scraps.
Or I can just skip the trash localized games and play one of hundreds of better games from my backlog. It isn't like Japan is making pure gold for vidya these days, their game industry is just as shitty as the west. The only difference is nips at least have the common decency to put cute girls in their mediocre games.
I mean, you're trying to sell people on learning moon for God Eater for fuck's sake.
Thank you for support denuvo, everyone!
I never suggested you do anything for this game in particular. If you don't care about anything that's not been translated or are content with eating garbage then obviously there's little reason to learn the language, but "I have a job" or "It's a dying language" are painful excuses. You don't even know what localizations are trash until someone else tells you.