Other urls found in this thread:
what armor set is the red one? I want to fuck it. the armor, not the person.
That was probably meant to be sad but it comes off really autistic.
What, you haven't loved someone who wasn't real before?
I switched the panel order because I read it wrong the first time
has this faggot ever gotten to Grank
I want to __ Erin.
never seen that bit before
Wow that guy is shit at monster hunter
I will never understand that shoe choice.
you don't know much about the nonsense that goes on in /d/ do you
I've never seen /d/ discussing a fetish for those kind of heels.
Fuck, even japanese moms knows that it's fucking gay
What kind of career is that?
Old but still funny
That almost makes sense.
how little water and how much mountain dew can one drink to get a kidney stone, let alone more than one and not learning the lesson after the first time
oh boy
they're also just generally stripper-y, and thats hot to some people.
is that from the 4am circlejerk?
that reminds me
So it's not to the heels themselves, but as part of another fetish; meaning that they are optional, since bimbos wear more normal looking heels too. Bimbos/bimboification is a shit fetish.
Yes, he is Ritsufag, he is famous for wanting to tell his parents that he is in love with a chinese cartoon, unfortunately people on 4am convinced him not to ( for the moment )
where else would there be a tripfag named ritsu
Since when did Buckley change his style? Or did he hire another "artist"?
yes it is.
Huh, maybe I'll tell my family about my waifu like that.
There's always further that you can go out of control.
i was thinking /mai/?
comedy gold.
It's the end that always cracks me up
The tablet is how he used to his comics, and he bought the tablet with money collected for a charity.
He hired a new artist for his comics, I think he does lines and the artist colors since there's less solid colors and more actual shading. The comic is now a reboot of the ethan story after a while of one offs and those stupid 1 2 3 4 characters. I wonder if he'll include loss again.
no, no, no… they totally have sex in those costumes, regardless of what you say
To be fair, B^U seems to be finally writing jokes after 10 years of making the comic.
i mean they suck but its been so long since anyone posted buckly work that wasn't loss i assumed he stopped
Jim fuckley can't even draw a fucking ds right.
not even buckley get anything right
last I looked in an 4am thread the ritsu fag was trip fagging instead of avatar fagging apparently.
Does that mean he has at least 560 pictures of her he uses to shitpost or am I just retarded
It would be a tragedy if he didn't. The absence of something that was once there and no longer is and the feelings of grief that comes with no longer having something that was valued.
avatarfagging is grounds for a ban on the account of being for fags now. ritsufag got all salty at the mods and acted like he was the high kind of 4am banter but gave up and just started tripping because he's clutched onto his 4am identity that hard
it's a likely case
I'm concerned
He seems to have dropped the B^U face too, all these look different. Or he couuld have just added a few more ones to copy and paste. To be fair it's kind of funny to observe the comic from being two guys, funny xbox jokes and ninjas to a complete piece of empty trash for most of a decade and now, this? It's actually has jokes and a decent production value.
Why can't we just ban the degenerate already?
The fucker is literally the cancer that makes me not want to post in 4am threads, the longer we let him stay and trip fag the more some degenerates are going to come and think they're welcome. And before long the 4am thread will be full of fucking trip fags.
Fucking noobs making comic strips, i swear
I can prove this
I have 734 pictures of my waifu.
woah woah, are those last two comics new? did he bring back those characters? i remember him going through a big drama to end that bullshit
theres a whole slew of spergs who hang around 4am, but they also made their own board, and their own steam groups, and discords and cytubes and all of that, which actually makes it annoying that guys like ritsu get so mad that they can't avatarfag in 4am even though they have several other outlets to communicate with people who know one another and not anonymously
its kinda like those complete faggots from waifu wedsday threads who need to go "LOL WHATS UP [waifu]BRO" to one another as if it isn't a complete circlejerk
No idea actually, it wouldn't be that big of a loss. Unfortunately, he's not breaking any rules, as long as he doesn't leak out then we should be fine. I propose two 4AM generals tbh
I'm fucking crying.
~2400 here
christ no, its enough of a mess with one, a split would probably lead to the whole tradition getting banned
500~ here, I guess I need to work harder.
I'm hoping that he would. Make fun of your younger self.
His art improved a bit. But what about his personality? Has he grown more mature?
There's only just over a thousand pictures of my waifu, and I don't save the yuri ones.
Here's one for you
More like the rules need to specifically state repeating threads is not reason to trip fag. If he can't understand the most basic fucking concept of anonymous board culture, then fuck em
I can't even see four things stacked together without thinking in it anymore
It's not a complaint about gameplay mechanics. It's a complaint about stupid players.
Yeah, its pretty recognizable, look at
maybe i'm being a MH austist here but i think that jokes old as fuck
Pretty sure he's been banned, multiple times even. He just evades, or something.
The comic is completely wrong though, especially that now shinies can drop materials literally no one will blame you for getting them.
Even Skyrim didn't get refunded by tens of thousands of people.
This made me much madder than it should have.
1676 here.
And that's why Buckey will never heard the end of it, is so simple and memorable that is impossible to never find it funny
are you the same guy posting this literally every time we have one of these threads?
No. Just reacting to shit that was already posted.
Pretty sure that's a Rathalos set
nice hitler dubs
goddamit, SJW's just LOOOOOVE Dragon Age:Abortion
such a damn shame, I really liked the first one, and these assholes and their influence ruined the rest of the series
I find it ironic that you're calling the comic maker a noob when you don't understand how sharpness works yourself.
You can override bouncing, but that won't change that you will do absolutely shit damage, and thus you should always keep your weapon at an acceptable sharpness regardless.
Skills, my nigga. Dull blade or whatever it's called is great.
Its almost like Bum Tickley doesn't play videogames
every time i see one of these, i always think "that could have been delivered with 1/10th the WORDS"
Hey he could be playing Gen where you just upgrade your weapon and it becomes more powerful with no visual indication
Can confirm that's the case, bring it up and Ritsu's all proud that he's evaded the tyranny of moderation through repeated ban evasions even though now he's easier to ignore than ever before because he refuses to let go of the identity and trips.
Where is the fun in that though? You get better shit because it looks cool
And every time you try to demonstrate it, you make a fool of yourself.
At least, it is still mostly about videogames.
He had to give him a name considering that there are multiple playable characters.
I'll let you in on a secret
gen isn't a good game
That's been the case in all monhun games though. The difference is they were all named differently. Straight upgrades still had the same model.
They had different textures though
Every 3 upgrades or so, I'll grant you that they had a new texture on some of the weapons (Metal line for HH for example) but otherwise straight upgrades like Rathian weapons only had recolours when you upgraded into a subspecies weapon which aren't a thing in MHgen.
The cheap ass even outsourced coloring to hindus because he can pay them with curry.
A modern Sodom and Gomorrah.
I spotted it in an instant.
Because I was the one who put it in.
/r/ing that comic about Dobson not wanting to be photographed.
Oh yeah, I remember you posting it in another thread after I had posted my badly edited version and then you told me about some image editing program whos name starts with a v made for furshit
krita does not start with v.
in my memory it does
I guess I don't really love her.
I have around a dozen, not counting edits.
Kill me.
better vid
Why is Jerry Seinfeld doing robots and where is his afro?
Krita is cool and all, but maybe I don't want to install all the fucking KDE libs just for a paint program.
There's a lot for mine but I don't save that kind of shit or degenerate smut either.
Same franchise my man.
I have ascended 4am cancer from last year for you.
You know kidney stones can just form right? You could drink only water and still get them.
i did not know that, i was under the impression for a long time they were created from dietary problems
4am truly is a magical place.
I'm relatively sure that exacerbates them, but I don't know of many people who had kidney stones besides my uncle.
Do horrific manboobs require spoilers in the same way tits do?
It may not be required but it sure would be nice if they were.
Wait, he bought a bootleg of his waifu?
If by "magical place" you mean cancer central.
Dakimakura are amazingly comfy if you get one from Japan. He didn't though. Why… okay they're pricey as fuck but you can't cut corners on your waifu.
It's not the same without the annotations.
Trampling could be another
Like any fucking SFM/Gmod video you find on youtube.
Eggman land >>>>>DisneyLand Jewniverse Studios
You're not allowed to be smug when you overlooked your own edit like a signaling normalfag.
You're no worse than the guy who made a Japanese manga-style comic read from left to right in the first place.
That Miku fag is a fuckin' embarrassment, if the real Fuhrer saw him he would be put in the showers.
And from Amazon.
Because he got a bootleg from China and not an original from Nippon.
No, because he thinks pillows are a substitute for human interaction.
He should have gotten an original anyway.
I sure do wish you'd spoilered the image instead of the text so I could've saved myself seeing that today.
To validate my post, I've included some old edits I've made
Reminds me of this little thing
Lookup O human star, same shit
When pic related is retarded enough to make RPG Maker games, anything is possible.
They were programed one way and then got a virus makes the most sense, but we're dealing with the retarded here.
Anyone else notice that Andromeda and Naomi are dressed up like Papyrus and Sans from Undertale, respectively?
literally a fucking ripoff jesus
Tumblrtale strikes again
A: It’s an adventure game. Think Monkey Island or The Walking Dead Game, but with less weird logic puzzles and no pointing and clicking
So, it's not a game?
It's not his first retarded meme game either which he's currently remaking as Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Everyday we stray further and further from God's light
Q: Will it be for sale? And what will it be available for?
A: Yes! I’ll be trying to get it on services like Steam or GOG or the Humble Store or whatever for PC, Mac, and Linux, but if that doesn’t work then I’ll just sell it myself. I may also try to get it on consoles if it does well, since Unity supports that. It will probably between $5 and $10 USD because as a poor person I’m a fan of (((cheap))) games.
Hello copyright infringement
Oh yeah and the game has only been in development for two and a half years! Starting on 2014. January 1st
Jokingly, the FAQ has mentioned that the game might come out in 6 months or two years!! Can't wait for the release in 2018!
But user, if he doesn't rip off Undertale how else is he going to make good character designs?
So… You walk left and right and press "a"? And they couldn't use love2d or gamemaker, or other 2d engine?
I can't wait!
And other health problems but yes, that is the main cause. It's like lung cancer- you can still get it if you haven't smoked a cigarette in your life, but the vast majority of cases are due to smoking.
Is this shit intentional?
Why does every stronk woman haircut look the fucking same, holy shit.
You know, when it was written in the bible to not worship animals and it forbidding making fetishes or icons of them, I don't think this is what they meant, but I think it still falls under that tenant named "don't do that shit".
I don't even practice religion and this shit is heresy.
What these comics are are literal propaganda for degeneracy, it even follows the same formula of 1950's black and white "get under the table to escape the nuclear bomb" type of military propaganda to make the situation out as less then it actually is.
Here you have a series of 5 comic where they encourage you to hook up with people you don't know, they encourage gay sex as if it's better then a regular relationship (when everyone who's seen enough porn figures out that it's literally nothing but a fetish or a desperation tactic as most gays are exceedingly flawed in personality and the others just stick to the fetish), it's encouraging women to buy sex toys instead of actually being in a normal relationship, holding up a piece of media as good purely because it caters to their sensibilities (when in all respects it's a horribly coded mess by an incompetant team that doesn't deserve any sort of award), and holding up degenerate escapists who can't stand their own skin as good people.
All of this, all of it, is propaganda that suits LGBT. Lesbians and Gays are simply people who lost the evolution game because no one could stand them, and instead of fucking off and doing something else with their life, or improving themselves to attract others, they fester and bite and hiss at eachother in their own community.
The majority of gays have been proven to be racist motherfuckers (and I mean the real type, not neo-v moonman troll bullshit) and the ones who are in the media and held up to be good people are doing it because of a media contract.
And even THEN they fail on live TV. There's been transgender retards who have cast out casual death threats and threats of violence on camera.
Being gay is not something to be proud of, or something to really even be ashamed of. It's a fetish.
Those that push it into everyone's face have nothing else of value. Like these people. As a dude who's pretty fine with floppy dicks and tits, this shit disgusts me.
It's the bottom of the barrel, regurgitated to the fucking top instead of the depths of nowhere where it belongs.
I hope after enough infighting, transsexualism will be wiped out and transgenderism won't involve bodily changes ever
That's all I could ask for is people not needing to mutilate themselves
And that, my well-spoken friend, is why it's in a lol thread.
fuck off tumblrtale
imagine being autistic enough to believe in that pic
that picture gives me fucking cancer, please tell me you're not sharing it and actually buying anything in it
Whatever happened to the last guy? Did he suicide?
I don't know why I come here, to these Lol threads.
Maybe it's because it's a place where I can see truth, ugly as it is.
Or maybe simmering anger is a warm feeling when there's nothing much else to feel. It makes you feel human, at least.
Or maybe, it fascinates me. Or maybe, it's a good way educate yourself to search for the red flags and danger signs in people, to avoid dangerous relationships.
Or maybe, i come here to genuinely laugh.
Maybe it's all of these things. It might be these reasons why Lol threads continue to exist, because despite all the exposed vitriolic bile it exposes, at least it's the truth.
kill yourself cuckertale shill
The third guy is at least classy as all the everloving fuck. You don't find this kind of class these days on the street, oh no sir. Nothing but generic clothing and hipster shit.
Oh, I know who you are now. You will never get back the $2000 you spent on scat porn or the $10 you paid for Undertale.
The great thing about lol threads is that it shows how not to raise people, and how far people can go if they aren't shown how to properly act.
I hope most of us make good parents, then.
What a surprise.
you re good at imitating the tumblrtale autist but you lack the enthusiasm
Even the dog hates him kek.
This is actually a thing. I didn't know.
I feel like that dog was designed intentionally to be similar to that one horribly autistic comicset about the dog what lives in crazyland where dogs and similar animals possess human-level intelligence but are still treated like pets for some reason, and it comes across as some sort of strange 'MUH PRIVILEGE' type shit.
I don't have it ,so I can't rightly show you what I mean, sadly.
He got you to reply. Who's the real faggot here, now?
u sho 'bout dat?
kill yoursleves
This looks more like Sam Hyde than Trump
Just imagine all the autism of Undertale as is.
And then think to yourself how autistic you'd have to be to believe this shit.
I can't decide which one's worse.
More countries need to be like Sweden. I mean come on, it's 2016, there's no reason to not be as inclusive as a Swede.
most degenerate thing I've seen all week
What's next?
Occam's Razor is bullshit.
You can explain most anything in a huge level of autism, if you wanted to. You can also simplify things to a ridiculous degree.
The simplest solution is not always the right one. Only time the simplest solution should be sought is if you are a designer, programmer, engineer, or otherwise working in the problem solving department.
That dude is actually trying.
Never seen that shit with all the fedora faggots. He's legit.
The only thing I could think of Sweden is preparing itself a baptism by fire.
this is why we hate communism.
not just because it doesn't work, but because you're unfunny corporate sellouts as long as the corporation is pro-party, or you just can't do without the new i-phone.
…i have no words, only rage.
Just color the kiddos like food, then it'd be a-ok!
dedicating yourself 100% to a shitty image doesn't make -you somehow cooler than the people who only halfway humiliate themselves in public
The picture was probably just staged and he and his friends were just having a bit of a laugh
excuse me, but they're dressed like gentlemen, they don't laugh, they sensibly chuckle or chortle.
As if this barbaric scum could comprehend such vocabulary. I truly feel sorry for these petty fools.
What the hell are you even on about with communism?
or just remove the muhammad dream sequence and make bernd a muslim
then sweden will make it their national pastime
That second one is salvageable.
Fuck, i'd buy one.
I know, man.
we can do better.
It could be worse user, you could have a fetish for hand holding between two consenting adults for the sole purpose of procreation
That actually is way better than the original.
God is going to smite our civilization soon.This is completely out of hand.
Found the xeno with the genital-hands
Are there people who are THAT sick to do that?
With people like posting you couldn't be more correct
That's an awful joke.
Jesus, i've been fat before but DAMN, i've never had actual tits.
we're doing it
But why stop there?
Not great. But certainly much better than the original.
The actual drawings look alright, but the stuff he chose to draw make me sad.
That's pretty good, actually, yeah.
Personally, I prefer a minimum of three panels, even if it's just filler, but brevity is okay.
Okay that one entertained me.
I don't believe in judging other people. You sexually identify as an incontinent dragon who masturbates to kitten gore while you shit yourself? It's a terrible burden to go through life like that, and I feel for you, and whatever journey it takes you through life is between you and the Universe.
That being said, looking around, I feel a lightening bolt coming for all of us.
Are you retarded?
I'm deep enough in the fetish cave to be into that.
No seriously, after having been there long enough, you wrap back around. A man who's into vanilla porn on here has been in the porn caves long enough to realize that vanilla sex is the most rare porn there is. And you covet that shit.
words words words
This, it's so unusual compared the general shift of people openly discussing whips and fucking random people and doing gay shit, that simply holding hands seems like a special secret act that is the most personal
Think that's bad, you should've seen the original.
where making it hapen
This is pretty much perfect.
I'd go with a "Power low", myself. But, if "life support systems low" is actually from the game, I guess it is fine.
source for the first pic
Oh, perfect. Why didn't I thought of that.
Its like a failed novelist and a shitty webcartoonist were combined.
Pic related is an example of wordy comic that works perfectly.
Keep in mind there's good reason for it. I didn't save the original, but it extended a good 8 times as long, and was much more pretentious.
Heres another "salvage"
COme to think of it, "original" isn't the right word.
The comic it is parodying.
Nigga that's fuckin gross
It would be like eating stringy warm jello mixed with piss and shit traces, no doubt with a hint of fish due to a bacteria buildup because of the raised ph during period flow
No videogame will ever accurately recreate that level of nasty successfully
Occam's razor is always applied wrong too.
It states that the an explanation using fewer maxims ""is more likely to be correct"" than one with more.
Furthermore, the original b maxim relies on an unstated assumption (reincarnaton, that being reincarnated from something other than a human is possible, etc).
The razor is always about probability; nothing is certain, and the maxims are typically empirical.
Perception is certainly not, and this person is illogical. Let's be logical.
a) it ""feels"" like it is an angel (self-fantasizing, daydreaming, etc)
b) there is a congenital or nurtured mental problem with this person
Thus, this person needs therapy.
Why did I spend so much time on this
good lord that's brutal, edits like that are worth having the original exist
We are slowly witnessing the end of humanity.
I wonder how Buckley would feel if we showed him edits as good as this?
Considering how 99% of them are loss, he'd probably be pissed if he hasn't been sent these already
I don't know, I'd say that inheritance is actually good for a meritocracy as it would encourage using what you have appropriately instead of throwing it away on something unnecessary. If we're going to consider inheritance, then situations where people are inevitably fucked because of the conditions they were in during their early lives have to play into it, too. Just because you were born with the fruit of your families labor doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be a spoiled little shit. Look at Trump's kids.
Also isn't this the guy who made the "sea-lion" webcomic?
No vampire worth its salt would ever try that horrible shit.
The best vampires only go for virgin ladies, anyway.
Wow don't factshame xir's feelings you fucking shitlord.
Au contraire, he went so fast he didn't make it to the double digits.
Is "YES" how they pronounce "WHY" in Sweden?
If someone who identifies as a fox kills a person who identified as a rabbit, will tumblr approve of disapprove?
I think tumblr doesn't approve of disapproving no matter what.
was the fox female?
What races were the fox and the rabbit? What were their political leanings?
The rabbit was a white cisgendered male with centrist views, and the fox is a transracial brown-to-black transgendered FTMTF leftist.
Wait that's the guy making super lesbian rpg?
That ain't a loli.
How cruel
I remember that shit.
Lure people in with comedy, then punch them in the face with purposeless drama.
Good times.
What ever happened with the lot?
Shit, I remember this nigger. I also remember seeing those two characters before learning about the Untertale skeletons, so I'm not so sure about the ripoff.
Undertale's been in development for years, the demo no doubt came out long before he started on this
That dog looks like that one dog from the comic where the boy fucks it and then she gets fixed
Looks like it's still being updated.
Also, nice snek.
Wait a minute, that moth
What a shitty world we live in.
XD game mechanics the shit us gamers have to put up with amirite?
wait a second she didn't clarify
so men can have tits?
Source on music?
I am still constantly amazed by the ridiculous premises hentai goes to to justify its fetish.
If you're fat enough
worst kind of cancer
the day that webm was made made me watch forrest gump
and then i had some laffs
reaction image gold here
now i want an edit of this where there is a cuckoldry scene and the faces are pasted on people and the mother is sticking her dick on someone and the baby is crying as she gets cucked and stares at the thing
and it better be ready soon
that's oddly specific
Is this a sequel to the other egyptian doujin? The one where the guy ends up as pharoah while he fucks his loli wife?
I'm disappointed, son