Vidya Companies That Actually Care

What companies do you believe care about their players, actually put love into their products, or actually communicate with the community?

If you think none, then which did do so?

Of course I realize a company's main goal is to make money but sometimes I feel some genuinely care about keeping a good relationship with their consumer base. Things like making all DLC free after fucking up, while it may just be damage control, is still better than nothing. Actually having colored, detailed manuals is still pretty cool. A good PDF manual is acceptable too. Saying all that, I think Falcom and Marvelous are pretty good in my eyes.

fuck you god


Let me post a full list:



Can't wait for the Remastered version!

Don't you think so, my anonymous friend?

Very, very certain parts of Nintendo

HAL Labs was the quickest to come to mind

The one that gets the most money from the type of games the majority wants.

They care only about the players that give them the most profits because they are a company
Popularity and profit beat all else
This is NOT about YOU!


And by the way if you think otherwise you're literally retarded.

This is a business, you're not the priority for anyone, ever.

Platinum? I think they care, they make some great games and care for their fans.

Except for the playtesters, fuck the playtesters.

dev thread?

Todd would care about his vidya, the rest of bethesda doesn't give a single shit.

When you have a small or niche customer base, it's good policy to pretend to care about your customers and maintain some facade of communication with them. They feel like you care, they give you their money, and you can easily survey them to know how best to target their wallets.

When you're a big company, the best policy is to pander to the demographics with the loosest grip on their wallet and the lowest standards of quality - two demographics which heavily overlap. At this stage, bothering with communication is pointless.

Are they anything more than a bunch of overrated loudmouthed devs with only a handful or less of actual good games?

In comparison, Martin Edmondson has never made a mediocre game in his life, everything he made is gold, never lied, and he has zero online presence and publicity. Now that's a legitimately good dev.


CDPR seems to have higher ups that are symphathetic and likeable.
Blizzard was THE BEST at communication and customer support at one point.
Some indie studios have individuals who are really nice and create good pr by their existance.

Valve is like workaholic father figure that does work towards improving quality of life in general but who just doesnt have time for You.

am i in bizarro world

The nexus mods are somewhat immunized to mob thought, their whole jobs are to basically herd them into a placated crowd.

No wonder you PC niggers are so ridiculous.