Thread to complain but play nonetheless about all things warframe.
Also, delivering on my promise from last thread.
Thread to complain but play nonetheless about all things warframe.
Also, delivering on my promise from last thread.
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what do you expect with this thread? this game has been shat on for long enough, there's nothing left to laugh about until something new happens to the game?
posting some small tech to maybe encourage some discussion.
you can do quick ground slams by using aim glide to cancel upward momentum from jumping, then pressing (sprint) THEN melee slam together, it's kinda finicky with timing and inputs, but is fun as fuck as it kinda adds some depth and ease of use to melee when you get used to pulling it off.
Just fucking kill me Holla Forums
Is there any way to utilize copy prime items other than selling it for stupid low amount of credits? Can you gift them to people or something?
Doesn't PS4 have the basic function of making screenshot?
Also what framerate does WF run at? 30 or 60?
Every new update makes game worse, yet there is no other game like it, so we keep playing. Such is life.
Your post doesn't make much sense. The fact that this old piece of indie shit looks and runs better than most modern AAA games doesn't either.
You'd think these games would be more concerned about losing players this way.
I have seen some videos here and there, the frames look horrible now, skins with too much stuff, black and neon colors everywhere, the fuck? I am glad I stopped playing it.
It's not the quality of the game that messes with my mind but the fact it's 3 years old. It's not the same game it was 3 years ago but I recognize the first steps it took from launch.
Warframe will never
be good
This person has played for over 3000 hours
This game is fun times, I will never forget the salt that happened when these crutches got taken away.
Trinity was retired?
You can paint your shit however the fuck you want. It was like this from the very beginning.
If you don't want to run into kids abusing freedom M-rated game gives you, set your sessions to private and don't play with randoms.
It went from actual sneaky ninja simulator to power ranger rape-them-all not-musou. I like this change, fuck stealth in general.
Good what? It's so unique you don't have anything to compare it to. Neither do devs. I think there are major flaws in the game, but there are also some brilliant bits. I'm glad WF is as recognized and popular as it is now. It could die a few months after the launch.
Her ult got a range restriction now. She previously was able to insta heal and buff players from across the map, now it's equal to the range of shared Tenno Affinity.
That's a screenshot. Exeptionally this weekend I had no access to a PC at home, so I'm posting from mobile.
Also, Hitler mein purr-er is the best thing to happen to me on this game. Looking forward to using him with nekros prime on resource farming. On that same game I got 11 neurodes. And apparently it works on void traces too (have to test this yet) so get on it before they patch it.
you sound like a pro DE fag
Any benefit to using steam? Items or shit?
Benefits of steam overlay, socialfagging at whatnots.
Steam-specific payment methods lol
What shitty cosmetic would I get?
I never played this game in my life. Apparently I am supposed to pick excalibur, assault rifle and pistol?
Nothing. Being on Steam lets you pay FIVE AMERICAN DOLLARS for some shitty garbage that doesn't even look good. The only real benefit is being able to use Steam Wallet as a payment option if you want to good goy it up. I dropped the game about six months ago so I'm fairly behind on the meta, but unless they nerfed the shit out of him (google this first because DE is infamous for nerfing the shit out of anything fun) Excalibur is the best (read: most powerful and difficult to aquire) starter frame.
What about guns? I hate picking the wrong weapons in games where you get to choose only once.
all of the starter guns were available for cheap on the market (in-game credits, not real cash) when I last played. Your choice there isn't very important because all of the starter weapons are trash anyway, and only exist to tide you over until you get something better.
Here's an outdated spreadsheet to give you a vague idea of how good any given weapon is
You won't get anything fro free lol. Steam allows you to buy steam-exclusive cosmetics. Theoretically if you jewed trading cards and shit hard enough, you might probably afford some scarf or weapon skin tho.
As for starting gear - Excalibur is straight up one of the best assault frames in the entire game, and a pain in the ass one to get too.
Absolutely grab him.
Starting weapon are ALL SHIT, so it doesn't matter which you choose, you can get them all eventually, but you don't want to. Just pic whatever seems fun for you.
Some of steam steam helmets and scarves are pretty rad, fuck you.
He'll eventually want to grab them all to max out for mastery points, but it's better left until you hit a mastery wall or are mid-late game and can mod them enough to be bearable.
I was at 12 or 13 mastery for 300 hours now. I don't think anything is unlocked at higher ones? Is there a real point in raisin it to the max yet? Unless you want to trade all fucking day that is.
Also with draco gone, I can't find any feasible "farm spots". People keep mentioning Berehyinya (or whatever), but it it's huge pain in the ass, barely give exp and actually requires you to pay attention to what's going on.
go for heiracon on pluto, it's an infested excavation for keys and exp with some credits and endo(fusion energy) on the side.
forgot to mention that it has pub groups most of the time too since people farm there often.
I really want to get into this game, I like the concept and gameplay, but the grind simply kills it. I've tried repeatedly to get into it but the grind just gets worse and worse and after a few hours it's just too much.
Don't even want to imagine how bad the grind is after a dozen hours or so, especially for one like me who is allergic to grind and found level 30 in vanilla WoW to be way too grindy to bother with.
I think gone home suits you better.
I picked Volt when I started, he was pretty fun.
Most of these only require you to bring a fast or slow nova and not be completely retarded:
Akkad for xp/credits
Hieracon for endo/AXI relics
Kala-azar and Xini for more relics
Hellena for even more relics
Hellena can be done almost completely afk with Ember or Equinox.
Coming back to after leaving before the new Rails update, it seems easier to grind for specific prime parts. Plat farmers have a harder time though since they can't get multiple parts in a run, but that's fine.
Game is still too grindy and repetitive when the end-game is constantly doing the same missions to get your prime parts before they drop more on you to grind for. No fun. Waste of 900 hours of my life.
Speaking of 900 hours, that's about how long it would take you to reach mr21 with some change.
don't forget about the 99.9999% team damage reduction with a self dmg glavie
So with that Sarpa and holding down right click you have like, a 80% chance on the first burst to get at least one tentacle, and on the second I think you have a ~60% chance. I'm terrible at math though, so someone might want to correct me.
What are you, some kind of faggot?
This is by far the grindiest grind I have encountered in this game, especially because absolutely no one farms for alloy plates so getting a group is painful
You haven't had to farm genetic codes yet.
You'll love it.
Good, go away, the likes of yours are cancer in any society.
Anyone have that pic of Rebecca with something saying War Bros #1 next to her?
I did farm codes and I have about 18 right now, they were easier to get because people organized parties for it and brought vaubans. Alloy plate has been just me.
People who celebrate nerfs and never criticize anything are the cancer that is killing this game.
I love warframe too, but without being able to pick a build you enjoy playing because everything is nerfed into the ground is what makes the game feel more like a grind than a fast paced third person shooter, and that is the main problem warframe faces right now.
Granted, I think not having to self damage anymore to get a full on damage resistance on allies is great, but at 75%, is it really a "Full on" damage resistance? That shit falls off really fast.
the game is already dead, goy. stop playing. you will always regret the hours you spend on it. just like every other "veteran" player does. Learn from other people's mistakes and get out now.
As long as you don't take silly online game about space ninjas seriously, there is nothing to get disappointed in.
Only autists get punished for their retardation.
So I got inaros, and he is tons of fun. My only question is what do I do with him? I have so much health and armor I never go down so what do I do with his abilities? Range for pocket sand? Just build more armor?
Go for higher tiers.
He's a good tank for level 30+ missions and can double as team healer, so long as you can convince others to use devour prompts.
Also, sandstorm is the the most hillarious CC around.
For bonus points, pocket sand skill blinds, killing blind enemies count as stealth kills. Abuse for massive stealth bonuses on chains or to use it to help teammates get one of those otherwise nigh impossible affinity bonuses. Namely stealth kills.
So far the main downside to inaros I've seen is his ultimate skill. What the fuck do those scarabs actually do? On paper they are supposed to damage enemies and heal friends, but I've never seen them do either.
The scarabs seem to trap and deal DoT like devour but I haven't seem them heal either, so I just keep the armor because it isn't really worth the health drain to re cast.