This is getting fucking pathetic.
Lawsuit being filed against Trump for deleting a tweet with a typo
Other urls found in this thread:
This shit better get thrown out it's so retarded
covfefe butt blasted them this much maybe it's not so bad after all
Isn't CREW led by that autist David Brock?
Yes he's the chairman, and here's the founder, Norman L. Eisen
Trump corrects typos? Must be some kinda Grammer NAZI
People are also suing him for being blocked by him on Twitter.
No it doesn't. What a bunch of faggots.
Top kek these people love paying kike lawyers to do nothing.
Let the salt flow further when they fail…
Do you ever get tired of being right, Holla Forums?
100% he is making typos on purpose to fuck with them.
100% he is making typos on porpoise*
to fuck with them.
Well, fuck, I guess we have literally billions coming to Holla Forumsacks in compensation then. Nice!
I wonder how many of those people were also happy when people on the right get deplatformed for being evil raycis bigots, but cry free speech now because its convenient.
It's, uh, Grammar. Grammer is the actor who plays Frasier
These fucks have a lot of disposable income
Thanks user, your a true Grammer Nazi.
Tired? I haven't even broken a sweat! == KILL THE YIDS AND ALL THEIR ILK ==
it would be extremely useful for us, and supremely irritating for facebook/twitter/google/youtube, if this lawsuit met success
maybe some adequately positioned Anons could keep a watch on these proceedings and take care that they run smoothly?
when your enemy makes a mistake, see if you can give him a helpful hand
joke's on you.
It was about spelling.
not about gramer
Why did you have to have two scoops, Don? They'll never stop hounding you now.
So these people are suing to be able to see the tweets of a man whom they hate and revile and now they can't scream and froth at the mouth over his twitter. They are suing him for the right to get triggered at his twitter. These people are suing for the right to punish themselves and cause themselves pain.
This isn't satire because no way could satire be this insane.
Human nature has been stretched beyond its limits of absurdity. I'm pretty sure our reality is a parody of itself at this point.
BRO idiocracy is real! (498 upvotes)
But for real Idiocracy is real.
This is fucking hilarious.
tfw Trump and supporters can't be stopped with any amount of kvetching.
Was expecting "was born in a Jewish family," got "of Jewish ancestry." Triggered.
The funniest part is, if Im not mistaken, these (((people))) were calling for the banning of anyone who they disagreed with and "trolls" just before Trump banned them.
A total and complete lack of self awareness by these (((retards)))
And there’s more from the liberal ass-hurt brigade tonight!
"Hello, Mr. Trump!" Is What Al Pacino HAD To Say: Matt Damon
How horrible. No actor would ever do that. Hollywood is a bastion of humility.
Because no actor would ever make a schedule revolve around his quirks.
Because no human being demands even the most basic level of respect.
And that’s why we’re hearing about this at all. The kikes are tying their historical revisionism to Trump to get more media coverage.
Shit, left my Voat formatting. Sorry.
bravo leftists
The best part about it is that these are the same people cheering that Stormfront and other "racist websites" are being removed from the internet because domain registars don't want them.
Oh my fucking god imagine the leftist salt if they couldn't block people that disagree with them anymore.
Well, Trump IS the government. The First Amendment prevents the government from silencing people.
This should be interesting to watch play out.
It isn't silencing anyone. Next you are going to tell me that people have the right to have the government pull the fingers from my ears when someone is talking that I don't want to listen to because it is interfering with their freedom of expression.
Shit I'm owed quite a bit of many considering how block-happy kikes are
Not even remotely the same thing.
You don't have a leg on which to stand.
Haha, your rights end where my feelings begin and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
I wish Trump would outlaw frivolous lawsuits
that would send the kikes into salt-over-production levels never seen as it's one of the main sources of their income