Post the saddest vidya music ITT
Post the saddest vidya music ITT
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The saddest music of all is the silence of this thread
It hasn't even been ten minutes you cunt. Make a template thread if you want quick replies
I thought template threads were the cancer killing Holla Forums Holla Forums
The fact that it exists is what makes it sad.
J-jennifer ;_;
But you saved us.
Get these onions outta here.
>I hope I get to see you all again. New Game Plus makes you feel like an asshole and the villain rather than the heroes you think you are.
>Keep that hair short. I've never cried that hard at the end of a game, and then Season 2 ruined everything.
Gretel's battle hit me the worst. He only wanted to protect his new friends.
>He only wanted to protect his new friends.
Or when you find out the robot nor the shade never actually killed the older brother, the younger brother being a fucking idiot actually did and then blames it on the shade that just wanted the robot as a friend in the world was a pretty rough one as well. Or how at the end of the bossfight the robot wasn't intentionally trying to cause the roof to fall down, but was trying to escape with the shade alive away from the player.
It was one of the very few games I ever 100%'d over the years since it was just so damn interesting to play.
Escape, escape,escape … go … see the world-ld-ld
Fucking Shadowman.
You cannot beat this.
Even more so nowadays…
I know what game this is from, but why does it fill me with nothing but sorrowful nostalgia?
Alot of Metro's tracks are somber
Last one
Between this, Live In Joy, and Voices, I think this one is the one that got me the saddest. I actually teared up, and I haven't cried since my grandma died years ago.
This is a good one too.
I grew way more attached to the HM characters than I should have.
That whole final sequence, man.
It leaves me in tears every single time.
Winston's been hit
What's sad, is that the band never took off.
That game just gets better as time goes on
I miss my mom
but The Walking Dead is shit, how could you get emotionally attached to that soap opera on rails?
the first part was good
Half of the MM soundtrack could apply here
The first part is hardly even a game. Hell even the part in the middle of the first pic where it looks as if it branches is the same scenes with a different character standing in the background.
It's not a game, it's just watching a show. I pirated it anyway
I loved having this song play when you first fight Daimon, it works better than a more exciting or actiony song which wouldn't fit as well with the the first fight. I love the lyrics too which are below for anyone who is interested.
**All riven, kith and kin,
all given for this, a never-ending riddle,
my flesh worn, heart betorn,
mind, by mem'ry, begyved…
As I wander, cold and immane
whither now my mother, my flame.
And along the coils of light,
the life I desire.
"user must we part"
Words like a dart, red and dire,
eyne that accoyed with their heat.
O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma!
Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design,
land and skies and seas yearn,
finish the Cycle of Eternal Return.
When thou pulledst this boy from the sand,
didst thou see him bearded, with brand?
And within the coils of light, when our blades took flight-
What future didst thou envision?
As I keep this frozen demesne,
whither now my mother, my flame;
And along the coils of light,
the life I desire. **
Well if you treat is as a VN it's fine, I suppose, though you still have to do a lot of pointless decisions. Things like what weapon you take when escaping the barn are completely pointless choices that only effect what you're holding in the next scene. Clearly a cynical attempt to make you think your choices matter.
hard to believe this wasn't posted yet
That song was perfect for that fight.
Remember: you promised to never forget her
Though similar, I do prefer this one.
Say what you will about the game and the series but this song was really good, and the first part is kinda sad so it's related.
That song doesn't really sound sad. This one though…
This song is a contender.
Brother against brother, dedicated to containing the spread of the Abyss at all costs.
An act of sheer folly, but admirable nonetheless.
This while watching zero walk alone through the desert, dem feels mayne.
This one from EU3 hits me hard, fucking turks ;_;
This song and the comments on the video make me wanna play this game just to know what the fuck happened that relates to this song.
Only FPS I ever cried to.
It plays at the beginning when the Homeworld is being invaded. I think it's in both games.
I'm not sure sadness is the first emotion that comes to mind from hearing those songs.
Sam Hulick was far too talented for Bioware's drivel
With how everyone in the comments was talking, it seemed like this was happening at the end of the game and shit was just getting totally fucked, as if the game had a bad ending and only a bad ending.
ME3 even managed to fuck up Sam Hulick
I distinctly remember this coming on at two different parts the last time I played Oblivion, which must have been at least 7 years ago at this point.
I'm hesitant to play Oblivion again in the event that I would dislike it now, but it was really good in terms of atmosphere.
"Poor ungodly soul…Now, no man shall ever trespass upon this place again. Should you be alive…If it's even possible to continue to exist in these sealed lands…one day, perhaps you will make atonement for what you've done."
Wander…had a hard life…
Walking around the last month, seeing all the people afflicted with apathy syndrome, the ones worshipping Nyx, it makes you question your choice to fight death instead of just joining them. It's not the most sad song in the game, but it can really bring me down.
I cri evertim
Needs more 16-bit in here.
I take your hand, now you'll never be lonely not when I'm home, sweet home…
I never questioned my choice, fuck Nyx and all those defeatist cult faggots.
Speaking of mass effect.
I find this part of the lyrics particularly memorable; "And I need you to recover, because I can't make it my own." Fits the game well.
This one almost makes me tear up
Not sad, but really nostalgic.
I turn into a baby everytime.
fucking nice taste.
Fucking underrated.
>he brings out his fucking championship dragon and brutally murders your dragon right in front of you
>he laughs about it and leaves
Shit… sometimes a simple approach is the most powerful…
MGS V version: Kojima - Way To Fail
I'm curious, does the Japanese version of the song - and the game as a whole - use slightly archaic Japanese the way the English version does?
Jesus christ, I remember this being on one of those demo discs, along with Medievil, I always wanted to play through the full game so thanks for reminding me of it user.
Whatever happens to me, don't come back
Maybe this doesn't count. I just remember being depressed when I got to this part of the game.
every time without fail
filename related
Dragon's Dogma is one of those rare Japanese games that was not only localized well but was arguably improved during the localization. They didn't just go with traditional British fantasy English that you see in most other fantasy settings, they went out of their way to make the dialect feel at least somewhat distinct (usage of "aught" is probably the most notable aspect of this). When I had first played it I assumed that the game was made in English and that the Japanese version would just be subtitled (the Souls games all do this).
The way people speak in the Japanese version is very standard, not to say that it isn't well written but you won't have to look up old words in any dictionaries to understand it properly.
It had shit combat that was ridiculously repetitive, sure most of the other elements to the game were good but combat was most of the gameplay therefore the game is shit. If they made the whole game about herding and hunting I would have liked it a lot more (or if they added the slightest amount of depth to the combat).
i crie errytime i lissen dis song
I can't not hear Alexander the HVGN talking over this music.
And he's slowly being consumed by his dangerhair gf. That's the saddest part for me, knowing I can't do anything to help him.
T-thanks user