wassup adult leftists, hows life? What worries you? You coo?
Be handsome dude boutta graduate from college
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I've considered getting a vasectomy just because the future is going to be such a fucking nightmare and I'm not satisfied anybody is doing enough to stop it.
Just end it now. Don't worry you don't know shit about shit anyway.
yeah climate change doesn't real and we can synthesize fossil fuels easily in our backyards but the rockefellers are hiding i know cause there's this guy who's pretty woke called alex jones check him out some time bro
she'll never get to see Kiribati for one thing
Run away to Syria and die for socialism brother. It's better to die free than live a slave.
The answer is obvious. Drop everything and go full Che.
Hey Cavalry user, saw some of your posts, thought you were bretty gul. I was thinking about going full pisspiggrandad and volunteer for the ypg since I have no gf and I think women suck in general due to innate bourgeois tendencies.
What I have also wanted to share with you is this, the concept of the hackerspace and real radical equality caused by fully automated production.
Go to 1:52 and watch glenn beck shit himself. Generally watch glenn beck porky shit himself. It's really fun.
My friends dad is an accountant for an architectural company, and he told me in his line of work you have no genuine friends. Alienation is a very real process in this world, and people just put their fingers in their ears to block the noise and keep running on the wheel to get that cheese one day.
Make sure not to have children user.
Then go full Che.
No I not coo at all, I'm alienated as all fuck too. Add to that the alienation from being socially crippled. The things I would do to have someone with whom to discuss political economy and philosophy.
I wonder how many people are in a similar situation. If someone would just come to them and say "if you do so-and-so you'll be helping socialism", they would jump onto that opportunity. Well nowadays there's arguably Rojava, but that's about it. What is to be done?
Could be worse I guess.
Glenn Beck is terrified of left anarchist after reading this book.
The funny thing is, he might have been right for once, but for the wrong reasons.
Why I can't bring myself to think of having kids.
Form 6:40 onward he sounded bit like entryist.
is your wife a lefty too? are you raising a communist family?
Tbh socialism looks so far away at the moment and nihilism looks more appealing everyday. I can see myself giving up on basically everything just to enjoy all the coke and escorts I can before I top myself.
very few people on this board are above the age of 20 judging by our chart threads a couple months ago
Thanks man. I've seen that video, and I actually thought about applying to that firm. If anything it will ensure an armed proletariat.
I actually worked in politics for a bit, and it couldn't be more painfully true there. Its like going to a completely hostile environment for nine hours a day and expecting nothing to come of it mentally. And people wonder why mental illness is so rampant.
I wish we could smoke and discuss that shit over good music too my dude.
And as for Rojava, I don't really buy it man. It isn't that whole shtick you described where its the one thing a person can do to help socialism, at least not to me. Although I definitely am in support, but words are cheap.
But don't worry my dude, you ain't alone.
It definitely could be worse. I like your cooperative aspirations, because I want to do the same thing. I hope you find what you're looking for eventually user.
Right, it just seems unfair.
Not wife yet, and no not officially. And believe me I've asked her.
But she listens to me bitch about political shit and mostly she agrees. But she works full time at a tough mentally demanding job, and anyone in her situation would be hard pressed to find the attention to give to politics. But when we drive on the weekends she definitely hears me out when I describe socialist theory and thought. She definitely agreed on the concept of the spectacle when I described it to her.
I'm really at that point man. I'm at the point where I just say fuck it, at least I'll have my kids and my woman. What the fuck does it matter anymore?
See, this makes me feel terrible. Just because I wish there was a place where sensible adults who read shit like Jacobin at least could get together and post like we are doing now. I love leftypol, but I've always known that I was one adult among a bunch of teenagers. Nothing wrong with teens, especially teens who realize the world they are getting is a fucked up one.
But teens are apt to get into shit like caring about what Holla Forums thinks, and generally acting like dicks to each other to hide their yet burgeoning self confidence. But there isn't a place for me to post and contribute that isn't just saturated with idpol. Reddit used to be it until I got banned a bunch of times.
Alienated as fuck in that way too I guess, I don't have a real political outlet to vent.
But fuck it, I have plans and I'm not giving up just yet.
Me and you are pretty alike in that you and I both want to have a house with a large garden. I grew up in the city, and growing up until my twenties I thought I'd always settle down in the city again. Boy how that changed. I'd love to live out my days in a garden with a dog, a wife and some runts running around.
But there is always the specter of political life, that inseparable being apart of every human whether they admit it or not. I can't peacefully sleep with my gf without once thinking of some sad shit. It ruins me.
Good luck to you user, hopefully we'll be neighbors one day and share gardening tips. Maybe you can get half the honey from the bees I want to keep, and some cheese from the goats my GF and I want. Hopefully we'll have won by then.
Not-quite-adult-yet story
You will never take me alive porky. I fucking can't stand this fucking suck up culture to the bourgoiesie.
It takes too much effort to keep up my mask of carelessness in public.
This is why i must leave the industrial capitalist society and do it fast.
Things are going to be a lot worst before they get better.
I don't know if you deserve the gulag more for being retarded or for using Commissar Jones in a pejorative way.
Climate change isn't porky propaganda. We know it and they know it. Stuff like the Kyoto protocol and the Paris treaty yes are porky propaganda. Their way of showing to the world they pretend to care about the environment. They don't and that's all an aesthetic capitalism operation to shut the most weak minded people.
Funny you should mention bees. I started researching beekeeping a few months ago :D
Close shave tbh. I'm only at the beginning of where I want to be but I'm very content about my prospects in life.
More than anything I owe this to Jean Paul Sartre.
Such as?
I had my commie revelation in highschool and I chose software dev/cs so I can hopefully start my own shit.
Aren't vasectomies reversible now?
Yes but its easier to just use condoms tbh.
Now that I understand how malign the contradictions of capitalism are, I have literally no power or influence to do anything about it, except petty little things like using cooperatives for my food, mobile phone services etc and changing my meagre state mandatory private pension plan into an "ethical" one.
good worker
Stay strong my friend. It's people like you that we need. Not those fake leftists at colleges that have no understanding of the real world.
The fuck
Thanks but this is an utterly pitiful existence to be quite honest, I need to get back into education or at the least learn a trade. Life near the minimum wage is garbage, let alone life on it and apparently the long term outlook is only going to get worse.
But people under the boot don't have any desire to relieve themselves of it any time soon, most blue collar workers are apathetic (understandably) or reactionary as fuck. When you're working 40+ hours on low pay, I can understand that reading up on how you're being fucked in the ass in your out of work hours isn't an ideal way to spend one's time (I must be masochistic in that respect I guess).
The high earners and bosses are usually college educated, if anything we need to educate the students properly, for they will hold the reins of power one day.
sure feels like the reverse is more common
I think I know what your problem is, you're a liberal faggot.
You all keep saying that but I have yet to meet another socialist at my university, and I live in europe. All of my classmates vote right wing.
What i don't respect is so called leftists spewing their bullshit theorie that appear to be amazing inside the college walls when they never worked a blue collar job.
Now you know what it feels like, how your fellow workers think and how they act. Never forget that.
There's nothing more that i hate than tbh. Even more than corruption lovers. Mao was the same. He considered himself above the working class and to work blue collar jobs.
Don't trust a vasectomy, doctors don't tell you how often they fail.
My sister and her husband ended up with their 4th kid this way.
In that case then, what stops you from extending hate to the crowd of high schoolers populating leftypol?
I constantly struggle with what /r/socialism would describe as "ageism". I get it, we should be inclusive. But how the fuck would you know anything about socialism in practice if you weren't in the very place of the person you're trying to liberate?