I was triggered when I saw this coalburners video but then I read the comments and felt happy again.
Filthy coalburners tribute to her mudshark
Other urls found in this thread:
You know if NORKs nuked the west, I wouldn't even be mad. We might deserve if for letting these people have free run among us…
The comments are indeed great, though.
Top kek this is hilarioux.
I thought faceberg had all the AI filter cucking full bore.. obviously can't catch much beyond the most obvious BS.
Is this really happening? I thought faceberg will vaporize all posts and accounts like the commenters??
Sage because it's a low effort shit thread.
maybe posted on cuckpol or here somewhere and it's anons
also, that (((mike))) needs to be told to run towards the niggers (not away from) when they start shooting people for being white. and to always refuse any white nationalist nazi help.
if any non-black skinned person is going to parade around a BLM flag or support BLM, they should just go full trans-nigger so that blacks really know they support them. In fact, if they aren't trans-nigger, they're racist, since white people are racis just for being white.
'whites' feeling proud of fighting racism need to stop appropriating colored peoples' fight and identity. don't listen to 'white' people when they start parading around that they're somehow any less privileged than other whites to justify their smug victory. They should be fighting whites, not dancing a victory dance. they should respect the black community by leaving the celebrating to black people. unless they're black ('transitioned'), their victory dancing isn't appreciated or welcome, even if it's over one of their own more-racist kind. it all matters when it's witnessed by people of color. it's another demonstration of racism and privilege and white oppression that they can parade around in clown suits or taunt more-racist whites without fear around them while colored people are terrorized. It's another reminder of their oppression.
You fellows are really outdated in your thinking. Disconnect from this tiny and insulated in-group, switch on your television and take a glimpse of what "normal" is today.
The future is already here, accept it and evolve, or stagnate and be forgotten as a dinosaur of history.
OK. Say hello to Portland or Chicago or whatever medium sized insulated shithole you're from.
You are flotsam spiraling down the drain of the Kali Yuga. You have no future.
Andrew Anglin destroyed her a month ago. Found a mirror of the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack article. So many Kek's. Didn't know how funny Anglin could write.
Shockingly, the nigger fucking whore Magdalena Pegowska called the police on me, then sent me an email about it.
Because I posted pictures of her on my website.
She sent it quick, too.
I responded. Sargon of Akkad, my internet lawyer, is presently working on a internet lawsuit to file against her for writing me this stupid email.
If you would like to contact Magdalena and let her know what you think about her fucking niggers, creating a batboy, and then threatening to sic the police on people who write about it on the internet, feel free to send her an email at [email protected]
I’m sure someone in the comments section will also post her phone number and address.
Please do not do anything illegal, such as threaten her with murder or rape. Do not make any threats at all, in fact. Just make your views known. You have as much right to email her as she had to email me. If you’re in Britain, however, probably don’t use an address with your real name on it… and use a proxy. Because calling a nigger-fucking whore a “nigger-fucking whore” might actually cause you a problem in Britain, where this skank apparently resides. Check local laws about emailing nigger-fucking whores. I only know the American ones.
I feel dirty looking at those…
They're perfect.
I remember the thread that came up with these
>[email protected](((faceberg)))$ CompileList.exe
Having two degen webm's on hand bumps your troll to… 7/10
It would have been higher if you didn't suggest that television defines normalcy.
Also, there's museums dedicated to dinosaurs. We go to hell together Shlomo.
From Facebook, not my creation.
So, when we put Third Reich scenes on the TV 24/7, I guess you will change your faggot opinion?
You don't get it. We don't want you. You're all going in the oven. Tell me if the laws of thermodynamics are outdated when you get there, fag.
breddy gud
Underrated OC. You are masterful in D&Cing.
can't view it without logging in and i dont have a goybook account, but i did find pic related, which is not surprising whatsoever.
>[email protected]
come on lad its not that hard
holy shit what is this email meme
1488g a s t h e k i k e s r a c e w a r n o w @ g m a i l . c o m
anybody with a goybook account that's not a lazy faggot like OP care to extract the video for those of us who opt out of goybook?
god damn my fucking sides
That's one of the weirdest mutt looking babies I've ever seen. How the hell can no one see that as an abomination?
oc? kek
Alright fags, I want to join in on the fun but mailinator.com no longer works with Facebook, Twitter etc… They grew wise to the whole "burner" email schtick.
Any suggestions on a new way of registering a new account without getting assfucked for being an asshat?
Not mine, one of my friends that still reads cuck chan linked it to me a few weeks ago.
I remember seeing this. Say what you want about anglin but this shit destroyed my sides.
if u really wanna shitpost on kike sites just buy a throw away flip sail foam and get a few different sim cards for it. register new email accounts with goymail and then sign up for goybook twatter and commence shitposting. i doubt shitposting is that important to you however.
Nah, I'd prefer if I could just use a 1hr email service or similar, problem is that all the social media giants figured out bad goys were using them to cheat the system and not give out their personal details.
Hell, my Joseph Kony Facebook account got Zucced years ago, but my Dr James Russell Twitter still exists, if only for the meantime.
This baby is white to america standout
No dice.
I must've lucked out big time because one of those email services worked on my end. Only sockpuppet I have though.
Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that the vast majority of these comments are anti race mixing while on other sites or even other places on FB are vastly bluepilled?
Remember that twitter and reddit regularly affect the content that people see either based on the viewer's specific dispositions or to engineer a response.
It should be clear that these comments are largely articulated by FB kikery to make echo chambers on both sides, and I would be entirely unsurprised if there are multiple separate comment threads.
have you tried guerilla mail?
Literal commonspic-tier white genocide support. Kill yourself.
Go back to freech, nigger.
Just make a burner account with tutanota. They don't require any phone numbers or recovery emails or any other bullshit most email services require
That's some heavy fetal alcohol syndrome mixed in with mutt.
why not buy a domain and set up burner emails on it? takes 2 seconds to setup an emial for fuck sake.
What the absolute fuck is going on with her shoulder?
A few years ago during my lolberg fedora times, I found this antifeminist blog. The blogger was a Catholic and anti-liberal woman. It had many good posts, especially aimed at the female audience (with themes such as marriage, anti-abortion, tradition, Catholicism, having offspring, being white is beautiful and moral and etc.).
I remember a post that touched on how a white, feminist woman had become conservative. She was liberal and came from a middle-class bourgeois liberal family. In her youth she started dating a black man and then married him. He received full support from his liberal friends. They had 2 or 3 children (or daughters, I do not remember) and everything seemed wonderful. They lived in a liberal white neighborhood, in a very progressive area. However, at one point in their life they moved into the neighborhood where her husband grew up (in the Midwest). The region was mostly black. There in that region paradise and her liberal illusions ended. She began to be harassed by neighbors who treated her badly and offended her (especially with racist comments). It seems that they envied the fact that Whitney was married to a black man and most of them were single. But not only that, her husband's family treated her badly and sought to determine the kind of education her children would have. Those were her laments on the blog. But the more curious was to come. The liberal white woman said she was now aware of the harms of liberalism and wished to have a more conservative life. She went to church and said it was against gay marriage. I do not know what homosexuality and church had to do with the tragedy of his life. She also said that she was teaching her children moral values and the history of their family (genealogy) as if this would mean a lot to their bi-racial children. Thus ended his pathetic whine.
But in general, these bourgeois-liberal whitenesses live in progressive white neighborhoods. There it seems easy to live liberalism and be hostile to its ethnic heritage. However, no one seems to want to live in a more "multicultural" region, among racial minorities.
Scarring from self-harm.
If i'm prevented from doing anything against it be the government boots, just fucking nuke this hell hole and let the system collapse so i CAN go out and cleanse this land.
my fucking sides right now
Also, fat.
Dubs checked.
Looks like scars from cutting herself. In other words a broken fucking whore, who cares little for her well-being. Who would've guessed?
Her betrayal will have eugenic effects
Reminder that saying things like 'craving black cock' still gives implicit credence to the long discredited (thanks 2010 4/pol/) myth of black sexual superiority.
It was meant as a shaming device originally by implying that women weren't sexually continent but there is no expectation for them to be that way anymore.
Kek. I remember this whore and her vile niggerspawn.
She should, you're a fucking weirdo stalker. She will realize her mistake soon anyways and since she's already pregnant with a niglet, she is a lost cause. All you're doing is making people who share your overall sentiments look bad.
I don't know why this line triggers my sides.
She cuts herself.
Kinda cute that part of her self-destruction includes burning coal.
Fucking, bigots.