I'm starting a new series to get our points across with animation, I'd like to know some general thoughts on it and topics that I can speak on.
Traditionalism Explained
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If you're begging Holla Forums for input at this stage then you're not fit to educate others.
I'm asking if you like what I made and what topic you'd like me to speak on in the future if you do like it you nig nog.
Then don't go on Jewtube. At all. And then link directly. Too much bad shit in the air, what with contrarians bandwagoning 'alt-right' bullshit.
We NEED a foothold in Jewtube to redpill people. Our numbers have grown exponentially due to Jewtube.
user, there is no 'we' when you have retards who think Jews have white interests at heart. There is no such thing as 'we'. There are white nationalists, then there are kosher white nationalists. So long as they get coverage/attention and co-opt shit, there cannot be a 'we'.
So long as you sit like an arm chair fuck boy and keep divisions without any imagination of a real white nationalist group forming there will be no white nationalists.
If there is no we there is no white nationalists you dingus. There needs to be propaganda and truth out to the masses somehow, Jewtube has been made a great tool.
If you haven't studied the topic well enough to know what you have to present and how to present it without consulting anyone else (much less fucking Holla Forums) then you shouldn't be talking about it in the first place.
Your presentation is also shit and you reek of 4cuck, by the way.
My Presentation..?
Norks just detonat d a nuke. Heads up
Kill yourself.
Stop derailing every thread with this shit you can't even prove dumbfuck..
First thing you'll see on CNN (yeah fake news, I know) and other sites.
OP please be aware, whenever someone suggests something constructive, creative, or otherwise useful, the shills will try and demoralise you. Watch next time someone asks for feedback on a similar creative project. This means we all sit here yelling each other rather than doing anything.
I would recommend putting your own voice into this content. For the moment, text to voice is not good enough for video content in my opinion. I would recommend either voicing the content yourself, or changing to a blog based media channel.
Good work getting off your fat ass an putting work in for the cause
Only if those things suck. There are any number of group efforts that Holla Forums has gotten behind and I myself have personally contributed in meaningful ways (mostly copy editing) to a handful. You also have two main camps of thought, as well - there are some people who welcome pretty much any Holla Forums-friendly content and others who feel that any representation of ideas we espouse should be held to high standards of quality that most content isn't going to reach.
My voice sucks ass.
My main goal with this channel now is to produce weekly content like this.
They're going to ban your shit idiot. Save backups and Nobody.tm yourself a website that wont kill your videos
Oh I get it… You're CIAlt-Right beta testing for your new group (cell).
We don't need your groups faggot. We're not Leftists brats or useful idiots.
nigger u wot
So long as you keep bitching about shill this muh purity that the movement as a whole will get no where.
Just don't listen to the demoralizing shills. Jewtube is a good tool to spread our message, however that message will only float there for as much time as the (((staff))) want to. Keep up the work
the biggest obstacle for traditionalists and reactionaries is the brainwashing instilled since young age demonising the past and filling it with disinfo. Only about 2% of the people apprehended by the Inquisition were burned at the stake (usually repeat offenders commiting the worst transgressions, the bulk of the accused got away with hail maries or having to go on a pilgrimage). Galileo was full of shit, his retarded theories contested even by the other natural philosophers of his time, which was why the Church (after his inability to prove any of the crap he spouted) forbid him from teaching it at an university, not because it was against the Bible. The Dark Ages are a fucking meme, science having flourished long before the Renaissance.
You need to deprogram normalfaggots from all this before you can try to sell them traditionalism.
Traditionalists deliberately sabotaged the Italian war effort and fought tooth and nail to fuck everything up for their own country because they were so butthurt over it being run by working class men and soldiers instead of by aristocratic scum.
Just another Red Ice/TRS/Rebel Media shill.
Also I suggest that you drop the text2speech voice and begin using your voice, I'm betting 6 ovens that your voice sounds better than the T2S
Yes that is a big part of why I'm making these videos. I am also trying to open up people to truth but I don't really know how to deprogram normies.
Maybe I could go on to explaining how materialism and degenerate life styles won't really make people happy but traditional lifestyles will.
Leave me alone Mr. Goldsteinsheckelburg.
Text to speech is cancer and no one will listen to this.
If your voice sucks, then get someone else to voice over it.
fuck off kike
Immediately intolerable regardless of the content OP. Use your voice.
Thought it was good regardless of text to speech. Excellent use of imagery to explain
Thanks Lori.
I like the idea of using your real voice, but not 'vlogging' as if people actually care about seeing you.
Mix in quotes from reactionary figures
Most of the right wing Jewtubers use this weird vlogging technique where they show there faces and go on rants.
OP, fire up a Trad twitter account, start posting, follow people, ask around there. Make your videos and then post the FINAL one here. If its a good effort, we'll help you out and spread it. But you have to show us you know what you're doing first.
What the fuck is this robot voice? Or masked voice? That's un-listenable. Get someone to use a real voice which sounds good, or fuck off.
The main criticism is that, it's text to speech.
if it were narrated properly, it would be better.
Voice is always better than text2speech, your voice is fine. If I hear automated voice like that in any video, I immediately leave regardless of content, it is just too grating. Don't listen to d&c fags, any content that moves the overton window further right is good content. The more content the better, but damn is text2speech terrible, but I listened on for the sake of constructive critique.
Couple of content things:
Traditionalism is not utopian. You can call it idealistic, but not utopian. Some people might call it semantics, but I would consider striving for an ideal different from attempting to implement utopia. If anything, traditionalism is a revolt against the modern attempt at hedonistic utopia. Traditionalism doesn't know what a utopia would look like, but has a set of ideals that would certainly be followed there.
You animation is good, but if you could add more color it would help a lot. Perhaps your goal was a black and white aesthetic, but in the future color will help a lot.
Black sun should rotate counterclockwise.
Good luck.
Explain how feminism, while its perceived to promote felinity, actually discourages it by telling women that they must act like a man to be validated in society by doing things such as:
>have an education from (((college)))
And try to explicate how woman SHOULD act in society
idk, its much better explained in GK Chesterton's Whats wrong with the world?
*I hate the term, but ill use it for lack of a better one.
alo, OP text to speech=no good
They're doing a lot of beta testing on 8ch to form their new CIAlt-Right
Okay I'll use my voice next time.
I'm going to cover a lot of topics in my videos but my next video is going to be about how civilization is going to collapse and how to fully prepare for it.
Good video.